“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”
We love you too, Mr. President. Good on those protestors- the kind of people who will risk arrest to stand up to a lunatic tyrant like Evers are the kind who won't sit still for a June liberation.
If that same Bernie Bro shows up with a swastika poster, how long until Ken B complains about the protesters giving "bad optics" to the media to use against them?
Those protesters are bad, bad optics. They should be wearing masks, distancing themselves, and they should be protesting from the safety of their homes.
Gov. Walz of Minnesota said Thursday he is loosening restrictions to allow as many as 100,000 Minnesotans to return to work in manufacturing, industrial and office settings.
... and here we are in Wisconsin, stuck with professional government employee Evers.
In many places, it isn't permitted to drive at all unless it is to conduct a necessary activity. In such instances, Ms Althouse's actions in driving "up to the Wisconsin Capitol to see the anti-shutdown rally" would itself be an anti-shutdown activity--completely closed car or not. I personally think that is absurd, but it has been implemented (e.g., here in Hawaii) and enforced. Every little absurdity that restricts freedom of action and cuts across the grain of "common sense" feeds resistance.
Lawyers in California have been deemed an essential service exempt from stay at home order. But law firms still implemented stay at home and many individual attorneys started in the week leading up to the governor's order. Stay at home will continue to poll well as long as many people fear catching untreatable covid 19.
There's an official distinction between "masks" and "face coverings", isn't there?
Mask are the N95 grade for use by medical and first responders. They are meant to protect both the wearer and everyone else.
Face coverings ostensibly can't provide a significant level of protection to the wearer, but can effectively help prevent the wearer from casually infecting others.
Non-essential travel was discouraged during WW 2. But no one was put in jail for doing it. IRC, driving for any purpose other than employment, exercise, or getting needed supplies is verboten. If Althouse/Meade stopped off and got gas or some Cheetos they're safe.
I get that it’s somewhat of an American tradition, but I can’t help but wonder: has standing on a sidewalk holding a sign ever actually accomplished anything?
Love that you kept the windows closed. But that damn virus comes through the vents. Hope Meade gave the car a good scrubbing with anti viral when you got home. Special attention to the door handles.
StaySafe Indeed. Every infected participant infects ten who infects ten. Do the math! A model! You will get to Althouse’s 11 million dead in no time. It is just science.
On the other disappointing hand if no one there is infected then no one gets infected even if they French kissed each other.
Stay Safe: "Instead, I am mourning that predictable outcome."
This would carry more weight if you had criticized the explicit Cuomo/democrat/"smart" policy of putting elderly people with the virus back into nursing homes in NY and you had called for the shutting down of Central Park and the subways.
So that person with the sign wants "freedom." But freedom doesn't include freedom to kill people.
I'd be more convinced by a sign that said, "I don't need more freedom – I want money." Poverty caused by businesses closing is a serious concern, and could lead to more death. But the focus on individual liberty runs into the problem of what happens when your choices cause other people to die.
Science. These people have been distancing and mostly isolated for more than four weeks. Travel is restricted. Contact has been very limited. And even so many were wearing masks or bandanas. Among that group I described would have to be someone who came in contact with a high risk person or place knowingly to create even a fraction of the hazard SS envisions. Panic isn’t science. We’ve done twice the normal quarantine as a people. There is almost no risk to this outdoor event, Karen SS. Science.
John Althouse Cohen: " So that person with the sign wants "freedom." But freedom doesn't include freedom to kill people."
There you have the mentality of the left.
Next up: Murder charges for protesters or, at the very least, justification for another Bernie Bro to take violent action against these would be "killers" the way Hodgkinson was "defending" people against "murderous" republican congressmen who wanted to "kill people" by getting rid of obamacare.
The same way Romney "killed" a woman with cancer.
The same way Trump was going to kill tens of thousands with a net neutrality ruling.
All the while lefties are literally releasing convicted murderers back onto the street...some of whom have already killed again.
But you know, if releasing convicted murderers to kill again and providing justification to Bernie Bros to shoot up protesters is what it takes to save just one life, it will have been worth it.
John Althouse Cohen said... But the focus on individual liberty runs into the problem of what happens when your choices cause other people to die.
4/24/20, 3:23 PM
If your "choices" resulted in impoverished Americans gunning down their tyrannical politicians, would you accept the problem your choices made?
I'm sure John Cohen and the rest of his type continue to draw more money than they are worth, even as most Americans have to do more with less, but the lawyer class is rapidly going from "worthless" to "dangerous threat."
J. Farmer said... I get that it’s somewhat of an American tradition, but I can’t help but wonder: has standing on a sidewalk holding a sign ever actually accomplished anything?
4/24/20, 3:08 PM
Not by itself, but it's a warning. The same way that MLK was a warning on the way to Malcolm X grabbing a rifle.
Doesn't sound like Ann or Meade were threatened like they were back in the Scott Walker recall protests. Sure you were in your car, but that hasn't stopped Antifa types in Portland.
At this point in the pandemic at-risk people should take extraordinary precautions. The rest of us can safely resume taking ordinary precautions. We need it to spread through the populace of low risk and mostly asymptomatic people. Mass events, enclosed spaces will resume as soon as we certify herd immunity through survey testing for antibodies. Time to stop the panic and help resume activity to sustain our society. If you know at-risk people treat them like the boy in the bubble. Otherwise move on man.
I appreciate that you two made the trip. It looks like an altogether orderly event. I'm wondering if not wearing masks is part of the message. When I go to the store, I wear a fabric "mask". Not because I think it has any benefit, but solely because I don't want to alarm those who are inclined to be alarmed. I can't prove that I don't have the virus, but I don't want to wait until I can prove it to get back to work. Give us appropriate PPE (and isolate those who are most at risk) and let us get back to work!
"So that person with the sign wants "freedom." But freedom doesn't include freedom to kill people."
1. Who is killing anyone? WuFlu is nasty for particular groups only. Let them stay out of the way. 2. Depriving younger healthy people of their freedom does not save the lives of old sick people. They need both the productivity and the herd immunity the young can provide. 3. Causing economic ruin with an insane overreaction itself kills people. Freedom is the way to better public health.
"Poverty caused by businesses closing is a serious concern, and could lead to more death."
Ah. How much more? I have yet to see the first honest calculation by any alarmist.
"But the focus on individual liberty runs into the problem of what happens when your choices cause other people to die."
Again, who causes anyone to die? If you are old and/or fat and/or sick, isolate. The rest of us will promise not to invade any nursing homes.
There has never been a problem with being outdoors in any spacing or unmasked. People just don't get infected that way. You wear a mask to send a message to others that you are a right-thinking Democrat. It's no more effective against corona virus than wearing a BIden for President button.
It's like Blues Brothers getting the Band back together! Anne & Meade fighting the power! Lemme amend that - faithfully reporting on those fighting the power!
Who has the power? The government - via the consent of the governed!
But are the "powers that be" justly exercising that power for the benefit of the people?
John Althouse Cohen said: "I'd be more convinced by a sign that said, "I don't need more freedom – I want money." "
I believe that. It's particularly easy to be "convinced" by things that conform to one's existing world view. A clear case in point, here.
I'm hoping that there's still a chance you might wise up some day--to tell the truth I was pushing 40 when that happened--but I can't say I'm optimistic about the prospect in your case.
Separate question: If you're so smart, why are you so afraid of death?
Stay Safe: For your benefit, I'm certain that in the next few weeks vital statistics will also include political party designation for those determined to have died from/with Covid-19.
And I went down to the demonstration To get my fair share of abuse Singing, "We're gonna vent our frustration If we don't we're gonna blow a 50-amp fuse"
I get that it’s somewhat of an American tradition, but I can’t help but wonder: has standing on a sidewalk holding a sign ever actually accomplished anything?
Yes. Constitutional rights are like muscles: they must be exercised. When people demonstrate and the authorities do nothing to stop them, the demonstrators have successfully exercised and reaffirmed their rights (of free speech, assembly, etc.). It seems like a trivial victory but it isn't. Case in point: I was in the streets of Chicago in the summer of 1968 when Chicago Police went wild attacking protesters in Lincoln Park and on Michigan Avenue in front of the Conrad Hilton. Whatever you think of the protesters and their cause (I had very mixed feelings about both), the police were out of control and the city administration had the mindset of Bolshevik thugs putting down the Krondstadt sailors.
Personally I just want ass holes whose political philosophies direct them always to exercise greater power over me and mine, to kill themselves to protect the herd.
And please tell us why just yesterday the CDC was saying the virus didn't last long in sunlight outdoors. Or why Cuomo admitted that the unexpectedly high incidence of immunity (21%) among NYC residents drove the actual mortality rate down to flu-like levels, despite the crowding inherent in in the city, taking subways and the like.
Where's your "science", dude?
(and, please none of this crap about mourning deaths; don't think we didn't notice your gratuitous snot about "ignorant hillbillies" up-thread.)
Yes, they do. And that's why your Inga-like allies are always so intent on showing up with swastika posters so your lefty media allies can paint the protesters as racists, similar to the racism charges you fling around Althouseblog towards the "isolationist Trumpkins".
Very nice to hear the shout-outs (I believe that is the expression) to the great H.L. Mencken, above. Another apothegm of his is quite appropriate for the present moment:
"The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule."
Interesting. To date not a single lefty (I include Ken B in that) has called for shutting NYC subways down, or shutting down Central Park, or criticizing Cuomo for establishing a policy that mandated moving ChiCom flu infected patients back into Nursing Homes.
Can any of the leftists (I include Ken B in that) explain their (all too expected) silence on that?
John Althouse Cohen said... So that person with the sign wants "freedom." But freedom doesn't include freedom to kill people.
I'd be more convinced by a sign that said, "I don't need more freedom – I want money." Poverty caused by businesses closing is a serious concern, and could lead to more death. But the focus on individual liberty runs into the problem of what happens when your choices cause other people to die.
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” --CS Lewis
Tomcc Stay Safe: For your benefit, I'm certain that in the next few weeks vital statistics will also include political party designation for those determined to have died from/with Covid-19.
COVID-19 deaths tally, as of April 23: Hillary-supporting states 37,002 Trump-supporting states: 12,663
Ken B said... Someone talking sense yesterday https://www.businessinsider.com/wisconsin-gop-official-lockdown-protesters-leave-confederate-flags-guns-home-2020-4 Optics matter.
Disingenuous fascist cites disingenuous moby crying about optics.
Meanwhile, in Minneapolis the lefty/dems are allowing the muslim call to prayer broadcast 5 times per day during Ramadan.
This is after democrat mayors sent in armed police to break up Christian worship services in multiple different jurisdiction, along with arresting moms playing at parks with their children...along with arresting a father who was playing in a large field with his family and no one else around.
The growing political alliance between the islamic supremacists and the dems/left/LLR-left continues apace.
"Essential Travel" as defined in the Safer at Home emergency order:
"15. Essential Travel. Individuals engaged in any Essential Travel must comply with Social Distancing Requirements to the extent possible. For the purposes of this Order, Essential Travel includes: a. Any travel related to the provision of or access to Essential Activities, Special Situations, Essential Governmental. Functions, Essential Businesses and Operations, or Minimum Basic Operations. b. Travel to care for elderly, minors, dependents, persons with disabilities, or other vulnerable persons. c. Travel to or from educational institutions for purposes of receiving materials for distance learning, for receiving meals, or any other related services. d. Travel to return to a place of residence from outside the jurisdiction. e. Travel required by law enforcement or court order, including to transport children pursuant to a custody agreement. f. Travel required for non-residents to return to their place of residence outside Wisconsin. Individuals are strongly encouraged to verify that their transportation out of Wisconsin remains available and functional prior to commencing such travel. "
“And that's why your Inga-like allies are always so intent on showing up with swastika posters...”
Althouse’s conservative commenters have truly lost their shit. I’ve read more insane blabbering from you idiots here this past 6 weeks than I’ve read in the past 6 years. This pandemic has brought out the worst in Althouse’s Trumpist/conservative commenters and here I thought you people couldn’t possibly get any worse.
Is there any doubt that if John Althouse Cohen and his beloved Democrats gain control of the federal government again that they would not declare global warming the next crisis and start locking people up just like they are now?
Millions are already hungry now around the world and the food riots have started.
The fascists are killing way more people than COVID-19 already.
Michael K: "I assume that Inga and Althouse Cohen will be cooperating to track down every protestor that contracts the WuFlu.
KenB could help from Canada."
The "best" part? They can use the same ChiCom produced drones to track these protesters back to their homes for easy arrest, as they are doing in LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved Dem controlled Detroit.
The growing alliance between the ChiCom's and the dems/left/LLR-left continues apace.
rcocean: here in Oregon that rate is 99.998%. We've flattened the curve, people's lives and livlihoods are deteriorating hourly by an overly restrictive shut down. What we need is appropriate PPE (real masks and gloves) and start re-opening May 1!
Inga: "This pandemic has brought out the worst in Althouse’s Trumpist/conservative commenters and here I thought you people couldn’t possibly get any worse."
Tell us more about Carter Page's spying for Russia.
Tell us more about Kavanaugh's rapes.
Tell us more about Trump's collusion with the russians.
Tell us more about the Sham-peachment lies.
I could list approximately 50 more lies/hoaxes from you in just the last several months.
1.) Yesterday, the NIH used dying black veterans as props in a fake study to discredit hydroxychloroquine.
2.) Today, the FDA follows up, recommending hospital-only use for HCQ because DANGER! Evidently the pill works in hospitals but not doctors offices.
3.) This afternoon, Pelosi opens investigation into the President because of Dr. Rick Bright's firing, who allegedly spoke Truth to Hydroxychloroquine.
It's the old 1-2-3-the old Wrap-Up Smear again!
It's just like the Whistleblower-IG-State Dept.--Impeachment Play all over again. Or the old CIA-FBI-Russian Dossier-Movie sequel.
This is the Big Medical Bureaucracy's version of the FISA Warrant, The Mueller Report and the Articles of Impeachment.
So, carrying a virus, transmitting the virus, which results in the loss of viability is analogous to premeditated murder. Carrying an egg, transmitting a sperm, which progresses then concludes with an elective abortion is analogous to premeditated murder and millions of excess deaths annually. So, we know the steps to mitigate progress in the first instance, and we the four choices before indulging Pro-Choice, the wicked solution. That said, should it now be necessary to to mitigate progress throughout the year, throughout the period of tranmissible contagions? Should we review the first-order forcings of globalism, [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform, social justice adventures (e.g. elective conflicts), labor and environmental arbitrage, and PC politicies that offer safe sanctuary and spread social contagion?
For the benefit of Not Very Bright Inga, heres the link to the Bernie Bro whose Trump/Pence/Swastika poster was picked up by Inga's lefty media pals and played non-stop as a Trump supporter:
Inga : “ Althouse’s conservative commenters have truly lost their shit. I’ve read more insane blabbering from you idiots here this past 6 weeks than I’ve read in the past 6 years. This pandemic has brought out the worst in Althouse’s Trumpist/conservative commenters and here I thought you people couldn’t possibly get any worse.”
True. The Right has been pretty disappointing over all frankly, with twerps like Hannity spewing nonsense, but it’s been worse here. And that's without the wishing death on people, wishing recession or depression on people, wishing disease on people — all of which we have seen from the denialists on this blog. That and the casual dismissal of 2 million deaths or the deaths of blacks or seniors. A complete and utter moral failure to go with the intellectual failure. Howard's explanation is the charitable one: they know they are wrong and are panicked. But I don’t know if it’s the right explanation.
FINALLY the Insane Maniacs, that intentionally WANT our country to DIE, will be showed up. In a fortnight (14 days), EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY PERSON IN GEORGIA WILL BE DYING OF COVID-19!! With the insanely unsafe "opening" of Georgia, people will SEE How IMPORTANT these lockdowns are
Inga said... “And that's why your Inga-like allies are always so intent on showing up with swastika posters...”
Althouse’s conservative commenters have truly lost their shit. I’ve read more insane blabbering from you idiots here this past 6 weeks than I’ve read in the past 6 years. This pandemic has brought out the worst in Althouse’s Trumpist/conservative commenters and here I thought you people couldn’t possibly get any worse.
What is the worst? A desire for freedom?
Inga doesn't like freedom. Imagine that.
So how is that Russian Collusion case going?
You apologize to Trump for accusing him falsely of being a Russian agent yet? Or Papadopoulous? Or Carter Page? Or Flynn?
Ken B: "True. The Right has been pretty disappointing over all frankly, with twerps like Hannity spewing nonsense, but it’s been worse here. And that's without the wishing death on people, wishing recession or depression on people, wishing disease on people — all of which we have seen from the denialists on this blog. That and the casual dismissal of 2 million deaths or the deaths of blacks or seniors. A complete and utter moral failure to go with the intellectual failure. Howard's explanation is the charitable one: they know they are wrong and are panicked. But I don’t know if it’s the right explanation"
Thank you for reposting the very sentiments you have made repeatedly but for some odd reason denied making earlier today.
Saves some time.
Once again, Birkel nailed it. Ken B now comfortably within the Inga/Howard/ARM orbit.....
....but he's like totally not on the left/dem side! No sirree!
"But the focus on individual liberty runs into the problem of what happens when your choices cause other people to die."
From PrideLegal.com:
"Things have now changed. On January 1, 2018, Senate Bill (SB) 239 came into law, scoring a huge win for HIV activists. Prior to 2018, HIV was the only disease you could be prosecuted for transmitting. California Governor Jerry Brown signed the law which repealed the old HIV laws regarding partner notification...."
Rick Zbur, Executive Director of Equality California and HIV activist, stated that “it’s virtually impossible to transmit the virus and I think most people don’t know that yet...."
From hiv.gov:
"...In 2018, 17,032 people in the U.S. and 6 dependent areas received a stage 3 (AIDS) diagnosis. (The late stage of HIV infection that occurs when the body’s immune system is badly damaged because of the virus.)
In 2017, there were 16,350 deaths among adults and adolescents with diagnosed HIV in the United States and 6 dependent areas. These deaths may be due to any cause...."
Does that mean Christians in Minneapolis can revive the old tradition, banned decades ago almost everywhere in the U.S., of ringing Church bells on Sunday?*
I'm guessing, no.
*I grew up with that sound. And then it stopped. Can't remember when. But it was a long time ago.
I was just commenting to my (life long Democrat) wife that the COVID-19 scare has unleashed the inner fascist in a lot of people.
She agreed and is concerned that Trump will require us to have ID cards that show we have been immunized from COVID. However, she was not aware that was a leftist idea.
On a separate note, Mrs. Francisco has arranged COVID antibody testing. I will let all of you know the results. If you recall, I noted in mid-March and later that she and a few others had all the COVID-19 symptoms in mid February. Her MD is convinced she had the disease.
“Why isn't John Althouse Cohen defending his argument here in the comments? Did you believe your own argument when you made it John?
If a bunch of internet rando's were confronting me about my core beliefs on my own mom's blog, I think I'd defend myself. But that's just me. I'm one for defending my beliefs.”
Maybe he knows what a bunch of idiots you people are and thinks it isn’t worth his time. Who knows? If I were John’s mom I’d be embarrassed to read what you people have been saying to him on her own blog. However, I bet John has no trouble defending himself.
Inga: "If a bunch of internet rando's were confronting me about my core beliefs on my own mom's blog, I think I'd defend myself. But that's just me. I'm one for defending my beliefs."
Why do you still think Carter Page is a russian spy?
The Extraordinarily Forgetful Inga: "Maybe he knows what a bunch of idiots you people are and thinks it isn’t worth his time. Who knows? If I were John’s mom I’d be embarrassed to read what you people have been saying to him on her own blog."
Important Note: Inga was banned from this blog by Althouse in part because Inga was lobbing curses at Althouse.
Inga, what did you call Althouse again just prior to your banning? Please refresh our memories.
Inga, how should Althouse's feel about what you said to his mother?
“Inga: "If a bunch of internet rando's were confronting me about my core beliefs on my own mom's blog, I think I'd defend myself. But that's just me. I'm one for defending my beliefs."”
Drago, that is not my quote. In your haste to respond, you’re getting sloppy...again. That quote is from Buckwheathikes @4:30 PM.
I Have Misplaced My Pants: "Say hi to AllieOop. I forget the rest."
Now now. It's entirely believable that two distinct commenters on a blog are both retired nurses in Milwaukee who just happen to have US Navy Chief daughters who are on the medical corps side attached to a Marine unit in the middle east.
I mean, that's so common its astonishing. You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a retired nurse from Milwaukee with a Navy Chief daughter in the medical corps assigned to a marine unit in the Middle East.
Hi! I loved her, she was such fun, eh? I bet you couldn’t create such a fun sock puppet. Give it a try, it would give you something to do other than lamenting your oh so unique situation in this time of pandemic. No one has suffered the way Pants has suffered, oh whoa is she.
Original Mike In a month or two you'll be disappointed in yourself. Or would be, if you were up to it. I doubt you are though. Let’s meet here 24 June and see how you did.
The mother in law and her ladies golf group defied Washington's no golf order yesterday. It seems i stead of playing golf everyone was walking their dogs on the golf course and not picking up the poop. So the owner told them to go play...
I would suggest you don't try to tell those 70-something women they are responsible for deaths or other such bullshit. they will likely be responsible for your death.
Inga Drago misattributes quotes to me all the time. He will carefully cut, paste, use quotation marks, and attribute what someone else said to me. It might be carelessness, it might be that he truly just blends everything into one hate object.
3. Need Texas and Florida to quickly join the ranks, hopefully in a week.
4. South Carolina is itching to reopen.
Yes, I know it's a shitstorm, and many people have lost their jobs, and had to dip deeply into savings to deal with the panic. It sucks, and I'm empathetic. I'm not ignoring that. I just don't want to dwell on it. However, the key is to ignore the tiny minority of dumbshits in the commentariat, and keep pushing inch by inch, day by day, step by step to reopen as much of the economy as we can.
These folks in Wisconsin, are trying to do that, even though they don know much about the esoteric nature of epidemiology. They got common sense and guts though.
"In a month or two you'll be disappointed in yourself. Or would be, if you were up to it. I doubt you are though. Let’s meet here 24 June and see how you did."
Sure, if you tell me what you're talking about. What, specifically, have I said that I will be embarrassed about?
John Althouse - thanks for commenting. It's nice to hear the thoughts of the younger generation. I'd like to ask how you feel about the Governor deciding who gets to work and who doesn't. Does it give you pause that he can allow a big box store to remain open (selling flowers, tires, literally everything under the sun) and close down a small florist that could easily accomodate social distancing guidelines? Do you think it's the right thing to do? Do you think shutting down our economy is worth saving even one life or do you truly believe if we come out of our houses that our health care system will be overwhelmed? Truly interested in your viewpoint.
There were quite a few bearded beer bellied older protestors there. Prime candidates for the ICU and a brand spanking newly bleached ventilator in about two weeks.
I have a prediction, and you can take it to the bank. If the Governor of State X eliminates or loosens the lock-down rules in his/her State, people will die. If the Governor of State X refuses to eliminate or loosen the lock-down rules in his/her State, people will die. You will NEVER KNOW which decision results in more deaths in State X -- unless you want to rely on the "models" that not long ago were predicting the US would have 2 million dead by now.
Bay Area Guy...I'm going to take your comment and enjoy the weekend with that positivity....thank you. My sister lives in the Bay Area (CA) and I grew up there so wonder if that is the area you are from.
Ken B said... Someone talking sense yesterday https://www.businessinsider.com/wisconsin-gop-official-lockdown-protesters-leave-confederate-flags-guns-home-2020-4 Optics matter.
4/24/20, 4:03 PM
This is why I encourage you to not present yourself as a pedophile anymore Can B.
Ken B said...Inga Drago misattributes quotes to me all the time. He will carefully cut, paste, use quotation marks, and attribute what someone else said to me. It might be carelessness, it might be that he truly just blends everything into one hate object.
Little Kenny B has morphed beyond his hysterical Chicken Little persona into Lil' Chuckles.
MacIver Institute @MacIverWisc · 2h Wisconsin labs processed 3,421 new tests on Friday, the most in a single day yet. Current lab capacity is about 7,500 a day. @GovEvers ' requires that labs process 12,000 a day before he'll consider lifting #SaferatHome.
Well, at least KenB is now acknowledging his leftist credentials.
I will say that Althouse has a diverse group of commenters. Quite a number worth reading. A smaller number worth scrolling past quickly.
Arizona still has a technical close down but everybody I see is ignoring it. I wish my barber could get open. Lots playing golf but no driving range. Thank God I left California. With "homeless" being sent to hotels, it might be years before there is anyplace to stay but airbnb.
So when hundreds of thousands in Hong Kong protested Chinese authoritarian rule, putting their lives at risk and risking a greater crackdown that would hurt everyone not just the protesters, we called them heroic.
I use a water diluted bleach solution to clean the five gallon plastic bucket I use to brine various meats prior to slow cooking them in my smoker. This cleaning takes place after the brining. The cleaning solution is emptied from the bucket after a 24 hour or so soak, the bucket is left to dry prior to its next use. Been following this procedure for 30 years. Ain't been sick and no one's died in that time. Maybe Trump is on to something.
Has CA finished raking their woods and canyons since the last big fire?
- We now know what the dems/Canucks/LLR-lefties will be basing Sham-peachment III upon: The reassignment of the previously pro-NCQ research lead who became "suddenly" anti-HCQ and had been recommended for firing/reassignment for incompetence and insubordination (Clyburn will lead the Sham-peachment III effort in the House)
- We now know that CIA director John Brennan violated every procedure and protocol to generate his lie filled "analysis" that "proved" Putin wanted Trump to win.....but it gets worse: Brennan buried the actual evidence that actually proved Putin wanted...(wait for it)...Hillary to win!
- The Florida anti-body test results align with the Los Angeles, Santa Clara and New York studies which show a vastly larger set of people who have been exposed to the ChiCom flu, which once again, demolishes the estimates used to force the shutdown. We are, apparently, looking at a .1 to .2 mortality rate for this virus. This information can be combined with the cruise ship and Roosevelt outbreaks where no distancing rules were in effect and yet those very same mortality rates held consistent.
- Just yesterday, the deep staters at the FBI FINALLY coughed up the Brady material in the General Flynn case and lo and behold, we find that it was all exonerating materials which showed Flynn to be innocent....so the FBI buried it and allowed Mueller and his hacks to go after Flynn anyway. Flynn's lawyers have thusly already petitioned to have all the charges and pleadings thrown out.
- And on that same day, yesterday, we find that Christopher Steele was actually labeled by British intelligence as unreliable and not trust-worthy and that the FBI knew it and proceeded anyway.....which was followed by Steele's admission in a court that he has ZERO corroborating evidence for his hoax dossier assertions
- Meanwhile, Hunter Biden, despite promises to resign, still sits atop his ChiCom funded "investment" firm board of directors.
Have any of our genius microbe-hunters demanded that Mayor DeBlasio and Governor Cuomo close down the subway? I hear there's a pandemic situated in New York these days.....
MacIver Institute @MacIverWisc · 2h Wisconsin labs processed 3,421 new tests on Friday, the most in a single day yet. Current lab capacity is about 7,500 a day. @GovEvers ' requires that labs process 12,000 a day before he'll consider lifting #SaferatHome.
Gov Pritzker, Il aims for 10,000/day
Obviously they don't care about the countless lives they could save by demanding 20,000 tests per day.
lb: "John Althouse - thanks for commenting. It's nice to hear the thoughts of the younger generation. I'd like to ask how you feel about the Governor deciding who gets to work and who doesn't. Does it give you pause that he can allow a big box store to remain open (selling flowers, tires, literally everything under the sun) and close down a small florist that could easily accomodate social distancing guidelines? Do you think it's the right thing to do? Do you think shutting down our economy is worth saving even one life or do you truly believe if we come out of our houses that our health care system will be overwhelmed?"
It's quite possible that by simply asking these questions you can be charged as an accessory to murder.
There were quite a few bearded beer bellied older protestors there. Prime candidates for the ICU and a brand spanking newly bleached ventilator in about two weeks.
So that person with the sign wants "freedom." But freedom doesn't include freedom to kill people.
I don't think this statement accurately reflects the basic science of epidemiology as I (a nonprofessional) understand them. Yes, if you're going to be in a crowd and yelling, you should wear a mask and stay away from the others. OTOH, people who voluntarily join a crowd and get infected are doing a big favor for those of us being more prudent, because they're the ones taking us toward the essential herd immunity. And I say this as someone who absolutely supported the initial shutdown, for reasons of not overwhelming the health care system. Well, it's not close to being overwhelmed, so unless the entire world stays home long enough for the virus to just go away and die, or an effective vaccine is developed, continuing the shutdown now seems like it does nothing but postpone the end of this pandemic.
Apparently freedom for the left includes the right to rob others, because as the left is keeping people out of work, they are also releasing criminals (freeing them) from jail. At least that seems to be the simple reasoning of people on the left.
MacIver Institute @MacIverWisc · 2h Wisconsin labs processed 3,421 new tests on Friday, the most in a single day yet. Current lab capacity is about 7,500 a day. @GovEvers ' requires that labs process 12,000 a day before he'll consider lifting #SaferatHome.
In spite of significant increases in the numbers of tests the Democrats have been unable to produce evidence of a "voting in person" COVID-19 spike in Wisconsin.
All hell is about to break loose. The U.S. played a major role in funding the creation of this virus in the Wuhan lab. The funding was transferred during the Obama administration. The virus is a genetically modified bioweapon. I can't really prove this, but this is where we're going.
The panic among Democrats really can only be explained by the reality that they know this virus is a genetically modified bioweapon.
I had been wondering why the positive test numbers were still rising in both Minnesota and Wisconsin. Now we know that both states are ramping up the number of people tested. More tests, more positive results.
"Close fucking NYC down -- subways, tunnels, all of it -- THEN we can talk about what people elsewhere should or shouldn't be doing."
Unless you're an evil murderer this sounds right. Why the people enthralled with style don't get it is beyond me. They had to have had some substance at some point. Where did it go? Where did all that Style is King effort go to?
Perhaps Jaltco should worry about NYC as it is responsible for about one-third of all U.S. Covid-19 fatalities.
All that irresponsible humanity sharing sidewalks, public transportation...literally living on top of each other. Early in the pandemic encouraged by their so called 'leaders'. The blood is on their hands...
Robert Cook: "I wonder how many of these freedom fighters will develop COVID-19?"
Far less (if not zero) than New Yorkers riding the subway (the MTA director just today said the subway's are as filthy as ever), New Yorkers in Nursing Homes with ChiCom flu infected elderly who were placed back into the Nursing due to Cuomo's directive, and New Yorkers waltzing about in Central Park which was never closed.
Imagine that: here we are at this point in all of this and, despite the reality of Central Park being open, the subways being open, and infected nursing home patients shoved back into the nursing homes, not a single one of our lefty regulars can find it within themselves to criticize those decisions.
Not. A. Single. One.
But if you dare show up a protest in WI, guess what?
Yep. You are a murderer.
I can't help but think there seems to be some sort of reaction.......disparity.
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1 – 200 of 331 Newer› Newest»I love them. I love these people.
I love the First Amendment.
Thankfully, Pirates were represented. Aaaarrr.
Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.
--H. L. Mencken
I heard there was a Nazi flag there. If so, I'd bet my next paycheck it was held by a Moby.
Fat tires!
It appears no one was defecating on police cars so I can safely assume the lefties will not approve of this protest.
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”
― H.L. Mencken
"I'd bet my next paycheck it was held by a Moby."
And that it makes it into the NYT.
We love you too, Mr. President. Good on those protestors- the kind of people who will risk arrest to stand up to a lunatic tyrant like Evers are the kind who won't sit still for a June liberation.
It's a good thing your car was "completely closed," Althouse.
I have been told that those right wingers have some serious cooties.
The economy needs to get moving again, or there might not be anything for anyone to come back to.
If that same Bernie Bro shows up with a swastika poster, how long until Ken B complains about the protesters giving "bad optics" to the media to use against them?
Remember when Brett Kavanaugh gave "bad optics" to the media for daring to defend himself against hoax gang rape charges?
"... and from the completely closed car,"
Did you turn on air recirculation?
I'm just grateful that Bernie Bros aren't showing up with assault rifles, like James Hodgkinson.
Those protesters are bad, bad optics. They should be wearing masks, distancing themselves, and they should be protesting from the safety of their homes.
Very few masks. No noticeable effort at distancing.
The horror.
And, in any case, this protest is all fake- the city never approved the permits, so the protests never actually happened.
Nice first hand account Ann and Meade.
Did you turn on air recirculation?
...and you could be in big trouble if you didn't shell out for the HEPA filter option.
The first amendment is a cool thing, but it has been safely quarantined for the duration.
Oh, it was a swastika POSTER, not a FLAG.
That's a tell. Would a real Nazi refuse to shell out the shekels for a flag? Maybe, if he's a Jew.
Gov. Walz of Minnesota said Thursday he is loosening restrictions to allow as many as 100,000 Minnesotans to return to work in manufacturing, industrial and office settings.
... and here we are in Wisconsin, stuck with professional government employee Evers.
A better question- did Meade take the car through the car wash afterwards?
"...and you could be in big trouble if you didn't shell out for the HEPA filter option."
Black lights on the air vents.
In many places, it isn't permitted to drive at all unless it is to conduct a necessary activity. In such instances, Ms Althouse's actions in driving "up to the Wisconsin Capitol to see the anti-shutdown rally" would itself be an anti-shutdown activity--completely closed car or not. I personally think that is absurd, but it has been implemented (e.g., here in Hawaii) and enforced. Every little absurdity that restricts freedom of action and cuts across the grain of "common sense" feeds resistance.
Thank you Ann and Meade for doing real journalism and reporting.
Lawyers in California have been deemed an essential service exempt from stay at home order. But law firms still implemented stay at home and many individual attorneys started in the week leading up to the governor's order. Stay at home will continue to poll well as long as many people fear catching untreatable covid 19.
There's an official distinction between "masks" and "face coverings", isn't there?
Mask are the N95 grade for use by medical and first responders. They are meant to protect both the wearer and everyone else.
Face coverings ostensibly can't provide a significant level of protection to the wearer, but can effectively help prevent the wearer from casually infecting others.
Great! WE need people like that all across the Country. Time to reopen -safely.
"In many places, it isn't permitted to drive at all unless it is to conduct a necessary activity."
I am not at all sure that Althouse and Meade are not breaking the "law".
Masks = face coverings. The people at that rally were probably at less risk than someone going to the grocery store.
Non-essential travel was discouraged during WW 2. But no one was put in jail for doing it. IRC, driving for any purpose other than employment, exercise, or getting needed supplies is verboten. If Althouse/Meade stopped off and got gas or some Cheetos they're safe.
I get that it’s somewhat of an American tradition, but I can’t help but wonder: has standing on a sidewalk holding a sign ever actually accomplished anything?
That's all there were?
As Washington said "an American would rather die on his feet than live on his knees."
"has standing on a sidewalk holding a sign ever actually accomplished anything?"
It has raised money from high school car washes.
Love that you kept the windows closed. But that damn virus comes through the vents. Hope Meade gave the car a good scrubbing with anti viral when you got home. Special attention to the door handles.
"As Washington said "an American would rather die on his feet than live on his knees."
As the Waco Kid said: "Morons"
Flags I saw: American, Gadsden, Trump, and pirate.
What about the Confederate flags, huh? And the Nazi flags? And the Confederate Nazi flags...?!
Hillbilly heaven in Madison today. Their ignorance is going to kill tens of thousands.
Funny how someone called "Stay Safe" is openly hoping for people to die. Class.
Indeed. Every infected participant infects ten who infects ten. Do the math! A model! You will get to Althouse’s 11 million dead in no time. It is just science.
On the other disappointing hand if no one there is infected then no one gets infected even if they French kissed each other.
I am not hoping that people will die. Instead, I am mourning that predictable outcome.
But that is just science. And you don’t need no stink in’ science.
Stay Safe: "Instead, I am mourning that predictable outcome."
This would carry more weight if you had criticized the explicit Cuomo/democrat/"smart" policy of putting elderly people with the virus back into nursing homes in NY and you had called for the shutting down of Central Park and the subways.
But you didnt.
So that person with the sign wants "freedom." But freedom doesn't include freedom to kill people.
I'd be more convinced by a sign that said, "I don't need more freedom – I want money." Poverty caused by businesses closing is a serious concern, and could lead to more death. But the focus on individual liberty runs into the problem of what happens when your choices cause other people to die.
Science. These people have been distancing and mostly isolated for more than four weeks. Travel is restricted. Contact has been very limited. And even so many were wearing masks or bandanas. Among that group I described would have to be someone who came in contact with a high risk person or place knowingly to create even a fraction of the hazard SS envisions. Panic isn’t science. We’ve done twice the normal quarantine as a people. There is almost no risk to this outdoor event, Karen SS. Science.
Hillbilly heaven in Madison today. Their ignorance is going to kill tens of thousands.
Stupid ass. If that were the case, it would've already happened.
Hey Cohen, do you also believe in the freedom to drink alcohol?
Including the freedom to drink that the woman who killed my eighth grader cousin enjoyed?
The freedom to drink that the trucker who killed my husband’s high school girlfriend enjoyed?
The freedom to drink that the illegal who killed himself and crushed my friend’s five year old’s legs enjoyed?
I eagerly await your moral posturing as to what behavior that can “kill people” you would prevent people from engaging in.
FFS. Try harder, selective fascist.
John Althouse Cohen: "
So that person with the sign wants "freedom." But freedom doesn't include freedom to kill people."
There you have the mentality of the left.
Next up: Murder charges for protesters or, at the very least, justification for another Bernie Bro to take violent action against these would be "killers" the way Hodgkinson was "defending" people against "murderous" republican congressmen who wanted to "kill people" by getting rid of obamacare.
The same way Romney "killed" a woman with cancer.
The same way Trump was going to kill tens of thousands with a net neutrality ruling.
All the while lefties are literally releasing convicted murderers back onto the street...some of whom have already killed again.
But you know, if releasing convicted murderers to kill again and providing justification to Bernie Bros to shoot up protesters is what it takes to save just one life, it will have been worth it.
I bet you’re also against the practice of medicine because medical mistakes kill half a million people a year.
"But the focus on individual liberty runs into the problem of what happens when your choices cause other people to die."
Schlicter is apparently right.
Time to purchase more guns and ammo.
Jim, “Stay Safe” is Inga. Ignore.
John Althouse Cohen said...
But the focus on individual liberty runs into the problem of what happens when your choices cause other people to die.
4/24/20, 3:23 PM
If your "choices" resulted in impoverished Americans gunning down their tyrannical politicians, would you accept the problem your choices made?
I'm sure John Cohen and the rest of his type continue to draw more money than they are worth, even as most Americans have to do more with less, but the lawyer class is rapidly going from "worthless" to "dangerous threat."
J. Farmer said...
I get that it’s somewhat of an American tradition, but I can’t help but wonder: has standing on a sidewalk holding a sign ever actually accomplished anything?
4/24/20, 3:08 PM
Not by itself, but it's a warning. The same way that MLK was a warning on the way to Malcolm X grabbing a rifle.
"Jim, “Stay Safe” is Inga."
I don't think Inga uses "Hillbillies". Someone does though…
Stay Safe(ly with the Party Line) wrote: "Hillbilly heaven in Madison today. Their ignorance is going to kill tens of thousands."
This probably from some State-fellator either ignorant about Democide, or complacent about it.
Doesn't sound like Ann or Meade were threatened like they were back in the Scott Walker recall protests. Sure you were in your car, but that hasn't stopped Antifa types in Portland.
Pro tip, anyone who says that something is just science, knows nothing of science.
At this point in the pandemic at-risk people should take extraordinary precautions. The rest of us can safely resume taking ordinary precautions. We need it to spread through the populace of low risk and mostly asymptomatic people. Mass events, enclosed spaces will resume as soon as we certify herd immunity through survey testing for antibodies. Time to stop the panic and help resume activity to sustain our society. If you know at-risk people treat them like the boy in the bubble. Otherwise move on man.
Very few masks? I guess we can safely assume Antifa didn't show up.
I appreciate that you two made the trip. It looks like an altogether orderly event. I'm wondering if not wearing masks is part of the message. When I go to the store, I wear a fabric "mask". Not because I think it has any benefit, but solely because I don't want to alarm those who are inclined to be alarmed. I can't prove that I don't have the virus, but I don't want to wait until I can prove it to get back to work. Give us appropriate PPE (and isolate those who are most at risk) and let us get back to work!
"So that person with the sign wants "freedom." But freedom doesn't include freedom to kill people."
1. Who is killing anyone? WuFlu is nasty for particular groups only. Let them stay out of the way.
2. Depriving younger healthy people of their freedom does not save the lives of old sick people. They need both the productivity and the herd immunity the young can provide.
3. Causing economic ruin with an insane overreaction itself kills people. Freedom is the way to better public health.
"Poverty caused by businesses closing is a serious concern, and could lead to more death."
Ah. How much more? I have yet to see the first honest calculation by any alarmist.
"But the focus on individual liberty runs into the problem of what happens when your choices cause other people to die."
Again, who causes anyone to die? If you are old and/or fat and/or sick, isolate. The rest of us will promise not to invade any nursing homes.
"Hillbilly heaven"
What an asshole.
There has never been a problem with being outdoors in any spacing or unmasked. People just don't get infected that way. You wear a mask to send a message to others that you are a right-thinking Democrat. It's no more effective against corona virus than wearing a BIden for President button.
It's like Blues Brothers getting the Band back together! Anne & Meade fighting the power! Lemme amend that - faithfully reporting on those fighting the power!
Who has the power? The government - via the consent of the governed!
But are the "powers that be" justly exercising that power for the benefit of the people?
Remains to be seen.
Funny how they posit that face coverings might have some limited value, and then either recommend or demand that you use them...
without a peer reviewed double blind study
I don't necessarily want to kill people, but I'm sure as Hell not gonna let the likes of Tony Evers keep me from doing it.
“Jim, “Stay Safe” is Inga. Ignore.”
Excuse me? Stay Safe is not me. I have no need to use a sock puppet, but based on your comments during this pandemic, I’d suggest you create one.
John Althouse Cohen said: "I'd be more convinced by a sign that said, "I don't need more freedom – I want money." "
I believe that. It's particularly easy to be "convinced" by things that conform to one's existing world view. A clear case in point, here.
I'm hoping that there's still a chance you might wise up some day--to tell the truth I was pushing 40 when that happened--but I can't say I'm optimistic about the prospect in your case.
Separate question: If you're so smart, why are you so afraid of death?
Stay Safe: For your benefit, I'm certain that in the next few weeks vital statistics will also include political party designation for those determined to have died from/with Covid-19.
And I went down to the demonstration
To get my fair share of abuse
Singing, "We're gonna vent our frustration
If we don't we're gonna blow a 50-amp fuse"
Jonathan Althouse Cohen,
I expect you to quarantine yourself from November through March every year for the rest of your life.
Your "rights" and "freedoms" should not allow you to spread influenza.
I get that it’s somewhat of an American tradition, but I can’t help but wonder: has standing on a sidewalk holding a sign ever actually accomplished anything?
Yes. Constitutional rights are like muscles: they must be exercised. When people demonstrate and the authorities do nothing to stop them, the demonstrators have successfully exercised and reaffirmed their rights (of free speech, assembly, etc.). It seems like a trivial victory but it isn't. Case in point: I was in the streets of Chicago in the summer of 1968 when Chicago Police went wild attacking protesters in Lincoln Park and on Michigan Avenue in front of the Conrad Hilton. Whatever you think of the protesters and their cause (I had very mixed feelings about both), the police were out of control and the city administration had the mindset of Bolshevik thugs putting down the Krondstadt sailors.
did it smell like a Walmart?
Old: "Freedom Is Slavery"
New: "Freedom Is Murder!"
Did you get a load of all those hillbillies bitterly clinging to their freedom?
Old: "Give me Liberty, Or give me Death!"
New: "I don't need more freedom – I want money."
Someone talking sense yesterday https://www.businessinsider.com/wisconsin-gop-official-lockdown-protesters-leave-confederate-flags-guns-home-2020-4
Optics matter.
Are the protesters any closer to each other than the people on a NYC subway?
Are the NYC subways closed?
Close fucking NYC down -- subways, tunnels, all of it -- THEN we can talk about what people elsewhere should or shouldn't be doing.
I am Laslo.
Personally I just want ass holes whose political philosophies direct them always to exercise greater power over me and mine, to kill themselves to protect the herd.
Stay Safe said...
I am not hoping that people will die. Instead, I am mourning that predictable outcome.
But that is just science. And you don’t need no stink in’ science.
Wanna explain the results in states that have not invoked mandatory lockdowns, with those which have?
And please tell us why just yesterday the CDC was saying the virus didn't last long in sunlight outdoors. Or why Cuomo admitted that the unexpectedly high incidence of immunity (21%) among NYC residents drove the actual mortality rate down to flu-like levels, despite the crowding inherent in in the city, taking subways and the like.
Where's your "science", dude?
(and, please none of this crap about mourning deaths; don't think we didn't notice your gratuitous snot about "ignorant hillbillies" up-thread.)
"So that person with the sign wants "freedom." But freedom doesn't include freedom to kill people."
Assumes facts not in evidence.
Laslo answers the Concern Troll's comment without even trying.
Laslo is fucking brilliant.
Ken B: "Optics matter."
Yes, they do. And that's why your Inga-like allies are always so intent on showing up with swastika posters so your lefty media allies can paint the protesters as racists, similar to the racism charges you fling around Althouseblog towards the "isolationist Trumpkins".
Very nice to hear the shout-outs (I believe that is the expression) to the great H.L. Mencken, above. Another apothegm of his is quite appropriate for the present moment:
"The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule."
Ponder carefully, Grasshopper Althouse Cohen.
Freedom to kill people = freedom to go back to work while maintaining social distancing.
Really. 99% of people who get CV-19 survive.
Interesting. To date not a single lefty (I include Ken B in that) has called for shutting NYC subways down, or shutting down Central Park, or criticizing Cuomo for establishing a policy that mandated moving ChiCom flu infected patients back into Nursing Homes.
Can any of the leftists (I include Ken B in that) explain their (all too expected) silence on that?
John Althouse Cohen said...
So that person with the sign wants "freedom." But freedom doesn't include freedom to kill people.
I'd be more convinced by a sign that said, "I don't need more freedom – I want money." Poverty caused by businesses closing is a serious concern, and could lead to more death. But the focus on individual liberty runs into the problem of what happens when your choices cause other people to die.
You don't deserve freedom.
We're doing this for own good. Said by every Tyrant.
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
--CS Lewis
Stay Safe: For your benefit, I'm certain that in the next few weeks vital statistics will also include political party designation for those determined to have died from/with Covid-19.
COVID-19 deaths tally, as of April 23:
Hillary-supporting states 37,002
Trump-supporting states: 12,663
Ken B said...
Someone talking sense yesterday https://www.businessinsider.com/wisconsin-gop-official-lockdown-protesters-leave-confederate-flags-guns-home-2020-4
Optics matter.
Disingenuous fascist cites disingenuous moby crying about optics.
You are a fascist.
The optics on being a fascist are awful.
I assume that Inga and Althouse Cohen will be cooperating to track down every protestor that contracts the WuFlu.
KenB could help from Canada.
Blogger Original Mike said..."Jim, “Stay Safe” is Inga." I don't think Inga uses "Hillbillies". Someone does though…
Both Inga and Howard seem inclined you refer to "you people". A coincidence?
Total number of CV Hospital cases in Winsc - 1,350
Total Deaths 262
Total Deaths outside Milwaukee - 108
Meanwhile, in Minneapolis the lefty/dems are allowing the muslim call to prayer broadcast 5 times per day during Ramadan.
This is after democrat mayors sent in armed police to break up Christian worship services in multiple different jurisdiction, along with arresting moms playing at parks with their children...along with arresting a father who was playing in a large field with his family and no one else around.
The growing political alliance between the islamic supremacists and the dems/left/LLR-left continues apace.
The first results of the antibody testing is in from New York City, and they found 2.7 million New Yorkers might have been infected with coronavirus.
This means that the death rate was 10x lower than predicted. Down to 0.5%, according to Gov. Cuomo.
Similar numbers were reported for Santa Clara Co, California, and Los Angeles.
The nationwide shutdown was justified on a projected death rate of 3% to 5%.
Can we get our jobs back?
"Essential Travel" as defined in the Safer at Home emergency order:
"15. Essential Travel. Individuals engaged in any Essential Travel must comply with Social Distancing Requirements to the extent possible. For the purposes of this Order, Essential Travel includes:
a. Any travel related to the provision of or access to Essential Activities, Special Situations, Essential Governmental. Functions, Essential Businesses and Operations, or Minimum Basic Operations.
b. Travel to care for elderly, minors, dependents, persons with disabilities, or other vulnerable persons.
c. Travel to or from educational institutions for purposes of receiving materials for distance learning, for receiving meals, or any other related services.
d. Travel to return to a place of residence from outside the jurisdiction.
e. Travel required by law enforcement or court order, including to transport children pursuant to a custody agreement.
f. Travel required for non-residents to return to their place of residence outside Wisconsin. Individuals are strongly
encouraged to verify that their transportation out of Wisconsin remains available and functional prior to commencing such travel. "
Total number of CV Hospital cases in Winsc - 1,350
Total Deaths 262
Total Deaths outside Milwaukee - 108
“And that's why your Inga-like allies are always so intent on showing up with swastika posters...”
Althouse’s conservative commenters have truly lost their shit. I’ve read more insane blabbering from you idiots here this past 6 weeks than I’ve read in the past 6 years. This pandemic has brought out the worst in Althouse’s Trumpist/conservative commenters and here I thought you people couldn’t possibly get any worse.
Is there any doubt that if John Althouse Cohen and his beloved Democrats gain control of the federal government again that they would not declare global warming the next crisis and start locking people up just like they are now?
Millions are already hungry now around the world and the food riots have started.
The fascists are killing way more people than COVID-19 already.
This is just a dry run.
Michael K: "I assume that Inga and Althouse Cohen will be cooperating to track down every protestor that contracts the WuFlu.
KenB could help from Canada."
The "best" part? They can use the same ChiCom produced drones to track these protesters back to their homes for easy arrest, as they are doing in LLR-lefty Chuck's beloved Dem controlled Detroit.
The growing alliance between the ChiCom's and the dems/left/LLR-left continues apace.
Total 2017 Deaths in Wisconsin - 52 thousand.
rcocean: here in Oregon that rate is 99.998%.
We've flattened the curve, people's lives and livlihoods are deteriorating hourly by an overly restrictive shut down. What we need is appropriate PPE (real masks and gloves) and start re-opening May 1!
Inga: "This pandemic has brought out the worst in Althouse’s Trumpist/conservative commenters and here I thought you people couldn’t possibly get any worse."
Tell us more about Carter Page's spying for Russia.
Tell us more about Kavanaugh's rapes.
Tell us more about Trump's collusion with the russians.
Tell us more about the Sham-peachment lies.
I could list approximately 50 more lies/hoaxes from you in just the last several months.
“Both Inga and Howard seem inclined you refer to "you people". A coincidence?”
No, Howard is not my sock puppet. Howard usually resides in my underwear drawer.
(Just kidding Mrs. Howard)
Hmmm. So travel in furtherance of blogging activities is not an essential function? Not sure I agree with that, but the law is the law.
1.) Yesterday, the NIH used dying black veterans as props in a fake study to discredit hydroxychloroquine.
2.) Today, the FDA follows up, recommending hospital-only use for HCQ because DANGER! Evidently the pill works in hospitals but not doctors offices.
3.) This afternoon, Pelosi opens investigation into the President because of Dr. Rick Bright's firing, who allegedly spoke Truth to Hydroxychloroquine.
It's the old 1-2-3-the old Wrap-Up Smear again!
It's just like the Whistleblower-IG-State Dept.--Impeachment Play all over again. Or the old CIA-FBI-Russian Dossier-Movie sequel.
This is the Big Medical Bureaucracy's version of the FISA Warrant, The Mueller Report and the Articles of Impeachment.
Our Government is in Mutiny.
I thought that picture looked familiar. It was from the Michigan rally.
So, carrying a virus, transmitting the virus, which results in the loss of viability is analogous to premeditated murder. Carrying an egg, transmitting a sperm, which progresses then concludes with an elective abortion is analogous to premeditated murder and millions of excess deaths annually. So, we know the steps to mitigate progress in the first instance, and we the four choices before indulging Pro-Choice, the wicked solution. That said, should it now be necessary to to mitigate progress throughout the year, throughout the period of tranmissible contagions? Should we review the first-order forcings of globalism, [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform, social justice adventures (e.g. elective conflicts), labor and environmental arbitrage, and PC politicies that offer safe sanctuary and spread social contagion?
For the benefit of Not Very Bright Inga, heres the link to the Bernie Bro whose Trump/Pence/Swastika poster was picked up by Inga's lefty media pals and played non-stop as a Trump supporter:
This is just video proof of what has been claimed. It has no where near the "believability" to Inga as, say, oh I don't know, a hoax dossier.
Inga :
“ Althouse’s conservative commenters have truly lost their shit. I’ve read more insane blabbering from you idiots here this past 6 weeks than I’ve read in the past 6 years. This pandemic has brought out the worst in Althouse’s Trumpist/conservative commenters and here I thought you people couldn’t possibly get any worse.”
True. The Right has been pretty disappointing over all frankly, with twerps like Hannity spewing nonsense, but it’s been worse here. And that's without the wishing death on people, wishing recession or depression on people, wishing disease on people — all of which we have seen from the denialists on this blog. That and the casual dismissal of 2 million deaths or the deaths of blacks or seniors. A complete and utter moral failure to go with the intellectual failure. Howard's explanation is the charitable one: they know they are wrong and are panicked. But I don’t know if it’s the right explanation.
well, we've come to the crux
FINALLY the Insane Maniacs, that intentionally WANT our country to DIE, will be showed up.
With the insanely unsafe "opening" of Georgia, people will SEE How IMPORTANT these lockdowns are
Or, Not.
“Michael K: "I assume that Inga and Althouse Cohen will be cooperating to track down every protestor that contracts the WuFlu.”
I don’t know John, but I’d do have to wonder what he thinks of the Trumpist commenters that frequent his mother’s blog comments sections.
Inga said...
“And that's why your Inga-like allies are always so intent on showing up with swastika posters...”
Althouse’s conservative commenters have truly lost their shit. I’ve read more insane blabbering from you idiots here this past 6 weeks than I’ve read in the past 6 years. This pandemic has brought out the worst in Althouse’s Trumpist/conservative commenters and here I thought you people couldn’t possibly get any worse.
What is the worst? A desire for freedom?
Inga doesn't like freedom. Imagine that.
So how is that Russian Collusion case going?
You apologize to Trump for accusing him falsely of being a Russian agent yet? Or Papadopoulous? Or Carter Page? Or Flynn?
You are just a dishonest person.
But fascists usually are.
Ken B: "True. The Right has been pretty disappointing over all frankly, with twerps like Hannity spewing nonsense, but it’s been worse here. And that's without the wishing death on people, wishing recession or depression on people, wishing disease on people — all of which we have seen from the denialists on this blog. That and the casual dismissal of 2 million deaths or the deaths of blacks or seniors. A complete and utter moral failure to go with the intellectual failure. Howard's explanation is the charitable one: they know they are wrong and are panicked. But I don’t know if it’s the right explanation"
Thank you for reposting the very sentiments you have made repeatedly but for some odd reason denied making earlier today.
Saves some time.
Once again, Birkel nailed it. Ken B now comfortably within the Inga/Howard/ARM orbit.....
....but he's like totally not on the left/dem side! No sirree!
A Canadian LLR-C****.
Inga: "I don’t know John, but I’d do have to wonder what he thinks of the Trumpist commenters that frequent his mother’s blog comments sections."
Maybe he's upset we didn't buy into your collusion and Kavanaugh rape lies.
Let's ask him!
"But the focus on individual liberty runs into the problem of what happens when your choices cause other people to die."
From PrideLegal.com:
"Things have now changed. On January 1, 2018, Senate Bill (SB) 239 came into law, scoring a huge win for HIV activists. Prior to 2018, HIV was the only disease you could be prosecuted for transmitting. California Governor Jerry Brown signed the law which repealed the old HIV laws regarding partner notification...."
Rick Zbur, Executive Director of Equality California and HIV activist, stated that “it’s virtually impossible to transmit the virus and I think most people don’t know that yet...."
From hiv.gov:
"...In 2018, 17,032 people in the U.S. and 6 dependent areas received a stage 3 (AIDS) diagnosis. (The late stage of HIV infection that occurs when the body’s immune system is badly damaged because of the virus.)
In 2017, there were 16,350 deaths among adults and adolescents with diagnosed HIV in the United States and 6 dependent areas. These deaths may be due to any cause...."
The asterisk of Liberty, applied.
I am Laslo.
John Cohen needs to develop observation skills.
Man wanting Freedom is well "protected" with gloves and bandana.
guy next to him is bare faced.
I also noticed the girl in first photo is carrying and ready when she sees car approaching.
“A better question- did Meade take the car through the car wash afterwards?”
Haha, no but I did pour 1/2 cup of Clorox bleach in the gas tank.
Are car washes open? Our car is filthy.
Does that mean Christians in Minneapolis can revive the old tradition, banned decades ago almost everywhere in the U.S., of ringing Church bells on Sunday?*
I'm guessing, no.
*I grew up with that sound. And then it stopped. Can't remember when. But it was a long time ago.
Injected it. Actually, I had the bleach injected. By a labradoodle.
check this hot take,
Yes, the WSJ has been another example of the right disappointing.
As my mayor, Mahty Walsh (no relation), said last weekend: Knock It Off!
Why aren't they all given masks and gloves? Completely unforced error.
Yes, we've all disappointed you, Ken.
Inga said..."No, Howard is not my sock puppet. Howard usually resides in my underwear drawer."
Maybe you should tell Howard to stay in his lane and refrain from using your trademark phrase.
I didn't go to the protest today. I stayed home in Michigan, doing yard work, saving countless lives in Madison.
I am a hero.
Can Mr. Peanut go into a burning theater full of children with peanut allergies and yell 'Fire'?
Get back to me on this one.
I am Laslo.
it sounded very fish, I'll let my self out
I was just commenting to my (life long Democrat) wife that the COVID-19 scare has unleashed the inner fascist in a lot of people.
She agreed and is concerned that Trump will require us to have ID cards that show we have been immunized from COVID. However, she was not aware that was a leftist idea.
On a separate note, Mrs. Francisco has arranged COVID antibody testing. I will let all of you know the results. If you recall, I noted in mid-March and later that she and a few others had all the COVID-19 symptoms in mid February. Her MD is convinced she had the disease.
PIC link
Cars were reportedly lined up trying to get into the square as the rally ended.
“Why isn't John Althouse Cohen defending his argument here in the comments? Did you believe your own argument when you made it John?
If a bunch of internet rando's were confronting me about my core beliefs on my own mom's blog, I think I'd defend myself. But that's just me. I'm one for defending my beliefs.”
Maybe he knows what a bunch of idiots you people are and thinks it isn’t worth his time. Who knows? If I were John’s mom I’d be embarrassed to read what you people have been saying to him on her own blog. However, I bet John has no trouble defending himself.
Can Mr. Peanut go into a burning theater full of children with peanut allergies and yell 'Fire'?
Not if he gets a salted.
Inga: "If a bunch of internet rando's were confronting me about my core beliefs on my own mom's blog, I think I'd defend myself. But that's just me. I'm one for defending my beliefs."
Why do you still think Carter Page is a russian spy?
here I thought you people couldn’t possibly get any worse.” - Inga
Hmm. A totalitarian thug doesn't think highly of the people who chafe under the thuggery she celebrates.
Go figure.
The Extraordinarily Forgetful Inga: "Maybe he knows what a bunch of idiots you people are and thinks it isn’t worth his time. Who knows? If I were John’s mom I’d be embarrassed to read what you people have been saying to him on her own blog."
Important Note: Inga was banned from this blog by Althouse in part because Inga was lobbing curses at Althouse.
Inga, what did you call Althouse again just prior to your banning? Please refresh our memories.
Inga, how should Althouse's feel about what you said to his mother?
We'd all love to know.
I have no need to use a sock puppet
Say hi to AllieOop.
I forget the rest.
“Inga: "If a bunch of internet rando's were confronting me about my core beliefs on my own mom's blog, I think I'd defend myself. But that's just me. I'm one for defending my beliefs."”
Drago, that is not my quote. In your haste to respond, you’re getting sloppy...again. That quote is from Buckwheathikes @4:30 PM.
Inga: "I have no need to use a sock puppet"
I Have Misplaced My Pants: "Say hi to AllieOop. I forget the rest."
Now now. It's entirely believable that two distinct commenters on a blog are both retired nurses in Milwaukee who just happen to have US Navy Chief daughters who are on the medical corps side attached to a Marine unit in the middle east.
I mean, that's so common its astonishing. You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a retired nurse from Milwaukee with a Navy Chief daughter in the medical corps assigned to a marine unit in the Middle East.
“Say hi to AllieOop.”
Hi! I loved her, she was such fun, eh? I bet you couldn’t create such a fun sock puppet. Give it a try, it would give you something to do other than lamenting your oh so unique situation in this time of pandemic. No one has suffered the way Pants has suffered, oh whoa is she.
A pro-choice rally, but what is the "choice"?
WI SCOTUS Court case to get Evers to adhere to 60 day EO limit, then include legislature expected to be decided in around 2 weeks.
"and from the completely closed [Althouse] car"
You are such a good subject.
Original Mike
In a month or two you'll be disappointed in yourself. Or would be, if you were up to it. I doubt you are though. Let’s meet here 24 June and see how you did.
"I have no need to use a sock puppet."
Can anyone recall the name Inga used to circumvent her recent banishment?
Inga: "Drago, that is not my quote. In your haste to respond, you’re getting sloppy...again. That quote is from Buckwheathikes @4:30 PM."
Oh. Is that why you refuse to answer why you still believe Trump colluded with Russia and Carter Page is a russian spy?
I Supported Thirty Days To Stop the Spread--Not Thirty Months To Stop The Bill of Rights.
Imust say Nancy Pelosi's masking is quite the improvement. Skeletor anyone?
Darwin bats last
The mother in law and her ladies golf group defied Washington's no golf order yesterday. It seems i stead of playing golf everyone was walking their dogs on the golf course and not picking up the poop. So the owner told them to go play...
I would suggest you don't try to tell those 70-something women they are responsible for deaths or other such bullshit. they will likely be responsible for your death.
@Meade, your car’s exhaust will include polychlorinated hydrocarbons, and the ozone layer over Madison is DOOMED!
Drago misattributes quotes to me all the time. He will carefully cut, paste, use quotation marks, and attribute what someone else said to me. It might be carelessness, it might be that he truly just blends everything into one hate object.
Perhaps Jaltco should worry about NYC as it is responsible for about one-third of all U.S. Covid-19 fatalities.
I'd gladly walk through the Wisconsin capital protest in the open air with no mask rather than go anywhere in that cursed shithole called NYC.
is anything they have affirmed true?
I poured bleach in my gas tank because Meade told me to. Now my car won't start. Meade, you are in big trouble.
People, people, people .. may I interject a bit of levity on this fine, sunny Friday afternoon?
Yes, the lockdown sucks and is a national disgrace. But there are glimmers of good news:
1. 7 States never issued lockdown orders: Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Utah, Wyoming.
2. 4 states are beginning to reopen: Tennessee, Georgia, Oklahoma, and Minnesota.
Yes, Minnesota.
3. Need Texas and Florida to quickly join the ranks, hopefully in a week.
4. South Carolina is itching to reopen.
Yes, I know it's a shitstorm, and many people have lost their jobs, and had to dip deeply into savings to deal with the panic. It sucks, and I'm empathetic. I'm not ignoring that. I just don't want to dwell on it. However, the key is to ignore the tiny minority of dumbshits in the commentariat, and keep pushing inch by inch, day by day, step by step to reopen as much of the economy as we can.
These folks in Wisconsin, are trying to do that, even though they don know much about the esoteric nature of epidemiology. They got common sense and guts though.
Let them work!
"I poured bleach in my gas tank because Meade told me to. Now my car won't start. Meade, you are in big trouble."
"In a month or two you'll be disappointed in yourself. Or would be, if you were up to it. I doubt you are though. Let’s meet here 24 June and see how you did."
Sure, if you tell me what you're talking about. What, specifically, have I said that I will be embarrassed about?
"I poured bleach in my gas tank because Meade told me to. Now my car won't start. Meade, you are in big trouble."
Oh, man, am I glad I read this before I poured bleach in my gas tank.
Dodged that bullet.
Original Mike said...
"I have no need to use a sock puppet."
Can anyone recall the name Inga used to circumvent her recent banishment?
I believe it was Ally Oop.
Here we go...
John Althouse - thanks for commenting. It's nice to hear the thoughts of the younger generation. I'd like to ask how you feel about the Governor deciding who gets to work and who doesn't. Does it give you pause that he can allow a big box store to remain open (selling flowers, tires, literally everything under the sun) and close down a small florist that could easily accomodate social distancing guidelines? Do you think it's the right thing to do? Do you think shutting down our economy is worth saving even one life or do you truly believe if we come out of our houses that our health care system will be overwhelmed? Truly interested in your viewpoint.
There were quite a few bearded beer bellied older protestors there. Prime candidates for the ICU and a brand spanking newly bleached ventilator in about two weeks.
I have a prediction, and you can take it to the bank. If the Governor of State X eliminates or loosens the lock-down rules in his/her State, people will die. If the Governor of State X refuses to eliminate or loosen the lock-down rules in his/her State, people will die. You will NEVER KNOW which decision results in more deaths in State X -- unless you want to rely on the "models" that not long ago were predicting the US would have 2 million dead by now.
Bay Area Guy...I'm going to take your comment and enjoy the weekend with that positivity....thank you. My sister lives in the Bay Area (CA) and I grew up there so wonder if that is the area you are from.
Ken B said...
Someone talking sense yesterday https://www.businessinsider.com/wisconsin-gop-official-lockdown-protesters-leave-confederate-flags-guns-home-2020-4
Optics matter.
4/24/20, 4:03 PM
This is why I encourage you to not present yourself as a pedophile anymore Can B.
@Clark, probably you used the wrong brand of bleach.
“ Did you turn on air recirculation?”
Did y'all take the Hot Rod or Meade's cute little girltruck with the shiny rims?
Ken B said...Inga Drago misattributes quotes to me all the time. He will carefully cut, paste, use quotation marks, and attribute what someone else said to me. It might be carelessness, it might be that he truly just blends everything into one hate object.
Little Kenny B has morphed beyond his hysterical Chicken Little persona into Lil' Chuckles.
This is almost interesting.
MacIver Institute
Wisconsin labs processed 3,421 new tests on Friday, the most in a single day yet. Current lab capacity is about 7,500 a day. @GovEvers
' requires that labs process 12,000 a day before he'll consider lifting #SaferatHome.
Gov Pritzker, Il aims for 10,000/day
Well, at least KenB is now acknowledging his leftist credentials.
I will say that Althouse has a diverse group of commenters. Quite a number worth reading. A smaller number worth scrolling past quickly.
Arizona still has a technical close down but everybody I see is ignoring it. I wish my barber could get open. Lots playing golf but no driving range. Thank God I left California. With "homeless" being sent to hotels, it might be years before there is anyplace to stay but airbnb.
So when hundreds of thousands in Hong Kong protested Chinese authoritarian rule, putting their lives at risk and risking a greater crackdown that would hurt everyone not just the protesters, we called them heroic.
Does that not apply even a little bit here?
I wonder how many of these freedom fighters will develop COVID-19?
Just for Althouse from the Times of London: David Sedaris sneaks outside to a New York where he is the only person
I use a water diluted bleach solution to clean the five gallon plastic bucket I use to brine various meats prior to slow cooking them in my smoker. This cleaning takes place after the brining. The cleaning solution is emptied from the bucket after a 24 hour or so soak, the bucket is left to dry prior to its next use. Been following this procedure for 30 years. Ain't been sick and no one's died in that time. Maybe Trump is on to something.
Has CA finished raking their woods and canyons since the last big fire?
The good news this week: W
- We now know what the dems/Canucks/LLR-lefties will be basing Sham-peachment III upon: The reassignment of the previously pro-NCQ research lead who became "suddenly" anti-HCQ and had been recommended for firing/reassignment for incompetence and insubordination (Clyburn will lead the Sham-peachment III effort in the House)
- We now know that CIA director John Brennan violated every procedure and protocol to generate his lie filled "analysis" that "proved" Putin wanted Trump to win.....but it gets worse: Brennan buried the actual evidence that actually proved Putin wanted...(wait for it)...Hillary to win!
- The Florida anti-body test results align with the Los Angeles, Santa Clara and New York studies which show a vastly larger set of people who have been exposed to the ChiCom flu, which once again, demolishes the estimates used to force the shutdown. We are, apparently, looking at a .1 to .2 mortality rate for this virus. This information can be combined with the cruise ship and Roosevelt outbreaks where no distancing rules were in effect and yet those very same mortality rates held consistent.
- Just yesterday, the deep staters at the FBI FINALLY coughed up the Brady material in the General Flynn case and lo and behold, we find that it was all exonerating materials which showed Flynn to be innocent....so the FBI buried it and allowed Mueller and his hacks to go after Flynn anyway. Flynn's lawyers have thusly already petitioned to have all the charges and pleadings thrown out.
- And on that same day, yesterday, we find that Christopher Steele was actually labeled by British intelligence as unreliable and not trust-worthy and that the FBI knew it and proceeded anyway.....which was followed by Steele's admission in a court that he has ZERO corroborating evidence for his hoax dossier assertions
- Meanwhile, Hunter Biden, despite promises to resign, still sits atop his ChiCom funded "investment" firm board of directors.
@Doc K,
"Thank God I left California. With "homeless" being sent to hotels, it might be years before there is anyplace to stay but airbnb."
Hey, it could be worse! You could be living in the Big Apple, taking the NYC subway system:)
Have any of our genius microbe-hunters demanded that Mayor DeBlasio and Governor Cuomo close down the subway? I hear there's a pandemic situated in New York these days.....
walter said...
MacIver Institute
Wisconsin labs processed 3,421 new tests on Friday, the most in a single day yet. Current lab capacity is about 7,500 a day. @GovEvers
' requires that labs process 12,000 a day before he'll consider lifting #SaferatHome.
Gov Pritzker, Il aims for 10,000/day
Obviously they don't care about the countless lives they could save by demanding 20,000 tests per day.
upwards of 91.5 million
lb: "John Althouse - thanks for commenting. It's nice to hear the thoughts of the younger generation. I'd like to ask how you feel about the Governor deciding who gets to work and who doesn't. Does it give you pause that he can allow a big box store to remain open (selling flowers, tires, literally everything under the sun) and close down a small florist that could easily accomodate social distancing guidelines? Do you think it's the right thing to do? Do you think shutting down our economy is worth saving even one life or do you truly believe if we come out of our houses that our health care system will be overwhelmed?"
It's quite possible that by simply asking these questions you can be charged as an accessory to murder.
There were quite a few bearded beer bellied older protestors there. Prime candidates for the ICU and a brand spanking newly bleached ventilator in about two weeks.
Live free or die.
So that person with the sign wants "freedom." But freedom doesn't include freedom to kill people.
I don't think this statement accurately reflects the basic science of epidemiology as I (a nonprofessional) understand them. Yes, if you're going to be in a crowd and yelling, you should wear a mask and stay away from the others. OTOH, people who voluntarily join a crowd and get infected are doing a big favor for those of us being more prudent, because they're the ones taking us toward the essential herd immunity. And I say this as someone who absolutely supported the initial shutdown, for reasons of not overwhelming the health care system. Well, it's not close to being overwhelmed, so unless the entire world stays home long enough for the virus to just go away and die, or an effective vaccine is developed, continuing the shutdown now seems like it does nothing but postpone the end of this pandemic.
Apparently freedom for the left includes the right to rob others, because as the left is keeping people out of work, they are also releasing criminals (freeing them) from jail. At least that seems to be the simple reasoning of people on the left.
Blogger walter said...
MacIver Institute
Wisconsin labs processed 3,421 new tests on Friday, the most in a single day yet. Current lab capacity is about 7,500 a day. @GovEvers
' requires that labs process 12,000 a day before he'll consider lifting #SaferatHome.
In spite of significant increases in the numbers of tests the Democrats have been unable to produce evidence of a "voting in person" COVID-19 spike in Wisconsin.
All hell is about to break loose. The U.S. played a major role in funding the creation of this virus in the Wuhan lab. The funding was transferred during the Obama administration. The virus is a genetically modified bioweapon. I can't really prove this, but this is where we're going.
The panic among Democrats really can only be explained by the reality that they know this virus is a genetically modified bioweapon.
"@Clark, probably you used the wrong brand of bleach."
Not to worry, Big Mike. I have two cars. Thanks for the tip.
local, boring, pedestrian, meaningless.
I had been wondering why the positive test numbers were still rising in both Minnesota and Wisconsin. Now we know that both states are ramping up the number of people tested. More tests, more positive results.
The goal posts are "fluid"
will anything come of it
"Close fucking NYC down -- subways, tunnels, all of it -- THEN we can talk about what people elsewhere should or shouldn't be doing."
Unless you're an evil murderer this sounds right. Why the people enthralled with style don't get it is beyond me. They had to have had some substance at some point. Where did it go? Where did all that Style is King effort go to?
Perhaps Jaltco should worry about NYC as it is responsible for about one-third of all U.S. Covid-19 fatalities.
All that irresponsible humanity sharing sidewalks, public transportation...literally living on top of each other. Early in the pandemic encouraged by their so called 'leaders'. The blood is on their hands...
But freedom doesn't include freedom to kill people.
My body, my choice.
I'd be more convinced by a sign that said, "I don't need more freedom – I want money."
You're at most two degrees of separation from the head of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. He's got to have some.
Robert Cook: "I wonder how many of these freedom fighters will develop COVID-19?"
Far less (if not zero) than New Yorkers riding the subway (the MTA director just today said the subway's are as filthy as ever), New Yorkers in Nursing Homes with ChiCom flu infected elderly who were placed back into the Nursing due to Cuomo's directive, and New Yorkers waltzing about in Central Park which was never closed.
Imagine that: here we are at this point in all of this and, despite the reality of Central Park being open, the subways being open, and infected nursing home patients shoved back into the nursing homes, not a single one of our lefty regulars can find it within themselves to criticize those decisions.
Not. A. Single. One.
But if you dare show up a protest in WI, guess what?
Yep. You are a murderer.
I can't help but think there seems to be some sort of reaction.......disparity.
Leland said...
Thank you Ann and Meade for doing real journalism and reporting.
Leland, you are very welcome.
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