June 29, 2020

A real guillotine?

No, just a petite model guillotine:

That's about like hanging someone in effigy, but with more pointing at the French Revolution.


Michael K said...

Those idiots would probably cut off their own finger if they tried to demonstrate it.

We are besieged by incompetent cream puffs. They scream at cops with video going because they know the cops will not hurt them.

Meanwhile the black gang bangers are shooting each other.

Big Mike said...

I don’t much care for Bezos, but I like even less the sort of people who think mockups of guillotines are cute.

Mike Sylwester said...

Democracy Dies in Darkness!

Crimso said...

I'm sure that the size of the "noose" makes a difference to the hysterical witch hunters. It isn't the size, but whether it weighs the same as a duck.

YoungHegelian said...

"Liberals get the bullet too."

AZ Bob said...

Will the FBI investigate this like it did for NASCAR?

Wince said...

Did that megaphone dude get his junk caught in it or something?

Sebastian said...

"just a petite model"

For just a petite Terror.

Calypso Facto said...

Maybe it was just a really big cigar cutter for that fat cat monopolist!

Gahrie said...

And just for the record, Bezos is on their side. He's as Lefty, SJW as they come.

Ralph L said...

That's bigger than the guillotine the Nazis used on Munich U student protesters in the film I saw on Netflix a couple of years ago. The scene still gives me the creeps.

ccscientist said...

The great thing about the current protesters is that they are telling us exactly what is on their minds (killing). The bad thing about the MSM is they keep covering for it.

Quaestor said...

Jeff Bezos, the Marat of Antifa and the owner of the paper that has done nothing but fawn over intersectional idiocy, aggressively silencing every voice of reason and moderation gets a "revolutionary" death threat. A cross-burning would be more humane, at least the Klan isn't directly implying a death threat when they burn a cross on your lawn.

Though Bezos is more akin to the publisher of L'Ami du peuple (Probably not aware of the history of that title, Bezos would likely be flattered if a creep like Don Lemon called the Washington Post the "friend of the people".) than to Maximilien de Robespierre, the amazing downward cascade of events is what matters here. The French took almost exactly five years to go from the storming of the Bastille to the Thermidorian reaction. BLM/Anntif has done it is as many weeks. If this pace keeps up we'll see a new Bonaparte snuff out the BLM candle with a whiff of grapeshot shortly before August.

Mr Wibble said...

Rabbi Tuchmann would like it back, please.

stevew said...

What is the issue these folks have with Bezos and Amazon? My DIL made some allusion to not using Amazon as much lately but I didn't really notice as we were doing other stuff at the time.

Do the guillotine folks know that hating on Bezos puts them in line with President Donald Trump?

Tyrone Slothrop said...

"when they become threatened, and we have no voice, the knives come out.”

Not knives. Semiautomatic rifles. Better get one.

mccullough said...

Bezos should have demolished the guillotine with a baseball bat.

But he’s a pussy.

walter said...

Bezel needs to buy into another stadium so he can have it named Black Lives Matter Colosseum.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Can you buy a moat on Amazon? Cause Bezos is going to need one.

Susan said...

A large guillotine the size of a petite guillotine.

tcrosse said...

Remember what happened to Robespierre.

Francisco D said...

Meanwhile the black gang bangers are shooting each other.

Apparently Black lives do not matter when they are taken by Black men.

Ice Nine said...

Please let your knives come out at my gunfight, baby. Please, oh please...

Expat(ish) said...

Over 5000 results on Amazon for guillotine...

They should have had it delivered prime!


VenezolanaMari said...

Ah, sainté guillotine. From a paper I wrote in college, “In Dickens’s Tale of Two Cities, Raskolnikov’s kinswoman Madame Défarge rocks and remembers the abuses of the French nobility, furiously knitting their death warrants, while The Vengeance toys with miniature guillotines.” Toying with guillotines can lead to the real thing.

hawkeyedjb said...

This stuff happens in neighborhoods that allow it to happen. Bezos doesn't care, he's safe behind his walls. Hipster wimp neighborhoods like Capitol Hill in Seattle aren't prepared to fight back. Let's see some of this behavior in a Deplorable community.

Nichevo said...

It's not a threat until they hang it from his garage door.

Richard Dolan said...

Thank God it wasn't a noose. Don't want to trigger those who must not be triggered.

tim maguire said...

I can’t feel too bad for Bezos and I am absolutely in favour of the protestors being more straightforwardly honest in their aims.

So, all in all, a good thing.

Iman said...

Just give him a slice of cake before separating his chrome dome from his body, all I ask.

Ray - SoCal said...

Brilliant PR Stunt - it made the news!

Materials probably cost $20, and under 2 hours to make. I assume non working.

Interesting everyone I saw in the video was White.

The Crack Emcee said...

I've been making this analogy to my friends on the left for a while now,..and they just got very quiet.

mandrewa said...

"That's bigger than the guillotine the Nazis used on Munich U student protesters in the film I saw on Netflix a couple of years ago. The scene still gives me the creeps."

In the real world, 1930s university students demonstrated against and terrorized professors that did not support the National Socialist Workers Party.

It's not that different from today.

Achilles said...

Trump is Georges Danton. He has been set up by the river of history.

When the blade falls it will fall for the globalist quislings and marxists.

Robspierre is still out there.

And so is Napolean.

narciso said...

read winik's the great upheaval, the leaders of the terror, marat corday, robespierre were all premature social justice warriors,

Achilles said...

Every one of the people in that video belongs in jail.

They should all be facing decades of prison time.

The people that are supporting them and funding them should be charged with terrorism and accessory.

Gregory said...

I work in middle-management at the Amazon HQ in Seattle. I don't personally know Jeff Bezos, but I have many friends (old-timers from the early days) who know Jeff well. The reason there is an "HQ2" in Virginia is because Jeff grew tired of having the marxists on the Seattle City Council blame him personally for every dumb thing they have done to the city. Amazon pulled HQ2 out of AOC's district for the same reason. Yes, he's a lefty, but not a true believer, and he is successful in part because he is persuadable. Stuff like this will move him to the right.

Friendo said...

That was so fucking gay. The statement, the voice, the get-up, the venue. If this escalates, these POS snowflakes have no idea of what will really happen. This is such a fucking face, it's unbelievable. Good lord.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Is that a real guillotine or a Sears guillotine?

Apologies to FZappa

Yancey Ward said...

That is a hate crime, if you believe the Left about what constitutes a hate crime these days.

mockturtle said...

I'm currently re-reading Carlyle's epic masterpiece and the parallels are particularly obvious under the present circumstances. The combination of the French Revolution and the Chinese Cultural Revolution just about sums up the dangerous situation we see today: Mobs taking control, gaining power and credibility. Can mass bloodshed be far behind?

rcocean said...

Yes, however bad Amazon is, and no matter how Left-wing the WaPo is, Bezos has nothing to do with it. He's A-OK. A regular Joe. And always will be - as long as he can pay for PR Flaks.

MayBee said...

I remember when it was the end of the world when Gov Gretchen Witmer was hung in effigy.

Now it's private citizens and all the press is like, huh? People who said billionaires shouldn't exist don't really mean to hurt them.

PM said...

Garage door pull-loop a racist death threat - we must march together!
Guillotine outside rich guy's house - haw haw.

Lucien said...

North of:
I was born to love adventure.

Scotty, beam me up... said...

I wonder if now Bezos will awaken to the threats being leveled at him that he himself has brought about with the editorial policies of his newspaper and other media along with the policies of the liberal politicians that he has liberally donated his money to. A guillotine is not a subtle threat...

If the history of the French Reign of Terror repeats itself, Bezos’ will at the very least have his wealth confiscated for the “crime” of having built a better mousetrap in Amazon. And his wealth will finance a lot if stuff that will be used against the citizens...

Amadeus 48 said...

As I said the other day, you will know something is about to blow when Bezos changes his name to Jeff Egalite’.

Lucien said...

Bezos’s real security (the ones you don’t see) all used to be SEALs, D-boys & SAS. They don’t mess around.

Static Ping said...

Any guesses if Bezos paid them to protest his house? Maybe he figures that if the crazies think the job is already taken they will go bother Yale or something.

The question right now is if the corporations are using the protesters or the protesters are using the corporations. I think both of them think they are using the other and will eliminate the ally once they get what they want. They may find that such tactics are not as straightforward as they think.

Ice Nine said...

Sort of like a noose kind of deal, then, right?

Gk1 said...

It looks like an art school project made by those emaciated fembods, who don't scare anyone. I'm sure Jeff's security detail are going to defcon 3 at the sight of them. It's nothing a wrist rocket and some ball bearings couldn't take care of. Pffft.

virgil xenophon said...

Yes Lucien @9:11pM, real connoisseurs of violence always use those types. Santa Monica Pawn (a ritzy outfit we've delt with for yrs w. a treasure trove of art & Jewelry in its vaults) has been using 4 heavily-armed ex-Navy Seals as on-site security during our current "troubles."

(we're bi-coastal, splitting time between NOLA/BR and Marina del Rey.)

stevew said...

Did Twitter ban or fact-check explain tweets and retweets of the photo and story?

Nichevo said...

Lucien said...
Bezos’s real security (the ones you don’t see) all used to be SEALs, D-boys & SAS. They don’t mess around.

My understanding is that Jeff Bezos takes no salary (I don't know about insurance etc), and the only compensation that he claims is the cost of Amazon-provided personal security for him and, I suppose, his family, dwelling places, whatever.

I believe that number comes to something like $1.6 million a year. I guess you can afford some high speed low drag retirees for that kind of money. Bet they have no trouble getting whatever weapons they want/need, either.