"... if it was a legitimate complaint. That coworker and two other staffers who worked with Reade said they believe she was not appropriately dressed for work.... Some former staffers told the NewsHour that if Biden did assault Reade [where she says he did], it would have been a brazen attack in an area with a high risk of being seen. 'When I worked in the Senate, it was always crowded [and] packed with lobbyists, staff and tourists,' said Sheila Nix, who was Biden’s chief of staff on the 2012 presidential campaign.... In interviews, staffers have also raised doubts about Reade’s claim that she was asked to serve drinks at a fundraiser.... [M]ore than 50 former staffers said they didn’t remember ever attending a fundraiser for Biden in Washington, D.C., when they were on his Senate staff.... 'Never would have happened,' said Melissa Lefko, who was a staff assistant in Biden’s office during the time Reade was there. 'We all knew there was a very hard line there.'... Further, two men who worked as junior staffers for Biden said the senator specifically did not want women to serve beverages, like coffee, or perform other menial tasks in his Senate office or on the committees he chaired. Men were typically asked to perform such tasks. 'He didn’t want an image of a young woman staffer serving him,' said John Earnhardt, who took over Reade’s duties.... Victoria Nourse, who served as Biden’s top lawyer on the Judiciary Committee in the early 1990s, recalled Biden’s reaction when another official made a comment about her looks in front of Biden during a flight in 1991. The man said, '"Oh Joe, let me sit next to the pretty girl,"' recalled Nourse, who later served as Biden’s chief counsel in the White House. Biden told the man off, Nourse said, 'making it clear that we were here for work, and that was inappropriate — in a very no nonsense way.'"
From "What 74 former Biden staffers think about Tara Reade’s allegations" (PBS News Hour).
We have all seen Joe Biden sniffing women's hair and getting handsy. It isn't a made up thing.
We are never going to know if Tara Reade was sexually harassed by Biden in the way she says she was or not. To try to prove it or disprove it at this point seems futile. I do get the sense that a lot of people who want to "disprove" it want to do so to get back to saying "Believe alll women! All women should be listened to! And that Tara Reade was a once in a lifetime terrible liar"
But... but.... but.... Tara Reade should decide for the nation whether we can vote for Joe Biden or not.
Maybe maybe not but really the only thing that matters is it Joe Biden has dementia and the people that are supporting him to be President of the United States know it.
It was considered a scandal when Woodrow Wilson had an incapacitating stroke in office and his wife took over the presidency and that people hid it from the puplic. Today, we would probably just prop him up and let him run for another term
It is absolutely shocking that this is happening and so many leaders in the government and private sector are colluding in on it.
This obviously proves that not only is Biden innocent, but that Kavanaugh is a rapist. (Also, Trump sucks.)
Free association: A Hundred Authors Against Einstein.
A) Believe women & MeToo
B) As for "they believe she was not appropriately dressed for work"
"SlutWalk is a transnational movement calling for an end to rape culture, including victim blaming and slut shaming of sexual assault victims. Specifically, participants protest against explaining or excusing rape by referring to any aspect of a woman's appearance" (wiki)
C) A+B: It's never a woman's fault
Also, do the character of 'Christine Blasey Ford' in the Kavanaugh circus. Wait, questioning her character never happened did it? And her social history was scrubbed without any criticism of the MsM.
"That coworker and two other staffers who worked with Reade said they believe she was not appropriately dressed for work.... Some former staffers told the NewsHour that if Biden did assault Reade [where she says he did], it would have been a brazen attack in an area with a high risk of being seen."
Joe didn't do it. But if he did, she was asking for it.
Well, 74 Democrats believe it couldn't possibly have happened! Meets my standard for evidence. Case closed!
Shhh! Listen...
I don't hear anything...it's quiet.
It's too quiet.
So, to recap
A) it Never happened
B) if it did, she started it
C) dressed that way, the little slut was Begging for it
D) this was what we did back then
E) no wait, it Never happened
I read just a bit but does anyone really expect these party operative types to do anything but tow the party line? They could be ostracized or sethriched if they said anything derogatory.
We need to have televised Senate hearings for a week to examine this accusation.
Some former staffers told the NewsHour that if Biden did assault Reade [where she says he did], it would have been a brazen attack in an area with a high risk of being seen.
That coworker and two other staffers who worked with Reade said they believe she was not appropriately dressed for work.
So she's a little bit nutty and a little bit slutty?
Hasn't she confirmed herself that one of her lady bosses complained that she was dressing too sexy at work?
Gosh it's good to be a Democrat accused of anything!
Kavanaugh had an established, lengthy record as a caring and effective coach and mentor to young women. He had dozens of women willing to testify to this. Not one of those girls and young women came forward with a complaint about him.
But people chose to believe a woman who changed her story, could supply no supporting details including the year, yet alone specific date. There was no contemporaneous corroboration.
Biden has an established lengthy record as a creepy old man who can't keep his hands to himself. There are dozens of clips documenting this. His defenders are political operatives who work for him and his allies.
Reade has supplied all of the supporting details, and has more contemporaneous corroboration than most cases.
Yet around 50% of the population, and a majority of women, believe CBF and Biden; and think Kavanaugh and Reade are liars. Or even worse, they don't, and pretend to anyway.
I truly despair for the future of our nation.
He didn't do it, but if he did it was because her skirt was too short.
Got it.
From "What 74 former Biden staffers who want jobs in the White House think about Tara Reade’s allegations" (PBS News Hour).
Fixed your headline, PBS.
We need to have televised Senate hearings for a week to examine this accusation.
Doesn't " the severity of charges" require us to investigate?
Well done. Now do same for Julie Swetnick and Christine Blasey Ford.
I'm curious how she was dressed inappropriately.
Sneakers, jeans and a t shirt would be inappropriate but not sexual.
Halter top, miniskirt worn commando and fm pumps and she would just be asking to be raped.
So what was inappropriate in her dress?
John Henry
So this reporting confirms that she probably didn't wear pantyhose back then as was the norm for office workers.
What, if anything, happened between these two people 27 years ago is unknowable. If we could dissect both of their brains to the last neuron, we would still mot know. Their memories are surely very different.
Now Biden deserves it. He was the impresario of the Clarence Thomas lynching. It's fun watching the torpedo that he himself launched circle around and drive itself right up his preening, phony, senile ass. It is fun, but we will never know the truth and we ought to stop with these shit-shows.
And ladies, if someone forces you against the wall and puts his fingers in your vagina, scream as loud as you can and punch him in the face. Keep screaming and punching until help arrives. That will work a lot better than telling your mother about it.
None of them called for an investigation by the FBI?
Nice to see our government-funded news operations are working as effectively as the privately-funded operations to skew the news in the same direction. We're getting our money's worth!
"Biden told the man off, Nourse said, 'making it clear that we were here for work, and that was inappropriate — in a very no nonsense way.'"
Biden had probably staked the pretty lady in question out as his own. Biden was protecting his pride.
(Pride of lions, that is)
I don't know if Reade is telling the truth but I don't believe anyone that claims Joe demanded women be treated with absolute respect around him always. Never allow a woman to serve a cup of coffee? Joe has been on the public stage for decades. Wanting the assistants working a party to be the attractive would not have been considered questionable 30 years ago. A guy who thinks putting hands women he doesn't know is acceptable today, never would have complained about it years ago.
I really don't care about whether Biden did this years ago or not, just like I didn't care about Kavanaugh.
What I care about is the media's egregious double standards while trying to protect the most incompetent presidential nominee we've ever had.
'I truly despair for the future of our nation.'
It's a modern, Western cultural thing. The West has drugged itself too much on the 'counter-culture' and now we see the results.
"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful." ('The Abolition of Man' CS Lewis).
Several people remember bring told by her at the time, including her ex-husband.
There is a greater push by the media to talk to 74 people who didn’t see anything than the people who state they have testimony to provide on the matter.
This is just our media rounding up twice the number of usual suspects.
Such an article proves not the innocence of Joe Biden but rather the bias of the press.....I don't follow PBS, but did they have a similar article on Kavanaugh? If not, why not?....Biden may very well be innocent of these charges, but painstaking attempts to exonerate him serve only to highlight the hypocrisy of those who make such efforts.
Got to muddy up the victim. Saw it many times in kiddie sex cases I investigated: "But Sergeant, she came on to me", the kid being seven years old.
Wow... these allegations must be starting hurt... only took the Biden campaign 3 months to finally get their messaging organized and coordinated... Expect the angle to now be that Tara Reid is a liar because no way, no how would Biden ever let a woman staffer service, I mean, serve him...
Tara Reade is the least of many reasons not to support Joe Biden.
When people are talking about Reade, they're not talking about his China and Ukraine, they're not talking about Joe's obvious mental decline. They're not talking about his promises on US energy policy, on single payer, free college, open borders, gun control and on and on.
@ Mike S
We need to have televised Senate hearings for a week to examine this accusation.
Report about anything but the evidence Obama was running a massive domestic spying operation out of the oval office.
Reade's accustion is way past its "use by date", coupled with the fact age befuddled Biden is not going to be the nominee. This bit of obfuscation is more proof the media is about narrative control, nothing to do with reporting news.
"it would have been a brazen attack in an area with a high risk of being seen."
What's alleged is something that would have happened in a matter of seconds, with Joe mistakenly thinking that his action was welcomed.
How much are they getting paid??
“ Halter top, miniskirt worn commando and fm pumps and she would just be asking to be raped. ”
In her defense, she was apparently wearing underwear, and maybe even stockings.
I don’t thing that women in skirts without underwear was really a thing back then. Maybe a thong though. I first ran into the no underwear thing on the club scene in PHX about 20 years ago. Was talking to two young (probably about 40) ladies, and one announced that her friend had taught her how to wear a thong the other responded that the first woman had taught her to not wear anything. Then both giggled. A couple months later was sitting at the bar, and a woman sat down next to me, told me she had gotten hot dancing, removed her dance tights underneath as a result and discretely pulled up her skirt to validate it. Back then it was maybe a bit shocking, but the first two girls made the excuse of how hot it is in Phoenix in the summer.
Victoria Nourse, who served as Biden’s top lawyer on the Judiciary Committee in the early 1990s, recalled Biden’s reaction when another official made a comment about her looks in front of Biden during a flight in 1991. The man said, '"Oh Joe, let me sit next to the pretty girl,"' recalled Nourse, who later served as Biden’s chief counsel in the White House. Biden told the man off, Nourse said, 'making it clear that we were here for work, and that was inappropriate — in a very no nonsense way.'"
Maybe Joe just wanted the window seat for himself.
What's alleged is something that would have happened in a matter of seconds, with Joe mistakenly thinking that his action was welcomed.
Joe moved that fast? Doubtful even back then. Plus, it's not just a matter of performing one action, but of being able to carry through to what he thought would be the next step without anyone seeing. Something happened, but Reade may have confused the details or exaggerated them. Biden probably remembers nothing.
As for the cup of coffee, that would depend on the time and the situation. In the second half of Biden's Senate career and with the cameras rolling it would have been good optics to have a man bring Joe his coffee and doughnut. Earlier - or in private - it may not have been that way.
---"...recalled Nourse, who later served as Biden’s chief counsel in the White House. Biden told the man off, Nourse said, 'making it clear that we were here for work, and that was inappropriate — in a very no nonsense way.'"---
Wow. A straight ticket to Hell in order to serve Joe fuckin' Biden.
Democratics have no lower bounds. I should have known though, of course: fuckin' lawyers.
[M]ore than 50 former staffers said they didn’t remember ever attending a fundraiser for Biden in Washington, D.C., when they were on his Senate staff.
Really? I'll just note 20 others seem to remember, and that's infinitely more people than remember attending a pool party with Blasey-Ford.
I guess "Believe All Women" is kaput now.
As it should be.
What 74 former Biden staffers think about Tara Reade’s allegations
I'm reserving judgment until I hear what 2,000 former DoJ official think about them.
"We need to have televised Senate hearings for a week to examine this accusation."
Indeed sir.
In addition, Tara Reide needs to become a multi-millionaire by noon tomorrow. Make it happen.
God, I hate the feminist vision of the workplace.
I’d rather rot in Hell than be in it.
Or, as Mark Twain would have put it:
I’d rather go to Hell than to feminist heaven.
What an incredibly dreary, bizarrely stupid and dead ass Utopia feminists have envisioned for us!
We've come to the "her dress was too short" phase of destroying Reade.
At least MeToo is dead.
Believe all women, except if they accuse Democrat leaders like Joe Biden, Ted Kennedy, Chris Dodd, ect..ect...ect….
“Dressed inappropriately”. Does that mean they have given up on the “pantyhose make it impossible” defense?
This is all pretty weak stuff, because it could all be true without her story being false.
How long does it take to search the records? How long has it been?
The 1996 court filing is much stronger evidence IMO. The key word in it is traumatic.
In interviews, staffers have also raised doubts about Reade’s claim that she was asked to serve drinks at a fundraiser.... [M]ore than 50 former staffers said they didn’t remember ever attending a fundraiser for Biden in Washington, D.C., when they were on his Senate staff....
So they never attended a fundraiser for Biden in Washington. Does that mean some of them attended a fundraiser for Biden outside the District? Does the fact that they never attended a fundraiser mean that no one else, e.g., Tara Reade, ever was asked to serve drinks at a fundraiser?
Further, two men who worked as junior staffers for Biden said the senator specifically did not want women to serve beverages, like coffee, or perform other menial tasks in his Senate office or on the committees he chaired. Men were typically asked to perform such tasks. (Emphasis mine)
Did no one besides myself note the difference between a Biden fundraiser trying to winkle money out of fat cats and what Biden might do in his official capacity on Capitol Hill?
The staffers doth protest too much, methinks.
"A woman who worked with Reade... said she remembers Reade mentioning that she was scolded for her attire and that Reade asked her... if it was a legitimate complaint. That coworker and two other staffers who worked with Reade said they believe she was not appropriately dressed for work.... "
As if that ever happened in the history of the universe or ever will happen. More likely, female employees gossiped about another woman behind her back. Headline should read: Co-worker remembers Tara Reade was not liked because she was a hotty.
74 former Biden staffers reported that Joe was conspicuously sniffing his right index finger in 1993. They believe that he was just remembering the smell of a delicious taco he had eaten for lunch.
Remember that Kavanaugh also produced a list of former colleagues attesting to his integrity. They were thoroughly mocked by all the best people.
"A woman who worked with Reade... said she remembers Reade mentioning that she was scolded for her attire and that Reade asked her... if it was a legitimate complaint. That coworker and two other staffers who worked with Reade said they believe she was not appropriately dressed for work.... " As if that ever happened in the history of women, or ever will happen.
More likely, a co-worker remembers Tara Reade was not liked because she was a hotty and female employees gossiped about her behind her back. Joe probably did think she was into him.
Gotta laugh. You have to slog through over 50 paragraphs to finally learn in the very last paragraph:
"For others, Biden’s touching evoked some regret. “There were times as I now look back that I think we messed up. We should have said something about that,” a different former staffer said. “We probably should have recognized that made people uncomfortable.”"
"Biden told the man off, Nourse said, 'making it clear that we were here for work, and that was inappropriate — in a very no nonsense way.'"
Sorry, but that does not sound like Biden behavior. How could a man with that standard also be the guy grabbing, sniffing, and constantly getting personal with people. His style has never been one of strictly separating business from flirting. That's exactly why we have so many examples of him doing just the opposite.
Shorter article: 74 people who hate Trump and are looking for good jobs on the Biden Administration saw nothing.
Biden's present and former staffers are going way too far in their effusive praise of Biden's feminist and ethical chops. It is starting to sound like a really, really bad lie.
LOL! I considered writing the exact same thing, but decided to elaborate the thought more completely.
And Cacimbo is correct- you have to slog through the entire piece to find that little paragraph at the end. You can see the staffers know they have a problem here with the story they are trying to sell at this late date.
I had initially completely discounted Reade's story, but as the evidence has mounted in her favor for something happening during her tenure as a Biden staff member that caused her distress, I have now weighted it in her favor that Biden did, at least, sexually harass her in some manner.
Arguments from big numbers. 74 former Biden staffers say women wouldn’t have been asked to serve drinks. 2000 former DOJ officials say dropping Flynn case is wrong. 99% of scientists say the climate is cooling, I mean warming, I mean changing...
I see the “left-wing” types are running interference for Biden.
A former staffer said that when Biden does things like stroking women’s hair, there’s a complicated dynamic at play.
Complicated? This is the best spin ever.
Biden's mental state and abilities now are more of a concern than something that may or may not have happened decades ago. The only interesting thing about the Reade accusation was the blatant hypocrisy of the #MeToo people.
They must really be under the scalpel for PBS to run an affirmative defense for Democrats.
Alexander Cockburn hinted at all kinds of stories about Biden's conduct with women. Was there anything behind that, or was it just Cockburn making things up?
I looked up the article by Cockburn's brother Andrew about how terrible Biden is looking for the more information about the supposed rumors and didn't find any.
Andrew Cockburn's going on about Biden and busing and his other positions in the early days made me think better of Biden, though.
Joe's staff are and have been as crazy as he is.
Joe Biden said so many different things--many of them completely contradictory and said within minutes of each other--that you realize that he is and always was a completely irresponsible person. And that hair-sniffing handsy stuff! Keep him away from any female that I care about. That lying, dog-faced pony soldier!
Thanks to NPR for compiling this completely unpersuasive collection of exonerating testimony. What should I believe, my own eyes or these people?
Come on, man!
And yet, https://theintercept.com/2020/04/24/new-evidence-tara-reade-joe-biden/
Only men have responsibility for maintaining sexual decorum, or agency to do so.
And we are dead certain that PBS interviewed many of Kavanaugh’s former staffers and publicized all the statements exculpating him.
Hmmm. I don't seem to recall this many hairs being split when world-famous Donald Trump simply sauntered into an upscale, Manhattan store, walked into the women's changing area and 'raped' another famous person.
I mean, that was taken at face value, no?
A couple of people have mentionef pantyhose.
It reminded me of LBJ's opinion on pantyhose and Ford's economic policies
"Ford's economics are the worst thing that's happened to this country since pantyhose ruined finger-fucking." -
President Lydndon B. Johnson
John Henry
Victoria Nourse, who served as Biden’s top lawyer on the Judiciary Committee in the early 1990s, recalled Biden’s reaction when another official made a comment about her looks in front of Biden during a flight in 1991. The man said, '"Oh Joe, let me sit next to the pretty girl,"' recalled Nourse, who later served as Biden’s chief counsel in the White House. Biden told the man off, Nourse said, 'making it clear that we were here for work, and that was inappropriate — in a very no nonsense way.'"
nice bit of self promotion by Victoria Nourse ?
I was pretty and noticed and my white knight protected me!?
Blasey Ford doppel?
Visiting Law Professor Victoria Nourse Appointed Counsel to Vice President Biden
Maybe she can also be asked about unmasking and visits to Ukraine
Dressed like that?
Democratics say she was asking for it.
Most interesting to me is the husbands confirmation.
Was not current. Was not in response to someone asking if she told him.
It was included in an old response to accusatory court document where (paraphrasing) husband defended himself by stating in filing that wife had mental problem relating to attack at work.
narayanan said...
Victoria Nourse, who served as Biden’s top lawyer on the Judiciary Committee in the early 1990s,
Might have been someone in whose presence even a Biden *might* have inhibited his behavior. Soon as she left, Biden might have either offered to or asked the other guy for a roofie.
Nice try. So they're really going for it with Biden then?
Sleepy, Creepy, Gropin' Joe and his defenders...Yep, Tara Reade was begging for it.
Believe all women. Until it's a Dem who's accused.
News hour should have juxtaposed these staffers’ thoughts on Blasey Ford, just for context
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