৯ মে, ২০২০

Greenwald: "The abuse of power... by the CIA, the FBI, and the NSA... is a vastly more serious scandal than 'Russiagate' ever could dream of being."

২১৫টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   215 এর 201 – থেকে 215
Night Owl বলেছেন...

Yes, Unorthodox was one of the ones I watched. Can't remember the name of the other. It was a documentary about a Hasidic Jew who kidnapped a kid and fled to Canada under false pretenses. He definitely seemed like a sleezy character, but I didn't like the way they were using this bad guy to "other" the Hasidim in general.

Night Owl বলেছেন...

RE: "tribes" and corruption: Corruption is due to money and connections, which make people powerful. Yes there are rich connected "Jews". But there are also rich connected "Catholics", and rich connected "WASPS".

The only real tribes that matter are the powerful vs everyone who is not. If you see the world in terms of tribes based on race and religion you're foolishly falling for the propaganda that is designed by the ruling class to set us against each other. This way we're too distracted to discover how they, the powerful, are fucking us over.

wildswan বলেছেন...

Another way to see this is that as the Gutenberg world faded and the digital world grew a gap opened up between the two in which protections for our freedoms did not exist because the attack was of a new kind. The same old, same old as Buwaya says, but done a new way which was hard to answer. What should the law be on the collection and protection of data such that we preserve freedom? In the old days you had to go through all the phone books for the boroughs of New York city to find all the people of a given name. Now anybody can drag up all those names in a flash. In the old days they sent people around asking questions to find preferences, now they consolidate Facebook, social media comments, grocery shopping and so on so that they can send pin point messages. And yet Hillary lost, and yet they did not know Trump voters existed. I think it has to do with stereotyping - that the Big Data approach says "Here's a picture of you" and "Yikes - that's an android". And Big Data Dragon goes "No, no, that's you, I'm paid thousands to draw these pictures, I'm Big Data, that's you and here's speech you like." "No, I hate it." "No, you like it, we have all your data and we know." So we have been invaded by this incredible bore-borg with power and we're scrambling to find the strategy that keeps our values.

Steven বলেছেন...

Seems WAY worse than Watergate, though my recollection of it is hazy as I was only 10 or so.

See, the thing is, while it's worse than the story of Watergate as told in, for example, All the President's Men, it's not worse than the real events.

The actual story of Watergate is this:

When J. Edgar Hoover died, Nixon dared appoint an outsider Director of the US's secret police, the FBI. The second-in-command of those secret police, career FBI man Mark "Deep Throat" Felt, retaliated by successfully removing Nixon from office, resulting in America's first entirely unelected President.

(Secret police are "intelligence, security or police agencies that engage in covert operations against a government's political opponents and dissidents." Look at the record of the FBI under COINTELPRO, and try to pretend they weren't the US's secret police.)

narciso বলেছেন...

the twist was, mark felt's operations against the weathermen, had been uncovered in the media Pennsylvania breakin the year before, likely woodward and Bernstein had some notion of this, the upshot was he and his underling edward miller ended up in the dock and it wasn't until Reagan pardoned both, they avoided legal jeopardy,

narayanan বলেছেন...

buwaya said...
Sessions is an interesting case. He has not been pressed to explain himself. And I suspect that if he were forced to he would find it difficult to be candid.

His role in all this may turn out to be a scandal of its own.

Blogger Drago said...
"Sessions is an interesting case. He has not been pressed to explain himself. And I suspect that if he were forced to he would find it difficult to be candid."

Yesterday was the very first time Sessions was pressed on that question by Martha McCallum and Sessions retreated to his weasel wording DOJ ethics required my recusal BS.

Which still doesnt explain why he didnt resign to allow for another appointment.
If the "small group" wanted to avoid independent DOJ AG oversight they must have made Sessions an offer he could not refuse requiring him not resigning

Birkel বলেছেন...

Isn't that Matt Taibbi...

FORMERLY of Rolling Stone?

Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

Isn't that Matt Taibbi...FORMERLY of Rolling Stone?

Taibbi was employed by Rolling Stone as of yesterday,but maybe you know something Rolling Stone and the rest of us don’t.

He's been writing his Rolling Stone anti-Russiagate pieces for three years.

Ampersand বলেছেন...

Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown.

Rick বলেছেন...

Robert Cook said...

You can argue anything you want if you're going to make shit up. Plame was covert at the time she was outed by the Bush Administration,

This is stupidly false and typical of Cook. Plame had not been covert for many years and was beyond even the absurdly long legal definition of "covert". In addition she was "outed" by Democrat Richard Armitage so his implying it was done for political purposes is even more ridiculous. But of course reality has never been relevant to any left winger much less to Cookie.

daskol বলেছেন...

Taibbi left Rolling Stone and had a brief tenure at the editorial top of an ill-fated Omidyar publication that was part of the Greenwald-Intercept media empire they were going to build. It was a very brief tenure. But he was the most entertaining writer to read during the financial collapse in 2009 (Goldman Sachs is a "great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money”), even though he got a lot wrong. And he's the most entertaining writer I've read about this intelligence/law enforcement disaster. He has a way with a phrase.

daskol বলেছেন...

He's had pretty good firings from a few places. NYPress was a particularly good public firing.

Narr বলেছেন...

Taibbi has been great since eXile days in Moscow. He and the War Nerd were a big part of the period 2000-2010 or so for me.

But then I like Jim Goad too

daskol বলেছেন...

Narr, now that is some actually transgressive reading. I didn't catch on to Taibbi until after he returned stateside, but sought out some of the older eXile stuff afterwards. There's a whole new twitter based generation of kids doing their own Jim Goad/War Nerd stuff their own way with Bronze Age Pervert being the most famous one.

Michael K বলেছেন...

The actual story of Watergate is this:

When J. Edgar Hoover died, Nixon dared appoint an outsider Director of the US's secret police, the FBI. The second-in-command of those secret police, career FBI man Mark "Deep Throat" Felt, retaliated by successfully removing Nixon from office, resulting in America's first entirely unelected President.

Yes and the truth, ignored by the media, only came out when Felt admitted his role.

Very few even remember it.

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