Via New York Magazine, which says:
Published on the restaurant’s Facebook page and since widely shared, [the daughter] Hafsa’s post asks people not to worry.... Hundreds have responded with messages of support and pride, with one person writing “thank you for living your public life with such integrity and continual love for your community.”... Ruhel’s words have been shared across social media by everyone from San Francisco Chronicle restaurant critic Soleil Ho, a former Minneapolis resident, to television host and chef Andrew Zimmern and activist DeRay Mckesson, as a powerful expression of the value of human life over property.
Wait until he finds out the the insurance company doesn't pay for riot damage.
He bought the 'riot clause' on his insurance policy. He bet long...and won.
Or...he lost everything, but is a spiritual soul and means fully what he said.
Or he's freakin tired of the restaurant business and trying to make a living dishing out Indian food in Minnesooooota.
Putting out the fire will not have any effect on whether the officer is punished, of course. None. I think he knows that, but the family seems to use English as a second language, so I don't know how their land of origin behaves.
Not to be too cynical, but posting social media messages in solidity with violent rioters and looters is probably based on some self-preservation.
Good. Remember his name and remember his business. Send that information to the following list that's getting passed around today
– Walgreens Central and Lowry in Northeast: Property damage.
– Wells Fargo Lake Street: Fire and property damage.
– J-Klips Lake Street: Property damage.
– Hennepin County Human Service Center: Property damage.
– ICC Wireless Lake Street: Property damage.
– Jackson Hewitt Tax Service: Property damage.
– Little Caesars Lake Street: Fire and property damage.
– Teppanyaki Grill Lake Street: Fire and property damage.
– Home Choice Lake Street: Fire and property damage.
– Dollar General Lake Street: Extensive fire damage.
– Twin Lake Dental: Fire and property damage.
– HD Laundry Lake Street: Fire and property damage.
– Citi Trends Lake Street: Fire and property damage.
– Total Wireless Lake Street: Fire and property damage.
– Pineda Tacos Lake Street: Property damage.
– Subway Lake Street: Property damage.
– 7 Mile Fashion Express East Lake Street: Destroyed by fire
– The Fremont Bar Uptown: Property damage, looting.
– O'Reilly Auto Parts West Broadway: Extensive fire damage.
– Broadway Liquor Outlet West Broadway: Property damage, looting.
– Quality Tobacco Lake and 1st: Extensive fire damage.
– Skol Liquor Store 27th Avenue: Property damage, looting.
– Max-It Pawn Shop Cedar Avenue: Extensive fire damage.
– Minnehaha Liquor Lake Street: Property damage, looting, extensive fire damage.
– Hexagon Bar at E 26th and 27th: Extensive fire damage.
– Target Lake Street: Looting, graffiti, property damage, fire damage.
– Wendy's Lake Street: Fire, destroyed.
– Autozone Lake Street: Fire, destroyed.
– Cub Foods Lake Street: Looting, property damage, fire damage.
– Under construction affordable housing development at 26th and 29th: Fire, destroyed.
– 7-Sigma building, 26th and 29th: Fire, extensive damage.
– Minneapolis 3rd Police Precinct: Property damage, graffiti.
– Dollar Tree off Lake Street: Property damage, looting.
– Metro by T-Mobile Lake Street: Fire, extensive damage.
– Hi Lake Liquor: Property damage, looting.
– Speedway East Lake Street: Property damage.
– East Lake Library: Windows smashed, graffiti.
– Precision Tune Auto Care Lake Street: Property damage.
– U.S. Bank Lake Street: Property damage, graffiti.
– Dairy Queen East Lake Street: Property damage.
– Papa Murphy's Pizza East Lake Street: Property damage.
– Planet Fitness on Lake: Property damage.
– Domino's Pizza 26th and 28th: Property damage.
– Urban Forage Winery and Cider House, Lake and 29th: Property damage, looting.
– Gandhi Mahal Restaurant, 27th and Lake: Window smashed.
– Car-X Tire & Auto East Lake Street: Property damage, vehicle smashed through windows.
– Frattelone's Ace Hardware East Lake Street: Property damage.
– MN Transitions Charter School: Property damage.
– Laundro Max East Lake Street: Window smashed.
I hope they ask him whether he's fine with 'letting their buildings burn'. NO SOUP FOR YOU!
I think that all other foreign born restaurant owners from the subcontinent should burn their own restaurants in solidarity
Personal property practically is human life. People poor thousands of their human hours into building something, generally with the hope of improving the lives of those they love, be at their children, favorite charity, or whomever. Taking that personal property away through destruction is destroying those hours of life.
Looted and tried to burn down the Target, too. And when it moves away we'll have to endure the wailing and lamentations about the evil capitalists creating a food desert.
Wait until he finds out the the insurance company doesn't pay for riot damage.
Please. It was a peaceful protest demonstration. We have that on the best authority.
"...caught fire..."
No human agency at all.
Some desperate property owners will turn to a drastic form of insurance fraud -- burning down their restaurants. Is it still fraud if you encourage someone to burn it down?
There must be something else going on here.
Mr. Islam is going to turn the other cheek? When was the last time that happened?
Trial by riot. What could go wrong?
This guy has hopes that the crocodile will eat him last.
When did we get to a place where we riot first and look for the failure of justice later? When did the media get to a place where they'd rather see a city burn than encourage giving the system a chance? When did the victims get to this place?
This is such a pathetic statement about how "community activists" go about their business.
While I'm tempted to think "what an enlightened perspective", in my heart I think it's nuts.
Personally, I've never harbored any destructive instincts; particularly when it comes to other people's property.
Cultural Revolution style self criticism.
"continual love for your community"
If masochism is a form of love.
It's a great day for virtue signaling.
Someone's gonna be a Go Fund Me Millionaire in a day or two. Smart move, just like immigrating here from some s**thole country.
If randomly burning down property of people not in any way associated with the issue at hand now means justice, I think we're in trouble.
Much better than the comment by black business owner who says he spent a lifetime building it, now it's gone.
Had no choice but to burn and destroy. Peaceful protest never works.
And, to repeat, many white people out there bustin' things up. Antifa guy with ballpeen busted windows of Autozone before it was lit up. He came prepared, probably from the 'burbs.Just helping out and providing leadership.
It's a good thing no one is ever hurt or killed in a "riot for justice".
A link to heroic antifa guy breaking windows.
"Let justice be served" is the cry of the lynch mob.
How many GoFundMe pages does he have now?
We visited Gandhi Mahal many times when we lived in Minneapolis. These riots are happening in a nice neighborhood, Hiawatha/Lake. Really sad to see all of this destruction.
I see Steve Urh is spamming the comments with that long document. I understand that those hard-ons can be persistent, Steve,
" as a powerful expression of the value of human life over property."
Who forced him into that choice?
He got the "lose," but no "win."
If you know who put him in that position, vote against them in November.
Wonder if his insurance agent feels the same way.
This the new "Kill for Peace" movement?
When people look on helplessly as their property is destroyed, they tend to say things about the importance of people over property. It’s self-protective, it’s mature wisdom, and it’s also — think about it — good business. This is good PR for his restaurant, so it’s the best he can do in a bad situation.
Whatta Carbon Footprint these douche bags have!
It’s not as though he intentionally sacrificed for the cause or decided to donate his business.
I incline to Kai Akker's idea: watch for the gofundme. But this is still moral idiocy, and the reception to his comments shows the large market for moral idiocy.
Pathological altruism.
See also.... National Lampoon Radio Dinner... Pull the Tregros.
“Pay no attention to those burning buildings or those men over there going into the Liquors-B-Us brandishing those guns which they’ve just stolen from the now burning gun store”
I somewhat doubt the owner really was as accepting of his business being burned down as his daughter is portraying. Though I do understand putting out this take om the situation. There are people who would not only not have sympathy for a man who lost his business to it being burned down during a riot, but actually react negatively to an owner complaining about that. Those people are awful, wretched human beings, but even awful, wretched human beings may want to enjoy some Indian food from time to time.
Wonder how his employees feel about not having a job
Privilege at its finest
From Steve Uhr's charging complaint:
1. The short time sequence between the knee and death (6 mins) will help the prosecution.
2. The finding by the medical examiner -- "The autopsy revealed
no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation" - will greatly help the defense.
meanwhile, the final veil of the sham against flynn has been revealed, there was no talk of sanctions re kislyak
A gentle reminder. Arson is a serious crime. Sometimes the old, disabled or young can't get out and get burned to death.
Casually accepting the burning of buildings by anonymous thugs is quite cowardly.
Just saying.
"...powerful expression of the value of human life over property."
Whoever thinks this way has had their ability to use logic systematically removed from their body. This isn't the trade. He didn't give up his building for the cause. This dumbfuck lost his building (hope insurance tells him to pound sand) after George Floyd lost his damn life. Was justice served by rioting, looting and arson by a bunch of criminals? HELL NO! It's just the opposite! It hurts innocent people for nothing, NOTHING!
Is it politically incorrect to state that the terrible killing of a Black man by a White cop is just and excuse for thugs and chiefs to riot and plunder?
Yeah. I thought so.
It's also an excuse for the race baiters to condemn America for "racism".
Haven't I seen this movie before?
Why so Pro-Choice? #RIP #NoSocialJustice #BLM #HateLovesAbortion
"It’s self-protective, it’s mature wisdom, and it’s also — think about it — good business."
The man responded under extreme duress, and I don't blame him. But it's also cowardly, encouraging the mob, and, over the long haul, very bad business.
How much business was he doing during the lock-down? And how much will he get from the insurance company?
In any case, as Althouse stated, its good PR. Especially, if its your future customers who were rioting. The only good side of the destruction is that it killed Klobblob's VP Chances. I didn't want to see her head/hair shaking for the next 4 years.
Remember his name and remember his business.
Yes, his business can be the symbolic pyre for people... persons, not limited to George, older, younger, darker, lighter, male, female, and other, who have lost and will lose their lives for the cause of social stability and progress. It is time to lose the Pro-Choice religion.
A link to heroic antifa guy breaking windows.
Not the only antagonist from the left-right (totalitarian-anarchist) nexus. Opportunity, I suppose.
The commentary by the restaurant owner makes sense, for the reasons our host gives - if this guy plans to reopen it would not serve him well to vilify potential patrons.
Can we please retire the word, "systemic" from this discussion? Not you guys so much but all the politicians, particularly the Democrat ones. The cop that did the killing wasn't operating under instructions to kill as many black guys as possible. He's just an evil, bad cop.
The finding by the medical examiner -- "The autopsy revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation" - will greatly help the defense.
And that he was resisting arrest. This might not meet the legal requirement of murder. I see a second riot in the near future.
And the process will repeat, again and again. Sad.
Can we get a list of which businesses it is OK to burn?
I wonder if his insurance company thinks it's okay for him to say it's fine to let it burn.
This is good PR for his restaurant, so it’s the best he can do in a bad situation.
That, or it gives the arsonists moral justification to burn more buildings. For the cause..
Next time, and the autopsy promises a next time, the store owners who will happily watch their stores burn, should put signs in the windows.
the value of human life over property
X = F((How much and whose life), (how much property and do they have insurance?))
X = $50,000 * years lost? $129,000?
There is nothing elevated or admirable in any way about a bunch of thugs taking other people's livelihoods, their aspirations, their hopes, their property and throwing them into the street.
I am looking at the tape of the black guy in tears because vandals have taken his neighborhood sports bar, for which he worked so hard, and destroyed it.
The people praising the fatalism and illogical thoughts of Mr. Ruhel Islam lack empathy and imagination.
madAsHell said...
There must be something else going on here.
Mr. Islam is going to turn the other cheek? When was the last time that happened?
Isn't it obvious? He doesn't own the building.
It seems lately that it is not the Covid-19 or the boot to the neck. It is the underlying health conditions that get you.
"Woman Found Dead in Car in Minneapolis Following Night of Kidnappings, Random Cars Being Shot At By Rioters"
stockholm-ish syndrome?
"continual love for your community"
...and your love become a funeral pyre
Meanwhile, the news media in SF is 'advertising' when and where tonight in Berkeley there will be a protest. They can gather but not the parishioners of the church on whose grounds they'll take a leak.
Ann Althouse said...
When people look on helplessly as their property is destroyed, they tend to say things about the importance of people over property. It’s self-protective, it’s mature wisdom, and it’s also — think about it — good business. This is good PR for his restaurant, so it’s the best he can do in a bad situation."
Please give us your take if the owner was an LA Korean who went to his business and shot dead the arsonist while attempting to burn the building. Or the looter while smashing in the window.
I hope he rebuilds, and I hope it burns again.
If I were a restaurant owner who was bleeding red ink and was really tired of the biz,
I'd make sure my insurance premiums were up-to-date and I would be praying for a fortuitous
Justice means taking black people seriously instead of taking them for the children they apparently are.
Better leadership would be a plus.
Good character is the ticket for success, and black leadership needs to keep them from taking it.
Hearsay, not necessarily "Words spoken by Ruhel Islam..."
Andrew Zimmern is a disgusting uglo-American who has literally destroyed earth with his stupid, self-indulgent eating eating eating. What kind of jackass travels thousands of miles over and over again to preen about his ability to eat, sometimes literally, shit food from defeated cultures?
Stay at home eating only self-grown vegetables fat boy, but keep the "50 year old with a toddler body" smirk.
I will never eat in his shithole restaurant.
The value of human life is infinite. That doesn't mean big. It means that you can't calculate with it. in+finite, no boundary.
Lileks The Bleat
Gelded RINO David Brooks is on PBS right now blaming Trump for George Floyd’s death.
I saw one story says counterfeit $20 and another says forged documentation. Which is it?
if he did not have the alleged items in possession is the arrest legal? and felony by cops?
what ever about the man and woman in car with him when police showed up? were they detained?
He sounds afraid, compelled to go-along-to-get-along with the consensus, hoping that this time it's just his property and that he will not be cancelled. With diverse historical precedents, many set in his own homeland, he is a "good German" in the old fashioned sense.
"This is good PR for his restaurant, so it’s the best he can do in a bad situation."
How would you know? Do you have experience or special knowledge of the restaurant market in the Mini-Apple? I ask because I see people wishcasting "1968" as if what happened as a result of the murderers in the Democratic party letting their freak flag fly back then somehow near-guarantees the same results now, decades and decades later.
Perhaps shutting the f up, aka saying nothing his daughter would broadcast, would be better than opening his yapper, according to the hearsay?
Or is that standard not so high anymore? Was his a panglossian response given the world he is now living in?
not the Covid-19 or the boot to the neck. It is the underlying health conditions that get you.
That and conflation of causes, inference of mortality, forcing coexistance, spreading social contagion, and multiplying the body count twice and thrice. It's a dark humor that considers this a forward-looking perspective.
... for a fortuitous grease-fire.
One of diverse businesses with and without a kitchen. Let us bray.
Careful you don't void your insurance policy -- or prevent getting a new one -- big talker.
Meanwhile, now we see how all this "concern" about so many people not wanting to re-open is BS as people abandon all social distancing and the only reason for the masks is to hide their identity.
Many restaurants fail for lack of advertising. This guy played it well and it didn't cost him a dime. The tables will be filled while he raises the prices. Smart business move.
I would like to know how torching his place serves justice. But, that's a question no proper journalist will ask.
My guess on his answer, "The cops went to jail didn't they? What's one building compared to 300 years of injustice that needed to be rectified." Reporter swoons, everyone else scratches their head.
Good God. These rare white cops killing blacks have become a good excuse for rioting and looting. Should whites start retaliating at the more frequent cases of blacks killing whites?
"The commentary by the restaurant owner makes sense, for the reasons our host gives - if this guy plans to reopen it would not serve him well to vilify potential patrons."
Bussed-in paid Commie pukes will be eating there sometime soon?
They will drive or be driven from all over the vicinity just to eat there, like they did for the riots and mayhem and cash?
Interesting theory.
I say none burning and raping would have stepped a foot in that particular restaurant before, and don't give a damn if they ever do.
Maybe what Gandhi would do...
Black Business Owner Who Invested Life Savings Into Looted Bar: “I Don’t Know What I’m Gonna Do”
How does burning the building serve justice? Will the officers not go to trial if there isn't sufficient burnt offerings?
Please: somebody stream them some opera.
I am Laslo.
The medical examiner's finding that he found no evidence of asphyxiation seems disingenuous. Chauvin was putting pressure on Floyd's carotid artery not his trachea. He was performing a blood choke, not an airway choke. One of the bystanders actually noticed this and upbraided the officer for performing such a dangerous, life-threatening move. It is only a preliminary report, but it sounds like the ME is whitewashing Floyd's death.
“When people look on helplessly as their property is destroyed, they tend to say things about the importance of people over property”
Being helpless sux.
His building won’t be rebuilt for years.
BTW, a cool Alt-take would be to trash BHO’s statement re this stuff.
The boilerplate con-take is to complain that BHO has blood on his hands cause he is not calming the nation at this time.
Not very original.
"When people look on helplessly as their property is destroyed, they tend to say things about the importance of people over property. It’s self-protective, it’s mature wisdom, and it’s also — think about it — good business. This is good PR for his restaurant, so it’s the best he can do in a bad situation."
Bilge. In the first place, he plans to rebuild it with the insurance money. For him, this is a long vacation, followed by a new building. Here, try starting it this way, and see where you end up;
"When people look on complacently as other people's property is destroyed ..."
This guy is being praised by many.
Two movies. One screen.
Based on the medical examiner's report, the cop isn't going to be convicted of murder or manslaughter, at least not with a competent judge presiding. Minneapolis is going to be burned to the ground in a few months.
My niece and her fiance are moving to St. Paul in two weeks. A jewelry store in their new neighborhood was looted -- for justice, I assume.
Someone needs the insurance money thanks to the lockdown crushing his biz.
Somebody has to decide it is time to start shooting looters.
No Democrats will do it. Is there a Republican city ?
"Good character is the ticket for success, and black leadership needs to keep them from taking it."
Reminds me of Kid Rock's "You get what you put in, and people get what they deserve" lyric in "Only God Knows Why."
Sure sure, but the winning emotion will always remain far past us and ours "BAD PEOPLE NEED ME TO PUNISH THEM!" feminism.
So separate others so you can hope to survive intact fully. Use algebra not subtraction or division. Calculus is still just an unproven theory, not to be taken with any degree of seriousness, not any at all.
And anybody who says there is something beyond Calculus is trying to sell you something, dope.
The simmering racial tension in our society and the corrosive effects it has in the long-term are the sorts of things you tend to overlook when you judge the health of a society by things like percent of GDP growth or the Dow Jones Industrial Average.
“1. The short time sequence between the knee and death (6 mins) will help the prosecution.”
“2. The finding by the medical examiner -- "The autopsy revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation" - will greatly help the defense.”
The suggestion seems to be that his death was probably a result of his underlying health issues. Similar to the guy selling single cigarettes in NYC (Eric Garner). In that case his underlying health issues were ruled to have contributed to his death (and were apparently why he had had to quit his city job).
The latest is that the two apparently knew each other from working at the same club, that appears to maybe be a money laundering operation. The officer has been a security consultant there longer than he was a cop. And his victim was a bouncer there. That should be interesting, as things progress. Nothing is ever, it seems, what it originally looks like.
I thought what this asshole of a cop did was disgusting, and I can accept burning down the police station as some kind of justice, but the rest is just more injustice laid upon people who probably find the death of that man as unjust as anyone else. It's even more unjust than the murder itself, as these people did absolutely nothing wrong, and were helping their neighborhood and contributing to it.
While the murdered man did not deserve anything like what happened, he also was not an innocent asset to his community.
What happens to a pot dispensary in a riot? Burning it down would be especially stupid, so that's probably what happens.
Simmering racial resentment is nurtured every damn day by the media and Dem politicians.
"The simmering racial tension in our society and the corrosive effects it has in the long-term are the sorts of things you tend to overlook when you judge the health of a society by things like percent of GDP growth or the Dow Jones Industrial Average."
The simmering racial tension resulted in a society greater than any contemporary other, you'd agree?
What state was better, if you don't agree.
"The simmering racial tension in our society and the corrosive effects it has in the long-term are the sorts of things you tend to overlook when you judge the health of a society by things like percent of GDP growth or the Dow Jones Industrial Average."
What metrics of tension do you judge the health of any society today not America? Why?
Do you get it? I am finally asking you an honest question, Do you understand how you sound talking about American racial simmering, and how you presumably to most everyone, although not you here, would sound talking about simmering racial tensions in other than America?
Sir, bet against America if you feel the way you write here at the Althouse blog.
Heck, you could even move too and not pay taxes.
My simmering racial tension experiences in Denver is/are always not in existence.
Corrosive could perhaps be an interesting word.
I think of oxygen and metal.
“The simmering racial tension in our society and the corrosive effects it has in the long-term...”
“Simmering racial tension”?
That seems like a real win for US v where we’ve been, historically. IOW, we had more before.
I’m more worried about simmering dumb-dumb POVs (not that such thinking is unrelated to racist thinking) re US.
P.S. What does Doc Mike think?
After all, if his building hadn't burned down, the officers wouldn't be in jail today.
"Please: somebody stream them some opera."
That will get them disperse.
What metrics of tension do you judge the health of any society today not America? Why? Do you understand how you sound talking about American racial simmering, and how you presumably to most everyone, although not you here, would sound talking about simmering racial tensions in other than America?
There is a very simple reason for why I am less concerned with places "other than America." They aren't my homeland. America is.
My simmering racial tension experiences in Denver is/are always not in existence.
That's like someone saying crime isn't a problem because they've never been the victim of one.
Sir, bet against America if you feel the way you write here at the Althouse blog.
As I've said on a few occasions, emigration is my long-term plan. If you have reasons to be optimistic about America's racial politics beyond mere wishful thinking, then please share, and I will consider them.
There is no simmering racial tensions in my life, nor for most of us, but every single one of us, including minorities, is deeply affected by the fortunes of wall street. Nobody is better off when it's down, unless you're a trader shorting it. There will always be racial tensions, becuase: 1) there always has been and 2)some people live for it as a job, a hobby, an identity, or a cause.
Can we identify any time in history when racial tensions were even close to healed. In some places with some people, yes, but there are always hotspots with agitators and assholes working together to keep the ambers hot, and so the flareups are always ready to return.
This murder really pissed me off, but I don't know what the protesters want or expect. The rioters are easy: they want to vent, have fun, get some free stuff, but serious protesters? What can be done about a bad cop other than what will be done. He's not looking at a long life or a pleasant one from here on. He's likely going to die in prison pretty quickly, and not from natural causes and as a pariah to everyone. I don't know what policy changes or laws they want to added to prevent assholes from existing and sometimes becoming cops. I think police forces already want to avoid having such time bombs in their departments.
@anti-de Sitter space:
I’m more worried about simmering dumb-dumb POVs (not that such thinking is unrelated to racist thinking) re US.
Then please explain the logic of how a democratic, meritocratic, knowledge-based economy and society function when average differences in cognitive abilities and temperament cluster along racial lines between two races with a long, complicated history together?
What precisely is the non-dumb-dumb POV on race in America?
You loot, we shoot. That saying as been around for hundreds of years! Used often as warnings when hurricanes hit.
And if you look around on facebook you will find people with GUNS protecting their businesses in Minneapolis. Yes blacks as well as whites with guns. Their businesses will not be looted.
Somehow I suspect those wanting their store being burned down were almost bankrupt already by the CCP virus. Hence insurance claims.
That's an interesting scenario.
"Hey, remember this place? It's the one we looted and burned down. It's all you can eat samosa night. Can't pass that up. Namaste."
The medical examiner's finding that he found no evidence of asphyxiation seems disingenuous. Chauvin was putting pressure on Floyd's carotid artery not his trachea. He was performing a blood choke, not an airway choke. One of the bystanders actually noticed this and upbraided the officer for performing such a dangerous, life-threatening move. It is only a preliminary report, but it sounds like the ME is whitewashing Floyd's death.
Interesting, I don't know anything about the techniques in question. But I wouldn't think there would be any political pressure on the ME to exonerate Chauvin - everyone from the mayor on up has already decided he's guilty.
In fact, it's going to be very awkward for a lot of Minnesota politicians if they're not able to convict him.
if true that they knew each other from a "club," there's a lot of dirt there.
I hope the Twin Cities, and all the suburbs, burn to the ground.
Please give us your take if the owner was an LA Korean who went to his business and shot dead the arsonist while attempting to burn the building. Or the looter while smashing in the window.
I have a lot more respect for the Korean immigrants who took up defensive positions with ARs, handguns, and bolt action rifles to defend the businesses into which they had invested their lives iduring the Rodney King riots than I have for Ruhel Islam.
Time to ask again my question. Were we more civilized back when looters were simply shot out of hand, or are we more civilized today?
Could we get some riots in my neighborhood please? Feel free to burn my house down, I've got some really good insurance and could use a freshly built home to live in with all new furnishings and electronics and such.
I'm Full of Soup said... Simmering racial resentment is nurtured every damn day by the media and Dem politicians.
Of course.
If White people stopped feeling the guilt that we justifiably felt in the Sixties, what would the race hustlers do for a living?
It's the same playbook trying to make Trump supporters and Republicans feel bad about their choices.
Is anyone surprised?
Ann Althouse said...
When people look on helplessly as their property is destroyed, they tend to say things about the importance of people over property. It’s self-protective, it’s mature wisdom, and it’s also — think about it — good business.
Do you think the victims of Kristallnacht agree with you?
Property IS important. Private ownership of property is necessary for freedom, though not sufficient. One of the legitimate functions of the state is protection of private property. There is a well established protocol for stopping riots. Using deadly force against the rioters. Your right to life ends when you're on my doorstep, whether it be business or home, swinging a crowbar at the structure or throwing a Molotov cocktail. Same if you're doing it to my neighbor's house, though on one side I have Mennonites who won't themselves use violence.
anti-de Sitter space said...
BTW, a cool Alt-take would be to trash BHO’s statement re this stuff.
The boilerplate con-take is to complain that BHO has blood on his hands cause he is not calming the nation at this time.
Not very original.
5/29/20, 7:50 PM
Once more please in human tongue? I can't find my Orcish-English dictionary.
Did mom and dad Not make all the above arguments against rioting? Are we just settling the score with free stuff? Transgender bathrooms didn't indemnify for Target.
anti-de Sitter space: as you were. I take it back. Stick to the jabber and orc-talk. My bad for reading your stuff. If there were a googol of you with a googol of keyboards you couldn't combine to say something intelligible, and not a googolplex of you could produce something cogent.
Dem lockdown will not be a mitigating factor of course. Turning up heat under "systemic injustice".
Why is it assumed that Chauvin was motivated by racial hatred? Why are the sins of all whites put on him, and his on all whites?
Blacks need to have their own police force, and their own justice system. Or not — I don’t care, as long as they stay away from me and mine. Keep social distancing, Covid or not. This is my restraining order against them.
They do it because we let them
They guy likely rents
If he owns building is likely loan
No way he owns building out right
Non sequiter burning rented business is justice
Ann Althouse said...
When people look on helplessly as their property is destroyed, they tend to say things about the importance of people over property. It’s self-protective, it’s mature wisdom, and it’s also — think about it — good business.
Kinda like Patti Hearst.
Blogger stevew said...The commentary by the restaurant owner makes sense, for the reasons our host gives - if this guy plans to reopen it would not serve him well to vilify potential patrons.
You and our host make a strange and undoubtedly mistaken assumption that the violent rioters represent a large majority of the local population and that a more angry response might offend more local people than this pro-violence one.
You might want to reflect on the mechanics of these riots a little more carefully.
Mr. Islam has chosen a side: the side of the looters and lynchers assaulting police and others with bottles and rocks. He has chosen the side that says: lets endanger the lives of firemen for the hell of it, ha ha! Let's see cops' heads smashed with glass and bricks! This is fun. And anyone who doesn't think like me isn't a good person, is evil, deserves to have their lives destroyed because they're not as righteous and good as me!
He is falsely accusing everone but himself and the looters for a crime -- possibly a crime -- but definitely one the accused did not commit. This is the worst injustice in our system of law: false accusation. He is a terrinle man and I hope he and his daughter learn many hard lessons about the consequences of engaging in a lynch mob abainst innocent people.
"When one of us dies, we all die"
Headline quote in today's Boston Globe. I understand the sentiment but not why it is triggered, along with the widespread "protests", by the wrongful death of Floyd. How does this person feel, and act, when black Americans are killed on an average weekend in Chicago and Baltimore? Is it only a racist act when the cop is white and the dead person black?
What are the peaceful protesters in Boston thinking and think they are doing? Interesting to note that in the photo accompanying the story all the protesters are young and white.
This guy is one brick away from being
The Next Reginald Denny
There will always be racial tensions, becuase: 1) there always has been
We still care about the murder rate even though there will always be murder. As for "always has been," that is not exactly correct. You could say that there has always been tribalism, but racism is particularly salient because it is grounded in biology. You can change tribal affiliation through actions like adopting another language, religion, and social habits. You cannot change your race.
Until the last few hundred years, limits in transportation and the presence of large geographic obstacles, like the Sahara Desert, the Himalayans, and the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans kept racial groups relatively isolated. It was only after European colonization of the Americas and the Atlantic slave trade that the continent became home to three distinct racial groups: Europeans, sub-Saharan Africans, and Indigenous Americans. The population of Latin America is basically a hybrid of these three populations. This hybridization has been a major source of problems in Latin America's development. Those Latins who are primarily European in ancestry will tend to form a ruling class over more indigenous, African, and mixed populations.
With regards to the US, it has not "always been" the fact that blacks and whites share the same political space. Widespread black suffrage only occurred after the 1965 Voting Rights Act. It had a tremendous impact on southern politics and the partisan polarization we see today.
My point in bringing up econometrics was to say that there is not much use in focusing on how comfortable a car is or how well it drives so long as it's speeding towards a brick wall.
I clearly remember the Detroit riots in 1967 - I think I was 12 or 13 at the time. Fifty three years later, the city still has not recovered.
Good point tim maguire. Professional protesters/rioters and grievance mongers. Perhaps the restaurant owner is mentally and emotionally fatigued such that he has no energy and sees no point in ranting and raving.
We’re in a situation where restaurants are going bankrupt and this person is happy to take the insurance money.
Makes you wonder if they took the opportunity to set the fire.
I keep tellin y'all, these white liberals are not our friendsLink Description
I am looking at the tape of the black guy in tears because vandals have taken his neighborhood sports bar, for which he worked so hard, and destroyed it.
White people to the rescue!
Remember all the rioting three summers ago when another Minnesota cop killed a white woman? Me neither.
Destroying his property, with his consent, doesn't help get justice or even "justice."
"Wait until he finds out the the insurance company doesn't pay for riot damage."
-- Telling people to feel fine burning your store down probably wouldn't help him either. But, does he really have a choice? What would happen to him if he said 'don't destroy my life's work?'
@Kevin, I suspect you’re more right than Althouse is.
I don’t think this widespread unrest is a coincidence. It’s coordinated direct action and forecasts a very difficult summer. I hope that I’m wrong about this.
I'm guessing he has some bodies buried in the basement.
Maybe they can set up a GoBurnMe page, where people can offer up their homes and businesses to be destroyed in the name of justice.
If this disorder comes close to my home (which it has not as of yet), I'll just open up the gun room and stage my house. Jefferson altered an English phrase in his Declaration of Independence, but it was understood very well in the Anglo-American world, "Life, Liberty, and Property", not "Pursuit of Happiness". As one 17th C. Parliamentarian remarked, "Everyone knows that my house is my castle, and there is no law for this" regarding quartering of James II troops (Hello Third and Fourth Amendments!). Me and mine will abide by the old army motto: This We'll Defend. We have a significant (well, for us) investment in our property, and have no intention of standing by and sacrificing that to rioters and looters. Matter of fact, I will see what I have on hand for reloading this afternoon to figure what can be readied - after I mow the lawn and tend the garden, of course, attending to our investment and being neighborly.
@J Farmer:
“ What precisely is the non-dumb-dumb POV on race in America?”
Shelby Steele’s book Shame.
@Hey Skipper:
Shelby Steele’s book Shame.
I read Steele's book White Guilt a long time ago and remember thinking it was quite good. I did not read Shame but watched a couple of videos where Steele discusses the book. Steele offers the fairly standard critique from "black conservatism." That is, that it's liberal welfare policies that are to blame for trapping blacks in a cycle of dependency. There is some truth to this, but the case is often wildly overstated. Under the kind of individualist, meritocratic system Steele would favor, blacks would likely be even more underrepresented than they already are.
Sorry, cannot get over the “non-sequitur-ness” of the post. Would have been shorter to say “can we all not get along”. To see a reason to digest violence of one kind and not the other is what makes animosities last of generations.
I remember the riots (oh, excuse me, Stupid Liberals--the "protests") during the 1977 blackout in New York City. I remember numerous photos of stores that had been looted and/or burned. But there was one photo that made a special impression on me. It was of a couple of stores where some windows had been broken but the stores and their contents went relatively untouched. The store owners and/or their friends and relatives were standing guard over the stores while holding shotguns. The rioters apparently decided to find other places to loot and burn. They may have been low-IQ jackasses but they weren't THAT stupid, or suicidal.
The owner is in the news again today with complaints about a law which requires taxes be paid in full before demolition can take place. I think it's a stupid law, but the name of his restaurant jumped out at me, reminding me of this post.
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