May 30, 2020

"An emotional, peaceful demonstration in Downtown Madison on Saturday to condemn the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis devolved into a window-shattering, tear-gas-filled riot later in the evening..."

"... with at least one person injured in a fight after some people started looting a State Street store.... Some protesters could be seen throwing rocks and other items at police and their vehicles; others worked together to overturn several large planters. But in a game of cat and mouse, hundreds of demonstrators followed police back up the street toward the Capitol, where another, larger crowd began to gather.... Erin Beehner and Gina Nolan, who are both Madison educators and created the Facebook group for the protest, said the idea started with hopes of providing a place to come together. Beehner and Nolan, who are both white, said they felt it was important to try to confront a difficult conversation...."

The Wisconsin State Journal reports.

I get text alerts from UW, and today at 6:07, I got: "Police Activity on lower State Street to deal with a civil disturbance. Avoid the area." Then, nearly 2 hours later, I got: "Police activity continues on State St for civil disturbance. Continue to avoid the area." The area in question is about 2 miles from where we live.


Bob Smith said...

Why should people not get what they vote for? If you don’t want it, don’t vote for it.

Stephen Taylor said...

This serves only to harden the resolve of Trump's base to make certain he's reelected.

Iman said...

Some protesters could be seen throwing rocks and other items at police and their vehicles; others worked together to overturn several large planters.

The criminal clowns that throw "rocks and other items" or commit vandalism are NOT protesters, they are rioters.

David Begley said...

You can bet the rioters won’t be at Picnic Point at 5:15 am.

Drago said...

So much violence at "peaceful" lefty "protests".

Its almost as if they were really extremely violent riots.


narciso said...

Oh really

M Jordan said...


M Jordan said...


Drago said...

How many Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo Russian/right wing/MAGA hat wearing/white supremacists from out of state were taken into custody?

It has to number in the hundreds, doesnt it?

Asking for Joy Reid.

Jupiter said...

Huh. Five years in prison for a home invasion robbery. Guess he was turning his life around, right? Around, and around, and around.

chuck said...

Back in 1968 when the police cleared the occupied buildings at Columbia University I spent the evening sitting on a bench over the subway grate in the middle of Broadway. Windows were being shattered, mounted police galloped up and down the street chasing the perpetrators, and the two other students sitting with me were playing at hicks. "Come to the big city, see the shows" *spit*. So on and so forth. That is how I feel these days. As to the educators, I've seen exactly that scenario play out before. Few people are less educated than educators.

Kyzer SoSay said...

If you have a home defense pistol, now is the time to insert a loaded magazine and put it on the kitchen table. Do not rack the slide, leave the safety on if equipped: it's a paperweight until it's chambered and hot. Maybe load a second magazine, if you have one. If you're a sixgun girl, load 'er up and drop the hammer between rounds - there's usually a detent groove on the cylinder for that. Don't resort to ball ammo unless it's all ya got - hollow-points FTW in a home invasion (or most defensive situations).

If not - I dunno, either grab a baseball bat (preferably metal) or get in your car and leave.

Or, if you're hosting Joe Biden, be prepared to fire two shotgun blasts into the air from your trusty double barrel, thereby forcing a need to reload and recklessly endangering the whole damn place. Cuz Biden's been on point about guns his whole career.

Gonna plug Barnes Tac-XPD once more here, in case anyone wants the very best 9mm has to offer. Good luck finding any though.

Drago said...

Meanwhile, 2 young "Inga" types were arrested in NYC for attempting to burn 4 police officers alive in their patrol car:

"Two sisters face charges for throwing Molotov cocktail at cops during Brooklyn George Floyd protest"

According to Inga, this is totally Un-possible(!) and those sisters are actually russian white supremacists who are colluding with Donald Trump...and probably passing messages to other white supremacist groups thru General Flynn and Bill Barr.

Tom T. said...

The "vast majority" of the lockdown protestors wore masks and socially distanced themselves, but they were still called murderers. At least the riots are exposing the double standard and the cheap virtue-signaling behind the virus scaremongers.

TreeJoe said...

I have friends and family supporting the protestors in rioting and destroying. To which I simply wish to say,

“That’s so great of you. I’ve added your address to the list of properties who have offered to be tributes in the demonstration.”

I genuinely don’t understand the support for destruction of private property.

Oso Negro said...

Burn the Whole Foods! Loot the cheese section! Stick it to the man!

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I’ve never seen such a boring riot. Those radicals and revolutionaries were too chickenshit to get much going.


Bob Smith said...

“Beehner and Nolan, who are both white” and stupid.

Drago said...

Here's a nice video of Inga-approved lefty protesters attacking and dragging Chicago police officers around the street:

Remember, according to Inga and our Dumb Mark (the lefty one), these attackers are all MAGA-hat wearing russian-backed white supremacists aligned with Trump....which makes the demographic analysis of the situation.......interesting.

Amadeus 48 said...

Well, 2020 is turning out the way I thought it would. Liberty boys conduct peaceful protests while carrying arms, and the center left and left-left go nuts. They had guns! I’m not safe! Eek!

Peace and love people organize “difficult conversations” that turn into looting orgies, and some thuggish lefties do what thuggish lefties always do.

How many times have I seen this movie?

In the 90s, we got tough on crime, and crime plummeted. Now we are trying soft on crime— “creating space to destroy” as that ninny mayor put it in Baltimore.

The Soros crowd have put up these people who should be in jail as top prosecutors, the nitwits in the cities elected them, and now we have what we have.

A question for any readers from MN: what did you think would happen when you elected Keith Ellison as AG?

J. Farmer said...

I get dogged a lot for being a pessimist, but what exactly is the optimistic case for America's future?

Expat(ish) said...

@Ann, I hope you are safe. Please consider leaving.


Mark said...

Erin Beehner and Gina Nolan, who are both Madison educators and created the Facebook group for the protest, said the idea started with hopes of providing a place to come together. Beehner and Nolan, who are both white, said they felt it was important to try to confront a difficult conversation

Progressive white privilege racism on display. Just another form of gentrification. Pushing the black folks out of the way so the white powerful can take charge.

tommyesq said...

Two white women set this up? See Van Jones about that one.

Amadeus 48 said...

TreeJoe— you can’t leave it there. What are your friends and family thinking is right with the looters? Are they personally looting? What have they got against restaurant and shop owners of color who want to make a living and feed their heir families? Are your friends and family members government employees? If so, do they like their work? Would you hire them to do anything for you?

Mark said...

If you have a home defense pistol, now is the time to insert a loaded magazine and put it on the kitchen table.

The use of deadly force is nothing to be flippant about.

You don't load a weapon in this fashion unless you are prepared to use it and kill.

Is that what you are saying? That you are ready to kill someone?

n.n said...

Salt Lake City has acid reflux disease.

Five years in prison for a home invasion robbery.

Not so innocent. I guess we're back to due process, less the "protests", selective, opportunistic.

Fritz said...

No riots in St. Leonard, but the beach was packed.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Fox 31 in Denver has been doing great. One guy in the field kept repeating "They are throwing water bottles at police and police are responding" every 5 or 10 minutes. Sometimes he argued with the hoodlums, saying they had the right (until 8 pm) to protest, not throw things and police, damage and loot property.

Channel 7 wasn't nearly as good. Jaclyn Allen sounds like she identifies with the "protesters" not the police.

Hancock, to his credit, isn't letting this MF burn.

Josephbleau said...

Just a short time ago two Madison white people were killed by their daughter's boyfriend. No white people rioted.

rcocean said...

Hillary has just denounced the rioters as "Russian Assets" working with Tulsi Gabbard to undermine Joe Biden's campaign.

Guildofcannonballs said...

This is a link showing what the proggies in CO were working on before the rioting delayed their unconstitutional, racist gun grabbing efforts.

rcocean said...

I too am outraged at the death of Mr. Floyd. While, I've never been to Minnesota, I'm shaking with anger at his untimely death - and hope to protest "police brutality" with a free 52 inch TV and some good Scotch courtesy of the local Target store.

Birkel said...

I am ready to defend myself. Any other difficult questions?

Wince said...

What the rioters seem to be protesting against is a veritable national consensus on the wrongful death of George Floyd.

Drago said...

Oh, Inga and Dumb Mark (the lefty one) are going to love this one:

Nashville Mayor Urges People to Join Him at Black Lives Matter Protest — Then Leftist Mob Torches City Hall And the Nashville Courthouse!

Heckuva job Inga. Heckuva job.

Kirk Parker said...

Mark (a assume you're the dumb one),

Kyzer is a weird poseur or maybe a moby. Just ignore him, he's not contributing anything to the conversation.

And you might want to unwad your shorts, too--using lethal force against violent home invaders is legal everywhere in the entire US, all the time.

le Douanier said...

Seems like mostly sorta the same in a lota different places.

We gots one twist right in the middle of the active fuss:

That’s something.

rcocean said...

BTW, all the Hollyweirdos, including Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel, and paying for the bail of the Minneapolis "Protesters". Kimmel and Colbert would LOVE to be there in person, smashing windows, looting stores, and maybe killing a policeman here and there, but are too busy getting their yachts ready for "the season".

Drago said...

Thus far: Number of White Supremacist-Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo arrests in democrat city/democrat lunatic riots remains at a "healthy" ZERO.

Inga, Joy Reid and democrat narratives hardest hit.

The Godfather said...

chuck (the lower case one) mentions above having been at Columbia during the 1968 Troubles. Me, too. My last year of law school. I stayed away from the campus during the worst of it. A friend went there to rubber-neck one night, which happened to be the night the cops decided to close the "occupation" down, and got roughed up (I can't remember if he was "detained", but I don't think he was arrested). Later, after the campus re-opened, there was a group of law students who picketed the law school building, and harassed us when we went to the library to study for finals. I knew most of them by name, and I called them out by name and said they should be ashamed of themselves for harassing fellow students. It all seems pretty tame now, but the principle is the same: The University/establishment/military-industrial complex/ "the Man" has done something wrong, and that relieves you of all obligation to behave like a decent human being.

Here's a secret: It doesn't.

Kirk Parker said...

J. Farmer @ 8:55pm,

The good guys win.

This is, of course, not a guaranteed outcome by any means.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Drago said...

And now an officer is down in Prospect Park Brooklyn.

Looks like the dems/lefties/LLR-lefties figured out all their earlier election strategies have failed and now are simply going to go with complete anarchy and violence.

le Douanier said...

Teachers’ and others’ unions = bad corruption and lack of accountability and so on. Cops’ union = no corruption, total accountability and perfection.

Got it.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Two “educators” aka far left libs love those always needed conversations. I bet they are bores and dummies.

William50 said...

Watching the news reports on the riots in Minn. a day or so ago I remember one of the rioters saying they were coming to the 'burbs next. You said you're 2 miles from downtown?

le Douanier said...

BTW, is this link some sorta internet fake:

Seems like it must be.

chickelit said...

Char Char Binks said...I’ve never seen such a boring riot. Those radicals and revolutionaries were too chickenshit to get much going.


I agree. The whole thing bores me too. The rioters are helping Trump and they don't seem to know it yet.

n.n said...

a veritable national consensus on the wrongful death of George Floyd

The so-called "consensus" has been wrong before. There is no evidence that diversity was a motive. There is circumstantial evidence of excessive force, which may or may not have resulted in an abortion. The protestors are notably Pro-Choice in their outlook and demeanor, responding to em-pathetic appeals. So, no witch hunts and warlock judgments. We're back to due process, and justice, not social justice.

Mark said...

I am ready to defend myself. Any other difficult questions?

Answer the question I actually asked.

Are you prepared to kill?

Mark said...

LMAO, I love how you abuse righty-Mark for daring to disagree with group think.

Haven't posted on this thread before now, but as I live rent free in Drago and others heads they can't help but attack the other Mark as me. It's not about what is said, it's all just ideological hatred from the usual suspects.

Spent the evening watching Avengers movies with my kid. No great theater there, but fun popcorn movies.

walter said...

Char Char Binks said...I’ve never seen such a boring riot.
You may have missed the flaccid elders bleating "Sham, shame, shame" in the capitol.

BobJustBob said...

Just got done watching ABC explain why this is all Trumps fault because he hasn't stopped it yet. Appears that the Mayor of Minneapolis and Governor of Minnesota have no input on any thing that happens in their state or city.

They're trying real hard to push this message.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“You don't load a weapon in this fashion unless you are prepared to use it and kill.”

I’ve loaded a weapon in that fashion and carried it in my pocket everyday (except when flying) for the last 30 years. Remarkably, I’ve never brandished it, used it, or killed anyone.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

You don't load a weapon in this fashion unless you are prepared to use it and kill.

Is that what you are saying? That you are ready to kill someone?

Yes. What part of home defense do you not understand?

Meade and his neighbors should be heavily armed and establish a checkpoint on each end of the street they live on.

I remember LA doing the riots. The rich white liberals blocked the roads leafing into their canyons. If white California liberals can do this, madisonites can do it too.

Yancey Ward said...

Isn't it obvious that Beehner and Nolan are white supremecists bent on making peaceful rioters look bad? I bet they have a Trump shrine hidden somewhere in their house.

J. Farmer said...

@Kirk Parker:

The good guys win.

This is, of course, not a guaranteed outcome by any means.

On what timescale? That sounds like another iteration of "the arch of history bends towards justice." It's a very progressive notion of history.

Yancey Ward said...

Ok, if you really have doubt about which Mark is which (and I don't really understand how he confuses most of you), the conservative Virginia lawyer has a profile ID that starts 0757, which you can see by hovering the cursor over the name.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"Teachers’ and others’ unions = bad corruption and lack of accountability and so on. Cops’ union = no corruption, total accountability and perfection.

Got it."

You've got amazing accomplishments and gazillions of dollars and brilliance in all en-devours. Please keep making us feel so uncomfortable and low, we deserve it sir. You are enacting Justice most profound.

walter said...

Sitter' trafficking in out of context bullshit per usual.
You are among the worst online communicators around, unless discussing impending vehicle purchases. Pretty good with that tripe.

Wince said...

Char Char Binks said...
I’ve never seen such a boring riot. Those radicals and revolutionaries were too chickenshit to get much going.

White Riot

White riot, I want to riot
White riot, a riot of our own
White riot, I want to riot
White riot, a riot of our own

Black man gotta lotta problems
But they don't mind throwing a brick
White people go to school
Where they teach you how to be thick
And everybody's doing
Just what they're told to
And nobody wants
To go to jail

White riot, I want to riot
White riot, a riot of our own
White riot, I want to riot
White riot, a riot of our own

All the power's in the hands
Of people rich enough to buy it
While we walk the street
Too chicken to even try it
And everybody's doing
Just what they're told to
And nobody wants
To go to jail

effinayright said...

Mark said...
If you have a home defense pistol, now is the time to insert a loaded magazine and put it on the kitchen table.

The use of deadly force is nothing to be flippant about.

You don't load a weapon in this fashion unless you are prepared to use it and kill.

Is that what you are saying? That you are ready to kill someone?

If someone breaks into his house, OF COURSE he would be prepared to kill him.

You have a problem with that? What would *you* do?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

In Dallas, some of Inga's and lefty Mark's friends curb-stomped and possibly murdered a man who was trying to protect his business. Take a look at these white supremacists:

The man who was attacked and beaten is white, and we all know white lives don't matter.

Think of it: the Democratic nominee for President is helping bail out the few rioters who get arrested.

But what does Inga care? That's not her son being beaten to death.

Drago said...

Lying Dumb Lefty Mark: "Haven't posted on this thread before now, but as I live rent free in Drago and others heads they can't help but attack the other Mark as me."

I have never confused VA Law Mark with Dumb Unable-to-google Lefty Mark with Unknown profile.


But then again, Dumb lefty Mark was running full steam ahead with Inga on the lefties newest hoax: white supremacists and russians are causing all the violence in these lefty riots and murders!

Guildofcannonballs said...

" J. Farmer said...
---@Kirk Parker:

The good guys win.

This is, of course, not a guaranteed outcome by any means.---

On what timescale? That sounds like another iteration of "the arch of history bends towards justice." It's a very progressive notion of history.

5/30/20, 10:47 PM"

Is your contention no good guy has ever won in human history, or at least the history of "guys?"

If not, why not? Why not be literal? What do you have to lose? You switch around like Althouse from seemingly rationale to being unreasonably literal if you think it helps your argument of the moment, as do I.

So admit your question was stupid, very poorly phrased, and flat out embarrassing. Ask what you meant to ask, not what you hurriedly typed out trying to be cute again.

Birkel said...

Yes, of course. I am willing to defend myself if faced with the fear of imminent bodily harm. I would kill you and everybody else on this board in defense of myself and my loved ones.

And I would hope everybody else on this board takes the responsibility of protecting them and their own so seriously.

Nichevo said...

Mark said...
I am ready to defend myself. Any other difficult questions?

Answer the question I actually asked.

Are you prepared to kill?

Mark 0757, what are you getting at here?

Is AA ready to kill? Is Kyzer ready to kill? Am I, or anybody? Are you asking about mental state, situational awareness, legal liability? Are you asking out of here curiosity, as encouragement, as discouragement?

I'm safe where I am, but if I were confronted with the prospect of imminent peril from a mob of the nature described here, I would be contemplating options, and yes, they would include whether to employ failure drill tactics or conserve ammunition by settling for one hit per target.

As I understand it, the key to going home after a self-defense case is: a) surviving, b) saying little or nothing, c) saying that you were in fear for your life or another's. I'm unsure of whether "He scared me, so I shot him until I wasn't afraid anymore" is a sound statement to make or whether any is necessary at all.

But if you're asking, is Ann prepared to kill, I guess she can answer that if she chooses, as she chooses.

narciso said...

It looks like the chtauri invasion went national.

Jupiter said...

"Answer the question I actually asked.
Are you prepared to kill?"

The guy said he has a gun, and he is prepared to defend himself. Sounds pretty clear to me.

Are you prepared to die?

Rick said...

Mark said...
LMAO, I love how you abuse righty-Mark for daring to disagree with group think.


Spent the evening watching Avengers movies with my kid. No great theater there, but fun popcorn movies.

The perfect synopsis for left wingers. People livelihoods are destroyed, but they're perfectly satisfied because it doesn't effect them.

Kirk Parker said...

Good grief, J.F., I love how you dismiss it w/o hearing even the slightest detail.

No, it's not a progressive notion of history, it's the same notion that the founders had. It takes actual work, and actual risk.

Kirk Parker said...


Conservative-VA-lawyer Mark confused us by posting a Peggy-Noonan-worthy handwringing post about self-defense.

Achilles said...

anti-de Sitter space said...
Teachers’ and others’ unions = bad corruption and lack of accountability and so on. Cops’ union = no corruption, total accountability and perfection.

Got it.

Only in cities run by Democrats.

Mark said...

Yes. What part of home defense do you not understand?

Don't hide behind euphemisms. Be a man if you are going to talk big. Use the actual word. Say, "Yes. I'm ready and willing to kill another human being."

Say it just like that. Be casual just like that in how you regard human life.

Kill is not a concept to be so cavalierly tossed around.

Show some respect for it.

Mark said...

Good guys win and the arc of history bending toward justice are hardly progressive ideas. The progressive is in a perpetual state of agitation, he talks about "justice" but never really moves toward it or even wants it.

Rather, good guys winning and the inevitable triumph of justice are intensely conservative precepts, and specifically Christian in nature. They are the stuff of Christian hope. We may go through a lot of bad things, but in the end, God wins. He wins over evil, He wins over suffering, He wins over death. His justice prevails.

Gk1 said...

Will anyone living in a blue city finally wake up and begin to demand authorities step in and restore order instead of letting rioters take over zones of the city?

I find myself silently cheering watching truck drivers and SUV owner running over rioters. That's all they deserve at this point. I know I wouldn't slow down so they can pull me out of my car like Reginald Denny. The reason for having law and order is so regular people don't take matters into their own hands. How bad does it have to get before we re-learn that lesson in Civilization?

Lawrence Person said...

Funny how they never started any discussion of Second Amendment protests started with "Entirely peaceful demonstrators." But somehow, coverage of every #BlackLivesMatters/#Antifa violent riot starts out with "mostly peaceful."

They're so invested in their narrative they can't even see reality clearly anymore for fear of being dragged.

MadTownGuy said...

From WGN-TV:

"10:50 p.m.

The ACLU of Illinois released the following statement tonight.

“The Mayor’s summary announcement of a potentially indefinite curfew tonight for the entire City – with hundreds of people trapped in the Loop – raises serious constitutional questions that need to be remedied. Any curfew must be limited to the specific places in the City where there is imminent threat of danger or harm, not the entire City.

Where was the ACLU at the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdown?

Tom T. said...

what exactly is the optimistic case for America's future?

Well, after this week, Trump is a lock for reelection.

Guildofcannonballs said...

D.D. Driver said...

Madison be all #OoohOoohMetooMetoo

exhelodrvr1 said...

what you subsidize, you get more of

Kevin said...

What education needs to happen?

What difficult conversation needs to occur?

Who out there needs to be confronted?


These people are shouting at the wind while providing cover for the rioters.

Mark said...

"The perfect synopsis for left wingers. People livelihoods are destroyed, but they're perfectly satisfied because it doesn't effect them."

Two looters IDed as white girls from the suburbs, but Kirk uses this to blame me for suburban kids attacking the malls around midnight, malls that are nowhere near the downtown or protests.

What did you do Kirk, post on a blog about how you are not responsible? LMAO.

Go attack righty Mark some more for being logically consistent.

whitney said...

People that are pretending that these are peaceful or fools. Or mendacious. Possibly both. We have watched one protest after another descend into Anarchy and chaos and destruction. They should all be shut down from the minute they start. Instead the policy seems to be let the numbers swell and the energy bill until there's nothing anyone can do about it. It's insane or intentional

BUMBLE BEE said...

Good Parenting!

tim maguire said...

Blogger J. Farmer said...I get dogged a lot for being a pessimist

Realism based on a knowledge of history. I’m 53 and during that time, the American Century has been declared over at least 5 times.

AustinRoth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TheDopeFromHope said...

Nothing screams SOCIAL JUSTICE!! like boosting a couple flat screens and setting a police cruiser on fire.

AustinRoth said...

Mark - the answer is, “Yes, I am prepared to kill That is why I own guns.”

You sure sound like a soy latte drinking pajama-boy to me, thinking that the thought of killing someone in self defense would somehow be traumatic.

J. Farmer said...


So admit your question was stupid, very poorly phrased, and flat out embarrassing. Ask what you meant to ask, not what you hurriedly typed out trying to be cute again.

My question: "what exactly is the optimistic case for America's future?" His response: "The good guys win."

That is a very ambiguous phrase and can be interpreted several ways. When I read it last night, I took it as him describing it as a general trend over time, which is why I asked on what timescale he was referring to.

Is your contention no good guy has ever won in human history, or at least the history of "guys?"

I said nothing about that.

@Kirk Parker:

Good grief, J.F., I love how you dismiss it w/o hearing even the slightest detail.

Granted, I commented on your comment to me instead of waiting for you to potentially make another later comment giving "detail." And I didn't "dismiss it," I asked you a question to elaborate, since I was unclear on what you meant.

If your phrase means that it is merely possible for "good guys" to "win," I have no disagreement. But I don't consider that a particularly "optimistic case."


Good guys win and the arc of history bending toward justice are hardly progressive ideas. The progressive is in a perpetual state of agitation, he talks about "justice" but never really moves toward it or even wants it.

My reference to "progressive view of history" was not to contemporary American leftists who refer to themselves as "progressives" but to the Whig theory of history.

J. Farmer said...

@tim maguire:

Realism based on a knowledge of history. I’m 53 and during that time, the American Century has been declared over at least 5 times.

In the entirety of your 53 years of life, America has been in relative decline. Over that time frame, America has deindustralized, financialized, and centralized, has seen ever greater power concentrated at the top, has compressed the working and middle classes, has opened the borders to mass immigration, has experienced repeated financial crises, has executed a number of disastrous military interventions, and has pursued a foreign policy that aided China's rise to great power status and made us increasingly dependent on them.

Anthony said...

Blogger Gk1 said...
Will anyone living in a blue city finally wake up and begin to demand authorities step in and restore order instead of letting rioters take over zones of the city?

Nah. I just got an email from the other UW in Seattle bemoaning yet another instance of racism in our society after a night of lefty violence and looting. These people are dumb/evil.

Matt Sablan said...

"Say it just like that. Be casual just like that in how you regard human life."

-- In what way is acknowledging that there are certain cases where someone would use lethal force "casual." It is a very serious decision, and I strongly encourage everyone to determine what they are and are not willing to do long before they have to make that decision. Knowing whether or not you'd be able to physically stop someone assaulting you or someone else with violence will help you make decisions around potentially dangerous situations. There's nothing casual about knowing the limits of pacifism, for example.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ RC

Hillary has just denounced the rioters as "Russian Assets" working with Tulsi Gabbard to undermine Joe Biden's campaign.

no doubt.

Ken B said...

This is the usual lie: that these things “turn” violent. Everyone who goes knows there will be violence. Violence is baked in.

bagoh20 said...

While very satisfying for half the crowd, the emotional rush of the demonstration was simply insufficient for the emotional needs of those young people imbued with higher levels of testosterone.

MAJMike said...

Regarding home defense/willingness to kill: Yes I am. I'm good at it. My life and the lives of my loved ones are precious to me. Anyone invading my home will be considered a threat to my life.

I will act without remorse or hesitation.

Are we clear?

Caligula said...

" those sisters are actually russian white supremacists who are colluding with Donald Trump"

Umm, really, some of the mainstream press seems to be testing the meme "those violent black bloc thugs are really white supremacists who came for the violence and to disrupt the 'peaceful' demonstrations.

To today's 'journalists' in thrall to goodthink-groupthink, supporting evidence for politically convenient assertions is always optional.

Kirk Parker said...

Lefty Mark,

" Kirk uses this to blame me..."

Kirk... Rick... guess we all look alike, don't we?

Jim at said...

Are you prepared to kill?



Rusty said...

"Are you prepared to kill?"
Threaten my life and we'll both find out.

TJM said...

J Farmer said:

In the entirety of your 53 years of life, America has been in relative decline. Over that time frame, America has deindustralized, financialized, and centralized, has seen ever greater power concentrated at the top, has compressed the working and middle classes, has opened the borders to mass immigration, has experienced repeated financial crises, has executed a number of disastrous military interventions, and has pursued a foreign policy that aided China's rise to great power status and made us increasingly dependent on them.

5/31/20, 7:46 AM

And President Donald Trump is the first American president to take the Chinese on which has the Dems and the Media terrified because Trump is breaking their rice bowl and working to restore America and the American worker to greatness. Follow Chinese money and it is going to the Dems and their institutions like the media and academia.

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