May 13, 2020

"Armed members of the Michigan Home Guard stood outside Karl Manke's barbershop, ready to blockade the door if police arrived."

"They were determined to help Manke, 77, reopen his shop Monday, in defiance of state orders, and dozens joined them, wearing Trump sweatshirts and Trump cowboy hats and waving Trump flags. They gathered not because they desperately needed haircuts but to rail against Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s approach to fighting the coronavirus outbreak in Michigan, one of the nation’s worst hot spots. They were channeling President Trump’s support of such protests, but some also were taking aim at the state’s Republicans, who they say have not done enough to 'liberate' the state from safety measures that have ground life to a halt.... The protest and others like it — including two last month that included demonstrators with swastikas, Confederate flags and some with long guns inside the capitol — have alarmed lawmakers on both sides of the aisle. But after Trump appeared to urge the militia members on, tweeting that they are 'very good people' who 'want their lives back again,' they have forced Michigan’s Republican lawmakers to strike a delicate balance, managing a deadly virus while also being careful not to contradict Trump or alienate their conservative supporters.... Protesters in Michigan have sought a radical turnabout in the state’s response to the pandemic, with some demanding that Whitmer lift all restrictions. Many come from fringe movements and harbor deep suspicion of health officials.... While Trump won the state by 10,700 votes in 2016, there are signs Michigan is shifting to the left as it again stands to be a major battleground in 2020.... Now, some see signs that Trump’s attacks on Whitmer — and his support of hard-line protesters — could further endanger his prospects...."

From "Armed militia helped a Michigan barbershop open, a coronavirus defiance that puts Republican lawmakers in a bind" (WaPo).

You can see the slant of the article, even as it gives you so many reasons to doubt it. Is Trump doing well in Michigan? Will this protest movement help him or hurt him? WaPo wants to assure us that the state is moving left and Whitmer represents the future, and it wants to pressure Republican legislators to stick with Whitmer's approach and to steel themselves against the rowdy freedom freaks. But there's Trump, giving those protesters reason to love him, even though he doesn't give them that much. He just says they're good people who want their lives back. That's not saying they're going about it exactly the right way, just that he loves them. Meanwhile, the elite media and politicians find them stupid and toxic — deplorable. But Trump is "endanger[ing] his prospects" we're told. Who can believe that? Only the willfully blind. And why not go for willful blindness if you hate Trump? Your alternative is to root for the disease to flare back up and kill the freedom freaks you deplore. You don't want to say that, but isn't it what you think?


Danno said...

When a bounty is created for each lamestream media types, things will get better.

Chris said...

Oh here we go with the swastikas and confederate flags. I've seen these protests, there were no confederate flags, and the swastikas were on signs comparing Whitmer to Hitler. Ugh.

John henry said...

Is the "good people" pull supposed to put us in mind of the Charlottesville "God people" hoax?

John Henry

wendybar said...

I agree Danno!!!

I'm Not Sure said...

"They gathered not because they desperately needed haircuts but to rail against Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s approach to fighting the coronavirus outbreak in Michigan, one of the nation’s worst hot spots."

Perhaps Whitmer needs to consider another approach to fighting the outbreak if what she's doing has resulted in "one of the nation’s worst hot spots"? Just wondering.

Big Mike said...

They gathered not because they desperately needed haircuts but to rail against Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s approach to fighting the coronavirus outbreak in Michigan, one of the nation’s worst hot spots.

Well, I’d be there because I need a haircut. I’m starting to resemble Doc Brown in “Back to the Future,” and I don’t own a DeLorean.

Question. Is Michigan a coronavirus hotspot because Gauleiter Whitmer forced elder care facilities to take in COVID-19 patients the way Cuomo did? And does she still have a hydroxychloroquine ban in effect?

MayBee said...

The first time they protested, we were told they were going to spread the virus everywhere. That didn't happen. So now we are just supposed to hate them.

If even 6 months ago you would have told me it was a *hated* protest to try to open your own barber shop, I would have thought you were a crazy conspiracy theorist. If you would have told me I knew people who supported hating these barber shop owners, I would have told you you are nuts.

Look at us.

Mark O said...

Unreserved wishcasting:

"Now, some see signs that Trump’s attacks on Whitmer — and his support of hard-line protesters — could further endanger his prospects...."

Mike Sylwester said...

Democracy Dies in Darkness!

chickelit said...

Don't we have a local "expert" here on Trump and Michigan?

Gusty Winds said...

Ann Althouse wrote: "Your alternative is to root for the disease to flare back up and kill the freedom freaks you deplore. You don't want to say that, but isn't it what you think?"

The "I hope you get sick and die" mantra is a common retort from liberals on social media. It's everywhere. It also comes with the “if you’re going broke, sorry for the inconvenience”, and it this case it would be “that barber is risking people lives, and wants to kill people”.

And then you have to ask yourself, why would NY, PA, NJ, and MI, require nursing homes to admit new and returning COVID diagnosed residents? The NY order was issued 3/31/20, well after there was news of the first nursing home in Washington State back in Feb 2020.

Machiavelli’s “The Prince” is crazy…but all too real. Especially with collectivists.

MayBee said...

Also: Dear Washington Post,
Michigan is a state. It's actually a pretty big state. Michigan is not a hot spot, Wayne and Oakland counties are hot spots. They are not very near Owosso, Michigan.

Thanks for being the paper of our nation's capital who can't even bother to learn about cities in what I suppose are the lesser states.

Flyover Country

narciso said...

yes, you saw those pieces I linked from national review.

its seems they follow the Leninist model, the worst the better

Mike Sylwester said...

demonstrators with swastikas

* The demonstrators are supporting Adolf Hitler.

* The demonstrators are comparing Governor Gretchen Whitmer to Adolf Hitler.

One of the two explanations is better.

Bob Boyd said...

Distancing Dies In Detroit

tcrosse said...

"I think a lot of people who lived their lives in a quivering state of imminent ecological collapse-panic have moved those emotions from that box into this one, and feel energized because the dread now seems even more imminent, and they have Science! on their side, and their enemies are all the right enemies, and this time they can make a difference. And it requires nothing." - James Lileks. h/t Insty

brylun said...

If Blacks are overwhelmingly affected by COVID in the Detroit area, and the rest of the state not so much (especially the upper peninsula), does it make sense for the governor to close the entire state?

Would it be racist to keep Detroit closed, while opening the rest of the state?

(Apparently Michigan does not provide a county-by-county breakdown, like many other states: See:, and click on New York, for example.)

Craig said...

Yes. The liberals are clearly rooting for the numbers (meaning deaths and illnesses) to go up among people not following the strictest guidelines. Rooting for Americans to die and get sick is...not a good look.

TJM said...

Whitmer should be swinging from a rope - pour encourager les autres

John Borell said...

Consent of the governed.

Fucking consent of the governed.

If you take away liberty and freedom for no good reason (no buying seeds, electric boats but not motor boats, etc.) the governed will take away their consent.

How the hell is this so hard for the government to understand?

MayBee said...

Here is an article about nursing home deaths in Shiawassee County, which is where Owosso is.
There have been 18 Covid deaths in the county of the barber shop. It looks like a great many of them at nursing homes. You tell me, WaPo, if this is a hotspot.

How deplorable is it for this guy to want to open? How deplorable is it to want to keep businesses closed so you can ramp up your approval ratings with the people of Wayne and Oakland Counties?

Bob Boyd said...

Many come from fringe movements and harbor deep suspicion of health officials

And they know this how?

rhhardin said...

It's not a real demonstration if there are no nooses.

Fernandinande said...

This bears reposting here...

"I think a lot of people who lived their lives in a quivering state of imminent ecological collapse-panic have moved those emotions from that box into this one, and feel energized because the dread now seems even more imminent, and they have Science! on their side, and their enemies are all the right enemies, and this time they can make a difference. And it requires nothing."

Michael K said...

I got a haircut in my Tucson barbershop last Saturday. AZ has a Republican Governor, as if you needed to know that.

It reopened Friday and the guys said there was a line at 7:30, 90 minutes before opening.

I told him "Just take a month's worth off."

Mary Beth said...

You don't want to say that, but isn't it what you think?

There are plenty of people on the internet who are quite willing to say and are absolutely gleeful about the idea.

Sebastian said...

"for the disease to flare back up and kill the freedom freaks you deplore. You don't want to say that, but isn't it what you think?"

This is news?

The deplorables only pollute prog paradise.

Gusty Winds said...

Quite a moment we are living through, watching the original intent of the 2nd amendment being used for its original purpose. Free people with the right to protect themselves against gov’t tyranny. Also, it illustrates why liberals and collectivists want to remove that right. I’d imagine this is going to get worse. Especially as the chasm between States opening up becomes wider. Ohio open, Michigan not. Makes perfect sense. Science of course.

rhhardin said...

It's curious that confederate flags are now an unquestioned charge of badness. Every good connotation has been driven from them in only four years.

That probably strongly affects what it's possible to think about history, with no argument having been made except a claim of offendedness.

daskol said...

Yes, it is what they think, and you don't have to read minds, only listen to their language. Irredeemable, deplorable are not faint criticism. It's eliminationist rhetoric. The deplorable-haters are not just in a basket so that you can point and jeer at them, that's half-assed. The deplorable haters want the deplorables to go away, the better for it to be at the hand of the virus--that would be justice, social and cosmic. And these are also the people most likely to moan about how after 9/11 everyone came together, but the country is so divided now we can't even come together in a crisis. It's cold civil war.

Lurker21 said...

Biggest news in Owosso since Tom Dewey left town.

Mahnke: if you want to do stuff like this with the armed militia, it would help if you didn't have a German name.

Fernandinande said...

Many come from fringe movements and harbor deep suspicion of health officials.

Chicks and ducks and geese better scurry
When I take you out in the surrey,
When I take you out in the surrey with the fringe on top!

narciso said...

the velvet glove of this dystopia,

narciso said...

I got a haircut yesterday too, things are coming back on line,

William said...

Why refer to Michigan as a hot spot. Isn't it only specific areas in Michigan that are troubled. I don't know that much about Michigan but how much commuting goes on between the people in the Upper Penninsula and Detroit?....I just read the quotes you provided, but I don't think the Post made any effort to understand the concerns of the protesters. There's such a thing as left wing bigotry.

narciso said...

it's the sign of rebellion weren't their some displayed in hong kong, remember mal Reynold's browncoats, against the sino anglo alliance,

Lurker21 said...

There are plenty of arguments against the Confederate flag. Probably some in favor of it as well. What's surprising is more that the arguments against didn't get much of hearing for so long than that they are getting one now.

Fernandinande said...

It's curious that confederate flags are now an unquestioned charge of badness.

A Confederate flag with a gold fringe movement indicates Confederate martial law.

narciso said...

in maine half of the 65 deaths, are attributed to nursing homes, according to a correspondent I know,

tim maguire said...

The protest and others like it — including two last month that included demonstrators with swastikas, Confederate flags

My bullshit meter is pinned on 10. If people who don't need a haircut are willing to risk arrest to help a barbershop open, then they are after something deeper and more profound. Too bad the WaPo isn't up to the task they set for themselves. Maybe there's an outlet out there somewhere that is. Lord knows it's not a major media outlet, but maybe an Althouse for Michigan.

On a related note (and referring back to a discussion of a couple days ago), all protest movements are started and driven by gadflies and other assorted crazies because those are the people with enough passion to take the risks and make the sacrifices. Just because they're nuts doesn't mean there aren't millions of normal people who sympathise or agree with them even if they're not out marching with them.

Leland said...

In other related news yesterday: Republicans retained a congressional seat in Wisconsin during a special election, and picked up a congressional seat in California.

No go back to the regular reporting of how this pandemic is hurting Trump and Republicans from the various trusted names in news coverage.

Mike Sylwester said...

demonstrators with swastikas

* The demonstrators are supporting Adolf Hitler.

* The demonstrators are comparing Governor Gretchen Whitmer to Adolf Hitler.

One of the two explanations is better.

The Washington Post wants its readers to believe the other, worse explanation.

Browndog said...

I can attest this "news" article is vastly overblown, and a few small facts away from being a complete lie.

This is classic agitprop designed to repeal Michigan's open carry laws. Nothing Whitmer and Nessel want more.

The so called death threats do not exist.

Eric said...

It used to be that legislators and other elected officials had to tend to the concerns of all of their constituents, not just those of their own party. That seems to no longer be the case.

Browndog said...

The Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantine facebook page was shut down last night.

It had nearly 400,000 members, I being one of them.

Whitmer is deathly afraid of tomorrow's protest.

Professional lady said...

Here's a map showing a Michigan breakdown of corona virus cases by county. I take the corona virus seriously. My sister had it and recovered. She was not hospitalized and although she was bedridden and had severe body pain, she did not know she had it at the time - this was early in awareness of the pandemic. My former student had it and died - he was already very ill and most likely died from his underlying conditions. But he died alone and I believe that the virus increased his suffering. My husband and I are responsible for two 97 year olds - my father and his aunt. That being said, I'm also concerned about people's economic well being and government heavy handiness. Given the fact that the outbreak is mostly confined to Wayne (Detroit), Oakland, and Macomb Counties, the one size fits all heavy handed approach seems unnecessary and unwise to me.

Known Unknown said...

" there are signs Michigan is shifting to the left"

But we won't list any of them in this article. Just take our word for it.

Browndog said...

Michigan only provides statistics for cases and deaths.

You can be diagnosed with covid over the telephone-no testing required to confirm.

You can die from covid just by dying--no testing required.

You cannot trust the numbers, and there is a reason Whtimer refuses to release any underlying data.

wendybar said...

The people who are crying about this, probably would have hated the Boston Tea Partiers too.

Fernandinande said...

Spend your lives in sin and misery
In your house cuz of Covid-19

Michael K said...

Why refer to Michigan as a hot spot. Isn't it only specific areas in Michigan that are troubled.

Detroit and environs which is where Whitmer's voters are. That's what this is about.

tcrosse said...

The barber shop is not really essential to the customers, but it's damned essential to the barber.

Fernandinande said...

facebook page was shut down last night.

Fecebook said I was violating their terms of service, and I'd never even made one post.

Bay Area Guy said...

The armed folks in Michigan have their hearts in the right place. Telling an entire state to lockdown and stop producing, is like putting a sick patient in a Coma to combat a viral infection. May stop the virus, but may kill the patient.

I simply don't know, tactically, whether the folks there will make a difference or be stigmatized as ineffectual idiots.

In California, Elon Musk reached a deal with the authorities to reopen his Tesla plant, so there are different means to accomplish the same end.

Leland said...

The barber shop is not really essential to the customers,

It is essential to the customer. Hair cuts are a sanitary act. Good grooming standards prevent illness and indeed the spreading of germs. That's why before people wore masks for everything, food service and medical professionals wore clothing to cover facial hair and hair on their heads. Barber shops are more essential than park rangers.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Quite a moment we are living through, watching the original intent of the 2nd amendment being used for its original purpose. Free people with the right to protect themselves against gov’t tyranny. Also, it illustrates why liberals and collectivists want to remove that right. I’d imagine this is going to get worse. Especially as the chasm between States opening up becomes wider. Ohio open, Michigan not. Makes perfect sense. Science of course.”

Well said.

We are going to see more and more of this in Blue states (or Blue capitals of Purple states). This is one of the most fundamental protests you can have in this country, bringing a gun to a protest and carrying it openly. You are saying that you will not stand for the use of force by the government to suppress free speech, or to arbitrarily deprive the citizenry of the firearms they need to protect themselves from criminals and the government. I just wish that the Antifederalists had reversed the order of the first two Amendments, more explicitly acknowledging that the 1st Amdt depends on the 2nd Amdt so heavily. This is esp evident here where the state governments, and esp those with Dem governors, are acting so ham handed in enforcing autocratic measures, including armed police suppression of dissent, under the guise of fighting COVID-19.

narciso said...

but your crimethink was self evident, and they can read your mimd

Amadeus 48 said...

WaPoop has a story to tell: Leave Gov. Whitmer alone!

It should be: Heil Whitmer!

One person rule under emergency powers wears thin when it is clear that we have a problem, not an emergency. The same thing is true here in Illinois with Gov. "Does-this make-me-look-fat" Pritzker.

Bilwick said...

It's the same old theme: why won't these unrully peasants submit to their betters quietly and gracefully?

"Disperse, ye rebels! Damn ye, disperse!" Major John Pitcairn of the Royal Marines to the Minutemen assembled at Lexington. (His spirit lives on in today's New Tories.)

CurmudgeonlyTroll said...

Trump said Gov. Whitmer should negotiate with the Michigan Militia and meet them halfway, that they are good but angry people.

It's a bad day when anybody is siding with an armed militia over a democratically elected government, but especially the president.

narciso said...

governor creosote, yes indeed,

Drago said...

chickelit: "Don't we have a local "expert" here on Trump and Michigan?"


We have a local MI expert on democrats and their political objectives (which he shares fully and passionately) but decided to fight for his beloved dems by posing as a "lifelong principled conservative" while he does it.

Ray - SoCal said...

Michigan has the same insane policy of requiring admittance of coronavirus positive tested to nursing homes nj, ny, and Ca have.

I’m surprised this is the first I heard of this policy in Mi. It explains their high death rate.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Also: Dear Washington Post,
Michigan is a state. It's actually a pretty big state. Michigan is not a hot spot, Wayne and Oakland counties are hot spots. They are not very near Owosso, Michigan.”

Talking yesterday with a good friend yesterday. He grew up in the UP, and apparently, when he was starting his career in the Detroit area, would commute home for weekends. It was roughly 500 miles, which is apparently greater than the distance between DC and Chicago (putting it in range of Reagan National Airport when there was a 500 mile flight restriction for that airport). It came up in connection to his asking the distance to Denver, because his daughter is still intent on getting married in CO this summer, and they aren’t going close to an airline aircraft in the foreseeable future. Probably less than double that distance and with 3-4 drivers, they may even be able to drive straight through.

I'm Not Sure said...

"Trump said Gov. Whitmer should negotiate with the Michigan Militia and meet them halfway..."

Negotiate with the people you were elected to represent? What a novel concept. I wonder why somebody didn't think of it sooner.

Drago said...

Ray-SoCal: "I’m surprised this is the first I heard of this policy in Mi. It explains their high death rate."

The democratics run all the highest death rate states and they all had policies to not replenish their pandemic stockpiles after H1N1, shove infected elderly into nursing and retirement homes, scream against Trumps travel restrictions and call him racist, encourage people to go out and have a great time thru Feb and in NYC never closed the subway virus superhighway or even have it cleaned until just days ago.

So, naturally, Trump must be impeached again.

Kevin said...

There is no need for Whitmer to send in the police.

Just ask everyone to turn in their neighbors and relatives with a fresh haircut.

That's how the professionals do it.

jeffrey nihart said...

Time to don "yellow jackets" and protest in the street..

tcrosse said...

The barber shop is not really essential to the customers

That's what the Governor said.

Kevin said...

The Democrats must be really confused that Trump calls himself "the law and order candidate".

I mean, really confused.

Marty said...

Here in California's Sacramento County, population 1.5+ million, according to its official Public Health Department website, we have exactly 173 "active cases," of which exactly 18 are hospitalized. In the eight weeks since the lockdown, we've totaled 1,181 cases, and 50 people have died.

We've flattened the curve. We did what we were asked. And yet we continue to be kept under house arrest. Barber shops in surrounding counties (like Michigan's Owosso County) with almost no cases or deaths are being called by the state's Barbering Board and having their licenses threatened if they open up, which their local health officials have approved.

Governor Whitmer, I mean Newsom, no longer states what the aim of the on-going lockdown is. Like Michigan, the vast plurality of "cases" (which are not defined but seem to include anybody with a positive result regardless of actual illness) can be found in Los Angeles County (population 10.1+ million; 31,567 "active cases").

Our lapdog state and local media (looking at you, LA Times) continue to avoid asking the necessary tough questions. And in our one-party state, we get fussiness over racial statistics as the Dem priority. No context ever provided, like historical flu and death rates, or the public policy point of the testing campaign (over 1 million test results posted statewide to date).

It's ironic that the media present stories of hardship both medical and economic without linking them to the lockdown.

In the beginning it was necessary to rally behind the Governor's leadership, but now the leash is fraying. It will be interesting to see how the Dems here deal with their compulsions to social control by government in the crucial next few weeks.

Kevin said...

In the Democrat's America, illegal immigrants do what they want while American citizens do what they're told.

Bay Area Guy said...

God I hope Slow Joe picks Nurse Ratched, I mean, Gretchen Witmer as his running mate. But I hope he doesn't sniff her hair.

Rana said...

As of today, Wayne County (Detroit) has 2,140 deaths. Oakland County has a death toll that is nearly 2/3 less at 872. Macomb County has 710 deaths. This constitutes the tri-county area where the majority of cases in Michigan are. There are 41 counties in Michigan (out of 83) that have 2 or fewer deaths. In the counties where I live and work, most of the deaths have been confined to nursing homes. The local press reported this early on, but stopped reporting nursing home deaths sometime in April. For what it's worth, most of the yard signs in my neck of Michigan are of the Trump-Pence variety. I've seen exactly one Joe Biden sign.

Amadeus 48 said...

The crux of the issue is state governors' seizing on rule by emergency order when the emergency has passed. Pritzker could get anything he wants from the Illinois legislature, but he might get asked some tough questions, so he'd rather rule by decree. Whitmer can't get the time of day from the Michigan legislature, so she'd rather rule by decree.

But there are people a long way from trouble who are still locked down in both states.

Outrageous and despicable.

Hey Skipper said...

Blogger Michael K said...

Why are these points so hard to find ?

1. Diamond Princess cruise ship: A new study from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine shows that 72% of those infected aboard the Diamond Princess were asymptomatic. Previously, the estimated percentage of asymptomatic individuals onboard was 46.5.

2. USS Theodore Roosevelt: Of the 1,102 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 onboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt, 60% were asymptomatic. Only seven were hospitalized, and one person died.

Am I reading the numbers wrong, or is there another conclusion to be had: at least 30%, and as much as 75%, of the population isn't susceptible to Mao Tse Lung.

If so, then herd immunity will come a lot sooner then the hysterics expect, and there will be no, or very small, second waves.

Michael said...

Yes. And you (Dems and media) are at the very least insouciant regarding the destruction of the economy and our health care system. If the private economy, local schools, and private health care somehow wind up destroyed, they can just put the government in charge of everything - since they're sure they're going to be the ones running it.

We'll see how sure they are in 6 months.

Yancey Ward said...

Increasingly, it becomes obvious that the general lockdowns are about humiliation, and the people the Democratic governors are trying to humiliate aren't taking it any longer.

Mattman26 said...

"Oh here we go with the swastikas and confederate flags. I've seen these protests, there were no confederate flags, and the swastikas were on signs comparing Whitmer to Hitler. Ugh."

Thank you, Chris. That was the first thing that caught my eye. They do so love to tie conservatives (falsely at least 99.9 percent of the time) to racism/naziism. And most of their readers will just nod along.

jeremyabrams said...

May I suggest the stars and stripes with thirteen stars as an appropriate modern flag of rebellion?

Ray - SoCal said...

Unfortunately this seems right. The radio silence is yelling, unless I’m missing something.

Blogger Drago said...
>We have a local MI expert on democrats and their political objectives (which he shares fully and passionately) but decided to fight for his
>beloved dems by posing as a "lifelong principled conservative" while he does it.

reader said...

When are we going to hit the peak of stupid?

I was just driving because I was getting my daily fountain drawn soda (it's foodish). I was about to get into the right hand turn lane and there was one car in front of me already in the turn lane.

There were two women briskly walking, both without masks. They looked like they were in their thirties. One woman was walking in the direction I was driving next to the car in front of me. The other woman was rounding the corner approaching us.

The woman rounding the corner steps off of the sidewalk about eight to ten feet in front of the car driving towards her. That car is in the turn lane so there is no bike lane at that point. The car was driving about ten miles an hour. The driver was paying attention (but DEFINITELY not expecting that to happen) and jerked their car to left. Luckily, that lane was open.

If you would rather walk in front of a moving car than violate the six feet of distance rule just STAY HOME!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Bay Area Guy wrote:

In California, Elon Musk reached a deal with the authorities to reopen his Tesla plant, so there are different means to accomplish the same end.

5/13/20, 9:54 AM

Elon Musk has a bit more pull with the powers-that-be than an elderly Michigan barber does.

Fernandinande said...

Karl Manke's license to work as a barber in Owosso has been suspended, according to his attorney.

JAORE said...

Your alternative is to root for the disease to flare back up and kill the freedom freaks you deplore. You don't want to say that, but isn't it what you think?

To ask the question is to answer the question.

daskol said...

Increasingly, it becomes obvious that the general lockdowns are about humiliation, and the people the Democratic governors are trying to humiliate aren't taking it any longer.

That's a strong statement, but there is humiliation a-coming. Noncompliance was always a threat and will spread faster than the virus. The humiliation will be of the petty tyrants who don't adapt quickly and realize that their power is illusory, and the initial impression they got of power was a result of voluntary compliance. Smarter politicians have already realized that or never needed the reminder. Stupid ones, like Whitmer and Newsom, will do very badly for themselves and their constituents. We'll see where Cuomo lands, because he's no dummy.

Drago said...

exiled: "In California, Elon Musk reached a deal with the authorities to reopen his Tesla plant, so there are different means to accomplish the same end."

He "reached a deal" by telling the authorities to drop dead and he was going to open the authorities said Oh, okay, uh, right, we agree!

Fernandinande said...

Anyone else get the idea that Elon Musk was named after the can't-elope, which is not an antelope, but the Musk (M)elon?

paminwi said...

The swastika flag at the last protest was brought by a Bernie Sanders supporter. He was there to create trouble.
Andy Ngo was all over that story when it happened.
He is very good at exposing the scum who try to create a narrative that is false.

Leland said...

I agree reader; you present yourself as the peak. You are obviously non-essential if that is the reason you are driving. Next time, try a canned or bottled soda delivered to your home. Hell, buy yourself one of these. Your insurance company will be glad you did.

Amadeus 48 said...

From Mlive today:

"Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer says the continuing protests at the state Capitol are making it more likely that Michiganders are going to have stay at home longer."--appearing on "The View".

Of course.

As my third grade teacher said, you have no one to blame but yourselves. Some of you have spoiled it for everyone. You didn't obey the rules. I was very clear about what was required.

Hey Skipper said...

Blogger Marty said...
We've flattened the curve. We did what we were asked. And yet we continue to be kept under house arrest. Barber shops in surrounding counties (like Michigan's Owosso County) with almost no cases or deaths are being called by the state's Barbering Board and having their licenses threatened if they open up

I don't know which is more horrifying, the threat, or the requirement for a license to cut hair.

Jim at said...

Keep pushing it, leftists.
Keep it up.

narciso said...

except it's a south African name, now where did his father get elon from?

Browndog said...

Fernandistein said...

Karl Manke's license to work as a barber in Owosso has been suspended, according to his attorney.

Expected move by the petty tyrants, but furious nontheless.

And people wonder why peaceful citizens carried their weapons to the capital to serve as a reminder.

Danno said...

All of these situations with barber licenses being threatened by states just screams to the underlying issue of why is licensing required. Are home haircuts dangerous?

The Minnow Wrangler said...

The WaPo says Michigan is a "hot spot". Owosso is not a hot spot. Let people get hair cuts.

I think at this point some people would rather die than stay in government imposed lockdown.

I don't object to social distancing or wearing a mask, I am aware of my own risk factors. Shockingly, most people are not complete morons and don't need the government to dictate every aspect of their lives.

Hey Skipper said...

@Hey Skipper
From the Idaho Statesman, March 23rd:
The latest research from the Harvard Global Health Institute projects that anywhere from 244,553 to 733,658 people in Idaho will be infected at some point with the novel coronavirus.
Reality, yesterday.

Yesterday's reality estimated there were 360,000 (330k to 430k) infections on Mar 27, which is consistent with the first guess; it would be higher if you count all the infections which occurred "at some point".

As of yesterday, there were 2107 confirmed Wuhan Lung Pox cases in Idaho.

The March 23rd projection was roughly 500,000 infections (range 244,000-734,000), and 5%, 25,000, of those would become critically ill.

We have absolutely no idea how many Idahoans contracted Chinese Pneumo AIDS, but of those who have, there are 2107 who showed up at a hospital, and no more than 20 ICU beds required on any given day.

Assuming ICU admission is synonymous with critically ill, and every ICU patient stayed only one day, no more than 900 (and almost certainly far fewer) people have become seriously ill.

Making the original prediction 96% wrong.

Unknown said...

Mahnke: if you want to do stuff like this with the armed militia, it would help if you didn't have a German name.

Elizabeth Saxe-Colburg and Gotha agrees.

Ray - SoCal said...

As mentioned above the Nazi Flag was a Bernie supporter, but worse it was in Idaho, not Michigan.


FullMoon said...

Interesting how the usual us vs them is in play.
As if only Trump supporters are sick and tired of being told what to do and stuck at home wasting their lives.

Some Trump supporters right here on the comments want to keep the shutdown rules in place.

No doubt at all that many Trump haters want to break the chains that bind them and get back to life.

It is not a matter of dems vs repubs. This is stupidity and obviously intended to create divisiveness.

I would also imagine that many people on welfare and SS barely surviving are looking at part time,minimum wage people in the neighborhood collecting that sweet free six hundred bucks a week and thinking WTF, what about me?

Robert Cook said...

"I don't know which is more horrifying, the threat, or the requirement for a license to cut hair."

What? You want just anybody to be able to set up shop and come near your head, face, and throat with sharp (and possibly never-sanitized) cutting tools?

Robert Cook said...

"It's curious that confederate flags are now an unquestioned charge of badness. Every good connotation has been driven from them in only four years."

What "good connotation" has ever attached to confederate flags?

chickelit said...

Hey Skipper said...Am I reading the numbers wrong, or is there another conclusion to be had: at least 30%, and as much as 75%, of the population isn't susceptible to Mao Tse Lung.

If so, then herd immunity will come a lot sooner then the hysterics expect, and there will be no, or very small, second waves.

I'm With Herd <-

Could that be spun into a t-shirt?

chickelit said...


We shall be Herd!


Make Americans Herd Again

ken in tx said...

Mr. Cook said, "What "good connotation" has ever attached to confederate flags?"

Answer--Honor, loyalty, bravery, self sacrifice, and independence. Once considered American attributes. The fact that some unworthy people have hijacked the flag, does not change the original meaning.

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he can also cure all type of disease like:
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