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"... another disciplined turn of the dial that will allow Wisconsin's business owners to safely get back to work and Wisconsin consumers to support their favorite local spots...."

Governor Tony Evers is allowing small stores with exits to the outdoors to admit 5 socially distanced customers at a time. Stores in shopping malls — where you have to enter and exit into an interior space — must remain closed.

Fox11News reports.

৭৮টি মন্তব্য:

traditionalguy বলেছেন...


BarrySanders20 বলেছেন...

Oh no. Big stores will now act like small stores. Sure to attract Althouse's attention.

Dude1394 বলেছেন...

Governors continue to be absolute morons. This is a nursing homes/assisted care Virus. Secure those and open up the rest of the country to go along JUST LIKE BEFORE.

Howard বলেছেন...

These people are really f****** it up just demand a hundred percent Mask use indoors and allow as many people that will come. Instead they're going for some sort of soup Nazi type compliance. Both sides are really getting this wrong.

chickelit বলেছেন...

This is essentially what the City of Madison has tried to do before: incentivize shopping in the historic downtown while discouraging the malls. All it took was a little dempanic to pull it off.

Rob C বলেছেন...

Things like this are probably worse than being closed. They'll have to staff the store and guard the door for what may be an intolerably low customer rate. Too much overhead for too few sales

Birkel বলেছেন...

Picking winners and losers is fun!

Evers is going to break the state's budget.
Pensioners should be worried.
15% on the dollar sound like the right payout?

BarrySanders20 বলেছেন...

Dick Shopping Move in Evers World:

Line outside is 30 people deep, all 6 feet apart (the length of one Tony Evers, sideways). One of the five lucky customers enters.

"Can I help you?"

"Nope, just browsing!"

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

The one store I routinely patronize in Hilldale (in addition to Sentry, a couple doors down from it) is typically empty when I go in. I'm psyched it'll be open now!

Leland বলেছেন...

Nonsense central controlled thinking without any thought to the actual physical size of the establishment. I've been in stores in which five people would be a tight fit, and these are usually in major urban areas. But what about the large stores which can easily accommodate 10 or 20 people at a time? One family shows up in their minivan and that's it? Everyone else waits outside?

Note to Gov. Evers; when you micromanage your economy like this; then don't whine later when you are blamed for the poor economy. Create a free market Gov. Evers and stand out of the way.

Achilles বলেছেন...

This is all bullshit.

The government closed schools but kept supermarkets open and forced nursing homes to take COVID-19 patients.

We would all do a better job policing ourselves then letting these fucking idiots decide who can open and close.

And fuck the tyrants like Evers. They got people killed. They are going to be responsible for the massive economic dislocation.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

They're thinking of "get back" as a single verb, to judge by how the infinitive is split.

Achilles বলেছেন...

""... another disciplined turn of the dial that will allow Wisconsin's business owners to safely get back to work and Wisconsin consumers to support their favorite local spotsl...""

This stupidity is the result of soap opera women and government functionaries being allowed to vote.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

turn of the dial

One turns the screw, not the dial. It's a torture phrase.

Dials are turned to something, or up, or down.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

In 2 weeks, the current lockdown order will expire, so we'll see what happens.

It's good to have some specific social distancing required. Otherwise, packs of people could crowd into a store.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

People are eager to get back and I'm worried that the most careless people would activate immediately and rush into places.

I know I won't attempt to go inside anywhere until I see how things shake out.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

Small steps in the right direction. A little too small for my taste, but, hey, that's life.

Birkel বলেছেন...

You are worried?
This is news?

Birkel বলেছেন...

I hope every last state employee loses their pension.
Retirees too.

I hope they tax you so much you go broke.
Property tax.
Sales tax.
Convenience tax.

You will be taxed until you no longer believe.
Maybe a forced march by another Democratic.
Maybe stick you on a res like they did my ancestors.
Oklahoma seems a fine destination.

Birkel বলেছেন...

"I know I won't attempt to go inside anywhere until I see how things shake out."

That statement alone encapsulates my whole point this whole time.
People will make their own decisions and government gets in the way.

Evers is kicking the dog.

Jim Gust বলেছেন...

What does the science say about how many WuFlu cases were transmitted in malls in Wisconsin?

I believe that the number is zero. Prove me wrong.

This is folk medicine at its worst, being practiced by government.

Howard বলেছেন...

The roughneck term of art is: Evers is "fucking the dog"

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"Stores in shopping malls — where you have to enter and exit into an interior space — must remain closed."

And the scientific evidence on that is . . .

AA: "the most careless people would activate immediately and rush into places."

Depends on what the meaning of "careless" is. Old and sick people should not rush anywhere, but if they get infected, that's on them. How can young and healthy people be "careless"?

stevew বলেছেন...

MA is making noise about opening starting next week. Saw a report that NYC plans to reopen in some fashion Friday. Not yet at the tipping point but the signs are positive.

I will gladly go wherever it is that is open. I am not at risk and am not a risk to you, but I will wear my (useless) mask and maintain a decent distance if it will make you feel better.

JaimeRoberto বলেছেন...

Disciplined turn of the dial. Sounds like something in a Laszlo movie.

Tomcc বলেছেন...

Birkel: you've stated something that I've been thinking- raising property taxes is going to start looking very attractive to every state facing massive tax shortfalls from their ill-advised decisions to shut down indefinitely.

I Have Misplaced My Pants বলেছেন...

The Lizard People who pull the levers have decided it’s time to turn the page.

We’ll see what they decide to do with us in the fall. If they want kids at school and the rest of us at work and paying taxes, the media won’t be hyping SecONd WAvE! If they want us under our beds again, they’ll instruct the media to shout BOO!!! and the Karen crabs will drag the rest of us back down into the bucket.

Howard বলেছেন...

I was at the Harvard arboretum yesterday afternoon for a walk with the wife and the kids the mask compliance was about 98%. it's the most crowded I've seen it since they shut the parking down on the street.

Inga বলেছেন...

That Evers, what a tyrant!

JK, he’s done a great job.

Browndog বলেছেন...

These governors know they can't demand a federal bailout until they start pretending they give the appearance they are making some small effort to generate tax revenue.

Neusome and Cuomo notwithstanding.

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

“Oh no. Big stores will now act like small stores.”

They will act like a big store the size of a small store.

walter বলেছেন...

"the most careless people would activate immediately"
Too much Netflix

Francisco D বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse said... People are eager to get back and I'm worried that the most careless people would activate immediately and rush into places.

Doug Ducey (AZ Governor) "allowed" stores and restaurants to open today with restrictions. We have not seen a lot of enthusiasm to "get back". Maybe it will increase over time. Our death rate is low, but the older crowd is very cautious, as they should be.

We were never totally shut down. If you needed anything to do with transportation, groceries, hardware, to go food, medical or dental help, it was available. Most stores enforced reasonable crowding measures except for the absolutely crazy Trek store. I think there is a Wisconsin connection there.

walter বলেছেন...

MacIver Institute
Even @GovEvers isn't following his own rules. Under #BadgerBounceBack if small retailers can open, so can restaurants. #ReopenWisconsin #LiberateWisconsin #WIright https://dhs.wisconsin.gov/publications/p02653a.pdf

MacIver Institute
A few concerns on the order.

1) 5 customers per business doesn't consider the floor space/layout of each store. Floor space was considered for "essential businesses." .@GovEvers
, why the double standard?

2)The order only limits customers, not staff. These rules are arbitrary.
MacIver Institute
3) Small retailers can't afford to take back all 90,000 of their employees. They won't earn enough revenue with just 5 customers at a time to pay all their original employees AND pay for the rent, restock, etc.
MacIver Institute
4) Business restrictions are not lifted until Phase 1 of the Badger Bounce Back plan. Phase 1 can't start until all "gating criteria" are met. .@GovEvers
said today that we are not yet in Phase 1. Why is the Gov betraying the rules of his own BBB plan?

Eric Bott
Wow. An Evers admin attorney just told the Dentistry Examining Board that dentists can ignore @GovEvers order banning non-emergency dental care and that they won't be enforced against. This contradicts previous guidance. This administration is confused and confusing.

Dan O'Donnell
Hey @GovEvers
, now that you have been so kind and merciful as to reopen drive-in movie theaters, could you also reopen soda fountains, sock hops, and lunch counters? The beatniks are getting restless.

Inga বলেছেন...

“Even @GovEvers isn't following his own rules”

Hey Walter, Trump didn’t follow his own guidelines either.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Yes, if we just wait a couple days the virus will think we left town and kill itself.

What exactly are we waiting for? Actually I know what you're waiting for. It just seems kinda funny after months of denying it was what you were waiting for.

Inga বলেছেন...

“This administration is confused and confusing.”

Trump set the example.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

There is no vaccine, no cure, and the hospitals have been near empty for weeks, so why now?

walter বলেছেন...

Inga said...
“This administration is confused and confusing.”
Trump set the example.
Sick burrrrnnn!

walter বলেছেন...

"Trump didn’t follow his own guidelines either."

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

I heard on NPR, or it might have been Scott Adams, a restaurant got permission to put some tables out in the street.

JackWayne বলেছেন...

For an “educated” person you show an awful lot of unreasoning fear.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Sounds like Wisconsin will be open by Christmas.

Birkel বলেছেন...

When the food riots start, if Evers has his way, the elderly and sick will be most vulnerable.
I wish the obvious and predictable results on all those who support enforced poverty.

I mean that sincerely.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

chickelit said...

This is essentially what the City of Madison has tried to do before: incentivize shopping in the historic downtown while discouraging the malls. All it took was a little dempanic to pull it off.

I see what you did there, pandemic-dempanic :)

BTW This is also in keeping with Rahm Emanuel's theory of good governance.


wbfjrr2 বলেছেন...

This whole thing is insane. We’ve become a nation of sheep and willfully ignorant people.

Couple of anecdotes here in Tucson foothills:
1. I went into the BofA that I’ve used for almost 20 years last Friday. When I entered there was a guard inside the door, and he told me I had to remove my ball cap, which I wear whenever I’m out of the car. Tucson sun, melanoma threat, ya know? I asked why I had to remove my hat, which had never occurred before, nor was there ever a guard on duty. “For the security cameras, sir.” I looked around and all but one other customer had a mask on! I did not. “So what about those people with their faces covered?” “That’s for their health protection sir.” “You people have lost all common sense, I’m not taking my hat off.” And I didn’t. And got what I came in for.

2. I belong to a tennis/golf club. We’ve been fortunate in that we’ve continued to play since the governor didn’t shut tennis or golf down. Most of us are in the 50-late seventies age group (I’m 76 and play every day). Last week one of the occasional players on the court got incensed that two friends were too close to one another in the seats while watching play. So he demanded that they get further apart, in a not friendly way. In the end that led to fuck you invitations from both sides. The player demanding separation went to club management and complained that he “felt compromised”. The guy is 78, recently completed radiation treatment for cancer. He’s exactly the most at risk of lethal consequences of Wuhan virus if he catches it, so yeah, he’s pretty compromised all right. Stay the fuck home, fool. Instead he’d rather lecture people on what to do so he can feel safer. By the way, there is no data that I’ve seen anywhere that indicates playing non contact sports outside is conducive to spreading the virus.

I notice that the idiot governors are ignoring the hard data we have now that the aged infirm are the sweet spot for this disease, along with those others with serious underlying health issues. In Althouse’s neighboring MN, 80% of the Wuhan deaths have been in elderly care facilities, average age of death is 80-81, and 99.2 percent of the total deaths are these folks plus those down to about 50 years old with serious underlying illnesses. These are the people who should be in lockdown while everyone else should get back to work and school. Instead the healthy are locked down as if they’re in the same category. And my mostly retired, well off friends who are barely impacted by the lockdown are happy to have anyone servicing their needs working (grocers, drug stores, mail man, trash man, gardeners, Amazon), and anyone not directly supporting their needs must give up everything so these people can feel safer. Selfish, selfish sheep.

Greg Hlatky বলেছেন...

Governor Tony Evers is allowing small stores with exits to the outdoors to admit 5 socially distanced customers at a time.

Mighty big of him. What's infuriating is that we're actually grateful for these little crumbs from our lords and masters.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Where is the virus gonna go in two weeks? Does it have somewhere to be? An appointment maybe, or going on vacation? You know you can never come out again.

"Not gonna do it. Wouldn't be prudent."

I understand you being afraid of dying, but there are so many other much bigger risks day in and day out, and you never give them a thought.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Elon Musk opened up his factory today in CA in open defiance of the un-elected health official who told him no and also tweeted "Fuck Musk".

Francisco D বলেছেন...

From Worldometer, the COVID death rate is Arizona is 74 per million people. That is .0074 percent for the math impaired. We shut things down for that devastating Black Plague that Little Kenny B predicted.

Wisconsin's death rate is slightly higher than Arizona. If we have a resurgence of deaths attributed to COVID (but not necessarily COVID deaths) that factor could go as high as 100 per million or .01 percent.

Inga will be disappointed because it was supposed to be the worst epidemic since the Spanish Flu. It was supposed to be so bad that we had to shut down th country ...

...and blame Trump for it.

Marcus Bressler বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse said... People are eager to get back and I'm worried that the most careless people would activate immediately and rush into places.

Who would use "activate" like that in a sentence? Jesus.


Please be so kind to rewrite it so it is clear and understandable. I'd mark that with a "wc" in red (bad "word choice") for those who haven't copy edited or proofread.

I'm Not Sure বলেছেন...

I haven't heard anyone who favors opening things up suggest that those who are worried about contracting the virus be forced to go out into crowds but lots of people who are afraid of the virus want to keep those who aren't from moving ahead with their lives. Why is that?

Leland বলেছেন...

People are eager to get back and I'm worried that the most careless people would activate immediately and rush into places.

I can tell you in Texas, more people have this attitude:

I know I won't attempt to go inside anywhere until I see how things shake out.

So the establishments that are open still have few patrons. That's fine by me. Stay where ever you think it is safe. That's freedom too.

GatorNavy বলেছেন...

A lot of bars and churches north of Madistan never closed during all of this Wuhan flu nonsense. Mass was held, Easter was observed, pancake breakfasts were gobbled down with minimal spread, for example, four cases with zero deaths in Waushara county.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Meanwhile, Pennsylvania takes a different approach:

Tyranny is Real – Pennsylvania Democrat Governor Threatens To Destroy any Business That Does Not Comply With His Unilateral Dictates…

gpm বলেছেন...

>>I was at the Harvard arboretum yesterday afternoon

I guess that terminology is technically justifiable but, in my almost fifty years in Boston, I have *never* heard *anyone* refer to it as the "Harvard" Arboretum, even though my double alma mater runs the place. And what's with not even capitalizing "Arboretum"?


Shouting Thomas বলেছেন...

“Governor Tony Evers is allowing...”

U.S. citizens should rise up in fierce rebellion against any tyrant in elected office who imagines his job to to “allow” things.

320Busdriver বলেছেন...

I guess it’s time to go back to Madison and protest this feckless Governor. I came down with some ailment about 7 days after the last protest. GI and fever, body aches lasted for 24 hours. It crossed my mind, but I had a badger bounce back. It’s time to use what we know and move forward. Most of us can’t do this for any longer without destroying our futures. If you are at risk, stay home.

Kyzer SoSay বলেছেন...

This is all such a farce. As I said about 2 months ago, in 4 months time (adjusting for it being the future) we're going to look back and wonder how we were all so stupid.

Although back then, a lot more of the folks here were actually in favor of shutdowns. That number has dwindled somewhat, down to a few diehards and true-blue Covidiots. The rest of us know, and knew, the danger of government overreach and the resultant, inevitable, economic calamity that it can only exacerbate.

And now, here we are - Memorial Day rapidly approaching, and some of our fellow Americans, including all too many of our governors, want to keep us under the boot.

"Karens" is too kind. "Komrades" is much more apt.

Kyzer SoSay বলেছেন...

"People are eager to get back and I'm worried that the most careless people would activate immediately and rush into places."

Some of us never DEactivated. Stop being ridiculous. If you're scared, stay indoors or avoid other people. Make a 12 foot diameter loop out of pool noodles and build a harness so you can wear it on your morning stroll. Let everyone know how sane and "with it" you are. Oh, and woke too.

The hairdresser with 3 kids facing eviction thanks to you Covidiots will surely appreciate your caution. But she doesn't live in your nice side of town anyway, so who cares?

Kyzer SoSay বলেছেন...

"Trump set the example."

You CAN'T be this stupid.

walter বলেছেন...

"Evers is allowing small stores.."
Where are you getting the notion size of store matters?
From what I've encountered, it applies to stores like Kohl's as well.
Not sure it's worth staffing and turning on the lights.

walter বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse said...In 2 weeks, the current lockdown order will expire, so we'll see what happens.
As a legal beagle, does the court challenge in WI SCOTUS interest you? Decision could be any day now. Evers EO power technically runs out in a few days, but he passed the baton to Evers' unconfirmed Department of Health Services Secretary for unlimited duration.
If left to Evers/Palm, hard to imagine they'll veer much from their Bounce House Plan.

Scott বলেছেন...

They are clearly making it up as they go.

walter বলেছেন...

Badger Institute
- "According to the Wisconsin Restaurants Association, half of our restaurants will not reopen. UW-Oshkosh reports 35% of all Wisconsin businesses are closed for good. Badger Institute says the shutdown costs the state $179 million every day."

AllenS বলেছেন...

Kyzer SoSay said...
"Trump set the example." -- [Inga]

You CAN'T be this stupid.

Oh, yes she can.

Unknown বলেছেন...

> It's good to have some specific social distancing required. Otherwise, packs of people could crowd into a store.

The karens, anns, tonys, and ingas all know how best to micromanage your retail business.

Its for the common good, you see.

They read an article.

Ok if I opt out of your scheme?

Maybe I should come run your business...

paminwi বলেছেন...

Evers is an idiot.
A small Hallmark store can have the same amount of customers as a Kohl’s Department Store or a Burlington Coat Factory?
Excuse the language but where’s the fucking science to that?
And no, Inga, Evers has NOT done a good job.
Have you seen the garbage that has gone on with the Dentistry Board?
The rules to them have been one thing one day and different rules another day.
How the hell are businesses supposed to make plans to bring back staff if the idiot governor can’t make up his fucking mind?

Inga, have you looked at our complete state and not just Madison/Milwaukee to see how few cases there have been?
Those people are hurting for money to care for their families.
Notice that the cities who aren’t bitching are the ones with continued paycheck either from the state or the university system?
There have been no furloughs, or pay cuts for any state employee.

I agree, it’s time for another protest!

And you know why there hasn’t been a WI Supreme Court decision about the lawsuit over the extended Safer at Home order?
The dissenters are holding back their opinion until Memorial Day.

As you can tell I woke up angry at this ridiculousness today.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

"I know I won't attempt to go inside anywhere until I see how things shake out."

Like Wal-mart, Costco, Meier, Piggly Wiggly, Sendiks, Sentry... the infections caused by selfish grocery shopping is out of hand....

I can't believe the Professor is buying this anymore. Must have voted for Evers.

h বলেছেন...

It is frustrating how little guidance we are getting for the practicalities of reopening -- and people are going to reopen bit by bit regardless of "three step plans". Here's what (non expert) I have gleaned from the internet.

1. Catching the virus requires lengthy close exposure to an infected person. You can't catch the virus by passing an unmasked person on the bike path.
2. Young people don't transmit or catch the virus very easily, and when they do, their symptoms are almost always mild or non-existent.
3. Alcohol consumption distorts people's judgment and causes them to forget to practice safe distancing practices.
4. Outdoor transmission seems very difficult (if close lengthy exposure is avoided). So playing baseball or golf or tennis doesn't create the dangers that playing basketball or football or curling present.


A. Stop fussing about masks on the bike trails.
B. restaurants with outside seating with safe spacing can be reopened.
C. If you are going into an enclosed place with lots of people (like a store) you should wear a mask and gloves out of consideration for others, even if those are not required by law.
D. If you are going into an enclosed space with lots of people who will be there with you for an extended period (like a church or theater), your probability of infection is heightened possibly substantially heightened.
E. If you are going to an enclosed space with lots of people who will be there with you for an extended period with alcohol consumption (like a wedding, or a funeral wake, or a bar or a dance party) your probability of infection is heightened even more.
F. If you are younger than 60, you might rationally be willing to take more risk of infection, because there is a lower incidence of serious disease among infected people in that age range. But don't think that you face no risks of serious illness and death.

Governor Evan's plan seems reasonable, as far as I understand it.

h বলেছেন...

After posting I noticed that my point 2 should have specified:

2. Young people -- say under the age of 12 -- don't transmit or catch the virus very easily, and when they do, their symptoms are almost always mild or non-existent.

Curious George বলেছেন...

"As a legal beagle, does the court challenge in WI SCOTUS interest you?"

LOL. She, who taught Constitutional Law at a major university, wrote this:

"It's good to have some specific social distancing required. Otherwise, packs of people could crowd into a store."

Dude1394 বলেছেন...

" Blogger wbfjrr2 said...

This whole thing is insane. We’ve become a nation of sheep and willfully ignorant people."

Very well said, read the whole thing.

Lewis Wetzel বলেছেন...

All based on the best science, of course. The very-bestest!
Hard to see how that will save the lives of people in care homes, but that's not the goal, is it?

hstad বলেছেন...

Latest headline from AA's esteemed leader...? "...Democrat Governor of Wisconsin Refuses to Reopen Before May 26 Despite Declining COVID-19 Rates..."

The Badger State has one of the lowest COVID-19 per capita death rates in the country.

It is crisis' like today which exhibits good leadership. Voters of America you need to be more diligent in picking your leaders. Truly amazing? Hope Wisconsin will have an economy to pay for all its liberal programs after such ill-advised decisions.

walter বলেছেন...

Vicki McKenna
From February: WI data on C19 vs. Flu/pneumonia deaths. 3x as many in WI have died of flu/pneumonia. No one even noticed.

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

How many violent criminals have been sprung from jail to save us all from the China Syndrome?

Kirk Parker বলেছেন...

Althouse @ 5:13pm,

"People are eager to get back and I'm worried that the most careless people would activate immediately and rush into places."

But you left out the most important part:

"... and no harm will result."