May 16, 2020

"Toxic masculinity."


Tom T. said...

For what it's worth, London is almost virus-free.

chickelit said...

"Toxic Masculinity" is a pussy term.

madAsHell said...

Imagine the outrage if the police had worn masks!! Nazis!!

Ice Nine said...

Masculinity? London police were long ago emasculated and wussified, Boy. I'd think you would understand.

Amichel said...

More lockdown theatre. It's truly disgusting how politicians of all stripes and all nations are using a legitimate crisis for their own corrupt ends. The reality of the virus and it's transmission are an afterthought to the exercise of raw power.

R C Belaire said...

Rules for thee but not for me. Example 163,855 and counting.

David Begley said...

No. Complete repeal of all Free Speech rights. Only government approved speech is allowed. 1984.

Oso Negro said...

It’s toxic authoritarianism.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

British crimes shows make me laugh. Rarely to the police have a gun.

"I'm arresting you with... my command... and my billy stick. and I don't even have a billy stick."

tcrosse said...

I remember complaints that cops wore rubber gloves when wrangling Gay Rights protesters.

Wince said...

I was laughing about this just yesterday with a guy who was once the brunt of Boy George's ire.

Many years ago, we were waiting for transport alongside Boy George and some of his people.

While waiting, the guy I was with eventually stepped back and lit a cigarette. Then Boy George softly asked him for a cigarette.

It was a professional situation, so the poor guy was minding his own business trying not to listening to the conversation and, as a result, didn't pick-up on BG's request.

BG took it that the guy was ignoring him deliberately, and muttered "you brute".

To this day I still call him: You Brute.

tcrosse said...

The Scottish cops are artists with the truncheon. I once saw a cop throw one sideways and catch a running man behind the knees to bring him down. Do not mess with these guys.

Fernandinande said...

Contagious masculinity from the DeVos link:

Police hunt lorry driver for 'sexual assault' over a thank-you kiss on the cheek

Yancey Ward said...

The funny thing is this- if it were Jeremy Corbyn as the PM today, the brother would be writing on Twitter in the manner of Inga and K(ar)en B.

Yancey Ward said...

Having written that, though, Corbyn's brother and Boy George are completely in the right here, even if I suspect it is as a position of political convenience.

Yancey Ward said...

I was big fan of Culture Club. That first album, Kissing To Be Clever was fantastic.

Lurker21 said...

It's hard to know when people are using phrases like "toxic masculinity" seriously. Maybe they mean it "seriously but not literally." It's hard to hear a phrase like "testosterone poisoning" or "estrogen poisoning" for the first time with out chuckling - unless it literally refers to people being poisoned. You may pick up on spme malice, but also wonder if there's a joke involved.

The Corbyn stuff is interesting. I learned that the former Labour leader wasn't born up in some working class neighborhood or housing project, but in a fine old country house. His brother, who is very far to the left, is also a climate change "denier" as well as a covid-19 "denier." Apparently, he also believes that he can predict earthquakes by studying solar activity.

Iman said...

What's all this then?!?!

Mary Beth said...

Piers Corbyn is a loon. He was protesting because of 5G towers - "5G enhances anyone who’s got illness from Covid, so they work together". But it must be true because he's an astrophysicist and we're told to believe the scientists (even when they're talking about things not in their field of study).

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Puzzling. Why would anyone object to a lack of masks and gloves at a lockdown protest?

“Even the cops grooved with us
Do you believe me, yeah?”

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

That’s a gem, classic cutting wit in few words. Too bad Twitter is so full of crap I know longer see things like this unless someone like Althouse culls it and presents it.

Howard said...

Blogger chickelit said...
"Toxic Masculinity" is a pussy term.

Exactly, you phony tough Trump pussies are the"type locality" of toxic masculinity.

Lucien said...

Don't guess Joe Biden will be going to Derbyshire soon.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Wince, I found the video of your Boy George story.

Kevin said...

They are supposed to fight crime without firearms, so it makes perfect sense that they would fight a pandemic without masks or gloves. It wouldn't surprise me if their fraud department was told to do their jobs without calculators.

Achilles said...

The cops go after peaceful protesters clamoring for freedom.

Going after rapists and criminals is scary.

Especially in Britain where the authorities have basically sanctioned child rape and grooming gangs.

rehajm said...

Mind you, Boy George not complaining about toxic masculinity. Just pointing it out.

JAORE said...

Toxic administration soy boys using men to enforce their dictate.

GatorNavy said...

The Brits are subjects, not citizens. And treated as such.

Tcrosse, the Scots have nothing on the Singapore police. They are truly terrifying