"... according to a Twitter spokesperson. The spokesperson said the account violated the company's platform manipulation and spam policy, specifically the creation of fake accounts. Twitter suspended the account after a tweet that incited violence. As protests were taking place in multiple states across the U.S. Sunday night, the newly created account, @ANTIFA_US, tweeted, 'Tonight’s the night, Comrades,' with a brown raised fist emoji and 'Tonight we say "F--- The City" and we move into the residential areas... the white hoods.... and we take what's ours …'"
NBC News reports.
I saw that "move into the residential areas" on Sunday night. I believe somebody in the comments here linked to a saved image of it. I found it extremely disturbing. Here, I still have the image, because I texted it to someone, because it did create the fear it was intended to create:
Diversity, rabid? Maybe. Another left-wing group.
Textbook terrorist rhetoric, having the desired effect.
well, multiple people liked this tweet, were they white supremacists, too?
Commenters here will deny or excuse it.
Linked? Linked by who and how?
Twitter didn’t censor that? Interesting.
Love the brown fist. At least they didn’t threaten to dance with our dates.
President Chaos and his team of White nationalists getting marching orders from the Putin playbook. President Dumbo holding the bible up in front of the church was like Putin wearing the oversized cross when he hoodwinked GW Bush.
I think what they really mean, and what scares the bejabbers out of everyone is that they will move into white residential areas.
They are already burning black residential areas. But who gives 2 shits about them?
See the reaction of that espn reporter. All for burning out black neighborhoods but we his pants when they came to his.
John Henry
Are they are suggesting the very people who literally claim to see fascists and white supremacists everywhere are uniquely susceptible to being beguiled by actual fascists and white supremacists, and that is why these otherwise "peaceful protesters" are looting and beating people?
I understand that this tweet, and others like it, have caused a panicked rush to buy guns among limousine liberal Democrats. This bothers me because I really can’t see these liberal Democrats bothering to get good training on the applicable laws around application of lethal force, in fact I cannot even imagine them getting basic training in the safe handling of a firearm. There will be tragedies downstream from these riots, including folks loading the gun, putting it in a nightstand and eventually forgetting about it. Then one day an inquisitive five year old grandchild opens that drawer.
And I just saw a photo of three pallets of bricks sitting in an area with no construction in Frisco, Texas. A wealthy bedroom community for Dallas.
Seems to be a thing nation- wide.
What do we know about this account? When was it opened? What did it tweet before this? Was the account suspended before or after it was determined a fake? Who retweeted it?
Remember: The political is personal.
For 3? years we have been subjected to the lie, that Russia hacked DNC emails. We know from testimony under oath, no such evidence exits, or ever existed.
But I'm going to bite at an unnamed source at the raw sewage that is twitter?
This is, I think, a good example of confirmation bias.
There are literally thousands of documented examples of Antifa advocating and doing violent things, not just today, but stretching back over many years, many of them captured on video and on YouTube, or maybe they are not there now, since the left is constantly deletes and rewrites the past.
But it is virtually guaranteed that for a huge number of people this fact or this lie, whichever it is, will soon become one of the few things they 'know' about Antifa and thus 'proving' the Antifa is not responsible.
Look Antifa, the term used loosely, and Black Lives Matter, the term used loosely, and educators at the universities and journalists in general and the left in general are responsible for these riots and all the atrocities that are being committed.
And I know this because I have not spent my life looking away from what is going on around me, and since I haven't been looking away the evidence is massive.
So would it change the narrative for me if there was a 'right wing' group pretending to be Antifa on a Twitter thread? No, because Antifa is still Antifa and Antifa and their million allies have unmistakably and undeniably been doing all these things, not just today, but for a very long time.
But is the specific claim here even true? Because it could so easily be a lie. But truth or lie I don't much care, as I know who, in almost all cases, is doing these horrific crimes.
Russian Intelligence officers have many tricks up their sleeves.
Jesus arm-wrestling Satan on Facebook was just the beginning.
Suddenly it's not real Antifa - it's all fake Antifa.
Convenient for the corrupt left.
Strange that a "spokesperson" doesn't have a name.
Well, I don't know who incited them, but a very large and loud group of honking, shouting jerks rolled past my house last night at 1:00 AM. Helicopters circled overhead for an hour, and at the tail end of the procession were two cop cars slowly creeping forward.
This is not what I expect from my fellow citizens. Midnight mobs. Fools stricken with white guilt practically begging to be beaten and robbed. Cops doing nothing. Mayors and governors so far out of their depth that they might as well be at the bottom of the Marinas Trench.
Again, it will be very, very hot today in Milwaukee. 90 degrees. I don't think this will be a good day.
has been linked to the white nationalist group Identity Evropa...
... according to a Twitter spokesperson
Linked HOW? Linked WHY?
i READ the NBC article, they seemed to skirt over these questions
The closest they came, was talking about a post that said that the media is covering up what is really happening
"has been linked to a white nationalist group."
I'll bet that is a complete lie.
If they know that - how did it even get on there? Twitter is lying.
according to a Twitter spokesperson.
But of course.
It did get my me and my wife to clean our guns.
I don't see the problem. Antifa can just send them a check for the work done and everybody is good. I'm still outraged though. I'm just not sure why.
We still have some investment property in the wealthiest, deepest blue part of Chicago. My wife got a call from an hysterical neighbor demanding that we move the trash cans from the alley. Apparently word was out that the rioters were targeting that area for the night and planned to set fires in them. My wife was nicer than I would have been: “The pigeons are coming home to roost!” Roasted pigeons.
Of course. Let’s pretend that there are hundreds of thousands of white nationalists without jobs and ready to be in every city protest in America inciting our peaceful black brothers and sisters to loot and burn. Mercifully Antifa is on the spot to resist these thugs.
The ADL was all over this a year ago. Waiting for you deplorables to call ADL an anti-semetic hate group.
ADL on White Supremacist Strategy
I knew it was fake when I saw “Maters” in the hashtag.
Mandrewa makes the key point. Confirmation bias and the favourite tactic of denialists everywhere: focus on the one discordant case and ignore the rest.
Just like covid denialists here crow and dance when they find one miscounted covid death. Same dynamic.
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Yes! It is totally normal for Antifa and the Proud Boys to meet up in Portland and join together to loot and burn.
Let’s pretend that the only agitators and instigators are white left wing Antifa boys. Let’s not even imagine that any right wing extremists groups would consider these protests the opportune time to spread havoc and destruction and a way to bring about what they’ve been trying to create, a civil war.
"I found it extremely disturbing. “
Ha ha ha ha ha! None of the rest of this though! But don’t wear a mask because you might speak to somebody hard of hearing!
And it's clearly ACTUAL WHITE SUPREMACISTS!!!! Clearly NOT ANTIFA PSY-OPS! Only white supremacists would have use the language "Blacklivesmaters! Black lives "maters"! Mating with blacks! Invocation of miscegenation! That's racism! Can't you hear the dog whistle?
An unnamed Twitter spokesman makes a claim without evidence. A major news organization puts forth a story based on that claim.
Therefore it is now a proven fact with two solid sources.
"[We're] living for the moment between Democrat talking points, when riots are both (a) totally righteous and justified, and (b) the dastardly work of Trump, Russians, white nationalists, etc."
Your lying eyes, America.
Antifa is peaceful, or non-existent. Take your pick.
It's Trump and his supporters who are all white nationalists, who are the real killers.
Every building burned every store looted - it's all white nationalists.
I was designated as a spokesperson for the company that I used to work for several times. I was always identified by name. This had a twofold purpose. First, to differentiate me from any random person who might or might not be authorized to speak for the company. And second, to identify me to other media outlets as the person to contact with follow up questions.
This is pretty standard for big corporations.
Maybe the person really does have a name and it was just sloppy journalism on the part of NBC.
Who knows.
Howard said...President Chaos and his team of White nationalists getting marching orders from the Putin playbook.
The phony ex-Marine continues to out himself as a DNC activist.
I had hopes for Howard being a worthwhile lefty commenter, but he has gone full Inga/ARM/Ritmo/rv.
The misspelling of "matter" leads me to think it's fake.
I point out again that there is a fringe of the fringe that mixes rightwing and leftwing ideas - separatism with anarchism - but I suspect it's just a fake tweet designed to support the idea that White supremacists are behind the rioting, or maybe just to make things that much more chaotic and anarchic.
On the use of the brown fist ssybol. That did not work too well for some looters that went into Cicero Ill thinking there would be some easy pickings. The inhabitants of Cicero are largely Mexican or of Mexican decent. They residents do like to see their neighborhood businesses looted. The result of this is two dead looters and a couple of more wounded. Being very intelligent the residents returned to their homes before the police arrived.
On another Chicago crime note the body count for the month of May has been revised upward: May 2020 - 390 shot, 81 homicides
Or I suppose it could be a false flag from a right-winger designed to provide "evidence" that Antifa was stirring things up. But Antifa is stirring things up. And the supposed White supremacist mobs aren't showing up. It's strange that this tweet is the one picked out. Surely there are others showing how violence is being coordinated. Maybe they fly under the radar because they don't use explicit language. This tweet may have been more designed to attract attention than to coordinate action.
IT has been "linked" what the fuck does that mean? Maybe, Antifa told NBC it was "Linked" to some "White supremacist" Group. And what could be more lame than the "KKK made me do it" excuse?
Funny, how the MSM is so INTERESTED in finding any Right-wing extremists (or Russians) in the violence and looting and so UN-INTERESTED in telling us about Antifa and the Left-wing terrorist groups who are OBVIOUSLY organizing and instigating it.
But sigh. Stupid propaganda works.
More of this
Barack Obama Urges Activists to Capitalize on George Floyd Outrage
why would Obama be talking to White Nationalists?
so odd.
Putin set to create his presidency for life.
Who knew Putin was a Democrat?
Mark said...
Commenters here will deny or excuse it.
IT? There is no it. Nothing. That is point. You can use this to confirm your bias. But there is no substance to support anything.
Not so much
I honestly don't know what to believe anymore. I mean, Twitter has a horrible track record with the truth. So even if they tell you the sun rises in the east, you should confirm it yourself.
On the other hand, it's believable as those clowns in the white supremacy world live to see a major race war in this country.
But it's not like Antifa isn't managing and organizing things out there. And its not like this would be the first time leftists pose as white supremacists in order to direct attention away from themselves.
A number of years ago I bought a 12 gauge shotgun. I'm not a hunter and it's a basic unit - pump action remington 870. Inexpensive and simple as these things go.
I bought it for home self-defense for a specific scenario: multiple assailants and/or mob violence.
I'm sad to say it's the first time I'm glad I bought it. This is not a time you want to be caught unable to protect yourself. The usual phrase is, "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away."
In today's riots the expression should become, "When seconds count, the police are already pre-disposed elsewhere."
Could be Antifa, could be provocateur trying to make Antifa seem even worse than they are.
Buildings still being burned, businesses looted and cops shot and shot at.
Note my passive voice. Who do you think is doing the burning, looting and shooting?
. The spokesperson said the account violated the company's platform manipulation and spam policy, specifically the creation of fake accounts.
So if it was a known Anti-Fa account all would have been good?
The Leftists always manage to find the wreckers and the hoarders during a crisis.
Glad Twitter is doing it's part.
Let’s pretend that the only agitators and instigators are white left wing Antifa boys. Let’s not even imagine that any right wing extremists groups would consider these protests the opportune time to spread havoc and destruction and a way to bring about what they’ve been trying to create, a civil war.
Ain’t any “pretend” about it, Inky.
Inga goes all Helter Skelter, sees Charles Manson behind every tree.
The misspelling is meaningless in identifying which side someone is on.
"The media went from Antifa doesn't exist to Antifa is white supremacists is 24 hours."
I posted this an hour ago--appears to be censored.
"Linked? Linked by who and how?"
How isn't difficult. As I said -- it was a "saved image." Somebody made a screen shot and it could be linked to.
Who did it? One of the commenters here, as I said. I'm not going to read though a lot of comments looking for it. I'm not even sure what post it was on. Maybe the Sunday night café. What difference does it make? My point is, I saw it and it scared me.
Inga- you're a fool.
You're so blind by your loyalty to the leftwing machine, you cannot see at all.
In the end, the populace of the US knows that those in the streets, ripping up their cities are Democrat voters. So the populace of the country needs to think about that when they go to vote in November. Are these the people you want leading your country?
If you want to play like these are not the Democrat Party, you're kidding yourselves. The old Dems are going out to pasture. These are indeed the new Dems. And I'll be if they ever unmask the communications between Antifa and their mates, you'll see a slew of Dem staffers as well as Dem congresspeople. It's a guarantee.
People have short memories, but I think they'll remember this.
Who believes anything Twitter says?
I still don't see the problem. You shoot and arrest looters, and rioters. Why does it matter what websites they visit. Right wing, left wing - I don't care. Bust them all. You see, that's the difference. The right isn't going to defend extremist right nuts, but the media and others are doing all they can, including this story to defend and deflect from the responsibility that antifa is itself proud of. My tribe does not include White supremacists, bad cops, nor fascist ant-fascists. It does include innocent businesses and innocent cops.
Ann Althouse said...
"Linked? Linked by who and how?"
How isn't difficult. As I said -- it was a "saved image." Somebody made a screen shot and it could be linked to.
Who did it? One of the commenters here, as I said. I'm not going to read though a lot of comments looking for it. I'm not even sure what post it was on. Maybe the Sunday night café. What difference does it make? My point is, I saw it and it scared me
I think people are wondering how the tweet was linked to the white nationalist group, and who discovered that association.
Gee, it's not like Twitter has been recently called out for censoring conservative speech and "fsct-checking" Trump's tweets. They are, of course, totally impartial.
Wouldn't the white supremacists wait until a Dem is in office to start smashing things up? Why would they want to tank Trump's presidency? And why are Biden staffers and Hollywood lunkheads bailing them out of jail?
Questions leftist morons like Howie and Inga never ask themselves.
My point is, I saw it and it scared me.
@Althouse, you and a bunch of others. Hence my comment at 7:45.
'We came to riot': Illinois man livestreamed lighting fires, handing out explosives in Minneapolis, charges say
Don't worry dude - you'll soon be labeled a Trump supporter and a white nationalist.
Thousands of left wing nuts are burning and looting the country and you're only scared now becuase a few dozen right wing nuts might also enjoy the chaos? That's not very smart.
The idea that the far right and the far left come together on the other side is as old as the spectrum itself. They both want to destroy what works better than anything in history for the needs of people, and which we have built together. We should be united in stopping them. Why are the media, and other Democrats not on board with that? Blaming some tiny sector of the problem while protecting the vast majority of it is just foolish and dangerous. I bet far more Democrat voters are being hurt by these riots than are Republicans, but that doesn't make it OK for me.
Yes twitter Jack, who defends posting Iranian propaganda. Who let public teachers start a libel campaign against youths from Covington Kentucky.
We should believe your claims why?
“The misspelling is meaningless in identifying which side someone is on.”
Nonsense. Everyone knows how to spell their own movement. And “maters” isn’t just a spelling error, it’s a mistake in subject verb agreement. Even if you mistype matter as mater you won’t mistake that black lives matter for matters. Hence this was not posted by an adherent of BLM. Hence it’s a fake.
I am a bit skeptical of what twitter would say right now.
serious question
professor? Have you become mentally stupid?
Or, are you using what passes for your brain, when you say that the protests having been "linked to the white nationalist group Identity Evropa..." was done by "One of the commenters here?
If you're not going to pay any attention to what You are posting; Why should we?
Inga said...
Let’s not even imagine that any right wing extremists groups would consider these protests the opportune time to spread havoc and destruction and a way to bring about what they’ve been trying to create, a civil war.
Finally Inga admits she's just imagining things. Weirdly she still thinks this is compelling, but I guess when you're a leftist you're conditioned to think imagining things counts for something.
I live in a Southern suburb, so if the looters invade some of these neighborhoods, they're in for an unpleasant surprise.
The first rule of political correctness is that we must anticipate any possible psychological harm that may be imposed on anyone before speaking or writing. Our intended meaning is of no consequence.
Now we are in a situation where it is abundantly clear that "peaceful protests" create an environment in which violence thrives. The harm to others is clear to all. So it seems to me--applying the unforgiving logic of "inclusion"--that the organizers of peaceful protest should recognize the harm their speech is causing and restrain themselves.
Is there an official Antifa spokesperson who can authenticate communications? That would seem to be against policy.
Yeah, the “Comrades” bit is a dead giveaway for white nationalism, right?
On another note, moving into residential areas will be a boost for the Second Amendment. I’ll be right back after I check my ammunition.
“And I just saw a photo of three pallets of bricks sitting in an area with no construction in Frisco, Texas. A wealthy bedroom community for Dallas.”
Democrat mayors and their toady police chiefs are having a hard time figuring it out about the bricks despite the plethora of activity on the Net depicting unattended bricks In riot areas.
Here's a wager for Inga, ARM, Howard and leftist Mark:
Let's start arresting and investigating the people committing and coordinating this violence. Let the truth come out. If it turns out that white supremacists and Trumpists are indeed somehow inciting blacks to loot, destroying businesses, shooting cops, and burning children to death (it was done in Richmond VA) I will join you in condemning them. I think anybody who commits such vile acts should be severely punished - I don't care what ideological beliefs they hold.
However, I strongly suspect that the perps are leftist. If that turns out to be the case, will you condemn them or rationalize their behavior?
If they are white supremacists why does there seem to be such a reluctance on the part of Dem mayors and governors to stop them? I was listening to the Jeff Wagner show yesterday and a caller from Madison said only 3 arrests were made on Saturday night. You'd think, Howie, that Dem mayors would be extremely happy to crack down on the terrible threat of white supremacy. All those Dylan Roofs running around out there...
My point is, I saw it and it scared me.
...and so did no Democratic mayor or governor anywhere. They only learned about the results on TV...
There's only one way to stop all these white supremacists, Inga and Howie.
Crack down on them. Arrest them. Jail them. Put them on trial.
Why aren't Dems doing that?
The leftists are looting and burning.
Look at who gets mad when you talk about arresting them.
Who authored that tweet doesn't matter.
Antifa and everyone who supports them has to go one way or the other.
BLM and Anti1a were tricked into rioting by Boogaloo Bois. HAHAHAHA!
The Left started the riots. It’s fair play for the right to respond with whatever tactics. If they’re not doing what Anti1a and the ADL are accusing them of, maybe they should. Or maybe paranoid Ignas are doing their work for them.
"And you know what I heard tell --- that after that so-called Klan meetin' on Bald Mountain a couple of those boys went to the local Waffle House & one of them ordered matzoh brei. Now, you tell me what sort of good ol' boy orders hisself some matzoh brei at a Waffle House!"
The Left has become terrified of its own Mobys. That makes me smile.
“ I think people are wondering how the tweet was linked to the white nationalist group, and who discovered that association.“
Oh, well, the answer to that is in the quote in the post: Twitter says it. I presume they can see the accounts.
Surprised the question was asked that way. The word “linked” appears in two places in the post.
"And I tell you whut, he may have called hisself Billy Ray Cruddup, but when he took off that hood, he wuz just the spittin' image of Leon Trotsky".
OK, I'll stop now.
the 'fuck america' was a little too on the nose. hard to imagine antifa's PR strategy including that
Ann Althouse said...
“ I think people are wondering how the tweet was linked to the white nationalist group, and who discovered that association.“
Oh, well, the answer to that is in the quote in the post: Twitter says it. I presume they can see the accounts.
Surprised the question was asked that way. The word “linked” appears in two places in the post.
The answer is not in the quote, which says that the account "has been linked" (passive voice) "according to a Twitter spokesperson"
Ann Althouse said...
“ I think people are wondering how the tweet was linked to the white nationalist group, and who discovered that association.“
Oh, well, the answer to that is in the quote in the post: Twitter says it. I presume they can see the accounts.
Surprised the question was asked that way. The word “linked” appears in two places in the post.
But the quote does not say that, it says that the account "has been linked" (note the passive voice) "according to a Twitter spokesperson".
Keep pushing it, leftists.
Keep it up.
I assume that “linked” meant “associated”, per Twitter knowing the accounts. Not an html link.
Let’s pretend that the only agitators and instigators are white left wing Antifa boys. Let’s not even imagine that any right wing extremists groups would consider these protests the opportune time to spread havoc and destruction and a way to bring about what they’ve been trying to create, a civil war.
If there are right wing extremist groups rioting and looting, I hope every last one of them are arrested and prosecuted.
I still don't think black people are that stupid, though.
“Look at who gets mad when you talk about arresting them.“
Who would that be? The people who talk to you in your head? Of course they should be arrested, the more of the instigators, agitators, arsonists that get arrested the better understood it will be who these people are.
I wonder how Twitter knows which is the "real" group behind the white nationalists and the Antifa?
As far as I can tell Ervopa has about 300 members, and all of the reporting about it is done by Unicorn Riot, which is a far left group. For all I know, some far left group has made up a far right group so they can all LARP around and destroy things, like they did in Charlotte.
“If there are right wing extremist groups rioting and looting, I hope every last one of them are arrested and prosecuted.
I still don't think black people are that stupid, though.”
They aren’t. They know what is happening and many of them have tried to stop the agitators/instigators from smashing storefronts and starting fires when they see it happening. These things are generally happening after dark, after legitimate protestors have gone home. Plus anger levels are through the roof and it only takes a few agitators to rile up a crowd that was quiet a few minutes before. I’ve seen it in the footage and it’s been reported that there are white guys with or without backpacks on bicycles or on foot getting very active, weaving in and out of the crowds trying to get people riled up with over the top rhetoric and actions.
“Keep pushing it, leftists.
Keep it up.”
Here’s one of those idiots who think they are big and bad, while typing on their laptops from their recliner that their fat ass can barely fit into.
Here is one, Wesley Somers, who has been arrested for setting fire to the Nashville Courthouse. He has a tattoo with the Three Percenters, a right wing extremist group. I guess he is a member of Antifa too, huh?
"A day after citing the owner of an altered school bus for blocking a downtown street during weekend protests, Columbus Police say they found bats, rocks, meat cleavers, axes, clubs, and other projectiles inside the vehicle. Detectives also say charges against the owner of that bus and possibly others inside are pending."
"“We were washing peoples' faces down who had gotten maced, to alleviate the effects of the mace,” bus owner Marisa Digati told ABC 6/FOX 28 at the city’s impound lot Monday."
Here's a name. Who is Marisa Digati?
One thing I'm amazed about is how many of these people are women. It seems like half the Antifas getting arrested are women.
Royal ass Inga:
The phrase you are looking for is "wreckers and hoarders" so pay attention.
That is what Leftist Collectivists call the other.
more of those macedonian content farmers, I think the intelligence services seem at best for show, at worst maliciously acting against us interests,
I don't know a dman thing about 3 Percenters, never heard of them before, but OK let's say that dude is a member of some far right fringe group. If he's guilty, toss him in jail and throw away the key.
Here's a pair for you, Inga:
Gee, they don't look far right to me.
Just how many far right Trumpists do you think live in NYC, you deluded old cow?
Inga, you are offering as fact what is now only speculation about Wesley Somers.
"Somers’ arrest has kicked off an online stir. His tattoos, which appear in photos that have circulated the internet, seem to match those of a shirtless, tattooed protester stoking the fire at the courthouse. A tattoo of three vertical lines on Somers’ right wrist caused many to speculate that Somers is a member of the Three Percenters, a far-right paramilitary group that employs the roman numeral “III” as an insignia. It’s unclear whether Somers’ tattoo is “III” or something else, like the Monster energy drink logo.
"Somers was arrested in Tennessee on December 12, 2016, outside a Walmart on Dickerson Pike, according to WKRN. Reports indicate that Somers was arrested alongside his then-wife, 30-year-old Tracy Orrand, and that police discovered their 2-year-old and 8-month-old daughters in the backseat of the car upon the arrests.
Somers was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, neglect of a child under eight years old and possession or casual exchange. According to WKRN, at the time there was a warrant out for Somers’ arrest in Sumner County. In September 2018, authorities entered Somers into the Knox County public database and reported that he was detained and awaiting transport to Sumner County. According to the Tennessean, Somers was also charged with domestic abuse in 2017."
Yeah, that sounds like a hardened paramilitary type.
Inga said...
Here is one, Wesley Somers, who has been arrested for setting fire to the Nashville Courthouse. He has a tattoo with the Three Percenters, a right wing extremist group. I guess he is a member of Antifa too, huh?
3 percenters are not white supremacists, which is consistent since the other people in the video with him are black.
Right out of the Russians playbook.
PS. The wikipedia page for the group says they had about 200 members as of 2016. That's about 4 per state?
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