May 24, 2020

At the Soft Sunrise Café...


... you can talk all night.

And while you're up, if you're shopping, remember to use the Althouse Portal to Amazon.

The photo was taken at 5:31 this morning. The "actual" sunrise time was 5:25.


Andrew said...

Did you forget that today was Bob Dylan's birthday?

YoungHegelian said...

DC's plan for re-opening bars & restaurants needs to be seen for what it is: a shake-down by the political powers of one of the few vibrant private industries in DC, i.e. the hospitality industry.

It may be that Florida & Georgia & other open states will become COVID hell-holes between now & Nov. 6. If they don't, expect 2020 to be a disaster year for the Democrats.

FullMoon said...

Mockturtle made any comment lately?

Narr said...

Well, I did it. Somewhere among the Paypal cash that flooded the Prof's account today was my mite. It could become a regular thing if everyone behaves.

I'm halfway through Winchester's Needham book--what a fascinating character, and what a story. More outlandish and adventurous than fiction would dare. At one point, stranded in wartime China, Needham--very much a ladies' man--teaches pretty young students to sing Gaudeamus igitur, the Internationale, and the Horst Wessel Lied.

It's much lighter fare than Klemperer's I Will Bear Witness--my latest estate-sale bargain.

Re-reading Renaults' The Persian Boy

Ann Althouse said...

I’m not interested in birthdays. Maybe when he turns 80. Otherwise, he’s just old. I’m glad he’s alive. I don’t even celebrate my own birthday. I’m not a child.

Nichevo said...

It may be that Florida & Georgia & other open states will become COVID hell-holes between now & Nov. 6. If they don't, expect 2020 to be a disaster year for the Democrats.

Bite your tongue. If you don't think that's some close whatever passes for the Brain Trust of D, Incorporated, wouldn't cultivate some COVID-19 and go share it where they thought it would do the most good, you don't know these people.

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow is Memorial Day. I lived for a couple of years alongside Arlington Cemetery on two separate occasions, and that’s where I’d walk on quiet mornings. The place is filled with simple people like my folks, plus a few heroes whose names deserve to be carved into granite. I stood there with the President on Memorial Day in 2017, and I’ve been there when the Honor Flights have brought the few remaining WWII vets to see the changing of the Guard at the Tomb. I’ve saluted at the playing of Taps, and I’ve passed quietly by while families visited old grave sites where the pain was nonetheless fresh. Having left the farm long ago, and seen so much of the world in its glory and misery, Arlington helps me marvel at what it means to be free, and the cost to keep it that way. Having said that, I’d encourage any and all to make Memorial Day one of happy celebration rather than somber remembrance. Those who lie along the quiet paths of Arlington bought that for the rest of us, and I think they would want it that way.

Lewis Wetzel said...

A relative messaged me from Wisconsin. She was in a crowded Dairy Queen, nobody was wearing a mask.
Meanwhile, in Hawaii, on the Big Island, the mayor has has graciously agreed to allow restaurants -- but not bars -- to open on June 1st.
It makes no sense to announce the removal of restrictions nine days before they happen. Some businesses will jump the gun, thank God.

traditionalguy said...

We celebrated the 18th birthday today for the grandson who graduated yesterday. Being with young people is an exciting way to spend time. One guest was an aunt who brought with her a 1 year old baby. It was the smartest and most perceptive baby I have ever seen. Only 17 more years and she graduates too.

Inga said...

“Ann Coulter went on an early Sunday morning Twitter tear, calling President Donald Trump “the most disloyal actual retard that has ever set foot in the Oval Office.”

Triggered by Trump’s criticism of former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the conservative commentator calls the POTUS a “shallow and broken man”

Ha, ya can’t make this stuff up.

Big Mike said...

So what’s the news?

Over at National Review it has dawned on Andrew McCarthy that Flynn was not unmasked as part of the recording of the Kislyak phone call because under the guidance of Andrew McCabe the FBI had already been working to frame him. McCarthy is getting pretty disgusted with an agency he once highly respected.

I read an article about how the internal investigation in the Flynn case ordered by Chris Wray was absolutely not going to be a white wash and “heads would roll.” Then I read the comments. Almost uniformly the tone was along the lines of “and if you believe that then I have a bridge to sell you.” As for myself, I think it will be what Dick Nixon and his advisors called a “modified, limited, hang out.” Sacrifice a couple people, some perhaps fairly high ranking. But the most of us suspect the rot is deep and institutionalized, and won’t be fixed easily or soon.

Anyone remember how I argued that lives saved from COVID-19 need to be balanced against deaths from other causes such as suicides due to economic hardship? Well, in Northern California doctors are reporting that they are seeing more suicides than deaths from coronavirus.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

what sect is this?

... the Branch Covidians??

Baptism by "Fire!"

@Full Moon
yeah-- what's up? we asked the same Q the other nite-- hope she's ok
@Mockturtle- come in please. Do you read? Over.

Andrew said...

I understand. Nevertheless, Powerline has a couple of Dylan birthday posts that you might enjoy reading. Maybe they're even blog-worthy.

Lawrence Person said...

Two Medal of Honor winners to remember for Memorial Day:

* John Basilone, who defended a Guadalcanal airfield from an overwhelming Japanese attack.

* Henry F. Warner, who took out three German tanks (and killed the commander of a fourth) during the Battle of the Bulge.

Yancey Ward said...

No, I have not seen a Mockturtle comment in at least the last week. I was wondering the other day what had happened to her.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"9th Circuit Court:
Allowing California Churches to Open Is a 'Suicide Pact.'"

"‘A Year’s Worth of Suicide Attempts in the Last Four Weeks’:
California Doctor Calls for End to Lockdown"

...if the virus dont kill ya, the irony will

Lucien said...

I have the feeling that after people in the White House tested positive for coronavirus, President Trump went on a prophylactic course of HCQ (maybe including zinc and Azithromycin) for about 14 days, which is the top end of the incubation period, and that is just about over now. Does anyone else feel the same way, or am I just imagining?

Birkel said...

After 25 the only birthdays that matter end in zero.

Harvard turns 400 in 16 years, for example.
One wonders if they will be allowed to celebrate their privilege by then.
Or maybe Boston will be flooded.
Or frozen.

The country turns 250 in 6 years.
Let's hope Democratics haven't destroyed it by then.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

is that a "Type 0" sunrise?

... or a "none-rise"?

The sun rose, as it has always-- this morning was no different.
The cloud cover diffused the direct light. That should be obvious.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

if this keeps going

...not just Biden, but Democrats are toast

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

but seriously-- to the DNC brass, all this isnt really worrying
them, yet.
Slo-Jo's daily stepping in political doggie-doo and tracking it
all over the internet isnt really a problem.
He wont be the nominee-- he's a placeholder to keep the 'dog(face)
& pony'(soldier) show going so decrepit Hillary doesnt have to
expend non-existent energy campaigning.
In the meanwhile, it supposedly insulates him from being scrutinized
for Burisma/China/Humper/etc malfeasance.
By the time the walls close in on him in that regard, no one will
have a problem believing he is mentally unfit to stand trial.
Also, as he publicly self-destructs, it will make it easier to
justify his removal, with less clouds of suspicion.
Enter Hillary later in the game to save the day. She will then
benefit from the same "you cant scrutinize me for malfeasance
because I'm your political opponent!!" horseshit. She will not
have to do much of the typical campaigning either.
Furthermore, the virus provides a good excuse for not holding poorly
attended rallies, (which would expose the abysmal lack of enthusiasm
for this cycle's offering) AND vote(cough) by mail(cough, cough).

So, it's all good so far (so they think)

...for the head jackasses over at Team Donkey.

Ann Althouse said...

When Dylan turned 70, I did blog it, but only to say "Thanks for staying alive, Bob!" Very similar to my reaction above "I’m not interested in birthdays... I’m glad he’s alive."

Questioned for not making a bigger deal of it, I said, "I don't find birthdays and aging that interesting. I write about Dylan all the time, and most of the people here don't even appreciate it. I'm supposed to hold a birthday party? Does Dylan care about birthdays? The word "birthday" appears but twice in all the Dylan songs. One is in "Desolation Row":

Now Ophelia, she’s ’neath the window
For her I feel so afraid
On her twenty-second birthday
She already is an old maid
To her, death is quite romantic...

"That's not about celebrating birthdays. "Birthday" is just there to say the woman is 22. She's old at 22. Being older when younger is a theme in at least 2 Dylan songs that spring instantly to my mind. If they don't spring instantly to your mind, then you probably don't care what they are anyway.

"The other Dylan song with the word "birthday" tells us something about what he thinks of birthdays. It's "She Belongs to Me":

She’s got everything she needs
She’s an artist, she don’t look back...
You will start out standing
Proud to steal her anything she sees
You will start out standing
Proud to steal her anything she sees
But you will wind up peeking through her keyhole
Down upon your knees...
Bow down to her on Sunday
Salute her when her birthday comes...

"I don't think Dylan likes getting down on his knees or bowing down, and I think we can infer that he scorns birthday celebrations. That's what I think, and I've been interpreting Dylan songs for 45 years."

Inga said...

Mockturtle didn’t comment after she had a run in with Pants over Covid. Tim in Vermont and Ken B have also been abused by their fellow Trumpists here over their opinions on Covid and social distancing. There is no dissent in the ranks allowed here in the comments sections, even by good loyal Trumpists like Mockturtle.

As for myself, you Trumpists don’t scare or surprise me. I always expect you to act the way you do, I’m rarely surprised.

Temujin said...

Do you at least take a moment in your birthday to think, 'well...made it through another year'? Or...just a moment to acknowledge another year in the life of Ann? No party. No celebration. Just a moment of thought and gratitude?

I know I do. My dad died at 60. His dad died at 60. Every year past 60 I take a moment to stop, think about what a wonderful life I've had, say a thanks to the universe, and then move on. No celebration. Don't even care if anyone acknowledges. It's not a holiday. Just a marker in time for me to keep track of my life. I don't pay much attention to time, except on that reminding day.

So I'll take a moment to acknowledge yours. Happy Birthday, Ann! Now get on with it.

h said...

Replying to Young Hegelian who notes, "DC's plan for re-opening bars & restaurants needs to be seen for what it is: a shake-down by the political powers of one of the few vibrant private industries in DC, i.e. the hospitality industry." (and links to a Reason article on DC policies. This brings to mind a phenomenon I kind of expect to see: Enterprises being attracted away from the "stay closed" areas and reopening in nearby "re-open" areas. In the DC area, the frequent lists of "best restaurants" are dominated (really dominated) by restaurants within DC (as opposed to restaurants in surrounding suburban/urban areas such as Bethesda, MD or ALexandria, VA). So (in my opinion) a clever jurisdiction near DC would actively woo restauranteurs from DC to re-open under more relaxed (or reasonable?) regulations. If this kind of economic movement takes place on much of a scale, it will put pressure on the "stay closed" jurisdictions to reopen.

jaydub said...

No, Inga, you and Karen B were mocked because you refuse to consider any Wuflu option except economic suicide, even after the data came in to show your "lock it up and throwaway the key" dogma was unnecessarily destroying lives, bankrupting the country and killing people. Many of us were "covidiots" because we advocated isolating the vulnerable and letting the rest of the population get on with life. You both have been arrogant and condescending to anyone who thinks differently than you two. Well, there are a lot experts coming around to other ways of thinking, but you are still the same arrogant little twit who has learned nothing from the experiences of the last two months. You deserve whatever derision you get. Deal with it!

Michael K said...

I think we are about to learn why Judge Sullivan is acting as he is in the Flynn case.

He has skeletons in his closet that are going to come out.

In 2012 he was arrested for the violent assault and rape of an underage girl. He beat and raped her for several hours at his home, and when he was “finished” with her, he left her laying on the floor while he went and watched television.

He didn’t give her another thought until approximately an hour later when he went to use the bathroom and she was still laying in the same spot, unresponsive.
Did he call an ambulance out of concern? No. He left the house and called you from his car.
You wanted to know who it was, obviously this has happened before and you wanted to know how bad clean up was going to be this time. This time it was the daughter of a “family friend”, someone who owed you a lot someone you had enriched, and abusing your authority as usual you knew you could cover it up.

I think this explains a lot. Maybe this son was too young to get into trouble when the Stevens case happened.