April 21, 2020

Trump weaponizes Nancy Pelosi's ice cream.

This Trump campaign ad — "'Let them eat ice cream' — Nancy Antoinette" — went up yesterday:


SGT Ted said...

Trump should thank Nancy Antoinette for doing the filming of his new ad.

Talk about tone deaf.

paminwi said...

Fabulous ad!
Nothing more needs to be said.

David Begley said...

A great, great ad.

MadisonMan said...

A great ad. Let me say, too, that Jeni's ice cream is inferior to Graeter's in every way.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

The most entertaining thing on TV this season will be Trump’s campaign ads. This is what Nancypants would be dealing with EVERY DAY if she were a Republican pol. She’s become way too cozy with the warm embrace of DNC-Media critters like Jen Rubin and her #fakenews brethren.

Bob Boyd said...

And this is a Republican ad against the Democrats. How things have changed.

Charlie Eklund said...

Perfect. Because it is true.

Shouting Thomas said...

Too funny. Liawatha’s kitchen beer campaign ad redux!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Pelosi family money is money made from decades of government graft and international pay-to-play.

But saying so is illegal, and chi-com Nancy and her pile of Schitt side kick will erase you.

rehajm said...

It's effective.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Heh. Well done.

This is another one of Nancy's "We must pass it to find out what is in it" moments.

traditionalguy said...

The last 6 months have convinced me that Pelosi has been flipped and now works diligently for President Trump. She must have cut a deal to keep a part of her family’s stolen money.

MayBee said...

I just want to know if her family did end up coming over for Easter. I bet yes.

(Althouse- did you see the CNN video of Chris Cuomo finally emerging from his COVID basement last night?)

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

As Rich Pryor and George Carlin and Chris Rock before him, Trump proves that the best comedy is the truth humorously presented. Althouse gave us two outstanding examples carefully presented with good old American humor:

1. Joe Biden is a smooth and casual racist super comfortable with calling Black children “roaches” (and not one sensitive race watchdog like Sharpton even NOTICED IT?!?!)

2. Nancy Pelosi is a tin-eared entitled bitch who doesn’t give a shit if you’re missing a paycheck because she assumes you voted for Trump.

I Callahan said...

Absolutely outstanding ad. Devastating...

Jersey Fled said...


I'm Full of Soup said...


Maybee- I had heard her say somewhere that some of her kids and grandkids were now living at her home since schools were closed. But yeah, I am with you too- I'd like to know if any other family came to visit on Easter.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Oh they say “Jeni’s” on top. I thought she was SAVING a few pints for her buddy Jen Rubin.

Clyde said...

Should it be Nancy Antoinette or Marie Nantoinette?

Either way, a very effective ad showing how Pelosi is out of touch with the lives of everyday Americans.

wendybar said...

Nancy weaponized herself. She is ignorant of the problems the people of this country are having money wise...and brags about her designer ice cream, and her GRANDCHILDREN staying with her during Easter while they were telling the rest of us NOT to be with family. They are tone deaf...delusional, and ridiculous.

Drago said...

Bob Boyd: "Wow.
And this is a Republican ad against the Democrats. How things have changed"

Unfortunately, its not a republican ad against democrats.

It remains just a Trump ad against democrats. Many republicans still do not dare to fight like Trump.

wendybar said...

May Bee said"(Althouse- did you see the CNN video of Chris Cuomo finally emerging from his COVID basement last night?)
4/21/20, 8:07 AM

How about hypocrite Georgie Snufalufagus roaming those same streets in the Hamptons and he tested positive for Covid. Rules for thee, but not for me. Same as THIS Pelosi bitch.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hey Nancy - Since the house controls the "purse" - did you do this? B?

Harvard under fire for accepting more than $8M in coronavirus relief package
Harvard has a $40 billion endowment

wendybar said...

When is Nancy going back to work for the people?? She is the one holding up relief to the masses while making sure the Kennedy Center is all set.

wendybar said...

And Harvard

Wince said...

Could have made more of the parallelism between the news voice saying about the loan fund "it will be up to congress to restock it", Pelosi's role as Speaker and Pelosi saying "we just got [her opulent freezer] restocked... ice cream".

But a strong ad.

Bob Boyd said...

Unfortunately, its not a republican ad against democrats.

It is, but it isn't.

Many republicans still do not dare to fight like Trump.

That is true.

Sally327 said...

Nancy Pelosi got a lot of mileage out of her contemptuous, mocking hand claps at the President and ripping up his speech and just generally dripping with disdain as to all things Trump.

Payback, that's what this ad is. It's the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.

EdwdLny said...

Exposed for all to see by herself, the wages of corruption, graft, and sin. How appropriate. Has she forgone her paycheck for the duration, ah don't be silly. I kid, I kid.

Spiros said...

Maybe Trump should "weaponize" the behavior of deadbeat billionaires who moved their money off shore to avoid taxes but are now begging for bail outs.

MayBee said...

Maybee- I had heard her say somewhere that some of her kids and grandkids were now living at her home since schools were closed.

I'm full of soup- that's interesting. She's in the age group where people shouldn't be coming and going from her house. I mean, as long as none of her kids are going out to the store or anything, I suppose it's fine. But I'm not going to visit my parents and I didn't go stay with them because I knew if I went out, I'd bring whatever back with me.

wendybar- isn't it odd?? What is it with people who actually have this virus and they don't just stay home? Are they so used to doing whatever they want to do?

narciso said...

<a href="https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/lee-smith-china-coronavirus>
carrying over </a>

Martha said...

Nancy’s make-up person also visited her house. That make-up did not plaster itself all over that face.

Bob Boyd said...

Pelosi has no one to blame but herself for this.
She apparently thought everyone would find her gold sweet tooth adorable.

William said...

I thought Haagen Dazs was top of the line. I never knew that there was such a thing as $13/pint ice cream. Has anyone tried this brand? Is it substantially better than other premium ice cream? Now I want to try it at least once....I can live without a $23,000 fridge, but I'm willing to try $13/pint ice cream.

BUMBLE BEE said...

When Infanticide is the core value of your political party, Pelosi you get!

TreeJoe said...

Well done Trump Ad.

Nancy Pelosi gets a free pass waayyyyyyy too often.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Those Dove chocolate ice cream bars in Nancy Pelosi’s freezer really are the best. I remember the exact place and date that I had one, July 23, 1989. I was bicycling from Glenwood to Clarinda on RAGBRAI XVII. It was a hot, sunny afternoon. I had already ridden 40 miles with another 20 miles to go up and down the rolling hills of Highway 2. At the top of the first hill out of Shenandoah there was a lone young man with a single ice cream freezer giving away Dove chocolate ice cream bars. Not many riders were stopping because there were no trees for shade. I did. A sublime moment I’ll always remember.

Later that same year I watched the fall of the Berlin Wall on TV from my room in Trump’s Plaza Hotel while in NYC for a conference on the taxation of executive stock options. Trump took it into bankruptcy a few years later. The irony.

William said...

I guess the point of $23,000 fridges is to keep your $13/pint cold without all those frosty things adhering to it.

William said...

I bet that over the years Nancy has spent more money on plastic surgery than most people have spent on food and many blue collar men have spent on clothes.

Clyde said...

I've been eating Tillamook ice cream lately. Their mint chocolate chip is very good, as is their waffle cone swirl, among others. The latter is half vanilla with caramel swirl and half chocolate with waffle cone pieces For ice cream bars, I like the Magnum double caramel. They're a little pricey, but I buy them whenever Publix has them on BOGO.

Known Unknown said...

Jeni's is good boutique ice cream but they've experienced two listeria breakouts in their factories over the years.

The font choice (and kerning) is dreadful. The fake quote at the end is kind of dumb since she never said those words.
The contrast of clips works pretty well, though.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Trump weaponizes Nancy Pelosi's ice cream."

Translation for folks on Planet Earth.

"Trump shows video of Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi (net worth $196 Million) talking about eating expensive ice cream from her $24,000 Fridge -- after shutting down the economy and causing 22 Million unemployed.

roger said...

Finally, a president with balls

Bob Boyd said...

Don't hand Trump a cream pie if you don't want to get hit in the face with it.

Wince said...

Trump delivers "two scoops" of payback.

AllenS said...

... and they joked about Donny "two scoops" Trump. HA! Nancy Antoinette! Let them eat ice cream she says!

Anonymous said...

I never see any of these ads.

Now to be fair we cut cable a year ago and the only likely venue [YouTube] we have a YouTube Red account so never see a single commercial.

Outside of seeing them here, I would never see any ads. Seems like they are the proverbial tree falling in the forest - if no one who isn't a Trump fan sees this, does the ad matter at all?

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Jeni’s may be $13 a pint online but is $9 a pint at the store, definitely a premium but will try on Nancy’s recommendation. That’s a better deal than you’ll get at the Trump Tower ice cream parlor. I’m partial to Breyer’s but all trips to the Oregon Coast must include a stop at the Tillamook Creamery.

Charlie said...

"Nancy, let's get you in front of the refrigerators and you can talk about how much you love ice cream. People will love this!"

Churchy LaFemme: said...

I never see any of these ads.

They are made for people like our hostess to pick up and talk about. It's much more effective that way than if they just expected people to run across them.

Bryers used to be great. Their Coffee label used to read: "Ingredients: Cream, Sugar, Coffee". Last time I looked, I think they were going down the xanthan/guar gum route.

JML said...

"...but all trips to the Oregon Coast must include a stop at the Tillamook Creamery."

Before Trump was elected, we had some 'friends' over for dinner. (They stopped talking to us after Trump was elected.) They had just recently moved here to NM from OR. They were thrilled to see I was using Tillamook cheese and said they hadn't seen it since they left OR and where did I find it?


They were very disappointed that Tillamook 'sold out for greed.' I wondered why they would want to keep such a good product from the masses. (Not really, they thought of themselves as rather elite.)

Ken B said...

Effective IMO.

Should blend this with her speech ripping.

Clyde said...

They have Tillamook cheese at Publix here in Florida as well. I usually go for Cracker Barrel brand, though, because I like their Havarti.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Blogger BleachBit-and-Hammers said...

Pelosi family money is money made from decades of government graft and international pay-to-play.

Pelosi family money is California money and you are right about where it comes from.

But Nancy's family, the D'Alessandros, also did quite well from graft and grift in the process of destroying Baltimore.

That needs to be pointed out more often.

John Henry

Big Mike said...

It’s interesting to imagine how thick the walls must be for the bubble that too Democrat’s live in. I get that women like Liz Warren and Hillary Clinton might have political tin ears, but Pelosi seemed to have better political instincts back in the day. Was that all an illusion?

Did you catch that cashmere sweater carelessly looped over her shoulders? Talk about screaming “rich bitch” to the voters!

Narayanan said...

Q: does Congress procedure require Pelosi to convene session or just spirit of rebellion and numbers for quorum? To upset her powers

Jon Burack said...

MY little freezer always has ice cream in it. "Reduced fat" and "no sugar added" (added to what?) Euphemisms, cheap stuff, sure. If you are a true ice cream fanatic, you do not care. It's still ice cream. Ice cream for deplorables. It's what made America great.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Bank of the Charles said...

Trump took it into bankruptcy a few years later.

Did any creditors lose any money in this or the other bankruptcies?

Got any names?

It gets more than a little tiresome when people continually bring up Trump bankruptcies.

John Henry

Big Mike said...

She is the one holding up relief to the masses while making sure the Kennedy Center is all set.

@wendybar, and Pelosi actually did get $25 million for the Kennedy Center. And the first think the Kennedy Center did after getting the money was lay off the entire National Symphony Orchestra. Ah, wasn’t that money supposed to be used to prevent layoffs?

Wa St Blogger said...

I've been eating Tillamook ice cream lately.

Mudslide is the best.

Jersey Fled said...

Inga and ARM seem to be strangely absent from this thread.

Greg the class traitor said...

Pelosi weaponized herself by holding that stupid interview.

The fact that she was willing to be filmed in front of her $24k refrigerator hoarding expensive ice cream, while she was holding up relief of ordinary Americans, shows 2 of 3 things:

1: She is an idiot
2: The press is so totally in the tack for the Democrats that the idea that they might use that video against her never even occurred to her or any of her advisors
3: Most Republican politicians are so ball-less that they haven't taken advantage of such indiscretions in the past, causing Pelosi to expect she could get away with it with Trump

Ray - SoCal said...

Drago - Agree - Trump is inside their OODA Loop. And Trump is changing the culture of the GOP.

The Ad is a great example of Alinsky - Freeze The Target!

>It remains just a Trump ad against democrats. Many republicans still do not dare to fight like Trump.

Ray - SoCal said...

Democrats, and their allies in the media, are underestimating Trump. While they fight their pointless battles, the miss how he is moving the Overton Windows.


mikee said...

Bluebell Ice Cream, made from the milk of the happiest cows on earth, is the premium ice cream of Texas. They suffered from a lysteria outbreak a few years back, and were sorta recovered when an idiot viral video was made of someone opening and licking ice cream in stores. That person is now in jail, facing food tampering charges, but the brand damage is done.

HEB store brand is pretty good, too, and less expensive.

You can also get Ben&Jerry's, Haagen Dazs, Italian ices of various kinds, and many others.
But I've never seen in my Austin HEBs the premium brand displayed by Pelosi.
Deplorable, indeed.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Space Port - I agree.

Baltimore devastation graft. Pelosi's reign of terror continues.

Michael K said...

That was an amazingly dumb interview. The ad wrote itself. I predicted it here the next day. Even "Nancy Antoinette." She is too old and rich but they have nobody else.

Sam L. said...

Heh! Heh! Heh!!!!!! And Tillamook ice cream is EXCELLENT.

mezzrow said...

As I watch the ad and muse on it, the first thing I think of is the knife fight in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. The incumbent will run as an outsider and triumph.

This is only beginning.

disclaimer - as the son of a milkman, I do not take any anti-ice cream position in this comment. I love the stuff as much as Cruella DeVille does in that ad.

Sheridan said...

If Trump wins reelection and the Dems hold the Congress (with Nancy retained as Speaker) I suggest that Trump do two things at the next SOTU. First, wheel an expensive refrigerator, same brand as Nancy's up to the visitors gallery, and introduce it to the world as if it were an important guest. Second, at the exact same time, hand to Nancy several containers of her favorite ice cream along with a giant spoon. Make sure the cameras zoom in on her facial expressions. Comedy gold.

Achilles said...

Trump can't be walking this blind. He better read about the whole French Revolution and not just the good parts.

Nancy is Marie Antoinette.

Trump is Georges Danton.

effinayright said...

At AceofSpades HQ they refer to her as Malig-Nancy.

It works.

tcrosse said...

I couldn't get enough of that fabulous Tillamook ice cream, until my doctor gave me a stern lecture about it. The chocolate peanut butter would have been the death of me.

YoungHegelian said...

I suspect that Speaker Pelosi's campaign manager, chief of staff, and the staff of the DNC are seriously wondering how much it would cost to hire a hit-man to take her out. They needed this like a hole in the head.

Talk about tone-deaf.

Tom said...

Brilliant ad.

(Btw, I live in Columbus, OH and Jeni’s is very good. I even met Eric Clapton at the Powell, OH Jeni’s.

Tom said...

Jeni’s brambleberry crisp is TDF.

I Callahan said...

You guys don't even know what ice cream is. A little bit of Stroh's Mackinac Island Fudge may change your mind, though...


Skeptical Voter said...

Drop the spoon Nancy, and get back to work and reopen the House.

Trump is going to make a Chunkey Monkey out of you this November if you don't get back to work.

Arashi said...

Geebus - doesn't everyone have a 24000.00 dollar fridge packed with 13 dollar a pint ice cream?

Where is Madame Defarge when we need her?

Krumhorn said...

It remains just a Trump ad against democrats. Many republicans still do not dare to fight like Trump.

So true! Fortunately, Trump is not likely to forget about the impeachment travesty and the Russia scam. November is going to be all about paybacks. I give odds on his re-election, but taking control of the House and a healthy majority in the Senate should be the objective. There must be a brutal punishment for the lefties and the NeverTrumpers.


- Krumhorn

Readering said...

Confident the total value of Trump's fridges exceeds my net income for 2020.

MadisonMan said...

If you're in WI, check out Purple Door. Or Chocolate Shoppe. Nothing else comes close -- except Graeter's Black Raspberry Chocolate Chip.

I'm also partial to UDF Ice Cream in OH and to Braum's Ice Cream in OK.

Francisco D said...

Jersey Fled said... Inga and ARM seem to be strangely absent from this thread.

The DNC talking points are not yet out.

Drago said...

Readering: "Confident the total value of Trump's fridges exceeds my net income for 2020."

Confident President Trump would never be so stupid and tone deaf when half the nation is out of work and out of money to stand in front of the White House refrigerators having a happy time speaking about all the goodies inside.

Drago said...

Left Bank of the Charles: "Jeni’s may be $13 a pint online but is $9 a pint at the store, definitely a premium but will try on Nancy’s recommendation. That’s a better deal than you’ll get at the Trump Tower ice cream parlor."


He keeps digging.

Maybe you should recommend that as a response theme for a Pelosi rebuttal ad. It would go something like this: "Why yes, I sat on my hands for days and weeks while the nation suffered and millions were thrown out of work and I did go on TV right in the middle of this economic disaster that I am making worse to show my zillionaire refrigerator full of zillionaire ice cream on a TV show with another out of touch Hollywood type zillionaire, but did you know the ice cream I was showing off actually costs a few dollars less than the ice cream sold at Trump Tower"

Wow Left Bank. You missed your calling! That's a bit of communications genius right there.

readering said...

Confident President Trump would be so stupid and tone deaf when half the nation is out of work and out of money to stand in front of the White House refrigerators having a happy time speaking about all the goodies inside.

StephenFearby said...

Nancy Pelosi would be a terrific substitute for a remake of this MARVELOUS short dystopian video:

Halo Top - Eat the Ice Cream (2017)


Comment by John B (2 years ago):

Greatest commercial of all-time. Period. And finally closure to 2001: A Space Odyssey

stevew said...

Anyone want to bet that Nancy had no idea those were fridges before walking in there to do her little pump-em-up video? She doesn't strike me as the sort to get and make her own food. Not that there is anything wrong with THAt, just the faux everyman schtick. And the lovely shoulder draped sweater and pristine white blouse.

Babylon Bee couldn't have staged it any better.

Stephen said...

Trump is passing the buck again, as he feels he needs to do when the public doesn't like his handling of Covid-19, his approval rating is back in the tank, Congress's is up very significantly, and the governors who keep pushing the testing issue, both Democratic and Repulican, are at 70-80%.

Yes, Nancy likes and can afford fancy ice cream. But if not for her, no unemployment insurance provisions in the first big bailout bill, no oversight provisions for how Trump dispensed $500 billion in corporate bailouts, no money in the next bailout bill for hospitals or testing.

Contrast DJT, friend of the working person, who as Rush said, has looked over the precipice from his penthouse at financial ruin (though he mysteriously ended up with a $950 million tax write-off instead), but who didn't think unemployment insurance was necessary, didn't want anyone to know who the bailouts were going to, and didn't give a damn about hospitals or testing, even though the latter is critical to actually getting people back to work. And who, as usual, went golfing multiple times during February and March, all while denying that CV-19 was a real threat.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out....

Daniel Jackson said...


But, she'll still get reelected.

Jim at said...

Trump is passing the buck again, as he feels he needs to do when the public doesn't like his handling of Covid-19, his approval rating is back in the tank, Congress's is up very significantly, and the governors who keep pushing the testing issue, both Democratic and Repulican, are at 70-80%.

There is not one factual word in that entire paragraph.

Stephen said...

Hey Jim, there is a lot of fact in that para:

a. public doesn't like his handling of COVID. Approve 44%-Disapprove 54% See https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/most-rate-trumps-coronavirus-response-negatively-and-expect-crowds-will-be-unsafe-until-summer-post-u-md-poll-finds/2020/04/20/0b436dda-833b-11ea-a3eb-e9fc93160703_story.html

b. approval tanking from late March highs--see https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/

c. Ratings of Congress up. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/other/congressional_job_approval-903.html

d. Governors at 7--80%. See the WAPO poll above--governor approval at 72%

How is this not factual? And why isn't it a reasonable inference that Trump is looking to shift the blame?

Skippy Tisdale said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Skippy Tisdale said...

"HA! Nancy Antoinette! Let them eat ice cream she says!"

To be fair, the comparison to Marie Antoinette is way off as she never mentions cake.

Skippy Tisdale said...

"Blogger readering said...
Confident President Trump would be so stupid and tone deaf when half the nation is out of work and out of money to stand in front of the White House refrigerators having a happy time speaking about all the goodies inside.

4/21/20, 2:30 PM"

Jesus what a stupid person you are. Really. Talking shit as always.

steve uhr said...

A killer ad for Wisconsin. Pelosi likes dairy products. Got it. (And many are going hungry because of administration incompetence.)

Bunkypotatohead said...

All this shows is that Pelosi doesn't need to care how she appears. Her district will send her back to DC until she dies...and probably afterwards, too.
Few of Dem voters probably even know anything about Marie Antoinette, especially if they were educated in public schools.

KellyM said...

We have Tillamook products here in SF, and when the ice cream goes on sale I'll pick some up. It's a treat; I could eat ice cream daily so I need to be draconian about it.

I recently came across Cabot, VT butter here at my local Mollie Stone's; hadn't seen it since leaving New England. I almost bought it but it was salted. If I see the unsalted next time I go I'm stocking up. Butter freezes very well.

At Christmastime when I'm doing a ton of baking, I'll splurge and buy French butter - it has a slightly higher butterfat content than American butters and it makes for a richer flavor.


Rory said...

"Her district will send her back to DC until she dies...and probably afterwards, too."

Her daughter is following the same career path through the DNC, so yeah, the next generation is arranged for.

TJM said...

Is Stephen our new Inga?

readering said...

"Jesus what a stupid person you are. Really. Talking shit as always."

!! Haven't gotten one of those in a while. Feeling better now?

mikee said...

Why is it that Trump weaponized Pelosi's actions, which follows the cliche that Republicans are reported to always pounce when Dems screw up, rather than that Pelosi beclowned herself absolutely, which follows the cliche that Democrats frequently beclown themselves, especially their leadership?

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