১০ মে, ২০২০

At the Sunrise Café...


... you can talk all night.

And please consider using the Althouse Portal to Amazon if you've got any shopping you need to accomplish.

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299 এর 1 – থেকে 200   আরও নতুন»   সবচেয়ে নতুন»
Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...

Oh, Ann, another terrific photo. The orange in the sky, with a subtle reflected shimmer of the same hue, brightens the several shades of blue and indigo.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...

A gorgeous day in Pacifica, where my youngest went moutain biking; and I climbed 2400 feet to the summit of Montara mountain. A fun run, since most of the incline was gentle enough to run--only a few places required a power hike. The wildflowers that lined the trail were a riot of color--with bumblebees and honeybees diligently gathering pollen. At the top, spectacular views of the Pacific--white crests of the surf like frosting on a deep blue cake.

The only fly in the ointment was a fall, which left my arms and left knee looking like pizza. I had been doing so well! No falls for the past six months. Now I will have to listen to my friends' offer to encase me in bubble wrap.

narciso বলেছেন...

How did you fall, did you trip?

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

OMG! Only 650 corona deaths nationwide today. The lowest since way back on March 29th when it was supposedly going "exponential". Even with expanded testing, new cases dropped today to where they were on that date as well. Just fantastic news, especially considering that people have officially and unofficially opened up to real life again for a couple weeks now. Herd immunity or "shield immunity" as it's now being called is taking hold. It always was the only way out. In Nevada we have a target of 10% positives from the testing before opening up is recommended. We are just touching there again for the first time since 3/31. Deaths here over the last three days: 2, 1, 0, That's good numbers.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


Oh, yes, I usually trip--and usually going downhill. The trail was narrow and a mixture of broken asphalt, rocks, and roots. Coming toward me were three mountain bikers, and concerned with getting out of their way, I failed to watch my footing. To their credit (and my embarrassment), they stopped and did not move on until I got up and rinsed the dirt and pebbles out of my contusions.

I fall frequently--as do most ultra runners--with sanguinary consequences that worry others, but do not concern me overly. What astounds me is how strong my bones must be! Knock wood; never anything more than lacerations and bruises.

Thank you for asking.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


Fabulous news. So long as the news morons do not manage to smother such good news with a pillow, this sort of information should impel the general public that has not gone completely around the bend to push for more opening.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

We all secretly got haircuts on Friday night, hours before it was allowed. We are so goddamned crazy! Karen, I know what your thinking. It could have ruined everything, and killed millions. I just hate myself.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Only 41 deaths in New York. Amazing turn around!

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...

Millions? Only millions? This planet has 6 billion people living on it--you endangered every single one of them.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

I foresee a rising demand for hookers who give haircuts as a premium.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

but what do you do when your papaya tests positive

...for Flu Manchu?


narciso বলেছেন...

Rebellion is in the air


The wicked witch of lansing will be defied

Otto বলেছেন...

Albeit it is sunday(historically lowest weekly numbers) case numbers lowest since Mar 30.
Today's NY death number unbelievably low. Definitely a significant day.

n.n বলেছেন...

Someone has the right sentiment: Happy [unplanned] Child Day! Happy Mother's Day!

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

If the Chicago Tribune thinks that everything is going to go back to completely normal without us having a very effective treatment or a vaccine, they're just dead wrong," he said.

Illinois Governor Pritzker, 5/10/2020

This was never the understood deal between the government & the citizenry for the lockdown. Never.

The deal was to "flatten the curve", to make sure that the medical establishment would not be overwhelmed by the numbers of the sick. Not that we'd get stuck in place until there's a vaccine or a "treatment" (is there a "treatment" for influenza?).

If governments want cooperation, they need to stop moving the goalposts. There are millions of people teetering on insolvency. You think they aren't paying attention? Oh, boy, are they paying attention!

I see the COVID pandemic long-term as an absolute disaster for Big Government types the whole world over. Shit like this from Gov. Pritzker is one big reason why.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Scott Adams is out of his mind. It correlates with liking movies with geeks and robots.

Chapters 5-8 or Coleridge's Biographia Literaria refutes the simulation, as well as any other form of artificial intelligence.

ch 5

They're short chapters.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

At age 70, I’m still the guy everybody wants to do their job.

It’s a blessing, but I’m stuck inside this old man body, and I need a lot of rest.

This is a surprising outcome. Didn’t expect this at all.

Howard বলেছেন...

So the social distancing has worked as planned to eliminate the exponential growth and to flatten the curve.

We only need about 250 million more people to be infected to reach herd immunity.

What I don't understand is why you people think it's silly theater for people to wear masks in public to prevent reinfection. It seems like it is one of several reasons

1 ignorance of how a shity mask worn by everybody gives nearly 100% effectiveness. 2 a point of pride you don't want someone to tell you to put something on your face. 3 you want to appear to be brave to your fellow deplorable peers in the face of mortal danger. 4 you're embarrassed to wear a mask.

Masks work really well in Asia. Asians are good at math. Math is hard. We're not Asians.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

"First Mom" Haiku

Beautiful, floating
Like a Lotus--

Her Mother's Day Greeting

bn বলেছেন...

This comment has nothing to do with whatever the topic of this post is. I just thought it needed more comments. So here goes:

This is the most awesome day in the history of my reading of the perfessor's magnum blogus!

I haven't read any of this yet, till now... 'cause, y'know, I like mothers and kids and grandmothers and grandkids and stuff. But I looked it over just now, and this is excellent work!! Every single post, every single comment is great! Keep it up!!

Is it just me and my love for the almighty Little Ricardo? Who cares? There is just so much here.

And Roberto Z! (the king of some genre or other!!!) There is no truly good blogging day without Bobby, is there?

(I'm not being sarcastic. This is an awesome day!)

Thank you.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...

To have diminishing vigor of body, with undimmed luminosity of soul and mind is a sobering and bitter pill to swallow. I feel it when I allow myself to contemplate it. Mostly I try to convince my brain that I am 20--the age my spirit feels.

Tempus fugit.

narciso বলেছেন...

Does he fail voight kampd test that was one element of 'electric sleep' that carried over to bladerunner.

Narr বলেছেন...

Prof's images have texture--this one does for sure.

BDs/MD meetup went pretty well--politics was almost entirely absent! A few ritualistic TDS mutterings from bro. (I'm 67 in about twelve hours . . . strange, to reflect on my life at its midpoint.)

I realized the other day that both my hair and my wife's are longer than they have been in 40ish years! I remember how much I like the look of my hair when long, but it's hot and I don't like stuff over my ears etc. I don't think I can wait a long time for it to grow out so I can ponytail it, even as unseasonably cool as it is right now.

Wife's hair needs both shape and color, but I'm digging her little ponytail.

Like old times almost.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

@Shouting Thomas

HGH and Hyaluronic acid ;-)

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


There are no clinical trials to show that masks (especially those that do nothing to filter viruses) are effective at all; it is all supposition and speculation.

There is no indication that reinfection can occur. The initial fear that it could turned out to be virus flotsam that remained in the body, not newly positive infection.

There are no trials to suggest that six feet is a magic number.

There are no trials to support that "masks work in Asia." Correlation does not equal causation.

I don't want to wear a mask because I know that they are useless, and I refuse to engage in safety theater. Wearing a mask tells other people and the unconscious part of my brain that there is something about which to be fearful. I choose not to reinforce that particular lie.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

It’s called freedom, Howard.

We’re big, onery Americans, not little Asians born into societies that demand obedience.

No, mediation didn’t diminish the virus from the estimated 2.2 million deaths to 35,000.

The panic was fabricated by the Democratic Party and its media. Another chapter in the attempted coup against Trump.

Your propensity toward obedience and sacrificing the individual for the greater good is a moral failure in an American, Howard. You’ve got it all upside down.

You should have stayed in the Marines. You’re really not fit for civilian life as a U.S. citizen. Really, Howard you’re a craven serf and coward.

bn বলেছেন...

I may have started drinking again... look out.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


If wife is ok with dying her own hair, she can buy professional color on eBay. That's what I did--even did a little playing around with burgundy red. Much, much, much cheaper! I think my hair gal just lost a big chunk of her custom from me.

The length...well...I cut my own hair once. Never again. And you are right--long hair is freaking hot.

jaydub বলেছেন...

Howard or PPtape or whatever you're calling yourself these days, why not just change your handle to "Karen" and be done with it.

Howard বলেছেন...

Anne: your answer is essentially you don't understand math. Look at the death curves for Asia were masks compliance is extremely high.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


My sister's boss put it this way: South Koreans are small and compliant; Americans are big and unruly.

But, maybe try to assert your point without denigrating others? I dunno...keeping the temperature down around here is so much more pleasant.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

but as we rage against the dying of the light, remember:

Even though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day.
2 Cor 4:16

What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ our Lord! Rom.7:24

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

Horrible, but still, you'd have to have a heart of stone not to laugh...


Guess who they'll blame.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Howard, why don’t you cower and kiss ass, while the rest of us bravely go on with our lives?

Howard বলেছেন...

Hey Jay. you must be really proud of how well your president mr. Trump has done protecting all your fellow Vietnam vets in the veterans homes. Really beautiful numbers on the covid deaths.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...

And Howard,

YOU don't understand cause and effect. Correlation is NOT causation. Short of a randomized, controlled trial, we don't really know why the death curves for different countries vary.

An equally plausible theory is that countries that were more assiduous in testing in hospitals and long-term care facilities lowered mortality because they caught and squelched occasions for uncontrolled spread.

Since almost 50% of the deaths here are in long-term care facilities--WHICH HAVE BEEN SHUT DOWN FOR 2 MONTHS--masks seem irrelevant.

And stop with the insults, Howard. I don't cotton to people who resort to ad hom because they don't have an intelligent response.

Howard বলেছেন...

Okay so we put shouting Thomas down for phony tough excuse.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Oh, well, I gotta go to bed. As I said, I have to get my rest.

Your view of the role of government is tyranny, Howard.

What’s the point of freedom if you don’t exercise it?

For all the bravado, you’re a very timid man. Which you try to cover up with all the Biggus Dickus bravado.

Howard বলেছেন...

Anne I am still doesn't understand math.

Inga বলেছেন...

“What I don't understand is why you people think it's silly theater for people to wear masks in public to prevent reinfection. It seems like it is one of several reasons

1 ignorance of how a shity mask worn by everybody gives nearly 100% effectiveness. 2 a point of pride you don't want someone to tell you to put something on your face. 3 you want to appear to be brave to your fellow deplorable peers in the face of mortal danger. 4 you're embarrassed to wear a mask.”

Whole Foods won’t let you in the door without a mask. Althouse says she wants to go shopping again, it’s a mask or no Whole Foods, I guess.

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Inga is a full on advocate of tyranny always, without regard to the subject.

Amazingly, like Howard, she thinks of this as a virtue.

Howard বলেছেন...

Goodnight my sweet prince

Howard বলেছেন...

Hey Inga how many masks did you sew for healthcare people and first responders?

Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

Really, Howard, as I said, you cower and kiss the ass of authority, and I’ll go about life as a free U.S. citizen.

Fuck math. Freedom is my birthright. There’s no bargaining to be done over that.

You’re an extremely cowardly and confused man.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...

Another plausible theory is that at least three of these Asian countries are islands or essentially islands (since S Korea is a peninsula with a DMZ on it's only land border).

Another snag in your theory is that if we take fucking NY out of our numbers, we look pretty damn good--without your bloody masks.

Admit that you just don't have a clue, Howard. Because at this point, really smart people admit that everything is a SWAG.

Life here at the cafe is much better without the cohort that feels like the pot has constantly to be stirred. Piss off.

narciso বলেছেন...

Berenson has actually crunched the numbers something chickadee ferguson couldnt do , miss staats is dutch dont know the proper descriptor fraulein.

Howard বলেছেন...

I think the real aversion to wearing masks it's the fact that it helps other people not themselves and that just doesn't fit with a narcissistic personality disorder by proxy that worships President Frump

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...

And once again, Howard, speaking of math-illiterates:

Unless you can show me a trial where every variable was controlled, except for the independent variable of mask/no mask, your numbers don't mean diddly. What don't you understand about CORRELATION DOES NOT EQUAL CAUSATION?

I am done with you. You have no argument, only silly assertions of other's ignorance. Which only paints you with the brush of childish petulance.

jaydub বলেছেন...

PPtape, I'm a Vietnam veteran and a Gulf War veteran. If you're going to talk out your ass about someone, at least make an effort to get the details right for a change.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


So what did you get up to today?

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Oh, is that Pedro? He has quite the range.

Howard বলেছেন...

Anne I am can never stand the heat of someone who challenges her beliefs.

Inga বলেছেন...

“Life here at the cafe is much better without the cohort that feels like the pot has constantly to be stirred. Piss off.”

Earth to Anne... you don’t run the Cafe threads, piss off yourself. You stir the pot nightly with the continuous underhanded mention of those oh so mean meanies who said you “were a murderer”, as you report nightly, trying to solicit remarks about the meanness of the meanies.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...

The Claremont Review of Books is available on-line for free. A thought-provoking piece by Mark Helprin. And others--the CRB is always a fine read.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

“What I don't understand is why you people think"

My Chuck Todd interpretation of Inga's comment.

Inga বলেছেন...

“Anne I am can never stand the heat of someone who challenges her beliefs.”

Be careful, she’ll tell to to piss off again, you meanie. Aren’t you aware that these nightly Cafe threads are her turf, in her mind anyway.

Howard বলেছেন...

I did cite your Vietnam service j-dub sorry I didn't know that you are a gulf War veteran also thank you for your service. You must be mighty proud of your President Trump and how veterans in the veterans homes are dying like flies from covid-19 expendable I suppose the NVA couldn't get them So old bone spurs finish them off. They got f***** coming and going

Birkel বলেছেন...

Whole Foods hasn't earned my business with low prices for quality groceries.
This of you who wish to pay more are welcome to do so.

Meanwhile, the people who are determined to be wrong again are welcome to do so.
I took the under.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


Challenge my "beliefs?" It is not a "belief" that correlation does not equal causation. It is a guiding principle of scientific inquiry.

And you made an assertion: masks make all the difference. But you have nothing to back it up. So you resort to ad homs.

Produce the trials. Show your work. It isn't math, by the way...you can't just say, oh, they wear masks and their numbers are lower. That is total bullshit, and if you had an ounce of integrity, you would climb down off that hobby horse and produce some intelligent thought.

But I put you in with those whom Hannah Arendt described as incapable of independent thought.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


What did YOU get up to today--non-Chinese mungus related?

Inga বলেছেন...

“What I don't understand is why you people think"

What I don't understand is why you people think as you do, it seems like mass delusion.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM বলেছেন...

U.S. Supreme Court mulls power of 'electors' -
Whether electors have the constitutional right to exercise
independence & defy the will of the voters -


Inga বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...

Birkel, narciso, bagoh20,

I know that you all are history buffs, which I am not, but I will throw these two topics out there:

Is there an originalism based on natural law? Evidently, that discussion is getting underway in the lawyerly circles (Volokh covers it).

Who are your favorite stand-up comedians (if you listen/watch)? I only listen--Sirius Radio--when I drive.

Howard বলেছেন...

Inga: is it any wonder that Anne I am's ex-husband had to come up with some b******* excuse to quit f****** her. She is still so clueless she told the story in the comments like he had a bad memory or something. I guess she was just too stupid to realize he didn't want to touch her anymore and he just grabbed the most convenient excuse he could. Poor old cow doesn't realize that it's her winning personality that is such a devastating turn off

narciso বলেছেন...

Helprin is always good i didnt like winters tale that much but ant proof caee which was an iconoclastic effort.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


This should be an interesting case. I go both ways, see both sides, and IANAL or a SCOTUS justice, so thank god, I am not in charge.

J. Farmer বলেছেন...

In the early 1990's, a huge literature was produced describing likely trends in global relations and their implications for the United States in the aftermath of the Soviet Union's dissolution, the reunification of Germany, and the end of the Cold War. Bush's "new world order" speech to Congress in light of the Persian Gulf crisis, Krauthammer's "Unipolar Moment," the Pentagon's Defensive Planning Guide for '94-'99 ("Wolfowitz Doctrine"), Fukuyama's End of History and the Last Man, and Huntington's Clash of Civilizations are all prominent examples.

One lesser known entry was Benjamin Barber's Atlantic Monthly essay "Jihad vs. McWorld." (Jihad is used metaphorically, not in reference to its Islamic form) It was expanded into a book a few years later, and I remember reading it at some point in the late nineties. A lot of its ideas are ripped off and dumbed down in Friedman's The Lexus and the Olive Tree. Barber's book is the antidote to Friedman's shallow, naive optimism.

I reread Barber's original essay today and was struck by how much it presaged the events of the last 25 years. From DC to London to Berlin to Tokyo, the elites of the global north pushed for the globalization and "integration" of the countries of the global south. The expectation was that the economic growth this afforded would lead to the increase of a middle class, which would exert a democratizing and liberalizing influence on those countries and further integrate them into the "liberal international order." This remains the dominant thesis in contemporary western international relations.

The Great Recession, the Eurozone crisis, the rise of right-populist politics on the continent, Brexit, and the election of Donald Trump are all seen as potential setbacks to the implementation of this order. When Nigel Farage was roused from bed to deliver an impromptu victory speech following the Brexit result, he said that perhaps the date would become known as Britain's "independence day." It was an obvious allusion to 1776. But whether our current moment is more 1776 or more 1848 remains to be seen

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


What kind of poisonous personality must you be to resort to bitchy little comments like some kindergarten girl who didn't get to be teacher when everyone played school?

Do you think it makes you look smart? It may play with Inga, but the rest of us look at you and think, "Loser."

And shit, I hope you all take a good vacation when all of this is over. Since I live rent-free in your heads, I'd enjoy a free trip.

Now go masturbate in a sock, thinking of how you really "showed that Anne."

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Howard: "So the social distancing has worked as planned to eliminate the exponential growth and to flatten the curve.

We only need about 250 million more people to be infected to reach herd immunity."

You obviously don't understand how herd immunity works. The whole nation is not one herd anymore than the whole world is one. The same results are happening everywhere, with or without extreme mitigation efforts, because epidemics always follow the same curve in a population. If we simply hid from the virus, do you think it would go away?

What happens if social distancing gets really widespread compliance? Nobody gets immune. Then what is the reopen strategy? The social distancing to slow loads on the hospitals made sense, but that passed weeks ago. The end game was always immunity. It still is and always will be. And nobody is really safe until they get immunity themselves or enough people around them do to block it out. It's like a running play in football. Every blocker does not have to hit the guy trying to tackle the runner, but with enough blockers one of them will stop the guy who would have gotten through, because he is simply outnumbered.

narciso বলেছেন...

Recently thats a poser i guess in the 80s i liked stephen wright absurdism dennis miller (even ifin his lefty hipster phase because of his love of language), there are so many so called comics and comedians who are a) not funny b) brain dead stupid

Howard বলেছেন...

The minimum herd immunity is about 70% some say it has to be 90. Perhaps you've already forgotten the measles outbreaks when the herd immunity locally drops below these thresholds.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...

Thanks, JF.

I vacillate between thinking I need to read all of your references and deciding to absorb your knowledge by osmosis, preferring to read Blood and Leukemia.

A pity I have only so much time awake and so much brain space.

narciso বলেছেন...

Larry miller, robert wuhl, (like his riff on born to run as the new jersey state anthen) those are also dated.

Inga বলেছেন...


“DELVE group publishes evidence paper on the use of face masks in tackling Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

Key points in the paper include:

Asymptomatic (including presymptomatic) infected individuals are infectious. Without mitigation, the current estimate is that 40%-80% of infections occur from individuals without symptoms. Universal screening of asymptomatic SARS-COV2 in women admitted for delivery in New York City shows that 13.7% were infected, and that asymptomatic women accounted for 88% of infected individuals in the study. Of individuals who do become symptomatic, viral loads are the highest in the presymptomatic and early symptomatic phase, decreasing thereafter.

Droplets from infected individuals are a major mode of transmission. This understanding is the basis of the recommendations for physical distancing, and of the PPE guidance for healthcare workers. Droplets do not only come from coughing or sneezing: in a/presymptomatic individuals, droplets are generated via talking and breathing.

Face masks reduce droplet dispersal. Cloth-based face masks reduce emission of particles by variable amounts, for example Anfinrud et al showed that they are almost completely eliminated. Davies et al showed that cloth masks filtered viral particles during coughing at about 50 to 100% of the filtration efficiency of surgical masks, depending on fabric, with absolute filtration efficiencies of 50-70%, and about 70-80% for oral bacteria. van der Sande et al showed 50% filtering efficiency for airborne particles. One non-randomised study showed that mask use to prevent onward transmission significantly reduced viral respiratory tract infection in immunocompromised patients.

DELVE’s report states that the evidence supports the conclusion that widespread face mask adoption in situations where social distancing is difficult to maintain consistently can help to control the Covid-19 epidemic by reducing the shedding of droplets into the environment from asymptomatic individuals. This is consistent with the experiences of countries that have adopted it.”

narciso বলেছেন...

Theres just so much absurdity and its presented dead pan serious (unlike the naked gun, theres no laugh track)

Howard বলেছেন...

Tell me where I was wrong, Anne. I was just repeating your own story so you're projecting the bitchie little kindergarten girl. What, do you want special treatment? This is what equality looks like. baby you've come a long way but you've gotten nowhere fast.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


I really enjoyed Dennis Miller's talk show. I can't find it on the radio anymore. Stephen Wright depresses me.

Mitch Hedburg was funny--in a random, silly way. An escalator can never be broken. What would you call a broken escalator? Stairs.

Hannibal Buress cracks me up. As does Christopher Titus.

Daniel Tosh can be really edgy (at least to my old ears), but again, I never tire of him.

I could listen to Jim Gaffigan over and over--and also Mike Brbiglia.

Fun trivia fact: Mike B's brother used to work for Pfizer, before he became Mike's manager.

jaydub বলেছেন...

"What I don't understand is why you people think as you do, it seems like mass delusion."

If everyone thinks differently from you, Princess, maybe you're the delusional one

Inga বলেছেন...

“Inga: is it any wonder that Anne I am's ex-husband had to come up with some b******* excuse to quit f****** her. She is still so clueless she told the story in the comments like he had a bad memory or something. I guess she was just too stupid to realize he didn't want to touch her anymore and he just grabbed the most convenient excuse he could. Poor old cow doesn't realize that it's her winning personality that is such a devastating turn off.”

Oh now Howard, you just misunderstood her, she is so cerebral and her thoughts so lofty that we poor mortals just don’t appreciate the genius of her utterances.

narciso বলেছেন...

Ah titus earlier material and gaffigan is good for reminders tosh just aims at too many fish in barrells

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...

Never wrestle with a pig. He enjoys it, and you just get covered with mud. God love me for forgetting that.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

Now go masturbate in a sock, thinking of how you really "showed that Anne.", And you told me I needed to shut up? Indeed.

jaydub বলেছেন...

PPtape, don't thank me for any service. Whatever I did I sure as fuck didn't do it for you.

Andrew বলেছেন...

I thought that the President's tweets this weekend were fascinating. Many of them were re-tweets of people who understood the conspiracy from the beginning (such as Rexxurection, who was formerly Imperator Rex). It was like an aerial bombardment to prepare the ground for a full scale military attack. Most surprisingly, Trump called out Obama by name, placing the blame on him.

Some very exciting days are coming, and I hope that Trump, Barr, Durham, and the rest are successful. There's no guarantee, but I am truly amazed at how the whole Russia collusion scandal (with all of its attendant scandals) is finally unraveling.

My impression, unfortunately, is that no one's mind has been changed despite the Flynn revelations. The Dems and the media are shameless. But the evidence is irrefutable that the conspiracy theorists were right all along. I wish that we still executed people for treason. At least let's hope that some people go to jail.

Inga বলেছেন...

“What, do you want special treatment?”

Yes, I do believe she thinks she is deserving of it. I can see a serious dysfunction in this woman, no wonder her son is in prison. Sorry, that is mean, I don’t deny it. But if Anne wants to run the Cafe threads, she’ll have to deal with the meanies. Dealing with the meanies can be done.

narciso বলেছেন...

Good standup to find, because its not circumscribed, because everyday absurdity isnt of the late night the drunk scot was a joy a little like dave allen the late irish comic and talkshow

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...

I like Gaffigan's asides...Tosh, yeah he sometimes bounces around like a rubber ball, but he has that way of saying something REALLY out there, and then walking it back snidely. Makes me laugh.

Katt Williams. He has a bit about school and spelling that I repeat over and over to anyone who will listen. Try to tell people that your name is Kbob--with a silent K. No, bitch, your name is Kabob!

I can't think of very many female comics that i can listen to. Too much mental angst about penises and periods and sex. Kathleen Madigan (I think?) is hilarious, though.

What makes humor funny? Weird that, while we may differ on particulars about which comic is really funny, we all have a general sense of what makes something funny. Absurdity? Word play? Saying the unspeakable?

Mark বলেছেন...

So, I spent the day at Antietam. I'm wiped out.

There were a fair amount of people there. Bright sunny day in the 60s. The visitor's center was closed (and the official bathrooms), the grounds were open. Most of the people, like us, walked the field, maintaining a respectful distance, but a lot of "hellos" as we passed others.

We started at the Dunker Church and West Woods, where Jackson had established the Confederate left of a line about three miles long down through the town of Sharpsburg. Then we walked up to where the Union under Hooker had formed a line in a hook of about six miles from the North Woods to the East Woods and down to the bridge crossing the Antietam Creek below and east of the town.

We proceeded to the south portion of the corn field (no corn yet this year) through which the Union had attacked early in the morning. The problem, of course, is that the Union troops could not see the enemy through the corn -- although the Confederates could see the Union battle flags coming high above the corn. It was there that the Union troops got butchered coming out of the corn, only to have the Confederates counter-attack into the corn, back and forth, neither side seeing the other until the last second, until all the corn stalks had been shot through and the field was now open, apart from the thousands of bleeding bodies on the ground.

You really need to see the ground to get the lay of the land, literally. The books do not convey just exactly how hilly it is. And with all those dips and rises, while the dips provided some cover and protection, it was quite difficult to see the enemy until they were upon them. Also difficult to know which direction to march, and confusion reigned.

From the cornfield we walked south, as the Federals did, toward the west-to-east rebel line at the sunken road, a long valley-like depression between two hills, which itself provided a superior defensive position, combined with the aforementioned hills so when the Union came over the rise, they were close enough "to see the whites of their eyes." If you know the story, butchery again happened, inflicting heavy losses on both sides, as the sunken road became known as Bloody Lane.

And from there we walked back to the west, where the Confederates had gotten pushed back, as we went back to our parked cars at the visitor's center.

At the time of the assault on the sunken road, Burnside's Union troops were trying to attack the Confederate far right south of the town. The only problem was that they had a wide and deep creek between them.

Howard বলেছেন...

Full moon in his Karen mode has appointed himself the minister of protocol

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"Is there an originalism based on natural law?" Yes, mostly, but modern lawyers, judges, and politicians don't seem concerned with it at all anymore.

Favorite comedian: Probably: Bill Burr - polished, yet natural act, original, relevant and damned funny.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


To be fair, he made a vicious, personal attack. No such assault was made on you.

AND, you are correct--one should not return foulness with foulness. I don't like to be that person. Which is why I usually IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE. Because, really, who gives a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut what those people think?

So--mea culpa.

Inga বলেছেন...

“Never wrestle with a pig. He enjoys it, and you just get covered with mud. God love me for forgetting that.”

Such genius! The lady tries to get the attention of the meanies every night with her little snide mentions of them, without fail. Then she solicits the people commenting on the thread to rescue her from the meanies by pretending to be above it all, all the while she is stirring the pot behind her back, it’s some weird dance she does every night.

William বলেছেন...

I live in NYC. I fear that I will not live long enough to see the barbershops re-open. My hair continues to grow. I watched some you-tube videos on how to give yourself a haircut. No way that that doesn't end in disaster. First do no harm. I'd sooner treat myself to auto-appendectomy....I wonder how long before I can wear a man bun. I hate men who wear man buns and now, at the age of seventy seven, this will be visited upon me. Besides the usual debilities of old age, I'll be stuck with the indignity of a man bun....My usual barber has taken to opening a small meat pie shop out of his barbershop. He tells me that he can take me into the back room and give me a cut, but there's something about him I don't trust. The meat pies are good though. Unusual flavor.

Howard বলেছেন...

I never did understand the whole masterbate into a sock thing what's wrong with you people? Don't you know what kleenex is for? No wonder the concept of using a mask and so insurmountably complex to your birdbrain

Howard বলেছেন...

William if you have a hand mirror and a pair of scissors and a wall mirror you can cut your own hair anything is better than a man bun

narciso বলেছেন...

I guess we hit a nerve its a cafe, not jolt cola, everything is just dialed up to eleven, except the things that matter justice for a decorated officer who was placed over the sword of damocles for four years tens of millions of lives and livelihoods put at risk because of a model the deaigner himself couldnt abide by.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


I feel so unfathomably sad when I contemplate those years. So many lives. So much grief. The ground itself reproaches us. I bet that you are exhausted.


Bill Burr is freaking hilarious! And cute. He has done some cooking videos that are entertaining--and edifying.

I am not sure I understand completely the natural law/originalism thing. It seems to me that it is very close to progressive activism--pick what seems to be the desired result, and reason from there. I will have to read more.

Howard বলেছেন...

Dave Chappelle and Bill Burr, definitely

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

Mark, thanks for the story of your trip to Antietam, it makes me remember years ago standing in the sunken road and on Burnside's bridge. As a child I grew up near Wilson's Creek Battlefield, before it was even a National place. We played on Oak Hill and were told about Siegel's disastrous attempt at a flanking maneuver. We always paused at the site where Gen Lyon died.

Inga বলেছেন...

“Full moon in his Karen mode has appointed himself the minister of protocol.”

Haha, he truly is the real Karen.

Howard বলেছেন...

Dialed up to 11. That's laying it on thick, even for you narisco. We're just having a spot of fun pulling the wings off of flies

grackle বলেছেন...

Third grade photo

Like a peddler with a deal,
looking for a skin to steal
or something OK to be,
at nine this shaver called “me,”

this rash lamb with reptile smile,
blind but suspecting the vile
and hunger gaining on fear:
I looked like my Mother that year.

I recall the smile, the face,
and cafe with sweet menu.
She held her head as girls do
while wearing ribbons of lace
and had me before I knew.

Mothers are put here to calm,
to put shoes on our bold feet,
to warm us with soothing balm
and keep us out of the street.

They trigger our first pulse
and then they childrenize us.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Oleaginous is a funny shtick.

Inga বলেছেন...

“Which is why I usually IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE. Because, really, who gives a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut what those people think?”

YOU do. You mention “those people” in your comments every single night, even if they haven’t commented.

narciso বলেছেন...

It stems from first principles ablout the value of life and moves forward.

Its sad how things turnee out with cosby because that routine he did before the show

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


Yes, unfortunately, when the nerves are hit, the shit flies and we all get covered with e coli.

I hope Michael Flynn gets something approaching justice. Remuneration for his financial losses, and the absolute humiliation of those who gang-raped his reputation. Up to and including Obama, that officious thug. Barr must be over the target, though, because Obama is bloviating. What a loathsome piece of human waste.

And Ferguson. Well, and Lightfoot. And Pritzker. And some stupid Dem out here in SoCal whose name is too unimportant to remember, lolling on his private beach. Rules are for the morlocks, dontcha know?

Howard বলেছেন...

Inga: This whole anti-mask meme that has been promulgated by the White House which has now got covid-19 infections is their own form of political correctness and cancel culture.

Inga বলেছেন...

“Dialed up to 11. That's laying it on thick, even for you narisco. We're just having a spot of fun pulling the wings off of flies”

Queen bee, or so she thinks.

Inga বলেছেন...

Zoooom, in flew the murder hornets.

Mark বলেছেন...

The bridge that Burnside had to cross, with the Confederates on the superior bluffs high above them, like at Normandy, was too far to walk to, so we drove down there. Plenty of extra parking had been established and we saw the only NPS park ranger of the day.

The Union's difficulty here was in getting across the creek in force. Which meant using the bridge, which is only about 15 feet across, which means getting bunched up, all while withstanding the fire of the enemy shooting down on them from the hill immediately above on the other side. Which meant the first few attempts resulted in fallen bodies filling up the bridge, until they finally were able to get over, and then up the hill to push the Confederates off. But the rebs were short on ammunition anyway and, thus, it was time for them to leave.

There wasn't much walking to do here, just go down from the bluff, where we had parked, down to the bridge.

We thought about walking the trail where the Union had made its final attack on the Confederate right, and where A.P. Hill's Confederates arrived in town in the nick of time to provide reinforcement. But that trail was over a mile and we were hungry at that point. So, no go.

We were hungry, and my friend from work owns a restaurant in nearby Frederick, so we went to get some grub take-out. I was able to go visit my work buddy at her nearby home to eat and drink some wine.

In short, for the first time in about two months, I had A NORMAL DAY, complete with socializing.

It was a good day. Don't care that in that last part, we were lawbreakers.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Comedians: I like Doug Stanhope a lot too. Just a hilarious waste of a human carcass.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


Cosby yes. Feet of clay, but why did we expect anything else?

I think I have Noah memorized. And a good portion of the bit where he is in his crib and scared of the monsters, but spreads Jell-O all over so they can't get to him. (Where WERE his parents?)

And CHOCOLATE CAKE FOR BREAKFAST! Daddy made us eat chocolate cake!

Funny how things stick.

Also commercials. I regularly regurgitate the Life cereal commercial. I don't think our kids have such sticky advertizements.

narciso বলেছেন...

Lightfoot was the other lizard (riffing off douglas adams) but still. Governor creosote wants to keep the entire state in amber, rhymes with gruesome.

Howard বলেছেন...

Inga: why is it that the people with the thinnest skin are the first ones to tell people to shut up? Correlation does not necessarily mean causation except of course when it does

Inga বলেছেন...

”Inga: This whole anti-mask meme that has been promulgated by the White House which has now got covid-19 infections is their own form of political correctness and cancel culture.”

Indeed. It’ll be interesting to see how many cases they end up with.

Inga বলেছেন...

Inga: why is it that the people with the thinnest skin are the first ones to tell people to shut up? Correlation does not necessarily mean causation except of course when it does.

Narcissists have very thin skins.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Why are Howard and Royal ass Inga such Ken Bs?

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


Ah. Yes. I bet that a normal day was balm for the soul. I regularly have a couple of friends over on the back patio to drink a bottle of wine and noodle. And of course, my running groups. But those are in no way normal, because our normal after-action beer and raunchy songs has been disrupted. (Well....maybe not the beer.)

I am happy for you that you had time at a friend's. I am envious.

narciso বলেছেন...

Exactly that routine in particular, larry miilers 5 stages of drunk or it six.

Howard বলেছেন...

Never go full Karen mr. Moon

Inga বলেছেন...

“Yes, unfortunately, when the nerves are hit, the shit flies and we all get covered with e coli.”

Says the surreptitious shit flinger. She thinks we didn’t notice or wouldn’t say anything. She doesn’t know the Althouse comments threads very well yet.

J. Farmer বলেছেন...


Recently thats a poser i guess in the 80s i liked stephen wright absurdism dennis miller (even ifin his lefty hipster phase because of his love of language), there are so many so called comics and comedians who are a) not funny b) brain dead stupid

I liked Miller's HBO show and agree with you about his love of language. I owned all the "rants" books back then. Steven Wright was good, and in terms of surrealism, I also liked Emo Philips. Sam Kinnison and Dave Atell are also in my top list. Everybody lionizes Richard Pryor, but I think Red Foxx's albums were funnier. I think you had to have "been there" to appreciate Lenny Bruce, because I find his material dull as dishwater.

For me, the top of the pantheon is Norm MacDonald. He reminds me of David Letterman's and PJ O'Rourke's combination of aw-shucks Midwesternism with biting and subversive observational humor delivered from a simpleton facade. His book Based on a True Story: A Memoir is incredibly hilarious and a sly meditation on memory. He went broke twice from sports betting, is a hypochondriac, obsessed with death, an absurdist, and unsurprisingly a lover of Tolstoy.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Jaydub said...

PPtape, don't thank me for any service. Whatever I did I sure as fuck didn't do it for you.

It ain't him...

Inga বলেছেন...

Wooooo, Ms. Karen Moon is on a roll now!

narciso বলেছেন...

Thats why civil wars spanish english russian are nothing to be looked forward to, in the future god forbid the division would not be north and south or east and weat but down the block across the street as weve seen in beirut and sarajevo to name too cosmopolitan cities thaf inploded

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


I have trouble keeping all the battles straight, no matter how many times I think about them. Funny, the holes in my intellect--can't memorize battles, but can memorize molecular biology. Good thing I am not a historian.

I did read a book called "Battle Hymns of the Republic." It was mostly about the last year of the war--and Grant. But it covered a lot of the generals and major actors--Lee, Sherman, Jubal Early, Meade, etc. What hit me like a wrecking ball was the lack of competence in the early years--on the Union side. Lincoln feeling constrained by political considerations. Generals who were fooled and frightened. Lee got away with murder. And his dissipation in the latter years. Sad!

Simply becoming familiar with that terrible history should humble us enough to question putting our lives in the hands of any so-called "experts."

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Mask fetishists! (spits).
If you have the virus, and you touch the inside of the mask, and then the outside, you have have made it worthless. If you don't have the virus, and you touch the outside, and then the inside, you have made it worthless.
Warm, most fabric is great way to keep viruses safe & allow them to multiply.
Guy driving at exactly the speed limit: "Look at that lunatic! He is driving a mile per hour over the speed limit! His lawless driving will kill somebody!"
Guy driving at exactly one mile per hour over the speed limit: "Look at that guy driving exactly the speed limit! What a pansy!"
Which one is right?

Howard বলেছেন...

Mister j-dub thank you for responding to my troll. You just seem like the kind of guy that likes to hear strangers say thank you for your service so I knew that coming from me that it would piss you off. you people are so predictable.

alanc709 বলেছেন...

Inga and Howard- why we can't have nice talks in here.

Inga বলেছেন...

Ms. Karen Moon, bringing out the big guns now!

narciso বলেছেন...

Yes lenny bruce no, but some of mort sahl, yes kinison (one never knew where he wA going to go, like the riff in back to school, with dangerfields dead pan rejoinder)

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


Yes, Norm McDonald! I have only recently become familiar with his story, besides the comedy. I don't enjoy the NFL thing he does, but his riffs on topics of daily life are incisive, biting, funny, and intelligent.

The one where he covers the idea that men think of sex every seven seconds. Priceless. And the Janet piece. I would make Janet a cheese sandwich. Ah.

I guess there is something about comedy and melancholy and unfortunate life events.

Rt41Rebel বলেছেন...

I'm so bored that I counted how many of my LinkIn connections I've had sex with. I counted even more that I could have, but didn't. Is there something wrong with me?


narciso বলেছেন...

Probably a long time ago lewis black before he congealed, now john stewart i never found funny or particularly smart. Mahers hayday was amazon women on the moon.

Mark বলেছেন...

Is there an originalism based on natural law?

Justice Thomas has a high respect for natural law and in viewing the Constitution through the lens of the Declaration of Independence.

Justice Scalia, on the other hand, while a strong believer in natural law personally (a very confirmed Catholic), was also a confirmed positivist in constitutional interpretation. That is, he did not believe it was any judge's place to try to discern a transcendent higher law in determining what the Constitution means or what the Founders meant when they wrote it. Instead, he confined himself to the positive text, that is, what was actually reduced to physical writing.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


We always end up with nice talks, after the gadflies wear themselves out. They can't engage with other topics, so just focus on those.

Who is YOUR favorite stand-up?

Interesting so far we have all men.

J. Farmer বলেছেন...

beirut and sarajevo to name too cosmopolitan cities thaf inploded

Diversity was not their strength.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

I have to say that the current governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer reminds me of the female lead in the old mini series V about the aliens taking over. When I see her raise her arm and point up, I expect to see her plastic skin tear open, revealing her green lizard face beneath.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Herd immunity doesn't have an on and off switch at some percentage. It slows down the spread starting at a low prevalence and increasingly slows it as the immunity spreads. Do you have another explanation for the suddenly dropping numbers? The social distancing didn't suddenly or even gradually increase. Its been with us for two months of rapidly growing infection. Why would it slow down now? Do you really think the millions of immune people are having no effect? Answer those question in your own head before simply reciting something you read on the internet.

Howard বলেছেন...

Nice try Lewis but it takes big droplets to transfer the virus from one to another. the surface transmission route it's not a significant vector. The more you wear a mask the more moisture it gets you are correct but that moisture also makes The Mask more efficient for blocking the expulsion of ballistic particles from a cough or sneeze which is the whole purpose of wearing a mask. It's a law of physics that the permeability of porous media is inversely proportional to the moisture content there in

Birkel বলেছেন...

I am pretty sure I survived net neutrality only to be killed by Winnie Xi Flu, which I am reliably informed by Leftist Collectivists (despite being wrong on every prediction to date) is going to kill us all.

But first Trump will make all women wear red dresses and bonnets.

Or some dumb shit.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


I think I come down on the side of Scalia. Not that I am unsympathetic to Natural Law (though the Orthodox embrace it far less enthusiastically than do the Romans), but I don't want to rely on anyone's interpretations of what some higher principle is. That is how we got the fucking living constitution and abortion and gay marriage.

And most people haven't a clue as to what is natural law. Although Paul asserted that even the pagans could discern the Law, he did acknowledge that no one can adhere to it.

narciso বলেছেন...

The tourettes is really manifesting itself, its really striking how little dic ferguson is acknowledged at all, if he wont observe the rules whar chance have we

Birkel বলেছেন...


I would like to vote "warmer weather" for most of the country.
Sunlight and Vitamin D.
Fewer people inside.

Most of us quit obeying the distancing rules weeks ago.

Howard বলেছেন...


Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Howard said...

Nice try Lewis but it takes big droplets to transfer the virus from one to another. the surface transmission route it's not a significant vector. The more you wear a mask the more moisture it gets you are correct but that moisture also makes The Mask more efficient for blocking the expulsion of ballistic particles from a cough or sneeze which is the whole purpose of wearing a mask.

See what I mean? It's magic! We're talkin' about ballistic particles,here!!
Show me the double blind experiments that prove that using a cheap ass bandana wrapped around your face & never washed stops people from getting or transmitting covid-19. Otherwise you are a mask fetishist.
Go on, look for that data.
You won't find it.

Birkel বলেছেন...

Full Moon,
To be fair, Royal ass Inga has not read a single word of the declassified info.
So she still doesn't know.

The rest of us are burdened with knowledge.
And wit.
And common sense.
And book learnin'.

narciso বলেছেন...

Julie kelly has noted how threadbare the scientific base for social distancing praxis has been.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...

The Left Side of History

An interesting read.

Inga বলেছেন...

“Researchers from four leading universities in the UK, France and Hong Kong, along the Family Federation of Finland proposed two models to predict the impact of mask-wearing on coronavirus spread.

One conclusion is that a universal mask policy is more cost-effective compared to a lockdown. And without masking, but even with continued social distancing in place once the lockdown is lifted, the infection rate will increase and almost half of the population will become affected.

DE KAI Professor of Computer Science and Engineering Hong Kong University of Science and Technology "It's far more preferable to lockdown our noses and mouths, instead of locking down our full bodies, trapped inside of our houses. It's a small price to pay."

The research team also invites people to interact with the AI simulation model on their website to see how mask wearing among a population could curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Their results indicate that masking can significantly reduce virus spread if adopted sufficiently early. 100% mask adoption at the beginning of an outbreak results in a dramatic decrease in the number of infections, while 90% adoption has a good chances of suppression after 50 days. However, 50% adoption or waiting until day 75 to institute a mask policy were found to be insufficient.

DE KAI Professor of Computer Science and Engineering Hong Kong University of Science and Technology "The urgency is that we are running out of time, because for most countries outside of East Asia, Day 50 is around the corner, or is coming within next couple of weeks. So that is the point where you can catch the accidental spread, and you can flatten the curve to buy enough time for hospitals, and more importantly, to develop treatment and vaccines which scientists are racing to develop."

This research shows even cheap home-made masks could work effectively to stop the virus, if over 90% of the population adopts masking before Day 50 of an outbreak. They hope policy-makers around the world will consider universal masking as part of their their strategy when lifting a lockdown. Yang Shanshan, CGTN.”


J. Farmer বলেছেন...


Interesting so far we have all men.

Stand up comedy is inherently a masculine art form. That's why most of the women who have been successful in it have either been lesbians or have consciously adopted a male persona in their stand-up routines.

Comedy is a strategy for less fortunate looking men to attract women, and stand-up is a pretty minimalist version of that. Women tend to be more successful being what used to be called comedienne. Lucile Ball is probably the quintessential example. But as for stand-ups, I liked Joan Rivers. She was obviously in the Borscht Belt tradition but kept up a pretty impressive career to the end. She was smart enough to know you never apologize for jokes, because once you start you never stop.

A female stand-up who I love and was hugely influential but practically unknown to the public was Lotus Weinstock. She was a fixture at The Comedy Store, an iconic West Hollywood comedy club, and was engaged to Lenny Bruce when he died. Incidentally, and ironically given her later experience with Carson, Joan Rivers got involved in a feud with Weinstock through a series of misunderstandings and ended up having her blackballed in the industry.

Howard বলেছেন...

Lewis. The Mask it's like a one-way check valve it stops the transmission of virus from the source person. your mask the mask you should be wearing doesn't protect you it protects everyone else from you.

this is such a simple s*** that you simple schitts can't even comprehend it

Mark বলেছেন...

What hit me like a wrecking ball was the lack of competence in the early years--on the Union side.

I am by no means an expert. Not even all that knowledgeable. But in the early years of the war, it was a part-time affair. The two sides would spend long periods of time not doing much of anything, they would engage each other, get beaten up, and then separate to go off and nurse their wounds. Again and again that pattern played out. At Antietam, it was McClellan refusing to go chasing after the withdrawing Lee.

It was not until Grant that the war really became a full-time war. He was determined to attack, grab hold of the enemy and not let go. No hitting and then backing off for him. And he did not care about the horrific losses it inflicted on his own army -- he knew it was far worse for the enemy.

Kind of like General Washington, Grant's biggest attribute was obstinate determination and will.

Meanwhile, Sherman of course had warned the South that "war is all hell." He mourned that they would try to war with the nation, but if they wanted war, he was going to give it to them -- all of them.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

From the World Health Organization:

Community settings Studies of influenza, influenza-like illness, and human coronaviruses provide evidence that the use of a medical mask can prevent the spread of infectious droplets from an infected person to someone else and potential contamination of the environment by these droplets.13 There is limited evidence that wearing a medical mask by healthy individuals in the households or among contacts of a sick patient, or among attendees of mass gatherings may be beneficial as a preventive measure.14-23 However, there is currently no evidence that wearing a mask (whether medical or other types) by healthy persons in the wider community setting, including universal community masking, can prevent them from infection with respiratory viruses, including COVID-19.


The recent CDC advice to wear a mask seem to be written by a bored intern.
Where is the data that shows that a mask helps to prevent contracting or spreading covid-19 in community settings?

J. Farmer বলেছেন...

The Left Side of History

An interesting read.

Guelzo is a professor at Princeton. He has produced several series on American history for The Great Courses. He does one on the founding fathers and one on the American Revolution that are quite good. I have not seen the others.

Mark বলেছেন...

Gracie Allen.

Howard বলেছেন...

Art has always been dominated by men. Women tend to be more practical. Art is an indulgence and risky. It makes having to take care of a baby even more precarious.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...

And when moist masks dry out? The virus particles don't magically adhere to the dirty rag. They drift off. Damn. Who'da thunk it?

Not to mention the fact that even N95s are hard to fit--and frequently leak out the tops and sides. If there is leakage around the nose and bottom and sides...what the fuck are the masks doing?

But by all means, worship the mask.

Vitamin D has a poorly understood role in immunity--but there is evidence that it could be a meaningful variable. Nonetheless, again, no true clinical trials (those would be difficult, short of dosing people who are deficient with D--and I wonder if artifically-administered D is truly effective). Interesting that us pale people have so much more D--and blacks far, far less. Something to explore as this thing goes on.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Try this link:

narciso বলেছেন...

Thats what ive been trying to get in some of my other rants. The civil war has wrenching impacts in this country as ww 1 had in europe, for similar teasons considered the familial ties between the dynasties the economic and other connections

Inga বলেছেন...

Howard, they bitch about the social distancing, yet they can’t be bothered to wear a mask, that could put social distancing behind us. It’s truly like dumb spoiled children demanding they get what they want when they want it! ‘I want Covid to go away, so if I deny everything about it it will just magically disappear!’

Mark বলেছেন...

Kind of like General Washington, Grant's biggest attribute was obstinate determination and will.

A lesson that serves us well often when we encounter some challenge.

narciso বলেছেন...

Well the romans took three cracks at the bat to get at their bete noire jugurtha including one of the esteemed metelli it took a fellow from arpinium marius to do the deed.

Inga বলেছেন...

Yes, yes Anne, we’ve all heard about the Vitamin D connection.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

So where is the research that shows that a ragged-ass bandana tied over your face either prevents you from getting covid-19 or giving it to others?
You'll come up empty, fella.
Huh. Mask fetishists. (spits)

narciso বলেছেন...

I remember from mccullough first man in rome, and some sallust he was a ceasar partisan so hed be partial to mariusm

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


Hunh. I hadn't thought of comedy like that. But I suspect you are right. Women love a funny man. Why? Because we like to be tickled (metaphorically). And humor implies intelligence. Stupid people are not funny. (Intentionally.).

I was going to say that women just aren't funny, but I think it is because women tend to talk about female experience and focus on topics that aren't universal. Periods? Childbirth? Penises? Maybe I am biased, because I find that when men focus on similarly parochial topics, I get bored. Big Jay Oakerson is a prime example. All he can talk about is getting laid and female anatomy. What a snoozer. (Maybe he talks about other things, eventually. I can't listen to him long enough to find out."

Interesting tidbit about Joan Rivers and Lotus. The whole Carson solar system is wack. (Wack. That's a scientific term.)

Howard বলেছেন...

Anne: virus is transported as an aerosol it requires water to be a carrier when the water dries from the mask, it will always have sufficient moisture to encapsulate virus. Even if all moisture was gone (impossible) the virus would adhere to the mask material (adsorbtion) and wouldn't magically float away. If that's the way it works then you can just clean your clothes by running them in the dryer.

narciso বলেছেন...

Carson was one of a kind, leno was pretty good succesor an every man type letterman well we saw what he devolved into ferguson . A riot.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


Yes. The thing that stuck with me from "Battle Hymns" was that Grant was a relentless hammer. He "cared" about the casualties--but he wasn't going to be intimidated by them into allowing unmitigated carnage to continue. And Sherman was his avenging angel.

When I read about the absolute and total destruction the Union inflicted on the Virginia countryside, it made my heart hurt.

The whole thing makes my heart hurt.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

It would be fun if our leaders really were reptilians disguised as human beings, but I fear that they are only human - all too human.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...

See Howard,

When you say something calmly and without rancor, it gives me something to think about. I will look into that.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

The latest info from the state that I have on going back to my place of employ tells us that if anyone tests positive, contact tracing will include any person they have been face-to-face with, mask or no mask, from a distance of less than six feet for ten to thirty minutes.
Still feel proud about being a "masker"? (spits)

Howard বলেছেন...

Lewis, so you're telling me that you wouldn't wear a raggedy-ass bandana around your nose and mouth if that's all you had and then you had to do a job and get it done now sawing concrete. Do you not wear a mask when you run a concrete saw?

How about on a windy day on a massive excavation job site no mask no bandana because it's worthless?

what type of ppe do you use in the field on construction sites?

narciso বলেছেন...

It was akin to what yamamoto warned the control junta, you dont know what will have unleashed, maybe six or nine months then we lose (im paraphrasing) for every yamamoto or yamashita there were real savages in manila in nanking wake island

Howard বলেছেন...

There's hope for us all Anne.

Inga বলেছেন...

Anne seems to be under the impression she speaks for all women. It’s not just women who enjoy funny people, humans enjoy humor. I find Anne sadly humorous. Narcissistic people are under the misapprehension got they are so intelligent that they can pull the wool over anyone’s eyes. Their narcissism actually makes them less intelligent because a well adjusted intelligent person would be able to put themselves into the place of other people and imagine how that other person may think, or feel. Narcissistic people don’t have this ability and it hampers them in life.

Mark বলেছেন...

Even though I'm looking right at him, it's hard to see that dull boring face from The Searchers and other John Wayne movies in Gunsmoke's Festus. And all Ken Curtis did was keep a scruffy face and scrunch up his face and talk funny.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Still waiting for Howard to show actual research on the effectiveness of a raggedy bandana tied around the lower half of the face of preventing the transmmition or reception of the covid-19 virus.
All I get is a bunch is bunch of personal opinions.
I expect I'll be waiting a very, very long time, indeed.

Derve Swanson বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি একটি ব্লগ প্রশাসক দ্বারা মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।
bagoh20 বলেছেন...

I doubt that studies of mask use actually use the real-life practices of the general untrained public, which is what really matters. Just think it through. That's right, we can do that without searching the internet to find the backup for what we already want to think, which anybody can do regardless of their predisposed opinion.

You wear a mask to stop the contagions. Where do they go? Wherever the mask goes. Right there over your face, then you touch it, adjust it multiple times per hour, and disturb those tiny viral particle every time you do, and even every time you breath in or out. You get them on your hands becuase you are wearing a warm moist petri dish on your face. You take it home, you put it in your car, your desk, your pocket, let it hang around your neck. All the time it's loaded up with virus inside, outside or both. What could possibly go wrong?

Masks are effective in hospital scenarios with trained people who have unlimited supplies of new masks and bio-hazard disposal containers always nearby. The rest of us are fooling ourselves that they provide enough protection to overcome the negatives of our very unsanitary options and practices. And remember, all the other people around you are even worse at it. Controlled studies are not how we live.

Howard বলেছেন...

It's down to the raggedy ass bandana. Your desperation smells of flop sweat

Mark বলেছেন...

When I read about the absolute and total destruction the Union inflicted on the Virginia countryside, it made my heart hurt.

That Mississippian Davis gets much of the credit. Together with those damned South Carolinian secesh.

Birkel বলেছেন...

The "everybody stay six feet away" crowd should be able to point to some of those brilliant studies. Peer reviewed. Double blind.

And not laboratory conditions. Not what is theoretically possible. I would bet the distances required to be really safe would mean we all have to stand on our own separate square acre. But in the middle with some room for writhing as we slowly starve to death.

Anybody want to take that bet?

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Do you not wear a mask when you run a concrete saw?

And now Howard explains to us that the covid-19 virus is about the size of whatever dust you get from using a concrete saw.
You realize, don't you, Howard, that pics you see of the coronavirus on the internet are not life size?
Don't be a masker (spits).

Inga বলেছেন...

“It's down to the raggedy ass bandana. Your desperation smells of flop sweat.”

And who knows where that bandana has been, ew.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...

From CRB

narciso বলেছেন...

Scolds reveal themselves dont they, carson lucille ball, i didnt quite cotton to joan rivers of paul feigs work well trying to redo ghostbusters demands hot coals but spy was good because of mccarthy janney and jason statham who dialed himself to eleven

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...

Let's try this again.

Understand, Watson warns us at the outset, that “[t]he progressive idea, simply put, is that the principled American constitutionalism of fixed natural rights and limited and dispersed powers must be overturned and replaced by an organic, evolutionary model of the Constitution that facilitates the authority of experts dedicated to the expansion of the public sphere and political control, especially at the national level.”

Howard বলেছেন...

Also Louis have you ever worked professionally in the field doing actual work on a real live construction/ industrial sites that requires contaminant monitoring and ppe?

I thought you people had common cause with the working Man I guess that's just theoretical

J. Farmer বলেছেন...


That is, he did not believe it was any judge's place to try to discern a transcendent higher law in determining what the Constitution means or what the Founders meant when they wrote it.

I agree with Scalia. Natural law is on pretty shaky ground. For one, it's not difficult to descriptively make a case for why your rules are "natural." Human nature and its expression in a social system are phenomenally complex questions. And any attempt to deduce universal moral principles from the answers is not likely to be successful. That said, I do think human beings have innate structures for morality. Concepts like reciprocity and self-control look pretty universal and are probably necessary for the social cooperation that makes human life possible.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Anne, at 80 over 50 isn’t your doctor worried that your b.p. is too low?

And you don’t debate with the likes of Howard or Inga or Ken B., You laugh at them.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

I nga said...
Known Unknown, I may have zero proof that collusion happened, but you also have zero proof that it didn't happen. As I said it's classified info and we are not privy to it. Be patient. Not every thing gets leaked.
5/12/17, 3:29 PM

He he he.

Mark বলেছেন...

I doubt that studies of mask use actually use the real-life practices of the general untrained public, which is what really matters.

A big problem is the transition from the ties to behind-the-ear-loops.

With the one-size-(doesn't)fit-all masks, the mask is either too tight up against the face, too tight pulling the ears forward, or too loose. They are not comfortable and require constant readjusting. Plus, often they too have side gaps.

To make matters worse, like too many products, manufacturers nearly all produce the same style -- the ear-loop masks, with the tie version near impossible to find.

narciso বলেছেন...

Shes working at it, progressivism is soaking in the likes of hegel which denies inalienable rights thats what wilson pucked up at john hopkins, is it a coincidence that a more virulent racism arose out of thr progressive era dubois went from liberalism of a sort to endirsing wilson dabbling in fascism and marxism

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

Still waiting for ANY indication of honest-to-God research that shows that wearing a raggedy-ass bandana (all that is legally required) somehow "protects" one from transmitting or receiving the coronavirus.
Instead I get stupid-ass references to concrete dust and people pissing.
Howzabout a little science?
Check yourself, fer God's sake, maskers. You are geysers of superstitious nonsense.

Anne-I-Am বলেছেন...


Every once in awhile, I get a raised eyebrow. But my doc is used to runners--and a consistent history of low BP is reassuring. It seems to be genetic--my mom freaked the nurses out a few times in the hospital when they'd take her vitals in the night. And my sister's BP is just like mine.

Hmm. That makes me think. I am not sure what my brothers' BPs are like. Could be interesting to investigate.

I take comfort in the fact that while I may die a demented, drooling fool, I won't stroke out. One takes one's comfort where one can find it, I suppose. Although the Type II diabetes that assailed my mother and her mother seems a non-starter for me.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

Back home in MT now. Usually, we split our time almost exactly 50/50 with AZ, with an extra day or two on this end to justify MT residency. But we ran over in AZ by three weeks or so. We stopped right across the border into MT for a rest stop, and they had a sign out about two weeks self quarantine if coming from out of state. Doctor’s office here said the same thing. Other than that, pretty much the only impact we have seen of COVID-19 is that the Town Pumps don’t have out their hot dogs, or, importantly, popcorn. Montana Club last night in Missoula had reopened their dining room, but had spread out the tables. And the motels along the way had suspended their hot breakfasts and closed their pools and gyms. Occupancy though is still pretty low - maybe 35% versus maybe twice that this time of year.

Our house is in a large forest (100 miles wide, and several hundred miles long) of large evergreens - Ponderosa Pines, Spruce, and Fir. Not as tall as in the Pacifc NW, but significantly taller than in CO or AZ. Dropped into the forest 20 miles east of here, and finally felt like home (though did get some of that in the drive on I-90 down into Missoula). Not much has changed in the last six months since we left. Never does - my partner has summered here for 35 years and while ownership changes, she assures me that there haven’t ever been many visible changes year to year. Though I was talking to the cashier at the Town Pump just now, and we were talking about the two pedestrian bridges across the river. I told her that the 1935 USGS topo map still showed the main route for the highway over those two bridges. Maybe 60 years ago, they built the highway bridge that w still use, that is right around the corner from here. Used to be that the county was effectively cut in half when one of the old bridges was out. No longer a problem.

Thick coat of pine needles in the driveway. She has declared that I am not heading to ID to visit friends until I get it cleaned up, which probably means Thursday, since that is the weekday that the dump is open. House was still standing, and I had turned on Internet and TVv a couple weeks ago, so everything was great. A bit cool,, of course, but that just means wearing more clothes. Our cat has rediscovered his old haunts, and escaped outside once already (he was declawed to be an indoor cat, due to the large number of preditors in the neighborhood).

It feels great to be home.

Howard বলেছেন...

Anne I am must be new here.

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