May 31, 2020

"On Sunday, both Republican and Democratic lawmakers singled out umbrella groups including 'Antifa' and 'Boogaloo' as playing a role in the violence nationwide...."

"According to the Anti-Defamation League, 'a variety of extremist and fringe movements and subcultures have adopted the word "Boogaloo" as shorthand for a future civil war,' and that 'white supremacists are particularly apt to use' the term because 'they seek the violent collapse of modern society in order to bring about a new, white-dominated world.' Antifa, short for anti-fascists, is a 'loose collection of local/regional groups and individuals,' including anti-police anarchists, whose 'presence at a protest is intended to intimidate and dissuade racists' and white supremacists, according to the ADL. Antifa tactics 'can create a vicious, self-defeating cycle of attacks, counterattacks and blame,' the ADL says. President Donald Trump singled out Antifa on Sunday, tweeting that he was designating it a terrorist organization. 'This is being driven by Antifa,' national security adviser Robert O’Brien said... 'This is a destructive force of radical — I don’t even know if we want to call them leftists. Whatever they are, they’re — they’re militants who are coming in and burning our cities, and we’re going to get to the bottom of it. And as far as our foreign adversaries, look, we always have foreign adversaries who are on Twitter and Facebook and other places trying to sow discord among Americans...."

The Chicago Sun-Times reports.

I'm eager to get the real facts on who's doing what. There's a tendency of people on the left to say that the right-wing extremists are behind this and the people on the right to say it's Antifa. That's unfortunate, but it's the way we live now. It's not helpful to select and spread rumors and theories based on who you want the enemy to be.

ADDED: In my town: "Madison lefties blame Trump supporters for Madison riots" (David Blaska).


narciso said...

the media is almost on the side of the black bloc, except for outliers like linehan and andy ngo, the boogaloos are a figment of the leftwing imagination,

Michael K said...

The Inga bot is now writing for left wing newspapers. Well done Inga bot !

Inga bots don't care about <a href="'> Patrick Underwood. </a>

Clyde said...

When you have jackbooted black-clad thugs assaulting people, it’s the ironically-named Antifa, who are about as fascistic as they come. Soros-funded creeps trying to overthrow the country. I hope the hammer comes down on them hard.

Sebastian said...

"It's not helpful to select and spread rumors"

So, do you think Gov. Walz was helpful when he talked about Russians and white nationalists?

Based on lefty support for the riots, including by Walz's own daughter, what are the chances they involved the white far right? Is there any evidence of that at all?

Iconochasm said...

"Boogaloo" is a meme in the gun community, in which comfy suburbanites joke about what level of government repression would spark a violent insurrection. The same people heartily cheer black gun owners defending their businesses during the riots, and favorable cite the "Armed minorities are harder to oppress" line.

It's possible white supremacists use the term too, I don't pay attention to their spaces.

MayBee said...

can create a vicious, self-defeating cycle of attacks, counterattacks and blame

Is it self-defeating? Why does the ADL assume it is? Maybe it's exactly what Antifa wants.

PubliusFlavius said...

Kevin said...

Boogaloo" as shorthand for a future civil war,' and that 'white supremacists are particularly apt to use' the term because 'they seek the violent collapse of modern society in order to bring about a new, white-dominated world.' Antifa, short for anti-fascists, is a 'loose collection of local/regional groups and individuals,' including anti-police anarchists, whose 'presence at a protest is intended to intimidate and dissuade racists' and white supremacists, according to the ADL.

White supremacists: Bad

Antifa: Well-meaning and misunderstood.

Thanks Media!

chickelit said...

It should be pretty easy to judge from the backgrounds of those arrested at protests whether the come from the right or left. I don't see this as difficult.

tcrosse said...

So it's one or the other group of White People doing all the damage? What if they threw a riot and all the People of Color stayed home?

Kevin said...

There's a tendency of people on the left to say that the right-wing extremists are behind this and the people on the right to say it's Antifa.

What happens when "right-wing extremists" protest?

The area is cleaner than before.

Seriously, this math isn't very difficult.

Lawrence Person said...

I've not heard of a single "white nationalist" getting arrested, nor a Proud Boy, nor anything that might remotely be considered "the right."

But there is plenty of evidence of black people rioting and looting, and of white people wearing "black block" dress, born up by some of those arrested.

J. Farmer said...

Pick your favorite target. Antifa. Black Lives Matter. Soros. The Dems. Trump. The deplorables. Putin.

They're all right in their own way, and they're all wrong in their own way. Yes, it is the legacy of chattel slavery. Yes, it is systemic issues that disproportionately hinder blacks. Yes, it is innate differences in biology between the races. Yes, it is self-destructive cultural habits among blacks. Yes, it is the collapse of the black family. The answer to the cause of America's racial problems is "all of the above."

The race problem led to America's deadliest war. It rewrote the constitution and changed the balance between the federal and state governments. It consumes an enormous amount of money, attention, time, and social and cultural energy. And these problems are distributed throughout the social system.

Conflicts along identity lines can resolve themselves in one of two ways. Integration or disintegration. We're on course for the latter.

MayBee said...

I also ask again: Are we to assume black people are so stupid that they will follow white supremacists into rioting and looting?

PubliusFlavius said...

One of the top comments at:

"First the fake bunga hoax.

Then phony Chauvin and pornstar BigFloyd.

Then Jacob Pederson of St. Paul PD being the insider instigator.

Then Antifags and Sorrows-paid goons fvcking shit up.

We're all being taken for the biggest shitty ride of our lives, and half of America is still asleep."

Yancey Ward said...

The Bugaloo stories are almost all horseshit. They wouldn't be participating in these kinds of riots- they would have been present at the lockdown protests from earlier in the month, if they really have a presence at all, which they don't actually seem to have as no one can actually point to any evidence of any kind that they have participated in riot.

The Bugaloo stuff is the Left trying to find some way out of the cul de sac they have ended up in here. They are just lying their asses off.

narciso said...

they seem to be equally focused on self defense issues, they just churn out this pap, probably with a few fbi provocateurs, like the ones involved in the latest kerfluffle some months ago,

pacwest said...

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

tim maguire said...

As a starting point, there is no one on the right driving these riots. Everyone knows this and anyone suggesting otherwise is lying. Note who the liars are for future assessments of credibility.

Antifa plays some role, but probably not as much as they’d like us to believe.

MayBee said...

Althouse- do you see that Christo died?

Drago said...

Yeah, because its totally believable that white supremacists just pop into democrat cities all over the country and get everybody riled up and doing things the innocent little lefties would never do if left to themselves.

And oh yeah, the russkis too!

I mean, why not?

And the moron lefties actually expect everyone beyond their voice-actuated idiots like Inga and Howard to believe it.

chickelit said...

Antifa has been on the radar for quite some time now and the left-leaning media still will not recognize them as malefactors. Along comes something called "boogaloo" from under the radar and of course they are the bad guys. I'd like it if the media -- starting with Althouse -- could find it in themselves to demonize the left as well as the right radicals. Maybe this is difficult because the leftist radicals of yore are still near and dear to modern left? I know from personal experience that Madisonians are prone to romanticizing left radicals. Look at how Paul Soglin is venerated! Look how it took Madison to demonize Sterling Hall bombers.


rhhardin said...

The enemy is the news audience. It's how all of this is made to pay, with interlocking business arrangements starting at attractive performances by oddballs and ending with eyeballs sold to advertisers.

The dems are free-riding, the same as antifa is, on that news audience hunger.

The right's news lives on reporting the crazy stuff that the left's news is selling today.

There's no interest anywhere in hard news. It couldn't survive as a business.

Naming your enemy is pretty far down in the weeds, given that it's fake right at the top level. It would just be narrative structure in general.

tim maguire said...

MayBee said...Is it self-defeating? Why does the ADL assume it is?

Like so many other once venerable civil rights organizations, in the last 10-15 years, the ADL has become a pale shadow of its former self. Nearly a parody, on its way to becoming a fund-raising scam like the SPLC.

TJM said...

Events in Chicago are spinning out of control. Mayor Lightweight, SO TOUGH with the lockdown violators, can't manage to control the mobs who are not social distancing.

The trains have been shut down since Democrats from the City are threatening to go to the suburbs to make the rich folks "pay." The difference in the suburbs is there are police officers who will shoot to kill.

Why are Democratic run cities such cesspools? Hey, Inga? Any "brilliant" answers?

narciso said...

now if you go back a little,

rhhardin said...

So far there's nothing about sexual predators in the riot news. I don't want to give the news biz ideas but you could get some mileage from that next.

Drago said...

What's amazing is that the lefties/dems really do believe they can pull off a Jussie Smollett-MAGA Attacked Me! ploy x Infinity across the entire nation with their made up Breakin' 2-Electric Boogaloo lies.

Spiros said...

So White Supremacists, the Chinese government, Russian agents and George Soros and the Jews are behind these riots? Wow, none of this sounds deranged!!! But if it makes the libs feel better about burning down flower shops and burrito stands, then it's okay.

Drago said...

BTW, just in case you were wondering, the lefties are now claiming Mollie Hemingway is a White Supremacist.

Because of course they are.

narciso said...

its funny how the patriot scare, back around 2017, forced any alternative out of the public sphere, how milo yannopolous and even ben shapiro had to reschedule or cancel events,

buwaya said...

"Not helpful" - to who?

You do not have common interests, not even your apolitical people.

DarkHelmet said...

How about the authorities arrest everybody committing crime and mayhem and we can figure out which group they belong to later?

Oh, I guess the 'authorities' don't really see keeping peace in a tranquil, civil society as their job.

Mary Beth said...

whose 'presence at a protest is intended to intimidate and dissuade racists' and white supremacists, according to the ADL.

Sure it is.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

where/why the funk did the term "Bogaloo" suddenly appear?

It's now all the rage on the left. Leftists using the term like good little puppets.

oh right- just in time to play cover for leftwing fascists.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Manufactured a new term over-night - to help with the big lie.
F you, leftists. You're all a pack of liars and frauds and your leaders are liars and frauds.

AlbertAnonymous said...

So Boogaloo is NOT a reference to “Breakin’ 2 Electric Boogaloo” starring Ice-T?

Learn something new everyday...

rhhardin said...

Umbrella groups will evade it all by taking umbrella steps.

BarrySanders20 said...

Boogaloo -- meh. Ain't Nothing But A Houseparty. J. Geils Band

Come on baby dig that crazy soul
I know you're gonna lose control
You can do the boogaloo
Anything that you want to

First real concert I went to. J Geils Band at Cobo Hall in Detroit. 1981? 1982? First time I smelled weed too. Felt like an Antifa event for a 14 year old.

rhhardin said...

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single umbrella step.

Darrell said...

There is a difference.
The Left is lying, as usual.We can see Antifa and Black Bloc doing their usual work. We do not see the mythical "white supremacists."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Anarchist symbol was scrawled in black paint on a major over-pass (Cherryvale over 36) here in ultra white 98% progg-town, usa.

You suppose a pack of right-wingers did that?

Darrell said...

There is a difference.
The Left is lying, as usual.We can see Antifa and Black Bloc doing their usual work. We do not see the mythical "white supremacists."

Richard said...

White Nationalists riot to protest the killing of a black person. Does that sound right to you?

Greg the class traitor said...

Well, Professor Althouse, there's two possibilities here:

1: The Democrat Mayors of Minneapolis and St. Paul, and the Democrat Governor of MN, are all a bunch of white supremacist supporters who stopped the police and National Guard from protecting black homes and businesses from being burned down by a bunch of modern KKK thugs

2: The violence and destruction are being caused by left-wing groups like "Antifa", and the Democrat Mayors of Minneapolis and St. Paul, and the Democrat Governor of MN are keeping the police and National Guard restrained in order to protect their left wing allies

You chose. i'll agree with either. I'll happily campaign in the 2020 elections on either story line.

But there's no other valid story line. So pick one, and stick to it

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I think the simplest explanation is the right one -- that we have a cultural rot in which lots of young people with no grounding beliefs take out their anger and emptiness in destructive behavior. It's fun and exciting and heady to break stuff. That this behavior is being tolerated and not being put down with an iron fist is not a good sign for stability in our country.

My Facebook feed is full of well meaning middle class people of respectable habits who wouldn't dream of dropping a gum wrapper falling all over themselves making excuses for rioting. "It's the voice of the voiceless." "It's expressing decades and centuries of oppression." Sickening. It's like the stupid German girls brandishing cheerful Willkommen in Deutschland!!! signs at the Arab men who have no compunctions about raping them.

Approximately zero percent of the rioters gives one shit about the life and death of George Floyd. Marchers, sure. Rioters and looters who break stuff and grab free TVs: If you've received no meaningful socialization against this behavior and there is no real consequence, why wouldn't you? There doesn't have to be any deeper an explanation than that.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Back off, Boogaloo!

Ray said...

The Attorney General (Barr) says it's Antifa and other Left organizations. Shouldn't that be the answer?

bagoh20 said...

I have no idea if White supremacists use that term. I have no idea about anything White supremacists do, because they're harder to find than a 10 point Jackalope. Nearly everyone talking about White supremacists have never met one.

Drago said...

Here's the live video feed of clearly russian-supported white supremacist MAGA hat wearing Trump supporters looting stores in Los Angeles.....

Or maybe the clearly russian-supported white supremacist MAGA hat wearing hypnotists are hiding after "convincing" all these LA residents to break into and loot stores.

We won't know for sure until Inga has consulted her Joy Reid Talking Point Crystal Ball to clue us in.

Big Mike said...

Well, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez used Twitter to publish guidelines for how to dress (long hair up in a bun, goggles, mask, nondescript layered clothing), what to bring (snacks, water for drinking and dealing with tear gas), and what not to bring (cell phone unless you turn off touch activation, contact lenses, “anything you don’t want to be arrested with”). As I am unaware of any connection between her and white supremacy groups, I infer that the rioting groups are left-wing in nature.

rhhardin said...

[Vicki] Hearne's Law is that whenever there's a stink about something in the news, it's because some charity or politician wants a stink about it in the news. (ca. 1985)

I didn't even believe the original death tape. Who wants to show this to who and why. What is left out. How account for the other officers not intervening, unless he's not in fact doing anything unusual. Most likely just keeping a wise guy on the ground until he gives up, the way he always does it.

An instant mob formed though, out for blood. Like Althouse nowadays not falling for links to suck her in, the mob just affirms my position. It's an entertainment tape, meant to suck you in. So wait and see what turns up.

No doubt the defense attornies will do a bang-up job on it, and then there will be the mandatory additional riots over the verdict. It will all be settled once Minneapolis is burnt to the ground and nobody lives there but the homeless.

Then repeat with another tape, give it a year.

So long as there's a huge entertainment-hungry audience of morons, it will work forever.

The Godfather said...

I have never heard of "boogaloo" before. Not that I'm conversant with all that fringe stuff, but I do often read comments on Althouse. Is it like "helter skelter"? That goes back to 1969, the year we had the Hong Kong flu that killed a greater percentage of Americans than the Wuhan flu (sorry: virus) has (so far).

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Antifa have already outed themselves on this.

The media(D) desperately attempting to reverse the earth's orbit around the sun.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I never heard of "Boogaloo" until yesterday. I've been reading about Antifa's adventures for years, particularly in Portland and Seattle.

The story PubliusFlavius linked to above is a must-read. Here you have two NYC attorneys with excellent jobs who happen to be black. One of them attended Princeton. They make much more money than a beat cop. Their future is (or was) bright. Yet these two are undoubtedly convinced that they are "oppressed" due to their skin color and so it is perfectly moral and right for them to murder blue collar police officers, especially white ones. The looters from the hood are at least honest - they know damn well it's not about Floyd, they just want a free TV. It requires an education and in their case a very expensive one, to convince yourself that murdering a cop for social justice and equality is a noble deed.

YoungHegelian said...

Wake me up when the Boogaloo Righties are getting bailed out of jail by Hollywood stars.

I don't want to say there absolutely no alt-righties involved in the rioting because if the authorities arrest even one of them, the statement is false. What I will say is that the hard left is so much better funded & organized at this time that I have no doubt that of the activists as opposed to looters arrested 95% of them will be found to be active in Lefty causes. It won't be anywhere even near close.

This is what the Left always does. It goes back to the "wreckers, hoarders, & counter-revolutionaries" of Soviet propaganda days. Lefties never ever do evil or fucked up shit. It's always the evil "others". A fine example of this sort of nonsense was when Robert Reich claimed that the Antifa thugs who rioted at UC-Berkley had to be right-wing imposters. 'Cause,gee-gosh-ah-rooney, who had ever heard of their being hard Lefties at Berkley! I mean, really!

It just leaves you wondering exactly how someone got that stupid.

BarrySanders20 said...

PubliusFlavius said...

Interesting story. Two minority lawyers and pathetically sad failures as terror wannabes. They tried to torch an empty, bashed-in squad car but couldn't get the Molotov cocktail to light. Used a tissue that burned out before it ignited the fuel. These two losers obviously never had the privilege of growing up in suburban New Jersey where we burned all kinds of shit, learned how fast different kinds of fuels burned, learned how gasoline was different from lighter fluid, and knew the burn rate of the fuse for all explosive fireworks up to M-80s. Little pyros we were. Looks like they could have used a little whitesplaining to help them in their little endeavor. Losers. Too much affirmative action promotion and they never learned how to actually do the job.

Mr. failed terorrist Start-up lawyer man is scrubbed from the firm web site already too. Hilarious!

J. Farmer said...


There are none so blind as those who will not see.

There's one worse: those who will see what isn't there.

Greg the class traitor said...

"The protests are justified, and by the local blacks. The violence, riots, destruction are unjustified, and by evil outside white supremacists!"

Ok, that's fine

So, everyone excusing the violence and destruction is a supporter of white supremacists, and needs to be drive off of all social media, and out of the public square.

So. Jacob Frey, white, jew, supporter of gay marriage, Democrat Mayor of Minneapolis, who ordered the police and fire depts to let the city, and the 3rd Precinct police station, burn is, in reality, a KKK member and white supremacist supporter.

Since if not he'd be supporting the protests and opposing the destruction

Works for me, if that works for you

Drago said...

J. Farmer: "Pick your favorite target. Antifa. Black Lives Matter. Soros. The Dems. Trump. The deplorables. Putin.

They're all right in their own way, and they're all wrong in their own way."


Pick your favorite answer. 2 + 2 = 4, 4.0, 4.00, 4.000, 4.0000, 387, 171, Infinity.

They're all right in their own way, and they're all wrong in their own way.

Michael said...

Because there is nothing racist Trump supporters like more than to side with blacks. Ditto the Klan. Boogaloo was recently invented. White supremacists and racist Trump supporters know that blacks are stupid without agency and are very easily led into violent acts on property and the police and are particularly easy to manipulate into looting luxury goods and liquor stores and burning down soon to open low cost housing. Evil Trump supporters are both at the throats of blacks and controlling their every bad act. Easy. Getting blacks to riot is a no brainer. And having the police, the racist Trump supporting police, stand by and watch the rioting and burning and looting is the double secret aspect of the double tricky racist Trumpsters who trick the Democrat mayors and governors into playing along. Nothing Trump can’t get done.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftwing hatred is known.

It's shown to us every day from the top down. From the on air Talent on CNN and MSDNC...
to Nancy Pelosi, & Adam Schitt, & Peter Stroke, & Hillary Clinton, and Kathy Griffin... their seething rage from on high is the spark.

This all started with legitimate anger of the death of a black man. Now - a mix of black anger, and Antifa joining together to burn it all down.

Not a single Trump supporter is involved in any of the crime, looting or vandalism. it's a laughable Maddow-Russian lie to say they are.

J Melcher said...

It's important we all remain true to ourselves, stick to our principles, and never surrender our favorite stereotypes.

Greg the class traitor said...

Seriously, how evil do Democrat Governor Walz, and Democrat Mayo Frey, have to be to let a bunch of vile white supremacists come to Minneapolis and burn down a bunch of black owned homes and businesses?

What kind of racist scum are they?

steve uhr said...

Who knows at this point. Crazy people burn down a post office and a bank. They are on the far far left or the far far right. They want to tear down the fabric of society. We all know such people exist on both ends of the political spectrum. And they love to take advantage of these situations Pinning their actions on trump or soros is ridiculous.

What matters is they get caught and prosecuted. Serious question - does facial recognition technology work if the person is wearing a mask covering their mouth and nose?

Yancey Ward said...

I wrote it last night- eventually, maybe after 10,000 arrests, the Democrat will find one white guy who once posted a picture of himself wearing a MAGA hat. That guy will then be blamed for all the riots by MSNBC and CNN.

Some people are just willing to tell any lie, no matter how ridiculous it is.

narciso said...

close to the epicenter,

Tom T. said...

My guess would be that DOJ has had Antifa under investigation at least since Barr's arrival.

Greg the class traitor said...
META TITLE ON A SLATE ARTICLE YESTERDAY: Destroying a police precinct is a reasonable response to unreasonable killings.

So I guess Slate is all a bunch fof "white supremacists" and supporters, right?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

MSM(D) will certainly ignore the facts. Switch the narrative. More lies. These are the same assholes who make it illegal to ask about Biden's family grifting.

wait... what's this?

Pair of Brooklyn lawyers including Ivy League corporate attorney charged in Molotov cocktail attack on NYPD cruiser

The collective left are angry. They've been angry ever since Hillary lost the 2016 election. This is just more of the same. As Yancey states - they are in a dead end cul de sac. So the collective create a horseshit narrative about it being Trump supporters.

BTW - If I were an angry black male, I'd be a little irritated with white boy leftwing Antifa attempting to steal the spotlight.

Amadeus 48 said...

I don’t think anyone is going to find much boogaloo. Black Bloc all the way on this one.

To the extent white supremacist groups exist in this country, they tend to be small and focused on, well, white supremacy. I don’t see that here. Remember, The Soviets blamed the Katyn Forest massacre on the Nazis—and fellow travelers in the West believed them!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Leftwing Slate yesterday:

Proportionate Response
When destroying a police precinct is a reasonable reaction.

"news" media today: It's all Trump and his supporters... the boogaloo! We just made that up!

Inga said...

“I'm eager to get the real facts on who's doing what.”

As am I.

“There's a tendency of people on the left to say that the right-wing extremists are behind this and the people on the right to say it's Antifa. That's unfortunate, but it's the way we live now. It's not helpful to select and spread rumors and theories based on who you want the enemy to be.”

True. I’ve been pointing out that there are anti government groups that are quasi anarchists and don’t have a clear right or left agenda. The Boogaloo Bois appear to fit that description, they lean right when it comes to the 2nd Amendment and less so on other issues. Antifa is mostly left, but also have anarchistic tendencies. The enemy is one who wants to destroy this country as far as I’m concerned. I recall hearing the Steve Bannon types repeating the “Burn it down!” meme many times right here in these comments sections.

Banjo said...

Joseph Goebbels would applaud the "white nationalists" claim, a lie big enough to repeat and repeat and repeat. Just watch CNN and the rest of our left-wing media, which is all of it now that FOX has crossed the Rubicon.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Not found on CNN, MSDNC, ABC, NBC, CBS ETC...

Inga said...

“It should be pretty easy to judge from the backgrounds of those arrested at protests whether the come from the right or left. I don't see this as difficult.”

I agree.

Josephbleau said...

For professional protests, the organizers usually get charter busses to bring them in. I wonder if anyone has noticed charter busses parking discreetly around town. Also now I don’t think there are open restaurants or hotels, so people are probably putting them up or they are sleeping rough and eating bologna. Finally, the media can observe who is bailing out all the arrested ones. Are the nazi’s bailing out the hippies? Maybe, perhaps the tea party is coming in for a few days of riot picnics.

Temujin said... help you in your observations, Antifa has been destroying cities in our country for a number of years now, from Seattle to Portland (where they are a regular weekend pain in the ass), to Dallas, to New York. Everything they do (including paying off destructive actions) is on TV or You Tube, or iPhones. Their actions are regular, well organized, WELL FUNDED, with intent to destroy the American society. They live on our campuses, in our media, and in our government offices. They also work at Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox, This is not new.

And regularly, when they are on TV destroying cities, the media and Democrats (but I repeat myself) come out and call them white supremacists. They do this every time and try to get that as the narrative before anyone pays attention.

gilbar said...

When you have jackbooted black-clad thugs assaulting people, it’s the ironically-named Antifa,

it's just a simple language confusion
just like antipasto isn't against pasta, antifa isn't against fascism
antipasto means ante pasta (BEFORE the pasta, LEADING UP TO THE PASTA, INTRODUCING the past)
antifa is JUST THE SAME, but with fascism. Antifa is the appetizer to fascism

Wince said...

Back Off Boogaloo

As a kid, I had the 45rpm.

Automatic_Wing said...

I think it's perfectly obvious that the current street theater is broadly leftwing in nature. It's the same script, same tactics, same everything as is in Ferguson 2014. This effort to pin the blame on white supremacists from Idaho or the Russian spetsnatz or whoever is not fooling anyone.

MayBee said...

Let's also note that Susan Rice suggested these riots are sponsored by Putin.

Big Mike said...

There’s a report by Julian Zelizer over on CNN titled “It's been five decades since 1968, and things are somehow worse.” Change the title to “It's been five decades since 1968, and things are deliberately worse,” and it would be more correct.

Big Mike said...

@MayBee, ask away. And if they answer in the affirmative, ask again.

TJM said...

Looks like the people in Madison are extra special stupid if they think Trump supporters are behind the lawlessness being perpetrated by the left. Inga, any great thoughts?

Inga said...

“The Bugaloo stories are almost all horseshit.”

Just like the idiot who spouted horseshit like “7,500 tops people in the US would die of Covid 19”.

AZ Bob said...

Most of the looters seem to be having a good time. I watched some live looting of Santa Monica businesses on MSNBC. It seemed that there was a party atmosphere there. It is possible the initial window breakage was by organized groups but the looting is being done by opportunists.

Bay Area Guy said...

Antifa has long factual track record of violence. .

Not sure about the other folks.

pete 23 said...

Wake me up when "boogaloo", whatever that is, starts committing battery and torching businesses all over the country. Like Antifa is doing right now as we speak, and has been doing for for years, with very little consequence.

Edmund said...

Antifa graffiti and flags have shown up at the riots. White men in Bernie shirts. Communist and gang graffiti.

So who does that suggest?

Francisco D said...

Inga relied to “The Bugaloo stories are almost all horseshit.”

Just like the idiot who spouted horseshit like “7,500 tops people in the US would die of Covid 19”.

More like the horseshit about Mueller, The Collusion Hoax, The Kavanaugh Inquisition, the 2.2 million COVID deaths, the death of all the Wisconsin voters, etc., etc.

Guess who produced all that horseshit?

n.n said...

on CNN titled “It's been five decades since 1968, and things are somehow worse.”

Diversity breeds adversity. #HateLovesAbortion

chickelit said...

Wince linked Ringo's song. I posted the lyrics last night on a now-dormant thread here, with lyrical tweaks intended to amuse Inga, because the boogaloos are her new favorite bugaboos.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Russian Collusion Truther Inga: "I agree."

Actually, you don't agree. As you've said repeatedly over the last several days, these horrible russian-backed white supremacist Trump-supporting MAGA-hat wearing out of towners come waltzing on in and get all those angelic leftists to do things they would never do on their own.

Drago said...

Inga: "Just like the idiot who spouted horseshit like “7,500 tops people in the US would die of Covid 19”."

Nowhere near as bad as the idiot who STILL claims Carter Page and Gen Flynn are spies and traitors.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Inga forced to change the subject.

n.n said...

murdering a cop for social justice

A relativistic a la ethics ("religious") philosophy. Social justice anywhere is injustice everywhere.

wildswan said...

On the issue of was it Antifa or Bugaloo - Lori Lighfoot and the Chicago police superintendent and others gave a press conference at about noon today.

If you listen to them it is evident that they all think that there was a protest and then there was riot with looting. They all think there were different participants in two different events but they think young members of the black community were participating in the looting. At minute 28 an alderman begins describing how groups pulled up in front of stores with U-Hauls attached to cars and went in stores and loaded those U-Hauls. He describes how many banks and ATMs were smashed; pharmacies looted of drugs. And this carnage was the work of members of the black community who were being encouraged to think of looting as protesting. Throughout the woe Press conference, you can see the whole Chicago black leadership uniting to urge young community members not to listen to a message of destruction. So, when you put it all together you have to think it was Antifa out there urging anarchy and theft as righteous protest. Black community members would not have to be urged not to follow white supremacists.

The two most interesting were the Police superintendent who starts and the Alderman who starts at about minute 28.

Michael said...

Just like the idiot who spouted horseshit like “7,500 tops people in the US would die of Covid 19”.
Althouse was predicting 11 million. Who was closer? LOL.

Drago said...

Li'l Stevie Uhr: "steve uhr said...
Who knows at this point. Crazy people burn down a post office and a bank. They are on the far far left or the far far right. They want to tear down the fabric of society. We all know such people exist on both ends of the political spectrum. And they love to take advantage of these situations Pinning their actions on trump or soros is ridiculous."


There's the tell. Whenever the lefties get exposed as precisely what they are, suddenly, all the Althouse usual suspects start spouting off with the "lets not quibble about who killed who" Monty Python routine.

Every. Single. Time.

Sorry moron Uhr. These burners of buildings and assaulters of old ladies with 2x4's are all out and proud lefties, just like you.

We'll all just sit back now and wait for the left to produce a single example of some Hoax Boogaloo character who led any of this action.

And we all know perfectly well that person doesn't exist.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Russia Russia Inga likes the horseshit fed to her by the corporate press and her leftwing overlords.

She's a good hiveminder. When the collective plant a BS narrative and spread a lie, she's all in.

n.n said...

the 2.2 million COVID deaths

Planned Parent, conflation of causes, inference of cause, and counting twice and thrice. There is still hope that the SARS-CoV-2 will match and exceed the excess deaths of planned parenthood, maybe. They are developing a Planned Pathogen protocol, including effective disinfectants, to reduce the viability of the virus.

Iconochasm said...

AlbertAnonymous said...
So Boogaloo is NOT a reference to “Breakin’ 2 Electric Boogaloo” starring Ice-T?

Learn something new everyday...

No, that's the joke(ing threat). "When they ban our guns it's gonna be Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Antifa Is Just Occupy Wall Street Rebranded. Here’s How I Know.

"Nine years ago, a group of disgruntled youth set up camp in New York City’s Zuccotti Park, located in the middle of the Big Apple’s financial district. Their goals and demands were clear as mud. Protest financial inequity, topple the capitalist system, and redistribute all the wealth they saw as being stolen from the people by Big Banks and Big Capitalists…by Wall Street.

They aptly named themselves Occupy Wall Street (OWS) and it became a movement that spread across the country over the next year. Encampments popped up in nearly every major city. At that same time, the Tea Party had just sprung up to protest Obamacare and rising taxes. The mainstream media was portraying old people in walkers wearing American flags on their hats as dangerous, racist terrorists bent on burning down “Obama’s America”, while at the same time touting OWS as a glorious, peaceful example of courageous young Americans marching for equality.

It was anything but. However, these were socialists and they were seen as the antithesis of the free-market Tea Party protesters. President Obama picked his side (OWS) and Democrat politicians across the country followed suit. While they sent out riot squads to monitor the ridiculously tame Tea Party events, they changed city ordinances on vagrancy to allow OWS protesters to set up camp on city properties. In fact, to this day Los Angeles City Hall has a raging homeless problem on their grounds (that resulted in a rat infestation and several City Hall employees testing positive for typhus) because they lifted the ban on camping on city property in order to accommodate the OWS protesters. The homeless came with them. They never left.

The “battle lines” were drawn and the narrative was set. Occupy Wall Street – good and heroic. Tea Party – racist and violent."

(BTW - sorry to burst your bubble, socialists and anarchists, if you want socialism - you need capitalism to pay for it. Ask Sweden.)

YoungHegelian said...

Here's the problem for the moderate Left who are denying Antifa are behind much of the rioting: in a few days, the Antifa sites will begin to trumpet the past few days as a glorious triumph, as the first peeks of light over the horizon of a New Revolutionary Dawn. They have to.

The hard Left is trying to fill what they see as void of real action for social justice by mainstream liberalism. The Liberals have tried for three years to get rid of Trump by legal means & have failed. Indeed, Trump's position among his base is, if anything, more solid than 4 years ago. Bernie got defeated yet again by the "Democratic Party Machine" and an aged & feckless "corporate stooge" like Joe Biden is going to be the nominee. Minorities are still being murdered by the authorities, inequality is at an all time high, & corporate money clearly runs both parties. The Liberals are not just useless, they are an impediment to true social justice (the Hard Left's views, not mine).

The Hard Left just organized a close approximation of a national insurrection. This is their chance to get up on stage & be heard. You're damn straight they're gonna take credit for it.

Drago said...

Maybe Inga can tell us whether or not the russian-backed white supremacist redneck MAGA-hat wearing Trump supporters who are responsible for making all these hundreds of thousands and potentially millions of leftists across the nation burn and pillage their own towns and cities actually have to shave off their KKK beards first before approaching these erudite urban dwellers to Pied Piper them onto the path of the ne'er-do-well?

MayBee said...

My sons tell me the term "Boogaloo" is just an internet meme that makes fun of lame things because of Weekend At Bernies 2:Electric Boogaloo.

So the term might be out there, but like the OK hand symbol, it doesn't necessarily mean anything about white supremacy.

J. Farmer said...



Allow me to explain. The answer is irrelevant because the question is irrelevant. Say they're all involved, say none are involved. The effort at finger-pointing just a distraction from the essential problem: two separate and fundamentally unequal nations attempting to share the same democratic political space. Racial tensions and disruptions are baked into the system. Pick any partisan solution to the race problem you wish. It won't work.

steve uhr said...

Drago -- the truck driver who almost killed dozens in Mpls a bit ago. No doubt funded by Soros.

rcocean said...

Its amazing that the MSM is still lying and protecting Antifa and the violent Leftists. You wonder how many Trump supporters, free speech advocates, and Right wingers (including a few actual honest-to-God Racists) they have to attack and beat-up and how much property they have to loot and destroy before people start calling them

Thank God, we have Barr as AG and trump. At least they are doing *something* about Antifa and the violent Left. Lets see if Biden says anything, or whether he starts babbling about "wreckers" and "Hidden Counter-Revolutionaries" starting the violence.

rcocean said...

And yes there is "tendency" of the Left to blame the KKK, and the Right to blame Antifa. Just as they was a "tendency" of the anticommunists in the 1920s and 1930s to criticize the USSR as a Totalitarian Dictatorship with Famines and Gulags and a "Tendency" of the Left to say the USSR was an A-OK place, a workers paradise with free health care.

FullMoon said...

I thought white supremists want to kill black people. Surprised there are not dozens of bodies. All the beatdown videos by terrorists seem to be white pipple and some token elderly Asians.

'course the Asians targeted because of the China virus, as MSM pointed out several weeks ago..

rcocean said...

As for the ridiculous idea that the KKK is secretly causing all the violence. That's just as believable as Tulsi Gabbard and Trump being "Russian Assets" or Clinton being impeached because of a "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" or Gen Flynn being a Putin loving double agent.

The MSM lets the Left and the D's say the craziest and most insane things with little or no blow-back. And the you won't see Jimmy kimmel or Colbert satirizing the idea that the KKK is helping Black lives matter. You will see them calling Trump "Putin's cockholster".

rcocean said...

We did see White Supremacists at Charlottsville. There were 250 of them. And 5,000 Antifa.

FullMoon said...

Inga was blaming Trump and the right because her navy officer daughter was stressing over potential toilet paper shortage on the base.

Mark said...

I'm eager to get the real facts on who's doing what. There's a tendency of people on the left to say that the right-wing extremists are behind this and the people on the right to say it's Antifa. That's unfortunate, but it's the way we live now. It's not helpful to select and spread rumors and theories based on who you want the enemy to be.

Some more BS from AA here with her false equivalence. "Oh, we can't tell if all those people yelling 'Fuck Trump' and chasing down Fox News reporters and smashing and setting ablaze the Ronald Reagan building in D.C. are left-wing or right-wing. We don't know who is behind it all when Antifa posts online times and places for people to meet and where to attack. We really can't tell if those black people out there are white supremacists or not."

It's not helpful for you to spread rumors and promote ideas that deflect from what everyone knows to be true.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

interesting video
Please stop looting! This is only going to GET TRUMP RE-ELECTED!!

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Boogalooo is a reference to Rain Man 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Amadeus 48 said...

When the going gets tough, the woke change the subject.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga said...
“It should be pretty easy to judge from the backgrounds of those arrested at protests whether the come from the right or left. I don't see this as difficult.”

I agree.

5/31/20, 5:39 PM

Many Antifa are privileged little shits from wealthy Democrat families, like the Kaines, for instance. Remember Tim Kaine, Hill's running mate and the ex-gov of VA? Well, I don't either, but his Antifa spawn got a little wrist slap after spraying people attending a Trump rally with pepper spray:

Now that's the definition of white privilege, Inga. Just like Billy Ayres ("Guilty as hell, free as a bird") who escaped the consequences of his actions with the Weather Underground because he had a rich daddy and could afford top lawyers. The poor blacks they claim to champion don't have such advantages.

That's one reason the Dems are coming up with this Boogaloo bullshit for gullible boneheads like Inga to swallow. Because once the rock is lifted, America might find out other prominent Democrats have children who are violent, America-hating rat filth.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

overheard in the war-room/Backroom at CNN-DNC.

"Here, I have an idea - lets just lie and say all these horrible things going on ... burning, destruction of property... looting...smashing... lets just call them... ah ... oh I know . BOOGALOOO!"

Lewis Wetzel said...

Antifa has deep pocket backers, and close ties to media figures and politicians.
You can't say that about ANY so-called "white supremacist" group.
Again, compare so-called "white supremacists" with antifa. Who bails them out if they are arrested? Who pays for their lawyers? Where do they work?

In the case of ANY organized group that promotes violence as means of political change, the FBI would on top of them, every minute of every day.
Unless they are bunch of commie trust fund babies.

John henry said...

I knew the Bougalieu

I hung out with the Bougalieu (Albany 66-67)

These ain't no Bougalieus.

John Henry

Browndog said...

There are more under cover FBI agent 'White Supremacists' than there are White Supremacists.

buwaya said...

Since we got a call from our kid in Santa Monica, scene of the latest paragraph of the drama (all is well), I am up. Lucky you.

"It just leaves you wondering exactly how someone got that stupid."

Robert Reich isn't stupid, at all. He's just being, er, fanciful. He has a long, long history of telling whoppers. In his own field, too. Starting, as far as I know, over 30 years ago with his old arguments for industrial policy. Lets say he's the sort who would write the kind of business case that gave that exercise a bad name.

"They want to tear down the fabric of society."

No, they don't. They are paid, organized storm troops, street fighters deployed by a centralized high command to create a given political effect. Exactly the sort of organization that the Communists and the Nazi SA both created to fight in the streets of Germany in the 1920's. They aren't a bunch of loners either. They are dispatched in teams, not as individuals, and they even have training programs.

There has been a lot of coverage of these people in the last 20 years, some of it from the inside.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

This is their chance to get up on stage & be heard. You're damn straight they're gonna take credit for it.

5/31/20, 6:39 PM

You are correct. I saw a video interview of an Antifa dude who was PISSED that people were trying to take the credit away from them. It's their shining moment!

The Dems think of Antifa as their tame pet tiger, useful when needed. Pet tigers have been known to attack their owners.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

white supremacists?... Rochester beat-down?

Yancey Ward said...

Yeah, Steve, that truckdriver was trying to kill people. Any reasonable person watching that realizes that he was afraid of becoming the next Reginald Denney.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

steve uhr said...
Drago -- the truck driver who almost killed dozens in Mpls a bit ago. No doubt funded by Soros.

5/31/20, 6:50 PM

Shame on her. She should have just let herself get murdered.

Note to steve uhr: If you don't want to get run over, don't gang up with other morons to pound on a truck and block its' path, fool.

Gospace said...

Democrats need to deflect attention from the inconvenient for them fact that it’s their allies doing all this. It’s not the boogaloo crowd- they’d be strictly targeting government. Police, city halls, whatever. The actual according to them enemy. They’d also be doing it effectively, not with Molotov cocktails gunned up from ideas on what they are. It actually requires practice to construct and effectively use a Molotov cocktail. The Brooklyn lawyers and the Shader sisters- leftists- were probably throwing them for the first time.

I perused Samantha Shader’s Facebook page before it was taken down. Didn’t notice anything too overtly political but for ten or more likes for legalizing marijuana pages. So much for the pothead myth that heavy pot use makes you mellow.

Near as I can figure out, there isn’t actually any such thing as a boogaloo movement. It’s more of a discussion point, as in when or if widespread insurrection from the middle class starts. Blacks are only 12% or so of the population. Many are innumerate and think because they’re a local majority, it’s like that everywhere. Less than 3% of my upstate NY county, even less in my town. More Amish than blacks locally. If the black leaders calling for race war (yes, they exist) in the US got their way we’d probably end up with a black population close to that of Argentina in very short order.

The boogaloo is widely discussed in the sci-fi community. No one actually wants to see it happen, but many think it’s inevitable. It’s also a discussion point among ROTC cadets, since if it starts they’ll have to pick a side. Neutrality for the military would not be an option. Again, no one there wants to see it either. A second civil war wouldn’t have geographic boundaries like the first one. It would be messy and everywhere.

jg said...

'Boogaloo' is so far as I know, a humorously dark LARP styling - a bit of cynicism in reaction to being far outside the Overton window - for 4chan types. One could view Christchurch guy (though he was anti muslim) or one of the incel spree shooters as what you might fear - crazies set to go postal might cling to their personal grievance themes. 'Boogaloo' types hope the police and military types will end up joining them in some inevitable race war which will certainly never happen. Antifa has a long track record of effective mob-violent actions worldwide. My money is on antifa for almost all the flame-fanning.
Keep in mind the *tremendous* bias of media to report white supremacy and white evil in complete disregard for what's real+significant.
In general you have to wonder: why are people so sure the destruction of, or opposite of, the status quo, will lead fruitfully in the direction they'd rather?

rhhardin said...

Most white supremacists are black and living in Africa, and are trying to get to a white-run country.

Drago said...

steve uhr: "Drago -- the truck driver who almost killed dozens in Mpls a bit ago. No doubt funded by Soros."


Thats what you come back with? 1 truck driver who no doubt feared for his/her life from your molotov cocktail tossing, federal officer murdering, beat old women with 2×4's heroes?

And it was what, about 3,000 to 1?

And the driver did stop and even swerved to avoid a person on the ground.

Forget it Li'l Stevie. You own antifa and now we are going to see just how many of your establishment dem pals and foreigners are funding your international terrorist storm troopers.

Gk1 said...

Didn't Georgia or Tennessee legislature pass some law stating drivers will be held harmless if they strike rioters on a highway? That needs to become the national standard. When you choose to walk out on a highway trying to close a highway. stop cars or surround them, you are taking your life into your own hands.

Static Ping said...

When the claim is "false flag," which is exactly what it is to accuse right-wing groups of leading the riots, the standard of proof is at least... something. At the moment, the proof is certain celebrities and journalists have started a conspiracy theory with little to nothing to back it up, and now other people are citing them as if they are authorities on the matter. Meanwhile, ANTIFA has a long and established history of being involved in exactly these sorts of events including openly bragging about their exploits, but apparently we are not supposed to notice.

I'm really at a loss at this point. It is becoming difficult to tell if these people are lying for political gain or if they are genuinely insane. And these are our leaders!

walter said...

Just avoid getting between Ingot and the Toe-sah Cinnabon tomorrow.

Tinderbox said...

As right-wing as they come and I've never heard the term "Boogaloo".

stlcdr said...

The more information we have, the less information we have.

Rick said...

There's a tendency of people on the left to say that the right-wing extremists are behind this and the people on the right to say it's Antifa. That's unfortunate, but it's the way we live now.

What a pathetic pretense these are similarly reasonable beliefs.

Unknown said...

Black Lives Matter in Austin canceled their march, which happened anyway. BLM leader says it was co-opted by Hispanic and white activists, and is he ever PO'd

RobinGoodfellow said...

“There's a tendency of people on the left to say that the right-wing extremists are behind this and the people on the right to say it's Antifa.“

Well, the arrestees are being bailed out by Democrats in general and Hollywood actors in particular. So there’s that.

RobinGoodfellow said...

“ Blogger Yancey Ward said...
I wrote it last night- eventually, maybe after 10,000 arrests, the Democrat will find one white guy who once posted a picture of himself wearing a MAGA hat. That guy will then be blamed for all the riots by MSNBC and CNN.”

I hate to say it, but everybody knows this is true.

RobinGoodfellow said...

Blogger gilbar said...
When you have jackbooted black-clad thugs assaulting people, it’s the ironically-named Antifa,

it's just a simple language confusion
just like antipasto isn't against pasta, antifa isn't against fascism
antipasto means ante pasta (BEFORE the pasta, LEADING UP TO THE PASTA, INTRODUCING the past)
antifa is JUST THE SAME, but with fascism. Antifa is the appetizer to fascism”

I prefer the Latin—Antefa. But, yeah.