May 26, 2020

Everyone's talking about that woman in a mask yelling at a man — something about her dog not being on a leash.

I saw the video last night as I was sitting up in bed and getting my last glimpses of this and that before turning off the light. But I didn't hear it. It was a time for keeping things on mute. So I don't really have my own idea of how awful this person really is — this woman plucked out of obscurity for roasting everywhere. Apparently, it's more interesting than anything else right now. It's ragingly viral, this video. This audio. I haven't heard it.


MayBee said...

I haven't heard the video either. But I have read the guy's Facebook post, and he did threaten her dog. What terrible people all around.

tds said...

When Karen meets Karen, black Karen wins apparently

MayBee said...

Here's a screenshot of his (reported) Facebook post about it.

alanc709 said...

Most popular name for non-infants in New York City, both male and female: Karen.

Temujin said...

Like you, I didn't have the desire to listen to it late at night. But I did after seeing your post.

She's a pretty typical New York liberal. Nothing extraordinary about this person except for the fact that she, and people just like her, seem to run our media, schools, and have infiltrated the HR departments at most major corporations. We let this happen. How and why?

1) Today's New Yorkers are not the New Yorkers of yesteryear. These are not the people who could have survived, let alone carved out that great city.
2) Liberals are all talk. Inside they are hideous, miserable people.
3) I'm already tired of Karen's and I suspect we have not seen the tip of the iceberg.
4) We have finally reached the point in which the citizenry is glady filming each other to turn in to the 'authorities' or social media (mob authorities). This used to be what I read about in fiction stories. We're here.

Amadeus 48 said...

She goes immediately to “I am being threatened. I am going to call 911.” He’s a birdwatcher who want her to put her dog on a leash.

As have gotten along in life I have seen more and more cases of the baloney that black men have to put up with, particularly successful black men. I have two black friends who have been falsely accused of sexual assault by women who were trying a shakedown. One went to a jury trial and was acquitted in thirty minutes. The other went through a year of hell and $600,000 of defense costs before the young woman admitted she had made it up. These were both prominent business people who suffered severe reputational hits.

Of course, the vindications received much less coverage than the arrests.

rehajm said...

It does look like this shelter in place stuff has driven some people mad. Others are just having their madness exposed...

Pre-corona in Boston I'd see these types of Karen vs. Society power plays in the streets once a week.

Here's a mild one from the SC: NYC based private equity lady bugged out of Westchester with her family and has been holed up working from her single family home. There's new home construction going on- crazy, like a half a dozen houses going up at once. Equity lady needs to Zoom so she demands construction stops until her calls are done. Not sure how aggressive she's been outside of email demands...still pretty nervy.

Inga said...

Poor dog is being strangled by the crazy woman. No sound needed to see that.

MayBee said...

Here's the link on Facebook.

Getting the cops involved is a step too far. But these are two terrible people.

David Begley said...

I found it. It is all about RACE. The white woman has been placed on “leave” by her employer.

If race wasn’t involved, no story.

rehajm said...

Looks like maybe she was doxxed. lost custody of the dog and was put on leave at her job?

Karen, Black Karen and Titter Mob all need to lose to make things right...

peacelovewoodstock said...

@MayBee is fake news. The guy did NOT threaten her dog.

Here is the guy's facebook page, see for yourself:

Coincidentally, both the dog walker and the guy shooting the video are named Cooper.

She has since issued an apology; been put on administrative leave by her employer; returned the dog to the shelter she rescued it from.

David Begley said...

Comment by Amadeus is interesting. You mean all women don’t tell the truth? /sarc

We need to get rid of tribalism.

Fernandinande said...

She's Canadian, doing the work that natives won't do.

John Borell said...

Seeing the video the first time, I was generally on his side because it seemed she escalated it way too far.

If that Facebook post is real; I'm on her side because he tried to get her dog to come to him and taunted her.

Either way, she shouldn't lose her job. Or her dog.

But I'm also on the side that none of us should care about any of it.

We should go back to arguing about whether Trump or China caused the virus (hint: China).

MayBee said...


"ME: Look, if you're going to do what you want, I'm going to do what I want, but you're not going to like it.
HER: What's that?
ME (to the dog): Come here, puppy!
HER: He won't come to you.
ME: We'll see about that...
I pull out the dog treats I carry for just for such intransigence. I didn't even get a chance to toss any treats to the pooch before Karen scrambled to grab the dog.

That's threatening the dog, peacelovewoodstock.

wendybar said...

Because the media refuses to talk about they will glob on to any story to get people not to think about the Obama administration spying on, and setting up the Trump administration. Look....A SQUIRREL!!!!

Inga said...

MayBee, you say both people are terrible. Isn’t it terrible to assume the man was going to harm the dog? What in his tweet made you think he was going to harm the dog?

Inga said...

Sorry, Facebook post, not tweet.

Wince said...

What I found most fascinating and troubling was a belief in her license to just invent allegations, laying out the process by which she would make an obvious falsehood her truth, in order to coerce and dominate.

rhhardin said...

There's the invisible leash trick, for leash laws. Hold an imaginary leash as the dog heels.

MayBee said...

He said "you aren't going to like it". What do you think he meant, Inga?

Mary Beth said...

Last night, I was watching a video of New Yorkers yelling at someone too. The link is a tweet with a video of shoppers in a grocery yelling at a woman for not wearing a mask. It seems to me that they risk more exposure by gathering around her to harass her than they do from her not wearing a mask, but I'm not an expert.

Marcus Bressler said...

She was an inconsiderate person.
He did a Karen.
He issued a veiled threat
She called the police.
And made the fatal mistake of making it about race.


Can't we all just get along? (where I live, the Dog Beach requires a leash UNLESS your dog responds to voice command. Most of the times I've walked thru that portion of the beach, not a single dog is on leash and the dogs love to run up to you and stop suddenly, sometimes startling you. I love dogs. I also have some black friends. Hee Hee. I avoid and ignore all Karens

Rob said...

Now people are accusing her of Munchausen by Proxy with her dog! As well as trying to have the guy murdered by cops. She's toast.

narciso said...

the one who whitmer sent to a nursing home, and he beat a veteran to death, oddly isn't trending, he only attracted attention when he put on his own social media,

peacelovewoodstock said...

@MayBee .. "I'm going to do what I want, but you're not going to like it"

is threatening the dog?

A threat is "an expression of intention to inflict evil, injury, or damage" (Mirriam-Webster).

"you're not going to like it" hardly implies evil, injury or damage.

For all she knew, he could have talking about reporting her to the police.

Bob Boyd said...

The woman adopted a Cocker Spaniel. A Cocker fricking Spaniel. Who adopts a Cocker Spaniel? Clearly she's had problems for a while.

narciso said...

curious how some stories aren't worthy of note,

narciso said...

skippy has to keep removing all doubt,

rehajm said...

What in his tweet made you think he was going to harm the dog?

What made me think he was threatening to harm the dog: Look, if you're going to do what you want, I'm going to do what I want, but you're not going to like it.

narciso said...

what do millions of livelihood on the line matter

narciso said...

im not going to focus on the squirrel

Amadeus 48 said...

I am with Inga on this one.

Lucid-Ideas said...

A good old case of a 'Robert' meets a Karen.

What was that old line? Something about an immovable force meets immovable object?

pious agnostic said...

The guy was going to feed some unknown substance to her animal. I can see why she was scared, especially since he apparently didn't initiate the encounter in what she thought was a friendly manner.

If some random dude tried to entice my child to his side with a bar of chocolate, I'd be concerned as well and if I lived in a violent crime-ridden hellhole like NYC I'd call the cops too.

That being said, she should have had her dog on a leash. His vigilante attempts to correct her behavior were over the line, as were her (obvious) threats to emphasize his race in her calls to 911.

Krumhorn said...

He wasn’t threatening her dog. He carries dog treats for the purpose of putting untethered dog owners to the choice of either leashing their pooches or permitting a stranger to feed the misbehaving mongrels mysterious munchies. Since the point of the exercise was to get her to leash the mutt, he was successful.

I thought he was remarkably calm. Even provocatively calm. I think he was a performing a useful service as a Karen trap. And she walked right the fuck into it. I’m with Temujin. The lefties are nasty little shits, and they found each other yesterday.

- Krumhorn

Andrew said...

What I find fascinating about this is how the entire news media picks one obscure video for their daily two-minute hate. It happens all the time. I agree that she acted obnoxiously, but the racial context means she must be destroyed.

Meanwhile, if I recall, there were "knock out games" in NYC, and more recently anti-Semitic attacks, that did not garner a fraction of the coverage.

roesch/voltaire said...

All caught on video and yes calling the police and falsely claiming your being attacked by a black man when that is not the case is racist.

MayBee said...


Amexpat said...

From the video snippet shown, she appears to be an awful person. The guy was filming her because her dog wasn't on a leash in area where it should be. She's yelling at him to stop filming. He refuses. She comes towards him, he tells her to move away from him. She then calls the police, frantically pleading for help because an African-American man is threatening her.

She's making a false emergency call to the police and bringing race into a situation where it's not relevant. If this wasn't filmed, than her frantic call to 911 could very well be used asked him as evidence of him threatening her.

Dave Begley said...

Here's my latest race thing. The former dean of the Creighton Law School publicly announced on Facebook that he was switching from R to D. Why? Trump is a bad man, anti-science, not pro-life etc.

DDB, being DDB, jumped in and reminded the former dean that he was now a member of the party that conducted the high tech lynching of Justice Clarence Thomas. This is very significant because Justice Thomas has been to Creighton Law School many times to teach a seminar and his wife was my classmate.

So, I get attacked. One of my attackers is a female and feminist law prof who is married to the current dean. She also ran for the House from WVA and lost with only 35% of the vote. She thought my comment was weird because "credible" claims had been made against Justices Thomas and Kavanaugh and they were up for lifetime appointments. I tore into her and said that both Hill and Ford were obvious liars and any lawyer could see that if they operated on the principle of cruel neutrality. Althouse was not mentioned.

A young alum attacked me. She's married to a black military guy and is from Australia. She thinks America is a terrible place notwithstanding the fact that her husband is employed defending it. She thought it was important to know if I ever lived in another country. Objection. Relevance. Sustained.

Another person wrote, "pls seek help."

DDB, "Yeah, send me to the re-education camp."

That's the state of the today's Dem party. Identity politics, Green New Deal, Radical Feminism, victim politics, abortion, legal pot, bread and circuses. The whole point is to divide the country and then persecute the hell out of the losers.

I switched parties after I saw what the Dems (lead by Joe Biden) did to a smart black conservative man who was married to a classmate of mine. I thought it was the worst political thing I'd ever seen until the Kavanaugh debacle. Lindsay Graham put it well that those people should never get power. The Senate Dems are just BAD people.

MayBee said...

Blogger Krumhorn said...
He wasn’t threatening her dog. He carries dog treats for the purpose of putting untethered dog owners to the choice of either leashing their pooches or permitting a stranger to feed the misbehaving mongrels mysterious munchies.

How is that not a threat?

MayBee said...

If some random dude tried to entice my child to his side with a bar of chocolate, I'd be concerned as well

Exactly. Especially with the words "you aren't going to like it".

Now, it doesn't excuse the way she behaves. As I said, they are both terrible.

Fernandinande said...

Meanwhile, if I recall, there were "knock out games" in NYC, and more recently anti-Semitic attacks, that did not garner a fraction of the coverage.

From Sailer:

"From the New York Times news section, an example of massively important National News:

Black Deliveryman Says He Was Blocked and Interrogated by White Driver

Travis Miller Sr. said he was trying to leave a gated neighborhood in Oklahoma after a delivery when a vehicle blocked his path.

In contrast, the New York Times has never once published the names of the two white octogenarians visiting their son’s grave who were gunned down by a black man on May 8, the day after the first (of now 3) arrests in the Ahmaud Arbery story promoted so extravagantly by the NYT."

The Crack Emcee said...

That's my wife, after I caught her cheating, calling the cops and saying "There's a black man in my house" after 20 years of marriage.

It still stops me in my tracks, from time to time, and makes me involuntarily shake my head.

I doubt I'll ever get over it.

They could've killed me.

EAB said...

Not going to watch the video because I despise these things. I will assume she behaved badly because anyone balking at putting their dog on a lease when requested is behaving badly, In addition, anyone who puts up a video of such encounters is being vindictive. In other words, no one wins, everyone is behaving badly in some form or another. I refuse to join the pile on or take sides.

Rick said...

I think he was a performing a useful service as a Karen trap.

He is a Karen, taking it upon himself to enforce nuisance regulations. It's weird how some are never held to the same standard as others.

Bob Smith said...

When you spend 50 years telling people they should “let it all hang out” there’s no going back.

Readering said...

A little weird to put the video up for discussion without listening when it's the audio that got the attention of the world.

Static Ping said...

For the record, it is not okay to feed anything to another person's pet without permission from the owner. The owner has no way of telling if the "treat" is a treat or something more nefarious, and it necessarily has to be assumed to be a threat until proven otherwise. You wouldn't let total strangers feed your children and you wouldn't let total strangers feed your dog.

That said, I have little interest in the "joys" of outrage culture, especially involving New Yorkers being assholes to each other.

Rory said...

I doubt that he intended to threaten her person or her dog. It's not unusual to run across people with dog treats, usually for friendly purposes, but I can see defensive purposes, as well. My guess is that he wanted to grab the dog by the collar,giving her no choice but to leash it or leave. Not a bad tactic with a cocker spaniel.

AZ Bob said...

The problem with having so many laws and rules is that no one ends up following them.

The Crack Emcee said...

Blacks make up 13% of the population and we're watched like hawks, put upon, accused, assumed, played, and marginalized on such a regular basis it's just part of the American experience. The landscape. It IS America.

You can't imagine what our lives are like. I was already locked-down, before the virus, just for that reason.

I'm really surprised blacks don't kill more people, considering. The pressure to retaliate - against the world - is enormous.

This woman could've gotten this man killed.

Francisco D said...

Until I met my wife, unleashed dogs never bothered me, unless the owners did not pick up their poop. However, she visibly shakes when approached by an unleashed dog whereas I pet the dog and talk to it in ways dogs apparently understand.

Her problem is that she was attacked as a kid by a German Shepherd. It was a neighborhood dog that often chased when she rode her bike. One time the dog caught her. She suffered a concussion and dog bites and was hospitalized for a week.

It no longer bothers me when she chides a pet owner for their unleashed dog.

The Crack Emcee said...

Just another day at "Home".

Big Mike said...


Among other things that unleashed dogs (described by their owners as “well-bahaved”) have done is bite infants in strollers being walked by their mothers, kill small dogs being walked by their owners, and bite ordinary people, including children. I have listened to an angry woman complain because her unleashed dog raced up to a jogger, who hit it hard on the nose with some sort of small club. “He was just being friendly!” Suuurrrre, lady. But he was supposed to be leashed, was he not?

We need to make the fines associated with unleashed dogs up yo the multiple tens of thousands of dollars to get people to understand that this is serious. We already confiscate and put down dogs that attack people, but no owner ever seems able to imagine his or her dog misbehaving to that extent. Failure of imagination.

Big Mike said...

His vigilante attempts to correct her behavior were over the line

@pious agnostic, no they weren’t.

William said...

The woman is absolutely in the wrong, but I suspect that her punishment will far outweigh her crime. My bet is that if the media delved into her political beliefs (which, of course, they won't), they will find a resolute liberal.....This video will be played over and over on the news. The video of that guy punching a nursing home resident will not be played at all because it is too disturbing.

Ozymandias said...

I’m a former New Yorker. Temujin is right about the disappearance of the New Yorkers who made the city what it once was. Their ethos was “live and let live.” It took a lot get one of them to notice you, much less try to police you.
These two deserve each other. The guy actually carries treats with him for the express purpose of luring other people’s dogs—and what then? The woman invents justifications for doing what she damn pleases and then flips out at being recorded, finally falling back on the familiar final fallback—“There’s an African-American man threatening my life.” When her “just-the-facts” tone apparently gets insufficient attention from the 911 operator, we see her switch to a “hysterical-in-the-face-of-imminent-death” tone despite the absence of any change in the circumstances.
These are the people who gave the great nanny-stater Michael Bloomberg —the ultimate soup Nazi: ”No Big Gulp for you!”--three terms as mayor. Busybodies, self-righteous scolds, as ready to make some power move on others as they are to slip the knot when the move is made on them, no move too dirty in a pinch. The Breslins and Hamills of old would have deftly skewered them with great humor and style.

rehajm said...

He is a Karen, taking it upon himself to enforce nuisance regulations

Exactly. They both need to lose.

Twitter dorks needs to lose for doxxing.

rehajm needs to lose for Karening the whole thing.

Ozymandias said...

And to the Crack Emcee: That's one of the worst stories I've ever heard!

Big Mike said...

@Rick, I hope my earlier comment helps you understand that leash laws are not “nuisance laws.”

Nichevo said...

I don't know why everyone's so unconcerned about an unleashed dog in a wildlife preserve (the Bramble). The guy was birding. You got a bird-killing dog, which a cocker spaniel is, running around your birding area...the birds will have flown.

Now, strictly speaking, his actions were not necessary. He says he was done birding and perhaps could have myob. But unleashed dogs are a problem in this town.

He is some kind of red diaper baby and it would be fun to root against him but I cannot see that he is on the wrong side here. She is a squinty narrow-eyed Canadian and tried to swat the guy. She was afraid of him? Babe, if you're afraid of someone, you collect your dog on the leash and walk away. She wasn't afraid of anything except not getting her way.

If anyone is motivated to drill down into him, reach out to him and ask, what did you have in mind when you said "you won't like it?" Why were you trying to feed a stranger's dog? What were you trying to feed a stranger's dog? What was in it?

MayBee said...
I haven't heard the video either. But I have read the guy's Facebook post, and he did threaten her dog. What terrible people all around.

5/26/20, 6:36 AM

Threaten is strong, I'd say he was on the smooth side of that. If she really felt threatened, she should have got the poor doggie on a leash and gone the other way. I do regard that as curious but she started out in the wrong and stayed there.

I'm surprised that AA isn't more interested because I can absolutely see her in the woman's position, lawfaring some guy to get her way.

Charlie said...

"Escape From New York" had the right a wall around NYC and let the inhabitants kill each other.

MayBee said...

Big Mike- I am in no way commenting on whether her dog should have been on the leash. I understand the dog was in a leash area, and we have leash laws for a reason.

And yet, he threatened the dog.
Both can be true, just as both people are terrible.

Amexpat said...

What I found most fascinating and troubling was a belief in her license to just invent allegations, laying out the process by which she would make an obvious falsehood her truth, in order to coerce and dominate.

Well put. Even more egregious is her adding that the attacker is African-American, which is not relevant at this point. Does she expect the police to come in all haste because a white woman is being threatened by a black man or is she trying to make the black guying filming her nervous by letting him know that she's alerted the police to the fact that he's black?

MayBee said...

Let's try this.

Currently. playground equipment in my area is closed, and yellow-taped off.

Let's imagine you have a child, a grandchild, or a child you are babysitting and you go to the park. There's nobody around, so you let the kid play on the slide.
Two people approach and say "the playground equipment is closed due to COVID. You should take your child off the slide"

You say "There's nobody around and the child has too much energy"

They say "But the slides are closed. Get your kid off the slide or I will do what I do to get kids off slides. And you won't like it". And he takes out a bag of candy to start holding out to your child.

Do you see how that is a threat? Even though the guy is right that the slides are closed? Even if he is very smooth about it?

You don't have to go all racist and call 911 and overstate what happened. But he still threatened something you weren't going to like was going to happen with your child.

Meade said...

"I'm surprised that AA isn't more interested because I can absolutely see her in the woman's position, lawfaring some guy to get her way."

Oh you "can absolutely see her in the woman's position," can you, NichevoKaren? What—the position of irresponsibly handling a animal? Of knowingly breaking a rule? Of threatening to call law enforcement on a black male, knowing her "whiteness" confers on her a higher status and likely triggers fear in the male?

You're full of shit, Nichevo. You absolutely don't know Ann Althouse. And your weird envisioning reflects only your own screwy imagination and prejudices.

Nichevo said...

Do you see how that is a threat? Even though the guy is right that the slides are closed? Even if he is very smooth about it?

MayBee, that's a little hard to follow, and not wholly apt, but I agree I wouldn't like somebody (without my good will) interacting with either my kid or my dog.

But if you were really feeling threatened in this way, would you stick around and mess with the guy some more, or would you grab your kid and leave the area with the guy like your hair was in fire and your ass was catching? And if you actually felt the need to call the cops on the guy, would you do it in his face while he could see you and reach you, and your child, or would you retreat and then call the police from a place of safety?

Narr said...

Fuck that bitch, and her little dog too.

Primo stuff

Howard said...

Finally, a black man some of you people can defend. Ahmaud Arbery, Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Freddy Gray and Eric Garner could not be reached for comment.

Question, Is George Zimmerman a Karen?

Not Sure said...

A society armed with doggie treats is a polite society, except when a free-ranging dog is owned by a childless, over-40 woman who's directed all her maternal instincts toward a cocker spaniel. Especially when that woman tries to exploit the cops' Bayesian priors about shrieking white women pointing at black men.

Nichevo said...

Meade, we get it, you're defending your woman, good job, here's a cookie.

The odds of the situation being exactly replicated with her being on the dog end and, say, The Crack Emcee being on the bird watching end, are sufficiently low that I didn't think I had to include caveats, that she is a Karen, but not this exact particular body-transference Karen (OMG Ann Althouse being racist? She'd let the guy kill her dog first, I'm sure. Oh right, she doesn't own dogs, she borrows them).

But if you aren't aware that the lady likes to have her own way, and is nothing loth to work over the fact pattern and the laws to see that she gets it, maybe you don't know her either.

Rick said...

Big Mike said...
@Rick, I hope my earlier comment helps you understand that leash laws are not “nuisance laws.”

Of course they are. Rather than targeting the specific objectionable acts our system routinely outlaws unobjectionable behavior as well largely because doing so makes life easier for bureaucrats which seems to be the first priority of our legal system. Many of our laws are like this including jaywalking, absurdly low speed limits, and alcohol in public places. Since people recognize this they routinely ignore both these laws and violations of them. Karens are those who self-righteously break this cultural norm to appoint themselves enforcers. This is exactly what he did.

Bob Boyd said...

I think somebody just plunged into the moderation hole.

Yancey Ward said...

I despise unleashed dogs, but the given the overall circumstances, both were in the wrong here, but anyone could have predicted that black Karen beats white Karen any day of the week. What her employer has done here is far worse, though, than what either of the two individuals have done.

Nichevo said...

Howie, your imitation of the T-1000 flailing around in the molten steel is sublime. That should be your avatar, not the dead parasite.

OTOH, do as Bunky say, not as Bunky do, seems to fit you pretty good as well. Choices, choices...

Funny yes I was thinking of Zimmerman as a Karen, in comparison with the dimension of Mr Cooper as a Karen. Both of them could have perhaps just let it go with the other party, but did not. They were both then aggressed by the other parties. Things thereafter didn't work out so hot for the other parties, though.

Are you saying you want to open up Mr Cooper and see what makes him tick?

Rick said...

And your weird envisioning reflects only your own screwy imagination and prejudices.

Interestingly this also works when applied to people who claim anyone not supportive of each day's virus response wants to do nothing at all.

Question, Is George Zimmerman a Karen?

Does this mean people critical of Zimmerman believe the appropriate reaction to Karens is a physical assault?

Francisco D said...

Meade said...You're full of shit, Nichevo. You absolutely don't know Ann Althouse. And your weird envisioning reflects only your own screwy imagination and prejudices.


I did not expect such intensity on this thread.

BTW, MEG needs to be deleted.

Fernandinande said...

Last night, I was watching a video of New Yorkers yelling at someone too.

That was funny and sad. I've always practiced a lot of social distancing from places like New York.

Around here about the only place you see people wearing masks is grocery stores, and maybe 5-10% don't and nobody else seems to care.

I pull up a bandana in such places because they're private property with signs asking people to do so.

MayBee said...

But if you were really feeling threatened in this way, would you stick around and mess with the guy some more, or would you grab your kid and leave the area with the guy like your hair was in fire and your ass was catching? And if you actually felt the need to call the cops on the guy, would you do it in his face while he could see you and reach you, and your child, or would you retreat and then call the police from a place of safety?

I am not this woman and I would not respond anything like she did.
Similarly, I am not this guy and I would not threaten doing something to someone else's dog that they wouldn't like.
I would not respond to either of these situations the way either of these terrible people did.

Not Sure said...

What her employer has done here is far worse, though, than what either of the two individuals have done.

Yancey, Franklin Templeton's website crashed yesterday and is still down.

An investment management company is selling one thing--its sound judgment. This woman is (er, was) in charge of insurance portfolio management. Now she's a demonstrated reckless liar with a callous disregard for other people. Her employer is a publicly traded Fortune 500 company that is charged with advancing the interests of its shareholders. Easily-panicked portfolio managers are not a good look for them.

roesch/voltaire said...

A recent statement from Ms Cooper: I sincerely and humbly apologize to everyone, especially to that man, his family. It was unacceptable and I humbly and fully apologize to everyone who’s seen that video, everyone that’s been offended ... everyone who thinks of me in a lower light and I understand why they do.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Dog woman looks bad in the video. If you’re truly threatened by someone, and the threat is serious, you don’t move toward that person, you don’t need to tell him you’re threatened, and you probably should not tell him.

That said, I don’t trust the narrative. What led you to the incident? More importantly, why the fuck does this matter?

A Democrat governor sent a 20-year-old black racist to beat up a disabled elderly white veteran to save us all from Wuhan virus, and three white men in Georgia are being framed for the self-defense killing of a black neighborhood creeper and gun felon, but this dog shit dispute is supposed to show how bad Wypipo are.

AZ Bob said...

Fuck that bitch, and her little dog too.

Now that is funny.

Big Mike said...

Both can be true, just as both people are terrible.

@MayBee, one is at least a dozen times worse than the other. The woman’s dog is rambunctious, poorly trained (if trained at all), and a menace. I am glad she gave it back to the shelter because otherwise I would advocate that it be taken from her and put down.

MayBee said...

taken from her and put down

Hmmmm. Put down? I guess I am not with you on that.

Big Mike said...

Rather than targeting the specific objectionable acts our system routinely outlaws unobjectionable behavior

@Rick, the dog that left the infant in the stroller scarred for life (probably emotionally and certainly physically) was put down and the owner heavily fined. You can’t punish an animal worse than that. The problem is with owners who can’t be bothered to train their dogs, can’t be bothered to compensate by keeping their animal on a leash, and simply cannot envision their sweetie attacking a person or someone else’s pet. I have no problem with dog owners who train their dogs to the point where they can call their dogs to heel no matter how many squirrels are running around, but every person that I know of that has well-trained dogs keeps theirs on a leash when they walk their pets.

The Crack Emcee said...

Ozymandias said...

"And to the Crack Emcee: That's one of the worst stories I've ever heard!"

Nah, I can always top the last one:

I got a nephew who started failing school, gangbangin', playing with guns; so my sister asked me to take him, straighten him out. He stayed with me just over two years, and went from a public menace to a lovable giant making a solid B, before a visit from his family convinced him it was time to go back home. I, of course, wanted him to stay the course, but what can you do, right?

In the middle of the night, I - a step son of Charles Mingus - get a phone call. My nephew's been busted, along with Ike Turner's nephew, trying to rob a check cashing place. Ike Turner's family turned out in force, favors shark skin suits and radiates power, while I stood with my nephew, alone. Their lawyer immediately got the cases separated and their kid got probation while mine did 12 years because (on top of what he was obviously guilty of) his size terrified the judge.

After leaving the courtroom in tears, somebody rear-ended my car on the freeway, just to make sure I knew this life sucked.

So he does his 12 years - all of it - and swells up on lifting weights and bread and water. He gets out, turns his new appearance into a plus and starts working as a weight coach/massage therapist/etc. guy. People like him again. That good kid comes back. He gets a girlfriend, settles down, jokingly picks my brain for NewAge scams he can charge his customers more for if I'd let him. All was well.

And then, last week, he dropped dead in his sleep having just turned 40 years old.

Can I "bring it" or what?

The Minnow Wrangler said...


Indeed. I always leash my dog where it is required and if another dog runs up to me it might get hit with a big stick. Why would I be so mean? Because my very small dog is aggressive and wants to fight every other dog he sees. I don't want him getting chewed up by a bigger dog even if he started it.

Also some people are afraid of dogs and they have a right to be free from strange dogs running up to them, no matter how "friendly" they are.

Jim at said...

It appears these two people deserve each other.

Tomcc said...

Whole lotta pet porn this morning. This is why I don't have a FB account. "Two jerks meet in a park" becomes a platform for personal grandstanding.

Inga said...

“Question, Is George Zimmerman a Karen?”

Are those two, the father and son, who shot and killed the black jogger in Georgia Karen’s?

Being a Karen has nothing to do with one’s political affiliations.

Rick said...

The problem is with owners who can’t be bothered to train their dogs, can’t be bothered to compensate by keeping their animal on a leash, and simply cannot envision their sweetie attacking a person or someone else’s pet.

Right. And instead of banning only these dangerous circumstances we instead restrict everyone. In theory we count on LE to exercise judgement and only enforce these laws when those dangerous circumstances do exist. That applies to walking your dog without a leash and for drinking a beer on the beach. We further express our disdain for people who push for blanket enforcement by calling them Karens and pushing them to leave enforcement to those who will apply the judgement we think appropriate.

She's not the Karen, she's something else. He's Karen.

Narr said...

The first family dog I remember was a cocker spaniel--notoriously stupid beasts, and often vicious. She was gone one day in first grade when I got home from school; I do not recall any trauma frm her abrupt disappearnce.

But so far, unless I've missed it, nobody has zeroed in on the false police report aspect. Isn't that significant, leaving aside the other angles? Is she going to skate for wasting police time with her BS?

Wouldn't surprise me

victoria said...

It's funny, Temujin. I thought she was a neo-con, not a democrat. He is, to be sure.
He did not threaten her dog, he asked her to put the dog on a leash, which in Central Park there is a leash law. She is doing what all those idiots converging on beaches during the memorial day weekend, ignoring the truth and choosing to believe the Cheeto-truth.

Yes, i said idiots, call me judgy, i don't care.

Vicki from Pasadena

Ken B said...

She is not feeling threatened, because she walked up to him. So that’s a tactic she has learned.

Ken B said...

I am calling bullshit on this bit:
“ Of threatening to call law enforcement on a black male, knowing her "whiteness" confers on her a higher status and likely triggers fear in the male?”
There is zero reason to believe that I can see she wouldn’t have pulled the same stunt on you if you had been the guy. (It was a stunt, since she is lying about feeling threatened.)

William said...

I may be wrong, but she doesn't have the vibe of a Trump supporter. There's no question that this woman was in the wrong, but there's also no question that her life is about to become unlivable. I have some sympathy for her. The punishment will not fit the crime.

Ray - SoCal said...

My condolences - way to young to die.
>last week, he dropped dead in his sleep having just turned 40 years old.

D.D. Driver said...

"I thought she was a neo-con, not a democrat."

MayBee said...

Are those two, the father and son, who shot and killed the black jogger in Georgia Karen’s?

They are murderers.

Martha said...

Amy Cooper is now jobless and dog less.
Is everyone happy?

Browndog said...

Cooper, being a NY liberal, would never defend any of you defended them if they knew your were a conservative. Cooper handled the situation very, very poorly and deserve whatever fallout comes their way.

I cannot tolerate one second of animal abuse, especially a dog, so I regret watching the video.

Rob said...

Everybody on the internet is talking about an old cocker that wasn't under the control of his handler. What's Joe Biden up to now?

Meade said...

"Amy Cooper is now jobless and dog less.
Is everyone happy?"

No. Here's what would make me happy... Amy Cooper makes a genuine apology to Christian Cooper (no relation). Christian Cooper graciously accepts her genuine apology. Amy Cooper promises to follow dog ownership rules and gets her dog back. In the future, Ms. Cooper always takes excellent care of her dog. Franklin Templeton gives Amy Cooper a second chance and rehires her when she demonstrates that she has learned her lesson. Christian Cooper stops giving treats to dogs that are not his. Dog handlers in Central Park follow the rules.

Marc in Eugene said...

The ease with which people equate dogs with children is emblematic of how decadent our society has become. You may be right about ten thousand things but if you don't distinguish between the human and the canine I have no use for you.

I'd also like to know what the cops' response was-- did they show up? did she explain that she didn't really require their attendance at an emergency? But am not going to invest the time in purusuing answers to those questions. Sorry that the woman is now out of work but her playing the race card (as it's called, trivializing racist behavior) makes her unfit for a job that (presumably) requires common sense and sound judgment. She can work at Walmart as well as I can (not that I am really, am retired). But I see Meade's comment at 1601-- that all works, too.

Drago said...

victoria: "I thought she was a neo-con, not a democrat."

And, of course, we find out Amy Cooper is quite the little democrat.

victoria working hard to keep her political insight error rate at a cool 100%.

Or perhaps she's just a natural at being wrong.

Tomcc said...

And now she has lost her job. Not a very sympathetic person, but that seems too severe. My timing is good; I agree with both Meade (4:01) and Marc (4:13). Somehow pets have been elevated in our society to an unusual level. A few months ago I saw a bumper sticker that read: "Cats, not kids". Profoundly sad.

MayBee said...

I think Tomcc and Marc think, because I used a child in an example of how threatening his language is, that I am equating pets with kids. I'm not. I was trying to use the situation (she's letting something she cares about do the wrong thing, he says a true thing about that behavior, he then threatens) so people could perhaps see/admit the threat behind it.

"I'm going to do this to your ______, and you won't like it" is a threat whether it's about a child, a dog, a purse, a car, whatever.
It's a threat. People can't be so invested in the fact that he was wronged that they can't admit that he, too, did wrong.

Now, I like Meade's list of how to make things better. I would add on there that DeBlasio should address why so many Americans think calling the NYPD on a black man is attempted homicide. Why so many Americans assume a black man on a nice day in Central Park would end up dead over a small dispute. That would be interested to hear from the mayor of New York.

Finally, I would like one more notch on the wall under the category "Women really do lie about assaults".

D.D. Driver said...

"No. Here's what would make me happy... Amy Cooper makes a genuine apology to Christian Cooper (no relation). Christian Cooper graciously accepts her genuine apology. Amy Cooper promises to follow dog ownership rules and gets her dog back. In the future, Ms. Cooper always takes excellent care of her dog. Franklin Templeton gives Amy Cooper a second chance and rehires her when she demonstrates that she has learned her lesson. Christian Cooper stops giving treats to dogs that are not his. Dog handlers in Central Park follow the rules."

Not quite. She should pay a significant fine and do community service. Maybe a few nights in jail. Whatever you think the appropriate penalty for Jussie Smollett is, she should get the same or a bit tougher penalty. I think this is (much) worse than the Smollett false allegation because his allegation was against pretend people. Amy Cooper tried to get an innocent man harrassed by the police based upon a false allegation. She is no better than the punks who think it is a rollicking good time to call the SWAT team on their neighbor or dial in a fake bomb threat. I don't necessarily agree that her losing her job is "too harsh" a penalty, but I do think its the wrong penalty.

Browndog said...

I disagree with Meade.

He left out the critical aspect of Mr. Cooper threatening to hurt Ms. Cooper's dog.

As my previous comment implies, they both behaved badly.

Narr said...

What if the stupid (two-legged) bitch had called the NYPD and yelled, "There's a black man with a gun here, ranting about shooting the first cop who shows up!"

That she's a NY lib just makes this richer to me, and her apology will do her no good at all with sensible people.

How long before she starts blaming that liar Trump, and this fucking war?

Martha said...

But wait! Amy Cooper donated to Democrats— Barack Obama, Pete Buttigieg, and John Kerry among others. If we find Amy supported Planned Parenthood too can she get a do over? She can’t be a racist. SHE IS A DEMOCRAT.

Meade said...

MayBee makes a good point: No—dogs do not equal human children, even when dogs or children are behaving outside the law.

But it's an apt analogy: Without permission from the dog handler or the parent, don't offer treats or make (even veiled) threats toward dogs or children. Offer your treats or threats directly to the handler or parent. And if the handler or parent ignores your complaint, contact law enforcement. That doesn't make you a "karen." It makes you a responsible citizen.

SoTheBlondSays said...

She has since had her dog taken away and fired from her job.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

When Karen met Becky

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

“They are murderers” — implicit bias has replaced presumption of innocence. That’s what Proglodytes mean by “social justice “.

Rory said...

I don't think that he threatened the dog. I think that he scared the dog owner. By offering the dog treats and commanding the dog's attention, he was demonstrating that she did not command the dog's attention, and that's what she didn't like. It actually seems like a well-considered ploy.

The rule of Lemnity said...

She got fired and had to return the dog to the people she got it from. - NPR.

Ken B said...

Thanks to social media, or rather to our collective cowardly response to social media, a stupid spat where both are out of line ( her more so) a life is turned inside out. WTF happened to our sense of proportion?

And since when did we decide that apologies don’t matter? Because clear they don’t, if you get fired and called a racist even after you apologize.

Krumhorn said...

I'm missing the part where he threatened the dog. He simply forced the woman to leash the dog, as required, by offering a treat to the pooch who would otherwise be unable to accept if on the leash without the consent of the owner.

That was the entire point of the offer. The whole enterprise was in the control of the woman. I don't see the threat unless he walked up to the dog holding the nummie.

Far more interesting to me was his quiet ....almost too calm...tone of voice. He didn't yell or shout like any other New Yorker would (witness the screaming at the maskless woman in Staten Island), and it unnerved her. As I said earlier, I suspect it was a Karen trap, and she walked right in.

- Krumhorn

DeepRunner said...

So the white lady Karen did the stupid thing. The minute it's obvious dude is filming, she should have disengaged. Police-State Karens (meaning folks like the guy) are the worst kind, and can make video "evidence" suit their needs. I doubt the Police-State Karen was horribly worried about an unleashed dog. He was just bein' a schmuck.

The Crack Emcee said...

Rory said...

"It actually seems like a well-considered ploy."

I don't know. A "well-considered ploy" would've considered A) she might assume he was poisoning her dog (it IS New York) and B) she could've got him killed.

I think she, and her employer, over-reacted, but the bird watcher is an elitist who "happens to be black," throwing his weight around like gangbangers in a high school stairwell.

I feel sorry for the dog.

Big Mike said...

@Browndog, maybe both did behave in a fashion that people analyzing their interaction at leisure find imperfect, but it is indisputable by anyone honest about these things that one was dozens of times worse.

Big Mike said...

@Meade, regarding your comment at 4:01, Amy Cooper lost her job because she doesn’t think rules ought to apply to her. Franklin Templeton does not want a person with that attitude handling other people’s money. If you had money invested in one of their funds ( full disclosure — I used to but don’t anymore) you wouldn’t either, apology or not.

Tina Trent said...

Meade, "whiteness" does not confer superiority when calling the police.

It didn't confer superiority when a black guy shoved his dick in my face after disabling the security phone in an empty train station at 6a.m. as I paused to decide whether to abandon my expensive law school books because they were heavy and I was broke. The lazy and hostile security guards upstairs wouldn't take my complaint or call the police.

It didn't confer superiority when I managed to collar a pervert who was masturbating at me in the Ponce de Leon library and alerted security. The perv told them he was just scratching a sore on his dick. He had followed me from shelf to shelf pulling out lower rows of books and trying to get me to look at his genitals. They let him go and told me to mind my own business.

It didn't confer superiority when I was the only white person on a bus the day Mike Tyson was convicted and a bunch of black women decided they wanted me off the bus because a "white woman had accused Mike Tyson of rape." The bus driver stopped in the worst part of the ghetto and told me I better get off because he couldn't control them. He said he'd radio police to get me but didn't. Throughout the entire incident I had said nothing, just cowered in fear. I hid in some bushes then gave up and ran until I reached a convenience store, where the clerk behind bulletproof glass let me call someone for a ride.

It didn't confer superiority when my husband caught two black kids cutting bike locks outside the Emory library and threatened to tell the police he called them the "n" word if he used the police call box. He figured he'd lose his fellowship if he reported them so did nothing.

It didn't confer superiority when I reported my boss for stealing $105K in HHS money and was told by the federal SE Regional Director of VISTA that white women couldn't accuse black men of crimes within VISTA (his exact words) but they would transfer me if I kept my mouth shut.

It didn't confer superiority when a black man grabbed my ass with both hands after telling me I had a fine ass for several minutes as I tried to depart another bus, as one decent black man told him to cut it out but the others laughed and egged him on, then protested they'd seen nothing when I raised enough hell to stop the bus and demand a supervisor.

It didn't confer superiority when two thugs held guns to my husband's head in a mugging. By then he felt he had so little standing as a white victim of black crime in Atlanta he didn't even bother calling the police.

It didn't confer superiority when I was delivering clients to Grady Hospital and barely avoided the Rodney King riots where whites were being attacked by racist black mobs -- lynched in the streets for being white. A co-worker was chased and assaulted. He managed to escape.

It didn't confer superiority when black thugs threw rocks at my car and yelled "go away white girl" when I drove a black co-worker to his apartment in Techwood Homes after we'd pulled an exhausing 24 hour shift unloading trucks. I could go on and on.

My co-worker was mortified though I assured him it wasn't his fault. He brought me a home-cooked lunch the next day. The white privilege narrative is bullshit: face the facts of real interracial crime. And Crack, your nephew put a gun to innocent people's heads. He earned a long stint in prison. His victims were the only ones denied justice if the other guy got off. Not you. Not "blacks."

Nobody knows what happened before the tape was running, though both people involved seem unpleasant. And the Central Park Five, the subtext of this, were guilty. The new lynch mobs want white blood, especially white female blood, and the newspapers and race hustlers and virtue-signaling useful idiots will stop at nothing to get it.

Nichevo said...

Browndog said...
I disagree with Meade.

He left out the critical aspect of Mr. Cooper threatening to hurt Ms. Cooper's dog.

As my previous comment implies, they both behaved badly.

5/26/20, 5:17 PM

What threat? His statement about her not liking it was unsettling, maybe, but oblique. If she really felt threatened, she and the dog should have hauled ass in the other direction. To me she was clearly not threatened, but falsely invoking the specter of her pretended fear in the context of swatting the guy.

Then again he could have come across as creepy-a red diaper baby-Cracky has his number, I think, and could probably expound on his (Mr Cooper's) act. But he walked the line, probably well practiced, and was, I'm sure, unarrestable.

It's Iran-Iraq. Too bad they didn't both lose, but at least she got a much needed lesson. Too bad for her? Maybe I just dislike autists, especially squinty narrow-eyed Canadian Karen-ing weaponized autists taking up jobs and real estate in my city. But even if her career suicide was excessive punishment, 100% it's better she had to give up the dog. She was no good for that dog.

Nichevo said...

Cracky said...

I think she, and her employer, over-reacted, but the bird watcher is an elitist who "happens to be black," throwing his weight around like gangbangers in a high school stairwell.

I feel sorry for the dog.


And then, last week, he dropped dead in his sleep having just turned 40 years old.

Can I "bring it" or what?

I'm sorry for your loss, Crack. May his memory be for a blessing.

As I said, I think you have Mr Cooper's number. He just reeled her in. Guess he (correctly) factored out her a) drawing on him and b) seizing his phone.

I will say that the dog is better off without Ms Cooper (assuming that he is not killed). She was a bad owner.

Ozymandias said...

To The Crack Emcee:
Yes, another bad one--to his memory--and I’m sure you have more.
But, a wife of 20 years turning you into “a black man in my house” with the cops, of all people, just--whew!-- stopped me cold. I wonder if you had any idea of the evil that was in her before she did it.
And I can’t go without acknowledging your mention of the great Charles Mingus, who, for me, will always be the apex of the Holy Trinity of Mingus, Monk, and Miles.

Rory said...

"(assuming that he is not killed)."

That dog is from a breed-specific rescue, so is something of a status symbol. Now he's a celebrity. Things are looking up for him.

Ozymandias said...

To The Crack Emcee:
Yes, another bad one--to his memory--and I’m sure you have more.
But, a wife of 20 years turning you into “a black man in my house” with the cops, of all people, just--whew!-- stopped me cold. I wonder if you had any idea of the evil that was in her before she did it.
And I can’t go without acknowledging your mention of the great Charles Mingus, who, for me, will always be the apex of the Holy Trinity of Mingus, Monk, and Miles.

EsoxLucius said...

I'd just like to comment on the fact that AK-47 brandishing white people were allowed to protest peacefully in St Paul a month ago, while mostly African-Americans with nothing but signs were met with tear gas and rubber bullets. And the in the bag for Trump media is complicit in the scare tactics.

Ozymandias said...

The police who killed Mr. George Floyd should be tried for murder.
With regard to the two protests you mentioned, the May 2nd St.Paul protest was sponsored by a group called Minnesota Gun Rights, demanding that the state lockdown be lifted, but I have found no reports by the Star Tribune or other local news sources that the participants were armed, and the demonstration was reported to have been peaceful.
Participants at the second demonstration “broke the windows of the police station and protesters shattered the glass front door of the station and defaced the building. . . . Some protesters climbed on top of the building, while others threw rocks and water bottles at officers in riot gear.”
Of course, there may be other news reports of guns being shown by demonstrators at the May 2nd demonstration, or you may have been referring to a different demonstration than that of May 2nd, so please correct me if this is mistaken.
The outrage of the Floyd demonstrators is understandable, but I don’t think the response to actual violence can turn on the validity of their motive.