The Guardian reports.
Notice that Twitter grounds its actions in its own stated terms of service, which counters the theory of unfair trade that — as discussed in the previous post — Trump's executive order asks the Federal Trade Commission to investigate.
Twitter's stated policy is:
We... prohibit the glorification of violence.AND: Trump reacts:
Content that threatens or glorifies violence can result in some of the most severe and immediate harms our rules are meant to address, and public-interest exceptions are therefore unlikely. We will especially err on the side of removal in cases where there is evidence the content may be leading to actual or likely offline harm. In very rare instances, we may decide that content is worthy of a public-interest exception if there is a more attenuated connection to actual violence, or if Twitter is the only source of the information.
Twitter is doing nothing about all of the lies & propaganda being put out by China or the Radical Left Democrat Party. They have targeted Republicans, Conservatives & the President of the United States. Section 230 should be revoked by Congress. Until then, it will be regulated!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 29, 2020
Gee, I wonder if there are any (non-flagged) tweets "glorifying violence" against police or Republicans or Trump or ...
Has anyone ever posted "No justice, no peace"?
Maybe people should attack Twitter’s HQ and burn it to the ground.
Twitter doubling down on Dear Leader. Well the troll in Chief take the bait and have another tantrum?
What do all the photos of fires in Minneapolis- many of a police station on fire- and calling them "protests" do if not "glorify violence"?
Wow, this is going to get interesting.
"This tweet violated the Twitter Rules about glorifying violence."
An example of Newspeak,
'Trump reacts' links the wrong image.
If I were Twitter, I would suspend Trump for a week or month, like what Facebook does to people whose posts they think offensive or cross into porn/violence.
See if Trump walks away. I think he needs Twitter more than they need him.
Trump ought to stop using Twitter himself. I do not use Twitter. I consider it the most brainless and destructive of all the new media forms. It is no surprise that Twitter is run by the same smug and biased types as are prevalent everywhere in the world of media. Its political pretensions and denials of same are both obvious and both pathetic. But so is Trump for immersing himself in that world. I do think his humor in how he does it often achieves the reaction he seeks. But I think he is shooting himself in the 2020 foot long rune by doing it now. As in so much else, Trump is the logical consequences of the world Twitter has created. I sorely wish he'd figure out how to transcend that role.
Rioter: ‘We’re Gonna Start Coming to the Suburbs’
“Ain’t nothing left here."
“It’s real bogus, they gotta hit it right, otherwise this is what’s gonna happen, ain’t nothing left here so when we start coming to the suburbs, when we come to the government center, then what y’all gonna do?” the mask-wearing African American asks.
How are threats viewed under the 1st Amendment?
This tweet violated the Twitter Rules about glorifying violence
I must be the only one having difficulty with Twitter's argument that the Trump tweet is 'glorifying' violence.
The government warning the public it will use the power, the people have delegated to government, is not glorifying violence.
But our dumbed down education system has turned the populace into uninformed idiots.
Twitter Exec In Charge of Fact-Checking Once Called Trump and His Team ‘Actual Nazis’
We try to prevent a tweet like this that otherwise breaks the Twitter rules from reaching more people, so we have disabled most of the ways to engage with it.
The tactics Twitter used to accomplish this include prohibiting the algorithms from promoting the tweet and prohibiting users from retweeting. It's a powerful form of deplatforming.
So while Twitter 'grounds its actions in its own stated terms of service' there still seems a quality claim of unfair trade practices.
Sure, Trump said he'd send in the Army. That might encourage other people with armies to send them in. #istandwithtwitter #nonukesforfloyd
This is hilarious. My Twitter feed is overflowing right now with lefties glorifying violence. No warnings, must be a bug in the algorithm!
"threatens or glorifies violence"
So, Twitter, public authorities are not allowed to threaten violence to squash violence?
Christopher said...This is hilarious. My Twitter feed is overflowing right now with lefties glorifying violence. No warnings, must be a bug in the algorithm!
Yep. It's sometimes said that Zuckerberg is the least impressive of the tech titans. That is only true if Dorsey is not included in the list of tech titans. Social media simply does not attract the same caliber of vision as the more tangible branches of tech. Twitter is digging its own grave and Dorsey is incapable of even grasping the problem.
Kathy Griffin regularly calls for the assassination of POTUS on Twitter. They do nothing. Because she's a lefty.
A rule that is ambiguous enough that it can be used, or not, depending on the target and motivation of the flagger.
Did Kathy Griffin's tweet advising to inject Trump with the air from an empty syringe get blocked or banned? I didn't think so.
This is building up to something.
Best top have this out now, not in October.
Donald Trump tells the truth, and gets censored. CNN lies and calls them Protestors instead of violent rioters, they get off scot free with EVERYBODY up in arms that the media was almost stifled. Get the hell out of here. This is bullshit, and everyone knows it. They are already blaming Trump for all the violence that the left has been pushing. Never waste a crisis...right???
"'Trump reacts' links the wrong image."
Sorry. Fixed now. I'll delete comments that repeat the flagging of this mistake, but I do appreciate everyone that pointed this out. Just taking out the distraction.
In context, wasn't Trump essentially Tweeting that looting results in people protecting their property with guns, and that the Minn governor with an offer of federal help should stop the looting?
With deceptive editing, isn't Twitter making Trump's point here?
If Twitter is a "neutral platform for free expression" why does it have rules and policies about content? Other than deleting content that violates the law - and I'm not sure they should even do that - they are demonstrably not a neutral platform for free expression if they are moderating content. That seems obvious to this non-lawyer.
LSebastian said..."threatens or glorifies violence"
So, Twitter, public authorities are not allowed to threaten violence to squash violence?
Yes, twitter has banned the government from making statements on its forum about the government's possible reactions to lawless activity. They are now actively undermining the ability of the electorate to stay informed.
Has twitter flagged all of the tweets glorifying the rioting/looting/destruction or property?T They have chosen an impossible path for themselves.
“Trump ought to stop using Twitter himself. I do not use Twitter. I consider it the most brainless and destructive of all the new media forms. It is no surprise that Twitter is run by the same smug and biased types as are prevalent everywhere in the world of media. Its political pretensions and denials of same are both obvious and both pathetic. But so is Trump for immersing himself in that world. I do think his humor in how he does it often achieves the reaction he seeks. But I think he is shooting himself in the 2020 foot long rune by doing it now. As in so much else, Trump is the logical consequences of the world Twitter has created. I sorely wish he'd figure out how to transcend that role.”
Trump has never transcended anything. He always descends.
The Democide gang clutching their pearls over violence: priceless.
I guess that unfunny female comedian twitting repeatedly about killing Trump wasn't "glorifying" violence, so that's different, or "art", or something.
See if Trump walks away. I think he needs Twitter more than they need him.
Trump should walk away -- right over to Gab.
His fans will follow him. And the press will have no choice but to go along since so much of their news nowadays consists of nothing but tweet-reporting.
Twitter wouldn't die, but it would be seriously injured.
Could that just be a statement of fact? What would Twitter say about a historian who, looking back at history, uttered the same statement?
Frances Fisher, the actress and former Clint Eastwood honey, tweeted “They want a race war. We’ll give them a race war,” and “I’m with #BlackLivesMatter. We will win.” She later deleted her tweet, but it doesn't look like Twitter, Inc. gave her any trouble over the tweet. There must be other tweets by other people reflecting her opinion that the company didn't bother to remove or disclaim.
It's very funny, as Fisher is extremely White. Her daughter, too. In a "race war" what side would most people think they were on?
Also, I've solved the Kamala Harris problem or the mistress problem. "Honey" works well with just about any kind of relationship.
has twitter banned kathy griffin yet?
all the violence and FU's directed AT Trump by the collective hivemind left, are A-OK.
Trump really can't do without Twitter. It's become part of his style and how he stays news. He could be addicted, but it's part of his brand and the brand doesn't sell as well without staying current and topical and fresh and in the news every day. Twitter also needs Trump. Or at least it certainly benefits from Trump, though it will be a long time before anyone there admits it.
You hate each other so much.
Every day seems worse than the last.
The coronavirus seems to have suppressed the expression of it, left off at the failure of the impeachment, but here we are, on emerging from lockdown, immediately at the next stage of your civil war.
This cannot be resolved peacefully, or without separation of peoples.
I wonder how many comments here on Althouse "promote violence". I remember quite a few that advocated killing all of the lawyers first.
The point is that as far as I know, none of us went out and did it. Or were provoked to.
That's because we are adults.
And by the way, as a veteran, I don't appreciate linking calling out the military with promoting violence.
I make it a point to not attempt a rational discussion with anyone who simply insults whoever they disagree with, rather than dealing with the issues involved. So let’s try considering an important issue…rationally, without rancor, or name-calling.
Let me begin this hopeful debate by pointing out that I am not a master chef, not a trained auto mechanic, not a physician, and certainly not a certified psychiatrist. However, I know when an omelet’s been burnt, when a finger is broken, when my car’s brakes don’t work, and when a person is mentally deranged.
Naturally, I might very well be wrong in any or all of these instances. I could be in a restaurant in France, where I’m told that omelets are typically reheated and browned on the bottom. That “broken” finger may simply be a congenital condition with no serious consequences. I could, and have, accidentally put my foot on the wrong pedal. And the object of my “analysis” could simply be clowning.
But, should actual experts in any of these fields make such “diagnoses at a distance”? That is a serious question, which is a crucial one in these troubled times. Here goes my attempt to answer it.
Not being a psychiatrist, I see no reason why I can’t state unequivocally, and based entirely on his tweets, speeches, interviews, and his public statements, that President Donald Trump is mentally ill.
But, should a professional psychiatrist make such a statement about our President? My answer is “yes”. Diagnosis at a distance by professionals in their field of expertise is ordinarily, at the very least, an absurdity. But, as in many instances in this life, actions which may be flat-out wrong in most instances could, under extenuating circumstances, be essential.
Since Donald Trump is clearly one of the most powerful persons on earth, can order someone killed without being held to account, may even plunge us into war through his position as Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces…public recognition of his fragile mental condition by psychiatrists is not only acceptable but even required.
It has been some years since I’ve read Gulliver’s Travels, but I do remember that the protagonist did what would ordinarily be regarded as an unpardonable act...having made use of his giant stature and the contents of his bladder to urinate on the Lilliputian monarch’s palace. But it was on fire, and that was the only water readily available.
Maybe now is indeed the time when psychiatrists must commit what would ordinarily be an inexcusable offense, which consists of diagnosing a person at a distance. However, this time the subject is a person who could do, and has already done, irreparable damage to others, to this country, and even to the world.
And, perhaps, psychiatrists are even justified in analyzing at a distance anyone who can casually overlook the evidence that President Donald Trump is clearly showing signs of a serious mental illness.
John A. Broussard
And, perhaps, psychiatrists are even justified in analyzing at a distance anyone who can casually overlook the evidence that President Donald Trump is clearly showing signs of a serious mental illness.
John A. Broussard
The quality of trolling has sadly declined.
Psychiatrists have ZERO training in psychiatric diagnosis. They are taught nothing about testing and do not have the ability to administer psychological tests that determine diagnoses.
It is also against the APA codes of ethics to make diagnoses without in person interviews. Best practices require testing as well.
Since Donald Trump is clearly one of the most powerful persons on earth, can order someone killed without being held to account, may even plunge us into war through his position as Commander-in-Chief
I think you might be confusing Donald Trump with Barrack Obama.
Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig, _From the Wrong Side: a paradoxical approach to psychology_ chapter 5, "The Blessings of Violence."
BTW, knowing that your brakes don't work is not the same as diagnosing someone as being mentally ill.
You wasted 10 paragraphs on a false premise.
Honestly, I expected the EO to be something kind of terrible. But, "Hey, if you're going to have rules, apply them equally or we're going to hold you accountable" is... well, the least bad option?
And further, I'm sure that Unknown's post would have sailed through Twitter with nary a flag.
Psychiatrists need to have a grasp of history in order to attempt such a diagnosis.
This is about that difficult task of defining normal.
People in these positions, who have won through to this height of prominence, are not normal. They just aren't, however they may cover up the matter, which some do more than others. But its a common observation even among F1000 CEO's, a rather pedestrian bunch in comparison to national leaders, let alone history's "great men", that a large minority can be considered significantly psycopathic.
You could call Trump abnormal, with some justification, if you were using some bourgeois-Babbitt standard. But no such person could have done what Trump has done. Churchill for one would have seemed a loon, I am sure. Imagine Sir Winston with twitter. The mind boggles.
The qualities of leadership were always considered an ineffable gift, divinely bestowed, and not to be questioned. They cannot be defined, or taught, regardless of the "leadership" courses many institutions waste loads of money on.
If this sounds mystical, it is deliberate on my part. Thats because we understand next to nothing of human nature, and worse yet, human nature in a dynamic relation with masses of other humans. But lots of people want to pretend understanding.
However, I know when an omelet’s been burnt, when a finger is broken, when my car’s brakes don’t work, and when a person is mentally deranged.
One of these things isn't like the others.
FCC section 230 is the Decency in Communications Act. In a nutshell, it indemnifies social media platforms against charges of libel, if the platform isn't "moderated" by the provider.
The rule was a response to two lawsuits that collectively had the potential to bring down social media via a pile-on of lawsuits for libel.
Twitter, facebook, instagram and YouTube are all moderating content and should be open to litigation for libel under the current rules. There does not need to other legislation in my view.
The moderates own this.
Yes, the moderates.
They stood by, knowing these systems were being abused, but -- because it did not affect them directly, or because they quietly agreed -- they said little that would have pressured the companies to correct their course earlier.
If this now trickles down to blogs losing their comments, then so be it. If both sides don't get the chance to speak freely then all places of speech are suspect.
Civil war amputations for everybody.
I am Laslo.
The Unknown Statist writes: "Not being a psychiatrist, I see no reason why I can’t state unequivocally, and based entirely on his tweets, speeches, interviews, and his public statements, that President Donald Trump is mentally ill."
I feel the same way about "liberals" (and by "liberals" I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping State fellators"). To me anyone who wants less freedom suffers from low self-esteem and sadomaochistic tendencies.There's also a delusional, magical-thinking aspect, continually thinking, despite all evidence of history, economics and logic, that THIS time, statism will bring happiness instead of misery.
This will be followed by networks refusing to run Trump campaign ads.
I must be stupid. I thought the tweet was trying to stop the violence from the rioters? OH I know they are peaceful protesters. Sometimes the only way to stop violence is with violence. That is not glorifying it.
You did this.
You cheered when they unpersoned Laura Loomer, Milo, Alex Jones, Gavin McInnes, and countless others.
Enjoy your cyber Warsaw Ghetto, you fucking commie appeasers.
He should have just said, I'll do something and you won't like it." I have been told that this phrase does not imply a threat in any way.
Shorter John Broussard: I hate Trump, so he must be crazy.
ersey Fled said...
I wonder how many comments here on Althouse "promote violence". I remember quite a few that advocated killing all of the lawyers first.
Now, just a minute, That's only common sense.
So, Twitter is lying straight up here.
While you are doing in the lawyers, don't forget to burn down Harvard.
I would not at all be surprised if Trump has a personality disorder, and/or is on the autism spectrum. And sometimes his narcissism or lack of empathy or other "symptoms" can work against him. But by and large, it works for him, and even benefits the country. Who else would be able to withstand the onslaught of political and media hostility that he has? Who else would have been able to revive the American economy while simultaneously confronting and exposing so many adversaries, foreign and donestic? He also has far more energy and stamina than I do, and I'm 30 years younger. So if Trump has a mental illness or something comparable, I would liken it to whatever Gen. Grant was drinking, and hope that others might partake.
John Broussard (unknown): Explain how you would respond to a message word for word like yours except with "Trump" replaced by "Obama".
Trump is not going to allow the race riots of the Obama era.
He's just not.
Trump's tweet was very clever- he is luring the Democrats into supporting looters, and it is already working.
Twitter is a publicity held company. It is trying to maximize value for its shareholders. So the remedy for those freaking out that it has opinions- buy stock, vote for new management that shares your political views. Twitter has a value of 24b. Need 51% to control its speech. The Koch brothers are worth 80b. Trump says he is worth over 5b. Stop whining and put your money where your mouth is. Or maybe we should ditch our free enterprise system because trump has a habit of lying.
“ Best top have this out now, not in October”
Reposting my post from last night:
Someone above essentially asked why, if Twitter is so essential to Trump’s success, he hasn’t been deplatformed by the company. I have little doubt that it has been considered, and routinely reconsidered, by the SJWs staffing and running the company. I expect that they haven’t because they were told by their lawyers that it would very possibly be catastrophic for the company. I see us now at a point where Twitter has been escalating tensions for some time now. This was an overflight by one of their warplanes over Trump territory. He responded by moving in an aircraft carrier, and maybe overflying their territory with one of our stealth bombers. It’s their move now. They can step back a little, and calm tensions, or they can escalate. But if they pull the trigger, they now know that the boomer subs parked offshore will likely launch. Followed by the carrier air wing, and then bombers from as far away as the US.
What do I mean here? The EO yesterday is similar to the sort of thing that he has done with China. Strong, but very measured. Trump has the entire Executive Branch at his disposal. That includes the DOJ, with its antitrust section, FBI, Homeland Security, ICE, IRS, etc. Opening up an antitrust investigation alone would probably crash their share prices. Because, of course, a good argument can be made that they are a monopoly, and are abusing their monopoly power.
Looking back at the conflict. One of Trump’s greatest strength is his ability to use Twitter and excite his base. The Dems (including those wielding power at Twitter) know this, and want desperately to neuter, if not eliminate, this threat before the November election. I see this action by them as a foray in force, to discover the limits of what they can do later on this year. He reacted quickly and decisively, telling theM not to push it too hard. If he had dithered, like Obama tended to do, that would have sent a different message.
The pressure on Twitter, both internally and externally is going to ramp up over the next 6 months to do something to make Trump’s Twitter threat go away. The strategic problem is that if they do after a Labor Day, it will be known to much of the country, and the Trump voters who were questioning whether they were willing to crawl across broken glass to vote for him, would now be ready to crawl across a bed of nails to do so. But if they move too quickly, that would give Trump and the Republicans ample time to reply.
Keep in mind another of Twitter’s vulnerabilities - that their power and wealth come from network effects. No competitor can get going because everyone already has a Twitter account. But if President Trump publicly moves his tweets to another platform, after being deplatformed by Twitter, he will likely be followed by tens of millions, many of whom will cancel their Twitter accounts in disgust. This would likely create a split in the market with a liberal and a conservative system (think FNC vs CNN, etc).
Twitter is currently full of tweets that are actually glorifying and encouraging violence, usually in the vein of “no justice, no peace“.
There are literally tens of thousands of them Right now.
By singling out Trump’s tweet, Twitter is actually not evenly applying its terms of service. So it is still violating the good faith clause of section 230.
You hate each other so much.
Every day seems worse than the last.
The coronavirus seems to have suppressed the expression of it, left off at the failure of the impeachment, but here we are, on emerging from lockdown, immediately at the next stage of your civil war.
I enjoy this commenter’s posts very often, but his distance from our shores has deprive him of a true understanding of Americans. We have a population of 330 million. 20% of those voted for Hillary. Let’s say that half of her voters are rabid dogs and the other half are useful idiots. Everyone else in America gets along pretty well.
In the Marine Corps, there is an expression that 10% ‘never get the word’. It’s a planning admonition. That’s how folks like john Broussard and Howard are accounted for. You just have to plan for it. It’s no biggie.
- Krumhorn
There's no doubt in my mind now --- Twitter corporate has a serious death wish. ack's gotta be the first to go, but his replacement's gotta clean house.
Trump should walk away -- right over to Gab.
It's a mystery why this hasn't happened already. Maybe not by Trump, as we're seeing reasons why, but by other significant politicos or other folks with followers. I hate this product but I'm too lazy and/or ignorant of the market or alternative platforms? It's a bit of a conundrum. People are not always rational actors but I'm not sure that explains it all...
Is there reporting on all the other tweeets that have been taken down for breaking this "No glorification of violence" rule?
Alinsky’s Rules Trump is using against Twitter
1. "Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."
2. "Never go outside the expertise of your people."
3. "Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."
4. "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
8. "Keep the pressure on."
9. "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."
10. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."
13."Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."
Twitter believes they are the equal of the US President. I’m amazed at the arrogance. Zuckerberg seems to realize this is a dangerous fight, that Trump is making a lose lose for Twitter.
If Twitter Backs Down huge loss of face. And Twitter thinks Trump can’t go anything, since only Congress can amend section 302, and the house is Democratic.
Trump does not pick fights he believes he will lose. So he sees something Twitter does not.
Check me if I'm wrong, but isn't it kinda the President's job to bring down the hammer on rioters?
Not being a psychiatrist, I see no reason why I can’t state unequivocally, and based entirely on his long-winded, nonsensical comment that John A. Broussard is mentally ill."
Hey. That is easy. Thanks.
Well said Bruce Hayden.
I'm not sure how anyone thinks this is going to hurt Trump. This is Elon Musk threatening to move production to Texas. Elon won that battle quite easily.
Leave it Howard to conclude wet streets cause rain.
"You hate each other so much.
Every day seems worse than the last."
Tell us about the brotherly love in the Philippines. What's new with the Muslim and Communist terrorists in the PI?
I see Jack Dorsey getting pushed out by Twitter's BOD. He is just too arrogant to see it. Zuckerberg isn't that arrogant. He sees what is coming down the pike.
"Trump should walk away -- right over to Gab."
Why not do both, at least for awhile to see how it goes?
Jim at, the President0 can NOT bring the hammer down. It is illegal for the president to deploy the military within the US against US citizens. Ever hear of Posse Comitatus? It’s up to the state and local officials, who can deploy the National Guard.
Joan: "Jim at, the President0 can NOT bring the hammer down. It is illegal for the president to deploy the military within the US against US citizens. Ever hear of Posse Comitatus? It’s up to the state and local officials, who can deploy the National Guard."
Here's a quick primer on why you are wrong (you would'nt happen to be in habit of posting under "Inga" or "Steve Uhr" would you?)
"12 times the president called in the military domestically"
1957-58 Desegregation of Little Rock school
1962 Integration of University of Mississippi
1963 Integration of University of Alabama
1963 Integration of Alabama schools
1965 Selma, Montgomery civil rights march
1967 Detroit riots
1968 Chicago riots following assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.
1968 Washington riots following King's murder
1968 Baltimore riots following King's murder
1970 New York City postal strike
1989 Looting after Hurricane Hugo
1992 Riots after Rodney King verdict
Elizabeth Warren
May 28
Zuckerberg went on Fox News—a hate-for-profit machine that gives a megaphone to racists and conspiracy theorists—to talk about how social media platforms should essentially allow politicians to lie without consequences. This is eroding our democracy.
And it is Trump that is threatening the First Amendment?
Just stop it.
I guess this is too late to get much attention. But here's a fabulous discussion of what twitter does wrong in its "fact checking"
"We... prohibit the glorification of violence."
That will be true when they kick every single antifa member and supporter off of Twitter
Every single tweet justifying, excusing, or defending the Minneapolis riots violates that policy. Will Twitter delete all of them, too?
Creating a set of rules, then only enforcing them against one side, is the epitome of "viewpoint discrimination."
@Bruce Hayden you underestimate the threat that President Trump poses to Twitter
Trump leaves, and moves to Gab. People who want to listen to Trump move to Gab. People who want to follow Trump so they can see what he's up to move to Gab. People who want to attack Trump's tweets move to Gab.
Then President Trump orders the entire Executive Branch to get off of Twitter and on to Gab, because Twitter is an abusive company and it's not in the best interests of the US government to give them business
If, after that happens, Trump wins re-election in 2020, then by the time 2024 rolls around, Twitter would be a nothing company, with no reach. Because everything interesting would be happening on Gab.
After all, no one is on Twitter because of the quality of their UI
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