May 4, 2020

Biden ineptly selects Christopher Dodd to help him pick a VP candidate.

It's mind-boggling.

I'm reading "Dodd's Alleged Past Misconduct Shadows Biden's VP Panel" (Real Clear Politics).
Biden has named Dodd to help steer his selection committee for a vice president, raising the question of whether one former senator should answer for his unwanted sexual behavior during [the 1980s] and whether another, the former vice president, made a poor choice in selecting him – especially as past sexual assault allegations now confront Biden in his White House bid....

Dodd... served in Congress for more than three decades. Dodd also had an after-hours reputation. He was considered a playboy at the time, and his less than genteel exploits, helped along by the late Sen. Ted Kennedy, led to an infamous neologism. It’s called “a waitress sandwich.”... The two senators were acting, as was their habit, like “two guys in a fraternity who have been loosed upon the world”....

The alleged assault was unusual, though Dodd and Kennedy, GQ reported, had a habit of wining and dining young dates, making certain “to get their girls very, very drunk.”

There was another infamous moment, this one with a famous movie star. Carrie Fisher had left rehab for the first time and was set up on a date with Dodd. It was 1985 again and Kennedy was there. She was sober and the dinner was almost over when the liberal icon leaned across the table to ask, in Fisher’s telling, “Do you think you’ll be having sex with Chris at the end of your date?”

Recounting the moment in her autobiography, “Shockaholic," Fisher noted that the senator from Connecticut was “looking at me with an unusual grin hanging on his very flushed face.”...

Dodd... ran in the same circles as Harvey Weinstein, the disgraced film producer now serving a 23-year sentence for sexual assault. The two, the senator said in 2012, had been “close friends” for 30 years....


robother said...

You want a Veep who knows how to make a sammich, you go to the expert.

wendybar said...

Ignorance is bliss, and there are plenty of ignorant Progressives who won't care..because Orange Man BAD!!! He may as well ask Bill Cosby.

mccullough said...

It’s weird that Teddy Kennedy would crash the date between Dodd and Fisher.

Shouting Thomas said...

By the professor’s Marxist feminist standards, only women and gay men are fit for office, or really for any job.

Normal human heterosexual attraction, accompanied by the usual clumsiness and stupidity must be eradicated. Dumb sex jokes are grounds for ruining men.

People shouldn’t be going out drinking and having a good time. They might say something dumb.

Women are saints. And we know gay men never do stupid sex shit. Or ever engage in perverse behavior.

Lance said...

This is Clinton's doing. Hart retired after one photo. Clinton refused to step aside, and his supporters refused to drive him out, after every sordid revelation. Now any misanthrope of a politician knows that he can brazen it out if he's "important" enough. "Grab 'em by the pussy. You can do anything".

rhhardin said...

Guys care about the Dodd-Frank, not sexual matters. The sex is for women.

rhhardin said...

The morality change isn't a morality change; it's a clickbait genre introduction.

robother said...

Could go the same way as Dick Cheney being in charge of selecting W's Veep. Dodd persuades Sleepy Joe he's the only sensible pick. Two Wild 'n Crazy Guys in the White House!

Nonapod said...

It's almost as if Biden doesn't comprehend the scrutiny he's under. It's very odd.

TreeJoe said...

Nothing like choosing a serial sexual harasser (rapist?) to lead your Veep selection when you've guaranteed the selection will be female.

Just to be clear from that article:

- Dodd had a decades long history of drunkenly chasing women
- He was acknowledged to seek to get his dates very drunk (rape?)
- He & Kennedy admitted the waitress sandwich debauchery


This is the type of person who struggles to have a job, keep friends, and stay out of prison/trouble. In the real world.

Leading selection of a female Veep.

Dave Begley said...

This just shows what a Swamp Creature China Joe is. He's clueless. E.g. It's okay for cokehead son Hunter to become rich via China and Ukraine. That's how things are done in DC.

It is also remarkable that his campaign people can't stop him from doing stupid shit like this.

Hillary will be the nominee.

Mattman26 said...

Sexual clumsiness, Thomas? I believe the "waitress sandwich" waitress was thrown on the table.

Mind-boggling is right. Pretty sure if you were to poll people to find the top five things they can tell you about Chris Dodd, the waitress sandwich would make the top two. (Dodd-Frank being the other.) With all the other potential VP search committee people to pick from, you pick him?

Shouting Thomas said...

I’d like to ask the men on this board,,,

Are you really willing to submit to Althouse’s Marxist feminist sexual ideology?

She’s working on the assumption that U.S. women are oppressed and subordinated and that all sexual matters between heterosexual men and women must be submitted to that Marxist analysis.

She’s very cleverly assuming that you have already submitted to her ideological claims.

J. Farmer said...

Is it possible the entire Biden campaign is a Sacha Baron Cohen skit?

rhhardin said...

I always treat women respectfully. But they do get off on sexual fantasies.

Shouting Thomas said...


You really don’t know what happened, or whether or not what happened was consensual.

Threesomes are a very common sexual perversion. A lot of women like them.

You see how fully you’ve swallowed Althouse’s Marxist feminist assumptions?

You’ve assumed that a woman cannot be involved in perverse sexual actions by her own volition.

Gk1 said...

Hah, what a joke. Well at least it proves its Slow Joe running the show with stellar picks from way back when like this. This gives us some insight on how Joe wants to "bring back some sense to Washington".

Kevin said...


The Left digs even more deeply into the "unforced errors" narrative because the "you have all been taken for a ride" narrative is just too damaging to their self-identity.

Howard said...

God damn you people should be f****** ecstatic about this decision. TDDS seems to be as uncurable as TDS.

rhhardin said...

Believing women means believing that they see the world that way. But lateral thinking that is their habit is pretty much unmoored from what men perceive with a little in-depth thinking.

I myself play chess like a woman. I don't care enough to give it any thought. If it looks like a good move, make it, and to hell with it.

Mattman26 said...

Well Thomas I'm pretty sure no one here "knows what happened," but by all accounts it sounds pretty gross, and I'm pretty sure you don't need to be a Marxist to think so.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Biden is tone deaf, has horrible instinct, and is terminally confused. Why wait until the convention to dump him? Sooner the better Democrats, if you care for advice from horrified America. I think Trump will won big if the cheaters are successful at doing to national end toons what they’ve done to California I’d prefer the Democrats run a living breathing American in place of Slow Hoe Joe.

Tina Trent said...

Umm, inept?

chickelit said...

Women are saints. And we know gay men never do stupid sex shit. Or ever engage in perverse behavior.

Sometimes they act like nuns --drinking their nun's oath ale.

Rocketeer said...

She’s working on the assumption that U.S. women are oppressed and subordinated and that all sexual matters between heterosexual men and women must be submitted to that Marxist analysis.

I can think both that a) women are not collectively oppressed and subordinated in sexual matters and b) if you throw an unwilling woman on a table, breaking glass and candlesticks, and then proceed to hold her down in a friend's lap and grind your crotch on her, you are a criminal.

robother said...

The concern trolling about Sleepy Joe hooks Howard! Hoist on his own petard.

Shouting Thomas said...


I actually think I have a common cause in this with you because you are a man, and that common cause transcends partisan politics.

I refuse to submit to Althouse’s Marxist feminist moral standard.

This shit she’s pushing can come back to bite any man in the ass.

And, as I said, by her standards, only women and gay men are fit for office or any job. Which just happens to serve her self-interest.

Spiros said...

We need a “Shitty Media Men” list for politicians.

Kevin said...

At a certain point, the German prison guards had to question whether they were the evil ones.

The Progressive Left is working overtime to expunge the deplorables, smug in their belief they're on the Reich side of history.

MikeR said...

@Thomas "I’d like to ask the men on this board,,, Are you really willing to submit to Althouse’s Marxist feminist sexual ideology?" Speaking only for myself: I work for one of the top research hospitals in the world. It has a very powerful and completely humorless HR department. We take regular mandatory classes on sexual harassment. Some very top doctors have fallen afoul of it, gotten warnings, and crept back across the line they had crossed, and no more trouble.
It would never occur to me to do this kind of garbage, because I would absolutely be afraid to. This is how it is supposed to look in modern America.
We aren't talking about frat parties, we're talking about Congress. And Hollywood. These scum didn't get the memo, and/or thought that rules are for peons, and it's way past time. #timesUp

M Jordan said...

On the menu at Biden headquarters today:

-Waitress sandwich
-Word salad
-Old white bread
-Bull slaw
-Amnesia Tea

All of it served up with a toothy smile!!!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

“I think Trump will WIN BUT if the cheaters are successful...”

Is what I meant to write.

Kevin said...

Biden wanted Jessie Helms, but learned he was unavailable.

cubanbob said...

J. Farmer said...
Is it possible the entire Biden campaign is a Sacha Baron Cohen skit?"

That is the most plausible explanation yet. And if it isn't, then life is imitating comedy which is particularly true with respects to Biden.

J. Farmer said...

Why wait until the convention to dump him? Sooner the better Democrats, if you care for advice from horrified America.

My guess is they are waiting until a clear successor emerges (e.g. a VP pick). But the band is certainly ready to play him off the stage.

Wince said...

Dodd: A fine pick for a doddering, in artful dodger like Biden?

Shouting Thomas said...


You’re only guessing at what actually happened.

I happen to be a retired biker, and I’ve attended many biker festivals, including the big ones.

The big festivals are carnivals of wife swapping. Being thrown around, passed around and literally swept off one’s feet is a very, very common sexual thing for women at these festivals. And it’s all consensual.

I’m talking about couples who own $50,000 Harleys that they bought with their jobs as dentists, doctors, nurses, programmers, etc.

Your belief that women like only nice, sedate, sensitive sex is dead wrong. There are plenty of women who like their sex rough.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Bob Packwood must have turned down Joe’s offer.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Teachable moment here...

You can't run a national campaign from your basement. Not enough oxygen.

You got to end these lockdowns so Biden can have a chance at beating Trump.

Let Biden out of the basement.

Kevin said...

We aren't talking about frat parties, we're talking about Congress. And Hollywood.

The key is to raise the "I'm for women" flag and preach that everyone else needs to get into line.

You don't think people went around questioning Joe Goebbels' commitment to the movement, do you?

And they damn well knew not to look into his papers.

Shouting Thomas said...


Nurses are notoriously hard partiers. Also notoriously on the make for a doctor husband.

The incident in question is an after work hours drinking party.

I went to plenty of them with co-workers. You want the corporation to run your life there?

Shouting Thomas said...

When I was young and living in San Francisco in the 70s, everybody was partying after hours with co-workers and screwing their co-workers who they hit it off with at after hours parties. Gay and hetero alike. Couples, threesomes, orgies. All consensual.

You really think this is the business of your employer?

Nonapod said...

Keep in mind, Biden needs to appeal to swing voters, a majority of whom are middle class women. If you're a male Trump supporter whether or not you think whatever Dodd and Ted Kennedy supposedly did with some waitress decades ago was acceptable or not, or you doubt that it happened at all, is irrelevant because you're not the audience Biden is trying to appeal to anyway.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I’ve heard that take about SlowJoe picking a VP and then handing off the nomination like a baton. (A) That's not how it works. (B) Bernie remains viable because he has delegates (and who else does?). (C) No one alive has seen a truly contested nominating convention for one of the Major Two Parties.

Please submit more reasonable scenarios for our consideration.

Michael K said...

Guys care about the Dodd-Frank, not sexual matters. The sex is for women.

Yup. Dodd and Frank killed off 2/3 of the banks in the country after the guy who owned Countrywide bought Dodd his estate in Ireland.

Well, Dodd's father was a crook so he came by it honestly,

Tina Trent said...

How many of us here were able to watch Mika interview Biden without having flashbacks to her reporting on the hotel fire at the Furry Convention.

Be honest.

I never worked a furry convention, but I did do the N.OW. National Conference one year at the Peachtree Plaza Hotel, and it's sort of like that, without any humor or decency.

Cologne, deodorant, and Jerri-Curl were actually banned by the N.O.W. leadership. In August, in Atlanta. And male workers were informed in writing to not make jokes or eye contact with the N.O.W. membership.

The feminist movement is a zombie vagina. Or something worse. Imagination fails me. BTW, I'm so far pleasantly surprised by the television series Mrs. America. Phyllis Shlafly was a formidable and classy woman.

MikeR said...

@Thomas Biker festivals? Frat parties? If one of the nurses at my hospital went to a biker festival, I'd assume she understands what she's getting into. If Teddy Kennedy shows up at my hospital and manhandles one of the nurses, without discussing it with her first, I expect him to lose him job and maybe go to jail.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Biden ineptly selects Christopher Dodd to help him pick a VP candidate.
It's mind-boggling."

Not mind-boggling at all.

You think Slow Joe actually wants to be the figurehead for a powerful, left-wing faction calling the shots? I doubt it. He may not even have come to terms yet that he is the figurehead. He wants to be President, Man!

So, he reaches out to another old, white, male swamp creature - ex-Senator Chris Dodd, age 76 - to give him some loyal guidance. Dodd and him are pals, Man! They served together for decades, Man! Life was good with Sen. Dodd. No internet, no twitter, lotta interns and waitresses, and staffers. No hard elections, either. Always re-elected.

I bet 95% of the current Democrat voters do not even know who Chris Dodd is.

C'Mon, Man!

wendybar said...

“A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on her knees, a woman tied up, a woman abused,” Sanders, 73, wrote in 1972 for an alternative newspaper called the Vermont Freeman.
“A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously.” Essay written by Bernie Sanders

What is it with these Progressives???

Kevin said...

My guess is they are waiting until a clear successor emerges (e.g. a VP pick). But the band is certainly ready to play him off the stage.

Wrong. This is a loyalty test. The real believers know (wink/wink) no Democrats have ever assaulted a single woman.

The whole thing is a setup to out the last of the deplorables still hiding among the clean people.

You need to find them now so they can be expunged or reeducated prior to casting any votes.

BoatSchool said...

Why is this a surprise to anyone ?

The other half of the ‘sandwich’ was the “Lion of the Senate”. Also a great friend of Mr. Biden.

You remember that guy. Some years after an automobile accident that killed a young woman he had a pet dog. Of all the species available he had a Portuguese WATER dog. Of all the names he could have chosen he named the dog SPLASH.

Complete cluelessness or a middle finger to his critics ? You be the judge.

BoatSchool said...

Why is this a surprise to anyone ?

The other half of the ‘sandwich’ was the “Lion of the Senate”. Also a great friend of Mr. Biden.

You remember that guy. Some years after an automobile accident that killed a young woman he had a pet dog. Of all the species available he had a Portuguese WATER dog. Of all the names he could have chosen he named the dog SPLASH.

Complete cluelessness or a middle finger to his critics ? You be the judge.

Bay Area Guy said...

Farmer asks: "Is it possible the entire Biden campaign is a Sacha Baron Cohen skit?"

No, but that would be better!

(Please note that Farmer is starting off the week with humor, which is a very good prognosticator of good things to come:)

Michael K said...

Nurses are notoriously hard partiers. Also notoriously on the make for a doctor husband.

Nurses are not a patch on airline stewardesses. The old Nurse-Doctor thing is dated. Now that 60% of medical students are women the nurses don't have a chance.

Now that doctors make half as much as we did, the double income trumps the nurse thing.

gilbar said...

My guess is they are waiting until a clear successor emerges (e.g. a VP pick).

For the DNC, it must be a tough row to hoe
they Assumed that Kamela Harris would do the trick: Then she turned out to a flash in the pan
Then, they thought Gretchen Whitmer would be the ticket! BUT
Then she turned out to be what she is (could she/would she even help in Michigan?)
Amy Krowbar? Seriously?

Is there a female democrat out there, that would bring Anything positive (ie: electoral votes)?
Is there a democrat out there??

Do they have ANYTHING to run on, besides: We're Not Trump?
Trump Approval SURGES With Record Support From Independents, Matches All-Time High

Kevin said...

You really think this is the business of your employer?


Why, you must think that's air you're breathing.

Temujin said...

Seriously. Talk about Trump all you want. But these guys, Dodd & Biden, were in the Senate together for YEARS, doing whatever the hell they wanted. On the people's dime. They screwed us figuratively and literally for decades. And now today's Dems are contorting themselves into pretzels to convince, first themselves, then us, that these are good guys. Lions of the Senate, all.

Trump is Trump, warts and all. We knew what he was and wanted him for his real courage to stand up against all that you have seen over the past 3+ years. He's done it.

Biden? Corrupt as the day is long. A corrupt, hand-groping, hair sniffing liar. His best known accomplishments include plagiarism and touching another congressman's wife. Time to clean up that party. When will a new generation of Dems acknowledge the stink in their own backyard?

Michael K said...

I agree with Dave Begley. It will probably be Hillary.

Not only doers she know where all the bodies are buried; she buried half of them.

Butkus51 said...

Well, he does have dementia, so there's that.

Shouting Thomas said...


When the chivalry impulse sets in, men get incredibly stupid.

You seem blissfully unaware that this Marxist feminist moral panic might get around to you.

You are assuming almost everything out of apparent romantic notions about women and false assumptions about knowing what really happened.

Watch your ass.

stevew said...

We didn't think Joe and his campaign were competent and clear thinking before the Dodd pick, did we? The ineptness of the pick is stunning.

Shouting Thomas said...

God, men are stupid.

Althouse has you by the balls.

She’s very very clever.

rcocean said...

Ineptly? Not really. How many D voters even know about the accusation? If you live in the Democrat/Liberal/Leftist media bubble, you wouldn't even know about it. Or maybe, just that some person accused Biden of something and its been shot down. That's how much attention the MSM has given it. As someone said. The MSM covered the story - with a pillow.

Kevin said...

It's mind-boggling.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Rocketeer said...

You’re only guessing at what actually happened.

Actually no - I'm not. Good grief, the equivocation...

rcocean said...

Do you realize how many D voter don't speak or vote in English? Its millions. And they know nothing of this.

rcocean said...

40 million "Americans" don't speak English at home. And most of them vote. Legally or illegally.

Craig said...

Most women will vote for Biden anyway because Orange Man Bad and Republicans Evil. And/or they've never heard of Chris Dodd.

wildswan said...

Shouting Thomas
You describe parties that people choose to go to knowing the other people who will be there, what they like, what will happen. That isn't the same as a sexual assault at work by your boss who has decided that he would like some rough sex with someone is is really unwilling.

Howard said...

I refuse to have common cause with you Thomas because I don't recognize your view of marxist feminism as either real or if it is real it is a problem or impediment. I exude white male privilege it's like armor and Teflon against the s*** you whine about. And yet somehow I get away with my misogynistic old-school attitude surrounded by feminists in my family.

I know you claim to practice yoga a lot but you don't seem to be in tune with your dan t'ien. I'll give you a hint. Chi is actually G the force of gravity which is the source of all of our power. Once you start to feel that in your core you realize that you are able to leverage the entire planet to your advantage.

Bay Area Guy said...

Remember Lucy Flores? She was running for office in Nevada a few years back.

Here's her piece -- An Awkward Kiss Changed How I Saw Joe Biden

n 2014, I was the 35-year-old Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor in Nevada. The landscape wasn’t looking good for my party that year. There were no high-profile national races to help boost turnout, and after the top candidate bowed out of the governor’s race, “None of the Above” ended up winning the Democratic primary.

So good, so far. And, then, she got a call from the VP to help her campaign - great! But then:

I found my way to the holding room for the speakers, where everyone was chatting, taking photos, and getting ready to speak to the hundreds of voters in the audience. Just before the speeches, we were ushered to the side of the stage where we were lined up by order of introduction. As I was taking deep breaths and preparing myself to make my case to the crowd, I felt two hands on my shoulders. I froze. “Why is the vice-president of the United States touching me?”

Umm, because he has power, you don't, and he likes the ladies. And, you need him, and he don't need you.

I felt him get closer to me from behind. He leaned further in and inhaled my hair. I was mortified. I thought to myself, “I didn’t wash my hair today and the vice-president of the United States is smelling it. And also, what in the actual fuck? Why is the vice-president of the United States smelling my hair?” He proceeded to plant a big slow kiss on the back of my head. My brain couldn’t process what was happening. I was embarrassed. I was shocked. I was confused. There is a Spanish saying, “tragame tierra,” it means, “earth, swallow me whole.” I couldn’t move and I couldn’t say anything. I wanted nothing more than to get Biden away from me. My name was called and I was never happier to get on stage in front of an audience.

How many Lucy Flores-types do you think there are in the addled-mind and world of Slow Joe Biden?

Bay Area Guy said...

" I know you claim to practice yoga a lot but you don't seem to be in tune with your dan t'ien. I'll give you a hint. Chi is actually G the force of gravity which is the source of all of our power. Once you start to feel that in your core you realize that you are able to leverage the entire planet to your advantage."

Howard is going full Maharishi on you cucks. I kinda like it:)

Good start to the week! Focus your collective chi.

Quaestor said...

Is it possible the entire Biden campaign is a Sacha Baron Cohen skit?

No, it is impossible. Sasha Baron Cohen's humor is insufficiently perverse.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

I saw a bit of Dennis Miller talking about Biden: paraphrasing ...I don't like guys who mention their IQ score, I don't like the back-slapper, the hail-fellow-well-met, the guy who's too easy to get along with, has slippery principles but hasn't actually been caught at anything much ... If this was all you knew, you would be asking: how the hell did the Dems end up with Biden? Do they all think 8 years as Veep to Obama gives you the odour of sanctity?

Let's give the Reps a chance to campaign against Ted Kennedy again. Surely they never get tired of that. Willie K. Smith accused of rape. As I recall, his testimony was that he couldn't possibly have raped a girl, he didn't care whether he had sex or not, he would have liked to take a nap. He's passive and defeatist about everything. And how did the evening begin? Uncle Ted woke him up and said something like "let's hit that bar where they play Marilyn Monroe singing 'Happy Birthday Mr. President.'"

Coulter's line: if there's a party in Washington making war on women, it's the Democrats, and the only one with a confirmed kill is Ted Kennedy.

tcrosse said...

Howard is the sweetheart of Sigma Chi.

Robert Cook said...

"It's almost as if Biden doesn't comprehend the scrutiny he's under. It's very odd."

People in the public eye are generally shielded from the public's opinion of them by layers of people and institutions around them who constantly affirm and reaffirm how great, brilliant, and loved they (the people in the public eye) are. This is aside from the hypertrophied egos possessed by these public persons, egos that serve as deflector shields of all negative signals coming from outside.

gilbar said...

So, Tara Reade said this happened in '93?
such an act would have been an extraordinary event among Senate Democrats of the Kennedy-Dodd era
'90, Dodd was in his waitress sandwich
'92 Sen Brock Adams, lefty Dem, was accused of drugging and raping a 24-year-old congressional aide
The Senate Dem Rape Culture That Made Biden

Isn't there is a Congressional fund, for paying off sexual harassment cases?
Couldn't (SHOULDN'T?) Jo Biden demand the release of records pertaining to himself?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Biden is just following in Obama's footsteps by picking a selection chairman he will need to terminate.

"James A. Johnson (born December 24, 1943) is a United States Democratic Party political figure, and the former CEO of Fannie Mae..........He briefly led the vice-presidential selection process for the 2008 Democratic presidential nominee, Senator Barack Obama."

rhhardin said...

I'll give you a hint. Chi is actually G the force of gravity which is the source of all of our power.

Not very likely unless it's combined with Planck's constant and the speed of light.

Sebastian said...

"It's mind-boggling.

Yes and no.

It is, if you assume Dems believe what they profess to believe, or should at least pretend to care about women and harassment.

It isn't, if you keep in mind that abortion immunizes them, and that, as Ted and Bill showed, they've been able to afford not to care about any damn thing for decades, with ample MSM cover.

Clyde said...

Well, Joe woulda picked Teddy to do it, but he’s kinda dead. Doesn’t mean Teddy wouldn’t be voting for Joe in November, of course. Necro-Americans are a big Democrat constituency, don’tcha know.

Bay Area Guy said...

Oh dear God, do I have to side with Howard over rhardin?

It's like choosing Austin Powers over Mr. Spock...:)

No more comments about commentators. But they are a lively crew!

cubanbob said...

Come ride the little train that is rolling down the tracks to the junction.
Forget about your cares, it is time to relax at the junction.

Lotsa curves, you bet
Even more, when you get
To the junction
(Petticoat Junction)

There's a little hotel called the Shady Rest at the junction.
(Petticoat Junction)
It is run by Kate, come and be her guest at the junction.
(Petticoat Junction)
And that's Uncle Joe, he's a movin' kind of slow at the junction,
Petticoat Junction.

Sam L. said...

"The two, the senator said in 2012, had been “close friends” for 30 years...."
Why am I not surprised? They're Dems; it's what they do.

Meade said...

Shouting Thomas said...
"God, men are stupid.
Althouse has you by the balls.
She’s very very clever."

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Nonapod said...

Speaking as a white heterosexual male, even if everyone's consenting adults (meaning the waitress was OK with it, which who knows?), I'd still say it's pretty bad behavior for grown married men. Maybe I'm being a little too prudish, but that sort of behavoir, especially from people who are supposedly in positions of power over me, is something that I'd like to see discouraged rather than brushed off or excused. And this would be true whether we're talking about Ted Kennedy and Christopher Dodd, or yes even Donald Trump. That whole conquering warrior in his cups, grabbing the serving wench seems a little dated.

wild chicken said...

Lol. Biden's positive his asshole buddy from the Senate is the best most competent guy for the job, man! Why, back in the day...good times.

This gets better by the day

Fernandinande said...

He liked women. He also liked whiskey.


Call the Anit-Sex League AND the Temperance Society! Stat!

Shouting Thomas said...

I already did leverage the entire planet, Howard.

All my life I’ve found non-feminist women to populate my world. They’re great.

I worked as a freelancer and contractor most of my life, and the great demand for my services just about rendered the HR Stasi helpless to get their grips on me.

In my salad days, I worked entirely for dot-coms and start-ups that didn’t even have an HR department. Once one of those firms advanced to the point of needing an HR department, I moved on to the next client.

That consumed about two decades of my working career. Now that I”m retired, the HR Stasi can go fuck itself.

Bob Smith said...

The Dems are thumbing their collective noses at the rest of us. Time for some more comeuppance.

PJ said...

Well, with Dodd around, Biden isn’t the creepiest guy in the room.

Shouting Thomas said...

You remember Althouse’s continual outrage over being called to the principal’s office during high school because she was flashing beaver shots from her mini-skirt?

Althouse is now the principal calling you down to the office, men, and humiliating you for your normal sexual inclinations. The HR department is the principal, and it’s full of Althouse’s playing this S&M revenge game with you.

Althouse is really enjoying it, too.

minnesota farm guy said...

I stand by my opinion that the DNC is stymied. They would love to get rid of Joe, but they can't because the guy with the next highest vote total is a communist and sure loser. Do we really think that the DNC can run a stealth campaign that says vote for Joe so VP X can be president. The American people are not that stupid or gullible ( at least enough of them aren't). So if the Dem nominee is not Joe, and not Bernie, the Dem party is going to disintegrate into a factional nightmare. They will easily lose the Senate and probably the House, because a significant % of their voters are not going to the polls. The only uncontroversial VP pick would be Klobuchar and we saw in the primary how many people in her own party want her to be president. Warren would have all the Wall Street types on the war path, Abrams is a ridiculous alternative and Buttgieg would alienate the critical black vote

BTW: ST your accusations about Althouse are ridiculously off base. Some days i think you, like Hunter Thomson, are having flashbacks from the good old days. Other days you seem quite cogent. Could it be whatever you and Keith Richards are taking while you play over the weekend?

Francisco D said...

Shouting Thomas said... Threesomes are a very common sexual perversion. A lot of women like them.

We must have traveled in very different circles, ST.

Fernandinande said...

God, men are stupid.
Althouse has you by the balls.
She’s very very clever.

You're the one with the reactions.

"It's mind-boggling" = retired mid-western female school teacher doesn't like womanizers. Big deal. said...

I don't disagree with anything else you have written today except:

We do know what happened with the waitress sandwich.

Another restaurant employee witnessed it. The waitress talked about it. Dodd and, I think, Kennedy have talked about it essentially confirming what happened. Their excuse was drunkenness.

They were there with dates and this took place when the dates went to the ladies. They too were apparently pretty likker'd up.

As far as I know, nobody with first hand knowledge has disputed the facts of this sexual assault.

So, yeah. We do know what happened.

John Henry

MD Greene said...

"Biden Ineptly ..." is going to be a standard headline starter if Slow Joe wins in November.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, yeah. We do know what happened.

No, you don't know the motivations and inclinations of the people involved.

In my experience, knowing the motivations and inclinations of people when it comes to their sexual behavior is the most mysterious part of dealing with people. said...

Blogger said...

I don't disagree with anything else you have written today except:

That was for Shouting Thomas

John Henry

Shouting Thomas said...

We must have traveled in very different circles, ST.

I've lived the last 50 years in Chicago, San Francisco, New York City and Woodstock.

So, yes, you're probably right.

Although the behavior of your neighbors is probably a lot different in private than you imagine. The places I've lived provide the cover of anonymity for people to do as they please without somebody reporting back to their families.

That, to a great extent, is why people flee the boonies to live in the places I've lived.

bleh said...

I see this as cheap redemption for the old pervert Dodd — and some of that redemption will rub off on his peers, including Biden. It’s a foregone conclusion that Biden will select a woman, likely one that is also a racial minority. Dodd just has to make the official recommendation to Biden and he’s absolved of his past sins. If Dodd can be rehabilitated, then surely what Biden might’ve done 30 years ago can be forgiven. said...


The waitress resisted according to the restaurant employee witness.

So, you are right, we don't know the motivations. But it was pretty clearly non-consensual.

John Henry

Bay Area Guy said...

The other Farmer -- @Minnesota Farm Guy -- nails it on politics:

I stand by my opinion that the DNC is stymied. They would love to get rid of Joe, but they can't because the guy with the next highest vote total is a communist and sure loser. Do we really think that the DNC can run a stealth campaign that says vote for Joe so VP X can be president. The American people are not that stupid or gullible ( at least enough of them aren't). So if the Dem nominee is not Joe, and not Bernie, the Dem party is going to disintegrate into a factional nightmare. They will easily lose the Senate and probably the House, because a significant % of their voters are not going to the polls. The only uncontroversial VP pick would be Klobuchar and we saw in the primary how many people in her own party want her to be president. Warren would have all the Wall Street types on the war path, Abrams is a ridiculous alternative and Buttgieg would alienate the critical black vote.

This is so good, it should be pinned. One small minor tweak, though. "factional nightmare" should be "factional nightmare for the Dems, but a dream come true for the rest of humanity"

But I know you meant it!

Carry on, Comrades.

LA_Bob said...

Meade said, "You say that like it's a bad thing."

Come on, Althouse! Squeeze ST's balls! Harder! Harder! I wanna hear how high his shriek can go.

madAsHell said...

It's like their out of ammo. Obama was a fresh face, but he turned into Hillary's house boy.

Now, they have to roll out Chris Dodd?.....because??

Was Ted Kennedy busy?

Bay Area Guy said...

For Biden's next big campaign announcement, he's gonna book 1 full hour on the Ed Sullivan show.....

Kirk Parker said...

"...a very powerful and completely humorless HR department."

God help us!

Shouting Thomas said...


Now, at least that’s funny.

Althouse is a master manipulator of men. She has all the characteristics of a woman who had a hell of a rack when she was young, and learned to play that for all she could get.

Feminism was built on this strategy. Get men at one another’s throats with their chivalrous stupidity. Who’s going to go crazier saving the Damsel in Distress?

Men are intensively competitive with one another and prone to think the absolute worst of other men. This is a weapon the Marxist feminists use brilliantly against men.

RMc said...

Is it possible the entire Biden campaign is a Sacha Baron Cohen skit?

Don't be ridiculous. Cohen is actually funny at times.

TJM said...

Reade is a Dem so she is extra believable, right Inga?

Leland said...

Dodd is the perfect choice for finding a woman VP, who will keep her mouth closed unless in the service of the President. He's found many a woman to do this for himself and other Democrats in the past.

Lurker21 said...

Biden is living in the past, in the '60s and '70s, with the standards of those days. That can happen when you get older. With this lockdown, or shutdown or quarantine I find myself spending more time back then myself. Why his whole campaign is living back then is harder to say.

Robert Cook said...

"Do you realize how many D voter don't speak or vote in English? Its millions."

Are you referring to legally enfranchised voters who speak other languages as their primary language, or are you claiming there are millions of illegal immigrants who are successfully voting in presidential campaigns. If the former--so what? If the latter, you're delusional.

Ice Nine said...

>>Shouting Thomas said...Nurses are notoriously hard partiers. Also notoriously on the make for a doctor husband.<<

Take it from a veteran of tons of those parties - that is pretty much myth. Nurses in general party no harder than anyone else. It's pretty simple, nurses end up with doctor husbands because they are around doctors all the time. Doctors end up with nurse wives for the same reason. Office workers marry office workers, etc.
One thing I can tell you with authority: ER nurses are on the make for firemen.

narciso said...

dodd the friend of Angelo mozilo, the third highest recipient of cash from aig's cassano, who enabled his subprime schemes, so they picked him to write the remedy bill to the crisis he helped enable,

MadisonMan said...

I think the adverb 'ineptly' can safely be inserted into any sentence that starts 'Biden (verb)'

TJM said...

Why doesn't Inga believe Reade, a fellow Dem? Did Inga believe Blasey-Ford? Asking for a friend

Michael said...

Yes, but these were gluten free waitress sandwhiches, so it's all good.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It will be Hitlery. Then biden steps aside. viola - Clinton Crime Family back in bizniss..

J. Farmer said...

@minnesota farm guy:

)So if the Dem nominee is not Joe, and not Bernie, the Dem party is going to disintegrate into a factional nightmare.

I agree with you, but the factional nightmare is already happening because Biden is the nominee. The DNC was so monomaniacal in stopping Bernie that they let Joe Biden sleep walk his way to the nomination. Once the dust from the Bernie panic settled, they realized how much trouble they were in. I also agree that Klobuchar checks all the right boxes but is not an inspired choice. Is there a political figure in the Democratic Party that can bridge the divide between its two factions? Obama and Bill Clinton are the only two I can think of, and they are precluded for obvious reasons.

Robert Cook said...

"Maybe I'm being a little too prudish, but that sort of behavoir, especially from people who are supposedly in positions of power over me, is something that I'd like to see discouraged rather than brushed off or excused."

Who says our Senators and Representative (or the President) "have positions of power over (us)"? They are supposed to be our proxies for making decisions about how we run our country. Yes, yes...I know, in reality, this is not how it actually works, but that is how it should be. The POTUS is NOT my Commander in Chief, in other words, (and, in fact, is ONLY CiC over the military at war, and not anyone else ever or even over the military in peacetime...however rare "peacetime" has ever been).

Bay Area Guy said...

"The DNC was so monomaniacal in stopping Bernie that they let Joe Biden sleep walk his way to the nomination. "

Damn, the two Farmers are on fire today. I may need to please, for the love of God, just shut the fuck up, as my wife often says.

Jupiter said...

I'm not following your Marxist Feminist accusation. I am pretty sure Althouse considers herself a feminist, but my understanding is that the M-F's are all on about women making 80 cents or not getting paid for doing laundry. I don't recall Althouse ever showing any interest in a purely economic feminism. Probably 'cause she enjoyed her work and, being divorced, was not in a position to regard managing her own home as exploitation. Where are you getting the "Marxist" part from?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

wendybar said...

Ignorance is bliss...

Hey, leave me out of this!

Besides, I only ever go for the open-faced waitress sandwiches. The last thing you want in these sorts of situations is bread-on-bread action...

Shouting Thomas said...

Althouse constantly blogs about her aspirations for changing male and female roles in accordance with her ideology.

This is Marxist feminism. The New Man, New Woman aspirations of the Marxists trace back to before the Russian revolution and were a principal policy platform of the Bolsheviks.

Althouse’s obsession with male and female roles and with changing them to give birth to a new, liberated man and woman is pure Marxism.

Lurker21 said...

Dodd is Biden's doppleganger: both about the same age, both born Catholic with Irish ancestry, both with embarrassing fathers, both from smallish eastern states, both first elected in the seventies, both Democrats, both failed presidential candidates, both with close and questionable ties to the financial industry. Maybe after thirty years together in the Senate they finish each other's sentences and can sign each others checks.

Google "Chris Dodd" and the first thing that comes up is "Chris Dodd waitress sandwich," so the story is definitely getting play. Further down is "Chris Dodd Carrie Fisher." For the details go to Ted Kennedy propositioned Carrie Fisher while she was on a date with Chris Dodd.

Of course, Carrie was quite a storyteller and did like to embellish, but still ...

Bob Boyd said...

Al Franken was pushed out because his #metoo problems complicated the Dem's strategy for picking up a Senate seat in Alabama. Remember Roy Moore?

Will Biden be Frankened to clear the decks for a coming volley of sketchy sexual misconduct accusations against Trump?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“It's almost as if Biden doesn't comprehend the scrutiny he's under. It's very odd”

Not at all. As an old hardball politician, Biden understands that if you’re polling well, you’re doing well. Everything else is the usual chaos and detritus of a political campaign, which a pliant media, a corrupt bureaucracy, and the sheer bloody ignorance of the voter, will render irrelevant.

Bob Boyd said...

Maybe Biden's choice of Dodd wasn't so tone deaf. Maybe it was sending a message to the Party that Biden will fight. I bet Dodd has a lot of dirt on a lot of people.

narciso said...

And going further back, dodd was an enabler of the sandinistas and the fmln, when he was in the house, possibly in rebelliom to his father, who was a staunch anticommunist liberal,

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“. The POTUS is NOT my Commander in Chief, in other words, (and, in fact, is ONLY CiC over the military at war,”

But apparently your mayor is. You picked an odd time to kid yourself about the powers that politicians can usurp. said...

Blogger Robert Cook said...

ONLY CiC over the military at war, and not anyone else ever or even over the military in peacetime

Never been in the military, have you Cookie?

Or read the Constitution?

There is no exception for when he is or is not CIC of the Army and the Navy.

He is only CIC of the STATE militias when they are called into federal service. But that doesn't necessarily require war.

You've told us that you don't have time to learn stuff.

It shows.

John Henry said...

Several people have commented on the corrupt Chris Dodd's Corrupt father.


Because Nuremburg!

Anyone that would criticize Thomas Dodd is a raging anti-semite and probably happy that the National Socialists murdered 12mm people in their camps.

Shame on you!!!

John Henry

JPS said...

Robert Cook,

"or even over the military in peacetime."

John Henry beat me to it. That's not how I read

"The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several states, when called into the actual Service of the United States”

unless you want to argue that "when called into the actual Service..." applies to the Army and Navy, not just to the militias (I admit, this is how I use commas and subordinate clauses, but I don't think that's what this meant), and that the Army and Navy aren't in the actual service of the United States except in wartime. Which seems consistent with your view of the utility of our military endeavors, but I think you would recognize that's hardly a settled interpretation.

As a quasi-libertarian, however, I applaud and heartily second your view of our politicians.

Rabel said...

Like Ted and Chris, he's getting off on the abuse.

But, hey, you have to admire a fellow who can type so cleanly with one hand on the keyboard and one hand on his little dick.

Years of practice, I suppose. His guitar work must be awesome.

Keep on rockin', T.

jaydub said...

"Well Thomas I'm pretty sure no one here "knows what happened,"

Au contraire, Pierre. It was witnessed by another waitress that came into their private dining room and found the first waitress screaming on her back on the table, and Dodd on top of her. He jumped up when she came in and the first waitress escaped. It was widely reported on at the time.

Rick said...

Nonapod said...
It's almost as if Biden doesn't comprehend the scrutiny he's under.

It's been decades since Biden spoke to anyone who wasn't trying to make a buck off their relationship. People have been polishing their interactions with him for so long he no longer understands how people think.

Howard said...
God damn you people should be f****** ecstatic about this decision. TDDS seems to be as uncurable as TDS.

Howard notes people don't act as he expects them to but never once considers that it's his expectations that are wrong rather than their actions. Thanks for the amusement.

jaydub said...

tcrosse said..."Howard is the sweetheart of Sigma Chi."

No, that would be the sweetheart of Sigma Che.

narciso said...


mezzrow said...

Sammich. Had one for lunch with my old friend Chris Dodd. We're committed to Vice-President.

Martin said...

Any Democrats who actually believe in the lines about "Party of the People" and being for women and disadvantaged minorities should recognize that they are being given the finger, big and bold.

JAORE said...

In a shocking turn of events,today Joe Biden announced his selection of Mary Jo Kopechne as his running mate.

Drago said...

Rick: "Howard notes people don't act as he expects them to but never once considers that it's his expectations that are wrong rather than their actions. Thanks for the amusement."

Howard is very very angry at Republicans for what Biden is doing.

This mentality explains why the dems launched a sham "investigation" into Trump over Hillary/dems/Deep State collusion with russia, falsely accused Kavanaugh for what dems in Hollywood did routinely and for which other dems gave them standing ovations, impeached Trump for Biden's ukraine corruption as well as blame US conservative Christians for islamic terrorist attacks, etc.

Nichevo said...

This is Marxist feminism. The New Man, New Woman aspirations of the Marxists trace back to before the Russian revolution and were a principal policy platform of the Bolsheviks.

Tom, free love is an original Marxist demand. It's just one that is agreeable to you. Normalizing perversion among others while maintaining standards for oneself, is another more refined and eternal variant, which you have fallen for. This is Althouse's action, the dilemma she sets, and you gotta watch out for those horns.

It's possible to hold two opposing ideas in one's head: that some women have a slut gene, hypergamy or whatever, and that some men are dogs, some others are scum. The idea that a random waitress welcomed or solicited the importunings of a pair of bloated drunken politicians in the middle of her shift, is a bit too Penthouse Letters.

And somehow the Packwoods and Craigs never get any of the slack you want to cut the Dodds and Kennedys and Studdses. Fact is, if you're a pervert, you're stupid to go into politics as an R. The D is your natural home.

Althouse occupies a powerfully fortified position but it's a dead end. She has no greater power than to delete posts here. And frankly who in any similar position would renounce that power? Her many ignorances are invincible. Doesn't make her convincing. One could slide into personal abuse, but why bother, unless she invites it. You worry too much.

JAORE said...

"Are you really willing to submit to Althouse’s Marxist feminist sexual ideology?"

I don't know,ST. Let me ask my wife and I'll get back to you.

henge2243 said...

What a great Mad-Lib:

Joe Biden ineptly ____________ (verb) ____________ (noun) for ____________ (noun).




Jupiter said...

"Althouse’s obsession with male and female roles and with changing them to give birth to a new, liberated man and woman is pure Marxism."

Althouse claims to be a woman. If that claim is true, I can easily see why the role of women in society might be of interest to her, just as it was to Jane Austen. I see her less as an activist ideologue than as a concerned observer. The only prescriptive views I can recall her expressing were those notions about not having sex with someone unless you believed it would be in their long-term interest, which seem inspired more by legal theory and ethics than any sort of Marxist ideas. Don't rip her bodice off if you can't aren't going to get her a new one.

In any case, Marxist Feminism is a thing. You can google it. The phrase is a term of art, with a specific meaning, and if you continue to employ it in your own idiosyncratic fashion, you can expect to be misunderstood. Just saying.

Francisco D said...

Is there a political figure in the Democratic Party that can bridge the divide between its two factions?

Hillary is waiting for the call.

Don't worry about uniting different factors. Democrats just want power. Then they can figure out how they want to run the country and divide up the spoils.

Lurker21 said...

"Marxist Feminism" would have to do with transforming the economic system and doing away with capitalism, markets, and private property as well as with transforming sex roles. Marx has been a major influence on political thinking, but not every attempt to change or transform something is Marxist. "Marxism" isn't just a synonym for "radical," and it would have surprised many radicals in history to find themselves lumped together with Lenin and Stalin.

J. Farmer said...

@Francisco D:

Don't worry about uniting different factors. Democrats just want power. Then they can figure out how they want to run the country and divide up the spoils.

The same people Biden alienates all hate Clinton even more. Even granting "just want power," they need voters to turn out. A Biden nomination would suppress one set of those voters, and a Bernie nomination would suppress another. The so called New Democrats believe that the DNC faltered electorally because it went father left than most Americans were comfortable with, and it remedied this by taking more moderate positions. They had a pretty good case to make but how good a case it remains is debatable. Splitting the difference, you'd assume the person halfway between Biden and Bernie was the ideal.

The DNC is a strange brew of Wall Street bohemians, blue-collar populists turned off by the pro-business bias in the GOP, single women, and ethnic minorities. They'd likely have to remain a pro-choice party, but it seems they have quite a bit of room to maneuver on immigration. They could easily adopt a stricter tone on immigration without risking any significant loss in votes. The easiest way for the left to neutralize the right's most galvanizing issue--immigration--is to adopt it. The SJW talk appeals overwhelmingly to white liberals. The DNC could easily downplay it without fear of being punished at the ballot.

J. Farmer said...

@Lurker 21:

"Marxist Feminism" would have to do with transforming the economic system and doing away with capitalism, markets, and private property as well as with transforming sex roles

That actually isn't true. That was not the only concern of Marxism. At its most fundamental level, Marxism was an attempt to explain class warfare and social conflict with a method known as dialectical materialism. Although material needs are considered a primary driver of social interaction, it is not the only concern of Marxism. The economic system is not even really seen as a discrete entity but simply part of a larger socio-political system. In this regard, Marxism is very much concerned with social relations, including gender relations.

I do agree, though, that "Marxism" is deployed far too often as a pejorative to discredit something. "Marxism" is too big a concept to be "right" or "wrong" in some kind of total sense. Marx got some things right and some things wrong. Both things can be called Marxit, but that doesn't tell you if they're right or wrong.

Nonapod said...

The easiest way for the left to neutralize the right's most galvanizing issue--immigration--is to adopt it. The SJW talk appeals overwhelmingly to white liberals.

I don't know that I would call that "easy" for them exactly. I think it's probably true that adopting such a position would net them more votes than it would cost them. But I don't believe that it would be easy for them to suddenly switch positions on such a core issue. They've effectively been the open borders party for a very long time now. I mean, the GoP used to be too and they changed thanks to a populist wave. But it's unclear if such a populist anti-immigration wave could ever truly sweep through the (D) voter base.

Obviously for most high level Democrat policy deciders any suggestion of truly slowing or stopping the flow of illegal immigrants is akin to showing a cross to a vampire. Unchecked immigration is practically a religious sacriment for them. And I don't believe that the regular Democrat voters are as likely or capable of voting against the will of the party as Republicans were.

narciso said...

100 million dead, what could be wrong with that formula, you need to break some eggs to make an omelet you know,

doctrev said...

Howard said...
God damn you people should be f****** ecstatic about this decision. TDDS seems to be as uncurable as TDS.

5/4/20, 9:34 AM

Well, I am personally pleased as pie about it, even as I call Chris Dodd and Ted Kennedy unreformed degenerates in the same breath. Biden putting a immoral and incompetent "elite" Washington lizard in his inner circle is just par for the course. I'm detecting a certain level of despondence in your posts on Biden, but if he's not actually your candidate you can look forward to the impending Democrat civil war, sponsored by the working class.

But it's not so bad, let me leave you with this moment of zen from Carrie Fisher as she bitchslapped two lions of the Senate.

"'Would you have sex with Chris in a hot tub?' Senator Kennedy asked me, perhaps as a way to say good night? 'I'm no good in water,' I told him."

Kevin said...

But I don't believe that it would be easy for them to suddenly switch positions on such a core issue.

Unlike, say, that we should believe all women.

Deanna said...

So our presidential choices for this go-round are a Creep and a Jerk. Sad.

Kevin said...

The goal of the Left need not be to win the next election.

The goal should be to prepare the nation for the larges possible transformation the next time the Left gains power.

If that means changing from a pro- to an anti-immigration stance to see how many people go along because they're convinced the Orange Man is too terrible to support, that would be valuable information.

And it would give the party more power to change positions on any number of future issues to suit its needs.

What about the judges, you ask?

What part of Social Justice has to do with judges?

J. Farmer said...


100 million dead, what could be wrong with that formula, you need to break some eggs to make an omelet you know,

If "Marxism" and "that formula" were one in the same, you would have a point. There is a difference between the descriptive and the prescriptive. Marxism influenced social democratic movements and those influences are expressed through the "mixed economy," which every country practices. The Russian and Chinese attempts to industrialize their societies was undoubtedly a disaster, achieved through brutal means, and distributed through a highly inefficient mechanism. But that is not the whole of Marxism, and "Marxism" is deployed as a pejorative specifically because it is meant to associate whatever it is criticizing with the disasters of these societies when no significant connection actually exists.

Francisco D said...

J. Farmer said ... The so called New Democrats believe that the DNC faltered electorally because it went father left than most Americans were comfortable with, and it remedied this by taking more moderate positions.

As you pointed out earlier, Bill Clinton was one of the very few who could pull ff the "moderate New Democrat" schtick.

What are those "moderate" positions today?

Which Democrats are asserting those positions today?

narciso said...

well you saw in the debates, they all signed on to the maximalist platform of green new deal, total amnesty and the like,

J. Farmer said...

@Francisco D:

What are those "moderate" positions today?

Which Democrats are asserting those positions today?

The difference between the Warren/Bernie faction and the Biden/Klobuchar/Buttigieg faction. Obama held the coalition together pretty well but mostly because people believed he was more left-wing than he actually was. The Warren/Bernie faction is much more likely to see the Obama era as one of disappointment. Between that and Hillary's 2016 performance, this faction is much less likely to support a more "moderate" candidate.

daskol said...

Maybe Biden is just a typical American boy, from a typical American town, who believes in God and Senator Dodd and in keeping old Castro down?

Danno said...

mccullough said...It’s weird that Teddy Kennedy would crash the date between Dodd and Fisher.

But certainly less damage than when he crashed his car at Chappaquidick.

Lurker21 said...

The economic system is not even really seen as a discrete entity but simply part of a larger socio-political system.

Maybe, but most of what has been described as "Marxist feminism" does conclude that women's true liberation can't be achieved under capitalism and requires a restructuring of the economy and property relations. At the same time, an awful lot of feminism explicitly involves working within existing capitalist structures. That's true of gay and trans movements, too. Feminists who really threaten market economies are only a fringe. That fringe may be significant in academic and theoretical and radical circles, but not in the wider public, even among many who consider themselves to be activists.

walter said...

Is Dodd an old "butt buddy"?

traditionalguy said...

Inept sex is better than no sex. Unless high standards being better than inept sex ruins everything. Bob Dylan probably wrote that about Joan Baez..

Iman said...

Quite an admission by the ever-excremental NYT…

As is so often the case in such situations, it is all but impossible to be certain of the truth. But the stakes are too high to let the matter fester — or leave it to be investigated by and adjudicated in the media. Mr. Biden is seeking the nation’s highest office.
In 2018, this board advocated strongly for a vigorous inquiry into accusations of sexual misconduct raised against Brett Kavanaugh when he was nominated to a seat on the Supreme Court. Mr. Biden’s pursuit of the presidency requires no less. His campaign, and his party, have a duty to assure the public that the accusations are being taken seriously. The Democratic National Committee should move to investigate the matter swiftly and thoroughly, with the full cooperation of the Biden campaign.

narciso said...


Iman said...

One thing I can tell you with authority: ER nurses are on the make for firemen.

Back when I was in college, I was a service mgr at a small high-end billiard table manufacturer in SoCal... I took care of deliveries, moving, maintenance, etc. I remember having a couple of firemen who would work delivering tables on their off days. Nice guys, families, hungry for more money... those are the firemen with an admirable work ethic that I relate to. The new breed seem to be more interested in weight training, admiring themselves in the mirror and posing for calendars. Don't want to paint them all with the same brush, but hey...

Michael K said...

Marxism influenced social democratic movements and those influences are expressed through the "mixed economy," which every country practices.

Marxism does not correspond to human instincts and behavior. We are back to the "Blank Slate" of Stephen Jay Gould and The New Soviet Man.

David Reich has pretty much shown that behavior is genetic. At least 50% of it is by adulthood.

"David Reich uses the power of modern genome analysis to show the fascinating complexity of human migration and history. By letting the data lead him, he treads a narrow path between racists and xenophobes on one side and left-wing ideologues on the other. Although many of his conclusions will be controversial, he starts a necessary conversation about what modern genome analysis can tell us about the variability of human populations."

Marxism doesn't work and survives only as a plaything of a wealthy society that can afford foolishness.

Michael K said...

ER nurses are on the make for firemen.

Women physicians are also on the make for them. I know quite a few female docs who marry firemen or cops. Shift work helps with child care. My son, a fireman, is married to a gal who makes three times what he does and works from home. Her thing is marketing but she does very well. Several of my female medical students invited me to their weddings. Interesting choices.

Iman said...

Again... the excremental NYT...

Ice Nine said...

>>Iman said...
those are the firemen with an admirable work ethic that I relate to. The new breed seem to be more interested in weight training, admiring themselves in the mirror and posing for calendars. Don't want to paint them all with the same brush, but hey...<<

Yeah, let's stipulate that there are exceptions of course, but you are right on target. ER types are only exposed to the FD paramedic types and they can be pretty hard to take, a lot. They are narcissists who think they are masters of the universe because of their high profile image and the syrupy adulation they get all the time. They are cocky and frequently puerile. The young ER nurses are generally quite impressed by them and want to bag one.

The rest of ER staff tolerate their annoying personas and know that -- unbeknownst to their adoring public -- they are heavy on the showboating and not really all that terribly important in the big picture. We always wanted them to just get the patient into the ER where he belonged and save all the heroics drama out in the field -- with rare exception stuff that is done to the patient because they are authorized to do it, not because it is particularly necessary out there.

With all that, we were always friendly and professionally respectful. Partied with them some, even.

wildswan said...

When your daughter goes to Washington as an intern, you have to have the talk.

Honey, you know your Dad and I are just so proud.


But, honey, there's just one thing I want to explain. You see, sweetie, when you are working in Congress , a Congressman might talk about a sandwich, for example, and well, you see, he might not mean lunch.

Oh, Mom. I know. I just call HR and ...

No, no, no, no, no. Sweetie, listen. You'll be working for a Democrat, so you see,

See what?

Well, you see a Democrat ... matters. You can't just pull down all his work and all his supporters work and all his fundraisers work and all his connections. Sweetie don't you see, a Republican might take his place.

Oh no, not in this state. And, anyhow, women matter and we aren't just going to take it and ... Mom, you wouldn't want me to be one those women assaulted by a Democrat. I mean, one of them died. I'd blow the whole thing open like Karen Silkwood. That's what you taught me.

Oh God. Your father said I was wrong to let you think women mattered to the Democrats. But you were so cute up there talking about "empowered". And I wanted you to be happy as long as possible. But Sweetie, you are going to Washington. You have to wake up.

I don't believe this.

Believe it. You know that book, the Handmaids Tale. About powerful men using women as they pleased - what did you think that was about.

The Republicans, of course. The deplorables.

No, honey. I know this is hard. But it was not about the Others, it was about Us. The only way she could discuss the subject was by pretending it was an attack on religious nuts but she wasn't talking about religious extremists. Who would be interested? She was talking about the Democrats and be warned or you be screwed.


J. Farmer said...

@Michael K:

Marxism doesn't work and survives only as a plaything of a wealthy society that can afford foolishness.

Politically manifested in communism, I agree with you. It's a dead end strategy. But "Marxism" is a much larger conceit than political communism. He got some things right and some things wrong.

Women physicians are also on the make for them. I know quite a few female docs who marry firemen or cops.

Yes, I agree. I have seen this pair up many times.

Michael K said...

But "Marxism" is a much larger conceit than political communism. He got some things right and some things wrong.

I still think what we see is a boutique version. What society has it worked for ? It's easy to say "mixed economy" but "mixed
" may mean useless fads. I agree the "safety net" of Churchill is needed but Marxism goes far beyond that.

J. Farmer said...

@Michael K:

I still think what we see is a boutique version. What society has it worked for ? It's easy to say "mixed economy" but "mixed
" may mean useless fads. I agree the "safety net" of Churchill is needed but Marxism goes far beyond that.

The social welfare system implemented by Bismarck in the late 19th century was specifically justified as a means to appease working class demands. Maintaining private property, individual rights, and democratic governance while implementing social welfare programs and rules for labor and workplace safety was part of the synthesis that occurred from the late 19th and early 20th century.

DeepRunner said...

Christopher Dodd...what a schmuck. Figures Gropin' Joe would take "Fat, Drunk, and Stupid's" drinking buddy and sandwich partner.'s who they are.

JAORE said...

Dodd doesn't ask a woman to make him a sandwich. He makes HER a sandwich.

What a gentleman.

Kirk Parker said...

Q: Is it possible the entire Biden campaign is a Sacha Baron Cohen skit?

Incorrect A: Don't be ridiculous. Cohen is actually funny at times.

Correct A: Of course it is... a failed one. That's why the DNC was able to pick it up off the cutting room floor.

Kirk Parker said...

wildswan @ 7:25pm,

Whoa, you win the Internet for a whole month!

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