May 31, 2020

"Pair of Brooklyn lawyers including Ivy League corporate attorney charged in Molotov cocktail attack on NYPD cruiser."

The Daily News reports.


chickelit said...

Leave them be. They are just future "Community Organizers" designated for greater things.

Lyle Smith said...

Let them become jailhouse lawyers where they might can do more good.

chickelit said...

The photo of Urooj Rahman reminded me of Patty Hearst's SLA days.

chickelit said...

Trump needs to keep amping up this conflict until more of these rats come out of the woodwork.

Drago said...

Remember, according to Inga and Steve Uhr, these innocent democrat lefty radical lawyers from Brooklyn were innocent victims to the brainwashing tactics of a nefarious Breakin' 2-Electric Boogaloo right wing russian-backed white supremacist from out of town.

Inga said...

Well, that’s the end of their careers, proving that there’s no bigger fool like an educated fool.

Wince said...

Well, there's all the proof you need that the white power structure is behind this.

Unfortunately for him, a little strange comes in an enticing and dangerous packages.

It's interesting to see how many women feel "empowered" by Antifa.

If that's her booking photo, does she expect the Brooklyn DA will sweep this for her?

Exactly who Schlichter was talking about:

“When the first of these little trust fund sissies figures out he’s not walking out of his cell after 20 minutes with a $50 fine but looking at five years in Leavenworth on a Fed rap, he’ll squeal on his comrades. This is an opportunity to destroy Antifa root and branch, and to eliminate the armed wing of the Democrat party. Forever.”

Joanne Jacobs said...

Are they Trump supporters? White supremacists? No???

Jersey Fled said...

I thought the agitators were all white guys wearing Hawaiian shirts.

At least that's what Inga told me.

Wince said...

He didn't start the fire!

He is an associate with Pryor Cashman, where he specializes in start-ups.

Now specializing in burn-downs.

Michael K said...

Two sister from up state NY also did the same thing. I'm sure Nancy P would approve.

The Vault Dweller said...

Hopefully they get dinged with something serious like terrorism charges. They should spend a few years in prison. I'm thinking about 3 would give them adequate time to evaluate what they did. Obviously they should get disbarred permanently. Well I say obviously, but I have no idea how, Woke the NY bar board is.

cubanbob said...

They should marry each other now that they have stupidly fucked up their lives. At least they will be IQ (moron)compatible as well as socially compatible.

Big Mike said...

Antifa members need to know what the gangstas from the hood have known from a young age: the only thing more dangerous than trying to kill a cop is succeeding in killing a cop.

MayBee said...

White Supremacists.

Birkel said...


But not thrown out of Leftist Collectivist high society.
Bernadine Dohrn will have them for drinks.

YoungHegelian said...

He is an associate with Pryor Cashman, where he specializes in start-ups. The firm did not immediately return a call for comment.

Oh, what? Like Pryor Cashman didn't know about the ideological background of the Magic Negro that their firm was no doubt thrilled to land? I bet dollars to donuts that when folks start looking evidence of his hard lefty allegiances will be all over the place.

I can just imagine the lying fuckwits at PC now -- "I mean, who would have thought a young man who often spoke of the need to eliminate the bourgeoisie as a class would be given to violence. It's just a mystery...".

gilbar said...

i just got done talking on the phone; to my 88 year old, bleeding heart liberal mother,
and she informed me, that the people rioting were (and, i'm quoting here)...
White Nationalists

According to senile old bleeding heart liberals, the people rioting are White Nationalists
I asked her, if she meant AntiFa? and she said: "No! it's the White Nationalists"

So, there you go. The world makes much more sense, when you're living in a dream

I'm Full of Soup said...

Rahman is probably just another 2nd generation immigrant from 3rd world shithole yet she hates America. Hopefully we. An deport her after she gets out of prison.

Birkel said...

BTW, this is what the Left is.
It's what the Leftist Collectivists will always be.

And it's what voting for any Democrat will get you.

Susan said...

I have it on the best authority that white supremacists are behind the violence and rioting so how did white supremacists end up working for Brooklyn law firms?

Don't they vet their hires?

Dude1394 said...

Well that's one way to piss off your law degree I guess. Is that disbarment worthy?

Spiros Pappas said...

Nice to see a black power couple getting involved in this crap. Most antifa tend to come from middle and upper middle class backgrounds. They're men, in their mid twenties and living with their parents. They have extreme difficulty forming meaningful relationships with women. I think they hate women (and not in a normal way).

rhhardin said...

They're officers of the court, but that's what courts do nowadays.

gspencer said...

"Colinford Mattis, 32, is a member of Pryor Cashman’s Corporate Group, according to his listing on the firm’s website Sunday"

Not any more. Now he's a real prior Pryor attorney. And if convicted he'll be a felon and will lose the law ticket permanently.

When you type pryor cashman /lawyers and go the list of lawyers his name has already been removed.

So somethings going on with his career at PC.

Not unreasonable to believe that he's an AA beneficiary, schools, jobs. And this is the gratitude.

Ampersand said...

Look at the resumes of these two. What a comment on the moral and intellectual bankruptcy of our educational system.

madAsHell said...

Diversity is good!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Oh, look, it's 2 of Inga's white supremacist boogaloos!

Nothing like a degree from Princeton to prepare you to go out and fight The Establishment.

And by fight, I mean murder a white cop from a blue collar neighborhood.

Probably voted for Trump. He deserves to burn to death, right Inga?

Yancey Ward said...

Oh, Ivy League Brooklyn lawyers! Gotta be Buguloo Russian stooges!

Temujin said...

This is my shocked face.

djf said...

Funny, I would never have guessed that these two are white supremacists.

TJM said...

More evidence that modern liberalism is a mental illness

paminwi said...

Their hatred of Trump has no boundaries.
Lock them up and throw away the key!

In reality, I know that will not happen-the unemployed woman probably has numerous job offers today!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

chickelit said...
The photo of Urooj Rahman reminded me of Patty Hearst's SLA days.

5/31/20, 6:26 PM

I'm sure she's got quite a romantic image of herself - "Defender of the Oppressed." "Attorney by Day, Antifa Badass by Night."

Bilwick said...

No doubt "right wing" provacateurs.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Right wingers have no need to start the Boogaloo; the left already did it.

Sebastian said...

Funny, they don't look like white nationalists.

h said...

Princeton in the nation's service.

Michael said...

Sad. Great education gone to shit. Might have been better to have gone to a blue book school and chased ambulances.

bagoh20 said...

Hey guys, We went slummin' over the weekend. It was great!

Amadeus 48 said...

Don’t be surprised if you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.

John henry said...

I was getting confused with this story earlier today. There was another, similar, instance:

The woman who allegedly threw a lit Molotov cocktail into an NYPD car full of cops early Saturday has been slapped with a federal charge of damaging a police vehicle — a far cry from the attempted murder charges sought by the NYPD.

Her sister was also arrested for trying to interfere with the arrest.

They are both from Catskill NY, almost a suburb of Albany, more than 100 miles away.

Neighbors of Shouting Thomas, by coincidence.

Not "local". Definitely from out of town.

Both have a history of being arrested at protests.

John Henry

Duke Dan said...

I guess they will need relief on their student loans.

Bay Area Guy said...

What a surprise. Elite privileged leftists who hate America.

Fuck 'em.

JCA1 said...

Bunch of wannabe “revolutionaries” who have spent way too much time in dorm room bong sessions in their Che t-shirts pining for some cause to give their lives meaning. They’ve played this fantasy out in their heads for so many years they likely have lost track of the actual consequences. That’s simply not the way the story ends in their heads. You can tell it’s all just fantasy roleplaying because none of them appear to actually know how to make a Molotov cocktail. Thank goodness.

Charlie said...

This is my shocked face.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

but Inga- are these guys sekrit Trump supporters? paid by poootin? heard it on Maddow?

GatorNavy said...

Federal prison for the both of them and no plea bargaining

Drago said...

Inga: "Well, that’s the end of their careers, proving that there’s no bigger fool like an educated fool."

Wait a minute! We need to find the "real" criminals.

You know, the white supremacist Trump supporter outside agitators who made these 2 light and lob a molotov cocktail at the police!

In fact, I recommend an immediate counter-intelligence investigation against Trump to get to the bottom of this! Stat!

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“Ivy League corporate attorney” in this case means NYU law school. When did NYU become Ivy League? OK, Princeton undergrad but still a bit of resume inflation by the New York Post. Also, the Pryor Cashman law firm where he worked says he was furloughed in April, so corporate attorney is also not quite accurate. “The Molotov cocktail failed to ignite.”

Drago said...

Michael: "Sad. Great education gone to shit."

On the contrary. They learned precisely what the leftists running the universities wanted them to learn.

And don't worry. The very next time a democrat gets into office all of these antifa warriors are going to be pardoned.

Every. Single. One. Of. Them. Even the ones who actually killed people.

Yancey Ward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yancey Ward said...

I lifted the cite below from a comment by a guy named Dan Romig who lives on the southside of Minneapolis. This is what awaits any attempt to move these riots beyond the central cities in most flyover cities of the US, and it answers the question asked here a few days back about why the rioters don't visit the suburbs:

Dan Romig: "Last night at my liquor store, East Lake Liquors, the local customers gathered around the store and on the roof, armed and ready, for the second night in a row. It is the only liquor store left standing on the west side of the Mississippi river along Lake street for a few miles.

"At my grocery store/butcher shop, Longfellow Market, the same.

"My next door neighbor had non-violent protesters at his home in the early hours of Saturday morning. He sits on the city council, and is a wise man who uses common sense and logic to make decisions when he votes. “Defund the Police” slogans and signs were posted all over his yard and my vehicles parked on the street in front of my home (2.5 car garage plus driveway is not big enough …)

Andy, his wife and ten month old child did not stay home last night. My neighbor across the street and I stayed up, armed and ready to protect. Thankfully all was quiet. We will stand watch again tonight."

narciso said...


DanTheMan said...

>>Hopefully they get dinged with something serious like terrorism charges.

They will get a small fine and some light community service. And the lifelong adulation of the left.

buwaya said...

These weren't the organized, trained pros we are discussing.

These were complete amateurs who couldn't even make a proper molotov cocktail.
They couldn't even set a car on fire, a knack that school dropouts in France seem to be born with.
The Internet is there for a reason! Use it!
Maybe Princeton should open a practicum seminar or something.

Anyway, a pair of ninnies caught up in this fashion statement.

DanTheMan said...

>>Obviously they should get disbarred permanently. Well I say obviously, but I have no idea how, Woke the NY bar board is.

It would not surprise me if they got an award from the New York Bar.

Yes, I am being serious.

Humperdink said...

Molotov cocktails? Named after Vyacheslav Molotov. There they go again, the Russians trying to interfere in our elections. Will it ever end?

Gk1 said...

Send them straight to Gitmo. That's were terrorists belong. Use them as an example for the other faux "revolutionaries" living in their mom's basement.

Susan said...

Their careers are over? Whatever will they do?

Maybe Bill Ayers and Bernadine Wasshername will retire and they can get professor gigs.

daskol said...

In the other fortunately failed Molotov cocktail incident, NYS leveled attempted murder charges against the Catskill woman, although it's unclear if those will be pursued now that Feds have charged too. The Fed charges are destruction of property and that seems inapt for throwing firebombs at people, but can't tell from this story whether there were cops in the van in this case. I suppose even relatively mild Federal charges may be a bigger deterrent because NYS AG Tish James is not someone I trust to prosecute these cases vigorously.

We need sports. We need concerts. We need people to go back to work. The combustibility of the current moment is terrifying.

daskol said...

I suppose the Federal charges also help in getting folks like these idiot lawyers to turn on their local Antifa chapter leaders, which appears to be what Bill Barr would like to see happen. Interesting strategy, something Kurt Schlichter picked up on quickly, but I bet a lot of these weekend warriors will roll over quickly if the Feds are serious about going after the organized agents of chaos and professional provocateurs.

Michael K said...

Anyway, a pair of ninnies caught up in this fashion statement.

If not punished and severely, they will learn. Right now, our government is the Girondins. The Antifa types want the Terror.

Drago said...

De Blasio's daughter arrested tonight. Clearly a white supremacist.

Keithn Ellison's son takes to twitter to proclaim his support for antifa.


Just more evidence of those darn russki Trump supporters for the rioters.

Solid detective work on that one Inga.

Possibly your best psychotic work to date.

William said...

These parallel events happen in real time. The Central Park Karen and the Ivy League bomb thrower. I don't know what kind of jail time the bomb thrower is facing, but he can take comfort in knowing that he will receive very little of the contempt and disdain that has been directed against the Karen...If disbarred, prestigious universities will compete to offer him a tenure track position. Karen will never again be a portfolio manager.

Openidname said...

"gilbar said...

"i just got done talking on the phone; to my 88 year old, bleeding heart liberal mother, and she informed me, that the people rioting were (and, i'm quoting here)... White Nationalists."

This is what scares the carp out of me. The people who deny what's in front of their eyes. Confirmation bias run amok. You can't argue with them, you can't reason with them, you can't persuade them, because you have no common frame of reference.

And yes, I've considered the possibility that I'm the one under the spell of confirmation bias.

chickelit said...

Remember laughing at the "edgy" SNL skit where the dad drops his daughter off and she's picked up by a gun-toting jeep with ISIS dudes? Just change the names ISIS and Antifa and there you go!

narciso said...

Its like a david chapelle skit.

Unknown said...

> Rahman is probably just another 2nd generation immigrant from 3rd world shithole yet she hates America. Hopefully we. An deport her after she gets out of prison.

Go for Somoli immigrants - the 1st gen already hates America.

stephen cooper said...

If you try to murder someone, or viciously try to inflict unspeakable pain on them, such as the pain of being burned all over your body after a vicious human being throws an incendiary device at you --- after you try to inflict this injustice on a fellow human being, along with the secondary pain you cause to their family members and their loved ones ---- you do not deserve to ever live among free people again.

In the last few days, many people have done evil deeds for which they will rot in jail for the rest of their lives, or until they have wasted all their youthful years paying up for the fact that they tried to murder some innocent person who has a family who loves him, or tried to inflict unspeakable pain on an innocent person who has a family who loves him.

The people who incited this hatred will get away with it, for the most part.

Drago said...

It is my understanding that these 2 peaceful, law abiding antifa lawyer types were simply walking home from the subway restaurant when a truck full of MAGA hat wearing white supremacist Trump supporters leaped from a confederate flag festooned pickup truck in Brooklyn and forced lit molotov cocktails into the hands of the unsuspecting and law abiding antifa lawyers and then made the lawyers toss the cocktails at police officers, all the while the MAGA guys kept shouting "Brooklyn is MAGA country you shyster lawyers!".

I mean, doesn't that sound pretty believable?

And impeachable?

wendybar said...

How much do you want to bet they are Trump supporters??? (snark)

Matt Sablan said...

"Well that's one way to piss off your law degree I guess. Is that disbarment worthy?"

-- In their defense, they weren't expecting there to be consequences for them since there were so few consequences going around for their team.

D.D. Driver said...

They are just trying to make America more like Denmark.

What's wrong with that?

Rick said...

cubanbob said...
They should marry each other now that they have stupidly fucked up their lives.

They haven't fucked up their lives. They've guaranteed themselves lifetime employment in academia.

RBE said...

I see a bright future for them. After a slap on the wrist wrangled by a well connected lawyer and radical judge they will become heroes to well connected revolutionary types. After time and mythic status has been achieved, they might write a forward in a book for a promising politico and get a good gig at a University where they will "teach" about the lack of justice in the US to heads full of mush.

dustbunny said...

Commenter Susan called it, the Weathermen leaders were given slaps on the hand and rewarded with comfy tenured academic positions. So it goes.

cubanbob said...

Rick said...
cubanbob said...
They should marry each other now that they have stupidly fucked up their lives.

They haven't fucked up their lives. They've guaranteed themselves lifetime employment in academia."

They are looking at federal time. That is no joke. And with that there goes their law licenses.

cubanbob said...

Blogger RBE said...
I see a bright future for them. After a slap on the wrist wrangled by a well connected lawyer and radical judge they will become heroes to well connected revolutionary types. After time and mythic status has been achieved, they might write a forward in a book for a promising politico and get a good gig at a University where they will "teach" about the lack of justice in the US to heads full of mush.

6/1/20, 6:47 AM
Blogger dustbunny said...
Commenter Susan called it, the Weathermen leaders were given slaps on the hand and rewarded with comfy tenured academic positions. So it goes."

That depends. If Trump gets re-elected Barr will probably make an example of them-to encourage the others.

Douglas B. Levene said...

The New York Post story is even better - includes a snapshot of one of the lawyer-perps getting ready to toss the molotov cocktail out of her car window.

hstad said...

Blogger Inga said...
Well, that’s the end of their careers, proving that there’s no bigger fool like an educated fool. 5/31/20, 6:34 PM

You want to bet that in front of a 'Leftist Judge' they only get slapped with fine and legal community service. You really do live in a 'Progressive Bubble'.