May 12, 2020

"Biden must improve his unscripted speaking. There is nothing more urgent for his campaign aides to address."

Urges Tom Rogers, an editor-at-large at Newsweek.
When Biden is talking with a teleprompter, he commands the situation much better than Trump. But in his living room media appearances so far, he stumbles, fails to complete sentences, searches for words, repeats the same points, has difficulty hitting the right points and does not take points to a deeper level, making his comments seem overly general and superficial....

If Biden's speaking does not improve, it will play into the most obvious critiques of his candidacy. The Trump campaign will go after Biden as an establishment politician of the Washington, D.C., "swamp," who therefore talks in "political speak"; or it will characterize him as "confused," and therefore standing for nothing; or it will paint him as "too old" to handle the job.

I believe Biden is capable of making this jump.... If Biden can clearly articulate the case against the president—especially his mishandling of the coronavirus crisis—he has a real shot at cutting through all the Trump campaign's attacks. This critique is easy to lay out. The administration has clearly failed on many levels, as Joe Scarborough crystallizes every day on Morning Joe....

So, this is a message to Biden's campaign staff: Figure out how to fix this issue, and fix it quickly....
Yeah, fix it. Make him as crystalline as Morning Joe. Get on it! Quick!

This is such a hilariously unhelpful column. The campaign obviously knows of this problem, but it can't figure out how to fix this issue. The man is 77 and he is what he is. He won the nomination by being just that and nothing more. You can't "fix" that. There's no fixing. He'll win or lose by offering himself up as what he is and nothing more. You know him. Obama knew him. The man who called Obama "articulate" is articulate enough — enough to get this far, anyway. They've got to let Biden be Biden. That's all there is and all there will be — unless they want to replace him. There's no fixing!


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Jersey Fled said...

In other words, if someone writes it for him and all he has to do is read it, he's OK.

Lurker21 said...

Maybe he could get the gizmo that Stephen Hawking had.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Biden has dementia.

There is no fixing that.

YoungHegelian said...

I believe Biden is capable of making this jump..

Oh, Rogers is just another lyin' dog-faced pony soldier. And that's no malarky.

C'mon, you know it's true!

(In two sentences is my argument by example of why Biden is not capable of "making that jump".)

Michael K said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
madAsHell said...

I've said it before, but........they should put him in a mask, and then do voice overs.

Michael K said...

Poor Joe. Even his supporters know he is out of it.

Lucid-Ideas said...

This is not the 21st century I/we were promised. Come on! If they can rebuild Steve Austin they can rebuild Joe Biden. They should be able to rebuild him. We would've had the technology had we not squandered the ending of the cold war.

Joe Biden. The multi-billion dollar cyborg. Think of the possibilities.

Just some rando on the interwebz said...

Kind if like telling a depressed person to just turn that frown upside down.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Let Dr. Jill do all the talking. "In conclusion, my husband will make a great President." Biden smiles sweetly, perhaps a bit unknowingly.

Clyde said...

Biden is "articulate enough" like Hillary was "likeable enough."

If Biden's only on point when he's scripted, then the natural question is "Who is writing the script for him since he's incapable of doing it himself?" Who are the shadowy puppetmasters, and does America want to elect them as well?

Virgil Hilts said...

I made a $ bet with someone last fall that Michelle Obama (MO) would be the eventual nominee out of a brokered convention. Didn't realize when I made it that MO had such zero % in the job - not sure if there is anyone in history that would be so likely to win the election with so little effort, but with no interest in running or being recruited by a desperate party (and yes, I think MO would beat DT).
Now - with all of the investigations uncovering all of BO's dirty laundry, I think there may be more urgency (including on BO's part) that DT not be allowed another term. If that's correct - then maybe BO talks MO into being recruited with the promise that BO will actually run things. Is this ludicrous? Any more ludicrous than the Democrats thinking BO will make it through the debates with DT and win? I can also see MO, if recruited, refusing to debate DT.

WK said...

Phase 1: Find Biden
Phase 2: ???
Phase 3: Fixed it

Mr. O. Possum said...


Bay Area Guy said...

I dunno if the "Morning Consult" carries any weight, but they have a few opinions about Biden.

Tara Reade’s allegation that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her when he was a senator in 1993 is one of the few non-coronavirus stories to have broken through to voters amid the pandemic, and it appears to be taking a toll on the former vice president’s popularity.

A new Morning Consult poll found the former vice president’s net favorability — the share who view him favorably minus the share who view him unfavorably — has dropped 5 percentage points among registered voters since an April 20-26 poll conducted in the week before Biden forcefully denied Reade’s accusation on television amid heightened media coverage of the story. According to the new polling, conducted May 4-10 among 27,754 registered voters, 48 percent of voters view Biden unfavorably, compared with 43 percent who have positive views of the former vice president. Both polls had a 1-point margin of error.

Dave Begley said...

The Dems can't face the reality that Biden is senile.

wendybar said...

Democrats need to fix their party.

Jersey Fled said...

The Obama brand will be poison by the time of the election.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“When Biden is talking with a teleprompter, he commands the situation much better than Trump.”

I assume he’s joking. On the rare occasions Trump chooses to stick to the script, he kills it. Look, there’s a very good reason Joe is hiding in his basement and it has very little to do with WuFlu. They’re just praying there’s some way they can eke the panic out through the debate season.

Bay Area Guy said...

"But in his living room media appearances so far, he stumbles, fails to complete sentences, searches for words, repeats the same points, has difficulty hitting the right points and does not take points to a deeper level, making his comments seem overly general and superficial...."

I call it stumbling, mumbling and bumbling. Slow Joe was a bit more exacting in his younger days......

tcrosse said...

It only gets worse. They'll be in denial about Biden's condition until the time is right to slide him out and slide in the ringer.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

There is no cure for dementia.

Sebastian said...

"When Biden is talking with a teleprompter, he commands the situation much better than Trump."

That's funny. Did he watch the State of the Union?

"If Biden's speaking does not improve, it will play into the most obvious critiques of his candidacy."

Obviously leaving out the most obvious "critique": not just that he's "too old," but that he's going senile.

"I believe Biden is capable of making this jump"

Huh -- why?

"This is such a hilariously unhelpful column."

Well, it is helpful, to us, on the right. Cuz it helps us see what progs don't see. Their blindness is our strength.

"The man who called Obama "articulate" is articulate enough — enough to get this far, anyway."

Evidence? Methinks he got this far because the PTB cleared a path for him, to block Bernie. He won states where he didn't say a word.

"There's no fixing!"

He's the anti-Trump, and that's all.

YoungHegelian said...


They'll be in denial about Biden's condition until the time is right to slide him out and slide in the ringer.

Yes, except for that little problem called the Democratic electorate, who may not take kindly to a coronation, even if done in the service of the higher good of defeating The Bad Orange Man.

Imagine the Shit Storm if the DNC slips in a non-elected ringer for Biden & they lose anyway! I can see the motto already --- No Democracy, No Victory -- Vote Democrat, Now & in the Future!

Temujin said...

If you recall...and I'm sure you all do, Obama could not and still cannot speak without a teleprompter. Even his 'leaked' phone call from over the weekend where he was suggesting that Bill Barr was the end of justice, you heard him yammer, and stutter, and uh and um numerous times- which is his hallmark.

Obama was a fantastic oral reader. But he is horrible off the cuff.
Biden, has never been a good orator, but people tend to give him room for bizarre speech. And it's not like it just started when he got older. He's always been a bizarro.
Trump is a horrible oral reader, but he's strongest off the cuff (though rough, no doubt).

I say let Biden be Biden and let's enjoy the show while we have it. There is so little comedy around otherwise.

CJinPA said...

The joke used to be that media types were "Democratic strategists with bylines." Reality has now lapped the joke. All pretense has been dropped like a pair of trousers.

WisRich said...

So what's the general thinking on whether debates happen? I have my doubts. Biden will find some excuse not to do it. COVID!

Hey Skipper said...

If Biden can clearly articulate the case against the president—especially his mishandling of the coronavirus crisis

Tom Rogers, please explain exactly what Trump did that constitutes mishandling Mao Tse Lung, and exactly what the impact(s) were.

Unless he mishandled the crisis by listening to The Science.

Skeptical Voter said...

Joe Biden is authentic. That is he is authentically a now senile old dolt. A few years back he was simply a fellow of less than average intelligence given to plagiarism and self aggrandizement. Joe's problems in speaking without a teleprompter (Obama has some of the same problems) can't be fixed. He is what he is.

Now as for Tom Rogers, "editor at large" for Newsweek (the magazine which was sold for $1 and was overpriced at that), he's simply a young dolt with daydreams of Biden's possible return to coherence. The problem with that daydream is that Biden can't return to a place he never was. The youthful vigor of the Gaffemaster is gone--but the vestigial Gaffemaster remains.

madAsHell said...

Joe Biden. The multi-billion dollar cyborg.

Only if they re-build him as a printing machine.

rhhardin said...

Wernicke's aphasia.

Bay Area Guy said...


It only gets worse. They'll be in denial about Biden's condition until the time is right to slide him out and slide in the ringer.

A lotta my pals say this is going to happen, but I still doubt it. Yes, I agree that if the Dem power structure gets to a point where they honestly believe that Slow Joe will lose, Ye, they will devise a plan to try to replace him. But I think that may solve one problem, but create two more.

Bernie Bros will shout out that they got the 2nd most votes, so he should be the replacement. They will get nowehere.

Also, pulling someone off the sidelines (Michelle, or Hillary) means the entire Democrat primary voting system was a pointless farce. I think that will irk a large segment of swing voters/independents.

I could be totally wrong, and Drago could pull off the greatest political prediction ever if Michelle slides into the nomination.

My gut says Biden stays, but picks a VP, who the Dem power structure approves as becoming Prez pretty quick, if you get my drift.

Jersey Fled said...

Slipping in a ringer candidate at the last minute is old hat for Democrats in NJ. It works too, in the Garden State. Not so sure about swing states in the Midwest.

madAsHell said...

He won states where he didn't say a word.

....and he won primaries where they didn't even count the votes! What was the final tally in Iowa again?

Tom T. said...

Add in the fact that Biden spent decades as a legislator, which trains a person toward a particular jargon (think Bob Dole answering a voter's emotional question by saying, "that bill's in markup"), and he's never won a general election on his own anywhere outside of the smallest state in the union. Even if he had his faculties, what is the likelihood he could connect effectively with a national audience?

Ken B said...

What they need to fix is voters. If only voters could accept that a man reading other peoples' words is enough. Instead they insist on judging him by his own thoughts. Sad.

Jersey Fled said...

Also, pulling someone off the sidelines (Michelle, or Hillary) means the entire Democrat primary voting system was a pointless farce.

As is pretty much everything that the Democrats do.

See: Impeachment

Chris N said...

A few gam-gams waiting to see the dentist, some Biden staffers and lot of networking journalists will be swayed.

chuck said...

I saw the Biden coloring book and Biden looked in great shape for 77. What's the problem?

mccullough said...

Biden was never smart. He tried to sound smart but just came off as dumb. Now he’s old. He seems older than 77.

It doesn’t help him that the worst of The Virus is in New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. The Blue States.

Florida and Texas are open. The criticism against Trump and his administration is that they overreacted. Biden can’t make this claim. No Dem can. Their states overreacted even worse than Trump.

And then there is the China problem. Joe is China’s handmaiden.

Kevin said...

Because it's the role of reporters to advise campaigns on what they need to do to win?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Biden has dementia.

I still don't believe it. I think he's just an overage frat boy that's held a sinecure too long and thinks he can bullshit his way into the Presidency. The prospect of someone like that getting into office is terrifying to say the least.

Chris N said...

Addition: A few gam-gams at least 2-4 weeks from now when a fresh batch of Newsweek hits the waiting room tables.

Michael K said...

I agree that if the Dem power structure gets to a point where they honestly believe that Slow Joe will lose, Ye, they will devise a plan to try to replace him. But I think that may solve one problem, but create two more.

I still wonder if they have conceded the presidency but are going all out for the Senate, where they have a better chance.

CA 25 today will be a harbinger.

Barry Dauphin said...

Biden doesn't respond well to pressure. Leave him alone.

Amexpat said...

They've got to let Biden be Biden.

The rub is that's not a winning strategy either. If the Dems really want to win, Biden has to drop out and replaced with someone relatively unknown and untainted.

bagoh20 said...

Clean and inarticulate. I mean, that's a storybook, man.

Howard said...

It's broke and they can't fix it. Classic double bind. No second wave = Four more years. It better be nothing is a high standard.

Larry J said...

We've already had one Teleprompter president. Did you ever hear Obama speak without a Teleprompter? He was so bad he made George W. Bush sound articulate by comparison. The question is, who wrote the script for the Teleprompter? That group of people were the ones actually running the country. With Biden, it'd be even worse. Despite his arrogant bragging, he is a profoundly unintelligent man. Whatever medical condition he might have, it has made matters even worse. If (God forbid) he were elected, he would not be the one actually running the country. And he likely would be shoved aside in a year or less so his VP could take over.

Leland said...

Young Hegelian beat me to the obvious malarkey joke.

bagoh20 said...

This election is an intelligence test under my definition of intelligence: "The mental ability to overcome necessary challenges with available resources"

Jack Klompus said...

Biden seems like a fairly reasonable man. Maybe he should start using a bust of a philosopher as his campaign symbol and convince himself he's a brilliant and original thinker.

PM said...

"...unless they want to replace him."

A. They do. And that is Job 1.
B. Job 2 is increasing 'mail-in voting states' so they can Mayor Daley the election.

stevew said...

Fixing = Mission Impossible. And they can't manipulate the situation such that he only has to do what he can still do competently, which is read.

"Mishandling the Coronavirus response" is now the go to talking point and attack on Trump. Predates Obama sending out the message late last week to focus on that theme. If they don't provide any details on how the response was mishandled you'll know it's just a talking point; similar to the Charlotteville quote.

BarrySanders20 said...

"Biden commands the situation..."

What dreck. Only in the author's fanboy dreams. Biden has never commanded the situation, ever, at any point in his ridiculous political life. The few times when it appears he is in control he is either lying out of his ass or abusing the power that was unwisely entrusted to him. The fact that he is going senile just makes it more obvious.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Of course Misterrogers is right, but you can't get blood out of a turnip.

Bob Boyd said...

How about a daily, online pushup contest against a hater?

Bob Boyd said...

Suggested campaign Slogan:

Biden 2020
Old And In The Way

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Newsweek knows who they are rooting for.

That's our hack-D press.

Yancey Ward said...

The guy who wrote this column hasn't watched Biden give a prepared speech since 2012, at least.

Biden isn't any better with a teleprompter or notes these days than he would be doing it completely unprepared. Seriously, it is all but certain that the events where this writer thinks Biden is doing these presentations extemporaneously, were completely planned and rehearsed by Biden and his staff- it is just that Biden is no longer capable of delivering them without mucking them up badly. Seriously- watch these things- Biden is attempting in all of them to read either cards behind the camera, or notes in his hands- he just can't do it.

n.n said...

#Judgment #TooManyLabels

narciso said...

newsweek is overpriced at a dollar

Bay Area Guy said...

"Urges Tom Rogers, an editor-at-large at Newsweek."

I can't believe I gazed past this.

Newsweek has an editor-at-large?!!?

Pray tell why? According to Wiki:

In 2003, worldwide circulation was more than 4 million, including 2.7 million in the U.S; by 2010 it reduced to 1.5 million

Ok, sorry about that and your sale for $1 dollar.

Is there a rebound from 1.5 million circulation? Umm, No.

According to a 2015 column in the New York Post, Newsweek's circulation had fallen to "just over 100,000" with staff at that time numbering "about 60 editorial staffers", up from a low of "less than 30 editorial staffers" in 2013, but with announced plans then to grow the number to "close to 100 in the next year"

Yes, I read Time and Newsweek growing up during the pre-internet era. And, I would save the nice covers a la Sports Illustrated. But somebody, anybody, please put it out of its journalistic misery. Those glory days are long past.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

The administration has clearly failed on many levels, as Joe Scarborough crystallizes every day on Morning Joe....

They really believe this. They really, really, really believe it. They think Joe and Mika are brilliant analysts delivering devastating critiques that will not only sway the swing voters, but cause his supporters to abandon him in despair.

phantommut said...

If by some means does not leave the Convention as the nominee, imagine how INSANE the Bernie voters are going to be.

Bob Boyd said...

@ Professor Althouse

If Biden was elected President, would you have to bump Caro and name Joe "the old person in the world whose continuing to live is most important to me"?

stutefish said...

Too, Scarborough has a completely different audience. He's free to exaggerate, misrepresent, etc as much as he wants, when preaching to the choir. He doesn't actually have to answer to the American public as such, for anything he says. So he can afford to be crystal clear in his sermons. Not necessarily truthful or ethical, but certainly clear.

Joe Biden doesn't have this luxury.

PubliusFlavius said...

Before the lockdown I would attempt to goad my left leaning clients and acquaintances, by saying "..all trump has to do is string a bunch of biden clips together in the fall...and its good game, and goodbye joe....who else you got?"

Very entertaining

Kyzer SoSay said...

The desperation is delicious.

The more desperate they get, the more facade they'll construct - while at the same time low-key fretting in articles like this.

The public takes it as a given that the major papers are doing the lifting for the DNC. Some of them are fine with that - they agree and have no concept of fact or fairness, so it's all kosher. Others just accept it and apply the skeptical eye, and others are aware but maybe still wanting to give them a chance. But we all know it. In our bones.

Because the cheerleaders no longer feel the need to hide (or are so intellectually mediocre and absorbed into their bubble that they think they are hiding it), their writings will continue to expose this leftist id. It's gonna be fun to read them squirm.

John henry said...

I don't think Joe does any better with a teleprompter than without one.

Whenever he speaks, off the top of his head, from note, prompted by softball questions or teleprompter he is a hot mess.

Speaking of off the top of his head, we should keep in mind that the top of his head has been removed not once but twice.

Even Joe says he has never been the same since.

bagoh20 said...

Biden commands the situation, and he does it with just one finger.
Do we really want that finger on the nuclear button.

That could be a great sci-fi porn flick. "The Nuclear Button"

Sam L. said...

This is why I don't listen to NEWSWEAK.

daskol said...

Wernicke's aphasia.

Looks to me more like semantic dementia. He is not only losing his place, he clearly is searching for words when he's speaking, and will often redirect to a new topic or use some generic word or expression.

John henry said...


I think PDJT needs to lock Biden into 3 debates. I think he can do this easily

"There is some talk about whether there will be presidential debates. Many people feel that Joe is just not up to the task.

Frankly, I agree. I would prefer not to debate him. It would be like kicking a cripple. It would be so lopsided that, even if I pull my punches, he would get a sympathy vote.

If he wants to cancel the debates, I am OK with that."

To which Joe can only reply that he is fully competent to debate PDJT and "Bring it on!"

I don't see how the dems can continue this pitiful charade. OTOH, I don't see how they can't. They have nobody to replace him with. If they did, it would be really messy.

Better just to let Joe lose gracefully and hope for better results in 24

John Henry

narciso said...

another deluded person,

JAORE said...

It's more than "They can't fix him". The check engine light is getting brighter.

DavidD said...

" 'The administration has clearly failed on many levels, as Joe Scarborough crystallizes every day on Morning Joe....' "

So why didn't the Democrats pick Joe Scarborough as their candidate, then? Why didn't the Democrats pressure Joe Scarborough to run?

Hey, maybe the party could substitute Joe Scarborough for Joe Biden; they wouldn't even need to change the campaign signs....

Rick said...

I believe Biden is capable of making this jump

He hasn't done it in 70 years, during 50 of which it would have been extremely beneficial to his career. But sure he can pick it up an two months if someone just gives him some helpful tips.

He wanted to write the obvious column about Biden's weakness but knew if he didn't put a positive spin on it he would be crucified for not helping the Dems. Remember, you can say anything you want as long as you present it as positive according to the left's priorities.

Francisco D said...

Jersey Fled said... In other words, if someone writes it for him and all he has to do is read it, he's OK.

Even then, he's not O.K. He obviously has aphasia.

rehajm said...

Also, pulling someone off the sidelines (Michelle, or Hillary) means the entire Democrat primary voting system was a pointless farce.

I can't recall who its was- some GOP leader/party admin type for some state apparatus, maybe Montana? - who in the midst of the primaries matter of factly pointed out that because of the rules for both major parties the entirety of primary voting is a sham. The party insiders pre-select the candidates and the dog and pony show of primary 'voting' is done only to engage voters for the general election.

I've never seen any reason to disagree. Many of us became conditioned to believe these things are over after New Hampshire. In fact it's long before then...

rehajm said...

I think he's just an overage frat boy that's held a sinecure too long and thinks he can bullshit his way into the Presidency. The prospect of someone like that getting into office is terrifying to say the least.

It's been done.

YoungHegelian said...


Young Hegelian beat me to the obvious malarkey joke

So, my humor's obvious, is it?

Now my feelings are hurt...

chuck said...

In fact it's long before then...

OTOH, I doubt Trump would have been the candidate if gentlemen smoking cigars had been negotiating among themselves at a convention.

David Begley said...

I like John Henry’s idea re debates. He’s thinking like Trump and Scott Adams.

narciso said...

yes they replaced one candidate in 2012, for the montana senate race, who promptly lost, there was a Colorado governors race in 2010, where the top men, 'discovered' the plagiariasm of a candidate, and forced a replacement who was even more of an oddball,

holdfast said...

I don't think the technology for a full brain-transplant exists yet.

But if Biden ditches the aviator shades, and starts wearing mao-jacket pantsuits, you'll know that they pulled it off.

Which would make sense - HRC is sharp, but physically frail, and Joe is the opposite. I mean, grading on a curve for Boomers in their mid-70s.

narciso said...

and the band plays on:

Francisco D said...

If Biden can clearly articulate the case against the president—especially his mishandling of the coronavirus crisis

The DNC wants to make this the new narrative because loyal Democrat morons will buy the vague charge of "mishandling".

The only problem is that nobody believes that Biden is competent in any way, shape, or form - not even the loyalists.

RichardJohnson said...

“When Biden is talking with a teleprompter, he commands the situation much better than Trump.”

Trump got accolades for his State of the Union speech.

Todd said...

If Biden's speaking does not improve, it will play into the most obvious critiques of his candidacy. The Trump campaign will go after Biden as an establishment politician of the Washington, D.C., "swamp," who therefore talks in "political speak"; or it will characterize him as "confused," and therefore standing for nothing; or it will paint him as "too old" to handle the job.

This was clearly written by someone that has not actually heard or seen Biden speak in the last 2 or 3 months.

All Trump needs to do is play a montage of Biden's basement videos for 5 minutes and then just say "Do you REALLY want give this man the nuclear codes?"

Today's Biden can't string 8 coherent words together to make a single proper sentence. He can't even read off of a teleprompter convincingly.

His wife needs an intervention and he needs to be seen by competent doctors.

Beach Brutus said...

With few exceptions, I'd hate to see how American politicians would fare against a British Prime Minister's Question Time.

Tomcc said...

Congratulations, Professor Althouse. Prior to you posting this, I'd bet only half a dozen people were aware of Tom Roger's sentiments. I appreciate that you probe the deep, dark recesses of the internet in your daily routine!
The point has been made that this is not like saying "stand up straight!".

narciso said...


NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Remember the old videos of George W. Bush stumbling on words?

MadTownGuy said...

I should add that Joe Biden's word jumbles are not the biggest problem. His, and the DNCC's, message is that we should vote for him because he's not Trump. Nothing else, no substance, no plan, bupkis. At least Bernie has a plan, though it's a horrible one for our economy and our freedoms; Joe Biden's got nothing.

rehajm said...

So Joe and his Paramour are the leading propaganda show this cycle? Okay then...

madAsHell said...

They're looking at just turning the tele-prompter toward the camera, and then all Joe has to do is smile.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

The party insiders pre-select the candidates and the dog and pony show of primary 'voting' is done only to engage voters for the general election.

So Trump was the choice of party insiders?

tcrosse said...

If they don't figure out how to slide Biden out of there, then it will be plain to the most casual observer that his VP nominee will be the real presidential nominee. And it won't be Bernie.

YoungHegelian said...

Relevant, from a recent link at Insty:

However, Stephanopoulos didn’t let the [question of Biden's involve with Flynn prosecution] go. In fact, he caught Biden saying something untrue: “I do want to press that. You say you didn’t know anything about it, but you were reported to be at a January 5th, 2017 meeting where you and the President were briefed on the FBI’s plan to question Michael Flynn over those conversations he had with the Russian Ambassador Kislyak.”

Biden was flustered as he fumbled around for an answer:

No, I thought you asked me whether or not I had anything to do with him being prosecuted. I’m sorry. I was aware that there was – that they had asked for an investigation, but that’s all I know about it, and I don’t think anything else.

I actually believe Biden here. Biden may have been present, but so probably were a couple of potted plants. I think by that time in the Obama administration, Biden was simply a placeholder, and would not have been trusted with something as on-the-edge & politically dangerous as the prosecution of Flynn & the spying on the Trump campaign/administration.

narciso said...

the rest of the story,

AZ Bob said...

Look fat!

Anonymous said...

We need a brain transplant, stat!

Jim at said...

In other words, if someone writes it for him and all he has to do is read it, he's OK.

Nope. He can't even do that.

Anonymous said...

Every conversation with Biden eventually ends up sounding like someone who is visiting their grandpa at the nursing home.

Drago said...

Democrats are smart, unlike republicans. So we are told. It's "science".

So why can't they script better unscripted moments?

Ray - SoCal said...

It seems the powers that be have decided Biden needs to go...

"Joe Biden struggled to answer SURPRLISLING challenging questions from co-host George Stephanopoulos"

walter said...

FWIW, he seemed fairly cogent during the Mika interview.
I think he stayed away from the word "intercourse", which is a good move.
I wonder if his team are able to juice him up sufficiently to get through brief intercoursing.Scosh of amphetamines, perhaps.

hstad said...

jersey Fled said...In other words, if someone writes it for him and all he has to do is read it, he's OK. 5/12/20, 10:30 AM

"...jersey Fled..." I believe "Biden" learned that from his boss. Obama was great when reading of a Teleprompter but stuttered, misspoke and was consistently incoherent when asked to do impromptu talks. Anybody miss that?

"...Obama's safety net: the TelePrompter..."

whitney said...

He's a dementia patient. He is not going to get more understandable

Rosalyn C. said...

The standard fix is to anticipate the questions and memorize the answers, or in Biden's case print out the right answers, based on focus group research. That's what all politicians do, at least Obama did that and so did Hillary. Biden is not following the SOP. Maybe he's been influenced by Trump's authenticity and thinks that will work in his case or Biden's not able to pivot that quickly. I agree, don't try to fix Joe. Let us see him as he is. No one forced him to run.

WisRich said...

MadTownGuy said...
I should add that Joe Biden's word jumbles are not the biggest problem. His, and the DNCC's, message is that we should vote for him because he's not Trump. Nothing else, no substance, no plan, bupkis. At least Bernie has a plan, though it's a horrible one for our economy and our freedoms; Joe Biden's got nothing

You scoff but Tony Evers got elected in WI on exactly that: not Walker, not Trump.

Sheridan said...

Yes to Joe Scarborough taking Biden's place as Dem nominee! Donald Trump vs. Max Headroom!! Can they digitize Joe's voice to sound like Max?

Kevin said...

When Biden is talking with a teleprompter, he commands the situation much better than Trump.

Biden has always been much better when he's submitting someone else's work.

Krumhorn said...

One moment during the Anita Hill hearings, Arlen Spector was pressing an important point as the ranking member, and Biden, as the chairman, was trying to shut him up. Biden, snarled out of the side of his mouth, hissing like a venomous snake, that he was going to shut off Spector's mic. The evil of the man was palpable.

- Krumhorn

Kevin said...


Here's an entry picked at random:

FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2014

Chatting with Joe

As you may be aware, there hasn't been too much for me to do of late. Big Guy keeps trying to avoid using me in public because, well, it's tough to look like the smartest guy in the room when all you can do it read off a screen. Then, of course, there is the fact that he hasn't had much to say that didn't involve his pulling together his NCAA tournament brackets or talking up his golf game.

So I've been spending time with Joe Biden, and he made some public comments that have been misinterpreted. You see, he got a little confused up on the podium as he is wont to do. And he said, "Stop moving that, that, that, that, uh, you know, what's this thing called? You know, a TelePrompter. Barack always kids when he says, 'I'm learning to speak without a TelePrompter, Joe's learning to speak with one.'"

This is true, but not in the way some might think. You see, each afternoon, at about 3, I head over to the Naval Observatory and sit with Joe in his study and we just chat. About sports, how he likes to ride choo-choo trains, about how Big Guy won't let him have a SnapChat account because all he takes are pictures of his shoes. So Joe is literally learning how to talk to a Teleprompter. Next week, he's going to start leaning how to converse with the microwave, and by the end of the term we hope to having talking to the Keurig coffeemaker. By 2017 allowing him to talk to humans should be a real possibility.

A possibility that didn't quite come to fruition.

Rabel said...

YoungHegelian said...

"I actually believe Biden here."

Which Biden statement do you believe:

"I knew nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn, number one."

Thirty seconds later -

"I was aware that they asked for an investigation."

MadisonMan said...

Most days when I'm out walking I pass one of those "Any Functioning Adult 2020" signs. And then I think of Biden, and I roll my eyes.

Well done, Democrats.

MadTownGuy said...

Not sure if Blogger ate my comment or if it didn't survive moderation. On the chance it was the former, here it is again.

"I believe Biden is capable of making this jump.... If Biden can clearly articulate the case against the president—especially his mishandling of the coronavirus crisis—he has a real shot at cutting through all the Trump campaign's attacks. This critique is easy to lay out. The administration has clearly failed on many levels, as Joe Scarborough crystallizes every day on Morning Joe...."

1. Manufactured crisis; exploitation of an existential threat that was at first announced by "experts" as no big deal, then a BFD that required draconian measures. I.e., a political stunt designed to get Trump.

2. Mishandling: facts not in evidence. Trump did act based on the information at hand and not on the recommendations of his opponents. Luke 7:32 comes to mind.

Added thought: Joe Biden's biggest challenge is not his word salad. It's that his, and the DNCC's message, is that Biden isn't Trump. No substantive policy; no new ideas. In other words, bupkis.

MadisonMan said...

Joe Biden struggled to answer SURPRLISLING challenging questions from co-host George Stephanopoulos"

Biden's very long sigh while Stephanopoulos is asking. That's a bad move for any politician.

I'm Not Sure said...

"I mean, grading on a curve for Boomers in their mid-70s."

Joe is pre-boomer. Just sayin'.

RobinGoodfellow said...

“His wife needs an intervention and he needs to be seen by competent doctors.”

“Dr” Jill and the rest of the Bidens are on the grift. They can’t afford for Joe to bow out. Then they will have to get real jobs.

Readering said...

Exactly. Outrage last three dems standing all preboomers.

YoungHegelian said...


Which Biden statement do you believe:

"I knew nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn, number one."

Thirty seconds later -

"I was aware that they asked for an investigation.

The two statements are not contradictions. In statement number 2, Biden is aware that an investigation was asked for. "Asked for" does not imply knowledge that the "investigation is actually active & I know the details of its legally dubious steps". And those legally dubious steps are what I think Biden means by "those moves".

Understand, my absolution of Biden in this matter is not based on his superior moral virtue. It's based on my guesstimate that the Obama admin would never let a gaffe-machine like Biden anywhere near an operation as politically & legally sensitive as the "soft-coup" against the Trump administration that was to follow.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

It's entirely plausible, likely actually, that Biden was at the White House Flynn meeting and knows nothing about the White House Flynn meeting.

Bay Area Guy said...

Slightly off-topic for this nice Slow Joe thread. But...

Still the greatest piece of Journalism this century:

NYT - October 31, 2016: "Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia"

Money grafs:

WASHINGTON — For much of the summer, the F.B.I. pursued a widening investigation into a Russian role in the American presidential campaign. Agents scrutinized advisers close to Donald J. Trump, looked for financial connections with Russian financial figures, searched for those involved in hacking the computers of Democrats, and even chased a lead — which they ultimately came to doubt — about a possible secret channel of email communication from the Trump Organization to a Russian bank.

Law enforcement officials say that none of the investigations so far have found any conclusive or direct link between Mr. Trump and the Russian government. And even the hacking into Democratic emails, F.B.I. and intelligence officials now believe, was aimed at disrupting the presidential election rather than electing Mr. Trump.

Ahh, when anonymous FBI leakers faceplant on their own plan.....

Drago said...

"And even the hacking into Democratic emails, F.B.I. and intelligence officials now believe, was aimed at disrupting the presidential election rather than electing Mr. Trump."

We also now know there is no evidence of Russia hacking the DNC servers.

And Podesta admitted under oath that he and Hillary knew in the Fall of 2016 that the campaign was paying for the hoax dossier...which makes a few of Hillarys comments during the debates all the mire interesting when she begins to allude to hoax Russian connections.

The look in Hillarys eyes when Trump said if he was in charge she would be in jail is so very telling: you can just see she is thinking just wait till Im running the govt with Comey and Yates and McCabe and the SDNY and the NY DA....

Drago said...

"And even the hacking into Democratic emails, F.B.I. and intelligence officials now believe, was aimed at disrupting the presidential election rather than electing Mr. Trump."

We also now know there is no evidence of Russia hacking the DNC servers.

And Podesta admitted under oath that he and Hillary knew in the Fall of 2016 that the campaign was paying for the hoax dossier...which makes a few of Hillarys comments during the debates all the mire interesting when she begins to allude to hoax Russian connections.

The look in Hillarys eyes when Trump said if he was in charge she would be in jail is so very telling: you can just see she is thinking just wait till Im running the govt with Comey and Yates and McCabe and the SDNY and the NY DA....

pious agnostic said...

Bay Area Guy said...
.....Also, pulling someone off the sidelines (Michelle, or Hillary) means the entire Democrat primary voting system was a pointless farce....

5/12/20, 10:58 AM

c.f. The 2016 Democratic Primary.

Bay Area Guy said...

"I should add that Joe Biden's word jumbles are not the biggest problem."

Ahh, "jumbles." I shall add it to my generic description of Slow Joe, who mumbles, stumbles, bumbles and jumbles his way thru most interviews.

Bruce Hayden said...

Biden is a bad candidate, made worse by his progressive senility. But what is going on in the background is probably more critical here. Trump used the term #ObamaGate this weekend, and it is now trending because evidence is now fairly strong that much of the RussiaGate coup attempt. He knew and approved of the spying on Flynn and trying to take him our with a perjury trap. So did Biden. Or Biden should have known, if he had understood what was going on, because he was at the critical WH meeting where it was planned. In any case, I don’t think that Obama is getting a third term, through Biden, or even Michelle (she would probably do better though because of the racial angle).

The dam seems to have broken, and the trickle of evidence implicating Obama, Biden, their political appointees, and Deep State careerists, has become a river. Acting DNI Grinell first got the House transcripts of most of the participants in Congressional hearings in 2018 released that HPSCI chair Schifty had effectively been sitting on since he took over the committee. They are being meticulously crowd sourced, and there is a lot of incriminating information being correlated and published. He also apparently is having AG Barr declassify who in the Obama WH did all the FISA unmasking. USA Durham is investigating the Intelligence Community, for their part in the coup, and Brennan, at least, is panicking. Clapper was just caught lying under oath. Again. To cover more ground, USA Jensen was brought in to look over the Mueller SC fake (because there was no valid predication) investigation. The DOJ’s motion to dismiss the Flynn case was the first visible fruit of that investigation. Very likely not the last, since it was based entirely on the fraudulent Steele Dossier, archaic Logan Act, and rarely criminal fabricated FARA violations. Keep in mind that it was the Mueller prosecutors who were the ones obstructing justice by preventing Congress and the IG from investigating Crossfire Hurricane with their fake investigation, that everyone involved, from the first, knew was fraudulently predicated. There never was any collusion between the Russian govt and Trump and his people, and everyone involved knew it all along.

People call this treason. It isn’t really. Rather it is sedition, at a level we probably haven’t seen for two centuries. Every damn one of them violated their oath to protect the Constitution and tried to overturn and negate our Constitutionally elected government from the inside. The expectation is that the indictments won’t be unsealed until maybe mid summer. But they will still be fresh in everyone’s mind by November. Moreover, the blatantancy of the coup attempt is going to drive a lot of Trump supporters to crawl across broken glass to vote for Trump this year. What does Biden have to excite his voters? His involvement in the coup? His 45 years of being wrong on pretty much every issue for most of the last half century? His sexual peccadilloes? His inability to keep a train of thought and read cue cards when he speaks?

Inga said...

“You scoff but Tony Evers got elected in WI on exactly that: not Walker, not Trump.”


Inga said...

“The Dems can't face the reality that Biden is senile.”

We all know he’s senile. But so is Trump. It’s a choice between who would be a better senile president.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Biden would have a much better chance if he weren’t Biden.

Eric said...


narciso said...

JAORE said...

"“Dr” Jill and the rest of the Bidens are on the grift. They can’t afford for Joe to bow out. Then they will have to get real jobs."

And her son might go to jail

Rabel said...

"The two statements are not contradictions."

You might want to watch the interview. He tried to brush off the question with his first, dishonest response and was caught flat-footed when Steff came back with the followup.

JAORE said...

Don't discount the media safety net. So far Biden's "plan" for how he'd have handled the corona virus seems to be:
I'd have done it earlier.
I'd have done it better.
I'd have scienced the hell out of it.
Not like that Orange Man.

And the media cheers this brilliant framework.

doctrev said...

Bob Dole, Gerry Ford, and especially Ronald Reagan are owed gargantuan apologies. This farce shows the Prometheans in the press corps and the DNC never believed their outrageous lies about those men. In fact, stacking up Slow Biden against Ronnie would have ended in a collapse worse than Mondalian proportions.

But I can't complain, because the double-down approach of the Prometheans is how they prepared the nation for Trump.

Yancey Ward said...

We need a brain transplant, stat!

Perhaps Biden's Brain is out there somewhere beyond the stars running some alien species' planet.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

does Jar Jar Biden take his mask off (speaking literally)

...when the cameras arent rolling, like the other phonies?

Banjo said...

If Mo is greased onto the ticket in place of Ole Joe those old, slow-burning rumors that it's Mike in a dress will burst into flame again. The Trump camp will see to that.

narciso said...


Mark said...

This is emphatically not a speaking problem. It is a mental competency problem.

I sometimes speak with a hitch in my voice, a slight impediment. That's different than being mentally deficient.

Whatever Biden was in the past -- and it was never articulate or intelligent in speech -- his condition now is VASTLY different.

narciso said...

a dog returns to his vomit,

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Unless the fix is code for mail in ballots.

Paco Wové said...

"we should vote for him because he's not Trump."

Like it or not – for a lot of voters, that's probably enough.

Mark said...

“I know nothing about those moves to investigate Michael Flynn,” Biden said on Good Morning America. “I was aware that there was, that they asked for an investigation, but that’s all I know about.”

Tomcc said...

So, would this advice from Mr. Rogers be considered an "in-kind" contribution?

Bob Loblaw said...

Good lord. Biden has been in politics since God was a kid. There's no way he's going to make substantive changes without coming across as wooden.

Narayanan said...

Hey Adam Schiff - what do you want to be when you grows up?

Adam Schiff : I would like to be like Joe Biden

Maillard Reactionary said...

"Figure out how to fix this issue, and fix it quickly.... Yeah, fix it...."

No big problem there. I hear that Abbie Normal has donated his brain to science. Democrats are the party of science, right? Just a quick weekend away (nobody will miss him), a few more hair plugs, and ol' Joe should be good to go.

His memory could hardly be worse with someone else's brain in his head.

Maillard Reactionary said...

DBQ said: "Biden has dementia.

There is no fixing that."

So true!

So the solution will have be to convince people that they should not notice it. Unless you want to be called a mean name. Nobody wants to be called a mean name, right?

You know, just the usual way that Leftists deal with apostates and unbelievers. And if they keep at it, there are other things that can happen to them.

Maillard Reactionary said...

OK, rhhardin @10:58 AM: I'LL LOOK IT UP.

Narayanan said...

Blogger Francisco D said...
If Biden can clearly articulate the case against the president—especially his mishandling of the coronavirus crisis

The DNC wants to make this the new narrative because loyal Democrat morons will buy the vague charge of "mishandling".
how much can D's milk this with their COVID19 hearing in the House? better than impeachment? no need to send to Senate

Automatic_Wing said...

What's more interesting than Biden not remembering or lying about the Flynn question is that George Stephanopoulos called him out on the Flynn question. Normally he wouldn't do that to a Democratic Presidential nominee.

Lurker21 said...

We expect too much of politicians. We expect that if we elect them they will change and reveal themselves to have more in them than we could rationally expect. But nobody has expectations as unrealistic as this Newsweek guy's. You can't expect somebody to be something other than they've been for the past fifty years, and even if you could, you can't override basic biology.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

OT: Over the target. yikes

Guildofcannonballs said...

Did Althouse suggest Trump drop out of the election, a month or two before he won that very same election for the highest elected position in any land?

Was that, if it happened as I'm helpfully suggesting here, helpful? To whom?

It was certainly hilarious none/nevertheless.

Never/nonetheless. None/never-theless. Never/none[theless].

rcocean said...

Its one reason - but not the main reason - the D's are pushing vote by mail. Wrack up huge amounts of early mail-in votes, so that if Biden falls "ill" or can't make it to election day, they can still win with the VP.

its funny how Biden is being cocooned from the voters, just like Hillary was. Protected by the Press too. The less the voters see of Biden the better for him.

JohnAnnArbor said...

77. He's 77.

I didn't remember that. If asked, I would have said 73 or 74.

Guildofcannonballs said...

--The joke used to be that media types were "Democratic strategists with bylines."--

It was never a joke, and they are operatives not strategists.

Howard said...

My senile rapist is better than your senile rapist.

Lewis said...

This acwarning not a post: If you bring Cholerw

Into my world, your gonna die -
You ' and your tall, short people',
you 'thinny, fat people',
You ' somebody poeple',
You 'nobody poeple'!

320Busdriver said...

Blogger BleachBit-and-Hammers said...
OT: Over the target. yikes

Thank you for that! It’s been tough, but the Brewers have been good about allowing some refunds of $ not enjoyed. I hope we can get 1/2 a season in, fans or not.

Lewis said...

This is a warning not a post: If you bring Cholera

Into my world, your gonna die -
You ' thin, your tall, short people',
you 'thinny, fat people',
You ' somebody poeple',
You 'nobody poeple'!

narciso said...

Drago said...

Automatic_Wing: "What's more interesting than Biden not remembering or lying about the Flynn question is that George Stephanopoulos called him out on the Flynn question. Normally he wouldn't do that to a Democratic Presidential nominee."

Stephy Stephanopoulos teed it up and Biden just flubbed it.

No different than if you put a senile demented old dude at shortstop and hit a slow grounder to him.....

Guildofcannonballs said...

--my definition of intelligence: "The mental ability to overcome necessary challenges with available resources"--

Shit definition bro, no offense.

The is okay.

Is mental redundant?

Ability is okay.

Overcome? No, lots of intelligence doesn't overcome anything unless you want to be tautological.

Necessary is just wrong. How many 160 IQs fuck away their life with absolutely unnecessary prog politics?

Challenges is sort of alright, in a taking a test is a challenge type of sophist way to your meaning.

Available resources precludes intelligence from supplying those very same resources in a circular reasoning sort of way.

Intelligence: An ability (though even if possessed not necessarily used perfunctorily) to understand and adapt, i.e. not perish, to challenges or whimsical exercises of no biological impact despite resources that if available would preclude the want of means enhancing survival or temporal hedonism.

320Busdriver said...

House Dem Hero’s Act is total giveaway to illegals, H1 visas, blue state SALT, and lobbyists. What does it say when I work in CA, love it’s weather and physical beauty, but hate it’s politics and people who vote for the destructive policies and insane pols. I would die before I would reside in CA and pay their taxes. Yeah, that makes me a hater. I guess.

Dr Weevil said...

JAORE (4:18pm):
Actually, it's Dr. Jill Biden's stepson who may go to jail. Hunter and Beau were from Joe's first marriage.

Drago said...

Howard: "My senile rapist is better than your senile rapist."

Poor Howard.

He thinks Biden is running Bill Clinton.

Howard, breathe's 2020.

Guildofcannonballs said...


--my definition of intelligence: "The mental ability to overcome necessary challenges with available resources"--

Shit definition bro, no offense.

The is okay.

Is mental redundant? I think of "muscle memory" but it seems to moi like using mental when talking about the definition of intelligence isn't ideal.

Ability is okay.

Overcome? No, lots of intelligence doesn't overcome anything unless you want to be tautological. Let's define undercome and come back to this.

Necessary is just wrong. How many 160 IQs fuck away their life with absolutely unnecessary prog politics?

Challenges is sort of alright, in the way that taking a test is a challenge-type of sophist way to your meaning.

Available resources precludes intelligence from supplying those very same resources in a circular reasoning sort of way, but much worsely

Intelligence: Ability to understand why, and sometimes how, to adapt, i.e. not perish, from biologically-determined means.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Guildofcannonballs said...

"strategists" is a heck of term though.

One way: strata gist(!).

Another: st. rat gists.

Another: strate gists.

Another: StrategI-ists. (Thanks Pete).

Iman said...

narciso @4:17PM... Patterico ordered a couple of commenters to stop linking to SWC’s RedState posts. A very sad situation there, as he continues to promote and cling to that which has been disproven.

Guildofcannonballs said...

----what's he smokin'?


“The time of election is fast approaching the United States of America, where many of my children of Christ reside. I am fearful that the least among them will fall victim again to the evil and morally decrepit creature Trump. I believe that should he be re-elected, God wil abandon all of his blessings upon America, and may see fit to raze it down, as Sodom, as Gomorrah.”----

Nice press you trust there, what other stories of theirs and them do you find credible and noteworthy?

Thank you in advance for letting us know, as have so many others before us, Pope Francis is like Trump in so many ways.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Tupac talked about this stuff. Trump understood.

I can't quote that stuff here, too harsh. But Trump knew.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Sometimes I feel as though I am a great chess player, playing hundreds of games at a time, winning every one.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Joe Biden defines adversity: Been working for folks through government all his life.

With white folks like him the whole way mostly, because the damn GOP wouldn't let blacks in the Senate aid group folks. I'm tellin' it like it is. So the folks wanted in and the, you know who here, when I, you know when talking about this they just try and make it bad, but it isnt ad, bad, it is't bad, its just needs to be daeed, these Repbulicans are running for Senate to take away, uh, to tell you, the people, "oh we don't give a damn about you" you people, but that's why Jill, Jill and I , we want .. uh uh Jukl.e.""A?D?>JDSa nk;SJDHNv/

Howard said...

Francis (peace be with him) is nearly 4-years late to the party. Everything's gone to shit since the Cubs won the world series. Lucifer has rained down on the Amber ways of grain and purple mountains majesty in league with the G_dless ChiCom meddling Interlopers.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

thatnks-- Poe's Law is getting to us

Guildofcannonballs said...

Boy that public service is tough, Joe will tell you.

Joe will tell you, how tough his life had been, thinking only about you, the little guy.

The guy who wasn't drunk driving and didn't murder anyone who Joe destroyed? Well let's hear it: that fucking plumber should have shut his goddamned mouth.

Oh wait, that wasn't Joe? Oh...

Wonder why King No Scandal would choose a denizen of Satan's First Home: Washington D.C. for his VP and for his residence.

Ask China if they are Satan's First Home and they would have an answer you should get.

Automatic_Wing said...

Pope Francis: Fire and brimstone coming down from the sky! Rivers and seas boiling! Real wrath of God type stuff!

Guildofcannonballs said...

In Althouse's paitn bluh blah blb, I am the Red.

I'll be known and remembered otherwise, but the Red of the pastiche will be sublime.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"otherwise," has depths most potent and earnestly true and pure: other ways may be wise.

From that, others may be wise, we can start to comprehend how to engage (by golly I want to input a "u" every time I write the word 'engage' but there never is a u there) short of a system of getting along Scalia The Great wrote about, at great lengths.

I believe they call them opinions, but I disregard anyone trying to use sophistry on, where are we?, oh yeah, here at the Althouse blog, Scalia's impact on even those whose voting history heretofore hasn't been in strict alighnment.

Guildofcannonballs said...


Comment 187???

Guildofcannonballs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
steve uhr said...

Judge Sullivan's decision is hardly surprising. A judge generally wants to hear from adversarial parties on a difficult question of law. Here DOJ and Flynn are on the same side.

A Fox News story suggests that Sullivan by indicating that he may accept amicus briefs violated some ethical rules:

"Judge Sullivan, who denied leave to file amicus briefs when he knew third parties would have spoken favorably of Flynn, now solicits briefs critical of Flynn," independent journalist Michael Cernovich wrote on Twitter Tuesday evening. "This is a violation of the judicial oath and applicable ethical rules. We will be filing a complaint against Sullivan. ... [He] is acting as a politician, not a judge."

What nonsense. Can't wait to see the complaint he files.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Watched the rest of Twin Peaks.


Guildofcannonballs said...

After coma and before, true beauty, for us all now.

Guildofcannonballs said...

David Lynch has been the best author/director/writer/bon viviant the world has seen.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Has there been a post-COVID commerical not featuring David Lynch?

Think about it. You just stop and think now.

The answer is NO: There Ain't Damn Ever Been!

walter said...

Old GOC posts had the benefit of never being able to determine whether they wee were off topic...

Guildofcannonballs said...

David Lynch is in the running for Greatest American. The more successful he is, the more ironic it is to/too.

Guildofcannonballs said...

None could ever look at David Lynch and think "oh you should have been a better American." He was one of the all time greats decades ago.

Like millions of other Americans. Q do our ownthing.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Why didn't they care when Tupac told 'em: straight up Democratics gettin' paid by gangs. THat
what up.

Guildofcannonballs said...

America has never given Tupac his due.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Any proggy Democratic wanna say Tupac got his due you talk.

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