May 29, 2020

Police arrest CNN reporters in Minneapolis, but strings are pulled, so apparently they're okay.

And then...


MayBee said...

I'm tired of CNN. They've spent months bullying all of us into submission in our homes, but start a city on fire and you are just fine with them. Go to a beach in Florida or a barbershop in Georgia and you are endangering the world. But get together and smash windows and run around all night and you are just fine with them.

MayBee said...

Publicity stunt?

Mike Sylwester said...

The vote in Minnesota in the 2016 Presidential election:

* For Clinton = 46.4%

* For Trump = 44.9%

Trump lost the state in 2016 but can win it in 2020.

David Begley said...

Was he arrested for misuse of the English language because he was calling the rioters “protestors.”

Masscon said...

If that is the complete context I would agree it was completely unjust...anyone willing to bet there isn't more to this encounter?

bbear said...

So Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman didn't have to conduct a methodical "investigation" of whether the camera crew violated Minnesota law before they were cuffed and arrested?

Kevin said...

Who apologized? It’s not clear.

rhhardin said...

CNN is covering it for entertainment; the police are there for a better reason.

That's followed by entertainment covering pulling strings to get out of it.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The reporters are obviously, by their own video, blocking an intersection in a war zone that is on fire.

Instead of just packing up and going, they ALL (the whole crew) stand there filming, talking, reporting and not getting TF out. Trying to prolong the event so they can get more film time. Creating an event on purpose...of course it IS CNN and that is what they do.

Why am I arrested? ......"Because you won't STFU and leave like we told you to".

Aaaaand because you are a bunch of A-holes in general.

Anonymous said...

Oliver, Oliver. You're so cute. The press is special, and you know it. You can't be part of this last 16+ years of media manipulation, and now pretend to be outraged you know you and your Ivy league reporters will get bennies you wouldn't as a normal man on the street.

See also: Project Veritas.

Sebastian said...

"Police arrest CNN reporters in Minneapolis, but strings are pulled, so apparently they're okay."

So, how many of the looters and arsonists did they arrest?

Fernandinande said...

I liked the way CNN producer Sam Fernando dishonestly used the word "protests" to describe looting, arson and riots.

The MSM's consistently dishonest fakenews reporting about any and all racial issues is partly, perhaps largely, responsible for these stupid riots.

Here's a video of a poor oppressed black man spraying a white woman in a wheelchair with a fire extinguisher, supposedly because she was interfering with the looting. CNN won't show it.

Anonymous said...

City burns down; Walz hides in his basement. CNN reporter arrested; Walz leaps into action.

AllenS said...

"reporting on the protests"


Bob Boyd said...

Seems like a stunt. Making their own news, not reporting it. It's close to inciting if you ask me.

Freder Frederson said...

Why am I arrested? ......"Because you won't STFU and leave like we told you to".

Gee, when its someone you don't like, you are all for them following orders. Where were you when armed protesters trespassed on the Kentucky Governor's mansion.

Leland said...

Was the camera crew wearing masks?

wendybar said...

Protecting the rioters, and calling them protesters is a lie. They called the peaceful Tea Partiers terrorists, barbarians at the gate, enemies, ect….yet this is justified?? THIS is why we laugh at them. CNN should be shut down for all of their lies...including this one. (and especially the Russian Hoax and all the other hoaxes we were told were gospel) We are all sick and tired of this constant barrage of hatred.

ga6 said...

They are called the "nomenklatura" for good reasons.

ga6 said...


Darrell said...

Here's a video of a poor oppressed black man spraying a white woman in a wheelchair with a fire extinguisher, supposedly because she was interfering with the looting. CNN won't show it.

Yesterday, I saw that incident presented as 'protesters protect woman in wheelchair.' And there was another story of protesters helping a man to his car. Other stories said they beat his car to junk, pulled him out, then kicked the crap out of him. He may have had a Trump bumper sticker, though.

rehajm said...

I'm perhaps too cynical about this entire episode- the suspicion white Democrats know and/or believe riots motivate black voter turnout, that Walz and Zucker are coordinating their efforts and that they both know their locations on Hillary's giant organizational chart...

...and that they both believe they're only months away from taking their places in that chart.

narciso said...

oliver willis, like stupid to kryptonite,

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Are we absolutely certain none of these “protesters” was carrying a Rebel flag, adorned with a swastika or making any subtle hand gestures indicating badthink? Or are these all peaceful rioters like the ones who burned down Seattle awhile back? And most importantly I need to hear from Karen “Canuck chicken” B that he’s made certain these rioters are properly masked and social distanced or Minneapolis could have a second spike!

JAORE said...

There are three groups out there:
Mourners who feel grief for Mr. Floyd.
Protestors who believe police brutality/racism is systemic,and
Rioters/looters who are using this tragedy as an excuse to break stuff and take stuff.

Media seems unwilling to admit there are multiple factions.

The result will be a long term loss to the community.... and likely little else.

Mr. D said...

I live in the Twin Cities. I am amazed anyone was arrested at all. The cops have largely abandoned the field.

Inga said...

“Here's a video of a poor oppressed black man spraying a white woman in a wheelchair with a fire extinguisher, supposedly because she was interfering with the looting. CNN won't show it.”

The man who sprayed the woman was a white man. Also the woman had a small knife in her hand stabbing at the looters. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Lars Porsena said...

Riot, arson, looting and they arrest a camera crew?

Owen said...

Looters and arsonists are engaged in outrage theater. Police are engaged in security theater. CNN crew are engaged in broadcasting the show for the entertainment of the rest of us.

None of this is real. Except of course for the poor bastards who have seen their worldly goods, their shops and homes, their places of employment, smashed and stolen and burned.

Leadership: a rare quality these days.

Wince said...

Police say they were arrested because they were told to move and didn't. Omar was completely respectful and cooperative, [and] asked the police where to do the report.

The order is like "closing time".

You don't have to go 'home' ...but you can't stay here.

Temujin said...

As I mentioned in my comments in the above post on Trump's ad- Journalists! think they are special. And the CNN species is particularly special.

RMc said...

"Police arrest CNN reporters in Minneapolis, but strings are pulled, so apparently they're okay."

So, how many of the looters and arsonists did they arrest?

Well, you see, it's easy to arrest reporters, cuz they don't resist. Looters and arsonists, on the other hand...

Chuck said...

“Strings are pulled” implies that it was legal and appropriate to arrest the CNN crew, and that illegal or at least inappropriate pressure was brought to release them.

What I know is that they were arrested; they were not charged; they were released. And the admittedly minimal evidence I have seen beyond that is that it seemed to be an inappropriate and baseless arrest. Although I’d be happy to see the arrest report and hear from the arresting officer(s).

I’m aware of no evidence “strings were pulled” in the ordinary understanding of that essentially accusatory phrase.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Owen None of this is real. Except of course for the poor bastards who have seen their worldly goods, their shops and homes, their places of employment, smashed and stolen and burned.

Well, if there is an upside for the business owners....perhaps they have insurance and can NOW get some financial relief. Depending on their insurance policy, possible exclusions, and definitions of "peril" ...rioting is usually covered.

The planned decimation by the Government...probably isn't insured. There is a case to be made for illegal "takings and the 5th Amendment. Generally the government 'taking' or damaging your property without paying you, in this case, businesses, without just compensation can be possibly litigated. That takes forever to do.

It is probably faster and more cost effective to just have your business burned to the ground. Thank you, rioters!!!!

(Expect to see more "terrible" fires breaking out as the Covid Lockdown continues. Unintended consequences ya know)

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"REGULATORY TAKING......In United States constitutional law, a regulatory taking is a situation in which a government regulation limits the uses of private property to such a degree that the regulation effectively deprives the property owners of economically reasonable use or value of their property to such an extent that it deprives them of utility or value of that property, even though the regulation does not formally divest them of title to it.

Sounds like there are many business owners have a pretty strong case to make. The petty bureaucrats and Governors (who are fairly petty themselves) have issued arbitrary orders, not laws, that have definitely deprived people of the value or use of their property. And orders which have been said to violate the Constitution.

Sue the bastards. If your property doesn't burn down first...that is 😈

Kevin said...

Shorter article: CNN reminds MN Governor who’s in charge.

Wince said...

Inga said...
The man who sprayed the woman was a white man. Also the woman had a small knife in her hand stabbing at the looters. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Actually, isn't it (3) three wrongs? Looting, knife and fire extinguisher.

Like mail-in voting, how many "wrongs" are there if "our friend" Inga doesn't mail one in?

MayBee said...

Blogger rehajm said...
I'm perhaps too cynical about this entire episode- the suspicion white Democrats know and/or believe riots motivate black voter turnout, that Walz and Zucker are coordinating their efforts and that they both know their locations on Hillary's giant organizational chart...

Add to this the fact that Benjamin Crump is the attorney for the Floyd family. As when he represented the families of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, where he goes riots follow. I begin to suspect he has riot coordinators working for him. He certainly has a heck of a PR team.

MayBee said...

I mean, call me crazy, but here are the guys who were destroying property last night:

Is there any reason to believe these aren't the same guys who protested in Chicago against Trump having a speech there in 2016? Any reason to believe these aren't the same people we've seen destroying things everywhere for leftist causes?

AZ Bob said...

I watched the rioting going on last night on my TV. No one was singing songs and carrying signs. A CNN reporter counted for viewers at least five fires. But what was weird is that the reporter was incredulous that there was no police presence. Where are the police and fire fighters, he asked. The reports from MSNBC repeated the same question. The tone was critical of the police.

Clearly the violence and chaos was such that a police presence would lead to more blood shed. Withdrawal was an LAPD decision during the Rodney King riots in 1992.

So finally the police arrived early this morning and the CNN news team won't cooperate with the lawful order to move. I thought CNN wanted the police there doing its job.

The great thing about being a reporter is that you wake up each morning to a brand new world and nothing you did the day before is remembered.

Sebastian said...

Hypothesis: the riots help Trump. Corollary: portraying the riots as protests helps Trump.

Birkel said...

If you want to find out who rules you, identify the things or people you cannot criticize.

Leftist Collectivists dare not criticize the press.

Fernandinande said...

The man who sprayed the woman was a white man.

Wow, you're right! I could've sworn he was black.

Expect to see more "terrible" fires breaking out as the Covid Lockdown continues. Unintended consequences ya know

Here's a sad example from "the Navajo":

"Promising teen athlete loses life in car wreck"

A guy coming the other way crossed the center line and hit them; the paper version of the Navajo Times has an article about him: "Driver reportedly despondent before wrong-way collision"; he'd been doing meth for a while and became suicidal after being laid off because of the WuCooties and had planned to kill himself, because God was waiting for him, by running head-on into a semi but settled for a car. He didn't die.

mikee said...

Isn't arson one of the things usually not covered by insurance, quite explicitly?
Sort of like acts of war aren't covered, either?
Heck, you have to buy terrorism coverage, or be informed you won't be covered for terror acts without specific extra policy coverage.

Why would arson in a riot be insurable without that exact coverage in your policy?

ga6 said...

Just caught the MN gov news conference, he did an excellent job of pimping for CNN.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

I'm not sure I understand all the sturm and drang on the arrest of the Commie News Network folks. They were told to move. They didn't move. They talked instead. So, they made a choice not to do as they were told and were arrested. Not really a big deal.

And of course their boss pulled strings and got them out. That's how the clerisy works. That's what poor Ollie Willis votes for and supports.

Big Mike said...

Leadership: a rare quality these days.

In blue states, yes.

AZ Bob said...

Here is a video of police withdrawing from the 3rd precinct. It explains a lot.

Big Mike said...

Once upon a time it was standard practice to shoot looters out of hand. A question for discussion is whether we have become more civilized, or less so. Truthfully I think neither summary executions nor what is happening in Minnesota represent civilization.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Saying you’re willing to comply with a lawful order is not the same as compliance.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The One Who....I'm not sure I understand all the sturm and drang on the arrest of the Commie News Network folks. They were told to move. They didn't move. They talked instead. So, they made a choice not to do as they were told and were arrested. Not really a big deal.

Exactly!! The were told to move. Didn't do it. Continued filming. Defying the request/order in a riot zone to get OUT OF THE WAY.

PLUS...according to their own video...they were blocking the middle of an intersection where fire trucks were trying to come through. Burning buildings....and they are standing in the way.


Lucien said...

If I ran a network I’d do everything I could to protect my people too. Loyalty that flows down the org. chart is powerful.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

mikee Isn't arson one of the things usually not covered by insurance, quite explicitly?
Sort of like acts of war aren't covered, either?

Generally arson is considered a targeted act. Aimed specifically at that one residence or business. Often arson has to be investigated to determine if there was a reason to set fire to the property for gain. Like can't pay your mortgage, but want to have some relief and money back when the house burns down. Arson is often used by the owner of the property for their own financial gain. Insurance companies don't like that.

Rioting is usually covered because it is an unpredictable and not targeted specifically to one person, like arson is. Civil unrest and damage by rioting is usually covered by homeowners policies. BUSINESS insurance may include extra riders to cover riot damage. (If you have a business in some areas you are a FOOL not to have that coverage.)

Every policy is different. Often policies will cover on a "named peril" and not other perils..So people need to read carefully.

You can buy War insurance...or at least used to. Why terrorism is not covered the same as rioting? Probably because the total damages of terrorism....World Trade much larger to the insurance company than a localized riot. War is also not covered because the loss to the insurance company would be too large if they had to pay out for everybody in the country. It is all about the actuarial risk to the insurance companies.

This is why earthquake damage is not covered...UNLESS you buy a separate policy for that. Too much cost to the insurance companies to pay for everyone in the California Coast when the big one happens.

Why do I know all this crap. CFP education for financial planning. I'm retired now, for some years, and things may have changed. YMMV

tcrosse said...

The "protesters" protested their way through the Culver's near Snelling and University in St Paul, one of my favorites. And a friend lives just a block away.

Howard said...

Arrest the press but let the murderer go free.

As I recall, many of you Trump deplorable cucks keep talking about violent revolution in support of dear leader. This is what it looks like from the opposite side. One would think that you would be cheerleading the violent revolution that is being televised from Minneapolis.

bagoh20 said...

The stupid cop who had his knee on that guy's neck is a national disgrace. You cops out there have to clean up this shit. That cop should have been stopped by the other cops there. In my opinion the citizens there had every right to rush those cops and get them off the guy. Someone probably would have gotten shot, but that shit cannot be tolerated. I'm embarrassed for my country to have this have happened. Haven't the cops learned anything? How can a cop like that even be on the force. I wouldn't burn or loot, but I'd join this protest if I lived there. I would hope I'd have had the courage to stop that shit somehow if I was there. I'm just disgusted. No excuse for this. NONE.

Big Mike said...

@tcrosse, its website says “temporarily closed.” Do you think they’ll reopen?

tcrosse said...

@tcrosse, its website says “temporarily closed.” Do you think they’ll reopen?

I would be delighted if the reopened in my neighborhood here in Las Vegas.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Bago---The stupid cop who had his knee on that guy's neck is a national disgrace.

I agree! He should be treated just like anyone else who acted in the horrible way that he did and punished for his crime.

However, the answer isn't to burn down innocent people's homes,buildings, businesses, steal, destroy cars and property of innocent bystanders, rob and beat up people. It isn't' to burn down affordable housing projects. It isn't to take this senseless violence to other places, other cities, that have nothing whatsoever to do with Minneapolis or with the police misconduct and abuses that are happening there.

I understand being angry, horrified, and full of rage at the powerlessness and the injustice of not having the perpetrator held accountable. I would feel the same.

Taking out those feelings on the innocent and causing destruction only makes the rest of us loose any sympathy for your cause and for your feelings. There is no excuse for this reaction.

If you want to persuade people to your side....this is NOT the way.

narciso said...

yes they saw the garner case, and said 'hold my beer', yes the 'usual suspects' dialed up to eleven,

Big Mike said...

This is what it looks like from the opposite side.

Not hardly, you educated fool.

bobby said...

From what I can see, they're among the seven people in this entire three-day riot our police forces have been able to arrest.

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