Lines quoted at Variety:
"It’s hard to figure out what to say about George Floyd, so I’m not going to say it yet,” Chappelle opens, flipping through a black notebook, later adding, “I got to tell you, this is like the first concert in North American since all this s— happened, so like it or not, it’s history. It’s going to be in the books."...I haven't watched it yet.
“I seen Candace Owens try to convince white America, ‘Don’t worry about it. He’s a criminal anyway.’ I don’t give a f— what this n— did. I don’t care what this n— did. I don’t care if he personally kicked Candace Owens in her stanky p—. I don’t know if it stanks, but I imagine it does. If I ever find out, I’ll let you know for sure. I’ll tell like Azealia Banks. I’ll tell."
Hey Dave! Does the fentanyl overdose matter? And the fact that a very thorough autopsy found everything in Floyd's neck and head intact and uninjured?
Dave has to re-establish his Lefty cred.
We understand.
A sample suggests it's unwatchable, but I may not have hit the jokes or the insights that might be there somewhere.
John Cage wrote 4'33", which, in seconds, is 273, or absolute zero centigrade.
8'46" is 526, let's see, urban dictionary says it means an easy woman.
I think Candice Owens was making the point that the narrative doesn't match the facts: watch what you celebrate or you'll look like jerks later, at least one would hope so.
It's not hostility to the guy but hostility to the narrative. Nothing about her pussy.
He went there.
Dave has had the rolling pin at home for a few weeks so good for him getting the Azelia Banks line in.
Sounds like something I'll happily miss.
The clip doesn't get to the part where he says what he does care about, but I'm with him so far. I don't care how big a criminal George Floyd was. That's got nothing to do with it.
Darrell said...Hey Dave! Does the fentanyl overdose matter? And the fact that a very thorough autopsy found everything in Floyd's neck and head intact and uninjured?
So you're saying it was a coincidence his death had nothing to do with what was done to him shortly before he died? (Before you answer, take a moment to realize that what Chauvin did was not any kind of legitimate police move. He wasn't following his training or protocol or anything else you could fall back on to to excuse what he did.)
Just think not too long ago you people were singing Dave Chappelle's praises because of his in time political correctness specials on Netflix.
I think you people need to keep making all of your solid points on the situation because everything that you do and say is helping to accelerate the black lives matter movement.
His last special had some funny parts, this one, not so many. In fact, zero
Just from that quoted section, he is already losing points with me, and I like Chappelle.
Candace Owens’ video was the only brakes on this runaway train. Her main point absolutely needs addressing by anyone who claims to be serious about helping the black community.
I don’t give a f— what this n— did. I don’t care what this n— did. I don’t care ??
Really? what if he'd joined the KKK, and drove around lynching blacks? would you care then?
Oh! i see, you don't care what he did... if it wasn't TOO Bad?
A black man can talk disparagingly about a woman's pussy but is that okay because (a) he's a black man and can't be criticized or it will seem racist or (b) because the woman in question is conservative politically? Maybe it's a combination of both but I'm thinking it's mostly the latter.
This may be where Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein went wrong. They should have targeted politically conservative women only. Alas, there may not be many of those to be found in the entertainment world.
So misogyny in the cause of anti-racism is ok?
I watched the whole thing. I would say the following:
1) Dave has a very engaging speaking style.
2) He very well articulates and illustrates the anger any person might feel at the death of George Floyd.
3) He does the same for Philando Castile and a few others.
4) Then he does Trayvon Martin, and this is where I get off the bus. If homeowners are concerned about their property, and the police are not able to help them, just what does Dave expect them to do? Well, apparently NOT defend their property. And when Trayvon begins to beat George Zimmerman, what does Dave expect him to do? Apparently allow himself to be beaten to death. This illustrates a fundamental difference I have with Dave and others who think like him. I do not want the police to kill anyone in their apprehension for crimes real or imagined. No one. But I have ZERO interest in suffering the predations of blacks, white, Comanches, Zulus, Visigoths, or ANYONE who is threatening my property or well-being. I would love to see a comedian illustrate THAT point.
5) Dave ends weakly with generic complaints about racism. It would be nice to see a comedian point out the new racism of holding all white people guilty of any injustice, real or perceived, suffered by the black community. Black cops shoot black people too, Dave. Let's talk about that. Oh, and let's talk about why black people keep voting for the Democrats who control the cops in the great majority of American cities.
"I think Candice Owens was making the point that the narrative doesn't match the facts"
Owens recorded about 18 minutes on Floyd's criminal record, and why it doesn't support an argument that he's a heroic figure, and that black Americans shouldn't try to elevate people like him and Michael Brown to hero status.
Nice to see Dave promoting Candace Owens.
Dave isn’t really the deep thinker he thinks he is, but he does present himself as an iconoclast . Maybe some of his audience will tune in to Candace and realize that maybe she has a point.
Maybe pigs can fly...ah well.
It's funny. Chappelle is always good. But I don't think Candice Owens has a stanky panky. She is smokin' hot.
I gave him 10 minutes, which is where he goes off on Candace Owens. He doesn't fairly address that she said over and over that Floyd deserves justice. She said it so many times that I got the impression that she was repeating it to make it difficult to produce a deceptive edit claiming she didn't care about that. I don't know what he says later, but he doesn't address anything specific she said.
“I seen Candace Owens try to convince white America..."
She's over the target. This is big for her, her name is spelled properly. Maybe Dave is okay, underneath the racism 'n all?
We're past peak Chappelle.
Why does Dave get to say the N-word and I can't ?
What Oso said points 4 and 5.
Yesterday Scott Adams called out those who demonize whites generally and specifically the disparaging and mostly inaccurate term “white privilege”. Even to the extent it might be a little bit true, for some white people, it is a toxic view of what matters in life, and ignores what allows one to succeed in a free country: hard work, discipline, and making good decisions. Those are the major difference makers.
That’s the formula. It works. A free country allows mobility, take advantage of it or don’t, but it is 100% counterproductive to view your future in any other way. Everyone has challenges to overcome, get used to it, nobody cares about your challenges because they have their own.
‘And then I kicked her in the pussy’ was his main callback on his last special as well. He really loves that line.
His history (like the reparations skit on Chapelle’s Show) makes it pretty obvious his private thoughts are not in lockstep with PC orthodoxy but the powers that be are working to bring him in line like everyone else.
Look up the symptoms of a fentanyl overdose.
Dizziness: it will be difficult to remain steady and upright during such an overpowering overdose.
Confusion: victims may be unaware of their surroundings, perhaps even unaware that they consumed fentanyl.
Body weakness: fatigue is common. Extremities may exhibit limpness, too.
Sleepiness: lack of proper oxygenation can lead to feelings of drowsiness.
Hypoventilation: slow breathing as opposed to rapid, erratic breaths. Opioids such as fentanyl act upon the centers of the brain that control respiration.
Fentanyl Overdose Signs
The signs of a fentanyl overdose mirror that of its symptoms. Keep a keen eye on a suspected victim. Seek out medical intervention when the below signs begin to surface:
Pinpoint pupils
Slow heart rate
Low blood pressure
Blue colored lips and fingernails
Unconsciousness or coma
I have no idea how much pressure was applied--and neither do you--but an autopsy that essentially disassembled his neck detected no damage or bruising at any level.
But as to how this thing started look here. Pay attention to the behavior of the cops.
YouTube link
Howard said...
Just think not too long ago you people were singing Dave Chappelle's praises because of his in time political correctness specials on Netflix.
Kinda like how lefties hated Romney when he was running against Obama, but they love him when he rags on Trump?
Kinda exactly like a normal person can like one thing somebody does, and dislike a different thing that very same person does? Or how you can agree 100% with somebody on one topic, and disagree 100% with that very same person when it comes to a different topic?
In other words, perfectly normal human behavior?
I've seen about half of the video so far and my first complaint is over the sound. Nobody else seems to have complained about this, so maybe it's my own system. Dave ranges from too low to hear, to booming loud and you can see that he isn't keeping the mic at a uniform distance from his mouth.
As for content, he makes some great points but also makes some huge mistakes in logic and facts. Part of what he says about Candice, I agree with, some I don't. Floyd was a habitual criminal and should not be held up as a hero. He is a victim though. He was mishandled by the police. I noticed instantly in the video that he looked off--unwell or on drugs. People in that state tend to die more easily than healthy individuals and a professional needs to take this into account.
In my opinion, Chappelle is very funny but he needs structure and some good writers. His riffing and ad-libbing doesn't do much for me. But he's still 10x funnier than Sarah Silverman, Colbert, or Bill Maher.
No one had a grande they just wanted to kick his ass in the election and then Obama actually adopted romneycare for the United States. Point taken point analyzed point defeated
African American males are 6% of the US population, yet that cohort commits about 50% of all murders in the US. About half, maybe a bit more, of those murder victims are other black people. You can blame whitey for much, and we do. But when does personal responsibility and accountability step forward? Haven't seen it or heard it yet.
Sebastian on Chapelle
rh: "hostility to the narrative"
Correct. But that's the worst one can do. Forget Floyd the person: he's a tool in the narrative. It needs a martyr, and he is it. Hence speaking ill of him is taboo.
It also serves to degrade blacks, as Owens almost sorta says. Here, take this guy as your martyr--repeat offender, drug addict, no regular job or family. He's your hero. He represents you, never the agent, always the victim.
Floyd died because he abused dangerous drugs, had heart disease, and resisted a lawful arrest. His criminal record doesn’t mean he deserved to die, but it makes me glad he’s dead.
I don’t care what comedians say about anything. Humor is a fallacious rhetorical technique, persuasive but worse than worthless for argumentation.
I have no idea how much pressure was applied--and neither do you--but an autopsy that essentially disassembled his neck detected no damage or bruising at any level.
I've seen that argument here and elsewhere but I'm not seeing how that's supposed to matter. If someone pins you to the ground that's going to impact you physically. It will stress your cardio system and release stress hormones at a minimum. The fact there's no physical sign of asphyxiation doesn't make it obvious the action of the police didn't impact Floyd's death.
rhhardin said... I think Candice Owens was making the point that the narrative doesn't match the facts:
The facts must be changed because Democrats pursue "truth over facts" according to Slow Joe.
There’s a counterfeiting racket that can’t be investigated now,
I am so glad he dislikes the same niggas I do:
Don Lemon and Candace Owens.
They are monsters.
So Chappelle's response to the fact Owens gave is - jokes about her "stanky pussy?"
Very mature. And not sexist at all, I guess.
I can knee a helium balloon just enough to keep it from floating up by not enough to make it burst. Bet you can too.
The only is is when they called for medical assistance. And whether or not they had Narcan available and gave it to him. They mentioned fentanyl so they must have had a clue.
acting like clayton bixby,
I found this more emotionally powerful than I expected. Chappelle make some decent points.
But I'm disappointed that he seems to have zero sympathy for all the minority business owners who have had a lifetime of work put to the torch. For what?
"I don’t give a f— what this n— did. I don’t care what this n— did."
Yeah, that's about the size of it. Dave Chapelle believes that black skin should be a license to do anything you please, and apparently a lot of people agree with him.
"He wasn't following his training or protocol..."
Why I do believe you are mistaken about that. Here is section 5.311 of the Minneapolis Police Use of Force policy;
"5-311 USE OF NECK RESTRAINTS AND CHOKE HOLDS (10/16/02) (08/17/07) (10/01/10) (04/16/12)
Choke Hold: Deadly force option. Defined as applying direct pressure on a person’s trachea or airway (front of the neck), blocking or obstructing the airway (04/16/12)
Neck Restraint: Non-deadly force option. Defined as compressing one or both sides of a person’s neck with an arm or leg, without applying direct pressure to the trachea or airway (front of the neck). Only sworn employees who have received training from the MPD Training Unit are authorized to use neck restraints. The MPD authorizes two types of neck restraints: Conscious Neck Restraint and Unconscious Neck Restraint. (04/16/12)"
go see for yourself
"The fact there's no physical sign of asphyxiation doesn't make it obvious the action of the police didn't impact Floyd's death."
That's certainly true. If they had not tried to arrest him, or had stopped trying to arrest him as soon as he indicated that he did not wish to be arrested, he'd likely be alive today. So are you saying that is what should have happened?
Candace said repeatedly Floyd should not have died and she supports prosecuting Chauvin, and that police reform us necessary. But because she (and we) can hold more than one thought, she also said that Floyd is not a hero, so don’t be canonizing him.
I’m so tired of so many people lying. This is like WaPo editing Tucker Carlson’s epic monologue into a 7-minute rant to make him appear racist. It’s despicable.
"There’s a counterfeiting racket that can’t be investigated now,"
One thing I do wonder about, is how everyone is so damned sure he knew the bill was counterfeit. Do people go around checking their change for counterfeits?
Jupiter said...
"Dave Chapelle believes that black skin should be a license to do anything you please, and apparently a lot of people agree with him."
No, Dave Chappelle doesn't think the average black person living an average life can do much to deserve to die for it.
Not the same thing and only a racist would think he wanted blacks to have "a license to do anything you please".
How do I know?
Malcolm X used to say it all the time: "the racists are afraid we'll do to them what they did to us."
Candace was arguing that Floyd was not a hero in any sense, although obviously was killed by a cop.
In my opinion, Chappelle is very funny but he needs structure and some good writers.
Chappelle did a routine once about Hollywood guys who always assumed the white guy was structure. Neal Brennan was the white guy and a writing partner.
Dave Chappelle is one of the funniest people on the planet. Neal Brennan is funny enough to make a living doing comedy.
You know Simon and Garfunkel? The Chappelle-Brennan partnership was a little more skewed than that. Most people have never even heard of Neal Brennan.
Chappelle is a gifted speaker, even when he's angry and not funny. But I wouldn't pay to hear him speak on serious topics. That would be annoying. His job is to be funny. He knows it's his job. In the middle of his set, he starts to laugh at himself. And he says, "This is not funny."
It's too soon to try to do a stand-up routine.
Always a bad sign for a comedian when people are clapping rather than laughing.
A laughing audience is real. You've reached people and connected with them.
A clapping audience is fake. The audience is virtual signaling.
Malcolm X used to say it all the time: "the racists are afraid we'll do to them what they did to us."
Well, not exactly the same thing. But yeah, inter-racial vioolence is common everywhere, and in the US, it's mostly black on white. A lot of black people appear to feel no compunction about harming white people. "White girl bleed a lot." Most whites are well aware of this, and that's why white people don't want to live around blacks. But most of us don't want to admit it, so they claim it's about "good schools". Hah! You know how you can tell if a school is "good"?
The show is not funny and unwatchable.
So are you saying that is what should have happened?
"the racists are afraid we'll do to them what they did to us."
And after you've looted and killed off all the "racists" you'll starve. Same as South Africa.
I didn't finish it.
If it was funny I might have, but this wasn't comedy, it was preaching. Which is fine, just don't sell it to me as comedy.
Where he goes off the rails....
He says Floyd is murdered. Then he draws a comparison. A black man in California murders cops. I think he said it was 6 cops. Then 400 cops track down this murderer and fill him full of hot lead up in big bear.
You see? It's ok what those cops did to the black man, because that black man murdered cops. Likewise, it's ok what people are doing to cops now because of what one too did. WTF?!
Makes zero sense. If he wanted an apples to apples comparisons, he'd say Chauvin, the cop that killed Floyd, and his buddies with him, deserve to be murdered.
Because the 400 officers (or maybe it was 40) weren't after the murderer.
They didn't just start going around killing all black people.
Yeah, this guy is pushing his 'Special' not exactly and unbiased platform! I got my money for this one - Chappelle!
it's still a knife.
"Forget Floyd the person: he's a tool in the narrative. " Or as the Commies used to say, and maybe still do (sometimes it's like they never went away)" "The issue is never the issue."
I think this was well worth watching. I think his honestly communicating his frustration as a successful black man who is not insane is helpful. I liked his exposition of the Los Angeles cop killer and his sympathy for the police that he wants reciprocated.
I noticed he skipped Michael Ferguson in his list. I think he's dead wrong on Trayvon Martin, but he's entitled to his opinion. If I knew him I'd try to talk him out of it.
I suspect he is doing Candace Owen a huge favor by mentioning her. And I agree about "Shut Up and Dribble." Everybody gets to talk in America.
He is a bit wrong about black people going to the White House. Teddy Roosevelt invited Booker T. Washington to the White House before Woodrow Wilson. He's also wrong about the NRA - they did stand up for Philandro Castle and they support everyone's gun ownership. But he's right about the past not ever being the past and how we need to deal with it.
I've found Chapelle uniquely funny on occasion similar to Key & Peele, Woody Allen, Larry David but to me many standup clowns cringingly display a lot of mental fragility/illness, general cowardness & an abnormal reliance on crudity.
It has been awhile since I've visited AA's blog & I'm thankful it's cruising along & as entertaining as in the past.
I've found Chapelle uniquely funny on occasion similar to Key & Peele, Woody Allen, Larry David but to me many standup clowns cringingly display a lot of mental fragility/illness, general cowardness & an abnormal reliance on crudity.
This was not a comedy special. It was rhetoric. I may not agree with everything Chappelle said, but it was solid rhetoric that I think conveys a sense of how a lot of people are experiencing the current situation.
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