May 29, 2020

"It’s not the racist person in the KKK that we have to worry about. It’s the white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter walking her dog in Central Park."

Said Van Jones on CNN — noticed because "Van Jones" is trending on Twitter:


Jupiter said...

Myself, I'm more worried about Van Jones.

Lucid-Ideas said...

You know what? I'm with Van Jones on this one.

AWFULs (Affluent, White, Female, Urban, Liberals) play both sides of the fence. People white and black, men and women, are sick of their sh*t.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


White Hillary supporters are the worst.

Except you, Ann. You're cool. (You're not such much a supporter, as a go-along to get along disbeliever is the worst about her)

btw- I still think the big plan is for Biden to pick Hillary as his VP.

It's the only way to feed the deep state. Deep state hungry. China is asshole.

Van Jones is hot.

n.n said...

Divergent? Probably. What does color have to do with it? Diversity breeds adversity.

Michael K said...

Oh Oh, The narrative may be going off course.

Sebastian said...

"It’s not the racist person in the KKK that we have to worry about. It’s the white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter walking her dog in Central Park."

Considering that there are, what, a dozen "racist persons in the KKK," and millions of Karenish Hill supporters, this may be true. On the other hand, the actual harm done to blacks, i.e., black men, is minimal, outside of a few cases of women making false accusations, which progs have told us never happens anyway.

And the harm done to them is much less than the harm done by them. Let's compare the number of white women assaulted by black men every year and the number of black men unjustly imprisoned on the testimony of white women, shall we?

But what most blacks have to worry about most is other blacks.

MD Greene said...

True. Imagine if she had called the police and said, "There's a white birdwatcher threatening me and my dog." Said it three times. The desk sergeant would have said, "Put the leash on the dog, lady."

She of course has explained that she isn't a racist. Too dishonest to acknowledge that she was wrong and instead tried to make herself out as a victim of "an African American man."

Get that bitch a mirror.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

These near one-party states like MN also seem to be the most likely hosts for such non-peaceful protests. D governor, D mayor, D DA, “activist half-Latino” police chief, and fifty years of Progressive government has created the horrible conditions leading up to and allowing the continued damage of these riots. This doesn’t happen and isn’t allowed to blow up into riots in places run by Republicans.

Krumhorn said...

I guess that Jones has been reading the comments on this blog from earlier this week. A couple of lefties found each other in Central Park. One was a Karen, and the other, with his provocatively calm manner, was a Karen trapper.

- Krumhorn

AlbertAnonymous said...

Another Whitelash?

Maybe he needs a new term. “Karen-lash”

At least he admitted “...liberal Hillary Clinton supporter”

chickelit said...

Van Jones supports Charles Blow's opinion. I think I'll wait for Ta -Nahusi Coates to weigh in.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

tho - I disagree with Jones regarding the woman in the park. She called 9-11 not so much out of race- (or maybe she did - we cannot really know) but, i suspect, because she, like so many, lack the skills needed to clam a situation. Adrenalin took over.

Darkisland said...

I'm with jupiter on this generally but can jones is right here. Dick gregory wrote a book about this 55 years ago. It's called N1gger. Still in print available in paper kindle and audio via the portal.

Madison is a pretty good example.

John Henry

wendybar said...

Me too Jupiter. Small "c" Communist says what??

Wince said...

Demonizing white female Hillary Clinton voters?

That's not going to work well for Democrats.

Jeff Zucker is going to have to set Van Jones straight.

wendybar said...

It's funny, because the most RACIST things usually come out of Progressive Whites mouths.

rcocean said...

"Karen" is always the enemy. Even when she hates Trump.

Paul said...

So he spoke the truth... I am shocked. The KKK is a very small minority. Limousine Liberals are not.

gspencer said...

Van Jones should get it right. He's almost there.

Van, That "racist person in the KKK" and that "white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter" are one and the same,


Clinton had become friends with Byrd during her time in the Senate, and had even lunched with Byrd and Clinton’s mother, who came to admire him while monitoring C-SPAN for her daughter’s floor appearances.

This morning, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton put out her own statement eulogizing Byrd as a “friend and mentor” as “a man of unsurpassing eloquence and nobility.”

“It is almost impossible to imagine the United States Senate without Robert Byrd. He was not just its longest serving member, he was its heart and soul. From my first day in the Senate, I sought out his guidance, and he was always generous with his time and his wisdom,” Clinton wrote.

rcocean said...

Hoping for a "Protest" in my area. We need a new TV.

Known Unknown said...

He's not wrong.

Ozymandias said...

The claim that the conduct of White Person X is emblematic of all wypipo is an empty rhetorical flourish, and, moreover, counterproductive. Especially as the converse—that Black Person Y is representative of all blackpipo—is reflexively rejected as "racist."
One definition of racism is the negative assessment of an individual on the basis of his or her membership in a racial group because of negative characteristics that are ascribed to that group without sound evidence. The conduct of White Person X or Black Person Y may be instructive regarding the tendencies of some members of their respective racial groups. But, inductively ascribing negative characteristics to an entire racial group is either always racist or never racist. Van Jones knows better.

Geoff Matthews said...

I dunno. Given who's killing whom, I think Van Jones has more to worry about with young black men without fathers than he does white liberal dog-walking women.

But Van Jones doesn't live around young black men without father, and he does live around white liberal dog-walking women. So maybe he does have a point there.

RK said...

C'mon, man! These liberal white women have been patronizing black people their whole lives.

tim maguire said...

He's right, of course. The KKK, to the extent that it exists at all, is irrelevant. It controls nothing. Racist HRC supporters, however, have great influence.

Static Ping said...

There is something to be said for this point. Considering that the African-American population votes overwhelming for Democrats and then riots against the very same people they vote for repeatedly, I was wondering when someone was going to notice. Worrying about Bubba in Arkansas with his Confederate flag when he's a thousand miles away seems... unnecessary.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

everyone wondering why Biden hasn't made his VP yet?

the big super sekrit roll out of Hillary.

Nonapod said...

It should be obvious that the KKK haven't been relevant to anything in decades aside from being used as a talking point.

How dangerous are the so called "Karens" though? Are events like the recent Central Park incident very common?

J. Farmer said...

Sorry, Mr. Jones, I’m all out of fucks to give.

Masscon said...

White folks have a virus in the brains? What explains the pathologies in other races or are only white people inherently evil. Does that provide them with cover? I mean you can't blame white folks for something they have no agency against.

MayBee said...

He has a point, and here's why:

The while affluent female Hillary Clinton voter believes she is good and not at all racist. She goes on runs for Ahmaud Arbery. She tells people that Obama was the best president in her lifetime. She stood in line to get tickets to see Michelle Obama on tour and she has read most of her book and if they knew each other they would be such good friends! She knows Clarence Thomas isn't a real black man. She knows school choice will end up leaving black kids in underserved school districts (even though she herself would send her kid to a private school or live in the suburbs).

So when this woman encounters a black man who scares her, she believes she is justified in her fear. She is pure and goodhearted and not racist but this particular black man is really truly dangerous because otherwise she would not feel threatened. *Other* people may be frightened because they are racist, but not not her. All of her intentions are good, and that's how she knows what she wantsto happen to the black person in front of her is the right thing.

Drago said...

"Y’all — Van Jones just said on CNN that it’s the White, liberal HRC supporters we have to look out for,...."

victoria from Pasadena hardest hit.

The Crack Emcee said...

It's all cultists now.

Whether they're religious (Jesus), spiritual (NewAge) or political (Obama) is all I need to know.

Left and Right don't really matter as much now.

Anonymous said...

I mean, based on demographic distribution and density, the math says he is correct, notwithstanding who is 'inherently' more racist.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I heard Karen aka Amy Cooper had made donations to Dem candidates so sh can't be a racist and I also wondered if she was a citizen since she grew up in Canada.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

A friend of mine who still lives in Shorewood, the upscale, liberal suburb adjacent to Milwaukee, tells me that some of those female Hillary Clinton voters are very nervous about the "protest" planned in Milwaukee today. Yes, it's fine if the rioters destroy their already poor and barren neighborhoods but it might move a bit too close to Shorewood for comfort. And what if it spreads east? It's OK to loot a few Dollar Stores, but whatever shall we do if they trash Whole Foods?

I can see these Inga types fishing out their old "Black Lives Matter" and "Hate Has No Home Here" signs and replanting them on their front lawns, hoping, no doubt that any vengeful mob will see they are Very Good, Not Deplorable People at all and pass over.

rhhardin said...

Bad behavior by black men is what's behind it, not liberal women. The women go by the best information that they have at the moment, like everybody else.

Big Mike said...

Considering that there are, what, a dozen "racist persons in the KKK,"

@Sebastian, and note that half of them are FBI informers.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
everyone wondering why Biden hasn't made his VP yet?

the big super sekrit roll out of Hillary.

5/29/20, 9:40 AM

Nope. I don't think so.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"But what most blacks have to worry about most is other blacks."
But the Left believes that this is not a result of an illegitimate power imbalance, and therefore is not a matter that can properly be addressed by public policy.
The exception is when a black police officer kills a black criminal, because that is result of the black police officer acting out white racism.

Howard said...

Malcolm X...Democrats who are conservative, vote with the Republicans who are conservative. The Democrats who are liberal vote with the Republicans that are liberal. The white liberal aren’t white people who are for independence, who are moral and ethical in their thinking. They are just a faction of white people that are jockeying for power. The same as the white conservative is a faction of white people that are jockeying for power. They are fighting each other for power and prestige, and the one that is the football in the game is the Negro, 20 million black people. A political football, a political pawn, an economic football, and economic pawn. A social football, a social pawn. The liberal elements of whites are those who have perfected the art of selling themselves to the Negro as a friend of the Negro. Getting sympathy of the Negro, getting the allegiance of the Negro, and getting the mind of the Negro. Then the Negro sides with the white liberal, and the white liberal use the Negro against the white conservative. So that anything that the Negro does is never for his own good, never for his own advancement, never for his own progress, he’s only a pawn in the hands of the white liberal. The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros, and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked, or deceived by the white liberal then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man. The only way that our problem will be solved is when the black man wakes up, clean himself up, stand on his own feet and stop begging the white man, and take immediate steps to do for ourselves the things that we have been waiting on the white man to do for us. Once we do for self then we will be able to solve our own problems’ "The white conservatives aren't friends of the Negro either, but they at least don't try to hide it. They are like wolves; they show their teeth in a snarl that keeps the Negro always aware of where he stands with them. But the white liberals are foxes, who also show their teeth to the Negro but pretend that they are smiling. The white liberals are more dangerous than the conservatives; they lure the Negro, and as the Negro runs from the growling wolf, he flees into the open jaws of the "smiling" fox. One is the wolf, the other is a fox. No matter what, they’ll both eat you.

Big Mike said...

@Mr. Jones, limousine liberals expect you to know your place. Now tug at your forelock and say “yass suh.”

Yancey Ward said...

Amy Cooper should have just said publicly, "It's just this pandemic, and that lying son of a bitch Trump!" If she had done that, she would get her job back, and get invited onto "The View."

Enlighten-NewJersey said...

When she calls the cops Amy says “there’s a man, an African-American man, he has a bike helmet”. Proof positive that she is not just a racist, she Also hates “green” bike riders too. said...


You left out the best part about Byrd and the Clintons. Perhaps it was not in the article.

Bill Clinton said, in his eulogy, that Byrd was a member of the KKK not because he truly believed but because at that time and place one had to be to have any chance of success in the Democrat party.

John Henry

daskol said...

He must have been thinking about Obama's grandmother.

Krumhorn said...

Geoff Matthews nailed it solidly. Jones doesn’t live anywhere near the danger posed by other black urban men. His risk lies with his leftie neighbors who talk about the schvartzes down the street.

- Krumhorn

I'm Full of Soup said...

I grew up in northeast Philly and we built a little fort in our back yard and were sleeping in it one summer night [me and a few other boys on the block] when one of the mothers came and woke us up and said to her son "Omi, the n-words are rioting and will be up here soon so get back home". Now we were 8-10 miles from the riots and knew she was mistaken since Frank Rizzo was Philly's police commissioner. And she was a Jewish concentration camp survivor with the tattoo on her forearm so her use of the n-word was surprising even back then in approximately 1964.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

So now CNN is Vansplaining the racism inherent in the white, urban womenfolk.

Janetchick said...

Back to Blood

Tom Wolfe

I didn’t read it when it came out. I’m ordering through the Amazon portal.... said...

I want to defend the Central Park Karen here. Things may not be what they originally seemed.

Apparently, the guy said that he was going to poison her dog just after asking her to put it on a leash. This is why the comments about "He won't go to you" (Karen) "Yes he will."(Guy) who was pulling out some doggie biscuits or treats to offer the dog.

So when she calls the cops to report him threatening herself and her dog, she was right about the dog, at least. We don't see the first part of the confrontation so we don't know if he threatened her, too.

If I had a dog and someone threatened to poison it, I'd freak out and call the cops too.

She did overreact, she should have been calmer. But he did, apparently, threaten her dog.

What kind of man carries doggie treats around with him? Poison or not.

John Henry

Bay Area Guy said...

Van Jones sez: "It’s not the racist person in the KKK that we have to worry about. It’s the white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter walking her dog in Central Park."

Van is the unusual Bernie supporter - insofar as he can be very thoughtful, insightful and honest about his political opponents: Exhibit A - Van at CPAC (of all places) praising Trump and conservatives for prison reform iniatives.

Here, Van, again, is wrestling with an important truth. He is exactly right to minimize the threat of the racist KKK member. Many years ago, in the South, Yes, blacks had to "worry about" that fellow. However, times have changed and improved and the remaining 37 Klansmen buried somewhere in the East Tennessee woods aren't a threat to anyone. If they tried to stage a rally or parade in Oakland, even if peaceful, they would all be beaten up and/or chased away and/or killed. They have been marginalized.

So, Van gets an A for the 1st part of his assertion.

As for the 2nd part, "It’s the white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter walking her dog in Central Park," he gets only a C. Politically, he is kinda sorta right. White liberal women, particularly upper middle class types, don't know blacks or relate to them, have supported Prop 209 in California, have supported strong law and order measures, have supported the War on Drugs. Why? Because they are afraid of blacks, and afraid to say they are afraid of blacks.

He is also right that scared white women will call the police (like that Karen in Central Park), and he is right that, historically, in the south, the false charge of sexual assault against black men, lead to terrible reprisals by the southern mobs or rigged trials. (See, Lee, Harper, TKAM).

Obviously, that happens much less today.

So, No, white women Hillary supporters aren't beating up people or burning down buildings or looting or causing much crime. Van is wrong to imply that. But, politically and figuratively, he is grappling with an interesting racial dynamic between black men and liberal white women.

Xmas said...

"...millions of Karenish Hill supporters..."

For like 20 seconds I was "Who the eff is Karenish Hill?"

Ampersand said...

Revolutionary political movements are wavelike, as Crane Brinton (Anatomy of a Revolution, 1938) has noted. As they build, they derive the energy to build their waves from the identification of more and more enemies of the revolution. With a Democratic governor, mayor, AG, and DA, Van Jones and Twin Cities lefties have to find enemies among the Democrats who they can use to vilify, thus reifying their trans liberal moral urgency.
This was how the French Revolution worked, how the Cultural Revolution worked, and in the end it got them Napoleon, and Xi.
The wheel just keeps turning. said...

Right now we have about a half-dozen cities on fire. Minneapolis I can see as spontaneous, though perhaps not completely. What about the others? Covertly organized or spontaneous?

Would the people who had no qualms about trying to blow up ChiVi to get rid of PDJT have any qualms about burning down a dozen or two cities? Esp since those cities are black and who gives a shit about them, right?

Is this the latest battle in the GWOT? (Great War on Trump)

John HEnry

Birkel said...

Are the white SJW Karens creating more votes for Trump?

Lurker21 said...

Empty rhetoric. It sounds topical; it will provoke discussion and put Van Jones back in the news, but there's nothing to it. How would you even measure something like that? African-Americans have more to fear from the police than from either Klansmen or Karens, and more to fear from other African-Americans than from the police.

I can see that the Central Park dog incident resonates. There are details that put people in mind of other incidents and realities. But the two people involved were so distinctive and odd, that it feels a little strange making what happened between them representative of other interactions or of underlying social realities. Most of the time, things like this get resolved without problems, and that could have been the case here if the two Coopers had just behaved a little bit differently. said...

Why did the DA come out and say that there is exculpatory evidence against the officer who killed Chauvin?

There may well be, though I don't know what it is. But why say that now? When he said that, a lot of people heard "He didn't do anything wrong. We're going to let him walk." I know he didn't say that that but that is what a lot of people heard.

All that is going to do is rile people up even more. He didn't have to say anything at all other than "We are looking into it."

So did he make this statement out of boneheadedness or as a conscious contribution to the GWOT?

There are about 76,000 Somalis in Minneapolis (total pop @3mm) First generation are immigrants but now many of these these are second generation natural born US citizens.

So do they get counted as "African-Americans"

John Henry

YoungHegelian said...

Yeah, that's right, be suspicious of basically the only allies you've got. That'll work. 'Cause, there's nothing that says workable plan more than waiting around for white people to achieve sainthood before moving ahead & fixing up your own community.

As much as I dislike the Nation of Islam, you have to give them points for consistency: White people are devils. They're going to stay devils. And we're surrounded by them. So, what do we do now? The standard black lefty who vilifies whites yet awaits the ascension of whites to a wokeness that ensures a loss of white privilege is the guy who's Waiting For Godot.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Good. This will turn white women away from the Democrat party. Maybe not in huge numbers, but enough to swing an election.

Bob Boyd said...

The Pussy Hat is the new white hood.

Rosalyn C. said...

Maybe the actual statistics on arrests for violent crime by race contribute to racist attitudes? see FBI Arrests by Race and Ethnicity, 2016 Perhaps blacks are arrested at higher percentages per capita for violent acts because of police racism. I can not say.

But there is a perception that blacks/African Americans are more prone to physical violence and destruction when they are angered. Seeing the aftermath of riots reinforces that perception.

I'm not surprised that a woman out in a park by herself felt threatened because the man she had pissed off and was threatened by was African American or that she unartfully expressed that fact to the police. In her moment of panic the white liberal forgot about being PC and she expressed the fact that there was an increased possibility of physical danger to herself. White people are generally speaking afraid of black people. There, I said it.

William said...

Well, it's a start. I wonder if Van Jones would ever make the great leap forward and apportion some of the blame in the Minneapolis situation on the liberals in charge there.....From the visible evidence, the police involved were criminally at fault. From the visible evidence, the protesters are criminal looters. The police will be criminally charged but most of the looters will not.

Howard said...

People who have to deal with the public in the public arena carry Dog treats. Letter carriers, gardeners, meter readers, Witnesses to Yahweh, hikers, bikers.

Gahrie said...

I have never understood why Black communities looted and burned down their own neighborhoods in protest. If you're going to loot and burn down a neighborhood, why not loot and burn down the rich White neighborhood instead?

Tomcc said...

This is a profoundly silly statement by Mr. Jones. It made people react and got him noticed, which I assume is good for a guy in his profession. As Rosalyn C. mentions above, these women aren't inherently racist; it only happens when they're threatened.

Lucid-Ideas said...

I am going to cut/paste post from a website that I will not link here, but which received quite raucous praise because it hits on a few racial points that ring true, and explains a lot of what we've seen since Obama's (who I squarely blame for the state of race relations in this country currently....that fucking failure) administration.

Hi OP, straight up cracker here from the most crackery part of the US.

The reason white racism is increasing is because this generation of young white men were raised to the be the least racist generation of whites to ever exist in the history of this planet. We grew up being taught that racism was bad, that we were ALL going to move past it and work together towards a better future. Even here in the traditionally racist part of the country nearly every young white boy in my generation grew up watching black athletes, black actors, listening to black musicians, etc. It was all normal. We were 95% post-racial.

So as we got older, we stuck our hands out in friendship to EVERYONE, like we'd been taught to...and then every nonwhite group on the planet came by and sucker-punched us from behind, called us evil white devils, and told us we deserved to die. We were ready and willing to move on from the past, the rest of you weren't. Instead of shaking our hands and marching off together, you chose revenge against the only white people who've ever let their guard down.

So no you's can't be our friends, and we're reforging the identity we were taught to shed.

rcocean said...

The KKK doesn't exist. Its a 1,000 people, half of whom are FBI informants. They have to remain anonymous, otherwise they are fired from their jobs, deplatformed, censored, and even evicted from their apartments and housing.

But that doesn't stop stupid people from acting like they're a power organization. Meanwhile, the Communist party IS a proud, upfront, powerful organization. And everyone acts like it does NOT exist.


rcocean said...

Antifa is a criminal organization which organizes and conspires to commit violence. But everyone in the MSM protects them, and acts they are a legitimate, peaceful, organization. Everywhere Antifa goes, "Violence breaks out" but that's A-OK.

Yancey Ward said...

"There are about 76,000 Somalis in Minneapolis (total pop @3mm) First generation are immigrants but now many of these these are second generation natural born US citizens.

So do they get counted as "African-Americans"

About 9% of the metropolitan area (3.6 million people) is described as "black" in the 2010 US Census data, so this is 324,000 people, of which the 76,000 is surely a subset given there is no other category that would fit.

Sam L. said...

Has Van Jone been fired for saying that?????

Yancey Ward said...

"why not loot and burn down the rich White neighborhood instead?"

Because they would get shot if they did that- once you get out of the cities into the suburbs, the proportion of legal gun-owning residents goes up a lot.

Craig said...

Have you all seen the MSNBC reporter claiming there is a peaceful protest while a building burns behind him.

It's the conflict between the old media paradigm (get out in the world and inform people about what's happening) vs. the new paradigm (partisan lies and propaganda).

The lesson they will learn is, don't send reporters out in the real world. That makes it harder to lie.

rcocean said...

"I have never understood why Black communities looted and burned down their own neighborhoods in protest."

Hello? Because those business's may be IN their black community, but they are not community black-owned businesses. They are usually either (1) chain stores/restaurants or (2) owned by Asians and Whites.

When are people ever going to stop with the "Don't they understand, they're only hurting themselves" Bit? Its not true, and it never works.

RK said...

The Minneapolis police chief says many of the looters are not from the city. That Minneapolis/St.Paul rivalry raises its head again. said...

Blogger Howard said...

People who have to deal with the public in the public arena carry Dog treats. Letter carriers, gardeners, meter readers, Witnesses to Yahweh, hikers, bikers.

Them I can understand.

But a lawyer (I think) ostensibly in the park to look at birds? In an area where all dogs are leashed?

Why would he carry treats?

And would you let a random stranger give your dog a treat?

I wouldn't. Any more than I would let a random stranger give my kid a candy.

John Henry

rcocean said...

Andrew Sullivan has a BHTV DV with BOb wright about dogs. I suppose Andy was afraid Highly educated NE liberal Gays would be labeled dog haters, like Mr. Cooper, so he wanted to talk about his doggie love. See, Gays like Dogs too.

Bob Boyd said...

Report: Chauvin and Floyd worked together as security at a club.

Lurker21 said...

For like 20 seconds I was "Who the eff is Karenish Hill?"

Of course, "Hill" is Hillary, but Karen Hill, the wife of Henry Hill in Goodfellas may have been a prototype for "Karen." It's not really fair. It's not easy to be married to a career criminal. It doesn't make things easier if people hate you for being neurotic. Ask Skyler White, the wife in Breaking Bad.

Lurker21 said...

Why would he carry treats?

He had problems with other dogpeople earlier. That may account for his behavior. He may have gotten sick of birdwatchersplaining to ignorant and egotistical dogpeople.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said... said...

But a lawyer (I think) ostensibly in the park to look at birds? In an area where all dogs are leashed?

Because not all dogs that enter the area are leashed and they spoil his birding.

Why would he carry treats?

Because over time, he's found this to be an effective tactic to get people to leash their dogs to keep them away from the strange black man with doggy treats. (He admitted this in an interview in the NY Post.)

And would you let a random stranger give your dog a treat?

I wouldn't. Any more than I would let a random stranger give my kid a candy.

Neither would most people with any brains.

Michael K said...

So as we got older, we stuck our hands out in friendship to EVERYONE, like we'd been taught to...and then every nonwhite group on the planet came by and sucker-punched us from behind, called us evil white devils, and told us we deserved to die. We were ready and willing to move on from the past, the rest of you weren't. Instead of shaking our hands and marching off together, you chose revenge against the only white people who've ever let their guard down.

A lot of truth there. I got ridiculed by a troll here for pointing out that, at least in the north, race relations were better in the 50s than they are now.

Krumhorn said...

John Henry, the birder has made clear that he carries the doggie nums for the very purpose of putting the untethered owner to the choice of either putting fido on the leash in order to control the animal, or run the risk of pooch poisoning by the evil interloper.

He was not offering harm. He was offering her a choice she should have already made. It was the perfect Karen trap. That, and his eerily calm manner.

- Krumhorn

Richard Dolan said...

"It’s not the racist person in the KKK that we have to worry about. It’s the white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter walking her dog in Central Park."

Both funny and incisive, in more ways than he probably intended. The "the white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter" is the reason why Minnesota and Minneapolis have had the leadership (I use the term loosely) running the show, including the police department, for many years. The residents of Minneapolis have reason to conclude that their leaders have done a terrible job by not creating a department that is properly trained while also weeding out the inevitable bad actors. But, no doubt, the spin will be that it's all Trump's fault so that all of those the white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporters will double-down and insist on more of the same leadership.

Van Jones doesn't want anyone to notice that he's all for that result.

RigelDog said...

The officer who decided to pin George down in Minneapolis by kneeling on his neck may have single-handedly swung this year's elections away from Republicans. One uncaring oblivious jerk and race relations are set back for years, BLM and Antifa empowered, and anything Republican now completely associated (fairly or not) with violence towards blacks.

Matt said...

When exactly did 'racism' become the most awful, horrible scourge facing society? Of all the things to hate each other over, race doesn't seem that much worse than too fat/too skinny, whether one wears glasses or not, too hot/too ugly, rich/poor, etc.

For 50 years we've transferred trillions of dollars, set aside job and academic opportunities, enacted multiple anti-discrimination laws, and created a society in which being videoed while being rude to them will get you fired from your job and ruin your life to the delight of the Armies of Tolerance. And, when they burn down cities, they will rarely face any consequences and will more than likely be defended by those in power.

And yet they still bitch daily about "racism" all while constantly changing the definition of it so that it never end.

Nothing will ever change because there is political power in lies, fake outrage and false narratives.

Gradually, I began to hate them.

RMc said...

The KKK, to the extent that it exists at all, is irrelevant. It controls nothing.

Well, it did take the Ramones' baby away.

Charlotte Allen said...

I'm mostly with Jones myself. The KKK is basically a phantom bogeyman for the SPLC to raise direct-mail money on. My only point of disagreement: Amy Cooper wasn't "walking" her dog. She was letting the dog run loose in an environmentally sensitive part of Central Park because Fluffy needed his exercise. Then, she got so emotionally overwrought that she not only deliberate lied to the police dispatcher but repeatedly strangled the dog by lifting it up by its collar (I could scarcely stand to watch the video of that poor animal suffering. She is a menace to man and beast alike.

As for those of you who think that Christian Cooper isn't a genuine birdwatcher, he is on the board of the New York chapter of the Audubon Society. Early morning is when you want to look at birds: They're up before dawn, and there aren't a lot of humans around to scare them away.

TheThinMan said...

Yes, Van, especially since the KKK is nonexistent these days.(It died along with its twin, the Southern Democrat.) But notice how the new information about the incident — the guy admitted he really did threaten the woman and her dog — doesn't change anything for Mr. Jones. There's something happening here, but he don't know what it is!

PubliusFlavius said...

Allow me to share my most recent entitled white wench tale:

So I was leaving a local biz(feb pre corona BS) in a relatively dense semi urban area of costa mesa ca. Going across the parking lot I notice a large vehicle speeding in the lane I had just begun crossing. I jumped forward to my vehicle and yelled of my more frequent epithets whilst traversing the southern california raceways, "A Pussy and an SUV is a dangerous thing! !! !!! !!!!!"

Then get in my car, IDGAF what she thinks she coulda killed someone more spry.

I belt n brake up while looking in my rear view mirror. Who is parked behind me blocking my vehicle......

So i park pull out my cell phone and bring it with, SUV navigator "what did you say?"

I repeat speech bruh.

Navigator SUV then parks where she is behind my car, and gets out of her vehicle moving toward me she asks "what did you say?".... I then ask "do I have to call the Police?"...then repeat what i said and declare I have freedom of speech and if she is offended toughshit.

Then she asks me again what I said.....again I mean really?...Ok, I repeat it and add "wow you are an entitled cunt too"

This makes her go beserk...."what did you call me? DO you know I'm the owner of the building of business you just frequented?"

To the navigator "IDGAF who you are. That does not give you the right to speed through the parking lot endangering pedestrians."

She is livid and threatens the business I just was a patron of, I begin to call the police and inform her she is impeding me and I am calling the appropriate authorities. She gets in her land yacht alone and speeds away.

A month later that business had to move I shit you not.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Gahrie said...
I have never understood why Black communities looted and burned down their own neighborhoods in protest. If you're going to loot and burn down a neighborhood, why not loot and burn down the rich White neighborhood instead?

5/29/20, 11:03 AM

I've wondered that too. Perhaps because they think the cops will actually try to protect the high end jewelry stores and designer boutiques, as compared to Targets and Dollar Stores?

Sebastian said...

"It’s not the racist person in the KKK that we have to worry about. It’s the white, liberal Hillary Clinton supporter walking her dog in Central Park."

Actually, it's not the Karens but the black looters we have to worry about.

bagoh20 said...

At this moment Black communities are being destroyed, burned, looted, and ransacked, and they will not recover. Jobs and needed community resources will be lost forever. I doubt you'll find many KKK or White women involved. To miss where the real damage is coming from while you can see it happening in real time shows some combination of stupidity, dishonesty, and callousness.

MD Greene said...

Puerto Rican Spaceport said: Why did the DA come out and say that there is exculpatory evidence against the officer who killed Chauvin?

Because the cops who smothered Eric Garner were not prosecuted?

Because the police in Glyn County GA didn't take an interest in Ahmaud Arbery's death by shooting death until the video became public?


The man here is an Audubon activist who, like many New Yorkers, feels a proprietary sense about the part of the park that matters to him. (He noted that areas where dogs run free are also free of other varieties of animal life and of native flora, which, like it or not, is true.) The Ramble, not a big area of Central Park, is a leash-only area, but the woman decided to ignore that and, when it was pointed out, lacked the self-awaress/humility/simple decency to acknowledge it. She could have put the leash on the dog and walked away, perhaps feeling a bit embarrassed. Instead she tried to have "an African American man" arrested. She initiated the mess. She owns it.

Rocco said...

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...
I can see these Inga types fishing out their old "Black Lives Matter" and "Hate Has No Home Here" signs and replanting them on their front lawns, hoping, no doubt that any vengeful mob will see they are Very Good, Not Deplorable People at all and pass over.

Maybe they should sprinkle some lamb's blood on the door posts, too, just in case.

Howard said...

John Henry: You wouldn't let a stranger give your dog a dog treat because that is very risky equivalent to allowing a stranger to give your child candy. Yet you refuse to wear a mask indoors in a pandemic unless forced at gunpoint. Interesting divergent risk models. You must be a climate scientist in your spare time.

I'm just taking a wild-ass guess, but I would imagine that Meade is the kind of guy that carries dog treats with him. His pick-up line is "Hey bitch I've got your Milkbone right here."

Craig said...

I lived in Minneapolis for six years. The Lake Street Target was my Target.

Many good people will move out of the city now that they see that the political leadership is on the side of the looters, and not of law-abiding citizens.

Sadly, many left-run cities are experiencing similar patterns. Over and over again.

Michael K said...

may have single-handedly swung this year's elections away from Republicans. One uncaring oblivious jerk and race relations are set back for years,

I doubt it. Blacks are still 13% of the population and about 20% of them are probably still thinking that "rioters burn down"MY" business, not those white suburbanites."

The black guy crying after his sports bar burned down is not worried about Trump's tweets.

cubanbob said...

Crazy Jane is right. bagoh20 is also right. RigelDog, you are wrong. This behavior is not going to affect the Republicans negatively. Think 1968. Howard posted an interesting quote about Malcom X. Too bad Farrakhan killed him. He wasn't and wouldn't have been a friend to whites had he lived. However had he lived and followed where he was going with his comment he would have been a great help to black men. Get your life in order, don't depend on whitey for handouts, man up and take care of yourself and family. Whitey may not like you,but he will respect you and won't condescend to you. Respect is far better than condescension.

Achilles said...

Gahrie said...
I have never understood why Black communities looted and burned down their own neighborhoods in protest. If you're going to loot and burn down a neighborhood, why not loot and burn down the rich White neighborhood instead?

The burners and looters are not from the neighborhood.

They are paid partisans working at the behest of rich white liberals.

Van Jones is most of the way there in figuring this out.

Lurker21 said...

Malcolm X was right from his separatist/nationalist point of view, but if he'd won, we'd be two nations divided by race even more than we are today. Ideally you'd have strong, independent black enterprises and institutions, but in reality you'd have even more racial friction, and riots would be more common.

Lucien said...

How many extra tons of carbon dioxide did the rioters put into the atmosphere? They are killing the planet!

Severely Ltd. said...

"...millions of Karenish Hill supporters..."

For like 20 seconds I was "Who the eff is Karenish Hill?"

That's the one white, liberal women will die on.

Craig said...

Scott Adams has been saying for a while that Blacks and Republicans are natural allies, and I think this is where Van is going.

We all hate the Karens.

Wikitorix said...

I wouldn't. Any more than I would let a random stranger give my kid a candy.

Neither would most people with any brains.

You are very wrong on this count. We have a whole holiday centered around strangers giving kids candy. Society sees you as weird if you don't let strangers give your kids candy on Oct 31.

FullMoon said...

Right now we have about a half-dozen cities on fire. Minneapolis I can see as spontaneous, though perhaps not completely. What about the others? Covertly organized or spontaneous?
Vid of white guy in antifa costume and black umbrella calmly bustin' windows of that Autozone with a ball peen hammer and then walking far away when confronted. Came prepared,Not exactly spontaneous. Lots of white people safely stealing stuff also. Kinda combination of BLM/antifa and college basketball championship riot.

Best vid was of Target being looted early. Black people with TV's, couple of white customers walking out with small legit purchases. Nice contrast.

Narayanan said... said...
There are about 76,000 Somalis in Minneapolis (total pop @3mm) First generation are immigrants but now many of these these are second generation natural born US citizens.

So do they get counted as "African-Americans"

John Henry
a more pertinent Q : Do Somalis count themselves as "AAs" or Muslims because I don't see that they are "on Plantation" like "native AA"

JaimeRoberto said...

We've gone from Ku Klux Klan to Ku Klux Karen.

Kevin said...

Whether they're religious (Jesus), spiritual (NewAge) or political (Obama) is all I need to know.

The Democrats. It's a cult.

Narayanan said...

Maybe Cooper should have offered dog treats to Cooper?

resting bitch face anyone!
Resting bitch face, also known as RBF, or bitchy resting face (BRF), is a facial expression that unintentionally appears as if a person is angry, annoyed, irritated, or contemptuous, particularly when the individual is relaxed, resting or not expressing any particular emotion.

Drago said...

"Right now we have about a half-dozen cities on fire. Minneapolis I can see as spontaneous, though perhaps not completely. What about the others? Covertly organized or spontaneous?

We know that in the past Soros funded groups were literally paying rioters..... naturally Trump should be impeached for that, or something.

madAsHell said...

What kind of man carries doggie treats around with him?

Lonely people, and lot more than you might guess. They want to trap your dog with the treat, and then trap you into a conversation.

My dog can spot the Eleanor Rigby's from across the park. Mostly because they sit on the park benches.

Michael said...

Love the fact that the rioters, wherever they reside, burn down their own liquor stores. Every single time lo this half century of uncontrolled behavior just always. The soon to be brand new low cost housing. Ditto. Makes you wonder doesn’t it.

Narayanan said...

Raise your hand if agree

Van Jones doing his version of "rioting" "burn da hous" and scattering chickens?

n.n said...

Maybe they should sprinkle some lamb's blood on the door posts, too, just in case.

Or the modern equivalent: a PP sign.

gilbar said...

Well, it did take the Ramones' baby away

Technically, that was Joey Ramone complaining about Johnny Ramone
Johnny was a cool Republican
Joey was a twerp
(And, I say that about my most favorite band

Rory said...

"They want to trap your dog with the treat, and then trap you into a conversation."

I've found them to be very nice people, usually their own dogs have passed and they feel too old or unwell to take on another.

Ann Althouse said...

“ I have never understood why Black communities looted and burned down their own neighborhoods in protest. If you're going to loot and burn down a neighborhood, why not loot and burn down the rich White neighborhood instead?”

Fear of the police?

chuck said...

I have never understood why Black communities looted and burned down their own neighborhoods in protest.

Seen it since the 60's. If people have little stake in building a civilization, they don't have a stake in maintaining it. It isn't just ghetto blacks, rich lefties are the same. Neither has any idea of the time, effort, machinery, and organization required to make that window pane.

gpm said...

>>Maybe they should sprinkle some lamb's blood on the door posts, too, just in case.

LOL. Had exactly the same thought, but wasn't sure if I'd bother posting after getting through all of the comments.


gpm said...

>>The black guy crying after his sports bar burned down is not worried about Trump's tweets.

C'mon, Dr. K. You can do better. The bar didn't burn itself down.


Gahrie said...

I have never understood why Black communities looted and burned down their own neighborhoods in protest. If you're going to loot and burn down a neighborhood, why not loot and burn down the rich White neighborhood instead?”

Fear of the police?

Doesn't seem to stop them at any other time.

cubanbob said...

Ann Althouse said...
“ I have never understood why Black communities looted and burned down their own neighborhoods in protest. If you're going to loot and burn down a neighborhood, why not loot and burn down the rich White neighborhood instead?”

Fear of the police?"

Here is your answer: Miami 1980. We had a horrible race riot with quite a number of people killed initially by the rioters who were in the riot area. When word got out on the western end of the riot area, Hialeah, the Cubans en mass with rifles and shotguns made it crystal clear they would shoot dead any rioter who attempted to cross in to Hialeah. On the western side, Biscayne Blvd-US1 the National Guard warned the rioters burn your neighborhood to the ground if you must but cross the line and we will blow you to Mars. The rioters got the message. The first thing cops should do is shoot to kill rioters and looters. The first few down sobers the rest. Riots rarely go on once the cops or the guard start shooting dead the rioters.

John henry said...

Blogger Michael K said...

A lot of truth there. I got ridiculed by a troll here for pointing out that, at least in the north, race relations were better in the 50s than they are now.

Not sure you are factually correct here, Michael.

In the 1920's many northern states were KKK hotbeds.

40m members in Wisconsin,

30m in MN 51 chapters, 87 cities

57 cities with at least 1 klavern in Illinois

And so on.

Dick Gregory, in his book, talks about how much stricter hosing segregation was in the north than the south in the 50's and into the 60s.

Race riots large and small in northern and midwest cities in the 20s through the 60s.

John Henry

John henry said...

Thanks to all who corrected me about the doggie treat.

I live a sheltered life.

John Henry

CJ said...

"It's just this pandemic, and that lying son of a bitch Trump!"

LOL good one. Usable in any situation where a progressive screws up.

Michael K said...

“ I have never understood why Black communities looted and burned down their own neighborhoods in protest. If you're going to loot and burn down a neighborhood, why not loot and burn down the rich White neighborhood instead?”

have you ever seen the photos of Korean shop owners on the roofs of their stores in the 1992 Rodney King riots ?

Koreans replaced Jews as the villain for blacks in Los Angeles. They owned the small shops that blacks never seemed to be able to organize.

Michael K said...

gpm said...
>>The black guy crying after his sports bar burned down is not worried about Trump's tweets.

C'mon, Dr. K. You can do better. The bar didn't burn itself down.

Oh no. We all know about the rioters.

Michael K said...

Good monologue by Tucker Carlson tonight,. I don't watch much TV but he is often worth while.

This is civilization breaking down. They would be well advised to stay out of my neighborhood.

Why in the world do blacks who know better, let this stuff go on ?

Then hard left don't care about them. The politicians sure don't.

bagoh20 said...

"bagoh20 is also right. "

Well, duh.

"Fear of the police?"

Like the ones they pour buckets of water on, or the ones they chase out of the police station before they burn it down.

I would guess what they really fear is citizens who value their property and their neighborhoods, and who are likely well-armed. The cops can, and usually are, told to stand down and let it burn. That ain't gonna happen in places where that doesn't happen. Places where the vast majority of people can legally own a gun and defend themselves and their property with it. If you don't live in such a place, then good luck. Maybe you can talk them out of it, you know, tell them you're on their side. Hint: they don't give a shit. They didn't show up to sing Kumbaya.

bagoh20 said...

Is anyone really gonna miss someone who breaks into your house or business to rob and destroy everything in sight? Is that loss really a tragedy for the community?

Phil 314 said...

Meanwhile in Biden basement:

“ put y’all back in chains... woman woman.. chains... yeah... I like that!”

Phil 314 said...

Note to Joe:

Angela Davis is available.

effinayright said...

John Henry said:

40m members in Wisconsin,

30m in MN 51 chapters, 87 cities

70 MILLION in two states? A hundred years ago?

I don't think so...

Michael K said...

40m members in Wisconsin,

30m in MN 51 chapters, 87 cities

So, those states were 100% KKK? Minnesota population in 1920, the height of the KKK was 2.3 million.

Wisconsin was 2.6 million.

Try to do better next time.

Bunkypotatohead said...

"I have never understood why Black communities looted and burned down their own neighborhoods in protest. If you're going to loot and burn down a neighborhood, why not loot and burn down the rich White neighborhood instead?”
It's the nearest thing at hand. Lugging all those TV's back from whiteyland would be too much like work.

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