But then I understood, and I saw that it was talking about me. It's a reference to people who don't like either major party presidential candidate and have to decide which one to vote for. Traditionally, that's called picking "the lesser of 2 evils." The "evil" is in the candidate, not in the poor voter who is forced to pick one of them. How dare Politico put the word "hater" on us!
“There are a number of people who hate politics and politicians, and they play somewhat of a swing role in the country,” said Mark Mellman, a Democratic pollster.What does it mean to "hate politics and politicians" but to still want to vote? Biden is more of a "politician" from the world of "politics," so if the "hate" were really for "politics and politicians," the "haters" should embrace Trump, because he rose up out of commerce and entertainment and dared to do his own thing that by some crazy fluke worked. I found that too weird to vote for, but if I'd been more motivated by a hatred for politics and politicians, I'd have voted for him. And — who knows? — maybe this time I will. Call me a hater and I'm more likely to. Don't try to get me to vote for Biden by telling me he's the hater's choice and I'm a hater.
In 2016, he said, “the people who decided the election were people who disliked both Clinton and Trump, and they voted overwhelmingly for Trump. This time, it’s a smaller number of people who dislike Trump and Biden, but that smaller number of voters is voting for Biden.”
Own it, Ann.
Politico started left and then went hard left.
"What does it mean to "hate politics and politicians" but to still want to vote?"
What it means is that we collectively decided 243 years ago to we'd 'vote' instead of shooting them. So we vote. For now.
more grand manipulations from the hack-D press.
... because he rose up out of commerce and entertainment and dared to do his own thing that by some crazy fluke worked.
This is where you're having trouble adjusting.
Trump won because his policies were sensible and his worldview was pragmatic. It wasn't a crazy fluke. It was brilliant intellectual strategy and courage on the part of the president.
You're still stuck in that 60s nostalgia obsession with identity politics, i.e., feminism and gay worship. That's what has to die.
And you want things to be "nice."
I generally dislike both Biden and Trump for different reasons, just like I disliked Trump and Clinton for different reasons. I still believe though that the way the bureaucracy in DC is set up, and the way the Supreme Court and Congress act, that the policy decisions I dislike from Republicans are much more likely to be checked and balanced than those of Democrats. This is shown by how thoroughly investigated Trump has been since taking office compared to the "scandal free" administration prior to his.
In an ideal world, neither of the two in the running would be our choice. But, we should take the world as it is, not as it ought.
IIRC, Trump won about two-thirds of the "don't like either candidate" vote, which represented fully one-fifth of the electorate. Why would these former (however reluctant) Trump voters switch to Biden? I mean, what's the attraction here, other than the fact he's slightly less horrible than Hillary?
I really and sincerely can't imagine anyone voting for Biden. He can't remotely do the job. He's senile. And it is obvious to the entire world.
And you want things to be "nice."
If that were true, she would delete most of your comments.
It took you a long time, prof, to come around to accepting Trump's obviously stratospheric IQ and strategic brilliance when it comes to media.
As a longtime media developer for dozens of corporations, causes and the arts, I'll relate a secret...
Without a solid foundation of honest content (as we call it in the business), that is pragmatic and workable ideas, IQ and strategic brilliance don't amount to shit.
It is the content of what Trump has to say that led to his victory. Open your eyes.
" I mean, what's the attraction here, other than the fact he's slightly less horrible than Hillary?"
-- There's a lot of value in telling people "Of course I'm not voting for Hitler," even if you end up voting for someone who is obviously Not Hitler.
Pretzel logic by Mellman
It's very simple -- and it's generally true for Presidential elections over the, oh, past 60 years. No need to reinvent the wheel.
There are two viable candidates, 1 Dem and 1 Repub. Both have pros, but both have cons. One of these two will win.
Sometimes, you get an election with two men of good character, but flawed political outlooks: I'm thinking Carter v. Ford in '76. I woulda voted for Ford, if I were old enough, but I definitely did see Carter's appeal as an outsider, detached from the DC swamp.
And, most people have a batting average of .500. Since 1960, the Dems have won 8 and the Repubs have won 8. Might as well flip a coin.
I guess the only wrinkle is that the Dems psychologically get pissed when the GOP wins the Electoral College vote, but loses the popular vote (Bush 2 and Trump). Sorry, blame the Constitution.
Lighten up, Francis!
I have a friend who often goes off on rants about how much she can't stand someone, and then I ask: "Why do you hate them so much?" This always produces anger and a denial that hate is involved, despite that fact that you really could not call it anything else. If you don't want to be a hater, then just don't hate.
Personally I have no problem admitting I hate some things and some people. It's just the truth. I wish I didn't have to, but unless I think I'm being unfair or just emotional about it, it's valid. It does not mean I wish violence upon them, although sometimes that's appropriate too. It usually means I don't want to be around them, I don't want any association with them, and I hope they fail at what they are attempting to accomplish, becuase I usually only hate people for what they do or try to do.
If that were true, she would delete most of your comments.
Althouse and I disagree on almost everything. Her great and admirable character trait is her devotion to free speech as a solution to all issues.
I'm a great fan of the prof because of this, and yes, I'm probably the biggest pain in the ass she has to deal with.
Lawyers like to argue. I worked for the world's best and most successful. I know the game.
There's a more apt/descriptive/redundant name for people who hate Trump: Democrats and Journalists.
I love to hate, and I love being called a hater.
I'm a hater...Of the lies and corruption that is coming out now about he Obama administration. I am beyond furious that they put us through that for the last 5 years. I am beyond furious over getting called a RACIST And every other name out there because I always suspected the corruption. I was paying attention. There will be payback, one way or another. It may not end pretty. Oh....and I will never vote for a Democrat again in my lifetime..as far as I am concerned they have gone the way of the WHIGS.
I love these expert opinions of Trump's demise. Give me more: polls, opinions, studies, trends, whatever. Tell me about your completely scientific unbiased fantasies.
Most candidates don't reach the better than nothing standard, so we have to pick the one that's not as worser.
I voted against Hillary in 2016. Nobody really had any idea what or how Trump would do as President, but I figured he couldn't be worser'n Hillary.
This year I will vote enthusiastically for Trump.
Consider his overall performance and his positive attitude in the face of all the forces arrayed against him. If any President ever deserved to be re-elected, it's Donald Trump.
The left should be proud.
They've used lies and bullshit Soviet propaganda from SNL to The View to Jimmy Kimmel to Politico to WaPO and NYT to CNN and MSDNC distilled into rep Adam Schitt to destroy Trump.
Feel good, leftists. You used lies and you eat lies, swallow lies and believe those lies with all your pea picking little hearts to promote your OCD hatred of Trump and your sore loser inability to understand that Hillary really did lose.
Yeah - it might work. we shall see. and you can claim your beloved insider government whores - family enrichment D's - Biden and Hillary. Bravo.
Good going.
Em-pathetic appeal
Like so much else from that side of the aisle, it's projection of the writer's own hate toward those who don't agree.
Note they don't link to this supposed Mammoth poll that proves Trump is dead.
You not a hater. You're a h8-er.
Get with the program. Ok, Boomer?
One thing that recommends Trump is that no president in our lifetimes, if ever, has been more thoroughly vetted, challenged, investigated, resisted, and tested. Nobody else could have survived it. If nothing can be found corrupt about this man with the CIA, FBI, DOJ, DNC, Congress, and the entire media gunning for him and often in concert all this time, then I'd say that looks pretty good on the resume'. Could Biden survive even a fraction of that?
If politics was fair, right now Trump would be starting to develop a plan for how to spy on the Biden campaign and paying Russians to come up with some crazy dossier about Biden with some shaved and well-oiled sheep. The FBI would get warrants with it, and the media would begin it's years-long run with the story. That's about 10% of what was done to Trump, and he survived.
Don't try to get me to vote for Biden by telling me he's the hater's choice and I'm a hater.
It's projection.
" I'm probably the biggest pain in the ass she has to deal with."
If only.
If Biden is elected who is really going to be President? Gives me a chill to think about who might be pulling the strings in that wonderful non-transparent yet obvious leftist Democrat politician way. At least Trump is attempting to be transparent and says what he thinks. I sincerely believe he is trying not to be pulled into the muck by the swamp creatures. That there is enough to secure my vote for Trump.
"How dare Politico put the word "hater" on us!"
How dare they! It's terrible! They should be better! Why, oh, why?
Anyway, you're not a regular prog, so you must be a hater.
Which progs hate. In fact, they hate you more than they do us deplorables. Cuz as an abortion-loving liberal, you, a former law professor, from Madison, WI, should be part of the tribe, and yet you choose to stand aside. Worse, you apply your petty-bourgeois sensibilities to the MSM, complaining when they try to advance The Narrative at the expense of standards and truth and honesty--all that beside-the-point silliness you keep stressing. Get with the program.
"it’s a smaller number of people who dislike Trump and Biden, but that smaller number of voters is voting for Biden."
In other words, Trump has won over a lot of the voters who hated both candidates in 2016. This is Politico's way of spinning something that's actually good news for Trump.
One thing that recommends Trump is that no president in our lifetimes, if ever, has been more thoroughly vetted, challenged, investigated, resisted, and tested. Nobody else could have survived it. If nothing can be found corrupt about this man with the CIA, FBI, DOJ, DNC, Congress, and the entire media gunning for him and often in concert all this time, then I'd say that looks pretty good on the resume'. Could Biden survive even a fraction of that?
Absolutely. The cleanest guy in DC bar none.
"I voted against Hillary in 2016. Nobody really had any idea what or how Trump would do as President, but I figured he couldn't be worser'n Hillary."
Yeah, that's where I was. I thought Trump was a charlatan, perhaps the flip side of Al Sharpton who ran for Prez in 2004. I was amazed that he won the GOP nomination, but he did fair and square. So, I reluctantly voted for him for Prez, and was pleasantly surprised when he won.
This Nov - enthusiastic vote for Trump. The man has earned re-election (in my humble opinion).
I did hear that Biden likes to pee on Ukrainian hotel beds.
but you know.... you hear stuff.
Agree with Thomas. Trump was and is the *only one* to talk about immigration. The trade stuff was over my head but it seems he was right about China, too.
Content > form.
Don't try to get me to vote for Biden by telling me he's the hater's choice and I'm a hater.
I see a lot of this out there, mostly but not entirely, from Democrats. It's not about who is best for the country, but about a reaction to what rhetoric the other side is using. Not exactly contrarian, but definitely a FU. Driven by emotion, not logic. I'm guessing Inga would be a prime example of this.
And look at the famous rich guys whose campaigns got exactly nowhere: Forbes, Bloomberg, Schultz, and Steyer! Lol!
Only Perot came close. Because content.
Meh, the emotionally incontinent tend to be Progs. That’s hardly news. They never have and never will vote for Trump. “This just in. People who hated Trump still hate Trump”. The Donks problem is that they can’t find a candidate to love.
I don’t imagine anyone hates Biden. How do you hate someone who isn’t even there?
What you'd have to do to get Althouse's vote is probably beneath anybody with honor.
Shouting Thomas said...
Trump won because his policies were sensible and his worldview was pragmatic. It wasn't a crazy fluke.
Trump won because he ran for President of the United States, unlike Hillary! who ran for President of Manhattan, Aspen, New Haven, Malibu, Madison, Austin, and Berkely.
Biden has sucked for 40 years. He's still sucking, but it sounds to me like there ain't alotta milkshake left in his cup.
I had a friend who voted for NDP because they promised to raise taxes on “the rich.” They raised his taxes, he didn’t realize that making a bit above the median income made him “the rich”. Rich turned out to be an expansive term. Ann is learning that “hater” is a similarly expansive term.
It is a crummy headline. Of course it's partisans who are the real haters, not the undecideds. It's instructive that our hyperpartisan press doesn't see that. I'd wager that the uncommitted don't feel that either of the "two evils" is as evil as the convinced and committed think the opposing candidate is. "A plague on both your houses" is only a phrase for fence sitters. Ideologues and partisans actually do wish a plague on the other side - especially right now.
People who don't like either candidate probably have stronger feelings against the incumbent or the one who's been around longer than against the challenger or newcomer. That benefited Trump last time. It's not so strange that it might benefit Biden this time.
But you want to see the polling data on who these "haters" are. Some of them are probably convinced Democrats who wish Biden were further left, or hate him for being old and incompetent. They may hate both candidates, but they would never vote for Trump. They aren't true "swing voters."
But "swing voters" is another category you'd have to look at closely. People who swung to Trump or swung away from him last time may not be doing too much swinging this time.
unlike Hillary! who ran for President of Manhattan, Aspen, New Haven, Malibu, Madison, Austin, and Berkely.
Why do you think they hate the Electoral College ?
The LA Times today gives away the game.
Trump tries to save California agriculture and the Times says: But especially in the wake of a long drought, farmers in the Central Valley — a Republican enclave in a Democratic-controlled state — are thirsty for more water. The valley is the heartland for the state’s $50-billion agricultural industry.
See, it's not about agriculture. It's always politics. They don't name the judge but you can bet he is a Clinton or Obama judge.
So is the 2021 prosecutor going to look into these articles as in-kind donations to the Trump campaign to GOTV?
Don't try to get me to vote for Biden
Too late and no point. Althouse has already determined Biden disqualified himself for president by lying about what Trump said about the protesters in Virginia.
Or is that statement no longer operative?
The "evil" is in the candidate, not in the poor voter who is forced to pick one of them. How dare Politico put the word "hater" on us!
The truth hurts.
181 Miles of border wall built so far.
What I am not sure about, is this total length of border protected, or wall built. Since some areas have multiple layers / walls. My guess is total length of border protected.
And basically a mile a day is being built, so by election day I expect 500 miles to be built. This is Trump keeping a campaign promise.
Plus there should be more judges confirmed soon.
And more is coming out about Obamagate. Which is showing how the swamp / deep state / elites HATE Trump, and he is the populist candidate.
Rich turned out to be an expansive term.
Michael K said...
Politico started left and then went hard left.
There is no left or right.
There are only competing tribes.
The difference now is that the aristocracy has always pitted other tribes against each other. But now the masks have been removed.
It is globalist vs nationalist now.
"How dare Politico put the word "hater" on us!" This is why I ignore Politico.
"In other words, Trump has won over a lot of the voters who hated both candidates in 2016. This is Politico's way of spinning something that's actually good news for Trump."
I literally laughed out loud when I read that in Althouse's excerpt. Thing is, Politico KNOWS their "elite" readers are too dumb to see this. The writer himself might not even have realized it. Editor, maybe, but remember what Ben Rhodes said about typical journalists . . . and he'd have reason to know.
If you slice and dice the data enough, you can come upon with interesting but meaningless results, as evidenced by this article.
It reminds me of the sports data analysts who give announcers the fact that "This is the first time since 2011 that a left handed QB has thrown three TD passes to non-wide receivers in a regular season game".
It is harder to dump Biden (as the post above suggests may be the only fix) when there are so many articles supporting Biden.
The skewed polls may very well lock Biden - and all his incompetence - into the race.
Oft evil will... Democratics never learn.
Power corrupts... the pursuit of absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Bob Boyd, Bay Area Guy, and I are part of a large cliched tranche of voters who voted for DJT because the alternative was so terrifying. In view of his performance and the confirmed evilness of the opposition, we will crawl over broken glass (another cliche) to vote for him this year.
We need a name for this tranche- I suspect it's 10-15% of the electorate.
So you "might" vote for Trump?
Then it's Trump, abstain or third party, right?
After all you declared Biden's use of the "good people on both sides" lie to be "disqualifying" IIRC.
Now you may have found something Trump said or did to be disqualifying. But that only leads to abstain or third party.
Or, what changed?
I'm trying to imagine a hypothetical person, this "hater", who grudgingly voted for Trump in 2016 and who now intends to vote for Biden in 2020, based on what exactly? I suppose one argument might be that Trump mishandled the Coronavirus response, which in and of itself is hugely debatable. But then I try to imagine what this person thinks that Biden would have done to handled it and I find it difficult to follow any thought process that realistically ends up with Biden hypothetically doing a better job.
Unfortunately I know that most voters rarely fully think these sorts of things through properly. They don't critically think. Rather, they vote based on emotions, how good or bad a candidate feels to them. But even then, what is it about Biden that would make someone feel less bad than Trump? Yeah, Trumps a bit of a lout. He often says odd things. He's very confrontational. But is Biden really less worse?
I find the leftists on my social media call for death and disease for conservatives. They call conservatives racist based on distorted quotes or outright lies. They demean the intelligence of any that even question the positions of progressives. And they do so in the vilest, racist, homophobic terms.
Then they declare conservatives to be the haters.
I hate statism and coercion, while loving liberty and being left in peace. Where do I fit in?
"He's just a gaffe machine" isn't going to work in this election.
They're no longer "gaffes" once the Mean Time Between Gaffes (MTBG) approaches zero.
There were two not particularly appealing candidates in 2016, and one of them had to lose. Why are we surprised that the loser turned out to be the one who made clear that she hated half the electorate, i.e., the registered voters? Really hated 'em.
Really, who started the "hate" thing? Does the current mainstream press have any other message than Keep Hate Alive? I've been paying attention, and I haven't seen one.
Getting a little tired of it.
This time last election, Hillary was not worried about a small number of swing voters.
She had it all sewed up about now.
There is no hatred toward Biden.
Only pitty.
And the occasional bemusement toward those who think he's still fit for duty.
“How dare Politico put the word "hater" on us!”
Oh don’t feel bad, we’ve been called haters here many times since Trump has become President. I think the author is describing mostly Trump haters mostly with people like Althouse included in this group. I didn’t dislike Hillary nearly as much as I hated Trump. Not even close. I don’t love Biden by any stretch, I hate Trump even more than I did in 2016. So the candidate of choice for voters like me is anyone but Trump and there are millions of people like me.
If you 'hate' both candidates, stay home.
Thanks, in advance.
This time, it’s a smaller number of people who dislike Trump and Biden, but that smaller number of voters is voting for Biden.
Major blind spot at Politico--the people who hated both but voted Trump in 2016 are mostly happy to vote Trump in 2020. So the people who hate both in 2020 are much more likely to have voted Hillary in 2016.
I'm a hater. I hate the idea of an old, senile moronic grifter in the White House. I "hate" incorrigible fools who will vote for the senile crooked moron. So I'm voting for Hitler.
Meade, don't harsh ST's mellow.
Ken B, did you ask your friend if he understands God's joke on him?
If a reporter goes into a butcher shop and asks the butcher to tell him all about how he makes sausage and the butcher goes into detail about how gross and ugly and disgusting the process is, does that butcher's business get better or worse?
I count four Republican operatives in that article talking to Politico about the pig guts of President Trump's campaign.
"Death Star," really? You compare your campaign tactics to the Death Star to a hostile reporter?
Fucking idiots can't resist promoting their genius.
Any premise that is based on polling results is automatically a waste of eyeball muscle.
- Krumhorn
It is globalist vs nationalist now.
I agree but left and right are still useful.
We could call them Mountain and Plain, for that matter and we would know what they are.
WRT the piece's surprising interpretation of poll results -
"In other words, Trump has won over a lot of the voters who hated both candidates in 2016. This is Politico's way of spinning something that's actually good news for Trump."
The Democrat candidate's appeal is becoming... more selective, it appears. But wag that dog, Politico!
Our hostess has been admirably transparent about the foundation of her voting decisions. She is certainly more honest about them than I am about mine. I despise lefties as the nasty little shits that they are. That's all there is to it, and I'm a no vote.
Ann has the grace to be more discerning than that even if many times she votes for a leftie. She has given Trump a much fairer shot than I ever gave Carter, Clinton, or Obama. But then, out of the gate, they were just awful.
- Krumhorn
As someone else on this blog pointed out, I do not know any former Trump supporters. I voted for him holding my nose, and never defended him. Now, I defend him vigorously, even if he steps on his own crank once in awhile.
- Krumhorn
“In other words, Trump has won over a lot of the voters who hated both candidates in 2016. This is Politico's way of spinning something that's actually good news for Trump."
The opposite. Trump has lost white mostly female suburban voters who had voted for him in 2016. Democrats won the House in 2018 because it was a referendum on Trump. 2020 is a referendum on Trump even more so.
Actually, you put the hate on Biden months ago. Are you maintaining that your disgust of Biden is over and you actually are trying to choose between Biden and Trump? Sad!
I hate statism and coercion, while loving liberty and being left in peace. Where do I fit in?
Unfortunately, that makes you obsolete in today's day and age.
My mom is a former Trump supporter. So are quite a few of her contemporaries. Seeming to be oblivious to old people dying has not been a good strategy for Trump.
"I found that too weird to vote for, but if I'd been more motivated by a hatred for politics and politicians, I'd have voted for him. And — who knows? — maybe this time I will."
And so it begins.
Honestly, Ann, based on what you've posted these past several months, I don't know how you could vote for the Dems. You have a conscience, and a good mind. You have respect for the rule of law. I can't imagine your rewarding the Dems after all the tricks they've pulled.
is anyone but Trump and there are millions of people like me.
This is undoubtedly true. Republicans are assholes, huh?
Democrats won the House in 2018 because it was a referendum on Trump. 2020 is a referendum on Trump even more so.
You've been peddling this stupid bullshit for nearly two years now.
Again, if 2018 was such a referendum on Trump, why did he lose less seats than Clinton in 1994? And why did he lose far less seats than Obama in 2010?
Plus, how did their re-elections turn out?
Stupid bint.
Matt S @ 10:05am,
One of my favorite sayings about our current politics: "Vote Republican! It's the only way to get the press to do their job."
Althouse and I disagree on almost everything. Her great and admirable character trait is her devotion to free speech as a solution to all issues.
That last sentence - coupled with a few other things, e.g., rock music lover, shared interests - is what brought me here and why I stay. It’s a pleasure, whereas at Patterico’s Pontifications, my interest lies in watching what once was a fine mind come undone. I read in amazement and wonder WTF happened to this guy.
we’ve been called haters here many times
Gosh, that sounds
I hated Trump....I hate Trump even more than I did in 2016
perfectly accurate.
Weaselly crap. It's not a comparable group at all. There are plenty of Democrat voters who think Biden is a garbage candidate, but are going to vote for him anyway because they were always going to vote for him anyway.
Joe Biden is not tapping into the anti-establishment plague-on-both-houses feeling that catapulted Trump into office. I'm betting than an actual poll of the people who didn't want to hand the presidency to the political establishment in 2016 (as opposed to polling a "comparable group") would reveal that they still don't want to do that in 2020.
Seeming to be oblivious to old people dying has not been a good strategy for Trump.
Says the Cuomo voter. Jesus ! Do you never quit ?
Democrats won the House in 2018 because it was a referendum on Trump. 2020 is a referendum on Trump even more so
The 2018 campaign was based on the Russia Hoax and the RINOs abandoning ship.
2020 will be based on learning what liars Schiff and Waddler are plus China.
Yep I always heard it call the lesser of two evils before. Last election I did not care for either candidate and I could not hold my nose and vote for either of them. I simply did not vote for president but votes on the rest of the ballot. After watching the job PDT has done I will enthusiastically vote him this time. I was late the Trump Train. But give the devil his due PDT is doing a great job IMHO.
My mom is a former Trump supporter. So are quite a few of her contemporaries. Seeming to be oblivious to old people dying has not been a good strategy for Trump.
I don't believe that for a second. Lemme see a post to that effect from TheRealReaderMom, and let me question her. I'll sniff out a leftie sock puppet quick fast and in a hurry. LLRs can't fool me either.
- Krumhorn
“Stupid bint.”
Why do the Democrats have the majority in the House? Who was able to impeach Trump because they had the majority? And Democrats have n excellent chance of not only keeping the House but winning the Senate and the Presidency. Then ... look out.
Stupid prick.
Readering: "My mom is a former Trump supporter. So are quite a few of her contemporaries. Seeming to be oblivious to old people dying has not been a good strategy for Trump."
Yes, that does seem to be one of the popular new lefty lies to take the place of all the previous lefty lies that have collapsed.
I wonder why you think that one will work better?
Russian Collusion Dead Ender Inga: "Oh don’t feel bad, we’ve been called haters here many times since Trump has become President."
Carter Page: Russian spy or no?
BTW, Inga writes that after 4 years of calling republicans treasonous traitors based on lies and after 3 full months of calling skeptics of 2.2 million deaths from ChiCom Flu murderers.
Anyone else feeling an Inga-"The Walls Are Closing In" moment approaching?
Haters? In 2016, Scott Adams said:
"I’ve been trying to figure out what common trait binds Clinton supporters together. As far as I can tell, the most unifying characteristic is a willingness to bully in all its forms.
If you have a Trump sign in your lawn, they will steal it.
If you have a Trump bumper sticker, they will deface your car.
if you speak of Trump at work you could get fired.
On social media, almost every message I get from a Clinton supporter is a bullying type of message. They insult. They try to shame. They label. And obviously they threaten my livelihood.
We know from Project Veritas that Clinton supporters tried to incite violence at Trump rallies. The media downplays it.
We also know Clinton’s side hired paid trolls to bully online. You don’t hear much about that....etc http://blog.dilbert.com/post/152293480726/the-bully-party
10/25/16, 11:31 AM
Trump ties his highest number ever for a CNN poll.
A CNN poll.........let that sink in.
That's from just today.
"The poll shows that 45 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s job performance as president, tying his all-time record high rating first set in March of 2017."
Now how can that be? Readerings totally legit Trump voting mom (wink wink), who is every bit the supporter of Trump as a certain LLR, supposedly doesn't like him anymore for being a murderer for the eleventeenth time since he was elected.
Quite frankly, after Trump murdered millions with Net Neutrality and tens of millions more with the repeal of the obamacare mandate and then hundreds of millions more from the nuke wars with NK and Iran, I'm surprised Readering's mother has made it this long.
She must be living with other survivalists in a backwoods dystopian future.
I believe it was Inga who declared Trump was literally trying to create the Handaid's Tale in the US. Literally.
That was just one of about a thousand well reasoned, tempered remarks from Inga about Trump.
“I didn’t dislike Hillary nearly as much as I hated Trump. Not even close. I don’t love Biden by any stretch, I hate Trump even more than I did in 2016. So the candidate of choice for voters like me is anyone but Trump and there are millions of people like me.”
Exactly. Are you arguing for us or against us?
"My mom is a former Trump supporter. So are quite a few of her contemporaries. Seeming to be oblivious to old people dying has not been a good strategy for Trump."
Wrote someone who would support Cuomo the Grandma Killer over Trump.
Reminds me of the CNN bimbo who characterized the "lock her up" chants at Trump rallies as hate speech.
Here's an interesting fact (as pointed out elsewhere): The 3 states with the highest per capita deaths per million are all completely and totally controlled by democrats.
Well, that's what happens when you keep your subways wide open without effective cleaning for the first 4 months of pandemic while at the same time forcing infected elderly back into nursing homes and retirement homes AND encouraging everyone to come on down and party like its 1999 for the first several months.
The question for the dems is: after all the lies they've pushed over 4 years that have exploded in their faces, do they have the guts to try and impeach Trump for Governor Cuomo's ChiCom flu decisions like they did for Hillarys russia collusion and Bidens Ukraine corruption?
Readering said... My mom is a former Trump supporter. So are quite a few of her contemporaries. Seeming to be oblivious to old people dying has not been a good strategy for Trump.
You are lying.
The Left is continuing to manufacture a narrative that gullible people will buy.
That's what they do because they are incompetent at running a country.
Suppose you have two candidates for -- oh, say, County Commisioner. One is the incumbent. The county's been going through a crisis, he/she has made decisions about it, some of which have worked out OK, and some of which haven't.
The other is the challenger. You haven't heard much from him/her for quite awhile. But now, when the smoke is beginning to clear, you start to hear from the challenger, and what you hear is what the incumbent got wrong. You didn't hear from the challenger what the alternatives were back when the decisions had to be made. You're not even hearing now any kind of specifics about what to do next.
So, who do you vote for?
You hater!
Honestly, Ann, based on what you've posted these past several months, I don't know how you could vote for the Dems.
Abortion, gay rights and feelz.
You have a conscience, and a good mind.
That she ignores to indulge her feelings.
You have respect for the rule of law.
But not in following the intent of those who wrote them.
I can't imagine your rewarding the Dems after all the tricks they've pulled.
I can't imagine her doing anything but.
My mom is a former Trump supporter. So are quite a few of her contemporaries. Seeming to be oblivious to old people dying has not been a good strategy for Trump.
So they'll vote for Dems like Cuomo that actually caused senior deaths?
It is globalist vs nationalist now.
I agree but left and right are still useful.
We could call them Mountain and Plain, for that matter and we would know what they are.
Rural and urban work just fine.
So the candidate of choice for voters like me is anyone but Trump and there are millions of people like me.
Accept this as true. The best they could come up with is Biden?
I hate statism and coercion, while loving liberty and being left in peace. Where do I fit in?
Perhaps the Moon, but more probably the asteroid belt.
Or is that statement no longer operative?
It won't be if Biden makes it to the election.
Trump has lost white mostly female suburban voters who had voted for him in 2016.
So they'll vote for the hair-sniffer instead? I'm skeptical of that claim. Just like I'm skeptical of readering's claim that her mother is a former Trump supporter. (Unexpectedly!)
Russian Collusion Truther Inga: "Trump has lost white mostly female suburban voters who had voted for him in 2016."
MadisonMan: "So they'll vote for the hair-sniffer instead? I'm skeptical of that claim. Just like I'm skeptical of readering's claim that her mother is a former Trump supporter. (Unexpectedly!)"
Today's Morning Consult Poll: "The slide resulted in Biden's net favorability among women falling underwater for the first time since the nadir of his primary campaign in February, with 46 percent viewing him unfavorably and 44 viewing him favorably. Taken together, it marks a 6-point drop in net favorability among women since the April 20-26 poll, driven by women ages 30 to 65 -- the voting bloc that strategists on either side of the aisle credit with fueling Democratic victories in 2018 House races."
Inga must get her info from russki hoax-y dossiers.
“Trump has lost white mostly female suburban voters who had voted for him in 2016.”
“So they'll vote for the hair-sniffer instead? I'm skeptical of that claim. Just like I'm skeptical of readering's claim that her mother is a former Trump supporter. (Unexpectedly!)”
I bet you were also skeptical that Evers would win.
Why do the Democrats have the majority in the House? Who was able to impeach Trump because they had the majority?
Russia hoax? Seems to me that this is a new ball game. The hoaxers are playing defense now. Indictments coming.
The impeachment was a great way to spend the time as the Chinese virus was starting to spread. You will hear a lot about that.
Why do the Democrats have the majority in the House? Who was able to impeach Trump because they had the majority?
Russia hoax? Seems to me that this is a new ball game. The hoaxers are playing defense now. Indictments coming.
The impeachment was a great way to spend the time as the Chinese virus was starting to spread. You will hear a lot about that.
Ann feels weird voting for someone who
1) is against illegal immigration
2) is for lowering taxes
3) is for cutting unnecessary regulations and making Government more efficient.
4) is for a strong military
5) wants to get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan
6) Is against giving up technical know how in order to do business with China
What the hell is weird about that?
Oh I forgot it is not policy but style.
Typical woman.
Some people who comment have ALWAYS been weird about Althouse's politics. For some odd reason they think she's some Rush Limbaugh clone. She's made it plain - over and over - that she feels most comfortable voting for Liberal D's. She's a liberal/leftist on social issues and a moderate on most everything else. She voted for Hillary for God's sake!
Of course, she's going to vote for Biden. Good God, if you can pull the lever for crooked Hillary, who couldn't even make a speech without collapsing, and would've had Bill back in the Oval office getting Lewinsky's..why would you think twice about Slow Joe?
It's just more Wish Casting. They still don't get why Trump won.
Nobody likes Biden.
Inga: "Why do the Democrats have the majority in the House?"
1) President's party in off year elections tend to lose quite a few seats as with Clinton and obambi did (in fact, both Clinton and obambi lost more seats than Trump)
2) Record (massive really) number of republican retirements (in my opinion this was the biggest factor in 2018 and will be a factor in 2020 as well)
3) Vote harvesting in democrat controlled states
4) Non-stop russia collusion/treason/hoax dossier lies for almost 3 years at the time of the 2018 elections
5) 95% negative press coverage with major and minor lies launched against Trump just about every day about every subject, even down to feeding goldfish and the number of ice cream scoops at Mar A Lago
It's not all that complicated.
"It is globalist vs nationalist now." -Achilles
Pretty much. They've all come out and openly said it. Instead of the International Communist movement we were on guard for, we wound up with an Internationalist Progressive movement that metastasized into our Institutions largely unawares.
Progressives allied with the CCP and Fundamentalist Islam...
This time, it’s a smaller number of people who dislike Trump and Biden, but that smaller number of voters is voting for Biden
That’s not so clear. According to one recent poll, 61% of the public are following the Tara Reade story closely (who are not the entire sample of all Americans), 63% believe Reade was indeed sexually assaulted by Joe Biden.
If you find math to be too hard, that’s 38.4% of the population who regards Biden as a rapist. So, no, I think the people who hate politics will not find Joe Biden to be an acceptable choice.
"I find the leftists on my social media ...then ... declare conservatives to be the haters."
I find it distressing how much of the left's rhetoric amounts simple projection.
As someone who voted for "none of the above" in 2016. Trump still hasn't gotten out of his way enough to get my vote. Will that matter? Am I indicative of any constituency? Who knows? Who cares?
None of the above is still my leading candidate so far.
I find it distressing how much of the left's rhetoric amounts simple projection.
The Game of Taunts: I know you are, but what am I.
As long as dementia is on topic, let's discuss Phil314's.
Seriously, everything that Trump has accomplished has been against a very strong headwind. What on earth are you waiting for?
My understanding is that those White suburban women already joined the Democrats and voted for Hillary in 2016, but weren't enough to prevent Trump from carrying the key states he needed to win.
If people get angry enough, they vote against the incumbent, and they don't even ask if the new guy can do the job. I hope that doesn't happen this time.
Still planning to vote third party this November. Trump is too old. Biden(!)is way too old.
If either one is elected and survives to the end of the term, they'll be the oldest president ever. Trump's already the oldest to assume the office. Biden would be as old at the start of his term as Reagan was at the end of two terms. That's way, way, too old.
Gerontocracy is bad. We're crazy to elect people this old to any office, let alone the presidency. Regardless of whether Biden or Trump is demented now, chances are far too high that they'll lose a significant amount of brainpower over the next four years.
Nothing anyone says during the election will override the basic arithmetic of aging. Too old is just too old.
Am I agist? Yes, I am. People can pretend they are just as sharp and capable at 80 as they were in their 40s, but they aren't. We are talking about leading the Free World, not proving old people can reach high office. Look at the Senate and the Supreme Court. We know they can. Senators' aides write and review legislation. Justices have clerks to write opinions. Who's Biden going to have?
The Presidency requires someone who can make decisions and implement them. Being too old makes that difficult.
You can make the argument that Trump is less old, by the calendar, and by his lifestyle. I agree with that- clearly he's the more capable of the two. Shouldn't I vote for the lesser of two ages?
Perhaps. But the risks are still too high to waste my vote on someone who may die of old age or become incapacitated. I refuse to vote for someone who's a figurehead.
I refuse to vote for someone who's a figurehead.
You do get that Donald Trump is no figurehead?
I read the Politico article 3 times, and I never saw evidence of anybody trying to “get” a reader to vote for Biden.
It’s natural, given media bias against Trump, to think that’s what they’re trying to do. But nobody in the article praised Biden; nobody told the reader Trump was terrible. Of those quoted, only Mellman used the HATE word. Perhaps the editors might have picked a different frame...but that doesn’t mean they were seeking to boost Biden’s chances.
I adore the Althouse efforts to focus on the meanings of words. Just this once, I think we are being led astray.
Thx Kirk. Appreciate the concern.
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