April 3, 2020

"With the masks, it is going to be a voluntary thing. You can do it. You don’t have to do it. I am choosing not to do it. It may be good. It is only a recommendation, voluntary."

Said President Trump, quoted in "Coronavirus Live Updates: C.D.C. Recommends Wearing Masks in Public; Trump Says, ‘I’m Choosing Not to Do It’" (NYT).

Are you going to wear a mask to deal with coronavirus? Pick the answer closest to what you think.
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Michael K said...

If I lived in a crowded city like New York, I would wear one.

I don't.

Ken B said...

I am sure this proves he is setting a bad example or something.

gilbar said...

what about; YES, because i think they make me look Cool as FUCK?

Rick.T. said...

How are they going to ensure we all get a supply?

Mark said...

Well, you need to HAVE a mask before you can WEAR one -- or something that can be made into one. I have some things, but nothing to tie it around my head.

grimson said...

I'll only do it when going to the grocery store, mostly out of consideration for those working there. But if I see nobody else is, I will stop.

Automatic_Wing said...

It's unfortunate, because it's something that seems to work that doesn't cost trillions of dollars.

Wince said...

I’m thinking of wearing a cloth wrap in public to cover my N-95 mask so nobody tries to steal it off my face.

Ann Althouse said...

If I had to wear an N95 type mask to leave the house, I just wouldn't leave the house.

Mark said...

I wonder if fabric stores are even open?

rcocean said...

I wouldn't wear one. As noted, the mask is there to protect others, not you. Absolutely no one I know has the virus and very few in the county where I live. So chances are, I don't have it. If I had symptoms I would wear one. Social distancing is enough. If I rode the subway everyday, I would wear a mask.

gilbar said...

Mark said...
Well, you need to HAVE a mask before you can WEAR one -- or something that can be made into one. I have some things, but nothing to tie it around my head.

Bandana Face Mask
No sew, easy to make! Optional to add a coffee filter to face mask for an extra layer of protection.

pacwest said...

Demand outstrips supply.

Skeptical Voter said...

Don't have a mask--but do have a respirator good for spraying some pretty nasty paint. If I decide I have to go out in public I'll wear that--and frighten the women, children and horses.

I was glad to see when I was in Kroger's grocery store yesterday (I get out maybe once every five days) that they put up solid plastic shields between customer and checker--not fool proof but better than nothing.

And while California is the land of the idiotic ban on plastic bags, they've released that ban now. And the grocery says "If you bring in a reusable bag, you'll have to bag your own items to protect our checkers". Those virtue signaling grocery valises can get pretty grotty.

Mary Beth said...

Yes, because I bought some that use replaceable pm2.5 filters a couple of years ago and got extra filters at the first of this year. It seems silly to not use them now. Also, I can pretend I'm a K-drama star or anime character, so that's a bonus.

rcocean said...

Even if I decided to wear a covering, I'd just get a scarf. Its good enough. Its just a barrier to expelling germs in the air.

Mark said...

Well, you need to HAVE a bandana before you can WEAR one as a mask.

Mark said...

I don't even have a banana.

Mark said...

The same day that the Maryland General Assembly ended its session early to get out of town, they passed a bill banning single-use sanitary grocery bags.

Shouting Thomas said...

Just looked on Amazon. No N95 masks available. Reserved for medical personnel and first responders.

When do plague dancers and self-flaggelators start roaming the countryside?

I’ve got my studded cat o’ nine tails ready!

Gordon Scott said...

Fabric stores in Minnesota were supposed to be closed, but they have stayed open to sell cloth and such to those sewing masks at home.

I am wearing one when I am working so that I avoid bringing it home to my vulnerable wife.

Leland said...

I voted maybe, because I have one but my understanding of the science is most people use them incorrectly, which I'll include myself in that population. I think mandating them for leaving the house is a terrible idea, but I suspect that is what local governments are and will do.

Ken B said...

Moot point. There are not enough N95 masks for casual users.

If you use a mask make sure you treat it as a contaminated surface when you return. Don’t touch the working part, and wash it if it’s washable. If it did anything it’s now virusy, right?

Mark said...

Breathing through wool or some other heavy fabric in the summer is not my idea of fun.

I grabbed a couple of my scarfs and they were too thick to breathe through. I would like to be able to breathe through anything over my nose and mouth -- it keeps me alive.

gilbar said...

Mark said...
Well, you need to HAVE a bandana before you can WEAR one as a mask.

Mark? Respectfully, what the HELL sort of FREAK doesn't have a bandana?
what do you do, when you find yourself at a place with no toilet paper?

rcocean said...

The WH press corps as usual was stuck on stupid. They kept asking Trump if he'd wear a mask. The whole point seemed to be: Make Trump look like a hypocrite or setting a bad example. But he doesn't need to wear a mask. Everyone around him is getting tested and he doesn't have it. The whole idea of Trump wearing a mask in the oval office is absurd. BTW, its always amazing to see the task force briefing and then see how CNN, the NYT, and the rest of the DNC-media turn what was said into an anti-Trump headline or news story. Or how they distort reality into something else out of sheer stupidity.

gilbar said...

a mask is to protect OTHERS ( and, to look Cool as FUCK!)

Mark said...

I don't have a motorcycle either. Or a horse.

And I'm not antifa.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

If it gets to the point where enough people are, and I look like a reckless a-hole or like I’m trying to get attention for, not wearing one, I will grudgingly do so. But there are 40 cases in my county of 360,000 people. Everyone is maintaining their distance; no one is coughing on people. If I had to be in close proximity to others for an extended period, like if I were a grocery checker, I might, even though our store put in plexiglass shields. If I had anything even resembling a symptom, I would. But I loathe the idea of anything on my face (I don’t even wear makeup other than on my eyes) and the protective benefit is so small that I wouldn’t. I also don’t want to scare the children. My three year old is already playing “look mommy the bad germs made my dolls sick” and that’s enough screwing with their heads for me.

rcocean said...

What's so great about a N95 mask?

Mark said...

I have some handkerchiefs, but they don't reach around my big head.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

ST: I’ve been saying to my husband that the way some people are behaving, we’re getting close to eye of newt, chicken on an altar, burying menstrual blood under the full moon, territory.

Mark said...

N95 = better, finer filter

Automatic_Wing said...

Cloth masks are fine. You don't need an N95 mask to walk around in. Mask wearing seems to be making a big difference in Japan and Taiwan. Why not try something that's cheap and works?

Mark said...

I can understand why President Trump would not want to wear a mask.

But Virginia Governor Ralph Northam was awfully quick to go for the white hood that covers his nose and mouth.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I do see a benefit to wearing them, but just not enough in my particular circumstances to make me overcome my horror of having my face covered. Don’t come at me yelling about how great they are. I know. I’ve lived in Asia and they do it all the time just for cold and flu season.

Darrell said...

I want a space suit with a light in the helmet.

Mark said...

I did buy a box of gloves today at the Harris Teeter.

Rory said...

My glasses get fogged.

chuck said...

Hi-ho Silver! Away!

Kathryn51 said...

"Cloth masks are fine" - except you cannot find any.

Oh, just "sew" one - there are lots of videos.

Except, you need to the correct size fabric (Amazon, nope). elastic (yes, if you wish to buy in large qty), sewing machine (nope), etc. etc.

Living in almost-martial law state of WA, I started to look several days ago because I could see what was coming. Hubby and I finally scored at the local craft shop which was CLOSED by nagging nannies (not "essential"), but they are apparently allowed to take curb-side orders and bring fabric/elastic to you.

If this is the new "normal", I want to move to the last state to adopt stay-at-home because after looking at the egregious modeling, I'm convinced that state (whatever it is) will have the lowest mortality rate.

le Douanier said...

For a while now, I have been wearing one when out and about.

Why not?

What’s the down side?

robother said...

My wife went to the fabric store the last day they were open to get material for some dresses. With today's announcement, she started making some masks, which we intend to use whenever going to the store. They are serviceable (though a bit gay for my taste, but what am I gonna do, only my sisters were taught to sew). The masks are not for our protection, but for others, and I have real sympathy for the store clerks, who are at much greater risk than we regular citizens. I've relied on social distancing on walks, but runners and byclists from behind don't seem to honor that. Don't know that a cotton mask will protect me from them, but I suppose it can't hurt. it'll take some social pressure to get me there on walks.

Duke Dan said...

Etsy.com. Found some that were nice and stylish. And helped someone with a small home business.

Wince said...

I had nonmedical N95s in the House left over from a sanding project.

The selling point is the COOL FLOW valve.

I was uncomfortable with the hot breath using standard masks before, so I paid the premium to try these.

Ralph L said...

The paper ones always fog my glasses if I actually exhale.

Josephbleau said...

My real answer is, I don't know where I can buy a mask. I went to the grocery store today and my wife (HSP) put a silk scarf on me. I live in quasi west loop Chicago and certain folks were walking up to me asking for a few bags of my groceries as I went to the car. They did not want the food, they wanted to grab my wallet when I had my hands full. You think I am too suspicious don't you.

curt said...

The masks will be worn by all of the women of a certain age who have been demanding that our governor institute a lockdown and that ppl out and about trying to enjoy themselves be shunned if not arrested. I will actually appreciate seeing all of these ladies self-identifying.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

I’ll wear my Obama mask from Halloween 2013, if I can find it.

Lucien said...

I hear you may be able to get mask making materials at a Hobby Lobby.

RK said...

...and as soon as Trump said he would not wear a mask.

Trump just motivated half the country to wear a mask out of spite. The man is a genius!

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Masks are good idea and about time. It works on several levels.

It helps protect the grocery workers. Why should people be put at risk for fashion?

It helps to protect you from a virus. Yes you may get the virus but the mask may keep the amount of viruses received down to a less threatening level.

It helps reduce the unconscious touching of the face.

It seems to help in Taiwan, S. Korea, Hong Kong, etc.

If the damn CDC didn't lie to us at the beginning, more people would have been wearing masks and fewer people would be sick and dead. At the end of this crisis there needs to be an accounting for the FDA, CDC and DHS.

n.n said...

Trump just motivated half the country to wear a mask out of spite. The man is a genius!

He works with, not against, the law of the urban jungle.

Josephbleau said...

Yes. I have the suspicion that the CDC gives advice not in your interest, but in their interest. If you don't use masks then more will be available for hospitals.

Tomcc said...

I don't have one and am unlikely to find one (or more, as would be needed). I get out to a store two or three days a week. I'm in and out in under 10 minutes and use the self-checkout, which are nicely separated.
If my company (M*cy's) is able to re-open, I would favor wearing a mask at work.

boatbuilder said...

Damn. Coffee filters. And I used them all because I didn't have any toilet paper.

madAsHell said...

"I don't wanna look like a pussy" was missing from your survey.

Shouting Thomas said...

HuffPo reports that, not only will Trump not wear a mask while he hypocritically demands that you wear one... but...

He’s going to play golf while you die!

le Douanier said...

BTW, Althouse won’t wear these to protect others (and herself) and she’s fussy re folks ignoring the six foot thing-y. But Meade recommends that others should self-immunize by trying to get sick, and further stress the medical situation.

But if everyone did all the stuff for a couple weeks, this is over. That won’t happen because.......

1) Nothing is perfect. There are unavoidable circumstances that require deviating.

2) People choose to extend this problem even when they have the ability to help end it.

Logic is tricky.

Etienne said...

Elevators and masks go together like peanut butter and jelly.

n.n said...

Yes. I have the suspicion that the CDC gives advice not in your interest, but in their interest. If you don't use masks then more will be available for hospitals.

Sustained, at risk contact (e.g. circumstance) matters. Their guidance serves both interests, separately, and jointly.

[cdc.gov] Recommendation Regarding the Use of Cloth Face Coverings, Especially in Areas of Significant Community-Based Transmission

The cloth face coverings recommended are not surgical masks or N-95 respirators. Those are critical supplies that must continue to be reserved for healthcare workers and other medical first responders, as recommended by current CDC guidance.

madAsHell said...

N95 mask

Is anyone else having 'Get Smart' flashbacks?

n.n said...

Elevators and masks go together like peanut butter and jelly..

The real greenhouse effect, yes. With close, sustained contact, and minimal circulation, that would be a situation with elevated risk.

madAsHell said...

It just sounds like a 'Get Smart' kind-of gag!!

cacimbo said...

I think wearing masks is a good idea.However, the N95 construction masks I had laying around make too difficult to breath with my copd.

Michael K said...

Logic is tricky.

And absent from your comments,

narciso said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

a friend liked this for a change of pace

RK said...

In a pinch, you can stuff your nose with toilet paper and then keep your mouth shut.

narciso said...

food for thought

c365 said...

Has no one considered that while the mask aggregates droplets containing the virus, what happens is the virus becomes ”aerosolized" as the large carrier particles are trapped in the mask or filter but the virus passes through in suspended aerosol? And while droplets are contagious they fall to the surface, while the aerosol will remain suspended in the air via brownian motion?

Some of you have heard that part of the reason restirement homes are getting hammered is from the fact that so many residents used nebulizers, which aerosoled the virus so it could spread like wildfire?

Yancey Ward said...

I understand the science, but won't be wearing one. I don't go anywhere the danger is high, but wouldn't depend on a homemade one if I did- I just wouldn't go to such a place.

I also don't like being told what to do by the government, or pretty much anyone else. I think Trump's recommendation was perfectly pitched, and it is fucking silly for him to wear one in the damned White House. However, I would make sure all those reporters wore one, or they don't get in. I would include ballgags on them, too.

Yancey Ward said...

And c365's point should be carefully considered. The mask needs to be cleaned regularly- like every trip out you make, especially if you are using one while ill yourself.

Arashi said...

You left out the choice, No I won't as they cannot be purchased in my locallity and I do not have the skills to make one.

They may be a good idea. If the government wants me to wear one, OK. Then they need to make sure I can actually purchase one at a non-gouge price. Pre-WuhFlu, I think a box of 10 was a few dollars. Now in the pugetopolis that is at minimum 50 bucks or more.

Roughcoat said...

I'd wear a mask if I could find one.

JAORE said...

Last Christmas one of the kids gave me a stretchy cloth tube to wear when I rode my motorcycle in cold weather. It has the advantage of having an American flag print. I might have to wear it for the first time.

Not for me, but to protect others and/or put them at ease.

JaimeRoberto said...

When I go to the store I will wear a mask. When I'm out in the great outdoors for my exercise I won't, but I'll keep it with me just in case.

Bay Area Guy said...

I guess Antifa has been ahead of the curve on this mask thing....,,

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yes I’ll wear one in public because I want to socially pressure others to wear one. And it’ll help. My wife has a compromised immune system so we are doing what we can within reason.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I used old t shirts double layered kinda like that thing Jaore described.

catter said...

So when Antifa and the Bernie Bros are misbehaving in Milwaukee this summer, their masks will be illegal? recommended? mandatory?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Even though my husband is a physician, I have not asked him to bring surgical masks home. The health care workers need them more than I do.

However, a friend of mine is doing what Inga did, making them at home, and she gave me a couple of homemade ones. (I don't sew.) I'll wear one to the grocery store. I don't feel any need to wear them when I'm out walking in the park. That seems like a waste. I haven't come within 6 feet of anybody on the bike path or anywhere else I've been walking.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

What frightens me is the risk my husband is taking by performing tracheal intubations.

Gospace said...

Ann Althouse said...
If I had to wear an N95 type mask to leave the house, I just wouldn't leave the house.

I've worn an N95 type mask when cleaning boilers and soot. You tire far more rapidly when wearing an effective mask. It's effective because it restricts air flow. Two muscle groups operate 24/7 on the human body. The heart, and those that cause us to breathe. You draw in a breath, the muscles relax to exhale. Even when you're running, they don't work that much harder, just a little faster. Put a mask on, they're working harder. A lot harder. You tire more rapidly. Up above someone mentioned paying extra to get an exhalation valve. When wearing an effective mask, your muscles have to work to exhale instead of just relax.

I have to take a physical each year to make sure I'm fit enough to wear an N95 mask. Have you taken yours?

cf said...

since last week, whenever I am going into an enclosed commons, like a grocery store or pharmacy, i put on my nitrile gloves and wear my n95 bought back late january. It feels so Free to Breathe when you have them on and you are in tight aisles where so many have traveled.
A trio of us are sewing masks requested by local nurses and for nursing homes here in Oregon, then my daughter in Brooklyn clammered for some when she heard, and we have been working hard to send her as many as possible. (One of those masks was being worn in a pic in the Washington Post today, a coronavirus feature on the Stonewall House, where she works as a counselor. nobody else would notice, or know it was handsewn in oregon, but We knew, and were all proud.)

Drago said...

LLR-lefty and #StrongCNNDefender Chuck: "We’re going to need sweatshirts emblazoned, I’M WEARING A MASK BECAUSE TRUMP WON’T."


"We're".....as if there was more than just Chuck!

Sounds like a solid business opportunity Chuckie! Get on it...before your ChiCom allies beat you to it!

Gadfly will buy 1. Maybe 2. That means your sales projections are already at 3 units!

Go ahead Chuck. Show Trump what a "real businessman" can do......

Mark Daniels said...

I answered yes, because I understand the science, etc. But first, the masks I ordered last week need to arrive. I ordered through Amazon and some won't be delivered until June.

CapitalistRoader said...

Me wearing a mask protects other people. It makes the people I'm around in stores, etc. feel safer. Why not?

Crazy World said...

I was in rebel mode when told I need to wear one at work Monday if I go outside my office but I found a cute print comfortable one that will coordinate well with my new sunglasses and actually match my new bbq I ordered. Doing what I can for America.

gadfly said...

An editorial in Journal of the American Medical Association, JAMA, points out that the N95 respirator stops 95% of .3 micron particles. A household anti-allergy air circulation filter with a MERV (minimum efficiency reporting value) of 14, will stop 75%. A filter with MERV of 13 will stop 50%. The N95 mask is equivalent to MERV 16. Amazon sells MERV 16 filters for your HVAC system.

Buckwheathikes said...

This has nothing to do with masks or polls.

This is all ass-covering by the inept CDC. Early on, the CDC and the Surgeon General were literally SCOFFING at people wearing masks. They did this because they knew about the shortage of PPE and that the national stockpile of N95 masks had been depleted by the Obama administration during a previous semi-epidemic and never replenished.

I get they were trying to ensure that the limited supply of masks would go to those with the highest chances of getting the disease (health care workers), but they made the conscious decision to lie to American citizens, instead of trusting us.

Now, they're trying to cover their asses because as we all know when this is over, there's going to be a serious reckoning that takes place and if it's discovered later that you unfairly profited, hoarded, or lied to the American people, you're going to be politically executed, if not physically executed.

The correct answer to your poll is:

No. I'm not going to be wearing a mask, because they aren't available and health care workers need them more than I do due to the Obama Administration being a bunch of fuck-ups.

stevew said...

Aren't all these actions half measures? They will only reduce the spread, perhaps, not stop it? What if the government required every person in the United States, other than essential medical personnel, to shelter in place. How long would we have to do that to eliminate the virus?

tim maguire said...

I’ve started wearing a mask in indoor public spaces because my wife has health anxieties and she recently finished cancer treatment. She’s not high risk, but she’ll be in a panic if I don’t. So I do.

tomfromchicago said...

I live in a county in NE Florida with just a handful of reported case. The number of people admitted to hospital has declined and two people have died, but no new deaths have been reported in the last eight days. So, I don't think a mask it necessary. On the other hand, I lived in NY for 25 years. If I was there now, I'd wear the mask.

tim maguire said...

Chuck said...We’re going to need sweatshirts emblazoned, I’M WEARING A MASK BECAUSE TRUMP WON’T.

Wow, is there any Chuck post that can’t be summed up as “Chuck’s a dick”?

tim maguire said...

c365 said...Has no one considered that....

Do you seriously think there’s anything you’ve considered that no one else has?

Owen said...

Gospace: great comment about the additional workload imposed on the body to pull (and push) air through a mask. It can induce a sense of claustrophobia. So: as usual, we face a cost/benefit calculation where we have absolute bullshit for data multiplied by vague guesses divided by pure rumor, all raised to the N95th power of magical thinking.

stevew said...

Not that I've seen Tim, then again I've not read them all.

Fernandinande said...

"I am choosing not to do it."

That's easy for Trump to say, he has agents of the Secretion Service to protect him.

tcrosse said...

Maybe if they issue me a mask I'll wear it.

CJinPA said...

Curious that so many said "Yes because I understand the science..." when they understood the science yesterday, but didn't decide to wear a mask until it was recommended.

CapitalistRoader said...

That's easy for Trump to say, he has agents of the Secretion Service to protect him.

Sort of like Obama and Biden and Pelosi and guns. Armed protection for me but not for thee.

Robert Cook said...

I started wearing a mask a little over a week ago, primarily to be considerate of the fears of others, as I stated in another comment thread a few days ago. If it helps even a little bit in preventing my becoming infected with COVID-19, that's good, but not my motivation.

Robert Cook said...

"I live in a county in NE Florida with just a handful of reported case. The number of people admitted to hospital has declined and two people have died, but no new deaths have been reported in the last eight days. So, I don't think a mask it necessary. On the other hand, I lived in NY for 25 years. If I was there now, I'd wear the mask."

Which county, if I may ask? I grew up in Duval County, (though Indiana born and bred until age 8). I've been in NYC 39 years.

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