April 14, 2020

"US chain McDonald's has apologised after a sign telling black people they were banned from entering a branch in southern China prompted outrage online..."

"... following reports of discriminatory treatment towards Africans in the city. Tensions have flared between police and Africans in the southern metropolis of Guangzhou after local officials announced a cluster of COVID-19 cases in a neighbourhood with a large migrant population. As the row escalated, posts widely shared online showed a sign at fast food chain McDonald's saying black people were not allowed to enter the restaurant...."

France24 reports.


rhhardin said...

That's not racism. It's sheltering in place.

Vance said...

Remember, Biden and the Democrats love, love, love them some Communist China.

Their open racism is a plus, not a minus, to the party of the KKK and the losing side in the Civil War.

They are the party that today loudly proclaims how racist they are (against Asians and Whites mostly). And here in America they are demanding resegregation -- "minority only" dorms, spaces, etc.

So who is surprised by this Chinese "Best friend of the Democrat Party" action?

Narr said...

Ray Kroc is spinning in his deep-fryer. And if any foreign devil actually had a hand in this I'll eat a Big Mac.

At least they're not Uighurs

GingerBeer said...

Please, don't anyone tell LeBron James. It'll break his little heart.

doctrev said...

Oh yes, the Chinese plan to openly Blame the Darkie for the "second wave" of infections is going to cause a conniption among the black supremacist wing of the Democrats. And if they're mysteriously silent, you can bet Donald Trump will pump the info until he gains 30% of the black vote instead of 20%.

GingerBeer said...

"Africans in southern China's largest city say they have become targets of suspicion and subjected to forced evictions, arbitrary quarantines and mass coronavirus testing as the country steps up its fight against imported infections"

doctrev points to a real opportunity for Trump. China's overt racism blended w/ it's paranoia towards outsiders has the ability to stir large portions of American Blacks, and expose the always credulous and incurious D establishment when it comes to America's enemies, or the transgressions of its own players.


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

doctrev said...
Oh yes, the Chinese plan to openly Blame the Darkie for the "second wave" of infections is going to cause a conniption among the black supremacist wing of the Democrats."

It's not being reported. The leftists are going to spin this as "racist, capitalist McDonald's" not "racist Chinese."

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Good. Now maybe we can get the Dems to stop supporting communist China. We know slave labor, death camps, environmental destruction, unfair trade practices and infecting millions and tens or thousands of deaths were not enough.

Maybe a racist sign in a window will do the trick.

Fernandinande said...

It's far worse here in the Land of the Free™ - everybody is banned from entering McDonald's.

RMc said...

China has spent trillions of dollars in Africa. They least they could do is give 'em the occasional Big Mac.

Gk1 said...

I am interested in the franchising model McDonald's had to go through to even operate in China. Does McDonald's even "own" restaurants in communist china or do they just lease or sell equipment, special sauce, fries to franchises that can post racists signs with impunity? Sure McDonalds can apply pressure to get franchises to get them to stop or amend it. But how much control do they have if they want to keep operating there?

J. Farmer said...

Polite people are always surprised when they learn that overtly racist attitudes are quite common in most parts of the world. They simply cannot fathom why these people have no desire to lay prostrate at the altar of anti-racism or to flagellate themselves for atonement of white guilt.

PB said...

How many black people are there near that McDonald's to be offended?

J. Farmer said...

How many black people are there near that McDonald's to be offended?

According to the article, 4,553 African nationals are living in the province.

bagoh20 said...

The NBA approves of this message.

bagoh20 said...

"I am interested in the franchising model McDonald's had to go through to even operate in China. "

They needed to disclose the ingredients in the secret sauce.

YoungHegelian said...

Why does anyone think that a Party that murdered tens of millions of its own people gives a flying fuck about the hurt feelings of a bunch of foreign pickaninnies?

The world could REALLY do with a review of the history of 20th C. China.

RichardJohnson said...

Having had some Chinese (PRC) roommates when I was in grad school, I am not at all surprised at hearing reports of racism from China. Some of what my Chinese roommates said about blacks could have come from the Klan.

YoungHegelian said...


Some of what my Chinese roommates said about blacks could have come from the Klan.

The difference is that the Klan Klowns actually grew up surrounded by black people, and came from a childhood where the image of Aunt Jemima stared back at them as they syruped their waffle.

For many cultures where blacks are totally foreign, it's like they see blacks as akin to apes. One of my previous co-workers spent time in Moscow, and had an African friend there. One day on the trolley car, a middle age Russian woman asked his friend: "Your tail, where do you keep it in your pants?" Because she was sure Africans had tails, and she wondered how he tucked it away in his pants.

Gives new meaning to the old tailor terms of "Sir, do you dress to the left or the right?".

eddie willers said...

Why does anyone think that a Party that murdered tens of millions of its own people gives a flying fuck about the hurt feelings of a bunch of foreign pickaninnies?

But enough about Democrats.

Gk1 said...

Ah, o.k this partially explains my question. McDonalds has been selling off its share of McDonalds franchises to the chinese. This is from 3 years ago so I am sure McDonalds has sold most of its restaurants to franchisee's. They apparently can decide what kind of sign to put up and to whom they want to sell "worm burgers" to.


The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“One day on the trolley car, a middle age Russian woman asked his friend: "Your tail, where do you keep it in your pants?" “

“In the front.”

Maillard Reactionary said...

J. Farmer @6:07 is right, racial hypersensitivity is a uniquely American disease. Asians in general seem immune to it. They seem to distrust and dislike one another as much as they do the round-eyed devils.

That said, it serves McDonalds right for investing in that shithole country. Let the bastards figure out on their own how to fry potatoes. Now Mickey D has to answer to the SJW mob. Let the groveling begin!

The conflict between greed and fear, viewed from a safe distance, is always very amusing.

Narr said...

Ha, I never would have said I would eat a Big Mac if I had the slightest doubt about my prediction.

After what I saw working at MickeyD's the only things I consume from there are coffee, fries, shakes, or coffee. And only if it's the only option.

(but not in China)

Jupiter said...

"They simply cannot fathom why these people have no desire to lay prostrate at the altar of anti-racism or to flagellate themselves for atonement of white guilt."

This would be yellow guilt.

rcocean said...

So, I'm supposed to care that people in China don't like Africans? There are 1.2 Billion Chinese. I suppose some of them are racists. And?

rcocean said...

The Reporters were attacking Trump for being mean to China. I wonder how many people at the NYT/Wapo/CNN are Chinese assets.

Josephbleau said...

At many restaurants in Mexico you see a couple of rocking chairs outside with full size stuffed dolls of black people with big smiles and wool hair and all. I don’t know if that is racist. Except in Mexico City you would never see a real franchise restaurant, they would just use the name without paying.

Lucien said...

How many times must you be told: only white people can be racist.

Birkel said...

McDonald's has - I assume - no effective control over the franchises operating in China.

n.n said...
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n.n said...
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n.n said...

Diversity and exclusion. Rabid diversity?

n.n said...

At least they're not Uighurs

Where they were one-child, we are selective-child. Where they are divertisits, we are diversitists. The Pro-Choice Republic of China.

Ken B said...

“Please, don't anyone tell LeBron James. It'll break his little heart.”

Watch it or he'll “educate” you about it.

Anonymous said...

I had to look at four articles before I could of find what the sign said. It was video clip of someone holding the sign, which is in English that says:


We’ve been informed that from now on black people are not allowed to enter the restaurant. For the sake of your health consciously notify the local police for medical isolation, please understand the inconvenience caused

police TEL:110”


John henry said...

Gk1 said...

I am interested in the franchising model McDonald's had to go through to even operate in China. Does McDonald's even "own" restaurants in communist china or do they just lease or sell equipment, special sauce, fries to franchises

I don't know how it works in China but in the US many people think that McDonalds is a restaurant chain.

It is not. It is primarily a real estate company. Realizing that in the 50s was the secret to their success. It builds restaurants and leases the fully equipped restaurant to the franchisee.

I don't think it sells anything to the franchisee but does have approved suppliers.

So if the Chinese model is similar, it "owns" (Ownership is always iffy under socialism) the building, equipment etc but does not operate the restaurant.

There are strict rules as to what the franchisee can't and can/mustn't and must do, but McD doesn't operate the restaurant per se.

I suspect that, if local Chinese law permits discrimination against Africans, there is nothing McDonalds can do about it.

John Henry

John henry said...

Suppose they discriminated against all non-Chinese? I am pretty sure that the Africans are not Chinese citizens. They are certainly not Chinese ethnically.

Or suppose they discriminated based on nationality. Nobody from Kenya, Cameroon, Nigeria etc?

Would anyone have a problem with that?

"Japanese only" signs are apparently fairly common in Japan. I've never heard any complaints.

John Henry

Chest Rockwell said...

I want to know what 4000+ Africans are doing in China?

I understand that trade with Africa requires Africans to be in China, but what are the rest doing there?

Chest Rockwell said...

well, wikipedia is a source. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Africans_in_Guangzhou

Social JusticeIsGay said...

Just remember that China is not so much a country as it is the never-scrubbed toilet in the world's gas-station bathroom.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Phidippus said...
J. Farmer @6:07 is right, racial hypersensitivity is a uniquely American disease. Asians in general seem immune to it. They seem to distrust and dislike one another as much as they do the round-eyed devils"

A Japanese woman I once knew was highly indignant when an American co-worker asked if she was from China. "I don't look Chinese at all! The Chinese have those big ugly moon faces!"

The funny thing is after that I started comparing the faces of the Chinese I saw at a local restaurant featured by Chinese with the Japanese people I knew and I thought she had a point. I didn't think the Chinese were ugly, but it did seem to me that they do have rounder faces than the Japanese, who struck me as having sharper features.

Paul Zrimsek said...

Latest statement from the store manager: "We'll take the niggers and the Chinks, but we don't want any Irish."

YoungHegelian said...


"I don't look Chinese at all! The Chinese have those big ugly moon faces!"

I once made the mistake of suggesting to a Korean acquaintance that she had Mongolian features.

Big mistake. Big fucking mistake.

Not recommended.

Just. Don't. Do. It.


PluralThumb said...

In NYC while delivering for UberEats, I entered a McDonalds. A security told me I had to be a customer to use the bathroom, I replied that I basically work for McDonalds because I deliver a lot of McDonalds. This is no $15 an hour security but no gun either, not sure. Handcuffs, yes. The dude called police and I helped h8m describe my outfit, height, age, etc. We were both a bit hot headed. I left as per, my bladder will not wait to get arrested because of either a dumbass overpaid security or racist. I pissed on the side of McDonalds. Cleaning crews make $15 an hour. Cheers

Let's learn easily said...

Thank you for this wonderful article.
If you care about the health and the most importantly healthy food and all that matters is a healthy
life, we honor you.

jaydub said...

"I once made the mistake of suggesting to a Korean acquaintance that she had Mongolian features."

News flash: the Chinese hate the Japanese who hate the Koreans. Actually, you could resort the ethnic groups in any order and it would still be true. Also, as goes hatred of Chinese, you could throw in some Vietnamese, Laos, Cambodians, Thai and Burmese as well. Asian nations are among the most racist anywhere, and don't try to tell a Japanese person that he is of the same race as the Chinese and Koreans or vice versa.

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Lyle Smith said...

Han Chinese are very racist... even towards white people. China is racially monolithic for a reason.

Gospace said...

jaydub said...
"I once made the mistake of suggesting to a Korean acquaintance that she had Mongolian features."

News flash: the Chinese hate the Japanese who hate the Koreans. Actually, you could resort the ethnic groups in any order and it would still be true. Also, as goes hatred of Chinese, you could throw in some Vietnamese, Laos, Cambodians, Thai and Burmese as well. Asian nations are among the most racist anywhere, and don't try to tell a Japanese person that he is of the same race as the Chinese and Koreans or vice versa.

And ask any one of the above mentioned where they place Filipinos.....

Narr said...

I read a memoir by a young Brit dumbass who got caught with a roach in his pocket in Moscow and ended up getting eight years in Russian jail.

It was about as hellish as one might expect, but he said one consistency in the multiethnic, multiracial, multicultural prison was that EVERYONE hated the Vietnamese, and vicey versy.


Narr said...

Argentines call Brazilians monkeys.

Or so I read

Sam L. said...


Anthony said...

Really, you don't need to read any further than "prompted outrage online..." to quit right there.

Skippy Tisdale said...

They're employees safety is paramount.

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