The daffodil symbolizes rebirth and new beginnings...The Latin name for daffodil is Narcissus. It is believed to be named after the son of the river god from Greek mythology. Narcissus was celebrated for his beauty, but he was arrogant. The goddess Nemesis noticed this and lured him to a pool where he fell in love with his own reflection.
Scientists have discovered a remarkably intact ancient fossil of a bizarre new mammal species in Madagascar.
The remains are the first near-complete fossil of the badger-esque creature named “Adalatherium hui,” or “crazy beast,” that roamed the southern supercontinent of Gondwana 66 million years ago, according to a new study published Wednesday in Nature journal.
Even with the findings, scientists still can’t parse crazy beast’s anatomy and aren’t even sure how the animal walked. The creature is also oddly large for a mammal of its time — about 100 times bigger than the mostly rodent-sized mammals of the Mesozoic era.
Do you have an interest in the SCOTUS opinion in Georgia v. Public.Resource.Org? A fascinating 5-4 decision with the dissent led by Thomas joined by Ginsburg, Breyer and Alito. Strange bedfellows!
Initially I thought that no way, this case has to be decided 9-0. Then, remarkably (duh after reading the decision), I came around to Thomas's reasoning.
Now that we've finished April I ran the numbers and we are out of the woods. Number of deaths per day peaked on or around April 20. See exponentially smoothed graph of DpD (purple line) here on Instagram:
Peanut butter on covid sourdough spiked with new Mexico chili powder, smoked paprika, ground sage, garlic powder, extra salt. Did a 4-day refrigerator proof. Plus half an orange and half handful hoemaid gorp ft. mixed nuts, apricot, dates, raisons and corn nuts.
Canada has banned over 1500 "assault-style" weapons. Everything you'd think. Semiauto handguns and rimfire (I was curious about the Ruger 10-22, since those can get pretty "tactical" looking) don't seem to be on the list.
In the end, not all that difficult. Strange to see a government that can enact popular opinion.
Probably won't curb much violence, since the handguns are where it's at.
Hopefully this isn’t off topic. Sanctuary cities. My understanding is that states can ignore federal immigration law-to not deport illegals or rather to not cooperate with ICE. The courts have agreed. Can Trump withhold federal funds from these cities?
Down here in TN (Williamson County), we're on to the dessert of azaleas and rhodies.
Went to a late DINE IN lunch at our favorite bbq place, which had tables appropriately spaced out. Ate while the staff wore masks and diligently cleaned, at least while we were there. The local Target and Ace Hardware had packed lots. My wife's quilt store had a line to get in at opening. There is actually traffic again and people appear to be relaxing their social distances somewhat. It appears the psychological damage was only transient at least here while the extent of the economic damage is not yet evident. All our favorite places have reopened.
Meanwhile, Nashville/Davison County remains on extended lockdown with the Mayor asking for a 32% property tax hike.
DHS’ New Covid-19 Model Used In Supreme Court Case Already Collapsing ... “There is no quantitative method for forecasting the COVID-19 outbreak over a six-month period; the JHU-IDD report states that its collection of scenarios is ‘not a forecast,’” according to the DHS document. And yet, DHS officials presented this model to the State Supreme Court as an indication of things to come. “Johns Hopkins University’s analysis shows that ending the Safer at Home order prematurely would produce a large peak in cases requiring hospitalization that exceeds current capacity. If the order is lifted and not replaced with a (still developing) containment strategy, the DHS modeling data suggests that peak hospitalizations in Wisconsin could exceed 25,000 patients during the summer—far exceeding capacity,” DHS wrote in its legal defense. In its report on the JHU model, DHS acknowledges its numbers are far more alarming than other widely used models like those from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). According to that model, Wisconsin reached its peak need for hospital resources on Apr. 11th, and the state’s death toll peaked on Apr. 5th. “We note that the JHU-IDD scenarios suggest a more significant number of cases than does the Washington Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) model. We strongly prefer the JHU-IDD scenarios based on our independent calculations,” DHS reports. It is important to note that those independent calculations are not publicly available. It is also important to note, again, JHU-IDD’s predictions for May 1st have been disproven as of today – May 1st. The JHU-IDD model predicted a possible May 1st death total of 1,600 – 7,500. IHME predicts 336 will ultimately die of coronavirus in Wisconsin. The actual numbers show a death total of 316 on the morning of May 1st. DHS insists this is no time to relax the shelter-in-place order and reopen Wisconsin. “Given that the result of under-estimating cases is more Wisconsinites losing their lives, it seems prudent to be cautious,” DHS states. Even though this second model is already falling apart, DHS needs it because the first model has already played out and also fallen apart. That first model predicted 440 – 1,500 deaths and 22,000 positive cases by Apr. 8th unless Wisconsinites followed Evers’ Safer at Home order. That model has largely been discredited by Palm’s own statements. ...
Roost on the Moon: I agree that Canucks can have any stupid laws they prefer. None of my business but don't assume your potential economic collapse is going to garner any sympathy from me.
More evidence that WHO and CDC completely screwed up in their treatment recommendations. More evidence President Donald John Trump was correct in his optimism.
How could this be? Actually, the answer to that is both simple and disconcerting to TDS sufferers. He’s a businessman and smarter than your average bear. (Aside: Who’s old enough to get that?) He’s used to drawing conclusions with incomplete evidence, and making decisions quickly. Quite the opposite of how politicians work. Furthermore, in his pre-presidential career, his decisions affected him and his family directly, whether they were right or wrong. Politicians are insulated from the consequences of bad choices. It’s why so many of them are socialists.
So... Lots of States have let their home arrest rules expire; in Lots of other States; LARGE Numbers of people are VIOLATING Their governor's Orders
SO... In a Fortnight, if there ISN'T a LARGE (HUGE!) increase in Covid-19 cases...
Will All the Experts (Igna, Ken, etc) ADMIT that lockdowns were a COMPLETE WASTE of time and money? Because tens (scores! (HUNDREDS!!)) of thousands of people are NOW doing the things that WERE SO TERRIBLE, that it was WELL WORTH destroying the world economy over
So Experts? Want to go ON RECORD, stating what A) WILL HAPPEN in 14 days? B) WHAT You WILL SAY, if those things Do NOT happen?
I believe that we have reached the time... to fish, or cut bait Experts?
Mike (MJB Wolf) said... Now that we've finished April I ran the numbers and we are out of the woods. Number of deaths per day peaked on or around April 20.
worldometer has the peak on April 21: 2683
Talking to one of my neighbors who's been listening to some program put out by WHO, "the authority on COVID-19." They are busy pushing the theory that the pandemic as a result of climate change and the effects it has had on the environment. I pointed out all the times the WHO has been wrong, denying human to human transmission, etc., and then my neighbor confided that she deeply believes "the virus was made in a lab maybe because the US owes China so much money." Very interesting. At the least you could make an argument that China would like democracies destabilized and destroyed.
Meanwhile a caravan of honking cars passed by with honking horns and displaying large signs, "STRIKE!" May day parade. Local Bernyites.
I am beginning to wonder if the WHO has political motivations, if it has been packed with communists, etc., like the way the UN Human Rights Council has been packed with totalitarian regimes guilty of the worst human rights abuses?
Pull quote: "...Majority Whip James Clyburn (D., S.C.) told caucus members last week that the bill was “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” "
All the Democratics do is for the sole purpose of accreting more power to themselves.
Tête-à-Tête Daffodils have graced my yard for a little while now. Their bright yellow color is very cheerful. Michigan is desperately trying to have Spring; and today I got a bit of a sunburn from working in the yard without sunscreen. A small price to pay for a gorgeous day in central Michigan.
Empower Wisconsin @EmpowerWi · 21m BREAKING: Wisconsin Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Tuesday in Wisconsin Legislature v. Palm, on whether the Evers Administration overstepped its authority in issuing its broad lockdown orders. #wiright #wipolitics
MJB Wolf: I'll give you full credit for the data and graph; but I have to mark you down for presentation. My own observation is that we've been plateaued at ~ 2,200 deaths per day for the last 20 days. How deaths are being counted is still a bit of a mystery, but you make your analysis on the data you have, not the date you wish you had.
Question for everyone here who lives in states with "loosened" stay-at-home or gradual re-opening.
Our Governor Snakeoil Inslee finally issued a "plan" (but no dates!!) for phased re-opening.
As I read it, if you are over 65 (like Althouse and me) you are automatically "high risk" and must stay home. You may not interact with anyone outside your house. You may not take part in essential activities. You may not take part in recreation.
The state will not fully re-open until Phase 4 at which "high risk" individuals may "resume public interaction with proper social distancing". Phase 4 will not start until there is a vaccine.
are other states restricting healthy seniors in their re-opening plans?
Surely there is a lawsuit somewhere in there re ageism
"Thousands of foreign workers, many of whom don't even live in the United States anymore, received the coronavirus economic stimulus payments from the federal government this month even though they were not technically eligible" ~ Politico
If we can just get the government to handle more things for us. They have the best experts, Top Men.
I've lived in Irvine for a couple years now -- long enough to gauge the local politics. It seems obvious to me that Gavin Newsom is singling out Huntington Beach and Newport Beach for their past non cooperation with Sanctuary City movements and coddling the homeless. Meanwhile, uber-liberal Laguna Beach is allowed to officially open their beaches on weekday mornings. It's all political theater.
"Good News. We've beaten back the scourge of Pneumonia."
To see Jon's link, you have to copy the link he provided and paste it in a new window. However, I will describe it- Jon's line provides a graph of US weekly pneumonia deaths that looks like it goes to mid-late March (week 11 of the year ends on March 17th). The graph includes the previous 6 years, and the data on Jan 1st ranges between about 5,600/wk (2015 and 2018) to about 4000/wk (2019 and 2020)- a pretty tight range for this kind of mortality data. Typically, pneumonia deaths subside after the 1st week of January, and all previous years showd the band tightening down to 3800-4500/wk by mid March. However, 2020 started dropping much more precipitously and by the week of March 10-17, had hit 2400 when the previous 6 years had all be above 3800- a difference of 1400 pneumonia deaths/week.
It will be interesting to see the data once it is updated from mid March to today's date. In the previous six years, pneumonia deaths are still above 3000/wk at this time of year- the graph for 2020 was dropping like a rock destined for zero pneumonia deaths week of May 1st. I suspect that this, right here, accounts for at least 20% of the COVID-19 deaths accounted for since March 10th, illigitimately assigned or not. In short, in accounting this way, a person either dies of pneumonia or dies of COVID- the coroner has to pick one for the tallies from the CDC.
Narciso's link has the story. When I saw Tennessee's new cases number, I was a bit shocked, but then I compared the county level data, almost 1000 of the 1156 new cases came from Truesdale County which went from 123 cases yesterday to 1102 today- when I saw that, I knew it had to be a prison, and sure enough, it was. This will be seen in prison after prison if you test for it- probably worse than a subway car for spreading it.
As a purported leader, if your instinct and decision is to crack down
Gov. Jay Inslee (D-WA) has turned the stupid up to 11. He's telling everyone to stay home until May 31. He gives some vague mumble about public health data trends.
I hope he learns a lesson because this won't go well for him.
I went to my five-weeks-delayed annual physical today. I have A-fib! That's the worst, in fact so far the only bad, news--the full report ought to be done tomorrow, and my GP already set me up at the cardiac clinic Monday morning. And a new drug to take (blood thinner). I hate taking pills, legal or otherwise.
I've had a couple of treadmill tests in the last 25 years or so but they never show much. They've probably gotten better while my heart has gotten worse.
I got a pneumonia vaccine--it might be the second since last fall, but I can't remember things like that and I was assured it won't hurt to get two.
They were efficient, I give them that, and I have a proper looking mask now.
Narr Men in my family die young, but not from heart problems
Wisconsin Supreme Court is not going to meet in person about the stay-at-home order, but will rule that the state can open and OTHER PEOPLE should report to work in person.
But certainly not them. Their behavior makes it clear whether they find it safe .... for themselves.
Wisconsin, where they legislate from the bench with Republicans cheering that on.
"The woman, Eva Murry, told Law&Crime that Biden complimented her on the size of her breasts at the First State Gridiron Dinner & Show in 2008, a long-running roast of and party for politicians, journalists and prominent business figures held each year in Delaware. Murry says she remembers the event occurring sometime around May of that year."
Handsy/Sniffy/Gropey Joe probably forgot this one too!
Mark said... Wisconsin Supreme Court is not going to meet in person about the stay-at-home order, but will rule that the state can open and OTHER PEOPLE should report to work in person.
Looks like multiple Orange County cities are taking Newsome to court over the lockdowns and OC Sheriff has said he wont enforce the targeted shutdown of just the OC beaches.
“Wisconsin Supreme Court is not going to meet in person about the stay-at-home order, but will rule that the state can open and OTHER PEOPLE should report to work in person.
But certainly not them. Their behavior makes it clear whether they find it safe .... for themselves.
Wisconsin, where they legislate from the bench with Republicans cheering that on.”
Wrote down the worldometer numbers every morning with my first cup, extended the graph that much and put it down. I just couldn’t stand that no one was presenting the deaths-per-day in the little news I watched. It’s a crucial number. It will now tend towards zero. But if course never be at zero, such is nature.
“As I read it, if you are over 65 (like Althouse and me) you are automatically "high risk" and must stay home. You may not interact with anyone outside your house. You may not take part in essential activities. You may not take part in recreation.”
In Wisconsin, us old people can freely go outside on walks, no one is telling us to stay in our homes. We can even say hello to our neighbors from a distance. What “essential activities” are you dying to do? Being an older person, even a healthy one, puts you at higher risk, you don’t know that yet?
Looks like multiple Orange County cities are taking Newsome to court over the lockdowns and OC Sheriff has said he wont enforce the targeted shutdown of just the OC beaches.
It's going to be fun in OC this weekend. Sorry to miss it. What's extra funny is the lefties are saying "It's those damned OC Republicans!" forgetting that ballot harvesting gave them all the Congress seats in 2018.
Democrats Demanded Millions Of Kavanaugh Records, But Stay Mum On Biden’s Senate Records After hysterical theatrics demanding records from Brett Kavanaugh's career, Democrats haven't said a word as Biden conceals Senate records.
Jay’s plan is a CYA joke. I’m seeing more non-essential businesses opening down here everyday. Next week should see that trend accelerating markedly. The tale of the virus seems to one of Democrat politicians following, not leading.
I got AFib and tachycardia in 2016 from blunt force trauma to the heart in a fall. It took two ablation procedures to fix. I'm off all meds and have no exercise restrictions. I exercise with weights calisthenics plyometrics yoga stretching running swimming hill hiking - I wear my mask when I'm outdoors doing exercise which makes it even more difficult. I'm feeling fantastic.
My electrocardiologist had me get a personal EKG device that links to your smart phone. for a small monthly fee you can have all of your EKG data you record sent to your doctor. This was very useful and help guide my treatment.
I don't know what the lefties are complaining about.
Democrat governors have already released many violent criminals and child molesters in order to make room in jails for families going to the beach.
Unfortunately, in a completely unexpected development, several child molesters have already molested more children.
I hope those children understand that what happened to them was a necessary societal "good" and if it takes dozens and hundreds of children getting molested to save just one life, it will have been worth it.....according to the usual suspects.
Original Mike, is there any question that's what they will rule Tuesday afternoon? The fact that they scheduled oral arguments this morning for Tuesday makes it already clear they intend to act to overrule.
Thanks, Howard, and my best to you and your daughter the nurse(?). And everybody doing work like that.
A friend's son has just become a cop, and his daughter is a nurse on the Covid ward; my wife and I are retired, and she and our laid off son are getting embarrassing amounts of money injected into their accounts. We haven't yet got the Viru$tim per se, as a couple.
You sound like an active athletic guy already, and I'm anything but . . . and have a few years on you too, IIRC.
But I'm not that worried-- I distance and precaut (let's make that a word!) as much as anybody on my block, and have watched dear ones succumb to much worse than stroke and heart attack anyway. I'm still the lucky one.
Wisconsin. Where the governor extends his order by handing the keys to an unelected, unconfirmed bureaucrat from out of state (Obamaite, Clintonite), excluding input from the legislative branch.
And still, the place is depressing... Has the tone of the comments always been so predictable and dull? I certainly don't remember it that way. I used to love reading the comments, but recently it has reminded me of most other comment sections. That is NOT a good thing...
Perhaps it is nostalgia, but I think the quality has declined considerably recently. How about a book thread? That's always good!
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One of the ways the 60s was preferable to today is that people admitted that they were in public professions to get laid.
They still are, but all the feminist BS has forced them to pretend otherwise.
That's nice
The daffodil symbolizes rebirth and new beginnings...The Latin name for daffodil is Narcissus. It is believed to be named after the son of the river god from Greek mythology. Narcissus was celebrated for his beauty, but he was arrogant. The goddess Nemesis noticed this and lured him to a pool where he fell in love with his own reflection.
If it looks like a badger, it probably is a badger.
Scientists discover fossil of massive rodent-like animal called ‘crazy beast’
Scientists have discovered a remarkably intact ancient fossil of a bizarre new mammal species in Madagascar.
The remains are the first near-complete fossil of the badger-esque creature named “Adalatherium hui,” or “crazy beast,” that roamed the southern supercontinent of Gondwana 66 million years ago, according to a new study published Wednesday in Nature journal.
Even with the findings, scientists still can’t parse crazy beast’s anatomy and aren’t even sure how the animal walked. The creature is also oddly large for a mammal of its time — about 100 times bigger than the mostly rodent-sized mammals of the Mesozoic era.
Good News. We've beaten back the scourge of Pneumonia.
Covid treatment protocol
The chair that conquered the world
Do you have an interest in the SCOTUS opinion in Georgia v. Public.Resource.Org? A fascinating 5-4 decision with the dissent led by Thomas joined by Ginsburg, Breyer and Alito. Strange bedfellows!
Initially I thought that no way, this case has to be decided 9-0. Then, remarkably (duh after reading the decision), I came around to Thomas's reasoning.
A good post on tests
In the news: "Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany holds first White House briefing in over a year."
Yeah, it's just too bad that we never see the President holding any briefings. What is he hiding from?
I'm going to go get take-out (as if there is any other kind) at El Pollo Rico. Quarter white with two hot sauces, my usual.
Anyone want anything?
And don't everyone give me a twenty and expect that I'm like a bank and can make change.
As a purported leader, if your instinct and decision is to crack down on Californians’ going to the beach, you’ve already lost and you don’t know it.
Winter's leaden lockdown
...Springtime's resplendent rebuke!
Now that we've finished April I ran the numbers and we are out of the woods. Number of deaths per day peaked on or around April 20. See exponentially smoothed graph of DpD (purple line) here on Instagram:
In all things, moderation. --Aristotle
In all threads, moderation. --Althouse
That's the punch-line to the following joke:
Joe Biden: What's the difference between a Caesar salad and a blowjob?
Tara Reade: I don't know.
Joe Biden: ...
Yet another study, this one from Japan: Ca. 400-900 times more cases than thought.
Clearly this diner only does curbside service.
Peanut butter on covid sourdough spiked with new Mexico chili powder, smoked paprika, ground sage, garlic powder, extra salt. Did a 4-day refrigerator proof. Plus half an orange and half handful hoemaid gorp ft. mixed nuts, apricot, dates, raisons and corn nuts.
Where is Achilles?
The after action reports will be LIT AF.
Another lovely photo. Daffodils and tulips always speak to me of spring.
Canada has banned over 1500 "assault-style" weapons. Everything you'd think. Semiauto handguns and rimfire (I was curious about the Ruger 10-22, since those can get pretty "tactical" looking) don't seem to be on the list.
In the end, not all that difficult. Strange to see a government that can enact popular opinion.
Probably won't curb much violence, since the handguns are where it's at.
Our daffodils have been up for a month now.
Hopefully this isn’t off topic. Sanctuary cities. My understanding is that states can ignore federal immigration law-to not deport illegals or rather to not cooperate with ICE. The courts have agreed. Can Trump withhold federal funds from these cities?
Should be an interesting weekend in OC. Newsom orders shutdown of OC beaches, just to show how manly he is.
We'll see.
Yet another study, this one from Japan: Ca. 400-900 times more cases than thought.
Japan hadn't tested a whole lot until pretty recently.
You don't see red daffodils. I wonder if anyone's tried to breed them?
They'd look weird.
Down here in TN (Williamson County), we're on to the dessert of azaleas and rhodies.
Went to a late DINE IN lunch at our favorite bbq place, which had tables appropriately spaced out. Ate while the staff wore masks and diligently cleaned, at least while we were there. The local Target and Ace Hardware had packed lots. My wife's quilt store had a line to get in at opening. There is actually traffic again and people appear to be relaxing their social distances somewhat. It appears the psychological damage was only transient at least here while the extent of the economic damage is not yet evident. All our favorite places have reopened.
Meanwhile, Nashville/Davison County remains on extended lockdown with the Mayor asking for a 32% property tax hike.
Gavin Nuisance is thinking of filling the beaches with sand keep people from using them
DHS’ New Covid-19 Model Used In Supreme Court Case Already Collapsing
“There is no quantitative method for forecasting the COVID-19 outbreak over a six-month period; the JHU-IDD report states that its collection of scenarios is ‘not a forecast,’” according to the DHS document.
And yet, DHS officials presented this model to the State Supreme Court as an indication of things to come.
“Johns Hopkins University’s analysis shows that ending the Safer at Home order prematurely would produce a large peak in cases requiring hospitalization that exceeds current capacity. If the order is lifted and not replaced with a (still developing) containment strategy, the DHS modeling data suggests that peak hospitalizations in Wisconsin could exceed 25,000 patients during the summer—far exceeding capacity,” DHS wrote in its legal defense.
In its report on the JHU model, DHS acknowledges its numbers are far more alarming than other widely used models like those from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). According to that model, Wisconsin reached its peak need for hospital resources on Apr. 11th, and the state’s death toll peaked on Apr. 5th.
“We note that the JHU-IDD scenarios suggest a more significant number of cases than does the Washington Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) model. We strongly prefer the JHU-IDD scenarios based on our independent calculations,” DHS reports.
It is important to note that those independent calculations are not publicly available.
It is also important to note, again, JHU-IDD’s predictions for May 1st have been disproven as of today – May 1st. The JHU-IDD model predicted a possible May 1st death total of 1,600 – 7,500. IHME predicts 336 will ultimately die of coronavirus in Wisconsin. The actual numbers show a death total of 316 on the morning of May 1st. DHS insists this is no time to relax the shelter-in-place order and reopen Wisconsin.
“Given that the result of under-estimating cases is more Wisconsinites losing their lives, it seems prudent to be cautious,” DHS states.
Even though this second model is already falling apart, DHS needs it because the first model has already played out and also fallen apart.
That first model predicted 440 – 1,500 deaths and 22,000 positive cases by Apr. 8th unless Wisconsinites followed Evers’ Safer at Home order. That model has largely been discredited by Palm’s own statements.
In the end, not all that difficult. Strange to see a government that can enact popular opinion.
Typical leftist. Firm in the belief it's only his or her opinion that's popular ... even when numbers indicate otherwise.
In Atlanta those are called Jonquils. Add azaleas and dogwoods and we call it spring at The Masters. And that is better than sex.
a big look at a small piece of this matter,
Roost on the Moon:
I agree that Canucks can have any stupid laws they prefer.
None of my business but don't assume your potential economic collapse is going to garner any sympathy from me.
More evidence that WHO and CDC completely screwed up in their treatment recommendations. More evidence President Donald John Trump was correct in his optimism.
How could this be? Actually, the answer to that is both simple and disconcerting to TDS sufferers. He’s a businessman and smarter than your average bear. (Aside: Who’s old enough to get that?) He’s used to drawing conclusions with incomplete evidence, and making decisions quickly. Quite the opposite of how politicians work. Furthermore, in his pre-presidential career, his decisions affected him and his family directly, whether they were right or wrong. Politicians are insulated from the consequences of bad choices. It’s why so many of them are socialists.
So... Lots of States have let their home arrest rules expire;
in Lots of other States; LARGE Numbers of people are VIOLATING Their governor's Orders
SO... In a Fortnight, if there ISN'T a LARGE (HUGE!) increase in Covid-19 cases...
Will All the Experts (Igna, Ken, etc) ADMIT that lockdowns were a COMPLETE WASTE of time and money?
Because tens (scores! (HUNDREDS!!)) of thousands of people are NOW doing the things that WERE SO TERRIBLE, that it was WELL WORTH destroying the world economy over
So Experts? Want to go ON RECORD, stating what
A) WILL HAPPEN in 14 days?
B) WHAT You WILL SAY, if those things Do NOT happen?
I believe that we have reached the time... to fish, or cut bait
Our daffodils have been gone for well over a month.
Birkel: "
The after action reports will be LIT AF."
I certainly pray that we dont experience a major plane mishap.
That would be another 200 to 300 Virus deaths all by itself.
Sorry, you snooze you lose. Been there and back.
I ate too much though.
So why am I now breaking out the Cheez-its? (extra toasty!)
Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
Now that we've finished April I ran the numbers and we are out of the woods. Number of deaths per day peaked on or around April 20.
worldometer has the peak on April 21: 2683
Joe Biden today twice claimed 600,000 Americans have died from the ChiCom/WHO Wuhan Lab Flu.
Talking to one of my neighbors who's been listening to some program put out by WHO, "the authority on COVID-19." They are busy pushing the theory that the pandemic as a result of climate change and the effects it has had on the environment. I pointed out all the times the WHO has been wrong, denying human to human transmission, etc., and then my neighbor confided that she deeply believes "the virus was made in a lab maybe because the US owes China so much money." Very interesting. At the least you could make an argument that China would like democracies destabilized and destroyed.
Meanwhile a caravan of honking cars passed by with honking horns and displaying large signs, "STRIKE!" May day parade. Local Bernyites.
I am beginning to wonder if the WHO has political motivations, if it has been packed with communists, etc., like the way the UN Human Rights Council has been packed with totalitarian regimes guilty of the worst human rights abuses?
peasants should know their place
Never forget the goals.
Pull quote:
"...Majority Whip James Clyburn (D., S.C.) told caucus members last week that the bill was “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” "
All the Democratics do is for the sole purpose of accreting more power to themselves.
Tête-à-Tête Daffodils have graced my yard for a little while now. Their bright yellow color is very cheerful. Michigan is desperately trying to have Spring; and today I got a bit of a sunburn from working in the yard without sunscreen. A small price to pay for a gorgeous day in central Michigan.
Moderation all day, I see.
Oh look, another reason why the pro-people side of the argument wins.
The pro-government power people should have known better but they're mainly ass holes.
Empower Wisconsin
BREAKING: Wisconsin Supreme Court will hear oral arguments Tuesday in Wisconsin Legislature v. Palm, on whether the Evers Administration overstepped its authority in issuing its broad lockdown orders. #wiright #wipolitics
MJB Wolf: I'll give you full credit for the data and graph; but I have to mark you down for presentation. My own observation is that we've been plateaued at ~ 2,200 deaths per day for the last 20 days. How deaths are being counted is still a bit of a mystery, but you make your analysis on the data you have, not the date you wish you had.
The beaches are open you just can't park your fat ass on the sand. It keeps the Flatlanders the dilettantes and the punters away.
Question for everyone here who lives in states with "loosened" stay-at-home or gradual re-opening.
Our Governor Snakeoil Inslee finally issued a "plan" (but no dates!!) for phased re-opening.
As I read it, if you are over 65 (like Althouse and me) you are automatically "high risk" and must stay home. You may not interact with anyone outside your house. You may not take part in essential activities. You may not take part in recreation.
The state will not fully re-open until Phase 4 at which "high risk" individuals may "resume public interaction with proper social distancing". Phase 4 will not start until there is a vaccine.
are other states restricting healthy seniors in their re-opening plans?
Surely there is a lawsuit somewhere in there re ageism
Totally predictable:
"Thousands of foreign workers, many of whom don't even live in the United States anymore, received the coronavirus economic stimulus payments from the federal government this month even though they were not technically eligible" ~ Politico
If we can just get the government to handle more things for us. They have the best experts, Top Men.
I've lived in Irvine for a couple years now -- long enough to gauge the local politics. It seems obvious to me that Gavin Newsom is singling out Huntington Beach and Newport Beach for their past non cooperation with Sanctuary City movements and coddling the homeless. Meanwhile, uber-liberal Laguna Beach is allowed to officially open their beaches on weekday mornings. It's all political theater.
he does do obligatory digs,
Jon Ericson wrote:
"Good News. We've beaten back the scourge of Pneumonia."
To see Jon's link, you have to copy the link he provided and paste it in a new window. However, I will describe it- Jon's line provides a graph of US weekly pneumonia deaths that looks like it goes to mid-late March (week 11 of the year ends on March 17th). The graph includes the previous 6 years, and the data on Jan 1st ranges between about 5,600/wk (2015 and 2018) to about 4000/wk (2019 and 2020)- a pretty tight range for this kind of mortality data. Typically, pneumonia deaths subside after the 1st week of January, and all previous years showd the band tightening down to 3800-4500/wk by mid March. However, 2020 started dropping much more precipitously and by the week of March 10-17, had hit 2400 when the previous 6 years had all be above 3800- a difference of 1400 pneumonia deaths/week.
It will be interesting to see the data once it is updated from mid March to today's date. In the previous six years, pneumonia deaths are still above 3000/wk at this time of year- the graph for 2020 was dropping like a rock destined for zero pneumonia deaths week of May 1st. I suspect that this, right here, accounts for at least 20% of the COVID-19 deaths accounted for since March 10th, illigitimately assigned or not. In short, in accounting this way, a person either dies of pneumonia or dies of COVID- the coroner has to pick one for the tallies from the CDC.
Narciso's link has the story. When I saw Tennessee's new cases number, I was a bit shocked, but then I compared the county level data, almost 1000 of the 1156 new cases came from Truesdale County which went from 123 cases yesterday to 1102 today- when I saw that, I knew it had to be a prison, and sure enough, it was. This will be seen in prison after prison if you test for it- probably worse than a subway car for spreading it.
As a purported leader, if your instinct and decision is to crack down
Gov. Jay Inslee (D-WA) has turned the stupid up to 11. He's telling everyone to stay home until May 31. He gives some vague mumble about public health data trends.
I hope he learns a lesson because this won't go well for him.
I went to my five-weeks-delayed annual physical today. I have A-fib! That's the worst, in fact so far the only bad, news--the full report ought to be done tomorrow, and my GP already set me up at the cardiac clinic Monday morning. And a new drug to take (blood thinner). I hate taking pills, legal or otherwise.
I've had a couple of treadmill tests in the last 25 years or so but they never show much.
They've probably gotten better while my heart has gotten worse.
I got a pneumonia vaccine--it might be the second since last fall, but I can't remember things like that and I was assured it won't hurt to get two.
They were efficient, I give them that, and I have a proper looking mask now.
Men in my family die young, but not from heart problems
Coronavirus: California court orders release of 7 high-level sex offenders as gov criminalizes beach attendance
Wisconsin Supreme Court is not going to meet in person about the stay-at-home order, but will rule that the state can open and OTHER PEOPLE should report to work in person.
But certainly not them. Their behavior makes it clear whether they find it safe .... for themselves.
Wisconsin, where they legislate from the bench with Republicans cheering that on.
More on Creepy Joe:
Woman Claims Biden Sexually Harassed Her When She Was 14 Years Old by Complimenting Her Breasts
"The woman, Eva Murry, told Law&Crime that Biden complimented her on the size of her breasts at the First State Gridiron Dinner & Show in 2008, a long-running roast of and party for politicians, journalists and prominent business figures held each year in Delaware. Murry says she remembers the event occurring sometime around May of that year."
Handsy/Sniffy/Gropey Joe probably forgot this one too!
I wandered, lonely as a cloud
That floats on high oer vales and hills
When all at once I saw a crowd . . .
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
Mark said...
Wisconsin Supreme Court is not going to meet in person about the stay-at-home order, but will rule that the state can open and OTHER PEOPLE should report to work in person.
Typical out of touch elites.
Blogger Mark said..."Wisconsin Supreme Court … will rule that the state can open and OTHER PEOPLE should report to work in person."
Mark, can you provide a link showing the SC has reached a ruling? I can't find it.
Lefty Mark laments freedom.
Further, 2 WI state supreme court justives are 69 and 79 years of age.
Lefty Mark now officially angry that the WI SC is abiding by guidance to protect the elderly.
Tsk tsk tsk
You know what that means: Lefty Mark is now a confederate flag waving racist murderer.....and he seemed like such a nice boy.....
Looks like multiple Orange County cities are taking Newsome to court over the lockdowns and OC Sheriff has said he wont enforce the targeted shutdown of just the OC beaches.
Hey Mike --
Can you tell the difference yet?
“Wisconsin Supreme Court is not going to meet in person about the stay-at-home order, but will rule that the state can open and OTHER PEOPLE should report to work in person.
But certainly not them. Their behavior makes it clear whether they find it safe .... for themselves.
Wisconsin, where they legislate from the bench with Republicans cheering that on.”
Sort of like Corona for thee, but not for me.
A raid, killings, and a kidnapping for ransom.
And, of course, Hank Worden.
Good lessons too for how to deal with thugs, extortionists, terrorists, and people generally who would treat you badly.
Wrote down the worldometer numbers every morning with my first cup, extended the graph that much and put it down. I just couldn’t stand that no one was presenting the deaths-per-day in the little news I watched. It’s a crucial number. It will now tend towards zero. But if course never be at zero, such is nature.
“As I read it, if you are over 65 (like Althouse and me) you are automatically "high risk" and must stay home. You may not interact with anyone outside your house. You may not take part in essential activities. You may not take part in recreation.”
In Wisconsin, us old people can freely go outside on walks, no one is telling us to stay in our homes. We can even say hello to our neighbors from a distance. What “essential activities” are you dying to do? Being an older person, even a healthy one, puts you at higher risk, you don’t know that yet?
Maureen O'Hara: "We don't have any choice but to give them what they asked for."
John Wayne: "I agree."
Looks like multiple Orange County cities are taking Newsome to court over the lockdowns and OC Sheriff has said he wont enforce the targeted shutdown of just the OC beaches.
It's going to be fun in OC this weekend. Sorry to miss it. What's extra funny is the lefties are saying "It's those damned OC Republicans!" forgetting that ballot harvesting gave them all the Congress seats in 2018.
They are all Democrats.
I'm holed up with my pleasure squad.
A really good movie. Underrated. Would have been better, though, if they had played it more straight, without all the comedic elements.
Democrats Demanded Millions Of Kavanaugh Records,
But Stay Mum On Biden’s Senate Records
After hysterical theatrics demanding records from Brett Kavanaugh's career,
Democrats haven't said a word as Biden conceals Senate records.
Jay’s plan is a CYA joke. I’m seeing more non-essential businesses opening down here everyday. Next week should see that trend accelerating markedly. The tale of the virus seems to one of Democrat politicians following, not leading.
"Typical out of touch elites."
ARM, Mark is lying. There is no ruling.
Narr: tough luck, but it may be fixable.
I got AFib and tachycardia in 2016 from blunt force trauma to the heart in a fall. It took two ablation procedures to fix. I'm off all meds and have no exercise restrictions. I exercise with weights calisthenics plyometrics yoga stretching running swimming hill hiking - I wear my mask when I'm outdoors doing exercise which makes it even more difficult. I'm feeling fantastic.
My electrocardiologist had me get a personal EKG device that links to your smart phone. for a small monthly fee you can have all of your EKG data you record sent to your doctor. This was very useful and help guide my treatment.
I don't know what the lefties are complaining about.
Democrat governors have already released many violent criminals and child molesters in order to make room in jails for families going to the beach.
Unfortunately, in a completely unexpected development, several child molesters have already molested more children.
I hope those children understand that what happened to them was a necessary societal "good" and if it takes dozens and hundreds of children getting molested to save just one life, it will have been worth it.....according to the usual suspects.
You see, guys, I told all of you months ago that Howard had a heart.
follow me too
Original Mike, is there any question that's what they will rule Tuesday afternoon? The fact that they scheduled oral arguments this morning for Tuesday makes it already clear they intend to act to overrule.
I would put money on it.
Thanks, Howard, and my best to you and your daughter the nurse(?). And everybody doing work like that.
A friend's son has just become a cop, and his daughter is a nurse on the Covid ward; my wife and I are retired, and she and our laid off son are getting embarrassing amounts of money injected into their accounts. We haven't yet got the Viru$tim per se, as a couple.
You sound like an active athletic guy already, and I'm anything but . . . and have a few years on you too, IIRC.
But I'm not that worried-- I distance and precaut (let's make that a word!) as much as anybody on my block, and have watched dear ones succumb to much worse than stroke and heart attack anyway. I'm still the lucky one.
Purty sunrise, I'm going up there
"Original Mike, is there any question that's what they will rule Tuesday afternoon?"
Why not wait until they actually do it?
Yeah, I know. The "truth" can't wait.
Bob Boyd said...
I'm holed up with my pleasure squad.
...but is 2000 enough? C'mon, man!
but seriously, how does he stay under the radar w/ that entourage?
And while we're at it, Mark, you're divining the future tells you the SC will rule that people "SHOULD report to work in person." {emphasis added}?
Yeah, I'll take that bet.
China Revives Centuries-Old Social Distancing Hat For Students
...the opposite of a 'Thinking Cap'? Or...
The New Dunce Cap
Where the governor extends his order by handing the keys to an unelected, unconfirmed bureaucrat from out of state (Obamaite, Clintonite), excluding input from the legislative branch.
Blogger Michael K said...
Moderation all day, I see.
And still, the place is depressing... Has the tone of the comments always been so predictable and dull? I certainly don't remember it that way. I used to love reading the comments, but recently it has reminded me of most other comment sections. That is NOT a good thing...
Perhaps it is nostalgia, but I think the quality has declined considerably recently. How about a book thread? That's always good!
Better luck with that in the night time cafe.
Rocket Man lives, apparently
(scroll up a bit if req'd)
Meh. Pics not enough.
While Gavin Nuisance was freeing These Fine Fellows,
(7 high-level sex offenders)
he was locking up these terrible people.
Police have no PPE-- it's not about the virus, it's about power
Perhaps it is nostalgia, but I think the quality has declined considerably recently. How about a book thread? That's always good!
I don 't want to post about other blogs but not all are about politics and pop culture.
Jordan Schachtel
"Trust the experts" really meant "trust only the experts within our ecosystem."
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