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"Why Kamala Harris Isn’t Clamoring to Be Biden’s Running Mate."

The NYT offers to explain.
[T]here is no public campaign similar to that carried out by Stacey Abrams... no surrogate lobbying effort like the one for Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts... [P]eople close to Mr. Biden... have remarked about how little they have heard from Ms. Harris and her allies....

Ms. Harris has also overcome one critical obstacle in Mr. Biden’s orbit: the opposition of his wife, Jill Biden, according to people familiar with her thinking. Ms. Biden, who as recently as early March had publicly criticized Ms. Harris for her bruising attack on Mr. Biden in their first Democratic presidential debate, recently told those close to her that the perception that she was personally opposed to Ms. Harris was overblown.
Overblown ≠ overcome.

This is a long article, but I don't think it explained "Why Kamala Harris Isn’t Clamoring to Be Biden’s Running Mate." It establishes only that she isn't clamoring. You can pick up hints about why that might be, but it never comes out and says what feels most likely to me: She's preserving her dignity by not looking like she's eager for something she might not get and by maintaining the conditions for him to come around to seeing that he needs her.

১১৫টি মন্তব্য:

F বলেছেন...

It's not that he needs her, specifically. It's that he needs someone -- anyone -- who can string two sentences together coherently.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Being on the same ticket as a rapist has it’s own set of negatives.

TrespassersW বলেছেন...

The first mistake is looking to the NYT to explain anything.

Explain away, maybe.

Achilles বলেছেন...

A demented rapist at that.

So many useful connotations to the word demented.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Is it really that unusual for a woman to play hard to get today?

rhhardin বলেছেন...

The dems are playing house, as if it's all real life for when they grow up.

Dude1394 বলেছেন...

She isn't clamoring because she is not from the south, where Biden will need massive African American turnout to have a chance. And Harris is not well-liked among the African Americans. It's all political calculations.

madAsHell বলেছেন...

Ms. Biden, who as recently as early March had publicly criticized Ms. Harris for her bruising attack on Mr. Biden

A EdD, and she doesn't see the real problem here. She doesn't appear power mad, but letting your husband try to continue his charade of competence is offsetting.

Mattman26 বলেছেন...

Let's assume you're a woman with very strong ambitions to be President some day.

Do you want to be selected by Biden? I'm not so sure.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

Harris knows Biden doesn't even recognize a woman who communicates her needs or displays even a vestigial craving for anything other than sleep, food, and more sleep.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

whatever. Biden will pick Hillary.

it's already been decided. We get her-> all over again because she never tires of her quest for power.

Automatic_Wing বলেছেন...

Typically, potential VP candidates don't "clamor" to be on the ticket for the reasons you mentioned. Clamoring doesn't do a lot of good - the nominees are going to pick whoever it is they think helps them the most - and it's embarrassing if you clamor and get passed over.

In fact, Abrams is the only VP clamorer that I can recall. Were there others? Maybe there have been clamorers that I've forgotten.

JAORE বলেছেন...

Does Kamala really bring anything to the table except dark skin and a vagina?

Her history with Willie Brown won't help. Tough on crime as AG won't help. Hypocrisy about busting marijuana smokers while she was indulging won't help. Her weak run as a candidate indicates her presence won't help. Jailing large numbers of black men won't help...

Nonapod বলেছেন...

She's preserving her dignity by not looking like she's eager for something she might not get and by maintaining the conditions for him to come around to seeing that he needs her.

Pride is a powerful emotion. You have pride on Harris's part and Biden's part. The whole "that little girl was me" incident sent the tone of their public relationship.

But Biden is probably going to lose, so from Harris's perspective it's probably more of a question of if being on a losing ticket help or hurt future presidential prospects. Also there's the whole thing of being associated with an old goat who has been "credibly accused".

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Biden doesn't need Harris. He needs someone who knows finance. The economic shit show that Trump has created is going to require both luck and expertise to escape.

Jersey Fled বলেছেন...

The rapist and the comare.

What a ticket.

wild chicken বলেছেন...

I think it's because she thinks they'd lose big in November and that would be the end of the line for her.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

The person selected as VP will be the Democrat POTUS nominee. The DNC is focus group testing whom to select and how Biden will announce that he is dropping out for health reasons.

I think that Hillary, Amy and Fauxcahantas have a shot. Stacy Abrams and Kamala Harris not so much. They would love to have a Black (or half Black) woman as VP, but not as the POTUS nominee.

Drago বলেছেন...

Mattman26: "Let's assume you're a woman with very strong ambitions to be President some day.
Do you want to be selected by Biden? I'm not so sure."

True. But imagine you are a democrat. That means you live fully within the bubble and, lets face it, as the Usual Lefty Suspects At Althouse keep telling us, anybody, literally anybody, could beat Trump handily.

So maybe you believe that no matter how moronic and rapey and gropey and corrupty Slow Joe Biden has been shown to be for about 40 years, you STILL believe he has a 50% coin-flip chance of winning.

Which means his VP has a 100% chance of becoming President before the 2022 Midterm elections.

That's pretty doggone enticing for a chick who long ago got on her back in order to climb out on top in CA.

Chris N বলেছেন...

If competing identity interests, full of alternating resentment and idealism/utopianism have to play a ruthless power game before they get elected, how do you think they'll treat you once they get elected?

Krumhorn বলেছেন...

He doesn't need her. He'll win California and other deep blue states with or without Kamala. Not that there is such a thing as a moderate Democrat these days, but where Sleepy Creepy Joe needs help is in WI, OH, PA, FL, and MI. Kloby might be able to help him at the margins.

But it is for naught. The bad OrangeMan has this so long as Mrs Obummer stays out of it.

- Krumhorn

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

Yeah - preserving her dignity. Jumping from a willy to a sexual harasser.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

ARM - please educate us on a democrat who "knows finance".

DarkHelmet বলেছেন...

Kamala Harris ran for the nomination. She got almost no support and dropped out pretty early. Based on that it's hard to conclude there is a vast national reservoir of affection for her. She is from a state the Dems will carry even with a senile fool like Biden at the top of the ticket.

What is the argument for selecting Harris? Skin color and gender? There are lots of politicians who check those sad little boxes.

Drago বলেছেন...

Beijing Boy: "Biden doesn't need Harris. He needs someone who knows finance. The economic s*** show that Trump has created is going to require both luck and expertise to escape."

As predicted, the ChiCom propagandists, like ARM, whose ChiCom pandemic lies have now been fully exposed globally by the intelligence services of multiple western services, are now flexing to what we all knew it would be: the economy.

Poor ARM.

There really is no defense for your Beijing ChiCom cuckholstery any longer, is there?


RobinGoodfellow বলেছেন...

“Ms. Biden ... recently told those close to her that the perception that she was personally opposed to Ms. Harris was overblown.”

If I think of Kamala Harris and “overblown”, that’s not the sentence that comes to mind.

doctrev বলেছেন...

Even if Joe Biden desperately needed a black woman on the ticket, what the hell makes anyone think he needed Kamala Harris? If anything, Biden could say that she needed -his- support to win black votes, and he'd be right. What he definitely doesn't need is a white woman on the ticket. Making one VP is so predictable even the Republicans have done it. There's a wealth of support from Hispanic and "Asian" communities, but I doubt Biden's creative enough to look there.

Besides, having a lengthy NYT piece is its own form of clamoring. Puts her name out there for success, deniable if it fails.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Maybe Mrs. Biden is worried that #heelsupharris (credit James Woods) will sleep with her husband to get ahead.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Occam's Razor

She hasn't had time to wash her hair.

brylun বলেছেন...

Getting ready for Kamala Harris as VP candidate:

AP revises its stylebook to outlaw the use of the word ‘mistress.’ Hilarity ensues

bagoh20 বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Michael K বলেছেন...

Harris had big CA money behind her. I'm not sure it still is. She was pretty weak in the debates.

I am not at all sure that Biden will make it to the election. I would not rule out Hillary.

The Seth Rich story may be coming back to life, so to speak.

That would not help Hillary.

Drago বলেছেন...

I do find it curious how Beijing Boy ARM has moved effortlessly from his hoax dossier lies to the hoax pee tape lies to the hoax collusion lies to the hoax Kavanaugh rape lies to the hoax ukraine ploy lies to now full adoption of the now proven ChiCom pandemic lies.

And at no point in time, no where, did ARM even pause for a moment to ponder how it is that his masters in the halls of the Dem/ChiCom/Islamic Supremacist alliance are able to keep playing him over and over and over again.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Biden did promise to put 720 million women back to work. That would help a lot.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"The economic shit show that Trump has created is going to require both luck and expertise to escape."

You are such a dishonest poser. Besides the economy being in worse shape when this started, what would be different if Biden had been President. I'm giving you a huge gift of 20/20 hindsight here, so give it a go.

Howard বলেছেন...

Kamala Harris' experience with Willie Brown and Biden's form informs her that no means yes to guys like Unka Joe.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Biden doesn't need Harris. He needs someone who knows finance. The economic shit show that Trump has created is going to require both luck and expertise to escape.

So that is the Chi-com line today.

Drago বলেছেন...

Michael K: "I am not at all sure that Biden will make it to the election. I would not rule out Hillary."

As we speak the dems are trying to keep Michelle ready to go, as was planned all along, but now there is a wrinkle.

Testimony under oath by democrats themselves that place obama at the heart of the obamagate/spygate operation.

And its likely we'll be able to tie obambi to the spying when it started way back when in 2010 when the IRS targeted tea party groups and began supply Robert Mueller at the FBI with all kinds of data on Americans that were then harassed by Federal agencies.

Followed up by the massive FISA database/spying abuse as outlined in FISA Judge Rosemary Collyers reports.

That's why our panicky obambi came out of hiding over the weekend to lie about the Flynn decision at DOJ as well as a few other things.

Drago বলেছেন...

We will get a better idea of how the ChiComs want to help Kamala when we see a couple more of ARM's posts.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

Lotta inside Dem baseball here promoted by the stenographers, er, journalists at the NYT.

Problem: Slow Joe is inept. He is a bumbler, stumbler and fumbler, who may lose to Trump. If the Dems believe Slow Joe is losing, Hell yeah, they will explore options on how to replace him (i.e, the Drago prediction of Michelle).

But, they not be able to replace him late in the game. It'll piss off the Biden people, it will also piss off the Bernie people (who won't even get a looksee).

So, the current thinking is, let's pick a kick-ass VP who can basically take-over ASAP from the bumbling, stumbling, fumbling Joe.

Who? I dunno, who's available?

1. Hillary
2. Michelle
3. Andrew Cuomo
4. Stacy Abrams
5. Gavin Newsom
6. Kammy Harris

In my view, all have deep problems, but Kammy is the least problematic of the bunch. The only real problem with her is that bussing debate, where she called Slow Joe a racist. Hey, let's paper it over and make nice! We gotta beat Trump!

I say this is article mostly misdirection, and Kammy is likely to be the VP.

narciso বলেছেন...

I noted that, considering crowdstrike ended up as hot garbage,

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

the economy was great until happy coincidence wuhan-Hillary virus was released.

stevew বলেছেন...

How about this: Kamala Harris does not see any political nor professional advantage arising from attaching herself to a guy that she expects will lose the November election?

Barry Dauphin বলেছেন...

"Why Kamala Harris Isn’t Clamoring to Be Biden’s Running Mate."

Well, she has Scott Adams clamoring (or predicting) on her behalf.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Would you buy a ticket on the Titanic if you knew it was the Titanic?

Bill Peschel বলেছেন...

"what would be different if Biden had been President. "

Well, for one thing, the Democrat governors wouldn't have closed their states.

The economy would have still sucked at Obama-era levels, since Biden wouldn't have pulled us out of the postal union's financing of China's mail (which enables them to ship products to the US cheaper than we can ship to them), and lifting other restrictions.

We would have had the Green New Deal, $15 an hour minimum wage, and AB5 imposed on the nation, killing the gig economy.

I'd say it would be a washout, except that once the governors' feet are pryed off our backs, the economy will recover (if not the small businesses).

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Drago - Michelle does not want the job.

Hillary does. It's going to be Hillary again. The D's and the hack press are busy trying to calculate how to snow-job the Bernie Bros. They already have the black vote in their sights. Vilify Trump on racial lines and blame Trump for not caring. It's easy to see the coordination, from a mile away.

Krumhorn বলেছেন...

ARM - please educate us on a democrat who "knows finance".

Surely he's thinking Paul Krugman...although, technically, that's not finance. Lefties can't differentiate when it comes to taxing and spending.

- Krumhorn

narciso বলেছেন...

when begging for Omidyar, show some self respect,


Josephbleau বলেছেন...

ARM - please educate us on a democrat who "knows finance".

I would suggest Mitt Romney might qualify.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

Kammy's former sweatheart -- Willie Brown -- recently chimed in with his displeasure about the Cali lockdowns.

When people were asked to shelter in place, they did so in amazing numbers and with no plan.

But nobody envisioned the shelter-in-place would last this long.

Some people who have jobs or retirement checks are fine with staying inside. Those who have lost their jobs, or fear they’re likely to lose their jobs, want the state to reopen.

But so far, the authorities who have locked us in have yet to figure out how to get us out.

If they don’t figure it out soon, the public is going to find a way to get out on its own.

As an aside, what is the league batting average of trying to get blow-jobs from an ex-girlfriends? I think it's pretty low.

Maybe, Willie can promise Kammy to stop writing such heresy in the SF Chronicle, in exchange for a, you know, pleasant reunion of sorts.

But, if Kammy is offered and accepts the VP from Slow Joe, she's gonna need a rear-view mirror, if she is ever positioned in front of Handsy Joe for a photo shot. Too much temptation for the old man.

Leland বলেছেন...

She's preserving her dignity by not looking like she's eager for something she might not get and by maintaining the conditions for him to come around to seeing that he needs her.

For a person that once was seeking the same high office, that seems like the intelligent thing to do. But lets look at the "need" in comparison to the other competitors mentioned.

Harris: Not overtly campaigning for the role, checks the woman box that Biden demands (which should annoy self-respecting women everywhere), and represents California Votes and the black community that Biden needs. Except, he is already likely to win California, and Harris doesn't seem to bring along that many black voters.

Warren: Campaigning, but not like Abrams, another token woman, and represents an important state for Biden to win. Again, it is a state Biden should win anyway. However Warren may help bring over more of the ultra left wing of the Democrat base, which Biden needs to win other states. They've been more vocal about not voting for Biden, but because of Sanders. Without those voters, Biden will struggle to win base states.

Abrams: No diggity. But she does bring Georgia into play, and Biden could use Georgia. Abrams probably would bring in more of the black vote than Harris. Also, it is doubtful that Abrams would have success in overshadowing Biden, which Warren and Harris may. She's a safe VP pick that Biden needs more than Warren and Harris.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

"As we speak the dems are trying to keep Michelle ready to go, as was planned all along, but now there is a wrinkle."

This has got to be keeping the elite democrats awake nights now. Obama and Hillary both know that nothing will happen to them and they can be rich for the rest of their lives, as long as they don't run in November. If they do more and more will come out that can't be ignored. This is a big gamble for them.

Since the old democrats have killed young democrat pols in the cradle there is no one left.

Klob, Warren, and Harris should look at how being beaten in a landslide affects their future prospects, McGovern, Dukakis. Even Romney and McCain had to turn traitor to stay relevant.

Todd বলেছেন...

Biden need Kamala Harris like a guy needs a blo... Never mind.

Though, isn't that how she got her start in politics. Maybe that will "earn" the endorsement of his wife? Just one more chore she won't have to do?

Michael K বলেছেন...

ARM does seem oblivious to the cause of the "shit show" as he calls it.

Maybe your ChiCom theory has some merit.

It seems pretty clear that the "Intel Community" has been heavily infiltrated by the ChiComs.

Why not the high school where ARM teaches sex education?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

It's over. It's not even interesting any more. Trump is done, like a dinner. The Republicans need to regroup to figure out why two presidential turns have ended in disaster. The Democrats, once again, need to figure out how to save the economy.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Empty suit seeks empty suit to pair up. How exciting. Yawn.

Bob Smith বলেছেন...

On the other hand Kamala has great legs, so there’s that.

Snorts, grunts, grabs crotch, leaves. Stage right.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

Oh, good news! In addition to the VP "Weekend at Bernie's" sweepstakes for bumbling, fumbling, stumbling Joe, some dogged Never-Trumpers are gonna help carry the Biden torch across the finish line -- in secret, of course: Biden campaign ‘secretly building anti-Trump Republican group to help him take down the president’.

Money Quote:

"Speaking to the Daily Beast, one former top Republican Party officials said a group opposing Trump from within the party was beginning to form.

“I’ve had several conversations with people who have approached me,” the source said.

"It’s going to take off, it’s going to happen.

"The question is to what degree and form it does."

The source added: “You don’t want something like this out on the street before it needs to be.

“It just makes it much harder to do.”

It's very hard for the political equivalent of the Keystone Cops to get the bad guy, true.

I wonder if a certain banned commentator is the brains or merely a factotum for this awesome, secretive, super-duper group.

madAsHell বলেছেন...

what would be different if Biden had been President.

I've said it before, but this would just be a really bad flu season, and there would be no mention of Wuhan Flu.

Browndog বলেছেন...

Trying to think of one democrat that doesn't embarrass themselves or make you cringe every time they open their mouth-

Steny Hoyer?

Willie Brown?

That's all I got.

Mr. O. Possum বলেছেন...

Biden already has California in the bag. He needs a VP to bring in one or more of the swing states---Pa., Fla, NC, Mich, etc.

A National Review writer a few weeks ago suggested Alabama Congresswoman Terri Sewell.

Harvard law
Close college friend of Michelle Obama

Alabama's not a swing state, but she would help hold the black vote where Trump appears to have made big gains. Democrats can't win without the black vote.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

The Republican's problem going forward can be best summarized by paraphrasing Oscar Wilde:

"To lose one economy may be regarded as a misfortune, to lose two looks like carelessness."

Voters aren't going to be in a forgiving mood over this carelessness.

PM বলেছেন...

Fem Dem VP = Cement stilettos.

Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

Kamala Harris offers Joe Biden nothing. Progressives loathe her because she cozied up to California’s police and prison unions when she was attorney general, so she can’t help unify the party. Joe Biden doesn’t need help with African Americans, and he surely doesn’t need any more California votes. If anything she would be a net negative.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Achilles said...
So that is the Chi-com line today.

Never go full Drago.

PM বলেছেন...

Joe, one word: RuPaul.
No charge, buddy.

Ron Winkleheimer বলেছেন...

My guess is that she knows a lot of stuff is going to come out in the next few months and she doesn't want to be associated with him. But they cannot come out and say that.

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

We shall overblown, some day

DanTheMan বলেছেন...

Biden needs 270 electoral votes. That's the only real criteria. He added one by promising to have a woman as VP.

So, the question is: who can help him flip a significant red state or purple state to blue?

Harris can't do that, I wouldn't think. Strangely enough, I think Abrams could (Georgia).

DanTheMan বলেছেন...

>>The Democrats, once again, need to figure out how to save the economy.

They could start by building on brilliant successes of Solyndra, Cash for Clunkers, and those shovel-ready jobs.

Maybe raise the minimum wage to $50 an hour?

Drago বলেছেন...

Beijing Boy: "Never go full Drago."

The very best part about ARM's ChiCom lies getting blown out of the water (which we all knew would happen) by western intel services and govts?

The fact that the debunking occurred in near real time with ARMs angry demands for intel services reports and non-Trump admin verification of said debunking.

It was glorious.

At that time more than one commenter predicted ARM would attempt to shed his ChiCom garments and begin attacking on the economy and.....Voila!

Drago বলেছেন...

BAG: "I wonder if a certain banned commentator is the brains or merely a factotum for this awesome, secretive, super-duper group."

Its Bill Kristol and Kasich again.

Every 5 days for the last 5 years the media has presented the same handful of morons as a "new" republican opposition to Trump....even though all have "left the republican party" about 47 times each by now.

Michael K বলেছেন...

The Democrats, once again, need to figure out how to save the economy.

ARM has become a comedian. Barney Frank and Maxine Waters are ready =to rock and roll.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Yay! Chi-Com virus arrived right on time to destroy a once robust economy!
Happy coincidence! *Looks at watch* - right on the heals of sham-peachment and Russia Russia Russia Mueller Maddow Russia! It's illegal to talk to Russians unless you're a member of the Obama administration! (ignore the money that flowed from Russian interests to the Clinton's Family Foundation while she was sec of state)

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

ARM is reluctantly voting for Biden, but rarely sings his praises. Kinda one-sided!

Cook is voting Green -- he's harsh on both Biden and Trump.

I think ARM is postulating conclusions, without underlying political analysis of the warts of his own candidate.

That isn't reasonable, darnit! (heh-heh).

I like our two liberals friend here. They provide important big-picture context and important feed-back loops. That's how you figure out complex things, baby!

Carry on, Comrades.

Drago বলেছেন...

ARM: "Never go full Drago."

Better yet, never go full Xi/Schiff-ty/Avenatti.

Howard বলেছেন...

Blogger Achilles said...
So that is the Chi-com line today.

No. The ChiCom line is "You don't need to wear a mask, Fatboy"

TJM বলেছেন...

Maybe because Senile Joe may be going to jail?

DanTheMan বলেছেন...

>>what would be different if Biden had been President.
>>> I've said it before, but this would just be a really bad flu season, and there would be no mention of Wuhan Flu.

I disagree. The entire world went on lockdown. A President Biden would likely have followed that path as well.

What is clear is that no blame whatsoever would attach to him, no matter what decision he made or didn't make.

Greg Hlatky বলেছেন...

I see the new Dem talking point is being trotted out: "Trump destroyed the economy!"

Of course, they said he destroyed the economy before this pandemic.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

In my view, all have deep problems, but Kammy is the least problematic of the bunch.

Could be. Maybe it's not what she brings Joe, but what she doesn't lose him. She doesn't lose him any Black votes, and maybe brings him White and other non-Black voters who want to be in on the "historic first" thing. It's not really about African-Americans, but about suburban White women. Millennials can also be made to dig the "historic first" chatter. Kamala isn't very likeable as a person, but given how many toxic comments get made about her, a lot of voters will support the ticket just to kick the a-hole haters in the teeth.

AlbertAnonymous বলেছেন...

So she’s not sucking his cock? Because, based on past practices, that would be the tell tale sign that she’s “clamoring” for the “job”.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

The thing about Biden is, he can probably remember Harris's name, though he could have trouble pronouncing it.

Terry Sewell or Val Demings would probably just be "her" for most of the campaign.

Tom বলেছেন...

Kamala Harris’ affair with Willie Brown was also overblown...

Try the veal, I’m here all week.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed বলেছেন...

ARM is really pounding those DNC/Chi-Com talking points today. It's almost as if he wants to do his job as a Dem factotum to distract from some news that Dems don't want to get traction. Can't figure out what it might be. Haven't heard from the Lightbringer ARM worships recently. Maybe something with a conspiracy that turns out to not have been just a theory....

tommyesq বলেছেন...

Look at all these professional politicians clamoring to be next year's Tim Kaine (remember him?)!

tastid212 বলেছেন...

I’m not sure the NYT should have used the word “overblown” in a piece about Kamala...

Drago বলেছেন...

Greg Hlatky: "I see the new Dem talking point is being trotted out: "Trump destroyed the economy!"

Of course, they said he destroyed the economy before this pandemic."

That didn't go over so well before the pandemic because obama was so busy trying to claim credit for the economy.

Of course, the dem base like ARM and Howard have no problem with the cognitive dissonance.

Lance বলেছেন...

to come around to seeing that he needs her

Why would Biden need Harris any more than any other sufficiently liberal minority female?

Quick search uncovers this ongoing feature at CNN: The Top 10 women Joe Biden might pick as vice president.

1. I'm old enough to remember when "binders full of women" was ridiculous. Guess not anymore.
2. CNN's power ranking has this to say about their #1 pick Kamala Harris:

Her combination of candidate savvy, debating skills, fundraising ability and the historic nature of her pick (first African American woman on a national ticket) still makes the senator from California the leader in the clubhouse to be Biden's selection. (Previous ranking: 1)

Savvy? Debating skills? Fundraising? Sounds like Democrats should nominate her for President. Hmm.

Pence would have no more trouble debating Harris than Trump will have debating Biden.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Kammie is the Dem’s mattress woman. She sincerely believes In victimology of caucasian Hindu gold diggers, it’s all the white supremacists fault.

Craig বলেছেন...

EVERYONE please remember that Kamala Harris asked Jack Dorsey to ban Donald Trump from Twitter.

Even Nate Silver pushed back on her for that.

Harris having more power would be a dangerous threat to our freedoms.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

Interesting gerund choice: "clamoring"

Is she, instead, lobbying? Inveigling? Advocating?

Drago বলেছেন...

Biden continues to provide great entertainment value for a senile rapist:

"According to the New York Times, Biden is looking at this potential candidates through the lense of a “calendar model” pick."

"In private encounters before this campaign, Mr. Biden has likened running-mate evaluation to deciding among calendar models, with three broad categories (and outdated honorifics): Contenders can be a “Mr. August” (a shot of momentum in the summer), a “Mr. October” (a reliable and effective campaigner for the fall) or a “Mr. January” (a governing partner, politics notwithstanding)."



Oh, who am I kidding. Slow Joe isn't going to make it to the breakfast table, much less the convention.

Drago বলেছেন...

MadisonMan: "Is she, instead, lobbying? Inveigling? Advocating?"

If she wants the brass ring she better be all about garnering.

JML বলেছেন...

Harris would be a good choice for the dems. She has proven to be able to swallow anything they can offer.

Spiros বলেছেন...

Out of 48 VPs, only 3 have succeeded the president they served by winning election to the office (Van Buren, Bush I and Nixon). Another 8 VPs have become president as a result of the death of a sitting president. So, maybe, Kamala Harris thinks it's a dead-end job?

Skeptical Voter বলেছেন...

Ms. Harris is not yet ready to step on board the SS Biden, which, like the Titanic is likely to go down somewhere between here and New Years. She'll bide her time before buying a ticket on that ship, and may prefer to stay on dry ground.

JaimeRoberto বলেছেন...

I'm sure Biden can forgive and forget Kamala's attack. In fact, he's probably already forgotten it.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

So, Willie Brown is now 86 years old, which means he was a sprite 56 during the enjoyable law school career of the precocious young future DA, Kamala Harris.

Hmmm. A thought since I too will be closing in on 56 in a few years...

Hey Wifey - I have an idea that will extend my life to 86 and beyond, and get you to the edge of the presidency, if you're willing to play ball!
It's a win-win for us both....

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

The VP vetting process should be entertaining. Put Biden & Kammy in a room alone, and videotape it surreptitiously. Let's see what happens first, Biden reaches to sniff her hair or she reaches for his Johnson - and I'm not talking about Andrew or Lyndon!

Jim at বলেছেন...

The economic shit show that Trump has created is going to require both luck and expertise to escape. - ARM

Just when I think some people have reached peak stupidity ....

Chris Lopes বলেছেন...

Harris is the perfect pick because you know Trump is such a classy guy, he'd never (at every rally and press conference) talk about how she got her start in public life "working under" Willie Brown. Oh no, there would be no lude jokes or double entendres, no suggestions of the world's oldest profession, no observations of such a person on the same ticket as Joe "hair sniffer" Biden. Nope, Trump won't go there so she is a safe choice.

Eric বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Eric বলেছেন...

You're right, it's a long article. To summarize: CATFIGHT!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Very dispirited set of responses. I hear where you are coming from. Who wants to defend this turd of an administration for another six months? My advice, focus on the next one. Try to get someone competent as a leader next time.

minnesota farm guy বলেছেন...

Since the economy has been mentioned a couple of times I am going to venture the observation that though we will still be struggling to recover in November the thought of putting a DEM back in the WH so that we can enter a permanent depression
(Obama tried but failed, I fear Senile Joe could succeed) is going to frighten a lot of independent voters. Given Trump's track record prior to the Wuhan Flu Scare anyone with any hope of financial success is going to want to give him a chance to get us back where we were. We know that Joe - or whoever succeeds him - will be an anti-capitalist regulator who will make Obama's new normal of 1% GDP growth look like boom times.

Drago বলেছেন...

Chris Lopes: "Harris is the perfect pick because you know Trump is such a classy guy, he'd never (at every rally and press conference) talk about how she got her start in public life "working under" Willie Brown. Oh no, there would be no lude jokes or double entendres, no suggestions of the world's oldest profession, no observations of such a person on the same ticket as Joe "hair sniffer" Biden. Nope, Trump won't go there so she is a safe choice."

It would indeed be gloriously non-stop.

And then Trump will bring up the Biden ChiCom corruption thru Bidens crackhead son.

Round the clock fun.

I cant imagine how Bidens handlers would deal with that during the 22 hours per day Biden is asleep.

Drago বলেছেন...

minnesota farm guy: "Given Trump's track record prior to the Wuhan Flu Scare anyone with any hope of financial success is going to want to give him a chance to get us back where we were."

As you can see from ARM's posts earlier today, after spending months and months and months claiming credit for the Trump economy, the ARM's are going to run with the "failed economy pre-pandemic" talking point. Even though we have obama in video claiming credit!

Its fascinating to watch them do it in real time, isnt it?

Balfegor বলেছেন...

Harris has a viable political future whether she is Biden's VP candidate or not. Abrams is nothing. She would have to start over at the bottom, probably in the House or the state legislature to rebuild her political career. She already lost the race for governor, and any statewide office will be a stretch. She is, bizarrely, treated as a serious national figure by political journalists, but that will wear off soon enough. VP candidate is the only national level position she can angle for right now so she is absolutely desperate for it.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Very dispirited set of responses. I hear where you are coming from. Who wants to defend this turd of an administration for another six months? My advice, focus on the next one. Try to get someone competent as a leader next time."

We already have a competent leader. And he will be re-elected. Fortunately the country dodged a bullet by not electing Hillary. Had that grifter and traitor been elected we would have gone in to this virus with 1% growth and substantially higher unemployment and with an even higher level of infection. We would be looking at 50% unemployment by now and that crook and traitor and fascist would running for re-election. If you actually were a reasonable man instead of a CCP shill you would know that.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

cubanbob said...
We already have a competent leader.

4 trillion dollar deficit, more than 80,000 dead, 15% unemployment with worse to come, -5% GDP with worse to come.

No one is supporting Trump as this point, they just hate other people. More competent people.

Leland বলেছেন...

I see ARM is trolling again, posting the same comment in multiple threads with a false premise that doesn't match current polling.

Drago বলেছেন...

Leland: "I see ARM is trolling again, posting the same comment in multiple threads with a false premise that doesn't match current polling."

I suspect he is being paid by the post in renminbi's.

TJM বলেছেন...


Thanks for the laughs. I guess you thought President Trump was doing to win in a landslide in February when the economy was running on all cylinders, right?