May 21, 2020

Oh, she quips. This counts as a quip.

"Pelosi quips that Trump has 'doggy doo on his shoes' in ongoing spat" — Reuters.

Can you imagine if Trump came out with a line at that level of humor and originality? The chance that it would rate as a "quip" in a Reuters headline is just about 0.

“It’s like a child who comes in with mud on their pants,” Pelosi told a news conference when asked about provocative comments Trump has made about MSNBC television host Joe Scarborough, including references to him as “psycho.”
You mean, including the quip that he's "psycho"?
“He comes in with doggy doo on his shoes and everybody who works with him has that on their shoes, too, for a very long time to come,” Pelosi said, referring to canine excrement.
Referring to canine excrement... Maybe it's in their stylebook that all slang must be restated in standard English.

This is the first appearance of the term "doggy doo" on this blog.

I looked in the NYT to see if they'd ever printed "doggy doo" before Nancy Pelosi's recent remark. I saw 3 pop culture things — a movie character must search "doggy doo" for a diamond, another movie is "an orgy of doggy doo," and something called "A Doggy Doo-or-Die Tale." But I was excited to see that it had appeared in a straight news story — "House Passes Short-Term Spending Bill, Setting Up Shutdown Battle in Senate." That's from  January 2018. Let's see how "doggy doo" got into that. Oh! It's Nancy:
Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the Democratic leader, made clear that she was unmoved by the inclusion of CHIP funding in the stopgap bill.

“This is like giving you a bowl of doggy doo, put a cherry on top and call it a chocolate sundae,” she said.
It's crap for non-children to use the gross/cutesy term "doo" in their quips. I'm saying "crap" because I think adults, when they're being mean but need a taste-level above "shit," should say "crap." "Doo" or "doo doo" is babyish. "Poop" isn't mean enough.

By the way a "chocolate sundae" is not chocolate ice cream with a cherry on top. It's vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce. You can add a cherry, but if you do, you probably want whipped cream too, for the classic look.

And a quip is "Originally: a sharp, sarcastic, or cutting remark, esp. one cleverly or wittily phrased. Later more generally: any clever, witty, or humorous remark; a witticism, an epigram" (OED). It's a word of "uncertain" origin, "Perhaps influenced by words of similar ending (as clip v.2, nip v.1, whip n., etc.) which contain the idea of something sharp or cutting." Ah, yes, the "-ip" words. They are nice. Zippy and trippy. Not like the "-oo" words — "doo," "poo," etc. They're gooey.


Kevin said...

Aren’t Pelosi’s constituents walking around with human doo on their shoes?

People with poop-filled streets should not fling poop quips.

Mattman26 said...

That’s some Oscar Wilde-level wit there.

iowan2 said...

Pelosi and Biden lead the Democrat Party.
Its scary half the nation will vote for what ever "that" is.

stevew said...

Childish to use the phrase 'doggy doo', check.
Definitely not sharp nor particularly cutting so not a quip, check.

Trump, troll level master. GOAT (greatest of all time)?

He brings out the worst in his enemies, gets them to expose their true selves.

rehajm said...

Pelosi- “In December, the House upheld its Constitutional duty to defend democracy For The People: passing two articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump – abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

Ha! Ha! Ha! She said dootie!!!

Darrell said...

Nancy is morbidly stupid.

Big Mike said...

She and gropey-fingers Slow Joe Biden (he who magically transmuted hydroxychloroquine into Chlorox) are the leaders of the Democrats. I can only assume that the people who vote for the likes of them are even more stupid.

Quayle said...

They’re running out of verbal ammunition. He’s exhausted their arsenal of put downs. They’re rummaging around for anything - anything - that might stick. And from the recesses of their childhood memories......

ga6 said...

That is just the botox talking.

The Bergall said...

She and Donald should get married...........

rhhardin said...

Dial M for Merde gets the best book title award.

Wince said...

Last night, on Jeopardy!, under the category 4-letter Scrabble high scoring words: Quip.

(Yes, that was a "band camp" reference.)

Danno said...

I'm just patiently waiting for Trump to say something that makes Nancy Pelosi's head explode. At that time, we will have a massive EPA cleanup required to remove all of the Botox.

Howard said...

Trump is letting her grab him by the anus. They let you do it if your speaker of the house.

Wince said...

You don't need to decipher doo-doo metaphors with Trump.

“Pelosi is a sick woman. She’s got a lot of problems. A lot of mental problems.”

As Bill Barr said, it'll be interesting to see who will write the history of President Donald Trump.

wendybar said...

Better than the poo all over her districts streets.....Clean up after your own before you spew your hate Nancy. As Tucker Carlson said the other night...."People with glass faces shouldn't throw stones"

Anonymous said...

As the old saying goes, when it comes to a Battle of Wits, Pelosi comes in unarmed.

BarrySanders20 said...

Should create a new poop culture tag

Ray - SoCal said...

Pelosi should remember the wisdom of:

I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.

George Bernard Shaw

tcrosse said...

Quippity doo dah, quippity ay.
My oh my what a wonderful day.

Wince said...

"That's why they call it a quip. Not a 'slooowp'."

Phil 314 said...

Large Man: Who's that then?
Dead Collector: I dunno. Must be a king.
Large Man: Why?
Dead Collector: He hasn't got shit all over him.

narciso said...

its staggering her level of hippocracy, she wrote the percentages of funding, that short shrifted businessmen and households, that rewarded universities and the kennedy center,

JMW Turner said...

Trump's rejoinder to Nancy's childish jape would be considered a quip pro quo.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Pelosi rarely walks the street of her districts.

DanTheMan said...

"Every nation gets the government it deserves." = Joseph de Maistre

walter said...

Kevin said...
Aren’t Pelosi’s constituents walking around with human doo on their shoes?
People with poop-filled streets should not fling poop quips.
Yep. She stepped in it here.
But shit pays:
"In San Francisco, you can earn more than $184,000 a year in salary and benefits for cleaning up feces. As members of the city's "Poop Patrol," workers are entitled to $71,760 a year, plus an additional $112,918 in benefits, such as healthcare and retirement savings, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.Aug 24, 2018"

Bruce Hayden said...

“Aren’t Pelosi’s constituents walking around with human doo on their shoes?”

Wondered how long that would take, tying the human excrement on the streets to her statement. Not long at all - it was the first comment. Keep in mind though that if there is a lot of human excrement on the streets there, a lot of the homeless also have dogs to keep them company. Sure, I am sure that one or two might run behind their mutts, cleaning up after them. But for the rest? If they aren’t going to pick up their own poop, should they be expected to do it for their pooches?

Skeptical Voter said...

As she escalates--and she will escalate--she'll soon be calling the President "Poopy Head".

D.D. Driver said...

Sure. Why not engage in a flamewar with our nation's greatest troll? This is Trump's home turf. The dirtier and nastier the campaign gets, the more it works to Trump's advantage.

Limited blogger said...

When Reuters has to explain your quip later on, hasn't it lost some of it's sting?

D.D. Driver said...

Also, I guess it's not in the OED definition, but I also think "quip" typically connotes an off the cuff remark and not a planned statement at a press conference.

Fernandinande said...

Pelosi is a poopy-head.

George Bernard Shaw

More likely J. Frank Condon

traditionalguy said...

Very quippy. That’s another word of unknown origin per spell check.

Once again Pelosi must be a secret Trump agent. Every move she takes sets up a massive Trump win.

Rory said...

Zippy Chippy

Craig said...

The anti-Trumpers remind me of the people who made fun of New Kids on the Block when I was in school.

Pelosi and the rest are insecure schoolchildren at the core.

Trying to make themselves seem cool by hating on someone else.

"We're positive, and no matter what you think we really care." --NKOTB, "Games"

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Of all their ongoing criminal enterprises the damage our leadership class dies the the English language might be the worst. When they’re not using words to obfuscate, trick and nudge us they are criminally infantilizing the Public Discourse. That Nancy’s chattering utterances that erupt in snorts and cackles in a halting almost coughing delivery are considered bon mots by the supplicant Press is another sign of the Apocalypse, I believe. More signs and wonders to come!

Rory said...

Dog owners seem to call it dog "poop" almost unanimously. No shit, no crap, no doo, no doo doo.

LordSomber said...

“Aren’t Pelosi’s constituents walking around with human doo on their shoes?”


Sofa King said...

Is "doo" short for "dookie?" Or is the latter a babified version of the former like poop became poopie? Which came first? Inquiring minds want to know.

Howard said...

Why do they call you deportables ships of Mar-A-Lago?

Lucien said...

No wonder the use of spats is ongoing.

Bilwick said...

"I love the State so much I want to have its babies," quipped Pelosi between drinks.

Bob Boyd said...

“This is like giving you a bowl of doggy doo, put a cherry on top and call it a chocolate sundae,” she said.

Nancy probably thought up that little witticism while she was pawing through her freezer for another pint of artisanal chocolate ice cream and cracked herself up. She went straight to her note pad and wrote it down so she'd remember it next time she talked to a reporter

Bobber Fleck said...

Trump is still reeling from Biden's "Tweety" quip. Now this. How long until Trump folds under this barrage of bomb shells? Is this the tipping point? Is this the beginning of the end?

Maillard Reactionary said...

Well, she really told him this time. Ha!

Bay Area Guy said...

The woman is very rich, (although she, herself, never earned any money), is very old and is very delusional.

The modern face of the Democrat Party!

Bob Smith said...

Trump and his 2016 win has driven a lot of folks around the bend. Nan is just one of the ones who get on TV any time she wants too.


Astonishing, Nan made Donald Trump look like the grownup in the room.

stlcdr said...

Trump has given Democrats permission to show their true nastiness.

Lurker21 said...

So now we are longing for the days when Elizabeth Warren would raise the level of public discourse with her loud shouts of "Poop!"?

I would probably just say "nonsense" and if I needed emphasis, I'd say it in another foreign language, but then, I wouldn't get very far in politics.

Temujin said...

Not for nothing, but it looks like those who worked around Barack Obama also have some doggy doo on their shoes and it's stinkin up the place. They will be asked to clean it up.

RK said...

By the way a "chocolate sundae" is not chocolate ice cream with a cherry on top.

I'm pretty sure Pelosi is the ice cream expert.

Lurker21 said...

Politicians nowadays long to be colorful, like the figures from the past they heard about when they started in politics. But it's a different era. The cameras are running all the time and everything is discussed and dissected 24-7. Maybe Nan would love to let loose like the fictional Clay Davis with a long "Sheeeeeeeee-it!" or let a loud one rip like the barely more factual Eric Swalwell, but she knows she can't get away with it. Unfortunately "doggie-doo" makes her sound even more like a dotty aging heiress than usual. I'd like to see Maggie Smith play her in the movie.

Gk1 said...

I don't even think bay area liberals like Pelosi all that much. At least the ones I talk to think she is too old and ineffectual to deal with Trump and want her gone. Isn't this the woman that the press assures us at every opportunity is a "3d chess master of politics"? Sad!

mezzrow said...

Gutted not to see a 'doggy do' or 'excrement' tag on this post.

NCMoss said...

Pelosi (even with Botox) seems like animated corpse and how desperate does it look trying to out-Trump Trump after all this time.

Lurker21 said...

I looked in the NYT to see if they'd ever printed "doggy doo" before Nancy Pelosi's recent remark. I saw 3 pop culture things — a movie character must search "doggy doo" for a diamond, another movie is "an orgy of doggy doo," and something called "A Doggy Doo-or-Die Tale."

Sure. If Henry Clay or Sam Rayburn or Newt Gingrich were alive today they would be channeling David Spade or David Arquette too.

MadisonMan said...

My Mom called it "Dog Dirt". Does Pelosi want to sound like a 4-yo? Mission accomplished.

Rick said...

The issue is never what Pelosi or other Democrats say. The issue is always how the media frames substantially equivalent comments completely differently for people they support.

Thy can't help themselves which is why the current "resistance journalism" is so amusing. They are now saying they shouldn't have to adhere to stated journalistic ethics of accuracy, balance, and fairness but they wrongly think this implies a difference from what they've always done.

Ezra Klein got rich for style changes which will eventually cause media to lose 3/4 or more of its influence. Will he regret this when he realizes what he's done? Probably not since he lives entirely within the remaining bubble.

Wilbur said...

Que come mierda.

Lurker21 said...

San Francisco doesn't keep count of how much of the poo is human and how much is animal, so much of the celebrated shit in the streets may not be from people. Also, they had a new app that allows people to easily report poop, so the great rise in crap reports may have more to do with the new app than with a sudden collective spasm of diarrhea.

RK said... desperate does it look trying to out-Trump

Her staff and the media assure her that her zingers are clever and hit the mark.

Jupiter said...

"By the way a "chocolate sundae" is not chocolate ice cream with a cherry on top. It's vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce. You can add a cherry, but if you do, you probably want whipped cream too, for the classic look."

Don't try to argue ice cream with Nancy Pelosi. She'll rock your road and split your banana.

Drago said...

Howard is trying really hard this morning.

I think thats adorable.

Jerry said...


Ever get the feeling we're looking at folks wanting to establish a really restrictive HOA over the entire US? With no possibility at all of saying 'No' to anything they dream up?

Just sayin...

DarkHelmet said...

We now have the worst set of politicians and by far the worst set of 'journalists' in my lifetime. And my lifetime includes LBJ and Nixon.

Can we sink any lower and remain a republic?

Why do we entrust these horrible people with so much power?

Yancey Ward said...

I prefer using "shit", but will use crap on occasion.

Amadeus 48 said...

That Nancy! She is a scream!

Nancy Pelosi. Stacey Abrams. Gretchen Whitmer. Elizabeth Warren. Mazie Hirono. AOC.

The Democrats have some real thinking to do.

rhhardin said...

A man, a plan, a canal: poop.

khematite said...

Michael Jackson famously recalls his treatment by police in the wake of child molestation charges:

He says that while he was in police custody, officers locked him in a feces-smeared bathroom for 45 minutes in order to belittle him and take away his pride.

"There was doo doo - feces - thrown all over the walls, the floor, the ceiling," he tells Bradley. "And it stunk so bad. Then one of the policemen came by the window. And he made a sarcastic remark... 'How do you like the smell? Is it good?' And I just simply said, 'It's alright. It's okay.' So, I just sat there, and waited."

Sam L. said...

I've NEVER seen a photo of Trump wearing spats. How could he have doggie-poo on his spats?

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Reuters "news" service (hat tip James Taranto) reports response by Pelosi to prodding by reporter for comment about Trump's comment about Scarborough.

News at the level of guano from Twitter.

madAsHell said...

The guy across the street was named Andrew. Of course, that became DogDrew after he fell into a pile of it.

FullMoon said...

Rory said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Dog owners seem to call it dog "poop" almost unanimously. No shit, no crap, no doo, no doo doo.

Oprah made it popular, with her employee, Dr. Oz

FullMoon said...

San Francisco doesn't keep count of how much of the poo is human and how much is animal, so much of the celebrated shit in the streets may not be from people. Also, they had a new app that allows people to easily report poop, so the great rise in crap reports may have more to do with the new app than with a sudden collective spasm of diarrhea.

The "new" app is two years old.
Human waste in public coincided with ban on free plastic bags in stores.

Iman said...

Shit is beyond getting real...

Iman said...

Pelosi has had so many facelifts that if she winks with either eye, she stands a good chance of soiling her undies.

Bunkypotatohead said...

I don't know how the president puts up with her shit.

Gk1 said...

You have to go back to January this year when it looks like Nancy kind of lost it. She convinced herself that by holding on to the impeachment articles it gave her "leverage" she could then use to get her way when the Senate took over. She just wound up looking like a fool and the 'Murder Turtle' went ahead and approved more judges in the mean time.

This the problem when you are covered by a bunch of ass sniffing sycophants in the press, you lose touch on what is effective in politics and what is just stupid.

rcocean said...

Trump has been our funniest, wittiest, President Since Reagan. Lets be honest, DC Pols aren't known for their sense of humor. Alan Simpson and Bob Dole were supposed to be witty/cutting. But I can't think of anything funny that Obama, Bush II, or Clinton said. Intentionally, anyway.

rcocean said...

If Pelosi was a Republican, she'd be the laughingstock of the MSM and the late night shows. She's behaved in a childish, highly partisan manner, and runs the House by ramming though everything with a 15 vote majority. Give credit to the DNC, the Democrats have ZERO mavericks or moderates. They do whatever Nancy says, 99% of the time. Stalin would be proud.

Michael K said...

They do whatever Nancy says, 99% of the time. Stalin would be proud.

She controls the money spigot from Silicon Valley. You don't think that Democrats still have small contributors do you?

It's all corporate money now.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

The Doggy, Doggy Do

I wooed her in the winter time
Part of the summer too
And the only, only thing that I did that was wrong
Was to keep her from the Doggy, Doggy Do

ken in tx said...

Pelosi thinks she is smelling dog doo? I guess that explains her usual facial expression.

Mica Vim Toot said...

I do like it when she chases words around like that!

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