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Greenwald: "The abuse of power... by the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA... is a vastly more serious scandal than 'Russiagate' ever could dream of being."

২১৫টি মন্তব্য:

215 এর 1 – থেকে 200   আরও নতুন»   সবচেয়ে নতুন»
Temujin বলেছেন...

He is right, of course. It's as simple as that. This is one of the biggest story of the last 100 years. Or more. A coup attempt in the US. The last time this happened I was 9 years old and and in school. The teachers pulled us out of our classes and they were crying. I remember it. November 22, 1963.

This is on that level. But now it includes the press taking part in the coup. Then trying to bury the facts of the coup.

It's horrible and a bright shining light needs to expose all the cockroaches.

R C Belaire বলেছেন...

OK, now what? Will heads roll, will amends be made? Doubtful. This is the government we're talking about.

Mattman26 বলেছেন...

I’m very much doubting the legal system’s ability to respond effectively to to this treachery.

Maybe the best redress we can hope for is if the voters shove it up their asses in November. News media hardest hit.

h বলেছেন...

And more important than the question of whether laws were broken is the fact that seriously immoral and unethical behavior occurred. I am less interested in arguing about who should be prosecuted and for what than I am interested in whether people's reputations will be seriously and permanently damaged.

Mr. O. Possum বলেছেন...

After three years, let us hope we will start to see politicians, writers, and others come forward and start to talk about this.

It has been obvious for THREE YEARS that this was:

First, the biggest dirty trick in US political history;
Second, after Trump's election, a coup d'etat attempt;
Third, that it would be reasonable to think that Pres. Obama either ordered both or had wind of what was going on; and
FourTH, that the collusion that happened was between Democrats and Russian leaders, i.e. the uranium deal and the Steele dossier.


AllenS বলেছেন...

Tags: No shit

Craig বলেছেন...

Tweet of the year. True courage.

Leland বলেছেন...

I'm with the first tweet. Much of this was obvious well over a year ago. When the goal was to take down the President, you claim to have damning evidence before the mid-term election, then you release that evidence before the election. Schiff never did, because he never had any. They released the dossier, which anybody could read and figure out that much of it couldn't happen. Afterwards, it is Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus, particularly when it comes to Schiff.

My version of America won't be reconciled until those who committed this abuse face trial. I won't get my hopes up for prison time, but they at least the treatment that Flynn faced.

Jeff Brokaw বলেছেন...

The cognitive dissonance among progressives and all Trump haters generally would be off the charts right now, if they were actually exposed to the truth about all of this ... but would that ever happen?

They live in self-reinforcing bubbles, by choice. They choose consructed reality that makes them feel good about themselves rather than face the world as it really is and risk tearing down their world view.

How far is that from actual mental illness?

matism বলেছেন...

Schiff is tribe. Nadler is tribe. Schumer is tribe.

But I'm sure that is merely a coincidence...

320Busdriver বলেছেন...

Seems WAY worse than Watergate, though my recollection of it is hazy as I was only 10 or so. Is it wrong to hope for a pound of flesh?

rhhardin বলেছেন...

It's the press's audience that wanted the coup, not the press. The press is just a business.

Ultimate source, women voting. Find the narrative women like best, and that's what you get in politics, via the media's need.

Cold reason isn't on women's entertainment spectrum.

Now what he have is a counter-narrative indicting the press and dems, but still not indicting women. I'd bet women won't buy it. They prefer the old narrative. It's simpler than the new one, one which is not flattering to themselves.

Marcus Bressler বলেছেন...

It is and was. But unless people are arrested, charged, brought to trial and, if found guilty, sentenced, I won't believe the government cares much about it except to bitch and use for political purposes.


Jersey Fled বলেছেন...

Republicans should immediately bring articles of impeachment against Schiff, including not only his serial lying, but also his illigal obtaining of phone records without even his commitee's knowledge.

The Democrats would vote it down of course, but we need to get them on record before the election.

Unless Pelosi plans to remain in hiding through the election under cover of coronavirus.

Diogenes of Sinope বলেছেন...

I think few if any of the government villains who committed these crimes will ever be prosecuted. In fact no perpetrator will lose their government job because of these abuses.

Diogenes of Sinope বলেছেন...

Since most of the media is anti-Trump, anti-Republican and leftist, the media won't give these abuses any serious coverage.

Diogenes of Sinope বলেছেন...

The same people who supported the abuses of power in attempt to force a president from office are now telling us the country must remain locked down.

Two-eyed Jack বলেছেন...

One consequence of ,"one screen, two movies" is the end of politics, which can only address compromise over a shared reality.

J. Farmer বলেছেন...

The Intercept is the only prominent publication to criticize the Democrats from a left/progressive perspective. A lot of Democrats hate Greenwald for breaking the Snowden story during Obama's tenure and later for his non-stop criticism of Hillary during the 2016 campaign. Apparently, his and Susan Sarandon's tweets swayed the election.

JPS বলেছেন...

So, Schiff now says the documents prove that he was right all along, and that Mueller proved what he manifestly did not prove. I guess he fought the release of those documents because they vindicated his side so spectacularly.

I mean, I don't expect him and his co-conspirators to say, "OK, you got us - we pretty much made all this shit up" but it's kind of impressive that he's still hoping to brazen this out.

Oh, and, matism: Greenwald is "tribe", Alan Dershowitz is "tribe," David Harsanyi is "tribe."

"Tribe" is overrepresented, relative to population, in certain professions. "Tribe" also leans overwhelmingly left, for reasons that drive me nuts, and the left overwhelmingly hates Trump. Congratulations on your pattern recognition, it's remarkable.

CWJ বলেছেন...

Compared to this, Watergate really was no more than a third rate burglary.

Danno বলেছেন...

Temujin said..."It's horrible and a bright shining light needs to expose all the cockroaches."

You don't expose cockroaches, you ERADICATE them.

mikee বলেছেন...

I think Adam Schiff really believes he has evidence of collusion.
It is just that his definition of collusion is completely wrong, false, incorrect, made up, and self-serving.

If "collusion" is "interaction between two or more parties such as verbal, written, or electronic communication, no matter what the subject of such communication is" then yes, there is collusion. Unfortunately, for Rep. Schiff, that is NOT what collusion means, either colloquially or legally.

I derive this analysis from my daughter, who when 4 years old would complain that I was "yelling" at her, whenever I asked her, in a normal speaking voice, to do something she did not want to do. I explained the meaning of "yelling" to her, to no avail. She would just cry and exclaim in a screeching, tear-laden voice that I needed to "STOP YELLING" at her, usually in a public place like a grocery story checkout line.

This ended when I started using a voice so quiet that she had to ask me to repeat myself again and again, just to understand what I was saying. This often led her to laugh aloud, as she tried to guess what I was saying by reading my otherwise silent but moving lips.

I suggest we try the same on Schiff. Prosecute him for conspiracy to commit perjury with the whistleblower, and watch him learn the true meaning of "collusion" within just a few years after incarceration.

wendybar বলেছেন...

He's 100% right, but Progressives will stomp their feet and cry and whine about it.

Mark বলেছেন...

Hence the imperative to keep Hillary from being elected.

Mattman26 বলেছেন...

Jersey, a House member can’t be impeached, but can be expelled by a two-thirds vote in the House.

wendybar বলেছেন...

If nothing happens to the real Criminals,(Obama and his WHOLE administration) we might as well pack it in. No justice, no peace as they say. It isn't going to end pretty. I would be in hiding if I were them...not going out and complaining about "Rule of Law" like the most lawless President in my time did and almost got away with.

BamaBadgOR বলেছেন...

I would like to hear Ann's thoughts about Greenwald's opinion.

The Tangerine Tornado বলেছেন...

I love the entries "posted without comment". Althouse needs a tag for those.

Oso Negro বলেছেন...

I am waiting for the usual suspects to show up and explain this all away. As for myself, the next time I get to Moscow, I plan to get a couple of high end hookers to piss on a bed, just because.

wild chicken বলেছেন...

I follow some guys on the other side like Jim Garaghty, Tom Nichols, and ol Angry WH Staffer, and it's just TDS as usual with them and their followers - Flynn pled guilty twice etc.

So I'm not sure anything changes. Two different movies, playing near you.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

I’m going to enjoy my day and my work. New recording studio. Politics is hopeless.

The NY Times is totally ignoring the collapse of the Russia collusion hoax and the impeachment hoax that it played such a huge role in fabricating. Half the electorate will never know it was all fake.

Making the best of my house arrest. This panic is phony, too. Economic sabotage. A psy-ops campaign by Democrats aimed at voters.

What the hell! Nothing I can do about it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Obama is cool with entrapment. Legal genius that he is.

Tommy Duncan বলেছেন...

Blogger Jeff Brokaw said...

"They live in self-reinforcing bubbles, by choice. They choose constructed reality that makes them feel good about themselves rather than face the world as it really is and risk tearing down their world view."

Sort of like the Germans ignoring the reality of the concentration camps in WW2?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

The media give Adam Schitt a platform to lie. Why the media is a disgrace too.

brylun বলেছেন...

Adam Schiff: Stanford undergrad, Harvard Law...

Kevin বলেছেন...

It's the press's audience that wanted the coup, not the press. The press is just a business.

Elvira Hancock: “Lesson number two: Don't get high on your own supply.”

brylun বলেছেন...

Eli Lake tweet 30 min. ago:

"I’ve been going through the interview transcripts that ODNI forced @AdamSchiff to release. It’s now clear why every Republican on his committee in 2019 called for his resignation. He knew the closed door witnesses didn’t support his innuendo and fakery on Russia collusion."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Where is the investigation into Shcitt's lies? He should be removed from congress.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Flynn plead guilty after being entrapped and denied a lawyer.
BTW - notice the leftwing hive-mind never mention what Flynn plead guilty to.

David Duffy বলেছেন...

The DOJ needs to appoint a Special Council to look into all, not just Russian, foreign interference in our elections. Especially the influence of China and Mexico. Mexican Nationals living in our country illegally have far more influence on our elections than cheap Russian Facebook adds.

Appoint some aging dimwit Democrat as the Special Council (Jimmy Carter) to develop the narrative that the Dems are running the investigation. Make sure the actual investigators are ruthless partisans (Andrew McCarthy, Giuliani) and have them go out and destroy anyone associated with Joe Biden. Tap their phones, dig through their bank accounts, pull out their divorce records, do whatever it takes to accuse, expose, ruin anyone who talks to Joe Biden. Oh, and two years later tell us how other countries might be interfering with our elections.

DavidD বলেছেন...

320Busdriver said...
“Seems WAY worse than Watergate, though my recollection of it is hazy as I was only 10 or so. Is it wrong to hope for a pound of flesh?”

It IS way worse than Watergate. (And I was only 10 or so, as well.)

Watergate was small potatoes. Nixon won 49 states; there’s no way Watergate caused any significant difference in the results.

This thing, though? And the fact that it continued past Trump’s inauguration and that there was even an impeachment—and for what?

Obama, though, now wasn’t he dreamy? Ooh. Ooh. Excuse me, I’ll be in my bunk, as they say.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...


Read the whole thread.
facts checks Obama.

"President Obama is being quoted on Flynn, saying "There is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free." It is a curious statement. First and foremost, Flynn was not charged with perjury..."

Ray - SoCal বলেছেন...

Obama reaction is interesting.

He’s in full fire fighting mode and acting directly,

His call with the press yesterday:

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Jeff Brokaw said... They live in self-reinforcing bubbles, by choice. They choose consructed reality that makes them feel good about themselves rather than face the world as it really is and risk tearing down their world view.

The term constructed reality is quite apt. Watching the Kavanaugh hearings and the Impeachment Hoax, I got the distinct impression that Democrats were constructing a reality that they could sell to a credulous public.

I thought that their Hollywood connections got the better of them, but it is simpler than that. They are sociopaths who will do almost anything for power.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Half the electorate will never know it was all fake.

Thread winner. Inga and Vicki from Pasadena are sure this is a mistake.

All is well. Do not be alarmed.

GatorNavy বলেছেন...

Sorry to say, but there is more to come in this particular perversion of power and nothing much is going to change. Republicans and Democrats and their enablers, lobbyists and the media allowed this to happen.

So, until all government unions are disbanded, this will happen again. Until the collective intelligence agencies are forced to become a single agency and brought to heel, this abuse of power will happen again. Until we the people collectively shut off our television, disengage from social media, etc., which will dry up the money, which is the only thing the media honchos love, this will happen again. Until the FBI, ATF, and all the rest of the federal policing powers are severely curtailed and consolidated, this will happen again.

I highly doubt that we the people have the will to make it happen as too many Americans love their chains and to lick the wrists of those who hold their chains.

DavidD বলেছেন...

Diogenes of Sinope said...
“The same people who supported the abuses of power in attempt to force a president from office are now telling us the country must remain locked down.”

And the same people who believed them then believe them now. Willfully or naively? Will the scales ever drop from their eyes?

Oh, and CAGW, too; let’s not forget CAGW.

wendybar বলেছেন...

The most hilarious thing, is Obama coming out and complaining about the "Rule of Law"!!! Since when have Democrats followed the laws?? Sanctuary cities and states anybody??? Obama was the most corrupt President in our time

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

What is amazing about the 53 transcripts released by ODNI yesterday is how many former Obama officials were forced to admit privately under oath that what they claimed in their TV appearances about “collusion” was nonsense and had no basis in reality.

-Sean Davis

DavidUW বলেছেন...

When Greenwald is right...well he's only right when he criticizes his peers in the media.

Carol বলেছেন...

Where is the investigation into Shcitt's lies? He should be removed from congress.

Nah never happen. It's just politics by lawfare. Win a few, lose a few.

wendybar বলেছেন...

President Obama is being quoted on Flynn, saying "There is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free." It is a curious statement. First and foremost, Flynn was not charged with perjury.._Jonathan Turley!!!

wendybar বলেছেন...

Second, we now know Obama discussed charging Flynn under the Logan Act which has never been used successfully to convict anyone and is flagrantly unconstitutional. Third, this reaffirms reports that Obama was personally invested in this effort. Finally, there is precedent... Jonathan Turley

wendybar বলেছেন...

The Justice Department has dismissed cases in the past including the Stevens case.That was requested by President Obama's own Attorney General Eric Holder for the same reason: misconduct by prosecutors. It was done before the same judge, Judge Sullivan. How is that for precedent? -Jonathan Turley

Meade বলেছেন...

"The Intercept is the only prominent publication to criticize the Democrats from a left/progressive perspective."

Does The Nation count? If I'm not mistaken, Stephen F. Cohen, husband of the editor/publisher and Russia expert, has gotten this right pretty much from the start.

wendybar বলেছেন...

And Obama was supposedly a Constitutional Law Professor??? Get your money back if he was your teacher.

jnseward বলেছেন...

Everybody who ever believed in the Russian collusion hoax, still does, and the media will continue to reinforce it. There will be no indictments.

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

President Bush will no doubt keep mum on this. I wish someone would ask VP Cheney for his opinion

brylun বলেছেন...

Top career intelligence official departs ODNI

Rats abandoning the ship?

William বলেছেন...

Good for Greenwald, but he's not exactly part of the establishment media. So far as I can see, not one member the establishment media has broken ranks and condemned what was done to Flynn or criticized any of those high placed Dems who told two stories, one under oath and another under television lights.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

The hive-minders drank Maddow-Schitt Koolaid, and it infected them like a in-curable disease. The disease is part of their DNA.

Andrew বলেছেন...

Thank God there are some honest liberals left. Kudos to Greenwald and those like him, who have been calling it correctly since day one, despite the truth being harmful to their side.

Andrew বলেছেন...

Thank God there are some honest liberals left. Kudos to Greenwald and those like him, who have been calling it correctly since day one, despite the truth being harmful to their side.

Meade বলেছেন...

“This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility [to collude with your boss on all sorts of things detrimental to my country which, just to be clear, I have never been proud of and never will be.]”

“I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” said Medvedev.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Way too many people expect this all to make sense, and expect their opponents to be open to a rebuttal.
Of course it doesn't. And they won't. This is not that sort of contest.

Any more than punches in a boxing match can be argued with.
You can't reason with a punch, you can just block it or dodge it.
And your opponent isnt obliged to listen to you while he's trying to hit you again.

And of course in real life power struggles there isn't a referee and there is nothing in the rules about wearing gloves or hitting below the belt.

And that crowd watching the fight? Half of them hate the guts of the other half and vice versa), and would be throwing punches themselves, at the person seated adjacent, if they had the guts, and lost whatever sense they had left.

Nope. This is a no-rules match that may be just the preliminary to a riot. And the announcers are definitely on one side, and are trying to whip up their half of the crowd. Lucky for them they are behind shatter-proof glass.

And you are talking about what makes sense?

Rory বলেছেন...


Bill Clinton got off Scott free for perjury.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger wendybar said...

And Obama was supposedly a Constitutional Law Professor??? Get your money back if he was your teacher.

wendybar, he was an "adjunct" lecturer and only on one of those fake race topics. It was the usual fluff.

Craig বলেছেন...

What is the chance that Greenwald gets arrested during the next Dem administration? I'm guessing 40-50%.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Obama is a fraud. Hillary is corrupt. Biden is corrupt.

Schitt is a liar.

This is your modern democrat party.

buwaya বলেছেন...

The "hive minders" are just that caste that has interests opposed to yours.
They have their champions, that advance their interests and oppose yours, why should they turn on them?

Because they are hypocrites? Because they make no sense? What does that matter? Only victory or survival or advantage count.

What do abstract principles matter in a power struggle? We know how easily these things can be rationalized and mutated. People are very clever that way.

Quayle বলেছেন...

“ ...there are some honest liberals left.”

When these times all shake out, in the end there will be two camps. They won’t be “Democrat” and “Republican”. The two camps will be those who are honest and love truth, and those who are dishonest and lie, and love a lie. Wheat and tares. The sifting is underway.

Bob Smith বলেছেন...

For a lot of our fellow citizens it isn’t news unless ABCBSNBCNN says it is.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Always here to remind everyone, that campus faculties and administrators, bought this Russian garbage. Has there been a loud voice from campus intelligentsia calling out this structurally changing corruption? Althouse deserves some credit.

Obama, Comey, Schiff, and crew used the government apparatus to the antithesis of its intent. Where are the PHD “experts”?

buwaya বলেছেন...

" in the end there will be two camps"

There already are two camps, and they aren't sorted by principle, but by interests and identification. Both sides can define principles to suit their purposes, or prefer some principles above others, or invent new principles entirely.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"The abuse of power during the 2016 election by the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA -- and the subsequent Schiff-led lies repeatedly disseminated in the media to justify that abuse -- is a vastly more serious scandal than "Russiagate" ever could dream of being."

Of course. But a key point missing, a point Bruce Hayden has made repeatedly but which I haven't seen covered adequately in the MSM, is that the abuse preceded the 2016 election.

Obama and his minions had weaponized the deep state, including its search and monitoring capacity, for political purposes long before. That explains part of the motivation for the Russia collusion hoax and the FISA abuse and the odd effort to get Flynn out of the way. It also explains the deep-staters' brazenness: they had so little to go on in the case of Russia (which in fact collaborated with with Hill et al.), they had so little to go on with Steele and Page and Papadopoulos, they had so little to go on with Flynn--and yet they gambled.

At the outset, they may have hoped to gain something--defeat Trump, hamstring him in office--but they took big risks because they had a lot to lose.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Buwaya gets it- this is Calvinball, and the Republicans just don't quite understand it.

I have read the transcripts from the most important of the deposed since yesterday morning- the trend in all of them is clear and unambiguous- the deposed, who appeared regularly in the media and opined on their knowledge of the investigation and the underlying information, who wrote op-eds on the matter or who were quoted in such op-eds- all of them, under oath, contradicted their own public statements on the matter. In total, not a single one of them has any evidence that the Trump Campaign collude, conspired, or even made innocuous plans about how to win the election- zero, zip, nada.

The totality of all this private, sworn testimony- quarantined for 16 months by Schiff disproves every single substantial claim Schiff made about this testimony and the evidence he claimed was discussed in the testimony. Only every single statement he made was false and lying.

tommyesq বলেছেন...

Rhhardin said

It's the press's audience that wanted the coup, not the press. The press is just a business.

I disagree. Jeff Bezos, business genius, paid $250 million to buy the Washington Post at a time when (according to contemporaneous stories in the Post itself) the Post had suffered a 44 percent decline in operating revenue over the past six years and had dropped an additional 7 percent during the first half of 2013, when the sale took place. Bezos did not do this because he thought the Post was a viable business - he did it to place himself in control of a big media outlet so that he could push his ideas on the world. Kind of like a vanity press, but for pushing political views and gaining influence in governmental affairs instead of pushing shitty fiction.

Jeff Brokaw বলেছেন...

So let’s summarize: Democrats engineered a gigantic hoax that — with the help of corrupt law enforcement and a cheerleader media — exposed the extreme confitmation bias in 35% of the country and revealed them to be incapable of seeing through obvious bullshit.

To be brutally frank, these people are so in love with their f*#king opinions that they fell for the stupidest con i have ever witnessed in my 61 years on this planet.

Good to know. Now we all know whose opinions to disregard. Be nice to them though, they can’t help it, they’ve got emotional problems.

TRISTRAM বলেছেন...

How much of the last three years is projection? The left do X, and can’t imagine that the “less morally upright “ right doing less, and so start a campaign of persecution based on the “knowledge “ that the right is doing 2X.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

1. Greenwald is one of the few honest liberals. I'm not sure he qualifies as a "journalist" per se, but he's heads above the other media clowns.

2. Schiff is a pathological liar and leaker. The man is a vector of disinformation (VOD). He has one job for Nancy Pants - cook the intelligence, leak to the media and set the bogus narrative - all to "resist" Trump.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"It's the press's audience that wanted the coup, not the press. The press is just a business."

That's a depressing thought, but hard to argue with.

Quayle বলেছেন...

“ There already are two camps, ”

Agree. But the present “shaking out” will rearrange them to divisions along other more important principles and priorities.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

And it is important to remember the role played here by Dan Coats and Paul Ryan, elite Republicans- it is they that failed to do the very thing Rick Grenell did this past week- force the transcripts out into the open. All of these depositions were conducted by the Republican majority that existed in the House prior to January 2019, but the Republican leadership and Coats slow-walked the declassification process long enough that Schiff took over the House Intelligence committee. After Coats was forced out of ODNI, the depositions were quickly declassified, but Schiff refused to release them. It took Grenell, who had copies of them, to finally force them out into the open.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Michael K বলেছেন...

Kind of like a vanity press, but for pushing political views and gaining influence in governmental affairs instead of pushing shitty fiction.

True but some of this may be defensive. I remember when Microsoft did not have a lobby firm on retainer in DC back in the 80s and Congress went after them. They learned.

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

Lefties live in a world of no empirical reality, no objective logic, and no moral compunction. If they can simply describe or characterize some kind of OrangeManBadness, that becomes their truth — LITERALLY.

Michael K বলেছেন...

And it is important to remember the role played here by Dan Coats and Paul Ryan, elite Republicans- it is they that failed to do the very thing Rick Grenell did this past week- force the transcripts out into the open

Oh yes. The Deep State has many allies on both sides. I keep referring people back to Angelo Codevilla and his essay ten years ago.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"So, Schiff now says the documents prove that he was right all along, and that Mueller proved what he manifestly did not prove. I guess he fought the release of those documents because they vindicated his side so spectacularly.

I mean, I don't expect him and his co-conspirators to say, "OK, you got us - we pretty much made all this shit up" but it's kind of impressive that he's still hoping to brazen this out."

Schiff is immoral. His sycophants are brain-dead-stupid. How stupid do you have to be to buy 'I have the evidence right here, but I won't let you see it?'. Of course he doesn't have the evidence. If he did, HE WOULD SHOW IT TO YOU!

As disgusting as it is, it makes sense for him to brazen it out. Half the country will lap it up.

Ray - SoCal বলেছেন...

Ryan and Gowdy allowed ZERO SUBPOENA’s to show how B.S. this entire Russian investigation was.

And then they did not run for re-election.

And the GOP lost the house.



Michael K বলেছেন...

Schiff is a pathological liar and leaker. The man is a vector of disinformation (VOD). He has one job for Nancy Pants - cook the intelligence, leak to the media and set the bogus narrative - all to "resist" Trump.

And I would not be surprised to see him take Diane Feinstein's Senate seat. You are surrounded by crazies BAG.

daskol বলেছেন...

For most of the time that this egregious misconduct (which is worse still than egregious conduct) was underway, the GOP controlled Congress and the investigating committees. I've heard it said that most of the resignations in the GOP leadership after Trump's victory were of people compromised by the intel/justice, people who had been blackmailed into cooperation in this travesty. That sounded a bit far-fetched to me at first, but I am increasingly inclined to believe it.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"The Intercept is the only prominent publication to criticize the Democrats from a left/progressive perspective."

There are also COUNTERPUNCH and CONSORTIUM NEWS, to name two off the top of my head. TRUTHDIG was another excellent site that gave hell to the Dems as much as to the Republicans, but they're not publishing any new content at this time, (and may not do so again, given internal disputes between the owners of the site). There are others.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Interesting, isn't it- 91 comments so far as I write this one, and not a single attempt to contradict what Greenwald wrote. That is telling, isn't it?

daskol বলেছেন...

Adam Schiff is a dangerous sociopath. He's always been on my personal shortlist for a lamppost, but after Brennan, Comey, Clapper, et al. I think it's time to bump him up to the top of the list given that he's the one in a position to do the most damage going forward.

buwaya বলেছেন...

None of this is irrational, on a deeper level.

The people who hold Schiff et al to be their champions are simply in another tribe, really a caste. Their interests are just opposed to yours, and they do not see themselves (in their guts) to be your people, or rather, they feel that you are not their people.

Their interests are such that their prosperity is your poverty, their triumphs are your disasters. There is no common good to pursue.

This is not an odd thing at all, historically speaking. Its not even odd that this situation came about gradually, splitting what had formerly been one people into two.

Its not even personal. For the most part they can't help it. Its just fallen out that way.
Circumstances change, trends proceed, history takes a twist, and people are communal, herd animals, much as so many like to claim their own independence of thought. Hah. Sit them down, the vast majority of mankind, and try to make them justify themselves.

daskol বলেছেন...

Yes, Cook, the so-called "far left" publications you mention, as well as the Nation distinguished themselves early on and throughout this saga from the corporatist/DNC mouthpieces that predominate in newspapers. Because they know very well that when government does this kind of thing, it's historically most often to lefties.

Louie the Looper বলেছেন...

Yancey Ward said:
“I have read the transcripts from the most important of the deposed since yesterday morning- the trend in all of them is clear and unambiguous- the deposed, who appeared regularly in the media and opined on their knowledge of the investigation and the underlying information, who wrote op-eds on the matter or who were quoted in such op-eds- all of them, under oath, contradicted their own public statements on the matter. In total, not a single one of them has any evidence that the Trump Campaign collude, conspired, or even made innocuous plans about how to win the election- zero, zip, nada.”

No doubt these same people were the “former administration officials who spoke on condition on anonymity.” There must be thousands of articles that need correction out there. Nah.

Drago বলেছেন...

Meade: "Does The Nation count? If I'm not mistaken, Stephen F. Cohen, husband of the editor/publisher and Russia expert, has gotten this right pretty much from the start."

Yes, the Nation to a large degree did not buy into this insanely transparent lie.

Mother Jones was fully committed to the dems lies.

Others on the left who pushed back hard on this stuff are Aaron Mate and the very funny comic/political commentator Jimmy Dore.

Do yourself a favor and pull up a Youtube of Dores youtube show with his left wing buddies destroying Rachel Maddow over these lies for years.

Really superior stuff. They deconstruct the stupid dem lies because they know it hurts progressives in the end.

gadfly বলেছেন...

Greenwald is a leftist journalist who worked for years spouting progressive BS for Salon and The Guardian. Now he lives in Rio de Janerio pretending to be on top of all issues that interests him in the U.S. Among his most famous gaffs were the siding with traitor Edward Snowden, helping him publish classified documents and his successful efforts to have Scooter Libby jailed for ratting out Valarie Plame as a CIA agent when in fact Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage owned up to the leak.

As for Greenwald's unwarrented attack on the FBI and CIA in regard to L'affaire du Russiagate while giving Billy Barr a pass is simply unbelievable. It wasn't long ago that Greenwald had an anti-trump attitiude when he wrote: "I think the Trump White House lies more often. I think it lies more readily. I think it lies more blatantly."

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"If nothing happens to the real Criminals,(Obama and his WHOLE administration) we might as well pack it in."

Well, nothing happened to the previous pack of real Criminals, (Bush and his WHOLE administration), so why expect anyone in the Obama administration will be face punishment?

Browndog বলেছেন...

Not enough love for Mueller on here.

He spent 2 years doing what?

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

We’ve seen it twice now, with protesters showing up well armed at state capitals to protest, many carrying dreaded “assault weapons”, most often like they know how to use them, because they do. Yes, it is a threat. I think a very real one. Because we have gotten to a point in this country where the rule of law is being questioned, and that trend was only hastened by the election of Obama, probably the most lawless President of our lifetimes. The people involved in the attempted coup were either promoted into their positions, or placed there during his Administration. He started off by dismissing charges of voter intimidation against NBP members, then followed that by openly siding with dead attempted murderer Trayvon Martin, and against his victim.

If Obama had been worried about the Rule of Law, he would have played those racially charged incidents down the middle. He didn’t. But he also would have had Crooked Hillary in jail the first time she sent him email from her Clintonmail.com account. And others in his Administration when they started shoving unmasked FISA intercepts in his PDBs. FISA doesn’t have an exception for Presidents and their political staff, like Ben Rhodes. None of them had bona fide counterintelligence or counterterrorism need to know the unmasked contents of most of those intercepts. It was illegal. But they did it anyway because they could, and Obama didn’t have to worry about violating the law with AG Holder as his wingman. And the rest of his Administration followed his lead.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

Blogger Oso Negro said..."I am waiting for the usual suspects to show up and explain this all away."

They won't come anywhere near this thread.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"I think Adam Schiff really believes he has evidence of collusion."

-- I don't. If he thought he had it, he'd release it. He hasn't been shy about leaking and releasing things before. He knows he's playing with a bad hand, so he's trying to just draw the game out long enough everyone else gets bored and walks away.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Cook is an odd one.

He’s right about the sins of both parties.

And the sins Cook the commie would commit if he had the ability and power are far, far worse.

Crazy world, huh, when you’ve got a preacher of the ideology of mass genocide and concentration camps preaching to you about morality.

As bad as the Republicans and Democrats are, at least Cook doesn’t have any power.

Browndog বলেছেন...

Do yourself a favor and pull up a Youtube of Dores youtube show with his left wing buddies destroying Rachel Maddow over these lies for years.

Love that guy. You should have seen my face when I found out he was a lib. Or, thinks he's a lib.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"But he also would have had Crooked Hillary in jail the first time she sent him email from her Clintonmail.com account."

-- When you remember that Obama had an alias for sending emails to that secret server you realize nothing was ever going to happen to anyone related to it, because if it did, then he'd have been revealed for a crime bigger than Watergate.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Mueller was the false god-king of the big lie. He's a puppet like Biden is a puppet.

William বলেছেন...

It is instructive to note the lies that Bill Clinton told about his affair with Monica Lewinsky. There was a day or two of outrage expressed by his allies in the media and the Dem establishment, especially by those who had made public statements in support of Clinton's innocence. But then the moment passed. The outrage was mostly directed at Starr for his prurient interest in Clinton's sex life and at Linda Tripp for betraying her friend and for being overweight.....The Dems and the media are not even offering us a day of outrage. Still, just now, they are reaching for the proper way to respond to these revelations. I don't think they've quite hit on the proper response, but they're creative and imaginative and I don't doubt that they will soon hit upon one.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"Not enough love for Mueller on here.
He spent 2 years doing what?"

Nobody knows.

Third Coast বলেছেন...

Bleach Bit has already mentioned J. Turley's article in which he rebuts Obama's point about "perjury" that he made in a recent private phone call. I just listened to the call and don't think I'm wrong when I say that Obama sounds genuinely unnerved or panicked. You be the judge:

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“True but some of this may be defensive. I remember when Microsoft did not have a lobby firm on retainer in DC back in the 80s and Congress went after them. They learned.”

Google learned the same lesson, but more quickly. They also started shoving tens of millions, maybe hundreds some year, into lobbying in Congress. I ran into this when we went to Congress to lobby against the America (dis)Invents Act. We were unpaid volunteers. The other side had more lobbyists than there were members of Congress, and a lot of them were from Google.

Mr. O. Possum বলেছেন...

Not a single story on Drudge about this, Flynn, etc...

But prominently placed links to stories about Obama "blasting" Trump for this and that...

What has happened to Drudge?

Drago বলেছেন...

What is most amusing is that gadfly and Inga and Lefty Mark and Freder and the other usual suspects insist that we continue to analyze this with a January of 2017 set of "facts".

Bob Smith বলেছেন...

“Not enough love for Mueller on here.
He spent 2 years doing what?"

Having good hair and a granite jaw.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

The Comey-Clinton paradox. someone is lying.

J. Farmer বলেছেন...


Does The Nation count? If I'm not mistaken, Stephen F. Cohen, husband of the editor/publisher and Russia expert, has gotten this right pretty much from the start.

That's true, but they've been calling Cohen a Putin stooge since before it was cool. He was one of the cooler heads in the Russia-Ukraine debate. He's an old-fashioned Cold War dove. I object to including The Nation, though, because vanden Heuvel can still write pieces like "Why Hillary Clinton is the right choice for progressives."

p.s. vanden Heuvel stepped down as editor last year. D. D. Guttenplan took over. I miss the initialized first and middle names. Guttenplan wrote The Holocaust On Trial, his coverage of the David Irving/Deborah Lipstadt trial. I thought it was quite a good book, and Guttenplan show pretty admirable insight into what some right-wing cranks refer to as "the Jewish Question."

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“True but some of this may be defensive. I remember when Microsoft did not have a lobby firm on retainer in DC back in the 80s and Congress went after them. They learned.”

Let me add that buying the hometown paper of Congress and much of the Executive Branch was extremely cost effective in comparison to what the company has spent on lobbying.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Turns out, Obama is a fraud. All of his underlings are frauds, liars and crooks as well.

Media rush in to cover for him. The light-bringer.

Drago বলেছেন...

Unknown: "Not a single story on Drudge about this, Flynn, etc...

But prominently placed links to stories about Obama "blasting" Trump for this and that...

What has happened to Drudge?"

In 2019 Matt Drudge sold his interest in the Drudge Report to leftists.

At the same time, the new ownership brought in a NeverTrumper FakeCon LLR-leftist from the defunct Weekly Standard as the new editor and the Drudge Report fired its ad company of 20 years and replaced it with a lefty ad company.

The rumors are that Drudge, as a condition of the sale is prohibited from publicly addressing this sale until after the election and that some Google Cloud guy is directly involved.

This us a lefty billionaire funded effort to create FakeCon lefty aligned publications (The Bulwark, Lincoln Project, Goldberg and Hayes little Dispatch newsletter, etc) while acquiring publications with a conservative pedigree and quietly turning it left.

We seethe hand of Murdochs son and Paul Ryan at Fox News where the non-primetime operation is fairly solid NeverTrump or just typical establishment.

I fully expect Fox News to completely drop their current primetime lineup over the next 18 to 24 months.

Michael K বলেছেন...

What has happened to Drudge?

He obviously cashed out and sold it to somebody like the guy that bought the Onion. Another Hillary supporter.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

Mueller was the false god-king of the big lie. He's a puppet like Biden is a puppet.

No worries - Biden seeks to meet Mueller for the "Early Bird" Dinner Special at Denny's - safely 6 feet apart - to hash all this confusing stuff out.

Michael K বলেছেন...

BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
Mueller was the false god-king of the big lie. He's a puppet like Biden is a puppet.

And it sounds like he has the same brain rot that Biden has.

HistoryDoc বলেছেন...

Read Turley's thread from yesterday - he is on fire! Obama is definitely feeling the heat.

Drago বলেছেন...

If one were interested in why there seems to be so many "conservatives" and "lifelong republicans" constantly attacking Trump and conservatives on blog sites, pull up the testimony of lefty billionaire Reid Hoffman to see what he pulled in the Alabama Senate race and had to admit under oath in court.

Funding lots and lots of fake conservatives on blog sites.

But again, that was just an admission under oath.....

wendybar বলেছেন...

Read it and weep. Poor Obama. His excuses fall flat...... https://jonathanturley.org/2020/05/09/president-obama-declares-there-is-no-precedent-that-anybody-can-find-for-the-flynn-motion-he-may-want-to-call-eric-holder/

Michael K বলেছেন...

The people who hold Schiff et al to be their champions are simply in another tribe, really a caste. Their interests are just opposed to yours, and they do not see themselves (in their guts) to be your people, or rather, they feel that you are not their people.

Howard says this every day and he believes it.

Truth has nothing to do with it.

Openidname বলেছেন...

I follow a fun blog by a Professor Emeritus of the University of Chicago -- generally a leftie, but very critical of the anarchosyndicalist madness on college campuses, and full of interesting scientific and other information.

All he had to say about the Flynn dismissal was that it proved that the DOJ is in
Trump's pocket.

It terrifies me -- literally terrifies me -- that a bright guy like him can be so unaware of, and so unwilling to find out about, the stuff his media isn't telling him.

Browndog বলেছেন...

Drudge went full Little Green Footballs.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"Among (Greenwald's) most famous gaffs were the siding with traitor Edward Snowden, helping him publish classified documents and his successful efforts to have Scooter Libby jailed for ratting out Valarie Plame as a CIA agent when in fact Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage owned up to the leak."

Edward Snowden is an American hero for revealing the US Government's illegal surveillance of every American citizen's electronic communications. Libby was not jailed for disclosing Plame's identity, but for committing perjury and obstruction of justice.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"When asked what was the most “damning or important piece of evidence in the dossier that” he “now knows is true,” McCabe replied, “We have not been able to prove the accuracy of all the information.”"

He couldn't name one thing. Not one.

Browndog বলেছেন...

"Among (Greenwald's) most famous gaffs were the siding with traitor Edward Snowden, helping him publish classified documents and his successful efforts to have Scooter Libby jailed for ratting out Valarie Plame as a CIA agent when in fact Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage owned up to the leak."

I very much disagree.

The Godfather বলেছেন...

Almost everybody here is convinced that the Left tried to pull a coup. The vast majority of Americans thought Barr sprang Flynn as a favor to Trump. And most of them have forgotten even that. No heads will roll until and unless you can find a way to get folks to pay attention.

Drago বলেছেন...

Robert Cook: "Libby was not jailed for disclosing Plame's identity, but for committing perjury and obstruction of justice."


What pathetic lies.

Fitzgerald knew in the first 5 minutes after his appointment that deep stater and Colin Powell state dept buddy Richard Armitage was the leaker of Valerie Plames name, not Libby.

Further, Fitzgerald had Bob Novaks direct testimony that it was not Libby.

Then Fitzgerald went Full Weissmann and used a befuddled answer from reporter Judith Miller to manufacture a perjury and follow on obstruction charge.

And the actual, proven leaker, Armitage, was never even accused, or indicted, or prosecuted.

Sound familiar?

BTW, Fitzgerald is also close personal friends with Li'l Bobby Mueller and Comey.

What. A. Surprise.

A complete shocker really.

Browndog বলেছেন...

The released transcripts reveal serious problems with the Roger Stone and Julian Assange cases-

Fusion GPS-Crowdstrike admit under oath they have no evidence the Russians hacked and released the DNC emails.

Drago বলেছেন...

Browndog: "Fusion GPS-Crowdstrike admit under oath they have no evidence the Russians hacked and released the DNC emails."

This is rather......big, isn't it?

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"No heads will roll until and unless you can find a way to get folks to pay attention."

That's not needed at all. You need a Trump reelection and Barr following through. I don't know if Barr is up to it or not, be he is way more important than the public.

Leland বলেছেন...

I fully expect Fox News to completely drop their current primetime lineup over the next 18 to 24 months.

Personally I dropped the whole network after Mike Wallace's entering the debate against Trump during the Presidential debate. If Wallace believed the passion he showed at that time, he'd remind viewers at every opportunity that he was wrong and that the left are the ones next accepting the results of the election.

Browndog বলেছেন...

Sound familiar?

Yes, republicans sat back and did nothing to stop it.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"Fusion GPS-Crowdstrike admit under oath they have no evidence the Russians hacked and released the DNC emails."

Related, Crowdstrike and the DNC claim the FBI never asked for the DNC servers.

Drago বলেছেন...

Browndog: "Yes, republicans sat back and did nothing to stop it."

That is correct.

Drago বলেছেন...

Original Mike: "Related, Crowdstrike and the DNC claim the FBI never asked for the DNC servers."

Which makes that another Comey lie under oath.

CStanley বলেছেন...

I’ve had a slow simmering anger over this fiasco ever since I started reading the few sources that have covered it. I have to be honest though that I also have a lot of trepidation over it coming out.

I’ve long believed that pro abortion activists are so locked into their position because many of them have perpetrated abortions in one way or another and they can’t possibly come to terms with the personal guilt they’d feel if they acknowledged that they’d committed murder. That’s why the act is so hidden and sanitized. Similarly, I think Democrats are going to have to willfully blind themselves to the horrendous deeds that have been done. And since the press will cooperate in the great whitewashing, I don’t see a way that this gets peacefully resolved. Where does this all end?

narayanan বলেছেন...

Ayn Rand's Definition of When a Nation is Doomed ...

“When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing; when you see that money is flowing to those who deal not in goods, but in favors; when you see that men get rich more easily by graft than by work, and your laws no longer protect you against them, but protect them against you.
“Atlas Shrugged” – Ayn Rand
•p. 413 ; Francisco d’Anconia to Bertram Scudder

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

The higher-ups weren't likely to leak information that would hurt their investigation. But to run an operation like this, you have to be able to convince yourself that there is something there to find. Even Adam Schiff, who lied repeatedly, may have nourished himself with the hope that the next witness would bring him the confirmation that he felt had to exist.

Peter Strzok may have been an exception. Jim Comey could easily convince himself that whatever he was doing was righteous and proper, but Strzok may just have enjoyed doing bad shit. I don't like to psychoanalyze and psychopathologize people, but those who like to throw around words like psychopath and sociopath could have fun figuring out which categories Comey and Strzok fit into.

What might be surprising is that President Obama may have been going after Flynn in some kind of vendetta (for people who like to jump to conclusions it wasn't surprising, but those people believe a lot of surprising, and even unbelievable, stuff). Maybe Obama really did want to lash out at Flynn for personal reasons, but generally people in power can convince themselves that what they initiate is for the public good. It's when they get caught or try to cover up that personal motives get stronger.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"Which makes that another Comey lie under oath."


Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"What pathetic lies."

Hey, if Libbey had not chosen to lie, they couldn't have prosecuted him for perjury.

Armitage should have been prosecuted, but, of course, he wasn't. He pretended it was a gaffe, a mistake on his part. (Or maybe he really was that stupid and was acting as a dupe.) It was all part of Dick Cheney's strategy to punish Plame's husband Joseph Wilson for debunking the administration's claim that Hussein was trying to buy yellow-cake uranium, (the better to make nukes that would generate "smoking gun-shaped mushroom clouds" when they blew up).

Jupiter বলেছেন...

'"Tribe" also leans overwhelmingly left, for reasons that drive me nuts ...'

The Left hates and despises America as it once was, and wishes to demolish it so the parts can be used for other purposes. "Tribe" has similar motivations, though perhaps the other purposes are distinct.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Hey, if Libbey had not chosen to lie, they couldn't have prosecuted him for perjury.

If Cook did not choose to lie he would acknowledge that Tim Russert was uncertain if Libby told him about Plame.

Browndog বলেছেন...

Hey, if Libbey had not chosen to lie, they couldn't have prosecuted him for perjury.

Not sure if this is shear stupidity or Gell-Mann amnesia.

dbp বলেছেন...

"Armitage should have been prosecuted, but, of course, he wasn't. He pretended it was a gaffe, a mistake on his part. (Or maybe he really was that stupid and was acting as a dupe.) It was all part of Dick Cheney's strategy to punish Plame's husband Joseph Wilson for debunking the administration's claim that Hussein was trying to buy yellow-cake uranium, (the better to make nukes that would generate "smoking gun-shaped mushroom clouds" when they blew up)."

Cook starts out strong--The prosecutor knew it was Armitage, who had nothing to do with Cheney, so that was a dead end, but goes all down-hill from there. Nobody was "punishing" Wilson. Wilson was pretending that he was selected by the administration, hence should be trusted on his debunking. In fact, he debunked nothing and all that was done was to note that he was chosen for the junket by his wife--who had stopped being a secret agent literally years before all of this.

Narr বলেছেন...

Imperial DC is as corrupt as Imperial Rome.

All Edward Snowden (pbuh) did was reveal that the USG was massively spying on everyone it could--and it still is. That our foreign adventures (frinstance, Georgie "Wogsmiter" Bush's Iraq war) were neither necessary nor successful. That our establishment is almost entirely incompetent and unworthy of a citizen's respect.

Not that some us of haven't known these things for about 50 years now

OldManRick বলেছেন...


Maybe it's time to break out a "Obama as Nixon" tag for some of your posts.

Wince বলেছেন...

Showing posts with label Obama is like Nixon (35).


Kevin বলেছেন...

What did you not know?

And when did you know you didn’t know it?

victoria বলেছেন...

Glenn Greenwald, people still listen to him? That's like listening and believing Michelle Bachman... who cares?

vicki from Pasadena

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"If Cook did not choose to lie he would acknowledge that Tim Russert was uncertain if Libby told him about Plame."

That wasn't the allegation. Libby falsely claimed Russert told him(Libby) about Plame's status as a covert agent, and that Russert said Plame's covert status was known to "all the reporters." Russert testified that their conversation never touched on Plame and he did not know her name or who she was until several days after his conversation with Libby. Libby later said he "forgot" that he had learned Libby's covert status from Dick Cheney.

Again, it was all part of Cheney's machinations to punish Joseph Wilson for refuting administration claims. Plame, and any of her contacts abroad who might have been harmed as a consequence of her identity being disclosed--and Libby (by his own stupid lie)--were just collateral damage to Cheney. Fortunately, as far as is known, none of Plame's contacts were ever harmed, though her career was destroyed.

It is really a tragedy that Dick Cheney won't spend the rest of his life sitting in a prison cell. He and his confederate Donald Rumsfeld where the real evil architects of the entire Iraq invasion criminal fiasco.

Rabel বলেছেন...

And the Attorney General of the USA, Jeff Sessions, sat back and let it all happen.

narciso বলেছেন...

It was the ashcroft side show allocer again. He recused because rove, comey picked mueller and they were off to the raices.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"Nobody was 'punishing' Wilson. Wilson was pretending that he was selected by the administration, hence should be trusted on his debunking. In fact, he debunked nothing and all that was done was to note that he was chosen for the junket by his wife--who had stopped being a secret agent literally years before all of this."

Hahahaha! Of course not! If Wilson had never published his op ed, Plame's name--previously unknown to the public--would still have been disclosed within the week in the same mysterious manner. It had no connection to her husband's op ed! None at all! Hahahaha!

You can claim he debunked nothing, but he directly contradicted the administration's claims as to Hussein's nuclear intentions, so call that what you will. He was punished for possibly hindering the administration's war plans against Iraq. (That Plame may not have had any foreign assignments for some time before this happened is not relevant; she still held her covert status, she may still have been reassigned overseas in the future, and, either way, any contacts she had had abroad were still put in potential danger by the disclosure of her name.)

Night Owl বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Night Owl বলেছেন...

Lying Adam Piece-of-Schiff is one asshole I'd love to see charged with sedition. He lied to the public year after year on the fake news shows. He should be in jail. At the very least he should be impeached and discredited.

Michael K বলেছেন...

He was punished for possibly hindering the administration's war plans against Iraq.

More lies from Cook. Wilson was hired by the Saudis as was usual for retired State FSOs. His wife, now a Democrat candidate form Congress in New Mexico, was not a covert agent so there was no law about disclosing her job as an analyst in CIA. The yellow cake story was probably true but that is still controversial. Wilson was sent there on his wife's recommendation to dispute the story and no other reason.

The nuclear weapon justification was specifically designed to help Bush's then ally Tony Blair who had made the claim in Parliament.

The Iraq War was a mistake, not a war crime as lonny leftists like Cook claim. There were valid reasons at the time but the basic premise, that Arabs could rule themselves without tyrants, was false.

buwaya বলেছেন...

The "tribe" being tiptoed around, above, are Jews.

Your caste problems have a nasty twist, as it is certainly the case that Jews are vastly overrepresented in that caste that is inimical to the American "volk". The reasons why aren't too difficult to tease out, they are probably simply circumstantial, a result of vocational selection (see Sowell's theory of "market dominant minorities"), geography, social proximity, and education or socialization.

If this sounds Nazi, well, it can't be helped. That is just how the thing has fallen out. Collective phenomena happen, without it being anyones personal fault.

If American Jews had some sort of even informal leadership, as a community (they don't), they would be well advised to get some substantial numbers on the "volk" side of things.

It will be difficult to get the American volk to become actually antisemitic, regardless of the paranoid fear and distrust on the part of many Jews. The American volk are massively well armored against that particular fault, though they are endlessly and unjustly berated for their alleged susceptibility to it.

But if or when the US ever comes to a desperate, chaotic state then even that could come to pass. Its not wise for a small ethnic-religious minority to be so identified with a side in such a nasty conflict. A small change in good time can save enormous trouble down the road.

Michael K বলেছেন...

It is really a tragedy that Dick Cheney won't spend the rest of his life sitting in a prison cell. He and his confederate Donald Rumsfeld where the real evil architects of the entire Iraq invasion criminal fiasco.

This is evidence that Cook was a Soviet sympathizer in those days. Cheney and Rumsfeld were superb public servants. Both had successful careers in private industry, something that Cook knows nothing about. Cheney's autobiography is great reading. He was far more competent than Bush and has avoided the self serving nonsense we have heard from Bush lately.

narciso বলেছেন...

the interesting thing was who wrote the memo, that presided over the committee, that would be mr rahr, who just four years before had been the charge d'affaires, at the embassy in niger when Wilson would come to visit, as would the Iraqi envoy zahawi, that tried to broker a deal for the yellow cake,

buwaya বলেছেন...

Sessions is an interesting case. He has not been pressed to explain himself. And I suspect that if he were forced to he would find it difficult to be candid.

His role in all this may turn out to be a scandal of its own.

There's a million stories in the naked city (of Washington).

Michael K বলেছেন...

But if or when the US ever comes to a desperate, chaotic state then even that could come to pass. Its not wise for a small ethnic-religious minority to be so identified with a side in such a nasty conflict. A small change in good time can save enormous trouble down the road.

Like conservative blacks, there are conservative Jews but both are excluded from the public sphere by the publicity merchants. Jews ran Hollywood in the old studio days and were deeply conservative economically and politically. The communists in Hollywood were not running the studios. They were the writers, largely, and some union officers.

Today, the rich are mostly found on the left for reasons that are largely psychological. Some is practical as we pointed out in the example of Jeff Bezos buying the house organ Washington Post as a defense against Congress going after his money.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Sessions is an interesting case. He has not been pressed to explain himself. And I suspect that if he were forced to he would find it difficult to be candid.

I think he was just a sheltered member of "The world's most exclusive club" the Senate. He was shocked that his friends in the Democrat Party turned on him when he joined Trump, the hated outsider.

Browndog বলেছেন...

I'm would be willing to view Sessions in the most favorable light plausible if it weren't for one simple fact-

He refused to resign when Trump asked him to.

Ray - SoCal বলেছেন...

Agree with a Michael K on Sessions mostly.

He is an honorable person, was naive, and got played beautifully by Obama’s holdovers and members of this coup attempt.

Trump has done an amazing job of unmasking the corruption and incompetence of the uniparty, and their deep state allies.

Four years ago, I would think what happened was impossible, and would be a wild conspiracy. Unbelievable!

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"Wilson was hired by the Saudis as was usual for retired State FSOs. His wife, now a Democrat candidate form Congress in New Mexico, was not a covert agent so there was no law about disclosing her job as an analyst in CIA. The yellow cake story was probably true but that is still controversial. Wilson was sent there on his wife's recommendation to dispute the story and no other reason.

"The nuclear weapon justification was specifically designed to help Bush's then ally Tony Blair who had made the claim in Parliament.

"The Iraq War was a mistake, not a war crime...."

You can argue anything you want if you're going to make shit up. Plame was covert at the time she was outed by the Bush Administration, (more particularly, at Cheney's behest). Wilson was asked by the CIA to go to Niger to investigate if Hussein had tried to buy yellow cake uranium, not "hired by the Saudis" to do so.

As for Blair, the only reason he was urging Great Britain to join in an attack against Hussein was at the Bush/Cheney administration's request (or under pressure from them). Bush also claimed (well, heavily insinuated) before Congress and the world that Hussein could have a nuke within a year that he or his nefarious allies could (as in "will") use against the US. (If the US didn't really believe this, but they only claimed it to "help Bush's then ally Blair," they were knowingly perpetrating a fraud...well, which they were doing, in fact.) They were all lies, and the invasion of Iraq was a premeditated war crime.

Night Owl বলেছেন...

Cook is an odd one. He’s right about the sins of both parties.

That as far as he gets. A person who makes no attempt to look beyond that trite conclusion and discern any other differences is willfully ignorant and short-sighted. Such opinions are worthless.

narciso বলেছেন...

the tripwire, that we saw operate, meant if you fired sessions then Rosenstein, would be acting the way to get around that was the whittaker appointment, you recall how that worked out?

hombre বলেছেন...

Greenwald, Turley, Dershowitz, maybe Althouse, and a few others are among the folks who apparently believe that the integrity of the Republic outweighs the Trump Derangement Syndrome and some version or another of the obsessive secular progressive narratives.

The mediaswine work 24/7 to prevent the hoi polloi from realizing that that is exactly the decision confronting America in 2020

Drago বলেছেন...

Cook: "You can argue anything you want if you're going to make shit up. Plame was covert at the time she was outed by the Bush Administration, (more particularly, at Cheney's behest)."

Another pathetic lie from our resident October Surprise Idiot.

Armitage hated both Bush and Cheney and Armitage was over at the State Dept under the happy protection of the deep staters.

Its funny reading more cookie lies about previous deep state antics where we now have all the facts.

But a lefty is not a lefty if they arent rewriting history on the fly.

Drago বলেছেন...

"Sessions is an interesting case. He has not been pressed to explain himself. And I suspect that if he were forced to he would find it difficult to be candid."

Yesterday was the very first time Sessions was pressed on that question by Martha McCallum and Sessions retreated to his weasel wording DOJ ethics required my recusal BS.

Which still doesnt explain why he didnt resign to allow for another appointment.

Drago বলেছেন...

victoria: "Glenn Greenwald, people still listen to him? That's like listening and believing Michelle Bachman... who cares?"
vicki from Pasadena

When the Bolsheviks turn on the Mensheviks....

Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

The Intercept is the only prominent publication to criticize the Democrats from a left/progressive perspective

Also Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi.

hombre বলেছেন...

Cook: “Plame was covert at the time she was outed by the Bush Administration, (more particularly, at Cheney's behest).”

This is just Cook bullshit. Richard Armitage was the leaker. It was inadvertent- so said Novak the recipient. Patrick Fitzgerald knew that during the investigation. There is no reason to believe Cheney had anything to do with it. See among numerous other sources: https://www.thenewamerican.com/reviews/opinion/item/10903-the-truth-about-the-valerie-plame-case-finally-emerges .

Cook is a shameless purveyor of left wing twaddle.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

Have any of those who are outraged about the timing of these revelations considered the election calendar?

If this stuff had been released a year ago when most of the redactions were completed, would the electoral impact in 2020 have been anything at all? It would be old news. The 2018 elections were in the rear view mirror a year ago, and the Demmies had the House. It was too late to affect that.

In the past year, we have had the fallout from the revelation of Mueller as a senescent dotard last July, the Horowitz Report on FISA failings in December, the Demmies’ ill considered impeachment of Trump, the Flynn revolt led by Sydney Powell, the Durham investigation (ongoing), the installation of Grennell as DNI, the vindication of Flynn, and not coincidentally, the release of these depositions where NO ONE has any evidence of collusion.

I’d say this stuff tees up the 2020 election campaign nicely. And, as Trump says, there is more to come.

hombre বলেছেন...

Ray wrote: “Trump has done an amazing job of unmasking the corruption and incompetence of the uniparty, and their deep state allies.”

Yeah, but honestly, so what?

hombre বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Lurker21 বলেছেন...

If Armitage hated Bush he had a strange way of showing it.

Cheney and Rumsfeld got us into one hell of a mess.

All political biographies are more or less self-serving.

It would be a surprise if Bush's was more so that Cheney's or Rumsfeld's.

Michael K বলেছেন...

You can argue anything you want if you're going to make shit up.

Says the expert at making shit up. I don't know why I respond to you. You are beyond reason. Just Marxist bullshit.

narciso বলেছেন...

he ended up Erdogan's man in dc, he was on the board of DynCorp and caci, the latter was among the private contractors operating in abu ghraib,

Michael K বলেছেন...

Cheney and Rumsfeld got us into one hell of a mess.

All political biographies are more or less self-serving.

Have you read either ? Of course not.

Ray - SoCal বলেছেন...

Huge Culture Shift by the GOP. And Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast!

Think of all the so called "Conservatives" that have been discredited. Ryan, George Will, Romney, Weekly Standard, etc. That is huge. Kurt Schlicter has a column that mentioned at the Claremont Institute Gala in Beverly Hills they showed pictures of the so called conservatives, and the crowd jeered. This is a huge culture shift.

>hombre said...
>Yeah, but honestly, so what?

Michael K বলেছেন...

Bush also claimed (well, heavily insinuated) before Congress and the world that Hussein could have a nuke within a year that he or his nefarious allies could (as in "will") use against the US. (If the US didn't really believe this, but they only claimed it to "help Bush's then ally Blair,"

Cook is beyond reason but there may be others reading here who would prefer truth.

The reason why Bush went into Iraq was twofold. One, Saddam was shooting at our planes that were enforcing the "no fly zone." Sooner or later, he would hit one and we would have a hostage situation.

Two, the Saudis were pressuring us to leave Saudi as the crazies were agreeing with bin Laden. If we left with Saddam in place he would have a plausible argument that he drove us out.

In fact, after the Iraq War, we did leave and moved the Centcom forward base to Qatar, an even more malignant Islamist state.

The problem goes back to Jimmy Carter, as so many do. Had he not forced the Shah out, as Obama forced Mubarak out, we might not have had the Shiite/Sunni civil war that drew us in.

Michael K বলেছেন...

I should add that the Saudis forcing us out after 9/11 was terrible optics.

Had we not been there after Gulf War I, bin Laden might not have had the incentive to attack us. Of course, Clinton ignored repeated provocations, like the embassies and the Cole, and the CIA/FBI were incompetent.

Jim at বলেছেন...

I'm in agreement with those posting here. But other than pounding our keyboards, what are we actually accomplishing?

At some point, words cease to matter. So, what's next?

daskol বলেছেন...

Its not wise for a small ethnic-religious minority to be so identified with a side in such a nasty conflict. A small change in good time can save enormous trouble down the road.

I see Michael K addressed this, but incompletely I think. Irony: here in NYC, hymietown, (some) Jews have run afoul of the progressive mainstream, including its titular head in DeBlasio. Yes, secular Jews in the US tend to be overwhelmingly of the Dem/progressive side, but the more Jewish the Jew the less likely that is to hold. Observant Jews from well integrated Modern Orthodox to ghetto-dwelling shtetl-recreators like the Satmar all vote politically conservative these days, basically voting as a bloc. Like anybody else religious or sympathetic to religion and religious practice, these folks have recognized that the mainstream progressive movement is a threat to their way of life. They don't suffer from the paranoia so many of today's secular Jews of a certain age were raised on as regards American volk. There may be, at the moment, more secular than observant Jews in the US, but the demographic trends dwindle the secular Jewish population and grow the observant one, so we will see the end of lockstep Jewish support for progressives and Dems in the not too distant future.

daskol বলেছেন...

I should add that the Dems have hastened that process since Obama and AOC and their ilk took over the Dem party.

Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

Sure, the people who cooked this up have names like Comey, McCabe, Mueller, Strzok, and Page, but still there must be some way we can blame it on the Jooos.

Drago বলেছেন...

Earnest Prole: "Also Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi."

Very good catch.

Taibbi has been all over this as well from the beginning.

daskol বলেছেন...

I don't know Earnest, Page could go either way. Gut Shabbos to all.

Night Owl বলেছেন...

Yes, secular Jews in the US tend to be overwhelmingly of the Dem/progressive side, but the more Jewish the Jew the less likely that is to hold.

I believe you're correct. I recently watched two shows on Netflix about Hasidic Jews*; one was a documentary and the other an adaptation of a novel written by a woman who left the Hasidic community. They both cast Hasidic Jews in a negative light.

I started to wonder if Hasidic Jews were pro-Trump since they were being targeted negatively by Netflix propaganda**. Then I saw it: In the documentary film they had a shot of a Trump poster in the Hasidic Brooklyn neighborhood. The signal was clear; Hasidic Jews are for Trump, therefore they are deplorable.

Given how friendly Trump is to Israel it shouldn't be a surprise that traditional Jews would be positive towards him.

*I was interested because I grew up in a neighborhood in Brooklyn that was home to many Hasidic Jews. It was sort of nostalgic.

**I look askance at everything I watch, especially documentaries.

daskol বলেছেন...

I think I've watched at least one of those as well: Unorthodox, worth a look. It's easy and pretty much socially acceptable in almost any context to shit on the Hasidic community, and I have actually heard fellow secular Jews justify it because did you know the Rebbe tells them to vote for Trump, and they all vote for Trump as one!

Night Owl বলেছেন...

Unorthodox, worth a look.

My memory for titles is terrible so I'm not sure if that's the one I watched. But I'll check it out if it's not.

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