June 20, 2020

Are you watching Trump’s Tulsa rally?

It’s about to start.

Talk about it here.

ADDED: “Do you want to bow before the left-wing mob, or do you want to stand straight and tall as Americans?”


Freder Frederson said...

I thought there were a million ticket requests. Place looks about 1/3 full.

Mark said...

Surprised at the empty seats.

sunsong said...

donald could even fill a 19,000 seat arena

"This has been a major flop...it flopped big time!" ~ Al Sharpton

I'm Not Sure said...

How full are the seats at Biden's rally?


Rosalyn C. said...

About 100K or more watching online.

Gilbert Pinfold said...

BLM blocking entrances

Inga said...

Lots of empty seats and the outside venue was cancelled due to lack of people. Looks like there just might be Trumpists who didn’t want to take the risk.

Inga said...

“BLM blocking entrances”

There were tons of security there before the event, if that were really happening, security would’ve stopped BLM from doing so. It didn’t happen. No entries were blocked, that is the excuse Trump is using to save face. How embarrassing for him after the bragging about a million ticket requests.

Drago said...

Strange. The lefties told us Trump could barely walk, yet there he is....where he will be speaking and riffing for over an hour...

Meanwhile, Sleepy Gropey Joe appeared before.....20...yes, 20, people in a high school gym with pre-scripted questions and the answers written on cards for Sleepy Joe...and he still flubbed the answers.

D. said...

The arena is full.

Drago said...

sunsong: "This has been a major flop...it flopped big time!" ~ Al Sharpton"

Did Al Sharpton ever completely pay off his fine for lying about DA Pagones for years and years in the Tawana Brawley hoax, which was actually before Sharpton egged rioters on in the murder of a Jewish teenager in Crown Heights in 1991.

le Douanier said...

Lots of MAGA. Pence, in his speech said, MAGAA. That’s odd. IMHO. What happened to KAG? Not too much KAG.

If KAG is out, folks should go w/ the thing about switching horses in the middle of a stream. That’s not a great acronym. How about, VYAF: “Vote Yourself A Farm.”

Tricky stuff.

We should go w/ whatever Brad wants. Or he could poll the million folks at the rally to see what they say. If they couldn’t get in because of Antifa blocked the venue, just email them. Or use Tik Tok to directly reach those rascals.

Inga said...

He sure is feeling sorry for himself today.

Achilles said...

The animals have turned downtown Minneapolis into a 3rd world city.

The pictures are devastating.

The democrats are heading toward a historic loss in the elections in November. We aren't going to bail out your deep blue cities or stop the marxist animals you have unleashed from burning your areas down.

The news media is not going to get off scott free.

I would recommend you all slink off and hide and let us eat brunch.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

It's over.

Inga said...

What a whiny pathetic man.

Inga said...

Notice how he had to put his little finger under the glass to keep it from slipping out of his hand. Who does he think he just fooled?

The Genius Savant said...

This is amazing. They’ve obviously limited the number of people allowed inside.

Chuck said...

The arena is not full.


Inga said...

“Does everybody buy that story?” Yeah yell the Trumpists, spewing Covid into the air. Would it be mean to laugh?

Inga said...

I guess Trump doesn’t understand or respect 1st Amendment rights. He wants to jail people for expressing themselves.

wild chicken said...

"donald could even fill a 19,000 seat arena"

Oh I'm so confused

Matthew Heintz said...

The maroons on this blog are making a big deal of the empty seats. Inga couldn't fill a phone booth to watch her shove a banana up her ass.€

wildswan said...

I think people didn't want to line up for a bathroom or sleep in a hotel.

About three weeks ago I drove 1,000 miles to get back to Wisconsin. I know a hundred Trump supporters but not one other person who would drive that long way, eating foods from unknown places, sleeping in hotels with a bedspread loaded with germs and whatever on the bed. I put the bedspread aside when I arrived and only touched sheets. There's anxieties about bathrooms above all else. In hotels you know the little soap bars are made from broken pieces of soap others used. And there used to be people using the bathrooms in expressway rest stops who ... were ... not ... And often there were lines. And from the lines resulted other unwanted features. I had a little day-pack filled with Clorox-based cleaning agents and toilet paper and my own soap so I was prepared for anything. But in fact, so far as I met anyone, I met compulsives who were wiping door handles, wearing gloves and masks, standing as far as they could get from each other. But mainly I met no one. People were not traveling even in states without a lockdown. Most of the time I was alone, except when driving. There are still truckers. Well, you have to try things to find out how covid has affected life. 1000 people are willing to be together, outdoors, in their own city, and then go home for every 1 person who is willing to travel a distance and stay overnight.

Hey Jude

Howard said...

Nice pivot, Achilles. Go home and take care of yourself before you tell anyone else how to spend their allotted time on earf. You are a stupid moron Stalinist borderline personality disorder. I told you about ibogaine. Get after it, cowboy. You are a burden to everyone around you from your infectious toxic negativity. Just fucking stop the martyrdom act.

Howard said...

The million tickets went to BLM, K-Pop and Tiktok. The Trumpian cosplaytriot coronavirus pandemic deniers are afraid of a harmless flu and stay home to shovel more obesity disgustment into their pieholes

PB said...

Biden will never agree to a debate.

Drago said...

Has Howard explained which Confederate unit Francis Scott Key belonged to yet?

How about Cervantes? George Washington?

The good news is Howards Heroes will now happily explain why the Lenin statues must remain untouched.


Inga said...

Trump will be making more and more excuses for himself in speeches to come as to why he my lose the election.

“It’s over.”

Even Trump knows it’s over.

doctrev said...

All the cucks and animals are just flooding the thread.

Too bad no one cares. All the cool kids are at RSBN. Or they're with the crowd at TheDonald.Win... and they have a massive staff that purges weak widestance lawyers like Chuck the second they try to post.

Drago said...

The Very Very Forgetful Russia Collusion Truther Inga: "I guess Trump doesn’t understand or respect 1st Amendment rights. He wants to jail people for expressing themselves."

Note: Inga proudly supported obama spying on journalists and using the IRS and other Federal agencies to spy on and harass political opponents.

Inga said...

American Carnage revisited! So much positivity! What a happy and uplifting rally.

Drago said...

Picture of Joe Biden's "big event" with 20 people.


You know what LLR-lefty Chuck, President of the Whitmer Re-election Campaign and Treasurer of the Dick Durbin Fan Club calls that?


Drago said...

Beijing Boy: "It's over."

That's what we've been saying for months. But who is going to tell Joe and who are the dems going to select to slide into Joe's nomination?

n.n said...

BLM blocking entrances

There are precedents.


Drago said...

Looks like the Althouse lefties have already abandoned their Trump/Biden dementia comparisons because....lets face it....no one is buying it.

Not even the dems.

Not even the far left dems.

Pretty much only the Althouse lefties and LLR-Chuck.....but I repeat myself.

Inga said...

Trump sure has a strange way of getting Black and Hispanic votes.

Drago said...

So, lets see if we have this straight: The Althouse lefties (which includes LLR-lefty Chuck) are so desperate to stop Trump from having rallies that these very same lefties claim make Trump look bad!


Our marxist amigos really don't think these things through, do they?

Birkel said...

When the talking points go out, all the Leftist Collectivists post those talking points immediately.
I like to cook with gas.
Gaslighting not as much.

Now, I want you to remember that no son of a bitch ever won a war by being a martyr for his cause.
Instead we can win it by encouraging Howard to be a martyr for his cause.
Never call 9-1-1, Lefties.

Mary Beth said...

Obsess much, Ingeburg?

Were you actually watching or just (as usual) repeating what someone else has said?

The Genius Savant said...

Inga is obviously a bot or an ANTIFA activist. How else to explain her nonsensical water glass comment? These are horrible, dishonest, dangerous people. She also claims to be a First Amendment supporter. Laughable! When the Silent Majority gives her ilk the destruction they do richly deserve in November, I won’t even float.

stevew said...

Comments have become so predictable and boring. Moderation has eliminated the nastiest and much of the juvenile back and forth, but the usual subjects still post their usual anti and pro whatever nonsense. Sad, this used to be a good place to read interesting posts and insightful commentary.

Drago said...

Racial justice begins with Joseph Biden's retirement from public life

So very true.

I am particularly looking forward to many many commercials with Biden touting his pro-segregation political relationships and vehement support for crime bills targeting those black youths.

Of course, I know better than that and so do all of you.

Biden is already out. They just need him to limp into the convention before they send Gropey finger-rapey Joe off to pasture and slot someone else into the contest.

Michael K said...

You are a burden to everyone around you from your infectious toxic negativity. Just fucking stop the martyrdom act.

Howard the concern troll.

Achilles said...

Nobody cares about you Howard.

You are disgusting little shits making a play for power over other people.

The democrat party is doing exactly the same things the Taliban did to Afghanistan.

There are modern 1970's buildings in Afghanistan. It was fucked up watching a bunch of animals live in modern 1970's buildings with half of of the outside covered in wood and mud walls.

Kinda like a dozen or so Deep Blue cities in the US now.

Democrats are as adept at coddling rapists as the Taliban were.

You just have to be a piece of shit to be a democrat at this point.

Go kneel with the other kneelers. I am sure there is someone around who would be happy to have you shine his shoes.

Michael K said...

nga said...
I guess Trump doesn’t understand or respect 1st Amendment rights. He wants to jail people for expressing themselves.

Quite a few of us don't think rioting and looting count as "expressing themselves. "

le Douanier said...

BTW, what’s a good name for the mindset of DJT fans? Freedom Yearning Republican Enthusiasts! They’d have great festivals again.

Michael K said...

So, Freder the scare about the Chinese virus was wrong ?

You people are so silly.

Ken B said...

I am not watching. I never watch Trump live.

This is a potential superspreader event. It is dangerous, irresponsible, and foolish. It is even stupid as politics since Trump can no longer blame the resurgence on the protests.

Drago said...

90 mins straight speaking and riffing and laying out of facts non-stop......and Biden can't complete a single 50 second pre-recorded scripted ad without multiple edit cutaways and a fadeout half way thru.

90 mins straight and a guy who can't complete a 50 second ad.

No wonder even the lefty polls show a solid majority of democrats already admit Biden is at best well into early dementia.....which, lets face it, is being kind.

That saddest part?

By tomorrow morning Sleepy Joe will actually believe George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and US Grant were Confederate soldiers.

RichAndSceptical said...

Trump needs to hold these events outdoors.

D. said...

>I guess Trump doesn’t understand or respect 1st Amendment rights. He wants to jail people for expressing themselves.<

Burning the USA flag is a "hate" crime clown.

D. said...

>And there used to be people using the bathrooms in expressway rest stops who ... were ... not ... And often there were lines. And from the lines resulted other unwanted features. I had a little day-pack filled with Clorox-based cleaning agents and toilet paper and my own soap so I was prepared for anything. But in fact, so far as I met anyone, I met compulsives who were wiping door handles, wearing gloves and masks, standing as far as they could get from each other. <

You got Howard Hughes mental problems.

le Douanier said...

“Do you want to bow before the left wing mob, or do you want to stand straight and tall as an American?”

Oh Oh! Call on me. I know this one.

What is John 13?

Inga said...

He calls protestors “lunatics“?On that will really get him more black votes.

Inga said...

End on a positive note, after all that whining.

readering said...

I am surprised they did not try to make lemonade out of lemons by spacing people throughout the arena. But seems like people were being given masks as they entered and throwing them on the ground so I guess that would not go over.

Drago said...

It is my understanding that Sleepy Joe began watching Trump's 1 hour 45 minute rally but fell asleep after the first 80 seconds due to his medicines kicking in and becoming comfortable after eating his Evening Pudding.

Dave Begley said...

Trump is a genius.

Milwaukie guy said...

Just finished and I almost had to rub one out before I checked in.

This is exactly the kind of campaign I dream about happening.

I already knew the 2020 campaign would be pretty lit, this is going to be a fireworks show.

Dave Begley said...

Biden can’t debate Trump. Just not possible.

Nichevo said...

Just fucking stop the martyrdom act.

He'll cut out his act if you cut out yours. No deal? Thought not.

Milwaukie guy said...

I should have added, It's On Like Donkey Kong!

Nichevo said...

Incidentally, Howard, your advice to Achilles comes from a guy without a dime of trigger time, directed at a guy who's seen the elephant. No?

DavidUW said...

Clearly Biden will win Oklahoma right.

Drago said...

Good news everybody!

According to #Inga"Science", now that the Trump rally is over the ChiCom Kung Flu will once again return to hibernation mode as the lefties continue their nationwide rioting, looting and vandalism!

minnesota farm guy said...

I get so tired of sloppy references to our first amendment rights. Inga, here is what the First Amendment actually says: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." Notice the active phrase "Congress shall make no laws" nothing to do with individuals or the executive- CONGRESS.

Another key phrase is "peaceably to assemble", not riotous assembly or unfettered assembly: "peaceably to assemble". Riotous assembly (see MPLS) is not sanctioned under the First Amendment.

Certainly some case law and our wishful thinking makes us believe we are free to say anything, anytime, anywhere and express our feelings anyway, any time, anywhere. However that is not what the First Amendment says.

Browndog said...

Armed soldiers required to ensure the safety of average citizens attending a speech by the President of the United States.

Jon Ericson said...

stevew said...
Comments have become so predictable and boring.

Well, do what I do.

for firefox
for chrome, brave and their ilk

�� And away goes trouble down the drain ��

Milwaukie guy said...

When I first heard of the Grant statue coming down in San Fran last night, I was all, right on! What did that cracker motherfucker ever do for the Black People?

Drago said...

It appears the antifa marxist licking a street preacher in Tulsa was practicing #Inga"Science" in regards to ChiCom flu social distancing.

Inga has, in the recent past, carefully explained that marxist protesters are less of a flu spread threat than a person who is a Trump supporter.

Inga said...

“Burning the USA flag is a "hate" crime clown.”

“On June 21, 1989, a deeply divided United States Supreme Court upheld the rights of protesters to burn the American flag in a landmark First Amendment decision. In the controversial Texas v. Johnson case, the Court voted 5-4 in favor of Gregory Lee Johnson, the protester who had burned the flag.”

Bay Area Guy said...

First big rally in many months -- lotta friction due to Democrat mobs and rioters, all in the context of Covid-19 hysteria designed to clip his wings, and the wings of his supporters.

Well done, Mr. President. Way to get out there.

Let's see the same folks here apply their jaundiced eyes to a Biden campaign rally with all his enthusiastic supporters....

Rory said...

There should be pressure to put a camera on Biden for two hours. Any two hours - he can pick them.

Michael K said...

I only watched a few minutes. Looked like a pretty good turnout but Freder, of course, did not agree. Now the nuts are parading around outside.

alanc709 said...

What's the point of moderation if we still have to read the ravings of Howard and the natterings of Inga?

walter said...

stevew said...
Comments have become so predictable and boring.
Had your chance..

Ken B said...

I looked at Scott Adams's tweets. I thought he claimed to be a good communicator! Slaughtermeters spinning backwards due to self immolation? That sounds like he thinks Trump just self immolated, but I cannot tell.

And he liked the halftime show ...

bbkingfish said...

About 993,000 short of a million.

Rt41Rebel said...

Inga said "I guess Trump doesn’t understand or respect 1st Amendment rights. He wants to jail people for expressing themselves."

Inga, I cringed at that too. I assume you are talking about Trump wanting to lock people up for burning the American flag. But then I thought about it. Trump is writing future campaign ads. For at least the next week, we will see many American flags being burned in the streets even on CNN and MSNBC in defiance of Trumps's comments. And we'll see all of that footage again in a few months in one or more of Trump's campaign ads.

walter said...

Give Howie a break. He's been sucking 02 through an Inga discarded panty mask for weeks.

daskol said...

This was clever. Paraphrasing Trump on the situation in Seattle and blue cities: (after mentioning he's available on a moment's notice to their radical leadership, to come clean it up "in an hour") you know, I could be wrong, but it's probably better for us to just watch this disaster. Just let it happen in front of everyone.

I think we'll soon see headlines blazing about how Trump wants Seattle to burn, and Trump rally cheers letting Seattle burn. Which is exactly what he wanted, and you could see his very satisfied, smug smile when he paused right before launching into "I could be wrong."

Michael said...

It’s over. I believe this was a Paul Krugman statement on the future of the stock market after Trump stole the 2016 election. Love lefty predictions. Their certainty is touching. Truly.

walter said...

Might be Howie's best defense regarding inciting violence.

Michael K said...

Inga said...
He calls protestors “lunatics“?On that will really get him more black votes.

Inga is unaware, as usual, that the people running these riots are 99% white. The looters are the black foot soldiers. The DOJ is photographing these riot organizers and I have read that 400 have been arrested. Democrats have begun to deplore using DOJ drones so you know who is getting worried. A few 50 year sentences and these white kids will begin to sing and rat out the paymasters.

Limited blogger said...

Yes, good to see a boisterous Trump rally after all the hardship and darkness the country has faced.

He was in fine form; funny, energetic, biting at times, and the flow of consciousness was always on point.

Loved his explanation of the West Point hoax. His take down of AOC and Ilhan Omar was brutal even as it was done in a non-nasty way. Trump is quite the politician now.

Oh yeah, me and Trump think burning the flag should be a crime.

Mark said...

"Armed soldiers required to ensure the safety of average citizens attending a speech by the President of the United States."

And I thought it was bad when he had to wear body armor to protect himself from West Point graduates!

Limited blogger said...

After watching the rally, now I see why the left tried to stop it from happening.

Craig said...

Sounds like it was kind of a dud. If they couldn't sell all the tickets, why wouldn't they keep people three seats apart and fill up both levels so they could say they were social distancing? I also don't like that Trump moved this rally away from Juneteenth -- there is no reason to concede that day to the Democrats, and I think Trump's policies offer a true freedom to many African-Americans. He needs to be able to sell that.

I'm worried that Trump may be losing his fastball. Worried because of what the alternative is.

Milwaukie guy said...

@Inga: If you don't understand that talking about making U.S. flag burning a troll, when people have gone to jail for disrespecting an LGBT flag, you rally don't get it.

eddie willers said...

Notice how he had to put his little finger under the glass to keep it from slipping out of his hand. Who does he think he just fooled?

You, for one.

Achilles said...

Muhammad Ali’s only biological son says that his father would be against Black Lives Matter, calling the movement “racist” and the protesters “devils.”

The Democrat party was founded on racism and has fed off of racism for it's entire existence.

People who vote for democrats are racists.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

BLM was there to protest against democracy. If they can show up like that in November to keep wypipo away from the polls, Gropin’ Joe will win in a landslide.

Milwaukie guy said...

I'm watching Trump a second time, I'm so excited. Trump is calling out the Dems for racism, socialism and anarchism, besides just being generally anti-American.

I've watched many Trump speeches. While my darling daughter calls Trump a racist, I see an explicit call-out for Blacks to break with the racist party and join the party of Lincoln and Grant.

Hey, Howard and others, I'm starting to get wood just thinking about it.

SL said...

From a friend in Tulsa.

BOK security is so tight that it is a little over half full.
I believe they made it too tight to the point people could not get in.
Trump will not be happy. Also, on a very hot humid day people were not
allowed to bring water, sunscreen or umbrella for the long wait. The local
media covering this said people, protesters and they themselves were
suffering from heat stress. It appears we are all staying home in the ac
for now. Reporting live from Tulsa.
Last report...the 4 entrances to enter the BOK metal
detectors failed. They kept sending people from entrance to entrance. The
walk was long, hot and somewhat dangerous thru unruly people; only to find
the metal detectors deactivated. So, they went home. The reports are
uncertain, but it appears someone with sophisticated knowledge did this.
What the bottom line is people were denied their right to peaceful
assembly. Yes, I remember the peaceful protesters forced aside at the
church in D.C. Politics is becoming a war and bottom line, you will have
to pick a side in this war for control of this country. Now, we wait for
what the night brings....

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I wonder how many Republicans will bother to protest a Biden rally.

madAsHell said...

WOW!! The current on the left side of de-nile runs deep.

Ampersand said...

Elections perform the brainless but necessary task of telling us how many people believe in two clearly contrasting says of seeing the world. Let's see what happens.

Crazy World said...

Beautiful first day of Summer, let freedom ring!

Unknown said...

Joe Biden "Proof of life podcasts", now that was a great line nobody seems to have appreciated.

Gunner said...

I can't stand to look at lefty twitter tonight, so does anyone know how the morons are explaining Trump able to drink with one hand after all their bs about him being medically incapable?

bagoh20 said...

Watched some clips. Crowd seemed normal and pretty full considering a that we are in an pandemic that's only dangerous when Republicans get together. That is some scary shit - a partisan virus. Trump was great as usual, and did what Biden could never do now or even in his prime when he garnered nearly 1% of the vote as a health young man.

So if the virus is so dangerous to Republicans, shouldn't the Republicans get a free 100 electoral votes in November? It's only fair.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

AOC is bragging about her China collusion and dirty Dem Tik Tok tricks against Trump. She needs to commit suicide.

DeepRunner said...

Inga and Howard need to calm down. TDS is more of a public health concern than "systemic racism," however that's defined. Unless you count the destruction wrought by the woke. Then...

Tell me something. Why is it that people of color continue to flock to this country if it's laden with racist oppression? How is it that they adapt and work hard for money that is often less than what their "downtrodden" peers make?

Til you can answer, please continue to go to brunch with your white-bread limousine liberal friends.

Mr. Forward said...

You won't catch Covid-19 at a Biden rally!

If Inga had a bumper.

Renee said...

The prank to prevent subvert registration to attend the rally only plays into the hands that there is a majority being silenced.

I am trying to find an objective barometer. It is assumed that social media suppresses right wing views, but Donald Trump has close to 30 million followers compared to Joe Biden's 2 million. And Trump has 82 million followers on Twitter compared to Joe Biden's 6 million.

Do likes on social media even matter?

Pink, a singer is bragging how she sold out that venue in five minutes. It received 334k likes. But we all know scalpers/bots are responsible for that.

an article on how scalpers make this happen.

wendybar said...

Complain about his crowd size all you want, but compared to the 10 people who showed up for Joe Bidens big rally, (all 15 of them) I'd say there was quite a crowd!!

wendybar said...

Inga loves when her rioters burn flags, almost as much as she loves watching the cities burn down.

Jersey Fled said...

Thanks to Inga and friends we now know that it was always OK for hair salons to be open as long as masks were used. We also now know that crowds of any size are OK as long as they are outside, preferably with rioting and looting.

Renee said...

People are bragging they reserved 300 tickets- Are they telling me that they sat at the computer 150 times to reserve 2 tickets then verified those tickets via their cell phones? I can see the crowd sourcing.

The data contained via cell phones- can show who did and who DIDN'T show up can be put too good use in terms of demographics. FREE research.

Mark said...

Jon Ericson, you might want to check your sources as that photo is not from last nights rally.

Hell, even Drudge is covering the attendance fail. Never once zoomed out to show the room during Trump's speech, which is telling.

The Fox footage from the minutes before Trump spoke showed plenty of empty.

The excuses are starting to fly, denial must be in flood stage in the land of Pharoah Trump.

rwnutjob said...

It's all about the data Parscale gathers. Many were scared to go downtown after weeks of left wing riots & people being attacked in cars.

jnseward said...

The Trump rally in Tulsa is the first time all year I switched on the TV and watched something that made me feel good.President Trump’s recounting of the West Point commencement speech, his walk down the ramp, drinking a glass of water, and how it was reported by the media was on of the most hilarious things I have ever seen. I couldn’t stop laughing.

n.n said...

people have gone to jail for disrespecting an LGBT flag

Ironic, since the Transgender Rainbow excludes black, brown, and features the shredded remains of white. An unambiguous model of a hate symbol. A rainbow should never be associated with human life. And the politically congruent ("=") alt-flag represents selective exclusion. Here's to diversity and exclusion.

Bay Area Guy said...

Waiting anxiously for a Joe Biden rally.....Waiting..... Still Waiting.......

The man is favored to become the leader of the free world and yet is afraid to publicly speak in front of a crowd.

Jersey Fled said...

Breitbart claiming 500,000 watched on YouTube.

Browndog said...

Flag of United States
Police cars revolving light
NEW Updated view count for tonight's @realDonaldTrump
rally in Tulsa on RSBN:

2.8 million Facebook views
1.4 million YouTube playbacks

That's 4.2M views and again, this doesn't include any views from simulcasts we send out.

+Millions more watched on other sources.


Trump rally stats

- @RSBNetwork

(and it's hidden from YouTube search)

- 174,000 Yahoo

- 79,000 Fox Business

- 228,000 Fox News

And yes, BLM/Antifa forced both the east and west gates into the arena to close, one permanently, one for a period of time.

People just left.

Francisco D said...

Rt1Rebel said...For at least the next week, we will see many American flags being burned in the streets even on CNN and MSNBC in defiance of Trumps's comments. And we'll see all of that footage again in a few months in one or more of Trump's campaign ads.

Amazing how he can manipulate Idiotic Leftists.

Tommy Duncan said...

Trump's delivery and comic timing were world class. He was funny and engaging while delivering a positive vision for America. His riff on the West Point graduation was epic. His energy is amazing.

Meanwhile, Biden's dentures were soaking on his night stand.

bbkingfish said...

By attendance figures, in Tulsa, the president is only half as popular as Meat Loaf.

Drago said...

Dumb Lefty Mark: "Hell, even Drudge is covering the attendance fail."


Try and keep up.

Drudge sold his website last year to left interests and a never trump ex-Weekly Standard guy has been curating the content since then.

Since last fall, The Drudge Report has become The Bulwark (the lefty billionaire Omidyar funded FakeCon crew that only exists to support democrats)

I find it positively on the nose that you knew nothing about that.

doctrev said...

Cernovich got an accurate count of the people watching live on Youtube, but good God- RSBN scored 1.1 million, Fox News scored 1.7 million online. And that despite Youtube kicking the actual RSBN rally link off its search. It represents people that either search for the rally specifically, or demand RSBN exclusively.

The Cucks News monopoly on the right is steadily getting eroded.

Jim at said...

Didn't watch it. Found out all I needed by reading the 'objective' media's response this morning.

Jim at said...

And now that I'm halfway into the comments here? Look at who's pathetic. It ain't Trump.

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