May 26, 2020

How to question the re-opening plan in Madison, Wisconsin: argue that the risk "falls disproportionately on poor people and people of color."

I'm reading "Madison City Council members, Dane County supervisors question county’s reopening plan" (Wisconsin State Journal).
"Poor, uninsured, low-wage workers ... have no alternative but to go to risky jobs that make them vulnerable," they write. "Multiple studies have shown that the pandemic has been devastating economically, especially in black and brown communities where people may live with extended families and are more likely to be employed in public-facing occupations such as food service, transportation and home health care where they are more susceptible to become infected."...

All but four of the letter's [14] signatories are members of the left-wing local political party Progressive Dane... The City Council has 20 members, the County Board 37....


NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Uh, so what are the low-wage workers doing now? Is the idea to keep everyone on unemployment for a year?

MikeR said...

'the risk "falls disproportionately on poor people and people of color."' Who are currently being devastated by the lack of jobs. Disproportionately. "turn us into paupers 'cause they're easier to please"

Sebastian said...

"the pandemic has been devastating economically"

True. So the leftist solution is to make the poor even poorer.

Bay Area Guy said...

Leftists want the lockdown to continue. They don't concern themselves with the lives/jobs hurt or lost, they don't concern themselves with the harm caused to the country.

They will give multiple different, conflicting, and ridiculous reasons to continue the lockdown.

zipity said...

And their solution is?

Endless government hand-outs, breaking the backs of taxpayers.

"They'll make us all beggars, because they're easier to please..."

Michael said...

I think Madison should stay in lockdown for the sake of the black and brown communities. For. Ever.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Try getting a good job after being unemployed for six months. Thanks for "helping" me.

n.n said...

Poor hygienic habits.

John Borell said...

Just a series of increasingly crazy demands of the left to keep the economy shut down.

Life. Has. Risks.

Life. Is. Not. Fair.

Yet, somehow, every American lives in the most glorious time to be alive.

I'd rather be poor in America in 2020 than the King of England in 1720.

Achilles said...

"Poor, uninsured, low-wage workers ... have no alternative but to go to risky jobs that make them vulnerable," they write. "Multiple studies have shown that the pandemic has been devastating economically, especially in black and brown communities where people may live with extended families and are more likely to be employed in public-facing occupations such as food service, transportation and home health care where they are more susceptible to become infected."...

Never hear about "flattening the curve" anymore.

One goal is to destroy as many of those jobs as possible so those people have to ask the government for money.

Another is to seize power and control over people's lives.

Killing off some nursing home occupants to keep the panic going is just busted omelets. Most old people vote for Trump anyhow.

Jupiter said...

I tend to agree with them. Madison, Wisconsin is non-essential. No hurry about getting it back online.

I'm Not Sure said...

I suppose letting poor people and people of color make their own choices is out of the question, then?

buwaya said...

Oddly enough in other countries it is the poor that want out soonest.
The general case is that the poor are likely to consider the lockdowns an elite imposition.

I suspect this is the case in Wisconsin also, and that the people you mention are professional grifters and not representative of the poor.

Leland said...

Racism straight up.

Jupiter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael said...

So if you are over 60 you should take special precautions. But if you are a member of the black or brown communities we will take precautions for you. Racist virus. Racist white citizens of Madison.

gspencer said...

Paris Hilton has the answer to the unfortunates in Madison,

cubanbob said...

The leftist can trade places with the affected POC. I'm sure there isn't much work the poor POC couldn't do that the leftist can do. The progs can have their moral preening and the poor POC will get a step up. A win-win!

madAsHell said...

It's always a shakedown.

Rick said...

Multiple studies have shown that the pandemic has been devastating economically, especially in black and brown communities

While the assertions may be true there are no such studies proving them, it's too soon to have designed and executed them. It's an interesting reveal that progressives claim their instincts are supported no matter what the actual facts are.

Of course if they really do need support a "research" system which claims 1 in 4 women are sexually assaulted during 4 years on campus would produce studies showing the Queen of England personally infected every brown person in Britain if activists thought it would be helpful.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Hard to argue with their position re low income people if they are compared to pensioners like the Professor who can survive at home, pay her bills and get the necessities delivered. How would you respond Professor to this?

n.n said...

Color as in Asian, Indian, etc.? Poor jointly or separately? Argument from diversity.

Rick said...

I don't think they're very good with statistics. If black and brown people are disproportionately sick now because they are more exposed through jobs in groceries and delivery then opening up the full economy will disproportionately increase risk to other communities.

bagoh20 said...

The people have no choice but to ignore these fools who have no balance to their thinking. You shouldn't pick the most easily panicked individuals to lead. Get rid of them before the next challenge comes our way. This was a relatively easy call, imagine these people leading during a real crisis. Nobody needs a leader to tell them to run away and hide. That's the default, which is why these weak people stick with it.

YoungHegelian said...

World Begins Again.

Women & People of Color Hardest Hit.

bagoh20 said...

""the pandemic has been devastating economically"

It was not the pandemic. It was the reaction of our chosen leaders. We need to choose better ones.

historyDoc said...

The Lockdown disporportionately impoverishes people of color.

Andrew said...

The deaths from COVID-19 in nursing homes "falls disproportionately on elderly white people."

rhhardin said...

The shutdown is easier on the dead, so it averages out.

Michael K said...

Send them all to college ? UC campuses no longer use SAT or ACT so that's an option. How about Harvard?

I hear they are looking for POCs.

PM said...

Hang on. Tax dollars will be saved when mail-in votes reveal who voted for Biden.
Those who didn't ain't a POC.

bagoh20 said...

Go look at the "daily deaths" bar graph at Worldometer. The wonderful drop you see there started when states began to open up and it's just continuing to drop as they open more. The thing is the opening up started before the drop. The unofficial opening up started before that, and there has been no negative effects, except to Dem's prospects of destroying Trump by ruing the economy.

Spiros said...

Boo hoo. Most of the disease the American minorities have are "diseases of affluence." These are mostly chronic non-communicable diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, alcoholism, etc. Your people, if they're poor, disproportionately get gout. But gout is known is the "rich man's disease"!!! Anyways, I wonder how Americans shifted these diseases to low-income people? It's a nifty trick.

hstad said...

Yeah, politico 'Elite', we know better? Like putting homeless in Hotels, Shelters, etc., and therefore, exposing them to the Coronavirus. Or like NY putting people in Old Age Homes which are infected by Coronavirus employees. People please vote for better representatives. There has never been a greater scam in the history of the world.

RMc said...

Hardest hit.

dbp said...

Reopening involves allowing people to resume activities; lowest risk first and eventually everything. It does not involve making anyone do anything.

tim maguire said...

Wow. Obtuseness, they name is Madison City Council.

I'm disappointed they aren't allowing comments. Missed opportunity. They would have been fun.

Mike Sylwester said...

Another illuminating contrast is between the situations of

* government workers


* non-government workers

ga6 said...

Victims to the right of me, victims to the left of me smoked and toked, calling out "Pay me, Pay me".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Covid-Chi-Com Delivery will re-vamp in the fall. Not to worry!

Hillary most happy!
(said the fortune cookie.)

Must get back to democratics making big on their Chinese "investments" and green energy environmental destruction. the common man in China and US - and the world, must fall so the democratics can re-gain power.

Big Mike said...

A pretty ham-handed way for Dane’s limousine liberals to try to hide behind the po’ folks in their typical, patronizing style.

Gospace said...

Evergreen headline: World To End Tomorrow: Women, Minorities Hardest Hit. oldest reference to it I could find from 2005.

All purpose for almost everything that happens.

Automatic_Wing said...

It seems to me that the burden of the lockdown falls more disproportionately on low wage workers than a re-opening would.

People who work at grocery stores, gas stations, fast food joints, etc are out there working, risking potential infection while middle class Karen sits at home remotely filing her TPS Reports, watching Netflix and ordering shit on Amazon.

Jersey Fled said...

Help the poor by taking their jobs away?

Only in lefty-land

MadisonMan said...

Progressives have been in control of the county and city for many many years. What does that tell you about who is responsible for this burden falling mainly on the underserved?

John Althouse Cohen said...

Shouldn't we expect that to increase support for reopening among whites?

deepelemblues said...

You jerks shut down the economy, disproportionately affecting the working poor and lower middle class.

Then you self righteously pontificate about what you did and declare that it must continue.

Progressives hate the poor. They absolutely hate them for wanting to be middle or upper class. Marx hated the lumpenproletariat far more than he hated the bourgeoisie.

bagoh20 said...

Does anyone else see anything wrong with the very idea of the government having a plan to follow for starting up an economy. These are, for the most part, people who know almost nothing about the skills, tasks, challenges and requirements for such a thing, because nobody does in the aggregate, and especially most government officials. If they knew how to run a business, or had the motivation to do so, they wouldn't be in government. Here is how you do it: Get out of the way. Everything you do will make it worse, slower, more expensive, less robust, and generally suck the life out of it. Just leave us alone. Go name a bridge after yourself, or pass a proclamation about genocide being a bad thing. That's important stuff the rest of can't do.

Jim at said...

While the assertions may be true there are no such studies proving them, it's too soon to have designed and executed them.

That's what jumped out at me, as well. Just where are all those 'multiple studies?'

mandrewa said...

And note nothing is said about Vitamin D.

The one thing these Madison City Council members and Dane County supervisors could actually do to help the situation in a major way, that is to put a program in place to test for deficient Vitamin D levels, and educate people to supplement for it when they need to, won't be done.

One interpretation might be that these people, the left, are excessively stupid.

Another might be that the left are, counter to how they perceive themselves, driven by hatred for their fellow man.

And there's probably a third option, the real one, but I've never been able to figure out how it makes any sense.

bagoh20 said...

In Europe they are starting to point fingers at who to blame for the shutdowns that many are now saying were mistakes that nobody wanted.

bwebster said...

I can't embed the (one-panel) comic here, but I can provide a link to one place on the web that has it (not a specific endorsement of that post):

The panel shows a figure at night, looking up at a Bat-signal in the sky that has the words "Virtue Signal" in it. The figure is speaking: "Minorities need me to speak for them. The panel's two narrative balloons say, "The hero nobody wanted...." and "The Hero nobody asked for....".

bagoh20 said...

An example of what government can do to help:
"President Trump Cutting Additional Regulations To Reignite Economy"

Lars Porsena said...

Blogger Jupiter said...
I tend to agree with them. Madison, Wisconsin is non-essential. No hurry about getting it back online.


Thread winner!!!

Charlie said...

It became necessary to destroy the town in order to save it.

Leland said...

Hard to argue with their position re low income people if they are compared to pensioners like the Professor who can survive at home, pay her bills and get the necessities delivered.

Cuomo's response was to co-locate pensioners with COVID patients for a government win/win for lower Medicare and Medicaid costs. His party now considers him an upfront leader and worthy of being President.

Michael K said...

The basic question is how many of these lefties who want to shut down until a vaccine is done are government employees or trust fund types who are paying zero price ?

Jupiter said...

They have a point. Remember the Covid-related deaths of Beth Potter and Robbin Carre?

Their high-yellow adopted daughter is now an orphan. Lost her boyfriend and her apartment, too.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Tough Shit.

You could have been selective in how you closed things, but you painted everything and everyone with the same broad brush.

Now it’s time to open, use the same broad brush.

If it impacts women and minorities more on opening, then it must have impacted men and non-minorities more when you closed things.

I’d call it even.

Charlie Currie said...

No one is forcing them to go back to work. They can take up coding from home. Or, become government virus tracers...huh, but, that's dangerous,in the public's face work, also. Nevermind.

Lewis Wetzel said...

So the Progressive Dane party wants to deny people jobs because they are Black.
The word "progressive" don't mean what it once did.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

are the Japanese "people of color"?

...they dont have a lockdown. They must be devastated.

Lewis Wetzel said...

"I can light you on fire!" offers a peppy woman in striped Zubaz."
Striped zubaz? Isn't that an aquarium fish?

Temujin said...

We'd still be huddled in caves hoping Zork was going to bring us food or save us from the sabertooth tiger if there had been Dems back then.

gerry said...

This just keeps getting worse for people who politicize the pandemic.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

poor people and people of color

Outside of the student population, this would describe about 6 people in Madison.

wild chicken said...

It's almost June and it's all political now.

Pick yer side.

Lewis Wetzel said...

I am serious. Just advertise the jobs with the qualification that only white applicants will be considered. Problem solved.

walter said...

I guess profiling is ok again.

TheOne Who Is Not Obeyed said...

Why are there uninsured poor people in Madison? Obamacare was implemented and Badger Care was expanded to solve for that years ago. It's almost as if.....liberal insurance nostrums don't work.

Francisco D said...

News Flash: Coronavirus vaccine developed, but poor people and people of color still suffer the most.

Michael said...

Of course they could decide to open to everyone except those from the black and brown communities.

Kevin said...

If any of these people are unsure about their vote for Biden we can remove them from the analysis.

Kevin said...

To Paraphrase Freeman Hunt:

"You're black or brown, so stay home and lose your job."

"Thank you for caring about me."

Kevin said...

"Poor, uninsured, low-wage workers ... have no alternative but to go to risky jobs that make them vulnerable," they write. "Multiple studies have shown that the pandemic has been devastating economically, especially in black and brown communities where people may live with extended families and are more likely to be employed in public-facing occupations such as food service, transportation and home health care where they are more susceptible to become infected."

This is written in the same tone these people would use to discuss animals at the zoo.

Check that, when they discuss zoo animals they don't carefully focus on everything which makes them different from animals in the wild.

Kevin said...

Has anyone noticed concern for black and brown people has replaced concern for children on the left.

Children can now fend for themselves.

Adult black and brown people, now those are the ones society must really take pains to protect!

effinayright said...

Achilles said...
"Poor, uninsured, low-wage workers ... have no alternative but to go to risky jobs that make them vulnerable," they write. "Multiple studies have shown that the pandemic has been devastating economically, especially in black and brown communities where people may live with extended families and are more likely to be employed in public-facing occupations such as food service, transportation and home health care where they are more susceptible to become infected."...

A complete fucking LIE. In Massachusetts 95% of the deaths have occurred among people 60 and older. 62% among people in nursing homes, hardly an "extended family" scenario. Average age of death: 82 years old.

Somehow all those poor people servicing nursing homes and the like are not dying: in Mass, only 325 people under 60 have died, and NONE in the 0 - 19 years old cohort. That's out of almost 6,500 deaths.

You can look in vain for statistically significant cases of young people infecting their parents or grandparents, and virtually NONE where school kids have done so.

You can file this article under "Whining and neuron-depleted pols promote scary bullshit".

Just ask the author to cite these "multiple studies".


bagoh20 said...

"The director of Norway's Institute of Public Health said the country might have been able to achieve the same level of COVID-19 mitigation without aggressive lockdown policies, according to The Local.

Norway joined many other countries in implementing strict stay-at-home rules in mid-March, even though the rate of coronavirus transmission was already relatively low.

"It does not mean that we do not stand by the advice we gave then, given the knowledge base we had at the time," said Camilla Stoltenberg, director general of the Institute of Public Health. "Our assessment now, and I find that there is a broad consensus in connection with the reopening, was that one could achieve perhaps the same effect and avoid some of the unfortunate impacts by not closing, but by keeping open with infection control measures."

"If it weren't for bad luck
I'd have no luck at all.
Gloom, despair, and agony on me."

JPS said...

Michael K, 3:03:

"The basic question is how many of these lefties who want to shut down until a vaccine is done are government employees or trust fund types who are paying zero price?"

This is what's been bothering me. My friends who are up in arms about any easing of restrictions are the ones whose jobs are still guaranteed (for the near term), who don't have to worry how they're going to pay rent or a mortgage, whether they're going to have to lay anyone off. They're Englishmen willing to fight to the last Frenchman, so to speak.

They were big on the story that Georgia's Gov. Kemp (of whom I'm no great fan) allowed certain businesses to reopen because there's an unemployment fund he didn't want to tap. And I'm thinking, maybe - or maybe he just didn't want them to go out of business.

Yancey Ward said...

I wrote over 7 weeks ago now- things would have been vastly different if government workers and other white collar people "working" from home had had to sign up for unemployment back in March. Eloi and Morlocks- Laslo nailed it with that brilliant analogy from March.

Birkel said...

Democratics - Loving blacks so well that they have to keep them poor and locked inside since 1619.

Skeptical Voter said...

Tiresome twits taking yet another totalitarian swipe at the deplorables.

reader said...

They want to turn us all into inside cats. We must be confined to keep ourselves and others safe.

The insidious they.

Danno said...

My solution is to shut off the water, natural gas, and electric power in Madison. That should cure things in a hurry. If not, add psy-ops helicopters broadcasting free liquor and personal electronics to the mix.

Yancey Ward said...

I have added a couple of new columns to my US data spreadsheet- positive rate overall and a daily positive rate at the far right columns. Also updated to include today's data.


Michael K said...

They're Englishmen willing to fight to the last Frenchman, so to speak.

Or to the last Australian.

Mean while Hertz, Pier 1 and J Crew go out of business. Hertz already cancelled their 2020 car orders. 667,000 cars.

William said...

Any possibility that the inertia and tedium of staying home might have adverse effects on people of color? How about domestic strife? Are people of color immune to boredom and domestic agita? For a lot of people their job is the most interesting part of their lives, and this is also true of people in low paying jobs.....Maybe some dispensation should be given to the obese or hypertensive but otherwise they are not at inordinate risk even if they catch the virus.

AllenS said...

Wisconsin needs to be split in two. Dane county and Milwaukee county can stay in Old Wisconsin and every county north and west, if they want can join New Wisconsin and the Capital of New Wisconsin will be in Green Bay. If Upper Michigan (the UP) wants to join New Wisconsin we will open our welcoming arms to you.

Lewis Wetzel said...

As an alternative, for every member of the underclass that gets the virus, a member of the Progressive Dane Party could volunteer to be given the virus. That might even things up.

Jon Burack said...

Only one solution. Dave Blaska for Mayor of Madison.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Papers hereabouts still calling it a PANDEMIC, like it's the end of the world. I've seen 3 stories about Hydroxychloroquine being extremely dangerous and ineffective. All are quoting verbatim the AP headlines. Media run amok.

Birkel said...

Use the /sarc tag next time or people will think you're a fucking moron.

walter said...

Governor Tony Evers
In addition to testing and tracing, we need supplies. Ventilators for those who are seriously ill and #PPE for our healthcare workers, first responders, and others so they can do their jobs safely.
9:57 AM · May 26, 2020·Twitter Web App
Governor Tony Evers
Replying to
And finally we have to ensure that our hospital systems and communities are prepared to handle a surge of COVID-19 patients over the summer and fall, because at this time, there is no standard treatment or vaccine for #COVID19.

Tony Evers Shit Show
Replying to
The hospitals are empty and health care professionals laid off, what state are you talking about?

Real American said...

World Doesn't End. Women and Minorities Hardest Hit

n.n said...

Hydroxychloroquine being extremely dangerous and ineffective

It's not dangerous, but not without limits, too. It is a disinfectant that should be served as a cocktail with zinc. HCQ+AZ is part of a Planned Pathogen (PP) protocol to abort and reduce the viability of the virus, but it does not reverse progressive damage to cells, tissue, and organs, and should be administered a as prophylaxis or early after infection.

New insights on the antiviral effects of chloroquine against coronavirus: what to expect for COVID-19?

The multiple molecular mechanisms by which chloroquine can achieve such results remain to be further explored. ... preliminary data indicate that chloroquine interferes with SARS-CoV-2 attempts to acidify the lysosomes and presumably inhibits cathepsins, which require a low pH for optimal cleavage of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein

Zn2+ Inhibits Coronavirus and Arterivirus RNA Polymerase Activity In Vitro and Zinc Ionophores Block the Replication of These Viruses in Cell Culture

Michael K said...

There is an amusing video on CNN of a reporter wearing a mask complaining about people not wearing them and danger, danger, etc.

Then a guy walks by and says "Your cameraman isn't wearing one either."

What is interesting is that this video will NOT play on Firefox or Chrome. It does play on Safari. Censorship. It obviously played earlier until Google shut it down.

Fernandinande said...

Black and Brown Communities™ in Dane County should be enclosed and isolated from the non-black 'n' brown population and placed under strict regulations to control their access and movements, for their own good.

Carter Wood said...

I saw a DC TV news shoot in front of a store about to reopen. Reporter wore a mask; cameraman did not. It's about 50/50 here in upper NW, although you have to have them on to shop.

Michael K said...

More from n.n's link:

"Chloroquine is also utilised in the treatment of autoimmune diseases [6]. Yet the activity of the molecule is not limited to malaria and the control of inflammatory processes, as illustrated by its broad-spectrum activity against a range of bacterial, fungal and viral infections [7], [8], [9], [10]. Indeed, in the mid-1990s, due to its tolerability, rare toxicity reports, inexpensive cost and immunomodulatory properties [11], chloroquine repurposing was explored against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other viruses associated with inflammation and was found to be efficient in inhibiting their replication cycle [12]."

Inga said...

“Only one solution. Dave Blaska for Mayor of Madison.“

That is doubtful.

NCMoss said...

Dear Poor and People of Color,

We apologize that our policies are responsible for destroying your lifeline to shelter, food and clothing. Unfortunately, to ensure your safety we must continue locking down and continue designating your livelihoods as non-essential. And just as a reminder, any attempts to bypass the lock-down orders will be punishable with fines or imprisonment.

Your friends at Madison City Council

Fernandinande said...

"[MSNBC] Reporter calls out Packers fan dude for not wearing a mask during his report on people no[t] wearing masks.

Packers fan points out the cameraman isn’t wearing one!"

Bob Smith said...

Newspaper headline: “Comet strike imminent, world to end tomorrow, poor, minorities, women, gay, lesbian, and transgendered hit hardest.“

The Crack Emcee said...

I can't tell if they care about blacks or if we're just human shields.

BUMBLE BEE said...

NO. YOU DON"T UNDERSTAND!!! It IS dangerous AND ineffective.

Daniel Jackson said...

Specious argument. Statistically, in the aggregate, "poorer" neighborhoods in urban areas have significantly higher rates of physical and mental health disorders than affluent ones. There are spurious issues with these findings but they remain robust after nearly 80 years of testing and replications.

So, bourgeois biased classes now worry about letting the statistically likely bearers of pathogens out of the ghetto to infect their betters when they go to cafes, restaurants, or malls. This is not racism; it's classism and vicious stereotyping.

Keep the Deplorables, all the more the Undesirables, in their compounds.

Rusty said...

If you gotta ask then you already know, Crack.

hstad said...

Blogger MadisonMan said..."...Progressives have been in control of the county and city for many many years. What does that tell you about who is responsible for this burden falling mainly on the underserved? 5/26/20, 2:03 PM

"Progressives" goal is to gain moral authority through political power over the rest of society. The desires or interests of the beneficiaries of that authority or power - whether poor, minorities,or criminals in prison are seldom allowed to outweigh the more fundamental issue of gaining power. That's why the biggest lie from the MSM about "Progressives" is that they are often seen as people promoting the interests of the less fortunate, rather than people promoting their own financial self-interest. The most dangerous self-interests are best pointed out by T.S. Eliot:"Half of the harm is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm - but the harm does not interest them. Or they do not see it, or they justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves..."

hstad said...

Blogger The Crack Emcee said..."I can't tell if they care about blacks or if we're just human shields." 5/27/20, 3:48 AM - Well you know which one in your heart and through experience.

Therefore, it should be obvious that "Progressives" are practicing the dangers of living in a sealed bubble of ideas. Whatever the time, country or the subject, sealing ideas in a bubble protects those with the power to seal the bubble, but often at a huge cost too those who are sealed inside the bubble with them.

Nichevo said...

Birkel said...
Use the /sarc tag next time or people will think you're a fucking moron.

Too late.

RobinGoodfellow said...

“World Ends: Women and Minorities Hardest Hit!”

HT said...

Michael K said...

There is an amusing video on CNN of a reporter wearing a mask complaining about people not wearing them and danger, danger, etc.

Then a guy walks by and says "Your cameraman isn't wearing one either."

What is interesting is that this video will NOT play on Firefox or Chrome. It does play on Safari. Censorship. It obviously played earlier until Google shut it down.

It was MSNBC. "including the cameraman," the presumably maskless man said, passing by. "Exactly." reporter. Just played it on firefox. Interesting.

There's a conspiracy around every corner.

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