Uncovering Obama's Surveillance of His Political Opponents Lee Smith, NY PostWhat? Am I — a seeker of truth — just supposed to add it all up and divide by 2?
Why Trump Is Peddling Extra-Strength Conspiracy Theories Jack Shafer, Politico
Judge Sullivan's Bizarre, Politicized Order Is a Travesty Andrew McCarthy, NRO
Obamagate Is a Distraction From Bad News About Covid Oliver Darcy, CNN
Was California Special Election Beginning of Red Wave? Mollie Hemingway, Federalist
4 Reasons Opening Up Businesses May Backfire--and Soon Brian Resnick, Vox
Comparing Florida and New York Looks Bad for Cuomo Deroy Murdock, FOX News
10 Protections That Should Be in Next Aid Package Sen. Warren & Rep. Khanna, CNN
Forget Pelosi's Boondoggle Bill--Take Taxes to Zero Instead Steve Cortes, RCP
Trump's 'I'm Rubber, You're Glue' Campaign Plan Peter Nicholas, The Atlantic
Trump's Odds of Winning Are Higher Than You Think Eric Levitz, New York Magazine
Stephanopoulos Just Wants the Tara Reade Story to Go Away John Nolte, Breitbart
Biden Campaign Relies on Dem Women Amid Tara Reade Scrutiny Li Zhou, Vox
DNI Richard Grenell Deserves the Nation's Gratitude Gina Loudon, RealClearPolitics
Obama Bent Over Backward to Avoid Weaponizing Intel Jonathan Chait, NY Magazine
Russia Probe Coverage Is Worst Journalistic Fiasco I've Seen Brit Hume, FOX News
WH to Senate: Act on Trump's Choice for Global Media Agency Susan Crabtree, RCP
May 14, 2020
Red, blue, red, blue, red, blue, red, blue...
Here's the list of the top political stories at Real Clear Politics this morning:
Well professor you could note who had been right the longest lee smith in the first place.
Oh, Althouse, have you forgotten that you’d need to divide by the number of stories (17)?
I’ve been opening RCP for years and it’s my impression that the red, blue alteration was /is the defining feature of the site.
No. Il faut choisir.
That's why I quit reading this stuff...........
RCP editorial offerings have devolved to screaming, privileged, garbage babies repetitively shrieking at one another from across the divide.
Cruel neutrality?
This is easy. Just look for the headlines that are lies. Like the second one in the list, about "Extra Strength Conspiracy Theories". Complete lie, because we KNOW there was a conspiracy - it's no longer a theory, extra-strength or not. Therefore, that article is a waste of electrons and eyeballs.
Obama is the most corrupt President in our lifetime. His time will be looked at, and people will make the Hitler comparison....He was swooned over by the Media, who lied right along with the Intelligence agency heads to let His Highness do whatever he wanted to transform our country. They all belong in prison. WAPO and NYT need to give back the Pulitzers they won for false hoax of the Russian collusion agenda they set, and we NEED to see them frog walked from their homes at 4 in the morning like we saw them do to Roger Stone (with their ever present media dog CNN there to film it all) SHAME on them and SHAME on anybody who has been spewing hate at those of us who knew there was something VERY wrong, but were called RACISTS for thinking it.
It might be partisanship.
Or it might be truth and truth opposed by liars seeking to escape the consequences of their mendacity.
Am I — a seeker of truth — just supposed to add it all up and divide by 2?
That's what many people do.
And why the press "floods the zone" when anti-Dem or pro-Trump news starts rising to the top.
Seeker of entertainment, not truth.
You could consider the fact that so many, many Democrats admitted under oath that their accusations were knowingly false.
>>What? Am I — a seeker of truth — just supposed to add it all up and divide by 2?
Truth? Pick the one you like. You have two to choose from.
Another sterling choice.
Judge Sullivan's Bizarre, Politicized Order Is a Travesty Andrew McCarthy, NRO
Isn't Judge Sullivan's order something reserved for someone who comes in off the street and confesses to kidnaping the Lindbergh Baby, not where there is a colorable (if not manifest) claim of prosecutorial misconduct?
Are you sure you are a seeker of truth? I think you are looking for a plausible story.
Don't worry about it, you don't need the blather. I use two simple rules when voting.
1. Vote for the lesser evil.
2. The Democrat is never the lesser evil.
Those rules will simplify your life and improve your choices.
Division is intended.
Here’s all the news that’s right for you, zero percent down!
"I’ve been opening RCP for years and it’s my impression that the red, blue alteration was /is the defining feature of the site."
When I see two opposing viewpoints I usually assume that one viewpoint is motivated by politics and the other is motivated by the truth.
You don't have to read the stories anymore. Just look at the author.
When I see two opposing viewpoints I usually assume that one viewpoint is motivated by politics and the other is motivated by the truth.
That’s indeed RCP editorial policy. I think they also select slightly more unreasonable left voices on purpose.
RCP (with a few exceptions) is pretty useless. Just partisan op-eds from both sides. Not very clear at all. RealClearScience has some interesting stuff.
As usual, there's no shortage of people who are desperate to instruct you on what you're supposed to think about news stories. It's most certainly not in their interest to allow you to think for yourself. That'd be bad.
The mainstream, or prestige, or Establishment, or legacy media went all-in on the Russia collusion story -- so far in that they can't admit that it was wrong without seriously damaging their own credibility -- so they are staying away from the Flynn story, like it's radioactive.
There are two sides - more than two sides - to everything, but now the difference is more extreme than before because the media has more skin in the game. It's not always like that. I turned on MSNBC and thought they were talking about Flynn, but instead they were talking about a senator accused of insider trading. That's a distraction or a misdirection away from the collapsing Russia story, but pretty much everybody agrees that the senators who dumped their stocks were lousy characters, and the red and blue storylines may not diverge as much when it comes to them.
When I see two opposing viewpoints I usually assume that one viewpoint is motivated by politics and the other is motivated by the truth.
It's why I love RCP. My siblings -- mostly highly educated -- only read the blue articles and think William Barr is a corrupt monster. I don't read the blue articles (I admit) but I know what they are saying and try to follow some libs and moderates on Twitter. Just google William Barr and look at the "news" today from CNN and NY Times.
I used to have fun discussions with people on the left, but over last year if you make any sort of point about how Trump was treated, they just respond I can't believe you believe those conspiracy theories. And they do believe they are conspiracy theories because everything they read says they are.
Good work. I for one am pleased to see that our CIA Psyops Narrative operation is finally giving us some good work for the hundreds of billion dollars paid to them over the last 60 years. President Q+ finally has a top Class opponent.
RCP's main mode is just that--alternating articles from both sides. I kind of like it that I can go to one place and see both sides.
The fact that some writers for some influential organizations are stark, raving lunatics isn't RCP's fault, although if this gets any worse their model may need to be rethought because people like me want to hear the cases from both sides, not visit Bedlam every day.
We ain't got no truth.
We don't need no truth.
I don't have to show you any stinking truth!
Dr. Althouse: What? Am I — a seeker of truth — just supposed to add it all up and divide by 2?
According to the Principle of transformation groups, yes.
The headlines read like an opinion page, and that's why newspapers are dying.
Well obviously all of the pro Trump links are lies and all of a pro Democrat links are Truth.
"Am I — a seeker of truth — just supposed to add it all up and divide by 2?"
You could just use your judgment and analyze. Which of the righty headlines are wrong, and which of the lefty ones right?
And what's "all"? The MSM are mostly left: dividing the actual total supply of headlines and stories by 2 does not change that.
Phony cruel neutrality affirms prog hegemony.
They have the affidavits they have bo excuse
Judge Scrut Chat Humen, Polie Higher
Bizinning Avoid Wornia, Probe Scrumpart
Obamagazines Andoggle Take Their Glue Cart
Maybe you could use the Socratic method and ask. "What would the headline be if the political parties were switched?"
Many of the stories would evaporate.
Low signal to noise ratio.
Every decent person accepts that Nixon's henchmen were villainous in their attempt to bug the DNC offices in the Watergate complex, and that Nixon himself committed an offense against ethical government when he acquiesced to the cover-up, whether or not his deeds were overtly criminal.
Why then must we assume there are no villains in the story of constant effort to delegitimize, denigrate, depose, and defenestrate a duly-elected President of the United States? Apparently, Althouse wants the whole scandalous mess to go away without the truth revealed. Watergate certainly damaged the Republicans, but for barely eight years. This remarkably brief hiatus from power was partly the result of several leading GOP figures visibly demonstrating they were less afraid of the political consequences to their party of Nixon's misdeeds than to the consequences to the Republic as a whole. As I understand the history of Watergate (which may be flawed and superficial) Nixon resigned when Howard Baker informed that him enough GOP senators were so outraged by the burglary and coverup that if impeached Nixon would be convicted and removed from office. Americans saw Baker and many other Republicans as patriots who put Country before Party, and as a result, the Democrats did not reap an unduly bountiful harvest of power by the Nixon downfall — an unexpected outcome to many pundits of the day. If today's Democratic leaders were to follow Baker's example and demand the truth from Obama, Biden, et al. there is every reason to believe that this sad chapter in our national story will not have drastic repercussions for the Democratic Party as an institution. However, virtually no Democrat has come forward to denounce the seditious behavior of Obama's underlings. Instead, they've turned up the volume of their obfuscation way passed 11. Will Americans reward their loyalty to the former President and to the Clinton Machine? Or will they punish them with a well-deserved political mass-extinction event?
This is my go-to page when I feel the need for some confirmation bias. It never disappoints.
We have a fusion vector, every single story has proven corrupt.
Obamagate Is a Distraction From Bad News About Covid Oliver Darcy, CNN
Bad news? The 7-day average of COVVID-19 (a.k.a. Winnie the Flu) deaths has fallen from 2199 for 15-21 April to 1483 for 6-13 May. That is a fall of nearly a third (32.6%) in a little over three weeks. This is one more example of the left being innumerate.
Corona virus- USA.
It’s two web sites in one!
Trump's 'I'm Rubber, You're Glue' Campaign Plan Peter Nicholas, The Atlantic
Why Trump's? "I'm Rubber, You're Glue" describes this whole list of stories. And politics and the media in general.
"Oh, Althouse, have you forgotten that you’d need to divide by the number of stories (17)?"
No, I did not. Think about why and get back to me. I was going to give you a longer response, but by beginning "Oh, Althouse..." you've irritated me. I find that rude.
It is clear that the globalists would rather burn the country down than lose control of it.
The “curve” was flattened from the start. The numbers were never there. Only some really stupid/evil Democrat Governors forcing nursing homes to take Wuhan virus patients have juiced the number of deaths. You are a ghoul if you support these people.
And it is unavoidable now. Obama clearly spied on political opponents.
The truth is immaterial at this point. Democrats and more importantly their voters just don’t care. Howard is trying to be snarky about it above but the truth comes through.
Claims of neutrality are similarly hollow.
It appears to me that the Democrats are declaring they have the power to shut down everything and they are explicitly opposed to freedom.
The time has come to declare.
I’ve been opening RCP for years and it’s my impression that the red, blue alteration was /is the defining feature of the site.
I think that's true. However it leaves the politics muddy and messy, and not at all real clear.
"According to the Principle of transformation groups, yes."
Will someone please send Quaestor some coyotes to shoot. The Boy's plumb twitchy from log cabin fever.
So, the people who've told us for 3-1/2 years that Trump conspired with the Russians are now telling us...
Only wackos believe in conspiracies.
I do read the opposition. CNN's coverage was bizarre. They're still pushing the Russia collusion hoax and they claim the Mueller report confirms it.
Noteworthy that almost all the right-leaning stories were by openly conservative outlets, whereas most of the left-leaning stories were by supposedly neutral mainstream news sites.
“you've irritated me. I find that rude.“
Hater. =(
Those of us on the red side have read blue stuff for years because we can’t escape it. There was a time when we may have thought it was actually news. Fox and the internet changed that for us, but not for the blues. We still read the blue stuff for a variety of reasons: morbid curiosity, self defense, amusement, even, occasionally, news.
It has been my experience that suggesting to many consumers of the leftmedia that they try even moderate or mixed sites like Epoch Times, Just the News or RCP is not fruitful and may even provoke anger. (It could be my imagination, but it seems to me that Althouse rarely refers readers to alternative media.)
For the leftmediaswine and their ardent followers the reason for this is troubling and apparent. We are not their political opponents. We are the enemy and, for many of them, to a greater degree than the ChiComs, Iranian Ayatollahs and Islamic terrorists. For example, SF Gate, in a story justifying “unmasking” for obvious political purposes referred to Acting DNI Grenell as a “Trump loyalist.” Loyalist? Really?
I love RCP format. Its the go-to place to see the latest raving liberal moonbats like Lawrence Tribe or Robert Reich lose it on a weekly basis. Who would have thought these liberals would be defending the use of government police and intelligence agencies to spy on rival presidential campaigns to try to destabilize a duly elected president. Sad!
Will someone please send Quaestor some coyotes to shoot.
Why bother shooting rabid pests when they can be hanged from lamposts more cheaply?
Who would have thought these liberals would be defending the use of government police and intelligence agencies to spy on rival presidential campaigns to try to destabilize a duly elected president. Sad!
Anyone paying attention since Gloria Steinem offered Clinton a blowjob for protecting legal infanticide.
"Why bother shooting rabid pests when they can be hanged from lamposts more cheaply?"
Because a ranged weapon with repeatable results beats close contact any day of the week?
Especially if the animal is truly rabid. Rabies is the one disease that actually gives me the chills - 99.999% fatal if not caught in time, with a decline to madness so total in it's hold that you die surrounded by family you don't recognize and actively wish to harm, and one of the most basic bodily instincts (self-hydration) is subverted to the point that drinking water is unthinkable regardless of how thirsty you are inside.
Purple is the way to roll....
"First Man: I think, I think I am, therefore I am, I think.
Establishment: Of course you are my bright little star,
I've miles
And miles
Of files
Pretty files of your forefather's fruit
and now to suit our
great computer,
You're magnetic ink.
First Man: I'm more than that, I know I am, at least, I think I must be.
Inner Man: There you go man, keep as cool as you can.
Face piles
And piles
Of trials
With smiles.
It riles them to believe
that you perceive
the web they weave
And keep on thinking free."
The Moody Blues:In The Beginning/Lovely To See You
Jonathan Turley raises the issue of Biden misusing the instruments of government to damage a political rival.
Where have we heard that phrase before?
The last administration went into full coverup mode after the 2016 election with presidential meetings and unmaskings of Flynn by lame-duck ambassadors and Treasury officials (the Sec Treas plus FIVE of his underlings) when every conversation Flynn had had with that Russian guy was already on tape in national security offices.
These elected officials and high apparatchiks wanted to hide their embrace and promotion of a demonstrably false Russian collusion narrative that had been provided, helpfully, by hacks in the campaign of the candidate they preferred. A sleazy narrative that, to their shock, hadn't prevailed.
This is bad stuff, really bad. The press always has leaned left, but its credibility rested on the assumption that it did not shill for liars and cheats. The operant philosophy was "Let's get the bastards," not "Let's protect our team, the good guys, even if it means lying to the stupid proles."
The institution of journalism, having squandered any semblance of principle, delenda est.
by beginning "Oh, Althouse..." you've irritated me. I find that rude.
At least he didn't say, "Um..."
"What? Am I — a seeker of truth — just supposed to add it all up and divide by 2?"
Well, you could try using your God-given common sense, if any.
Especially if the animal is truly rabid.
I did not use rabid in its most literal sense.
Some people don't seem to understand what unmasking is.
Remind me why Trump fired his first national security advisor.
Verbal Klimpt hobbles in for an embarrassingly pendantic attempt to prop up his village people issued macho man card.
You're complaining because RCP presents both sides of issues?
I don't get it.
>>Some people don't seem to understand what unmasking is.
Here we go! On to step #4, right on time! Andrea Mitchell is leading this charge for the moment.
From my post a few days ago:
He's following the Clinton stages of political scandals:
1. Deny everything
2. Attack the attackers
3. Change the subject
4. Say that thing you denied doing wasn't wrong
5. When proven, say it was not technically illegal
6. Promise to never do it again
Joe has completed Step 1, made a quick stop at step 2, and jumped to Step 3.
He will be defending what was done to Flynn very shortly (step 4)
Readering: "Remind me why Trump fired his first national security advisor."
He was lied to by the holdover coup plotter/frame up artists.
I'm afraid quite a bit of time has passed since January of 2017 so you are going to have to start coming up to speed on what has been revealed in the intervening 39 months.
You'd better get started. You are way, way behind. (I'm assuming that is not an unfamiliar position for you to be in).
BTW, Pence, knowing the truth now, has already commented publicly that he would be perfectly happy with Flynn returning to serve in the White House......which scares the dems....very much.
Flynn lied to Pence (if he did) independently of anything he said in his FBI interview.
How was the coup supposed to work, exactly?
All Flynn had to do was answer honestly to the his FBI interviewers after they tried to refresh his recollection, and that would be it. Plus answer honestly to Pence and others who asked him about the infamous phone call.
A long way from 7 Days in May.
I think your #6:
6. Promise to never do it again
is incorrect. My experiences tell me it's more likely to be:
6. That boring old thing again? Why are you obsessing over this boring old news?
Unfortunately, "seekers of truth" are a microscopic part of the market. The majority of news consumers want to feel that their side is winning and/or to feel that they are better and smarter than the "others".
The RCP links are providing those things from both sides.
As Scott Adams has said, once the desires of news consumers became measurable by click rate, the news fundamentally changed.
The side that has lied to you continues to lie to you. Their fourth or fifth modified-limited-hangout is still a fucking lie. Adam Schitt lied to you.
On the other hand, the side that has told you the truth continues to do so. Devin Nunes told you the truth.
It's a puzzler.
This Jonathan Turley piece on the Flynn/Russia Hoax affair is the most encouraging sign that this scandal of the century may actually break out of the red/blue two movies/one screen situation we are in. It's a call to the honest brokers out there to take it seriously. It will mostly fall on deaf ears because there are very few honest brokers of information. But God bless Professor Jonathan Turley, and go George the Hippo, as GW Law is my lawyer wife's alma mater. I hope that Turley, rather than Banzhof, winds up its most famous faculty member.
RCP has this crazy idea that their readers can handle seeing opposing views of the same issue.
Turley is a publicity whore looking to slot into the vacancy created by Dershowitz being sidelined by Epstein and aging out.
That Biden piece is complete BS. I thought the government is not supposed to target presidential candidates.
The Biden piece is complete BS because it encourages the "targeting" of a presidential candidate for stuff he did targeting another presidential candidate when Biden was VP. That makes no sense. It's even weaker than the attack on Turley's motives.
Spoke too soon about Dershowitz. He is delivering screeds about Judge Sullivan in Flynn case.
I know John Gleeson whom Sullivan appointed to fill the space created by Barr bulldozing his own trial team.
I expect Gleeson will in the end advise Sullivan to let it go. If I am right that is better than Sullivan just dismissing as ministerial act as Dershowitz insists as self-appointed outside party.
I thought the government is not supposed to target presidential candidates.
Not the Dem ones anyway.
My favorite bit of gaslighting was Andrea Mitchell saying there were 10K unmaskings one year, and 17K in another. It's so common, why get all upset over of so many? Except that at the moment it's not unmaskings that are raising hackles, it's unmaskings by political officials rather than intelligence officials, and unmaskings of political opponents. Such weak tea.
"All Flynn had to do was answer honestly to the his FBI interviewers after they tried to refresh his recollection, and that would be it. "
Readering must have missed the revelation in the last couple weeks that the FBI agents that interviewed Flynn did NOT think he was lying. In other words, they thought he was "answer[ing] honestly."
It was the later, manipulated 302 that made it seem like Flynn was lying to the FBI.
Please catch up, Readering. Things move fast in this new world of "truth".
Ah, Sullivan. It's pretty clear he's either being blackmailed or bribed to keep the circus gong. Probably by the FBI.
I like to scan RCP every day because I can see which way the wind is blowing in each camp.
I am so sorry this is happening to you.
That Biden piece is complete BS. I thought the government is not supposed to target presidential candidates.
Enough of this schiff. Goddamit, what did Biden forget and when did he forget it?!?!
Incidentally, that must be a widely distributed talking point: Juan Williams is saying same thing about so many unmasking, what's the big deal about this one in particular?
We live in a world controlled by the 51% rule for truth, sex, evil , good, bad etc. No absolutes, no reference point. Just thesis, antithesis and synthesis
Sundance has repeatedly stated that there was also unmasking by private citizens during the Obama administration before Rogers put an end to it in mid 2016.
Sidney Powell's Open Memorandum to Barack Obama.
Usually i don't engage but will note here,comments on this site so repetitive. Birkel cuts and pastes. Every opposing view is a talking point. Does it entertain?
Gleeson who worked with Weissman, and whose firm represented sally yates, and also have joint ventures with Huawei and hikivision, Shirley,
justice is interesting notion for gleeson
another example
yet another example
Sundance doesn't just say that, Admiral Rogers testified to contractors unmasking/otherwise abusing 702 shit in open session in Congress. And he did it with Comey sitting next to him. The contrast is remarkable. Rogers is pained, a little clumsy, kinda hyperactive/nerdy seeming and straightforward but with a controlled but obviously intense level of emotion. Comey is smooth like butter. They did this Punch and Judy at least a couple of times. Once in a while they look at one another during testimony, and there's definitely some chemistry there.
Gleeson as a word looks kinda like it's smiling at you.
Well, in whatever safari's default font is, anyway. The man is less felicitous.
he reserves his mercy for actual terrorists and criminals,
Cuts and pastes?
It is so terrible that your hopes-for coup did not happen.
Poor baby.
Thankfully we can go to Althouse to see a trashing of the lame stream media errors and apologizing for DJT and such stuff.
Great place ya got here.
OTOH, if you move to another place where you can keep out unapproved speech, that would be even better. BTW, at that place, will folks directly pay for speech re trashing LSM and DJT/con propping? It’d be cool to be against free speech in two ways.
Every opposing view is a talking point. Does it entertain?
You lefties are kind of amusing.
What? Am I — a seeker of truth — just supposed to add it all up and divide by 2?
An actual "seeker of truth" is supposed to examine the data.
So, let's see what each side has supplied us:
Uncovering Obama's Surveillance of His Political Opponents Lee Smith, NY Post
Analysis of criminal action by the Obama Admin
Why Trump Is Peddling Extra-Strength Conspiracy Theories Jack Shafer, Politico
Attacking the truth as a "conspiracy theory", because they don't have any actual defense against the allegations
Judge Sullivan's Bizarre, Politicized Order Is a Travesty Andrew McCarthy, NRO
Former Federal Prosecutor examines an illegitimate order by a political hack "judge"
Obamagate Is a Distraction From Bad News About Covid Oliver Darcy, CNN
Refusal to discuss criminal actions by Obama Admin, because they're indefensible
Was California Special Election Beginning of Red Wave? Mollie Hemingway, Federalist
A review of election results from Tuesday
4 Reasons Opening Up Businesses May Backfire--and Soon Brian Resnick, Vox
Fearmongering, because they dont' have anything else ("May" is a tip off that teh peson is lying)
Comparing Florida and New York Looks Bad for Cuomo Deroy Murdock, FOX News
Review of decisions and outcomes, comparing two States
Result: Democrats are BSing and dodging, Republicans are using facts and reason to advance their position
daskol said...
The Biden piece is complete BS because it encourages the "targeting" of a presidential candidate for stuff he did targeting another presidential candidate when Biden was VP. That makes no sense.
I'm trying to figure out if you have a point here.
But I can't find one
Biden is accused of criminally abusing our foreign spying capabilities to spy on a domestic political opponent. If you're not bothered by that crime, you have no value as a human being
The issue with the Obama Admin "investigations" of the Trump campaign is NOT that "being a political candidate gives you a free ride to commit crimes."
The issue was that the Obama Admin "investigations" of the Trump campaign were all clearly fraudulent abuses of power by the Obama Admin, pretending that there were crimes where the only crimes were the ones committed by the Obama Admin in their justifications for their actions.
1: Lying to the FISA Court so they could spy on Carter Page, and on Trump through him
2: Using obvious Russian disinformation from the Clinton campaign to pretend Trump was colluding with Putin (when it was Obama and Clinton who were doing the colluding)
3: Unmasking people (violating their civil rights) in order to spy on them and leak information to press allies
The people who did that should ALL be in jail. Starting with Obama an Hillary, and working our way down, but most certainly including Joe Biden
So now we see that Trump's DOJ is taking out Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) but no other Senator involved in illegal stock trading. We are reminded by Heather Cox Richardson:
So why Burr? Remember . . . that the Senate Intelligence Committee agreed with the Mueller investigation, and that It was due to release the final volume of its report soon? Burr is the chairman of that key committee. If he is discredited enough to lose his chairmanship, McConnell will get to choose his replacement. And it’s a pretty safe bet the committee will no longer support the conclusions of the Mueller Report.
This quote: "Obamagate Is a Distraction From Bad News About Covid Oliver Darcy, CNN" in an important point but not in the way the author intends. Since late February at the latest the news has been Covid/corona/Wu Flu/virus 24/7. How many people are sick of this topic and would like to talk/hear/read just about anything else. The media force feeding us "The Rona" may have just created the perfect environment in which to sell Obamagate. This story would be a lot easier to smother by the MSM, except now there are a growing number of people who don't want to talk about the damned virus any more.
gadfly said...
So now we see that Trump's DOJ is taking out Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) but no other Senator involved in illegal stock trading. We are reminded by Heather Cox Richardson:
So why Burr? Remember . . . that the Senate Intelligence Committee agreed with the Mueller investigation, and that It was due to release the final volume of its report soon? Burr is the chairman of that key committee. If he is discredited enough to lose his chairmanship, McConnell will get to choose his replacement. And it’s a pretty safe bet the committee will no longer support the conclusions of the Mueller Report.
5/14/20, 9:26 PM
How perceptive of you! I myself would have thought that President Trump would love to put the screws to Dianne Feinstein, but you know better.
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