June 29, 2020

"A serious recall effort is about to begin to remove Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes Conway from office...."

"A tall order but the people of Madison are tired of the wanton destruction, physical violence, and harassment and general kowtowing. They are sickened by a Progressive Dane mayor who apologizes to the mob for apologizing to the police. Who demanded the immediate release of accused shakedown artist and convicted felon Devonere A. Johnson. Who will yank four minority race police from our four troubled high schools despite surveys showing at least 75% of parents WANT school resource officers. Tonight, with the connivance of the mayor, an intimidated school board [ended] the popular program...."

Writes David Blaska (with an update, in brackets, added by me).


Ken B said...

This recall loses. Blue voters want to feel like good people and don’t care who they hurt to achieve it. It won’t even be close.

Gordy said...

Got to wonder if it'd be better to let her live with the shithole she created until the next election. Let the people get really, really sick of it. And her.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Why is Madison so homophobic. I hope Althouse will stand up to the hatred and bigotry in her own town.

Wince said...

Hopefully the push-back heard 'round the world.

Freeman Hunt said...


Paul said...

A Neo-Conservative is a liberal who has been mugged. Well it looks like Madison is about to all become Neo-Conservatives!

Are you tired of being ripped off yet?

Calypso Facto said...

Should get at least 142 signatures right away -- the number of businesses on State Street.

The Crack Emcee said...

Until whites can explain why and how all the stores, nationwide, collectively decided to unlock their grooming products for blacks, they should stand down, and let things proceed.

Before anyone says it was because blacks steal - aren't we the same blacks now? We're even worse after looting. But the new arrangement stands. What's different?

You guys don't understand your country - and you're egging each other on to go for your guns.

Stop it, Ann.

I'm Not Sure said...

"They are sickened by a Progressive Dane mayor who apologizes to the mob for apologizing to the police."

She must not have wanted to be a warrior.

Achilles said...

They will just stick another democrat in charge.

Because democrats are stupid or evil or both.

Ken B said...

In English please. You often say interesting things. But you rarely say them clearly.

madAsHell said...

That has got to be the face of voter fraud.

The Crack Emcee said...

Achilles said...
They will just stick another democrat in charge.

Because democrats are stupid or evil or both.

Or, or, OR - just when the right is on the cusp of success - they decide to act like a bunch of little bitches because they let the first provocation make them start acting like the racist scum everyone calls them.

THAT is a possibility that meets Occum's Razor.

Not Sure said...

Blaska is so old-fashioned. Petitions. Signatures. Voting. Haha.

Just put a guillotine in front of her house and explain her options to her.

Automatic_Wing said...

Until whites can explain why and how all the stores, nationwide, collectively decided to unlock their grooming products for blacks, they should stand down, and let things proceed.

Well, of course they're just trying to placate the mob. Taking a loss on some relatively low cost grooming products might be viewed as an acceptable price to pay.

That said, stores do have an option now, which wasn't available before.

"Oh, I'm sorry, that item is out of stock. Feel free to order it online."

There may be some, uh, resupply issues at certain locations. Just sayin'.

Gahrie said...

Until whites can explain why and how all the stores, nationwide, collectively decided to unlock their grooming products for blacks, they should stand down, and let things proceed.

Why is that our responsibility?

Drago said...

The Crack Emcee: "Until whites can explain why and how all the stores, nationwide, collectively decided to unlock their grooming products for blacks, they should stand down, and let things proceed."

I'm sorry. Were you saying something?

Lewis Wetzel said...

The Crack Emcee said...

Until whites can explain why and how all the stores, nationwide, collectively decided to unlock their grooming products for blacks, they should stand down, and let things proceed.

That's nutso. Believing that people of a certain race must explain the actions of corporations to people of another race is about as crazy as you can get.

Mark said...

Who would run against her? Soglin?

Maybe Blaska wants to push this idea, but his candidate is never going to win. Seems like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic

Lewis Wetzel said...

Despite deindustrialization, some cities have succeeded because they offer their residents value. What you are seeing now is mayors and city councils deeply cutting the value they offer to their residents.

tcrosse said...

Is Soglin available?

Kyzer SoSay said...

"Until whites can explain why and how all the stores, nationwide, collectively decided to unlock their grooming products for blacks, they should stand down, and let things proceed."

It won't last.

They were locked for a reason.

Eventually, once the furor has died down, the locks will creep back. And for the same reason as before.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Before anyone says it was because blacks steal - aren't we the same blacks now? We're even worse after looting. But the new arrangement stands. What's different?"

For a guy who talks quite a bit about cultish mentalities, I'm surprised that you would ask. Unless it was rhetorical.

n.n said...

Some, select, Black Lives Matter is a sociopolitical movement under the Progressive Church. The "good" Americans voted to deny individual dignity and normalized this progression.

Nichevo said...

"Before anyone says it was because blacks steal - aren't we the same blacks now? We're even worse after looting. But the new arrangement stands. What's different?"

"We" (does not include me, as "you" does not include you) are intimidated, afraid, of the new tactics being used, unsure of how to respond.

It won't last. Children sometimes throw spaz fits, turn blue and scream and struggle and cry child abuse, when they are told it is time to go home, or that's enough cake, whatever. It gets dealt with by most families. The families that don't figure out how to control those children, sooner or later, raise horrible children.

You're much safer asking questions then forthrightly stating what you think. Better if you would, but nobody expects you to do anything but what you think is good for you. Of course, with the problems that RH talks about all the time, you might not be the best judge, but there it is.

Ray - SoCal said...


Thanks for commenting. It's always interesting what you write.

To answer your question:

Because large companies fear the shame of being labeled Racist more, than any potential losses due to theft.

Small stores are going to do what it takes to keep losses to a minimum so they can survive, so my guess is mostly larger companies changed. Big Business is a huge supporter of Black Lives Matter.

Saying All Lives Matters can get you fired.

Or even liking the wrong Tweet can get you fired.

The CEO of Chick-Fil-A sought Forgiveness by washing some Black People, for his sin of being born White.

My take is only some Black Lives Matters for the Left. Seems Black on Black deaths, such as in Chicago, DC, Detroit, NYC don't.

My daughter mentioned seeing a BLM protest in Laguna Beach a couple of weeks ago, and it was all White. Last night I saw a non Black (not sure White or Latino) at the Orange Circle, with a BLM sign. The amount of virtue signalling on BLM amazes me.

>The Crack Emcee said...
> Until whites can explain why and how all the stores, nationwide, collectively >decided to unlock their grooming products for blacks

Ralph L said...

They might as well caulk and insulate the plywood--or just move their businesses out of town--because the risk will still be there.

Original Mike said...

"Is Soglin available?

He lives in my neighborhood. He looks pretty relaxed out walking his dog.

I haven't had the opportunity, but I've wanted to ask him "Would you have put up with this shit?"

The Bergall said...

De fund the government................hee, hee

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

The Crack Emcee said...

Until whites can explain why and how all the stores, nationwide, collectively decided to unlock their grooming products for blacks, they should stand down, and let things proceed.

I call bullshit. I'm white and used to have a bad problem with razor bumps, like a lot of black men do. I'd cruise the ethnic hair care aisles once in a while looking for stuff to treat it and I've never see black grooming products locked up in CVS, Wal-Mart, or Target.

FullMoon said...

Until whites can explain why and how all the stores, nationwide, collectively decided to unlock their grooming products for blacks

Local stores locked up all grooming products a year or more ago. Powdered baby formula also.

Todd Roberson said...

The CVS in my neighborhood also locks up laundry detergent.


walter said...

Gee Crack. Sounds like you live in a Dem run shithole.
I can buy all the black grooming products sans locks..punny.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Here's one. Can Crack explain to us why Tide is still locked down at white trash stores.

alanc709 said...

In my area, the only thing under lock are the shavers and the electric toothbrushes. Guess those are only used by BLM members.

mezzrow said...

Gotta give some credit to Crack. He's got white people explaining about black grooming products right and left. I'm reminded of the old Sam Kinison routine where God wakes Pat Robertson up at 3 AM to go check his tire pressure.

"Pat! Wake up! It's the Lord! Wake up!"
"It's the Lord, Pat! Go check your tire pressure... Look, he's gonna do it, too..."

Nice work.

Drago said...

Northoftheoneohone: "I call bullshit. I'm white and used to have a bad problem with razor bumps, like a lot of black men do. I'd cruise the ethnic hair care aisles once in a while looking for stuff to treat it and I've never see black grooming products locked up in CVS, Wal-Mart, or Target."

I'll bet Crack saw some nooses on those aisles too and people screaming "this is MAGA country" while stealing his subway sandwich.

Dave Begley said...

The Governor is the one who should be recalled. At least there is a chance that would win. And best to combine both recall petitions with that of the Mayor.

madAsHell said...

The CVS in my neighborhood also locks up laundry detergent.

People are still eating Tide pods???

reader said...

Our grocery store locks up pod detergents, men’s razor blades, allergy medicine, heartburn medicine, baby food, and some makeup. Pretty soon it will be like the days when you would go to a library with the list of books that you wanted and an employee would go into the stacks to pull the books for you. Heck, it’s already started since our market just designated ten parking spots for online order pick up only. Prime spots right at the front. Reward the behavior that you want punish the behavior you don’t, unless you need to appease someone.

Drago said...

mezzrow: "Gotta give some credit to Crack. He's got white people explaining about black grooming products right and left."

According to Inga and Howard, Crack only brings that stuff up because Steve Bannon makes him do it.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Shorter Crack — “We need our weave.”

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Who would sign such a petition and risk doxing, deplatforming, and cancellation?

Dad29 said...

and you're egging each other on to go for your guns.

Well, except that without ammo a gun is merely a club.

And last week, visiting a large outdoor-products retailer with regional buying power, we observed ZERO handgun ammo on the shelves--except .22, but only Mossad uses .22.

Calypso Facto said...

I do have to wonder at the election strategy of getting even more Madisonians out to vote in the fall because of a recall election. Probably backfires on the other races and just swaps one Prog mayor for another?

LA_Bob said...

I usually shop at the Walmart in San Gabriel, CA, and a few months ago I was surprised to see Barbasol shaving cream locked up.

The Crack Emcee said...

Ken B said...

In English please. You often say interesting things. But you rarely say them clearly."

Oh, that's cold - but I'll try. Let me go down the list as I do so.

cubanbob said...

Go big or go home. The recall should be for the mayor and the governor. Give them both the Scott Walker treatment. Althouse, do you now miss Walker?

The Crack Emcee said...

Automatic_Wing said...

"Taking a loss on some relatively low cost grooming products might be viewed as an acceptable price to pay."

You ignore my question: why did they do it in the first place? Why grooming products? You can't honestly believe I'm a freak for hair relaxer, so what gives?

BTW - nobody follows me around in stores anymore, either - what do you say to that?

The Crack Emcee said...

Gahrie said...

"Why is that our responsibility?"

Gahrie 's dumb ass wins the prize:

Because it's a vestige of SLAVERY that's existed right under your noses for CENTURIES and you neither noticed or cared as you claimed we're all the same and slavery was over and everything was hunky-dorry.

Fuck you.

The Crack Emcee said...

Lewis Wetzel said...

"That's nutso. Believing that people of a certain race must explain the actions of corporations to people of another race is about as crazy as you can get."

Proving you assholes don't know the history and culture of the country you blindly defend IS important.

It proves you're the bad guys.

The Crack Emcee said...

Kyzer SoSay said...

"Eventually, once the furor has died down, the locks will creep back. And for the same reason as before."

Trump did say we may go back to slavery, so you make a good point.

The Crack Emcee said...

Ray - SoCal said...

"Because large companies fear the shame of being labeled Racist more, than any potential losses due to theft."


You guys do not know the history or culture of your country. Whites, since slavery, have had an interest in making blacks "dirty". Our cleanliness has always been a white obsession, and this ban was just a carry-over. They knew the writing was on the wall because they got what this protest was about - that's why they didn't have to talk about it amongst themselves or anything:

Slavery was ENDING.

And you assholes missed it.

The Crack Emcee said...

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

"I call bullshit. I'm white and used to have a bad problem with razor bumps, like a lot of black men do. I'd cruise the ethnic hair care aisles once in a while looking for stuff to treat it and I've never see black grooming products locked up in CVS, Wal-Mart, or Target."

That's why they announced it, right, you moron?

Arguing with reality - that takes the cake.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

“Nobody follows me around in stores anymore”

I say you have a civil rights case; they’re not treating you like a customer who has money to buy anything, just like what happened to Oprah. They’re ignoring you because you’re Crack.

Mr. Forward said...

Blacks don't steal black grooming products. Everybody knows it's white guys in Hawaiian shirts.

Ken B said...

Not living in the USA anymore, and with no need of any hair product except sunscreen, I have no idea if such products were ever locked up or are unlocked now. But I assume you mean this literally, and that it is recent.

Are you implying it suggests store owners thinks blacks will steal the products? If so, I agree, with a caveat. They assume *some* will steal, and they are trying to mitigate collateral destruction. Is that a racist assumption? Probably; I saw a lot of white looters going after stuff that I assume was still locked, like electronics. Or are you suggesting something else? Like “this will keep them happy and away from the good stuff”? Because I doubt that.

Ken B said...

Better to see the recall fail now, and know for sure what you are facing if you choose to live in Madison.

FullMoon said...

BTW - nobody follows me around in stores anymore, either - what do you say to that?

Security Cameras.

Drago said...

The Crack Emcee: "You ignore my question: why did they do it in the first place? Why grooming products?"

Now you are simply playing dumb.

Any products locked up in retail locations are locked up for 1 of 2 reasons:
1) Federal law mandates it (i.e., some over the counter medications, tobacco products, weapons, etc)
2) Theft

So, if there is no Federal law that mandates the placing of grooming products under lock and key, well, even Crack can guess what the remaining option is at that point.

Drago said...

Crack: "BTW - nobody follows me around in stores anymore, either - what do you say to that?"

Insufficient personnel available.

Gk1 said...

I stocked shelves in high school at woolworths in downtown St.Louis and not only ethnic products like pomade and certain hair nets and shower caps were locked away, reading glasses were too. That shit just walked out the store unless it was locked up. Managers had to account for shrinkage and items that were often stolen got special treatment or they were looking for a new job.

Long after I left that job Korean families came in and set up shop after all the Woolworths downtown closed. Almost all of their ethnic hair care products were locked in a glass display case like they were selling watches. It's not that hard to figure out. Stores aren't a charity.

Virtue signaling stores will just let its current stock get fleeced and then set up a display with little cards with pictures of hair nets and pomades like they do sudafed and you will have to pick them up at the front of the store next to the surveillance cameras. There, does everyone feel all better now?

gadfly said...

Althouse: Writes David Blaska (with an update, in brackets, added by me).

In the very old days, common rounded brackets () were called "parentheses" by my very strict high school English teacher, dictated as "left paren" and "right paren." The other isolating punctuation marks were the squiggly ones {} called "braces" and the squared ones [ta-da] called "brackets."

BTW - there were no "brain fart" punctuation marks "-" or "--" and horrors occurred if you failed to include all words in a sentence quoted, So "..." was a declared no-no.

Original Mike said...

"You ignore my question: why did they do it in the first place?"

People lock up the stuff that gets stolen. Not rocket science.

Yancey Ward said...


I will tell you what is going to happen. All those stores within reach of black customers will be gone within two years, along with all the lock displays.

For what it is worth, when I lived in CT in a blazingly white area of the state, the disposable razor cartridges were also locked up. The displays locked up all contain items that are not profitable to sell otherwise. Grow up.

Yancey Ward said...

I agree with the commenters above- (1) the recall will fail if the mayor decides to run in the election, and (2) she should be made to deal with the job she was elected to do in the first place, and take the full blame when the businesses that were looted fail one by one over the next year.

chickelit said...

Crack wrote: Until whites can explain why and how all the stores, nationwide, collectively decided to unlock their grooming products for blacks, they should stand down, and let things proceed.

Out here is SoCal liquor and some grocery stores are putting Hennessy and Ciroc Watermelon on floor displays instead of behind locked glass. The hope is to prevent glass breakage.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

My local Wal-mart locks up a lot of stuff. Every department has one case where they lock up high-didge stuff. Well, high-didge by Wal-mart standards. Some hair care products are locked up, some that are aimed at blacks (Blacks?), some that are aimed at whites. All in all, it seems that my local Wal-mart is out to foil stealers and is not particularly interested in where their 10x-great-grandparents were from. If it is of interest, the online community profile sez that my town is 53.2% Hispanic, 31.9% White, 5.6% Asian, 4.6% Black, 2+ races 3.7%, Other 0.9%. Amerind 0.2%. What does that prove, you ask? Absolutely fuck-all.

bagoh20 said...

"BTW - nobody follows me around in stores anymore, either - what do you say to that?"

The same reason they don't lock up the Depends and Metamucil.

Gahrie said...

BTW - nobody follows me around in stores anymore, either - what do you say to that?

It's not worth the hassle. even if they catch you shoplifting, the cops won't come when called. If they do, they'll just give you a ticket you'll ignore and send you on your way.

The Crack Emcee said...

Ken B said...

"Are you implying it suggests store owners thinks blacks will steal the products?"

No, locking up the products are old learned habits - they can't even tell you why they did it anymore, or how they "magically" knew to stop - but blacks have always had our noses pressed to glass on the ways of American slavery, so we knew.

All this talk of stealing is just more of the same: racism.

If stealing was the issue, they never would've stopped it over riots - we've had riots before.

Rusty said...

Crack: "BTW - nobody follows me around in stores anymore, either - what do you say to that?"
Me niether. After a certain age you don't fit their demographic for shoplifter. Makes it easier to steal stuff.

The Crack Emcee said...

Drago said...

Crack: "BTW - nobody follows me around in stores anymore, either - what do you say to that?"

Insufficient personnel available.

This is the level of discourse you assholes are capable of - and then you ,expect blacks to like you.

You're shit-eaters.

The Crack Emcee said...

FullMoon said...
BTW - nobody follows me around in stores anymore, either - what do you say to that?

Security Cameras.


The Crack Emcee said...

Drago said...
The Crack Emcee: "You ignore my question: why did they do it in the first place? Why grooming products?"

Now you are simply playing dumb.

Any products locked up in retail locations are locked up for 1 of 2 reasons:
1) Federal law mandates it (i.e., some over the counter medications, tobacco products, weapons, etc)
2) Theft

3) You're in a country with a long history of fucking with blacks in weird ways.

The Crack Emcee said...

Original Mike said...
"You ignore my question: why did they do it in the first place?"

People lock up the stuff that gets stolen. Not rocket science.

Those same people will sit on your neck until you die. Not rocket science.

The Crack Emcee said...

Tyrone Slothrop said...
My local Wal-mart locks up a lot of stuff.

I like how you're all going to ignore:

A) They announced it.

B) They didn't consult one another when they did it.

C) I'm black and I know of NO blacks stealing hair products - white punk rockers do for their Mohawks but nobody's announcing changes for THEM.

D) They did it, specifically, in response to race riots.

E) You all suspect stealing - as any racist would - without any evidence of the kind, and without acknowledging blacks can still steal, so it makes no sense.

F) You know the history - and the racist ways of Americans - but you still regress to the lie of white innocence.

G) Some of you will - literally - argue with reality to try and make your worldview "work":

You guys are full-on racists, but you knew that.

The Crack Emcee said...

Gahrie said...
BTW - nobody follows me around in stores anymore, either - what do you say to that?

It's not worth the hassle. even if they catch you shoplifting, the cops won't come when called. If they do, they'll just give you a ticket you'll ignore and send you on your way.

And they figured all that out - as a group without talking - overnight? Before the cops quit?

You racists are delusional.

The Crack Emcee said...

bagoh20 said...
"BTW - nobody follows me around in stores anymore, either - what do you say to that?"

The same reason they don't lock up the Depends and Metamucil.

You all think you're fucking hilarious with other people's lives.

I don't care - I know when I'm winning:

When I hear you assholes squeal.

Darkisland said...

What happened to moderation?

Crack repeats his same point, that we whites and Puerto Ricans don't know history, about 10 or more times.

Perhaps you will give us a history lesson, crack. What history do you think we don't know?

John Henry

Tina Trent said...

We put cameras on three products: baby formula, high end moisturizers, and hair products. Other expensive items come in cases that need to be unlocked. These items are small and easy to steal. The galling thing is baby formula. WIC pays anyone, legal or not, for as much of any type of baby formula as they need, yet the various gang types still send out young women to rip off piles of it to sell at flea markets.

Weird combination of intense laziness and intense feloniousness. Some people just like being criminals. As Theodore Dalrymple says, more of the people he saw as a prison doctor became drug addicts to justify their other criminal activities, not the other way around.

There's a message in there for everyone.

Darkisland said...

I did like the bit about how you are black and don't know anyone stealing hair care products.

Anyone else I'd think you were riffin Pauline Kael and her statement about how she couldn't understand how Nixon carrief most every state in 72. because she didn't know anyone who voted for nixon.

But with you, I think you really believe it.

John Henry

Phil 314 said...

Crack attack.

iowan2 said...

Crack, I can feel your pain. But profiling blacks is not really the problem. 70% of blacks are born into single mother families. How many black children have been murdered in Chicago the month of June? How does dragging down a statue of Robert E Lee, save a single black child from being murdered? Or, how does railing against corporations that put products behind lock and key, make a black child more loved?

The solution will never happen until you admit the problem.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Would a store owner rather be put out of business through shoplifting, or arson? It all depends on the insurance policy.

The Crack Emcee said...

Rusty said...
Crack: "BTW - nobody follows me around in stores anymore, either - what do you say to that?"
Me niether. After a certain age you don't fit their demographic for shoplifter. Makes it easier to steal stuff.

But you're all ignoring the obvious - IT JUST STOPPED - OVERNIGHT.

It's not because I'm older, and it's not because I steal - it's because this is America with a history and habit of hurting blacks.

Damn, you guys are brain-dead.

The Crack Emcee said...

Darkisland said...

"Perhaps you will give us a history lesson, crack. What history do you think we don't know?"

It's a joke:

"Josephus Daniels, a prominent Democrat who later served as Secretary of the Navy, gained control of the News & Observer in the 1890s. He used the paper to promote white supremacist ideals.

He and his publication are cited in a government-sanctioned report as being directly involved in the Wilmington Massacre of 1898. That is an event in North Carolina history noted by historians as a major turning point in Reconstruction but often left out of mainstream history classes.

The event was reported at the time as a race riot but later revealed for what it was: a violent a coup d'état organized by white supremacists. White supremacists from across the state descended on Wilmington, killing black people and ultimately overthrowing a duly elected government."

The fact our own schools won't tell us our real history - and whites are fine with that - is all you got to know.

The Crack Emcee said...

Darkisland said...
I did like the bit about how you are black and don't know anyone stealing hair care products.

I like the bit where you ignore something - out of the blue - the stores announced as a group, that blacks all identify with slavery.

You guys are RACIST as FUCK.

The Crack Emcee said...

iowan2 said...

"70% of blacks are born into single mother families. "

I like how you're talking to a foster child like I'm the idiot here.

You assholes are NOT going to get shotguns and make everyone follow your perfect formula for success, when it was YOU who fucked everything up for people, so they'll never be normal as you see it.


You're fucking monsters.

Kirk Parker said...

Earth to Crack: regular families did come out of that.

The rate of out-of-wedlock births in African Americans has tripled over the last half century. For a guy who rants about others' ignorance of history, you sure don't know much.

Ray - SoCal said...

Before Johnson's Great Society Blacks married. The US has the highest % in the world of Single Mother Households.

And the problem is not only in the Black Community:
53% American Indian
15% Asian
65% Black (other sites say 72%)
24% White
41% Hispanic

Finishing College reduces this substantially:
10.2% American Indian
4% Asian
19.1% Black
7.1% White
20% Hispanic

Trends in out of wedlock births - 1965
19.1% Black
3% White
12% Hispanic

And the lack of a Father does impact a family.

The Crack Emcee said...


Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Crack, you're a natural-born slave.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I see merch locked up in the ghetto CVS in my town that are on open shelves in the posh CVS. Nothing is locked up at Dollar Tree, ghetto or posh.

The Crack Emcee said...

Kirk Parker said...
Earth to Crack: regular families did come out of that.

The rate of out-of-wedlock births in African Americans has tripled over the last half century.

What the fuck do you think I said?

Just because it expressed itself more over time with freedom means nothing.

The Crack Emcee said...

The Crack Emcee said...


You guys understand nothing with your stats.

Those numbers are not people.

The Crack Emcee said...

Char Char Binks said...
Crack, you're a natural-born slave.

I was raised in South Central, Los Angeles with all the other blacks who left the south looking for safety and found none.

So Fuck you, fuck America, and Fuck your dreams.

The Crack Emcee said...

Char Char Binks said...
I see merch locked up in the ghetto CVS in my town that are on open shelves in the posh CVS. Nothing is locked up at Dollar Tree, ghetto or posh.

I love how you guys are just gonna ignore the fact there was a nation-wide announcement fto deny what's happened.

You're truly racist nutcases.

ThatMikeSmith said...

The Crack Emcee said...
FullMoon said...
BTW - nobody follows me around in stores anymore, either - what do you say to that?

Security Cameras.


6/30/20, 5:57 AM

Yes, Crack, all the stores. When the camera system with cloud backup of the video and 20 cameras cost less than $1000, all the stores can afford to record all the customers (and the back room) and when inventory indicates that some item shows excessive "shrink" (that is what we call it in Retail, Shrinkage) one reviews the recordings to see who is stealing your shit. Usually, it is employees. Yep, much more than customers. But if it is a regular customer, you file with the cops that they are persona non grata and then charge them with trespassing the next time they come in. Don't have to prove theft, we don't want you in the store, you are trespassing, cops haul you off.

Crack, You used to be smarter than this, have you been drinking?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

MC, I'm not ignoring the Great Hair Relaxer Unlocking. Corporate headquarters decided shoplifting was preferable to riot and arson. They may be right or wrong, but that's the bet they're making.

What part of "I already answered your question at 6/30/20, 8:22 AM" don't you get?


FullMoon said...
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Doug said...

Crack: It's not because I'm older, and it's not because I steal - it's because this is America with a history and habit of hurting blacks.

Here's your hat. What's your hurry?

Gravel said...

"Until whites can explain why and how all the stores, nationwide, collectively decided to unlock their grooming products for blacks, they should stand down, and let things proceed."

I have never seen black grooming products locked up.

Gravel said...

Crack, I'm going to waste a few moments attempting to explain this to you.

Retail outlets all purchase inventory management software to keep track of how much they buy, how much they pay for it, how much they sell it for, etc. WalMart in particular knows exactly what goes on in every store.

In addition, there are more security cameras in a WalMart than in the Pentagon. They have a camera focused on every cash register - that's where the majority of theft occurs; employees will intentionally fail to ring up an item so that their accomplice can walk out with a receipt and not get busted.

Finally, it costs them money to lock up any products. It costs money to send an employee out to unlock and relock the cage. So they don't keep everything locked up: they only lock up the items that are getting stolen so often that they lose money on it.

Any store that has unlocked a product at this time is doing so because the loss is less hassle than the headlines. What's going to happen is they're going to stop carrying the products. Eventually, after the election when all this goes away, they'll restock and re-lock.

Nichevo said...

Hey Crack, spell it out for us, we're dumb, not smart like you. The only thing I have understood you to say is that whites prefer blacks to be smelly. Which is like saying that up is down and hamburgers eat people.

The apocrine glands of Negroes apparently exude a scent which is different than that of Caucasians. Ian Fleming remarked on it as a sickly zoo smell. Asians have a like complaint about us, i.e. that we smell like old butter; oh well. But I can think of no reason for whites to deny you soap.

Other than that, this is what I'm getting from you:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum, WHITEY!

Trying to be nice. But it's like trying to understand a baby's cries or a dog's barking. You're gibbering. I'm sure it makes sense to you. But unless you're talking to yourself...you're not talking to yourself.

donald said...

Crack is a dumb negro with anger issues and a serious, major, huge inferiority complex.