April 30, 2020

Very windy in Madison today...

A classic view from the Heights:


Original Mike said...

My 5-year old grandson says the wind is 'feisty' today.

The Bergall said...

I'm 10 miles off the Delaware Bay. Wind gusts are 40 mph +................

Hours before the storm hits.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Herr Wilhelm said it was 'tough love'

It's Springtime
For Whitmer,
And Di Blasio...

Was "Tough Love" a thing back in '30's Germany in regards to Jews?

The Vault Dweller said...

Still about a month too soon for Pentecost. Maybe it is come earlier this year to give people courage to come out of quarantine.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

California Uber Alles

Gavin Nuisance Shuts Cali Down


Churchy LaFemme: said...

Stormin' with The Wrecking Crew..

dwshelf said...

In Wisconsin, they have heights. But if you're from most of the rest of the country, you realize that what qualifies as a height in one place wouldn't be noticed, let alone named, in another.

On the other side, in Bakersfield, California, there is a neighborhood called "North Woods". There are no north woods within a thousand miles of Bakersfield. That stuff is in Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota.

Doug said...

Is it "Very Wind" (post headline), or "Very Windy", (photo caption)?

Kai Akker said...

The windmill reversing direction was the key in Foreign Correspondent, too.

Shouting Thomas said...

@Ken B

I’ve continued to support Trump although I’ve been against the shutdown.

He got snookered by the psy-op panic generated by the Chicoms/Democrats.

I don’t have perfect choice. The alternatives to Trump are far far worse.

Tomcc said...

"Very wind today"; I'm trying to image it!

Lincolntf said...

Looks like the Michigan Capitol is being occupied right now, reminiscent of the Wisconsin fiasco from a few years back.

reader said...

Now you just need some Heffalumps and Woozles

Rory said...

It's an unusual rainstorm in the East today. 100 miles wide, moving slowly, oriented almost perfectly north and south, and stretching from the Carolinas up to Quebec.

reader said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ralph L said...

We were very wind yesterday, very wety last nightie.

Openidname said...

"Very wind, much blow!" -- Doge

Rick.T. said...

Thanks but everybody knows it’s Windy.

Jon Ericson said...

Classy and in character, Karen B.

Lewis said...


'California has the personality of a paper cup!' Raymond Chandler.


You deal only with the hard present,
Something I envy: your record’s written
By another, no one cares at the time
To stop you, drink doesn’t kill you or,
If it does, it’s at the end, a full stop
To who you are. We die, some of us,
Still incomplete and some whose life is nothing
But the presence of failure. I write this
Like a man who sits in the comfort
Of possibilities, the cobalt
Of a gun eyeing his talk of sophistries,
Entertained passion, solitude,
A neat cushion to back me up, stinking fear.
I don’t register what’s there.

Unlike you: you have the gun, I think.
As an aspect of that script I haven’t grasped
You turn this B movie into something more:
Like Marriott in ‘Farewell, My Lovely’
I’m the patsy, the limbo of certain guilts
Whose weaknesses ditch me in the end;
A clobbered beauty, corrupted by such
Expectation my body is forced beyond
What feeble reach I had into those other lives,
A sub plot that’s their harder climb.


Offended by the wrong words and never
Catching your welcome I retell mostly
A monologue of what could be done
Given conditions, appropriate sun,
Five mile wind, compliant interlocutors,
The usual list, verbatim anaesthesia
Of the irrepressible ego. Can’t be done.

Everyone expects, seconds before
The end, some kind of recognition:
Just the usual mechanics of the gun.
Except: I knew you before, before
The days of ‘hard drinking’ and searching out
Other people’s lives: a time when you were
Merely possible, not always there,
Treated as a friend of what was future.

stevew said...

I'm guessing the use of "Wind" in the title is purposeful.

We had our wind the other day. Blew the chairs off the deck and the cover off my small Weber grill. Sticks down. Trees all still standing.

RMc said...

Well, that blows...

alanc709 said...

Time to block Ken B. And I'm sure that heading meant to say "windy", not "Very Wind in Madison today"

Shouting Thomas said...

Finally, a respectable somebody (not some crazy hillbilly like me) says the obvious:

Elon Musk: Give People Back Their Goddamn Freedom!

Fritz said...

Winds were 30 gusting to 40 kts SSE here on Chesapeake a little while ago. They switched around to WNW and dropped off to 5-7 kts. Hope that change happens to The Bergall. Unless he likes 40 mph winds.

Nonapod said...

Assuming all these numbers are reasonably accurate

Total Population: 10 million
2600 Deaths
About 26 deaths per 100,000 people

Total Population: 330 million
About 18 Deaths per 100,000 people


1.44 * 61500 = 88,500 deaths if we'd done what Sweden did, roughly 27,000

So 27,000 lives saved against 30 million jobs lost and an enormous economic contraction.

This assumes all those jobs would have been saved if we did what Sweden did, which is dependent on many unknowns obviously. Would people still go to restaraunts and hair salons and the like even without the lockdowns? Would hospitals be overrun?

And assuming the pattern holds, the vast majority of that 27,000 would be older people with pre existing conditions.

Now, it's not unreasonable to assume that the number of deaths in the US may be inflated a bit for a number of reasons. It very much is in hospitals, local governments, and states interest to count a death as being due to Covid-19 for various reasons. More covid deaths = more Federal and State money and more supplies. In the case of hospitals who have been forced to cease all elective procedures, which are a huge source of their revenue under normal circumstances, there's pressure to make up for those shortfalls.

Drago said...

Ken B: "Trump to Althouse Trumpkins: get fucked (Laslo get fucked up the ass)!"

Ken B goes Full Ritmo.

As predicted.

Drago said...

In other news, Confederate Flag Waving Racist Nazi's in Switzerland and the Netherlands are reopening their schools.

Ken B hardest hit.

Inga said...

This is the tweet that Ken B links to. I’m glad Trump said publicly he doesn’t agree with Sweden’s policy. Clears up the confusion of what policy is best in Trump’s estimation, mitigation or herd immunity. Trump comes down on the side of mitigation.

Donald J. Trump
Despite reports to the contrary, Sweden is paying heavily for its decision not to lockdown. As of today, 2462 people have died there, a much higher number than the neighboring countries of Norway (207), Finland (206) or Denmark (443). The United States made the correct decision!
6:45 AM · Apr 30, 2020·Twitter for iPhone

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

Watch the Wind
Wind the Watch

stevew said...

This April 2020 is the first in recorded history in these parts, Boston MA, without at least one day with a high of 65 degrees Fahrenheit, or higher. Coldest April, on average, in 55 years. Or so it is being reported.

Lewis said...

Shouting Thomas, not doubting, I imagine -Elon Musk is a shit, a parasite and a fraud - everyone knows that - everyone!!

tcrosse said...

So we wind up with the wind up. And there's the pitch.

Marc in Eugene said...

Althouse simply used the adjective 'very' in an older sense, meaning "possessing the true character of the person or thing named", like e.g. William Morris ("Half dead with very death still drawing nigh") or in older English versions of the Credo (verum Deum de Deo vero, very God of very God). Why she thought we might suspect that a masquerade of wind visited Madison I have no idea.

Lewis said...

I f this is a repeat, forgive me - I don't you published it:

Ivan Blatny - a mad Czech

To be alone must be criminal-
Get a wife and child -
If you can't have children, get a wife-
If you can't have a wife
Get a dog, a dog only.

Howard said...

My wife used to watch this circa 1990s Australian medical TV show. I have no idea what it was called. Anyway the first diagnosis for almost every patient was that they thought they were suffering from a bit of wind.

In the early 1980s my wife and I were deplorables living in the Owens Valley. That was real wind, not anything like the flacid flatlander farts you guys are complaining about

Ann Althouse said...

"Is it "Very Wind" (post headline), or "Very Windy", (photo caption)?"

Sorry. Fixed.

Michael said...

I liked it the other way.

Francisco D said...

Ken B said... Trump to Althouse Trumpkins: get fucked (Laslo get fucked up the ass)!

Mommy, Mommy!

Little Kenny B is talking dirty again.

Lewis said...

Despair like a mountain - how can you climb it?! Anxiety a kind of next door, a neighbour I've gotten used to.

narciso said...

is this on also a subprime enabler,

Ken B said...

I know you have said a lot of mean things about Trump. Have you ever said anything as mean as suggesting he is part of a plot to cause a worldwide depression, and starve millions to death? Imagine saying such a thing!

GingerBeer said...

"Everyone knows it's Windy."

Lewis said...

I'm very f#cked - that isn't an official judgement but an actual one - I know myself - next two weeks are sweating like a donkey - eating and drinking tea! Tomorrow will be dreadful - I'll feel like I've commited murder - but If I get through that I'll survive? Two weeks, no drink!

Lewis said...

That means you won't see my beautiful missives - I only write when I'm pissed - more poor you!

Lewis said...

The bruised kneecaps and the bruised head - fallacies, both. You went out and smiled and someone knocked you down - so what?

Lewis said...

The bruised kneecaps and the bruised head - fallacies, both. You went out and smiled and someone knocked you down - so what?

tcrosse said...

GingerBeer said...
"Everyone knows it's Windy."

Well played!

Josephbleau said...

"Despair like a mountain - how can you climb it?!"

I was advised that, first there is a mountain then there is no mountain. Then there is.

I will be upset with all you asiaphobes if you start saying "is belly wind now."

Lewis said...

This is 'me', Anne


Lewis said...


Lewis said...

I know, I know, I know


steve uhr said...

There’s talk of the NFL season beginning in mid October. Good news for Green Bay.

Lewis said...

How does one die? Very smartly:


Lewis said...


Lewis said...

Strangeways is an old British prison, in Manchester, where Morrisey comes from - my brother was in there

Lewis said...

All I want is Martina - I don't care about anyone else - only, my wife and my son - that I still 'love' them is obviously a perverse prejudice.

Lewis said...

Can I tell you about Martina - both beautiful and tragic - she began, very privaledged, in commy chezckoslavkia - her father a Professor , her mother a dentist! Think of that! He 'deigned' to pick her up! What a morun!She was f#cked from the begining! But I fell for her! I met her at 4 in the morning in trafalgar square - she was begging for change and I said - guess what - but how beautiful and intelligent she was - I was so bored at the time - i was 27 - I couldn't write - suddenly I see beauty, itself - what could I do?

Lewis said...

So, her - after I left her in 92 - I didn't know this - she was 'sectioned' - it's very difficult to describe this - it's very emotional - what happened was I left - the Czech republic - I ran out of money etc - but, after I went, she kept drinking, not eating, in a kind of despair - I didn't think she loved me, she really loved me - I didn't believe that - it was impossible for me to even conceive that - impossible, impossible, impossible - but she, poor lass, ended up defending herself. So, goes home - 21 - and starts cutting her hair - be fore that she'd taking five tabs of acid -and her mother goes crasy, as you do - and, goes behind her back and consults a doctor, who advises her how to behave. So she takes my wife on a car tour - here are the sights - my wife is so 'intelligent' she begins taking the piss - but one of the sights is the communist style 'mental' Hospital - for seven days they give her etc - everyday - this while I'm not there, hence my guilt - and very powerful drugs - she becomes institutainised - very quickly - it's so easy to kill people - and when I get back to see she's dead. Of course, I don't except that - who could? I just pretend it's not true.

Lewis said...

She was the most beautiful, marvelous, intelligent person I ever met.

Lewis said...

But, in some way < I caused that?

Lewis said...

I know I said I'm going to go sober - and I will. But I still have half a bottle of gin and for a drunk that's impossible to avoid! You can't throw it out, you can't drink - what do you do? You drink it. And that leads on to the next day - it's an excuse.

Lewis said...

But the point is, alcahol bores me, everything bores me, I need to refind my love, my beginning.

Lewis said...

I want to finish and then sleep - bohuzel , it's 3 in the morning - I'm so tired but I want this over - half a bottle of gin - what do I do with it - understand the only suggestion is finish it?

Lewis said...

You know why they destroyed her - because she was the most intelligent, beautiful woman in the world. Women are destroyed for nothing. My gal, O what had she done? Nothing

Lewis said...

Bohuzel is Chezk for unfortunate'

Lewis said...

'Buch' - god - the rest I forget

Alina Smith said...

Chicago is well known for its high number of attorneys specializing in criminal defense. If you want to get more interesting details about criminal defense lawyer, you may go here.

Lewis said...


Lewis said...

Very like me

Lewis said...

I'm not ready, yet - or rather I still have alcahol in the house - my left arm expanding like a wizard - each moment an approach - as if one didn't actually suffer - tomorrow, no one.

Lewis said...

I know 'life' - I know without Martina it is dread - a lack of 'Sorgen' - I knew that when I left her.

Or she 'left' me - how much I was in love with her - such a beautiful woman!

Oh, how my love 'enormously' expands the sky - such 'irony', like an Angel, that fell from heaven. You think this funny - it probably is!

Lewis said...

Now , I'm going out for cigs and booze, completely illegitimate - they want to beat me up

Lewis said...

Very angry man, very angry!

Lewis said...

Anne, help me die

Lewis said...

Most intelligent guy in the world - am I violent - no

Lewis said...

Thanks, my gal, thanks - love you

Lewis said...

I'm sorry for being ' paranoid and irrational' - how difficult was it to avoid that?

Lewis said...

Sorry, for being stupid, Anne, I'm sorry

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