May 9, 2020

"So when you say, 'We knew,' the reality is you knew nothing"/"Correct."

From "Obama Defense Official Evelyn Farkas Admitted She Lied On MSNBC About Having Evidence Of Collusion/'I didn't know anything'" (The Federalist)("Former Obama administration defense official Evelyn Farkas testified under oath that she lied during an MSNBC interview when she claimed to have evidence of alleged collusion, a newly declassified congressional transcript of her testimony shows").

I looked for the story in the NYT and the Washington Post — search term "Evelyn Farkas" — and found nothing.

There are stories at Fox News — "Ex-Obama official, in released transcript, admits she didn't know about Trump-Russia collusion despite prior claims" — and the NY Post — "Adam Schiff lied about the Trump investigation — and the media let him."


rhhardin said...

It's about narrative, and the media take the lead. It's a business model. The spokesmen just go along with it as suppliers of narrative for their own advantage.

So lying or not doesn't come up. It's a fictional world that listeners choose to live in, and they're sold to advertisers.

brylun said...

How's your trust in the NYT and WaPo doin' now?

Breezy said...

Did she lie on MSNBC, or lie under oath?

h said...

the following is from the webpage "The Hill"

"House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) asserted that the transcripts proved that Russia sought to hurt then-candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign and help candidate Donald Trump — a point GOP lawmakers on the panel contested.

“Despite the many barriers put in our way by the then-Republican Majority, and attempts by some key witnesses to lie to us and obstruct our investigation, the transcripts that we are releasing today show precisely what Special Counsel Robert Mueller also revealed: That the Trump campaign, and Donald Trump himself, invited illicit Russian help, made full use of that help, and then lied and obstructed the investigations in order to cover up this misconduct,” Schiff said in a statement."

brylun said...

Compare the consequences for lying on MSNBC versus lying under oath, especially when you are assured your testimony would be buried for 3 years, and then ignored by MSM.

exhelodrvr1 said...

ANd yet half the country still believes the CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS line of crap.

Mike Sylwester said...

Farkas testified to the House committee in June 2017.

Why has her testimony been kept secret from the American public for almost three years?

Why was her testimony ever make to be secret?

brylun said...
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brylun said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rory said...

She lives in Chappaqua, running to be Hillary's representative in Congress. Every one of these people has been paid off.

John Borell said...

It was a coup attempt.

It wasn’t normal partisan fighting, it was an actual attempt to take down the elected president.

The mainstream media doesn’t report it because they were in on it.

Fuck all of them.

stevew said...

That determination, that there was no evidence of collusion with the Russians by Trump, his campaign, his associates, and incoming administration, is clear now. Equally clear is that this truth is the reason Adam Schiff withheld release of these transcripts. What is now left to be confirmed is how high and widespread was the lying and corruption in the Obama administration.

I'm terrible at predictions, but expect that no one in government, now or before, that is found to have participated in this corrupt scheme will ever be punished in any meaningful way.

FleetUSA said...

The message is that you say whatever fiction you wish on the MSM and they will repeat it and glamorize it, BUT under oath you only speak the truth and the MSM will ignore that.

W.B. Picklesworth said...

“Journalists” won’t be able to ignore indictments and trials. Although, come to think of it, they’ll probably try.

AllenS said...

All roads lead to Barack Hussein Obama.

rcocean said...

Russia? Russia Trump? What's that? We're on "Trump lied people died" -CV-19 version. . Please try to keep up.

We don't need to talk about Trump being a Russian cockholster anymore.

David Begley said...

It’s not a crime to lie to the Fake News, but other crimes were committed. Lots of people are going to jail for this coup attempt. The indictments are coming soon. And, of course, Obama not only knew about it, he ordered it.

Huge credit to Grennell. He is preparing the battlefield.

Jersey Fled said...

Funny that "a government source who spoke on condition of anonymity" never leaked this in all of these years.

It's bad enough that Schiff and the Democrats lied. What's worse is that Mueller knew Russia Collusion was a farce from the first weeks of his investgation, yet continued for two more years in the hopes of provoking Trump into doing something stupid. How do those 4:00 AM raids complete with CNN cameras look now?

Mr. O. Possum said...

Sister of Scut Farkas, the bully who picked on Ralphie Parker.

gspencer said...

A Liar = A Democrat in Good Standing

Jersey Fled said...

And yet the "Inga's" of the world remain strangely silent. Maybe they didn't know, or were blinded to what was right before their eyes by their hate for Trump. But they have no excuse now.

tim maguire said...

W.B. Picklesworth said...“Journalists” won’t be able to ignore indictments and trials. Although, come to think of it, they’ll probably try.

It’ll be dismissed as a local story. Just kidding (Kermit Gosnell), but they will ignore it until they get their talking points from the DNC. Then they’ll admit to just enough to make it hard to call them out for lying.

Shouting Thomas said...

The same Democrats who brought you a 3-1/2 year coordinated campaign of lying in an attempted coup,..

Are continuing those efforts with this virus panic and shutdown.

They’ve just moved on to economic sabotage and a psy-ops terror campaign against the voters.

The goal is to damage the economy enough to defeat Trump in November.

tim maguire said...

Jersey Fled said...Funny that "a government source who spoke on condition of anonymity" never leaked this in all of these years.

They leak like a sieve when the info is damaging to Trump, but when it helps Trump, their lips are locked up like Fort Knox.

Mattman26 said...

I am genuinely curious how a democracy can carry on like this.

Kevin said...

This would end a Republican’s campaign.

She can still wear blackface and molest her campaign staff.

She just has to support abortion.

MayBee said...

This all makes me have to work so hard to keep from thinking Seth Rich was murdered for being a Reality Winner.

MayBee said...

Furthermore, the Crowdstrike CEO testified they didn't have a date for when the DNC and Podesta were hacked, and only "circumstantial" evidence that it had anything to do with the Russian government.

wendybar said...

It's how the Progressives get away with everything. They just don't report on the things they do. Democracy DIED in Darkness...and thy name is Progressivism I have conversations with my Progressive friends, and they have never heard half the stuff I have to say because their News sources don't tell them the truth. It's time for them to wake up and smell the coffee.

Scott said...

I searched (my new fave for news) for "Evelyn Farkas," got drops from Fox News, The Blaze, The New York Post, and The Epoch Times.

I hate the partisanship of the major news outlets. As citizens, we can't shape the leadership of our government without a clear reflection of what's happening there. They're all funhouse mirrors.

wendybar said...

Obama belongs in GITMO with crooked Hillary and the rest of the GOOBERS in the last administration.

wildswan said...

"Meaningful consequences" include the probability of Trump's re-election, the quivering fear that Dem politicians with all their wits about them feel at the thought of running against Trump without the FBI and DOJ helping them, and the fact that people who thought they'd be running the country are running for cover. I agree that the higher-ups should go to jail but I don't agree that General Flynn should collect money "from the FBI." That just means from the taxpayers and they had nothing to do with this cabal. Besides, the point is the size of government and the lazy, cowardly, incompetent people (as at the CDC or in the upper echelons of the FBI) which that size is now attracting since oversight is difficult. I think dispersing government head-quarters throughout the country is part of a solution. Move the Department of Labor to Detroit - 20,000 jobs would help with Michigan's economy and be better than a bailout. Move Education to Maine. Move Transportation to Wyoming so they feel what it's like to transport food out to the country. Move Energy to North Dakota so they realize that people will freeze and die without reliable energy.

WisRich said...

So much for that "Peaceful transfer of Power" thing. A coordinated effort by the Obama administration and his bureaucrats, the IC, and law enforcement to bring down a newly elected President.


Bob Boyd said...

Lots of people are going to jail for this coup attempt. The indictments are coming soon. And, of course, Obama not only knew about it, he ordered it.

I'll believe it when I see it.

Howard said...

Oh boy this is really been quite a week for you people, congratulations. Hopefully this will get you out of your abused puppy stupor.

Josephbleau said...

Schiff can make bald lies about the testimony because his constituents want to be lied to about this I think one outcome of the scandal is that Michelle can no longer run for VP. If she does then Barrack’s role will be covered in great detail. I don’t think Democrat voters would care but it would damage his legacy, reduce his stature and influence, and be a problem for independents. If she does not run then Barrack will suffer no scrutiny, Biden has enough for Trump to talk about already. I wonder what happened to the Obama south side monumental library?

Craig said...

Honest question for the group: if the Dems win in 2020, doesn't this all go away? Like it never even happened?

Jersey Fled said...

And Howard responds with what I guess he thinks is wit.

Temujin said...

There are two huge stories here, and both are continually being worked on to bury and keep buried. But hands are starting to poke out of the ground in clear view. People are noticing these hands sticking up out of the ground. They're staring right at them. But the press keeps telling them that there's nothing over there. Don't even look there. Wait- let's talk about something else. Like how Trump has killed millions by not closing down the world 4 days earlier.

The two stories are, of course, a working coup to unseat the elected President of the United States. One would think that's a pretty damned big story. If you were a real Journalist! it would be the story of your life. THE story of your career. But the other story is the lame press and how they'd rather be good rank and file Democrats than worry about the laws that keep this a free nation.

Nothing to see here, except a corrupt Deep State Government and the death of modern Journalism!

exhelodrvr1 said...

If Trump loses in Nov, this is all going to disappear again

StoughtonSconnie said...

Christ Almight!, Switch the party IDs in this story and you’d have all of the major studios literally killing each other trying to back dump trucks full of cash up to the front door of the novelist-turned-screenwriter who writes the script based on the story of some big-name reporters. And it would be a hell of a story! The sad part is that it is a great story, but will never be told to a broad audience. This is what the “march through institutions” does. None are so blind as those who will not see.

Bob Boyd said...

I'd like to know what was going on at the ODNI before Grenell showed up? Why did it take until now for them to release these transcripts?

bagoh20 said...

Just think about how much of that has gone on for the last 4 years, and how much continues to. All day and night long on multiple networks people of the deep state and their voluntary supporters lie to you for hours on end. They know they are lying, and they don't care if you are misinformed about very important issues. I hear friends and family repeat their lies.
They are exposed over and over, and they just move right on to the next lie. Some spend hours in here pushing those lies. These are your fellow citizens, your neighbors, and they are either fools or worse, and they hate you for wanting the truth, and caring about it.

brylun said...

Question for Ann: If you had known of this treasonous behavior, and that Obama would be directing it, would you still have voted for him? If so, why?

brylun said...

Years ago, Drudge would have had the red siren going. Today on Drudge, crickets...

jaydub said...

"And Howard responds with what I guess he thinks is wit."

Howard always responds to anything half a wit.

Quayle said...

“ ...they'd rather be good rank and file Democrats than worry about the laws....”

I don’t think it is ideology that drives this. It’s money. The candidate viewing audience is fractured now, and they have to keep their target audience at all costs. This is a result of the internet destroying the networks’ monopolies on the then-scarce and expensive transmission technology from point A (the news content source) to point B (the viewers). That monopoly has vanished. Now they have to strain to keep the eyeballs - the viewers. They do this by narrowing and focusing their message to the target audience. And by the way, fox does exact same thing.

Big Mike said...

@Jersey Fled, he’s half right.

Equipment Maintenance said...

Everything John Borell said is right:
"It was a coup attempt.

It wasn’t normal partisan fighting, it was an actual attempt to take down the elected president.

The mainstream media doesn’t report it because they were in on it.

Fuck all of them."

I'll add that they were willing to cause a civil war to achieve their goal. That America has not hung them front lampposts yet is, I hope, testimony to our merciful nature. It's either that, or apathy.

bagoh20 said...

If you go back and watch some of the video of people like this, like Schiff and others. You can watch them lying, now knowing that they are lying, and knowing that they knew what they were doing as they say it. It makes your blood boil. Senators and people in very important positions of power and information flat out working their best to deceive you and millions of us so they can overturn an election. Full time working to disenfranchise American voters. It's foolish to imagine they wouldn't steal and cheat the voting itself, and I have no doubt they have and will continue to. You don't lie like that, and then play fair on the most important part of the whole effort. Sometimes an extreme idea is still true, and the extreme truth is that the defining characteristic of Democrat power players and the left is dishonesty. They cannot be trusted - ever.

William said...

Time has shown that you really can't trust the Catholic hierarchy to investigate complaints about pedophile priests. Likewise, time has shown that you really can't trust the media to investigate crimes committed by Democratic politicians.....I don't think the media even now understand the low regard in which they're held by a large part of the American public. They're more invested in this coup than the Democrats.

Jersey Fled said...

MSM has been complicit in both the coup and the cover up.

But I guess that's obvious.

Marcus Bressler said...

So much Journolisming.


Our Hostess, are you surprised? Why do you think you found ZERO stories or mentions on those sites?

Jersey Fled said...

Honest question for the group: if the Dems win in 2020, doesn't this all go away? Like it never even happened?

Unless you can find one pricipled Democrat.

Offhand, I can't think of any.

William said...

Bill Clinton's sex offenses only became a scandal after he was no longer a candidate for anything, and even then they were muted. J. William Fulbright, Bill Clinton's mentor, was a more fervent segregationist than Strom Thurmond, but he never received anywhere near the criticism directed at Strom Thurmond.....I know Trump is something of a cad when it comes to women, but there's no earthly reason to believe that's the case for Brett Kavanaugh. When you compare the treatment Kavanaugh received vs. the soft caressing finger that the media points at Joe Biden, you want to puke.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I wonder if she is related to the Farkas family, in the movie Christmas Story, whose dogs run amok and ruin the turkey dinner?

William said...

I have more anger at the media than I feel for the Dem politicians. The media has taken hypocrisy to a whole new level.

Lurker21 said...

Funny that "a government source who spoke on condition of anonymity" never leaked this in all of these years.

They were convinced that there was a pony underneath all the manure and they'd get it if only they dug hard enough. Those bottom were told that there was collusion. Those at the top thought that if the investigators dug enough something damaging - maybe not actual collusion, but something damaging - would turn up. The behavior of Russia, China, and the US is such that if something is important enough and if you investigate enough, something you can label "influencing" turns up, and that fuels the expectation that more damaging revelations are to come. Probably the atmosphere was such that it wasn't enough to be neutral and unbiased; one would have to be a positive supporter of Trump to think that the investigation wasn't somehow on the level - and nobody was. It would have been a career killer.

pacwest said...

Two things stand out for me. Yates, that paragon of the resistance, is saying that she knew nothing and is more than willing to throw Comey under the bus, as well as implicate Obama. And H. R. McMaster seems to have had a role. Hopefully we are starting to enter the finger pointing stage. "It wasn't me, he did it." I also think Barr must be holding a pretty firm grip on Rosenstien for something.

I'm not saying there are going to be dead bodies, but there are going to be dead bodies. As others point out there is a time constraint on getting to the bottom of this. 5 months, or 4 years.

sphilben said...

The neighbors in Christmas Story were the Bumpuses... and all their hounds.

Scut Farkus was the bully. Which makes more sense

Oso Negro said...

I regret to say that I find no basis whatever for believing in the morality of the government of the United States of America. This is essentially where I was at the age of 13, when I was intensely following the politics surrounding the Vietnam War. What I cannot really explain is how and why I was ever occasionally lulled to sleep in my middle years. I voted for Jimmy Carter and was so disappointed by his performance that I was apathetic for years. I suppose that I was emotionally affected by the World Trade Center attack and lured back in for awhile. I guess I would prefer a society that was predicated on government that attempts to persuade its citizens rather than compel them.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I don't understand why it took three years for this stuff to be released?

I'm Full of Soup said...

I stand corrected. Thx

Charlie Currie said...

Even if we get to the point of a trial for any of these asshats, which is pretty unlikely, but if we do, does anyone think a DC jury, which is comprised of Hillary supporters, will convict?

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

David Begley said...
but other crimes were committed. Lots of people are going to jail for this coup attempt. The indictments are coming soon.

Does anyone have the heart to tell David about Santa Claus?

Francisco D said...

Lurker21 said... They were convinced that there was a pony underneath all the manure and they'd get it if only they dug hard enough

Some of the sheep were so convinced, but definitely no the leaders. They knew exactly what they were doing and how they were manipulating people.

Rory said...

"I don’t think it is ideology that drives this. It’s money."

It's a combination. The rising economic class has adopted Democratic membership as one of its outward indicia. You don't really know what they think, because they've signed on to a club with a list of required beliefs.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

but they will ignore it until they get their talking points from the DNC. Then they’ll admit to just enough to make it hard to call them out for lying.

Wrong. The media will proclaim loud and long that any indictments are pure abuse of power and poison the jury. The Congress will impeach Barr. The DOJ will leak damaging memos written by Obama holdovers. The DOJ career prosecutors will throw the case. The Defendants will be found not guilty and then Trump will be impeached.

gilbar said...

Craig said...
Honest question for the group: if the Dems win in 2020, doesn't this all go away? Like it never even happened?

Like What happened?
I checked the WaPoo, and
NOTHING did happen

Michael K said...

I am genuinely curious how a democracy can carry on like this.

I am too and doubt it can survive unless this has consequences.

Rory said...

"That America has not hung them front lampposts yet is, I hope, testimony to our merciful nature. It's either that, or apathy."

I guess it's merciful, but I think that's temporary. It takes a long time for a tolerant people to break bonds, lower inhibitions, and face what can't be avoided.

I'm Full of Soup said...

My last comment is not one Democrat official or operative [i.e. ask your buddy Ben Waxman what he thinks- I bet he will plead ignorance of the news] will condemn this lying by their beloved leaders.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

She lied, but in service of her greater Truth, or something.

Browndog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jersey Fled said...

Democrats value truth over facts.

Truths being whatever they want to believe.

Matt Sablan said...

It was fake, but accurate.

Anonymous said...

Flynn should sue Covington and Perkins, the 2 “law” firms that did the dirty work for the Dems and violated the actual LAW. $500 million is a good number to start with, let’s make these overpaid shysters defend their actions in public.

If the Feds can wake up one day and make Arthur Anderson implode in a cloud of dust, with senior officers going to jail, why not do the same to these mega-firms that grease the wheels for the Administrative State? What say the lawyers —- or law professors — on the degree of culpability that is apparent by these slimy Beltway lawyers?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I'm Full of Soup said...
I don't understand why it took three years for this stuff to be released?

5/9/20, 8:40 AM

Sessions recused himself, remember? He was worse than useless.

Night Owl said...

MSM has been complicit in both the coup and the cover up.

But I guess that's obvious.


Our corrupt media is arguably the biggest villain in this coup attempt. Their actions aid and abet the corruption carried out by the Democrat Party. They are the reason Democrats were brazen enough to attempt this coup and lie to the public for years; the press has been covering and supporting them for decades. It's just recently becoming obvious to more and more people.

It's not partisanship to point out the reality of our partisan media. The Republican party would be just as corrupt if they had anything like the media support that the Democrats have. But they don't, so they're not enabled to become as powerfully corrupt as the Democrats.

In our current two party system we gotta choose, often between the lesser of two evils. As long as the media continues to aid and abet the corruption of Democrats, I will never vote for a Democrat. And I will never take at face value anything that comes from the corrupt, lying, DNC-controlled media.

n.n said...

Democracy is aborted at the twilight fringe.

Quaestor said...

I looked for the story in the NYT and the Washington Post — search term "Evelyn Farkas" — and found nothing.

If democracy dies in darkness, why would WaPo turn out the lights?

Bill Peschel said...

But, but, but, the copy desk chief at the Baltimore Sun says the media is not biased, and he's pissed you keep insisting it exists.

Quaestor said...

If democracy dies in darkness, why would WaPo turn out the lights?

Why? To hasten its death. Democracy is dangerous. Give the bitter clingers, the deplorables, the beauty salon owners a ballot and they'll do something that might upset our finely oiled machine — something like electing a billionaire hotelier rather than the candidate they were INSTRUCTED to elect.

According to Aristotle democracy is governance by the people, but we can't trust the people. Not with a ballot, not with information. Give 'em information and they'll stop taking instructions and start asking questions, especially questions with answers they're unprepared to assimilate. They might even read The Book. Room 101 isn't big enough. The Treatment isn't fast enough. The Memory Hole isn't deep enough. That's why "newspapers of record" are so valuable to the Inner Party

Mark Nielsen said...

You can tell which way the truth actually takes this story by what the press is reluctant to include in their "coverage". Why, exactly, did it take so long to release this stuff? Who has been pressing for the release, and who had to be forced to finally let it go? That might give a clue as to who's statement about what it all means should be given credence.

Night Owl said...

I have more anger at the media than I feel for the Dem politicians. The media has taken hypocrisy to a whole new level.

I've felt that way for years. The lying media has done so much damage to this country. The incessant flow of hate that they spew towards the President has turned most of my family into zombies; and God help me, I hate the media because of it.

Sam L. said...

"I looked for the story in the NYT and the Washington Post — search term "Evelyn Farkas" — and found nothing."
Just as one would expect. One more, unnecessary, example of why I despise, detest, and distrust the NYT and the WAPoo!

FullMoon said...

Re-watched Waco,Rules of Engagement" documentary.
Video of the actual people involved. Senate investigation.
The FBI and ATF guys under oath lying with conviction are immediately contrasted with real time video contradicting their lies. Also, infra red vid of FBI firing machine guns into the building while Davidians on fire try to escape.

Surprisingly, young Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden are shown trying to spin in favor of lying FBI and ATF.Those slimey guys been around forever In fact, despite all evidence, Biden claims Davidians set the place on fire and committed suicide.

Anyway, a documentary of lies countered with contrary testimony about the ongoing coup attempt would be fun. Most we will see is brief clips on Tucker and Hannity and the net and then gone with the wind.

Sebastian said...

"So when you say, 'We knew,' the reality is you knew nothing"/"Correct."

Well, not quite correct.

She knew progs would eat it up. She knew the MSM would eagerly propagate the lie. She knew the lie would help The Narrative. She knew there would be no consequences, not even from DC Republicans.

Night Owl said...

She knew there would be no consequences, not even from DC Republicans.

The GOP are useless to stop the corruption in DC. They're a part of it, even though they are less powerful. Only we the people can try to clear out some of the corruption by being vigilant and voting out the worst offenders. But unfortunately we can't be vigilant if the media is controlled by the powerfully corrupt and they won't report the crimes of their masters.

The liars yell. The truth is a whisper. I try to remain optimistic but it's hard when you see the liars get away with it.

The outsider Trump won only because the hubris of his opponents prevented them from thinking they could lose. They won't make that mistake again. He can only win again if he can undo the damage from years of lies. I won't write him off yet, but the odds are against him.

madAsHell said...

So, wait!! All my outrage while watching the Sunday news shows was a waste??

Birkel said...

The point of much of the Press/Democratic Fusion is to convince you to be apathetic.

They want you to buy into your own Powerlessness.
They want you to be a Green Grocer.

Quit with your sulking.
Giving up is their strategy for you.
Howard is an ass hole but that doesn't make him wrong this one time.

dreams said...

Her parents must be so proud.

Nichevo said...

rhhardin said...
It's about narrative, and the media take the lead. It's a business model. The spokesmen just go along with it as suppliers of narrative for their own advantage.

So lying or not doesn't come up. It's a fictional world that listeners choose to live in, and they're sold to advertisers.

5/9/20, 5:20 AM

You're the one who's lying, rhhardin. This has been explained to you enough times that your error cannot be regarded as innocent. Freedom of the press belongs to those who own one.

The media exist to propound the views of their owners, only by proxy is any independence of the owner's views to be had.

WaPo doesn't need any advertisers, nor any readers beyond the few hundred involved in the transmission belts. You're either lying or really, really stupid.

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