May 31, 2020

At the Sunrise Café...


... you can talk 'til dawn.

That's a 5:23 photograph on a morning, this morning, when the sun officially rose at 5:21, and that is a good reason to use the Althouse Portal to Amazon if you have any shopping to accomplish. That's what I call at Type #3 sunrise, you know. A completely clear sky.


Jon Ericson said...

Here’s a Google cache of the tweet; Twitter has since suspended the account:


Inga said...

Serene, lovely after the unrest of the night before.

Achilles said...

Looks like AG Barr is interested in actually taking out the people behind these riots.

The democrats/globalists are going to lose on this again.

The next step for the globalists is War.

China is trying to start shit with India right now.

It is their best play right now.

Sebastian said...

So the prog argument is that police are racist and have it out for blacks. But almost all the police violence they lament, certainly all of the high-profile incidents, occurs in cities ruled by Dems for decades, with police forces hired and led by Dems for decades, with large black voting blocks deciding elections for decades. So if big-city police are racist, they are saying that Dems fostered and tolerated that racism, no?

YoungHegelian said...

Okay, bear with me as I air one of my pet peeves here --- I hear folks saying that "Anarchists" are behind the Antifa riots. I don't believe it.

I've always had a soft spot for Anarchism since I first read Kropotkin when I was 14. If you are outside the hard left, you may be forgiven for not knowing what every historically or ideologically literate anarchist knows --- that no group has murdered more anarchists than Marxist-Leninists. These two groups do not get along. It's real hard to align a group of people who aim for a society based on ad-hoc co-operative relations (anarchists) with a group that believes that before government can wither away, we need to have an open-ended phase of the dictatorship of the proletariat (Marxists).

If there as many anarchists around as seem to be appearing at Antifa demos, there would be many more anarchist blogs, communes, charities, & what not. Anarchists really do sound like Dennis the Peasant from Monty Python & the Holy Grail. We're just not hearing that ideology speaking its name.

I think that Antifa is run by & for Marxists of various stripes & they are, in a false flag operation, blaming "the Anarchists" for the violence. There probably are some poor deluded fools in Antifa who just like to see things burn & think that they're "anarchists", but they couldn't tell their Bakunin from Kropotkin from Proudhon if it slapped them in the face. But, the leadership, they know. And they're Commies to a man!

PS: I also think that the Marxists in Antifa are taking the "Post-Marxist" Identity Politics crowd for a ride, too. The blacks, gays, feminists, criminals, etc, etc. can be made, a la Herbert Marcuse, to serve the broader path of the revolution. But, when the time is right, the Identity politics people will be made to see that class consciousness must take revolutionary precedence or bad things will happen to them. Just as happened to various "hangers-on" in both the Russian & Chinese revolutions.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

intertesting thread per @prestonjbyrne

The United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization.

AG Barr Has instructed all 56 Regional Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTF) to search out and apprehend ANTIFA leaders across the country..

As a result of this directive, law enforcement is likely to obtain all conversations anyone has ever had with major Antifa cell members using electronic communications, per warrants or 2703(d) Stored Communications Act orders, likely being written up now.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Serious question to Inga and steve uhr and lefty Mark:

What made you hate America so much that you are so eager to defend mobs bent on its' destruction?

I honestly don't get it. They're burning small businesses, killing people and now they have spray painted the Lincoln Memorial.

And you lie to cover their crimes. And call us the hateful ones.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Antifa trained with the Kurdish PKK in Syria which is in fact a terrorist organization

Now that Antifa is a declared terrorist group, should the US issue a travel ban for all foreign member of this terror group, those who aid them and those who fund them?

narciso said...

I mentioned wild palms a hallucinogenic neo noir set in 2007, from the mind of bruce wagner brought to you by oliver stone.

narciso said...

Well in the earlier days recluse among the french anarchist (interestingly its the name of a ritzy paris thouroughfare) which waged war against the french establishment including one french premier emma goldman in the us. And her protege of sorts cgolz. There were similar sorts among the social revolutionaries against the czar although at least one was an okrana agent azev.

Drago said...

Now would be a good time to remind our moronic lefties that we now have the documented proof that no evidence exists for the russians hacking the DNC as well as the russkis preferred Hillary to win and Commie Muslim Brotherhood supporting Brennan violated all CIA intel analysis protocols to alter that finding to support the coup attempt against Trump.

So lefties, keep that in mind as you pathetically attempt to resurrect the russian boogeyman to explain away basically, everything.

Lewis Wetzel said...

If you look into the organization of the "anarchists," you will find that they have as strict a hierarchy as Stalinist Russia.
Real anarchists are workers. They got no use for the Bourgeois. The idea is that workers do not need a management class to give them direction.
Today's "anarchists" are the bourgeois.

narciso said...

Henri and vaillant against sadi carnot, the next iteration of the alienist invloves spanish anarchists

Drago said...

Inga: "Serene, lovely after the unrest of the night before."



oh no lefty. Not "unrest".

Vicious, murderous, massively destructive, incredibly violent lefty/dem revolutionary action across the entire nation for several days.

Mobs of leftists beating old ladies with 2×4's (the video of Ingas pals in Rochester with boards while her husband tries to rescue her is stomach turning).

All in a days work for our international terrorists of antifa who are the shock troops and storm troopers on the democratics party.

YoungHegelian said...

Another prediction --- if the violence spreads to suburban middle class or better areas or if the violence in the cities is not brought under control in a day or two, expect to see the "right-wing" (which includes many suburban & exurbanites who vote Democrat) start to use some of those 300+ million guns we have heard about.

No man, and I mean no man, who's armed will stand by & see his family burned out of its home.

Inga said...

“What made you hate America so much that you are so eager to defend mobs bent on its' destruction?

I honestly don't get it. They're burning small businesses, killing people and now they have spray painted the Lincoln Memorial.”

I could ask you the same question.

jimbino said...


Totally different meanings. Why can't Amerikans distinguish among them?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Listen to them whine like little bitches when the tables get turned

Lewis Wetzel said...

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
. . .
As a result of this directive, law enforcement is likely to obtain all conversations anyone has ever had with major Antifa cell members using electronic communications, per warrants or 2703(d) Stored Communications Act orders, likely being written up now.

Why do I suspect that few of the leaders will be actual workers, and instead will be the privileged sons and daughters of the upper bourgeois?

David Begley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ken B said...

I think people assume, when a riot come to town, that afterwards there will be money to clean up, and money from agencies, and good will from other taxpayers. Like before.

I don’t see that happening this time, with the damage to the economy and the supply chain, and the risk of covid. And the likely outbreaks. So when they come down off their high in a few days they will find destruction and few repairs, lost jobs with no replacements, and little sympathy.

Oh, I see the virtue signaling now, the professions of generosity, but it won’t translate to support later. Not this time.

I for one will have no sympathy. Take Minneapolis as an example. The populace allowed the rioting. Period. They could have overwhelmed the allegedly “few” rioters, or been out in force the second night. They were not. They could have inculcated civil virtue in the past. They did not. They could have chosen leaders who care about more than grievance mongering. They did not.

Burned out hulks instead of a street? A “food desert” in rioted neighborhoods because stores shutter? Cops who won’t answer calls? Try finding anyone to care in two weeks.

chuck said...

These two groups do not get along.

True enough, but the anarchists caused plenty of trouble in the first couple of decades of the previous century. They were not peaceful and rather well known for violence. Heck, even Sinclair Lewis was afraid of them.

Ken B said...

Old Hegelian: “ No man, and I mean no man, who's armed will stand by & see his family burned out of its home.”

It’s striking how the left assumes they will continue to be allowed a monopoly on mob rule.

But you know as well as I do what awaits any suburbanite who defends his home and family from BLM. Charges.

Temujin said...

The black?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I could ask you the same question.

5/31/20, 8:52 PM

No, you couldn't.

The boogaloo stuff is bullshit and you know it.

The conservatives rallied at Lansing a few weeks ago. Some carried guns, but they didn't harm anyone or deface any property.

Because they love America. Your side does not.

Drago said...

Bears repeating:

"The same government officials who threw a woman in jail for opening a hair salon, arrested a pastor for leading worship, and accosted a mom pushing her kids on the swings are doing absolutely nothing to stop violent domestic terrorists from torching their cities to the ground."

Jon Ericson said...

Hey Inger, ya got any more of them...

Sebastian said...

"I'm eager to get the real facts on who's doing what"

Said Althouse.

The real fact is that Antifa has been engaged in violence for many years. The real fact is that Dems and the MSM have enabled Antifa violence for many years. That's who's doing what.

Now, I'm eager to see what inferences she draws from those real facts. For example, if Dems enable destructive violence by the far left, does that mean that moderate liberals with a conscience must now vote against Dems?

StephenFearby said...

In other news...

NY Post 9:39pm EST

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s daughter was arrested at a Manhattan protest on Saturday night, law enforcement sources told The Post on Sunday.

Chiara de Blasio, 25, was taken into custody around 10:30 p.m. after cops declared an unlawful assembly at 12th Street and Broadway in Lower Manhattan, the sources said.

“That was a real hotspot, police cars were getting burned there, people were throwing and yelling, fighting with cops. There were thousands of people in that area at that time,” the source said...

(12th Street and Broadway is only two blocks away from Union Square Park -- an epicenter of NYC protesting and chess hustling. It is nowhere near Lower Manhattan.)

Yesterday's news was:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Campaign staff for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden are advertising their donations to a group that pays bail fees in Minneapolis after the city’s police jailed people protesting the killing of a black man by a white police officer.

Perhaps they'll bail out Chiara as well.

chickelit said...

@Jon Ericson: The hostages in that deleted tweet are suspicious: #BlackLivesMaters is an online dating service? And that middle finger in the hashtag below it points right up at the word "Mater" like a brown penis.*

That Tweet could be a hoax.
*Where is Titus for expert analysis?

Michael K said...

Totally different meanings. Why can't Amerikans distinguish among them?

I have no trouble distinguishing between patriotic Americans and people who spell America with a K. NO problem at all.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Mayor DeBlasio's daughter was arrested last night for blocking a road after curfew.

She must be one of Inga's boogaloos.

Isn't it wonderful, Inga, how nicely the white supremacists and Trumpists are getting along with the looters of all races? True diversity has been achieved - in your delusional brain.

narciso said...

Winning the future

Mark said...

ALF-CIO building and historic St. John's Church on 16th Street between H and I on fire.

Inga said...

Trump envisioned 'American carnage.' Now, he's got it.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NCMoss said...

The city and state institutions embedded with "social justice activism" seem to be the most functionally inept and culturally destructive of any I've witnessed in my lifetime. And, mind you, when the dust settles, social justice warriors will be demanding that Targets be rebuilt in the neighborhoods they were destroyed.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga's friends are burning St. John's church in DC, across the street from the White House.

The Presidents' Church. It's a lovely historic building.

But America is evil, according to leftists like Inga, and churches are a symbol of slavery or something and it all must be destroyed.

Mark said...

Live street interview with young blonde white chick on K Street. Reporter asked her why she was there. She said she's there to peacefully protest. But police wouldn't let them. And the police used force against them for no reason (meanwhile, multiple fires are burning, explosive devices and other projectiles are being thrown). And so she says she's not there for violence, but the police won't allow peaceful protest, which is their right, she says, and so there is no other alternative. This (the violence and destruction) is the only thing they have left, she says, to stop black people from being killed.

Why are the riots happening? Who is doing it?? Crazy, irrational leftists like this privileged white chick, that's why.

n.n said...

So if big-city police are racist, they are saying that Dems fostered and tolerated that racism, no?

Our Sheriff came out as a diversitist. She said that as a "person of color" the department needs more racism... diversity. This is what happens when progressives adopt a Pro-Choice religion and good liberals follow. Wicked choices, wicked solutions.

I hear folks saying that "Anarchists" are behind the Antifa riots. I don't believe it.

The left-right (totalitarian-anarchist) nexus is leftist. A society of diverse (i.e. numerical not color) people... persons will not long tolerate a state of disorder. Anarchists beware that your ideological preference feeds [unqualified] progress leftward bound.

Mark said...

That should be --

AFL-CIO building and historic St. John's Church on 16th Street between H and I on fire.

Of course, the AFL-CIO is a major labor union.

Narr said...

Hello, I must be going.

Looks like I missed a day full of discussion . . . maybe I'll catch up tomorrow.

Beware the ATE's.

(De Lillo)

Andrew said...

For the past several weeks, I was worried that Trump might lose the election. That concern is over. It's still a long way from November, but I think his second term is now guaranteed. The Democrats and the news media are now linked to Antifa, looting, and rioting. All the concerns about masks and social distancing are yesterday's news. (What is the argument now for voting by mail due to virus fears, after what they've encouraged?) The Republicans can have their convention while the Democrats pretend to still be afraid. There are 100 new ads that have been created this past week, with most Democrats, journalists, and celebrities taking the side of the rioters. It's going to take months to clean up the damage, and most regular Americans will know who is responsible. Meanwhile, law and order, accompanied by the 2nd Amendment, is now center stage. If the virus flares up again, it will be blamed on the protests. Biden is a non-entity, and Trump conveys strength. My election worries have been alleviated.

h said...

Writing at 11:06 EDT, or (I think) what Althouse blog will time stamp as 10:06. I just searched Washington Post website for information on burning of St. John's church. There is no information. I don't mean to imply that the burning hasn't occurred. But Washington Post hasn't figured out how to cover it at this point. I'll check again in the morning.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Twitter has just suspended antifa's us account. Only about 5 years too late.

Gee, Inga, I wonder why? I don't see any news about any boogaloo account being suspended.

That must be because they're such Trumpists over at Twitter!

Too bad, because they were tweeting out that tonight is the night they're gonna go to the suburbs and take what's theirs. Perhaps you'd like to have them over and give them some homemade bread.

Inga said...

Being reported, Wesley Somers a Three Percenters member arrested for arson of the Nashville Courthouse.

Who are the Three Percenters?

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Give BLM and Anti1A what they want. Disband the police.

Look, if they're going to do what they want, I will do what I want, but they won't like it.

Mark said...

16th now cleared up to K Street. Which Mayor Bowser should have had closed off all day.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga, there is American carnage solely because you filthy leftists are willing to lie, cheat, riot, and murder to get your way.

America is seeing your truly ugly faces now. Your phony veneer of "compassion" is gone.

Spiros Pappas said...

If elections don’t go their way, if something upsets these people, they riot. They totally suck and their bullsh@t is going to turn our country into a police state.

Andrew said...

Wow! Other commenters have mentioned it already. But I can't believe St. John's Church in DC is on fire. That's burning down our heritage. The Cultural Revolution really has come to America.

Michael K said...

Inga said...
Trump envisioned 'American carnage.' Now, he's got it.

Thanks to your crazy communist friends. Do you have any idea of what you have done?

Of course not. The Inga bot has no feelings or understanding.

Black kids in Long Beach, CA trying to loot a boarded up store. They will never understand why they are on welfare at age 40. If alive, of course.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

some Scott Adams--
"Thanks to #Antifa, the political left just lost every argument they have ever made, except for abortion. At least from a persuasion perspective."

Peaceful protesters in DC tackle an Antifa rioter and hand him over to the police for trying to turn things violent.

...but check out the Antifa-borg at the end of the vid

h said...

I submitted an earlier comment on this, so this is an update.

The St. John's church burning did show up (before I went to bed) at 11:20 EDT. Not sure if this is a permanent URL but...

Drago said...

Russian Collusion Truther Inga: "Trump envisioned 'American carnage.' Now, he's got it."

I'll save everyone the trouble of reading the fake news column that Inga links to.

Short version: in 2015/16/17 Trump noticed the lefties were insane and hell-bent on creating destructive carnage in our cities.

Later, the lefties, who are insane, create destructive carnage in our cities.

Lefty conclusion: Trump made us do it.

I can't think of a more appropriate commentary on just how psycho Inga and her antifa terrorist pals think.

On top of that, the lefties/dems have completely aligned themselves with islamic supremacists and the ChiComs.

There is no way to avoid the obvious (which has been obvious for many decades): the left wants the immediate destruction of the United States and its Constitutional underpinnings in order to create their Maoist version of paradise on earth.

Inga said...

On his way home from a protest Friday night in Minneapolis, Jonathan Turner Bargen encountered a white man in a red pickup truck. The man was carrying an assault rifle and a handgun, Turner Bargen said. Then he noticed a symbol from the far-right militia group Three Percenters affixed to the truck.

“I circled back and took pictures of the vehicle. I was concerned about why they were present at the downtown protest, and had no idea who to notify,” said Turner Bargen in an email to MPR News.

State officials, protesters and residents say they’re alarmed by the presence of extremists who may be using Twin Cities protests against the police killing of George Floyd as cover to burn down buildings and face off with law enforcement. Hundreds of buildings have been damaged and many totally burned in recent days.”

William said...

On Saturday, I watched a crowd of protesters march down Fifth Ave. For the most part they did not look threatening or sinister. That was not their purpose. They provided the ocean for the fishes to swim in. Call them anarchist enablers.

Drago said...

exiled: "The Presidents' Church. It's a lovely historic building."

Not anymore.

Inga's pals made sure of that.

I expect many more of Inga's marxist/antifa terrorist pals to burn as many Christian churches as they can as fast as they can. After all, its the very least they can do for antifa's islamic supremacist allies.

Michael K said...

The idiots like Inga are burning the country down but, when it is over, they will find little tolerance for their bullshit.

My Bernie bro daughter who lives in Santa Monica called to day to ask if I could get her another gun. They are already planning an indoor gun range to practice.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Defund all police and sheriff's departments. Give the Lefties what they want, and see how they like it!


William said...

The police are not an instrument of social justice or, for that matter, justice. They maintain order and frequently use blunt force to achieve that purpose. Criminals also use blunt force to achieve their ends, but they do maintain order.....It certainly looks like that officer used inappropriate force in the arrest of George Floyd. That video gets replayed constantly on tv. Some of the rioters have also used inappropriate force to suppress those who get in the way of the riot and looting. Inappropriate is the wrong word. The beatings are vicious and savage, but you won't see them on tv. They're too "disturbing".

Drago said...

Inga is busy posting new fake stories from her latest hoax dossier.

Notice that in all these stories, supposedly even where pictures were allegedly taken, we never see the photos or get the names or anything else.

It's all so wonderfully nebulous isn't it?

In the exact same way that Michael Cohen was in Prague, right Russia Collusion Truther?

Drago said...

I'll bet Keith Ellison regrets taking a smiling picture with his beloved antifa handbook now, isn't he?

Of course, he just deleted his very own tweet that had been up for years with that pic.....but don't worry marxist antifa fanboy, "teh interwebs" is forever and the screen shot is never going away.

And on top of that, as mentioned earlier, Ellison's son tweeted out his undying support for antifa.

But according to Inga, this is all fake. All of it. Every bit.

It's all white supremacist MAGA-hatters with the power to hypnotize entire legions of lefties into doing bad things.......

narciso said...

Maybe they are aliens from the planet zeist and call themselves ramirez.

Birkel said...

Nobody tell Freeman Hunt:

Drago said...

In about 5 minutes Inga will be telling us the molotov cocktails her antifa terrorist allies were tossing at police officers were actually "spark of divinity" molotov cocktails, filled with love.

Pretty much what she has said in the past about MS13 members, and in particular, MS13 gang members who have been convicted of violent crimes.

Michael K said...

This now has nothing to do with 6 foot 6 ex-con George Floyd. It is now mostly about re-election of the president and that is going better and better with each building burned down.

Meanwhile Slow Joe needs another $20 million from Xi for "walking around money."

Sebastian said...

"ALF-CIO building and historic St. John's Church on 16th Street between H and I on fire."

Who's doing what, asked Althouse. We know the what. Now who could be doing the doing?

And if we know who's doing the doing, does it not follow, at long last, that moderate liberals can never allow anyone who aided and abetted such doings to be in power ever again?

Still neutral, Althouse? Still "observing"?

YoungHegelian said...

With the attempted burning of St. John's Church in DC, the whole moderate left now knows that they must make the camel go through the eye of the needle and convince the world that this is all the work of righties or that they are doomed. Now, all the links between the moderate Left & Antifa will start to come out, and it will destroy them.

It isn't just Trump that's getting re-elected now. It's going to be a 1968 style Republican wave.

The moderate Left romanticized the hard Left, just like they always do. They publicly sucked cock for the hard Left, hoping that they would be their Red Guards against the nasty, nasty, Right with all their guns, just like they always do.

And the hard Left made the moderate Left its first victims. Just like they always do.

Drago said...

BTW, I'll bet by tomorrow we will have confirmation that the arsonist in Nashville is a lefty.

Just like we knew Inga and her pals were lying about the Covington high schoolers and Jussie Smollett.

gadfly said...

McClatchy disagrees about a long held opinion that Michael Cohen was never in Prague:

A mobile phone traced to President Donald Trump’s former lawyer and “fixer” Michael Cohen briefly sent signals ricocheting off cell towers in the Prague area in late summer 2016, at the height of the presidential campaign, leaving an electronic record to support claims that Cohen met secretly there with Russian officials, four people with knowledge of the matter say.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Drago wrote:

"Notice that in all these stories, supposedly even where pictures were allegedly taken, we never see the photos or get the names or anything else.

It's all so wonderfully nebulous isn't it?"

Well, when your audience consists of credulous boneheads like Inga, you don't have to provide photos or names. You know that leftist dullards will open their mouths and eagerly swallow any crap that's shoveled their way.

Mark said...

What they showed on live TV before the fire department arrived was that the St. John's fire was in the ceiling of the basement. It was a significant fire and no doubt did great damage, but the building was saved.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

has Law Enforcement learned who the REAL criminals are yet?

...who knew it wasnt church-goers, beauticians, and playground mommies!?!

Or did they know, but were "just following orders"?
If not, have the recent events made it clear who the real problem is?

Yes-- we now understand it's not only church-goers, but Antifa too!

Mark said...

I forgot -- during that interview with that white chick on K Street, some guy off camera said that the fires weren't violence because no one was hurt.

Who does these things? People who are beyond reason.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I notice Inga avoided the thread about the 2 NYC attorneys arrested for trying to murder a cop with a Molotov cocktail.

She always skips the threads that clearly disprove the lunatic narrative she has running in her dull mind.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Michael K said...

My Bernie bro daughter who lives in Santa Monica called to day to ask if I could get her another gun. They are already planning an indoor gun range to practice.

My Trump-hating relatives spent the evening watching CNN's coverage of the riot in Santa Monica. It took a couple of hours, but the "white supremacist, MAGA hat wearing, Russian agitators" narrative eventually started fading away. Seeing large chunks of concrete being hurled at the police while the black clad throwers hid behind your common garden variety lefty protesters had it's effect. They're now putting it down to "that group that's called Anifart, or something like that".

At this rate, I'm guessing it will be about 48 hours before my Trump-hating relatives, the media, and the DNC will be screaming about Trump not having done anything about Antifa before now.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

have any mosques been torched?

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

don't be fey, Wray!

National Security Adviser, Robert O'Brien tells us the president wants to know what the FBI has been doing about radical activist groups like Antifa.

...maybe a good reason to fire him, eh?

Gospace said...

So, Inga, by definition an assault rifle is a fully automatic weapon. A license to have one of those is very expensive.I understand Mexican gangs don't bother with licenses for the ones they own and use. A three percenter would.

Is this anonymous reporter of a dangerous three percenter able to distinguish a fully automatic weapon from a completely legal semi-automatic by sight? Or are they the typical liberal idiot who sees scary rifle and says- Assault Weapon!

I'm not a member, but they don't sound very scary. It's funny how any organization that supports the US Constitution is labelled "far right".

Not Sure said...

Notice that in all these stories, supposedly even where pictures were allegedly taken, we never see the photos or get the names or anything else.

Not all

Obviously most of the rioters aren't right wingers, but apparently a taste for watching the world burn is what unites the gloriously diverse extremists.

narciso said...

Like the pitchmeeting guy says because.

That mcclatchy report by the coke freak jason leopold was so ridiculous mueller himself had to rebuff it

narciso said...

This is the idiot reporter who called georgias opening 'a human sacrifice'

Drago said...

gadfly The Hopeless: "McClatchy disagrees about a long held opinion that Michael Cohen was never in Prague:

A mobile phone traced to President Donald Trump’s former lawyer and “fixer” Michael Cohen briefly sent signals ricocheting off cell towers in the Prague area in late summer 2016, at the height of the presidential campaign, leaving an electronic record to support claims that Cohen met secretly there with Russian officials, four people with knowledge of the matter say."


Utterly debunked. Completely debunked. Blasted to smithereens.

McClatchy's hilariously stupid attempt to resurrect the debunked lie was something to behold.

Even the hacks on Mueller's vicious democrat team wrote: “Cohen had never traveled to Prague.”

As in ever. As in never. Never ever. Ever.

Hope this helps you gadfly, but then again, you can't really be helped, can you?

Ray - SoCal said...

Very perceptive comment.

I have a gut feeling the fbi has been ignoring Antifa.

Blogger Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...
>don't be fey, Wray!

StephenFearby said...

WaPo report about Sunday night:

Night of destruction across D.C. after protesters clash with police outside White House

Comment about same by a reader with the handle: Obama is smarter than your President:

"Burn the aptly named Whitehouse to the ground. It was built on the dead bodies of slaves, after Trump and his terrorist foxnazis polluted it I say burn it. As a hated minority after Trump the whitehouse is like looking at Nazi memorabilia for a Jew. Our lives and liberty matter more than white America’s peace of mind. They want us to peacefully accept serfdom to the foxnazi minority, no way, I’d rather burn everything to the ground then let those criminals steal another election and discriminate against us. The enemy is terrorist foxnazi next door he must marginalized and destroyed with any means necessary. Burn that Nazi hovel Trump is hiding in down, if the white majority wants us to accept serfdom to the foxnazi minority they got another thing coming."

Likely posted from his mother's project apartment...from which he only goes out to get in on some of the looting.

Lewis Wetzel said...

gadfly said...

. . . four people with knowledge of the matter say.

I wonder why the writer didn't say "five people with knowledge of the matter say?"
I 'spoze it would have violated journalistic standards.
It would be fun to look at how that phrase evolved during the editing process. Somehow four anonymous sources are as reliable as a single named source? I wonder how the math works.

PhysicistDave said...

YoungHegelian wrote:
>I think that Antifa is run by & for Marxists of various stripes & they are, in a false flag operation, blaming "the Anarchists" for the violence.

I doubt they are either smart enough or sane enough to be Marxists. Sure, Marxists were crazy, but they did know, for example, that only women can get pregnant.

No, I think Antifa is the final crack-up of the Left.

I agree with you about the media's misuse of the word "anarchist." I myself share Thoreau's aspiration expressed in his Essay that if humans ever get civilized they will not need the state (no, I'm not holding my breath!). Does that make me an anarchist? I have nothing in common at all with the looters and arsonists.

Dave Miller in Sacramento

BUMBLE BEE said...

Is that a Target store on the horizon?

Inga said...

Nashville police have arrested a 25-year-old man on felony arson and vandalism charges in connection with the fire set Saturday night in the Metro Nashville courthouse.

Detectives from the specialized investigations division and SWAT officers took Wesley Somers into custody on Sunday night, according to a Twitter post from the Metro Nashville Police Department. The arrest was made at a home on Manzano Road in the city's Madison neighborhood, police said.

The historic building, which serves as Nashville's city hall, was damaged and set on fire following the peaceful "I Will Breathe" rally.

Inga said...

On Sunday, as the city confronted shattered remnants of a peaceful protest overtaken by violence, Nashville police tried to identify 20-30 people they said hijacked the demonstration and used it “as a cover for the destruction they wanted to employ.” Other photos show unidentified individuals breaking windows and starting fires inside the Metro Courthouse. Many of the people seen vandalizing buildings appeared to be white. The courthouse windows were smashed, its walls were spray painted with graffiti and fires were started inside the building. A plaque commemorating the civil rights movement in Nashville also was destroyed.

Inga said...

“I notice Inga avoided the thread about the 2 NYC attorneys arrested for trying to murder a cop with a Molotov cocktail.”

Blogger Inga said...
Well, that’s the end of their careers, proving that there’s no bigger fool like an educated fool.

5/31/20, 6:34

From the link embedded in the blogpost.
“Colinford Mattis, 32, a corporate lawyer and member of Community Board 5 in East New York, was charged along with fellow attorney Urooj Rahman with the attempted attack on an empty police cruiser parked outside the 88th Precinct station house in Fort Greene.”

BUMBLE BEE said...

Liberals don't fight evil, they fight those who fight evil. Enablers that's all just enablers.

iowan2 said...

Inga keeps posting links to DNC scribes narrative creation. She hasn't figured out, over the last 5 years, the DNC scribes only mission, transfer of power to leftist tyrants. Facts play no roll in the narrative creation.
Go crazy posting articles. The DNC scribes lie, for the cause. facts are only hindrance to the cause

narciso said...

Sure whatever

rehajm said...

Follow the money. The money that pays the white kids with umbrellas to break windows, that drops the pallets of bricks conveniently located to adjacent to people protesting for free...

stevew said...

I see, "white men" are to blame for the violence. Did these "white men" replace or supplement the "white supremacists" that were to blame the other day?

jaydub said...

Inga, you realize the 20 people whom the Nashville police say high jacked the demonstration and used it as a cover for the destruction they wanted to employ were Antifa don't you? My God, woman, how stupid can you get to believe that the KKK joined a BLM demonstration and then high jacked it? It boggles the mind!

iowan2 said...

From the link embedded in the blogpost.
“Colinford Mattis, 32, a corporate lawyer and member of Community Board 5 in East New York, was charged along with fellow attorney Urooj Rahman with the
attempted attack on an empty police cruiser parked outside the 88th Precinct station house in Fort Greene.”

bolded text added by Inga to deflect. Always rationalizing, deflecting, denying...always

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

My God, woman, how stupid can you get to believe that the KKK joined a BLM demonstration and then high jacked it? It boggles the mind!

6/1/20, 6:40 AM

Inga is indeed mindbogglingly stupid and proves it everyday. She is also racist. She believes that blacks are so stupid they would let a bunch of KKK people hijack their demonstration. Granted, none of these rioters are bright, but they'd have to be Inga-level stupid to allow that.

Inga said...

“My God, woman, how stupid can you get to believe that the KKK joined a BLM demonstration and then high jacked it?”

I haven’t mentioned the KKK once, why are you mentioning them?

I Callahan said...

Nowhere in that story Inga posted does it say this guy is a white supremacist. Nowhere.

Narr said...

It's not every generation that lives to see the end of an age--and the return of the rabble is just part of the pattern. Others have noted the most likely effects on political sorting--as the late Hitch might have said, "There are promising signs of polarization."

But Ken B may have made the best point--this time the damage in the 'hoods may never get fixed.

ANTIFA is mostly middle-class poseur trustafarians as far as I can see, but there are anarcho-nihilists aplenty among the half-educated flotsam and jetsam that has flourished until now under Pax Americana.

Here and in Europe