April 8, 2020

"Trump is very much the 'wartime commander' of his nation. His voters still adore him. They'll do anything for him..."

"... including defying calls to shelter in place and taking quack medical 'cures' for the pandemic. He is very much their 'wartime commander.' But Ms. Rice needs to understand that we are no longer one nation. We are two peoples inhabiting one geographic space. And the slight majority of us who are sickened by this 'president' have no leader, wartime or otherwise.' But make no mistake - Trump is very much leading his nation. This pandemic is placing the rift between Red and Blue states in sharp relief - and underscoring that we no longer share any common values.... Trump understands that he is the president for only half the country. He has never made any pretense about representing all of us. We Democrats believe in affordable health care, good quality public schools, affordable higher education, and equal opportunities in employment and education for all Americans, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion. We also believe in facts, science and evidence, and separation of church and state. Trump's voters want none of this. So where does that leave the rest of us? We are now nothing more than hostages here, in our own country."

That's the top-rated comment at "Trump Is the Wartime President We Have (Not the One We Need)/He should start leading with the decency and resolve that we deserve. I’m not holding my breath" by Susan Rice (at the NYT).

"I’m not holding my breath" was a bad figure of speech to use as the coronavirus imposes real breathing difficulty on thousands of victims.

Susan Rice was President Obama's national security adviser from 2013 to 2017.


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Expat(ish) said...

I think people are forgetting how unpopular FDR and Lincoln were as wartime leaders. Most people have an inkling of how unpopular LBJ was (generally and specifically). I suspect everyone remembers Bush in "the surge." Wars apparently disappeared (from public view) under Obama, so who knows how he was viewed.


MadisonMan said...

We are now nothing more than hostages here, in our own bubble.


Ken B said...

Time will tell about chloroquine. But whatever it is it is not a “quack” cure. It is being taken with perfect seriousness by researchers and doctors around the world. That the writer both believes that it is just quackery, and believes that this is a crushing point in her favor, is revealing. And not flattering.

Lurker21 said...

This pandemic is placing the rift between Red and Blue states in sharp relief - and underscoring that we no longer share any common values.

How so?

gilbar said...

taking quack medical 'cures' for the pandemic.
Navarro: "Virtually Every" COVID-19 Patient In New York Is Given Hydroxychloroquine

'cause, you KNOW; New York City is a Hotbed of Trumpism

YoungHegelian said...

We Democrats believe in affordable health care, good quality public schools, affordable higher education, and equal opportunities in employment and education for all Americans, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion. We also believe in facts, science and evidence, and separation of church and state. Trump's voters want none of this.

When your political analysis becomes a recitation of how virtuous your side is, you're no longer doing political analysis. You're preaching.

Bob Boyd said...

Oh the drama.

gilbar said...

we are no longer one nation. We are two peoples inhabiting one geographic space.

we are no longer one nation. We are two peoples inhabiting Two, Completely Different geographic spaces.

Beth B said...

How very helpful of her!

wendybar said...

Susan Rice who lied her way through the Sunday shows to blame Benghazi on a video nobody ever saw?? That Susan Rice?? Tell her to sit her ass down and shut up. She is a known liar who should hide her head in shame.

Virgil Hilts said...

I know at least three highly educated women (ages between 50-80) who dislike Trump, think he's an asshole (as do I) and voted for HC last time, who are going to vote for Trump (as things currently stand), not because they've become Trumpsters, but because he seems to be doing a decent job pivoting and they are repulsed by the negative anti-American press coverage.
In other words, they seem to be reacting like Ann.
I mentioned to one of them two weeks ago -- what if this type of pandemic had happened under Obama and he announced he was putting Biden in charge of the task force to save the country. She laughed out loud with some sort of OMG comment; this is also the same registered Democrat in December who was leaning towards Joe Biden or Amy K.

wendybar said...

Seems to me she did anything for her COMMANDER that she adored.

Roughcoat said...

Trump reminds me of Patton, and in so many ways, for both good and ill (but mostly for good). He's MY son-of-bitch. I think he's shaping up to be one of America's most consequential presidents; and, maybe, one of its best. The right man at just the right time, a world-historical figure. His presidency is a watershed event in our nation's history.

traditionalguy said...

Wow! That was a magnificent concentration of Big Lies strung together and flavored with a plea of being noble victims.The only true statement in it was assertion that her mind controlled sheeple like the Cabal's faked sciences to rule over all life on earth. Like the Science to create or import The New Socialist Man to replace the American Christians.

Owen said...

Susan Rice, doing her considerable best to emphasize division and demonstrate the withering contempt that Blue Nation cannot help but feel toward Red Nation.


Gusty Winds said...

"quack medical 'cures' for the pandemic" - I'll bet whoever wrote the comment, or liked it, would take Hydroxychloroquine and a Z-pack if infected. I doubt they would want to be in the sugar pill group, or take their chances with a ventilator.

My liberal friends on FB have made it clear they hope the drug cocktail is not effective...because Trump.

Such humanitarians.

Shouting Thomas said...

Oddly, the areas most affected are all controlled by Democrats.

And, as Trump has repeatedly stated, most of the remedies are reserved by the constitution and federalism to the states. Democrats have flipped completely and are now demanding that Trump play the dictator.

It's hard to think of a president more fawned over by his admirers than President Obama.

And, no, this epidemic is not a war.

China's fired the first shot in a war with the U.S. That is true. Everybody's sort of admitting this, while denying it.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Everyone on my side is great. The rest of you people suck.

Bob Boyd said...

The dejection, bitter disappointment, the hyperbolic framing.

We've heard this tone struck before, after Hillary failed, after Russia Collusion failed, after Mueller's Testimony failed, after Blassey-Ford failed, after Impeachment failed.

Apparently they are concluding Coronavirus Mismanagement has also failed.

dreams said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
danoso said...

Susan Rice was President Obama's national security adviser from 2013 to 2017 because she went out and outrageously lied one Sunday in 2012 to further the career of her boss.

Antiantifa said...

Susan Rice is delusional in thinking there is still a majority that hates Trump the same way she does. Sure, a majority voted for the other candidate, but just as the people tweeting Trump hatred turn out not just to be a disproportionate subset of the general population but a disproportionate subset of the Left, the few who are so irate they have to speak out or burst, I suspect there is a sizable minority of independents who voted for Hilary but now realize Trump is doing a good job. The jarring Queens accent, the odd syntax of Trump's speaking turns don't ever look good when elided. But seeing him unexpurgated for hours a day allows a person to get used to his quirks and see his underlying intelligence. I suspect most Americans are ok with his leadership now.

TreeJoe said...

"We Democrats believe in affordable health care, good quality public schools, affordable higher education, and equal opportunities in employment and education for all Americans, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion. We also believe in facts, science and evidence, and separation of church and state. Trump's voters want none of this."

Wow, I didn't realize Susan Rice was so self-aware.

TrespassersW said...

"...defying calls to shelter in place..."
"...taking quack medical 'cures'..."
"We Democrats believe in affordable health care, good quality public schools, affordable higher education, and equal opportunities in employment and education for all Americans, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion. We also believe in facts, science and evidence, and separation of church and state. Trump's voters want none of this."

Utterly absent from this is actual evidence to support these claims.

It's like one of those science fiction stories where the barrier between alternate realities is punctured, allowing glimpses from one reality to another.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Good to see someone as moral, just and sciencey as Susan doing her utmost best to bring the country together instead of using a national crisis to further her political goals.

Big Mike said...

Deserves a fisking:

We Democrats believe in affordable health care,

Which is why small businesses pay premiums that are multiples of at three to five over what they paid pre-Obamacare for the same coverage. "Affordable" Healthcare Act my ass!

good quality public schools,

Which is why kids are graduating high school unable to read and write, and unable to do simple arithmetic without a calculator. Do you think this is hyperbole on my part? Go and meet some of these kids. The bluer the school district, the worse it is.

affordable higher education,

Again, the bluer the university the higher the tuition.

and equal opportunities in employment and education for all Americans, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion.

Which is why we have a de facto quota system that disadvantages men, Asians, and poor and middle class whites.

We also believe in facts, science and evidence,

No one who has ever believed in anthropogenic global warming, or its new incarnation rebranded as global climate change has ever believed in science, much less facts and evidence.

Jersey Fled said...

Trump understands that he is the president for only half the country. He has never made any pretense about representing all of us.

Like when he reduced black unemployment to the lowest levels in history?

Susan hasn't been paying attention. Or more likely, doesn't really care about inconvenient facts.

BTW why isn't Susan in jail yet.

Dave Begley said...

Susan Rice, "Instead, the administration has paralyzed the United Nations and Group of 7 with its shameful insistence on branding Covid the “Wuhan virus,” abdicated leadership internationally and largely ignored the world’s poorest nations in their fight against the pandemic.

Many thousands more Americans will die unnecessarily because of the incompetence and perfidy of our “wartime president.” It’s in our common interest that Mr. Trump stop trash-talking and start leading with the decency and resolve that we deserve. But let’s not kid ourselves: Until America changes command, we are condemned to fight with the leader we have."

1. Face facts sporto. This thing is all on China. The same China you and Barack enabled and coddled for 8 long years.

Trump saved thousands of lives when he acted quickly and banned travel from China and the EU. Hillary NEVER would have done that.

2. Incompetence? The Obama Administration did a terrible job with swine flu but the Fake News never covered it.

3. Change command? To a senile old man who is has been incompetent for years? He's been wrong on foreign policy his entire life and he was bribed by China via his cokehead son Hunter.

4. Your chance of being named Secretary of State is less than zero.

5. I look forward to you being indicted for spying on the Trump campaign; you, Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Power and the rest of the gang. Which one of you will rat out Barack? Obama ordered it.

Jaq said...

"underscoring that we no longer share *any* common values....”

That kind of extreme overstatement is a dead giveaway of sloppy, emotional thinking. I think they call it ‘catastrophism.” There was a time when the grownups would have edited that, but the grownups don’t put this out as fodder for reasoned thought anymore, it’s agitprop intended to maximize their political and financial power.

JAORE said...

"He has never made any pretense about representing all of us. "

No Susan, half of us have never made any pretense that you acknowledge him as president.

PM said...

"....Obama, so who knows how he was viewed."
To white liberals, the ideal black man.
To black men, House.
To me, a pretty cool guy I never voted for.

danoso said...

Blogger Shouting Thomas said...
Oddly, the areas most affected are all controlled by Democrats.

76% of cases and 80% of the deaths are in counties won by Clinton in 2016, yet they fight what appears to be the only treatment at this point because Trump pushed it first.

JAORE said...

New York City is a Hotbed of Trumpism

Sever people on my FB feed rant about Trump "promoting" the quackery of these drugs. I point out the use of that drug promotion by Cuomo and other Democrats, France, Italy,South Korea and others. They don't even pause before blasting Trump again.

JPS said...

I try to give people I disagree with the benefit of the doubt.

Ms. Rice has long since removed that doubt.

rcocean said...

These constant liberal/Democrat attacks on Trump for saying the "Z-pack" *seems* to helping with the virus, really confuse me. As Scott Adams pointed out he and Dr. Fauci are saying the same thing, only in different ways.

And if 65% of Blue State America hates Trump, no matter what, that's not surprising, given that the media they read, and believe, has given Trump 92% negative coverage for 4 years AND the Democrat leaders have lied about him and attacked him mercilessly.

Imagine being some Blue State Dummy, who believes everything they see on CNN/MSNBC or reads in the New York Times!

Robert Cook said...

"We Democrats believe in affordable health care...."

Hahahaha! And they all sneered when Sanders sat down to play.

Bay Area Guy said...

Susan Rice is an unimpressive factotum for ex-President Barack Obama. She doesn't utter or write a single public word, unless Obama approves it, and it somehow advances whatever agenda he has.

Trump is building momentum to reopen the economy.

This is the correct move for our country -- both economically and scientifically.

So, in response, we know what the Left will say/do:

1. Don't open up the economy -- people will die!

2. If you open up the economy, YOU are responsible for all subsequent deaths!

3. Let's stay shuttered in, until St. Fauci tells us the science says it's ok!

Blah, blah, blah.

Fuck these people. They are either direct menaces to society or they are useful idiots.

Time to reopen up the country! Sooner, rather than later.

Francisco D said...

Is this the same Susan Rice who wrote a CYA memo an hour before Trump was sworn in?

Lewis Wetzel said...

We Democrats believe in affordable health care, good quality public schools, affordable higher education, and equal opportunities in employment and education for all Americans, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion. We also believe in facts, science and evidence, and separation of church and state.

I vote Republican (though I am registered as an independent) and I believe in all these things. Every conservative I know believes in all of these things. So the divide seems to be people who live in reality and those who do not.

Jersey Fled said...

I don't know why I even respond anymore to these NYT articles that Ann posts.

We all know what they are.

Owen said...

David Begley @ 11:36: "Which one of you will rat out Barack? Obama ordered it."

...Was it Susan Rice who wrote that famous CYA memo just as Trump was sworn into office? The memo that "explained" what had been discussed at the meeting earlier in January --chaired by Obama-- where the outgoing administration agreed on what they would, and would not, tell the incoming administration about the (ongoing) investigation of "Russian influence"?

It would be interesting to put Susan on the stand and get into that in more detail.

Shouting Thomas said...

We Democrats believe in affordable health care...

My premiums tripled from $1,200 to $3,500 a year courtesy of that affordability.

And Cook the commie wants to double down. Incapable of learning anything from reality or experience.

Gusty Winds said...

New Yorkers are like pre-Galileo scientists who thought the Earth was the center of the universe. They think they are the center of everything.

Meanwhile - they are still packing the subway's, fleeing NY for PA, and demanding everyone else stay locked down.

rcocean said...

He's never made any pretense of representing us.

Again, this is the standard Liberal/Left party line whenever we have an R President. The R's - y'see - are supposed to represent ALL OF AMERICA. But when Obama and Clinton were in office, I never heard ANY MSM chatter about how Obama/CLinton had to represent Red State America and "reach across the aisle to conservatives"

Its sorta sad the way that Bush, and now Trump, are constantly trying to be bi-partisan during these crises, and all they get in return is "Bush lied, people Died" and "Trump has blood on his hands".

Shouting Thomas said...

You don’t “believe” in affordable health care.

You allow the market to do its work.

You can’t make unicorn farts into gold nuggets.

Owen said...

Yes: It was indeed Susan Rice who worked hard to sweep the footprints away and scrub out the fingerprints.


Gusty Winds said...

How about we give Hydroxychloroquine and Z-packs to Trump voters in Red States, and Sugar Pills to Democrats in blue states for the clinical trials?

Robert Cook said...

"His presidency is a watershed event in our nation's history."

Oh, it's a watershed event, alright.

pacwest said...

Trump is peeling away the layers protecting the Obama administration. The phrase "squealing like a stuck pig" comes to mind. And the fun has only just begun.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

equal opportunities in employment and education for all Americans, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion.

The poster is a disgusting homophobe and transphobe. How can we listen to anything this hater has to say.

I'm so triggered right now.

Dave Begley said...

the Dems constantly say that they want a President who can unify America. If Joe, Andrew or Hillary is President, America won't be unified. None of those clowns would be my President.

The commenter is correct about one thing. This covid19 has further proven the Scott Adams theory of two movie on one screen. Half of America wants HCQ and the other half says Trump is a quack for just suggesting it.

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, it is a watershed event, Cook...

The rejection of your genocidal, insane ideology in favor of market capitalism.

The average factory worker in Buttfuck Wyoming has more sense than you.

Narr said...

There's a special place in hell for bitches like Susan Rice.

Just more from the Shitcargo Machine

Fernandinande said...

And the slight majority of us who are sickened by this 'president' have no leader, wartime or otherwise.'

The poor little dears, aimlessly spinning around on their skateboards.

effinayright said...

When I read nonsense like that virtue-signalling comment, it makes me want to puke. In fact it's enough to gag a maggot.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

The only person I know of who took a “quack” drug was the Democrat in Arizona who poisoned her husband and tried to frame Trump for the murder.

Those who defy shelter-in-place, and other prudent mitigation efforts are, VASTLY DISPROPORTIONATELY Susan Rice’s people, including Kari Sanders. I suppose it’s racist for me to call them “people “.

hombre said...

Susan Rice, the Benghazi liar, is an amoral, criminal Obot who attempted to use confidential data about Americans for political purposes until she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar. As such, she is a perfect correspondent for the NYT.

The top-rated comment and the fact that it is top-rated is indicative of the delusional arrogance of many Times readers. These lefties and others don’t lament the fact that we are divided, they revel in it! Moreover, they evidently condone sedition by the intelligence community and dishonest political advocacy by the MSM if it will further their cause - whatever that is. There seems to be at least as much division in the Democrat Party as there is in the nation. Evidently, however, they can agree that they hate us non-Democrats enough to foist off on us a demented old crook as their choice (so far) for President.

(LOL. My predictive text gave me a choice between “crook” and “crock” in the sentence above. Tough choice.)

Paddy O said...

"We Democrats believe in affordable health care, good quality public schools, affordable higher education, and equal opportunities in employment and education for all Americans, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion."

Then why do they keep electing people who don't believe in these things in practice?

pacwest said...

You can’t make unicorn farts into gold nuggets.

But you can have the press paint them with gold fleck. Still shit underneath, but if you don't look too close...

I'm Full of Soup said...

Far left libs like this no good liar Rice are despondent because the country had the gall to elect a Repub as president [two] even after Martin Sheen and the West Wing TV show showed us what a good president should be.

Iman said...

Deserves a fisking

Meh... I think a fisting would be more appropriate.

Big Mike said...

@Shouting Thomas, acccording to Bernie the only reason anyone ever opened a small business was evil greed.

Paddy O said...

It would be interesting to show if there's any correlation between political preference and outbreak hotspots.

Because it sounds like the writer of that comment is saying that Trump supporters are defying the recommended responses, and if they are, then those areas would have higher than normal outbreaks.

Or is this just one of those things that people say that has no connection with on the ground reality?

stevew said...

Appears there is a newly energized campaign to attack and undermine President Trump. On the same day Bernie drops out of the race for the Democrat nomination, ensuring that Biden will be the nominee. Rice attacks Trump as not acting on behalf of all the country, shortly after Friedman advocates for a Biden "National Unity Cabinet". Lots of dots, should they be connected?

tim maguire said...

These people are hopeless. But there are far fewer of them than they imagine.

Bay Area Guy said...

I honestly believe Susan Rice has a job, only because, she looks kinda sorta like Condoleezza Rice --a tremendously accomplished person.

(yeah, I know, Condi got bogged down with Bush's globalism -- fair point, fair point!)

Lurker21 said...

One country in one space. It's not like everyone in the red states is Republican and everyone in the blue states is Democrat. You'd come up with an incredible mishmash if you tried to partition the country on ideological lines. And it's called a "political spectrum" because people have a whole range of opinions between and beyond the two party lines.

I doubt Obama has to approve anything Rice writes. Valerie Jarrett - that's a different story. She may have veto power over everything anybody writes.

Robert Cook said...

"You don’t 'believe' in affordable health care.

You allow the market to do its work."

That's why we don't have affordable health care.

Limited blogger said...

Is her hair also on fire?

Jalanl said...

I feel so sad for my Democrat friends! Based on the downward revisions in the projected death toll Trump has saved between 2-6 million American lives. We're now down to 60,000 total deaths! He fought for border control and getting our of China - rational people see how right he was!
So what do Dem's have to look forward to? Bernie? Gone! Biden? Poster boy for dementia! Hilary? Wow, what fun that would be! Cuomo? His death toll is the worst in the Nation!

So sad, so sad!

Robert Cook said...

"I honestly believe Susan Rice has a job, only because, she looks kinda sorta like Condoleezza Rice --a tremendously accomplished person."

And a party to war crimes.

Sebastian said...

"We also believe in facts, science and evidence, and separation of church and state. Trump's voters want none of this."


"decency and resolve"

Pray tell, how has Trump show any lack of this? I mean, really: how?

Progs lie about Trump with abandon, they spout venom non-stop, and then have the gall to accuse him of lacking decency.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

we are no longer one nation. We are two peoples inhabiting one geographic space.

At least the writer finally understands this. Flyover people have known this for decades.

Bay Area Guy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Trump understands that he is the president for only half the country."

The following is closer to the truth, honey:

The collective left cannot and will not grow up and abide by elections that do not go their way. Instead, they, lead by their immature progressive leaders and media hacks, throw non-stop tantrums, "resist" like children, and fail to unite as Americans - because their addiction to Maddow lies and out-and-out hatred trump all else.
The collective left are children.

DavidUW said...

1) Democrats "believe" in none of those things if you judge by their actions
2) This is a NYC problem. Period. Even Detroit pales in comparison. The UWash just downgraded the death estimate for California yet again to 1611 TOTAL through August. Negligible.

So shove off Susan.

Thistlerose said...

"We Democrats believe in affordable health care, good quality public schools, affordable higher education, and equal opportunities in employment and education for all Americans, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion. We also believe in facts, science and evidence, and separation of church and state."

If they believe in these things why is it that cities and states controlled by Democrats have none of these things? Looking at Democratic controlled cities you it would appear that they are working to prevent these things from happening rather than working to implement them.

Robert Cook said...

"@Shouting Thomas, according to Bernie the only reason anyone ever opened a small business was evil greed."

Where has Sanders ever said this? As he knows, it's not small businesses that are the problem. It is the giant corporations and multi-national corporations. Small businesses are fucked by these entities just as working people are.

n.n said...

We Democrats believe in affordable health care, good quality public schools, affordable higher education, and equal opportunities in employment and education for all Americans, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion. We also believe in facts, science and evidence, and separation of church and state. Trump's voters want none of this.

Progressive prices. Schools with progressive returns. Diversity and exclusion.

Not sex? Are Democrats sexist?

Conflation of logical domains.

Progressive, selective, opportunistic, politically congruent Church and State.

Also, saved and created wars, social justice zones, and catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform.

#HateLovesAbortion and and nearly a million excess deaths in American alone under the planned parenthood protocol. The cognitive dissonance is deafening.

Retail Lawyer said...

Is it even possible to lose one's credibility if one is a famous government incompetent and liberal?

Not Sure said...

That's why we don't have affordable health care.

It's much more cost-effective to have fewer hospitals.

Anonymous said...

Dave Begley said...
The commenter is correct about one thing. This covid19 has further proven the Scott Adams theory of two movie on one screen. Half of America wants HCQ and the other half says Trump is a quack for just suggesting it.


Half of America wants HCQ and the other half says Trump is a quack for just suggesting it, BUT HALF THE QUACKERS WOULD STILL DEMAND IT IF SICK

If the country were actually split 50-50 on HCQ, including docs, it would be very easy to have already run trials on its value and it would not be being used in NYC.

PS: I took an HCQ variant for a year in Vietnam. As a once a week anti-malarial. Other than diarrhea, it seemed harmless.

Gk1 said...

Bobby Boyd is so correct "Apparently they are concluding Coronavirus Mismanagement has also failed." I am seeing the same resignation (albeit inadvertently) by my leftie friends. They can't help sounding rueful that this is not panning out as "Trump's Katrina" not stopping to think how terrible this sounds.

DavidUW said...

"We Democrats believe in affordable health care, good quality public schools, affordable higher education, and equal opportunities in employment and education for all Americans, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion. "

You Democrats believe in one thing only: telling other people how they should live their lives.

All of that could be accomplished simply by enhancing freedom: Freedom to choose health insurers even across state lines, Freedom to choose any school, public or private for your children, Freedom from credentialism, Freedom from inane regulations and licensing rules, Freedom from bureaucrats shoving gender, race, religion down our throats.

But democrats, ever since their literal to the death support of slavery and segregation, do not support freedom in any form.

Gusty Winds said...

Saw video on Titter yesterday of a guy interviewing New Yorkers struggling to decide if they would trade the virus subsiding for a Trump re-election. Obviously, he aired the morons that said they wouldn't make that deal. Then he asked, "would you accept 1 million US deaths via the virus to ensure a Trump defeat..." to which he easily found New Yorkers who said yes.

Malcolm said...

Is the President Forgetting Politics 101?

Regardless of when Trump acts to reopen the country, the ruling class will do whatever is in their power to prevent him from exiting the path to political perdition which he has entered.


Robert Cook said...

"The average factory worker in Buttfuck Wyoming has more sense than you."

Hahaha! That's a trick insult! There are no factory workers in Buttfuck, Wyoming! Good one!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

shorter Susan Rice (who should be in jail)

Trump supporters are deplorable.

Robert Cook said...

Now, China...there are plenty of factory workers there!

doctrev said...

Cook's right to be concerned for small businesses. Just about anyone who's been to a business school will tell you that oligarchical regulations are designed to empower multinationals with large legal staffs, while leaving small businesses out in the cold. They're called barriers to entry.

But you know, I get the anger. The GOP was just as useless as the Democrats for advancing the interests of working Americans, and for most of the same reasons. It has to be obnoxious for you to watch the Dems squeal "Sanders is a SOCIALIST who likes GOVERNMENT HEALTH CARE and CUBA." Because Sanders wasn't planning enough giveaways to Pelosi's true base of Wall Street elites and Hollywood pedophiles? Who knows, man. It took Donald Trump to overturn (most) of this thinking in the GOP, and you have to admit that watching the NeverTrump class be purged is one of the best reasons to make the man President. You can do the same among Democrats: show them that if they don't adopt your goals as their top priority, well above SALT tax breaks for New York elites, then the Democratic machine will come to a sputtering halt.

Clayton Hennesey said...

Nothing is rubbing the Left's face faster and harder in the fact that they have been and continue to be played as patsies by cynical manipulators like Rice, Pelosi and Schiff than this pandemic. Their people are dying, and counterfactuals to the Left's lies are easy to come by.

Couple that with Biden as their presumed champion, and there will be a rolling quake of morning after self-recrimination not heard since Susie decided to let three guys take her to the Prom.

n.n said...

"would you accept 1 million US deaths via the virus to ensure a Trump defeat..." to which he easily found New Yorkers who said yes

Gallows humor is endemic to the Pro-Choice religion and Church. It has to be in order to mitigate the progressive cognitive dissonance.

Bay Area Guy said...

Regarding HCQ, it's very simple.

1. HCQ has already been approved by the FDA years ago. It's used for malaria patients and Lupus patients (immunodeficiency disease). The side effects are minor.

2. That means any doctor can prescribe it for any reason. It's called "off-Label" use. It is perfectly legal.

3. However, there has not been any randomly controlled clinical trials (placebo group v. patient group) to demonstrate that HCQ works for THIS DISEASE.

4. So, Fauci is correct to say, there's no solid evidence it works for THIS disease.

5. However, it is not correct to say it is dangerous. We already know about its side effects.

6. It takes a lot of time to design, execute and publish randomly controlled clinical trials, just as it takes lots of time to develop a vaccine. It might take a full year.

7. So, since we don't have the luxury of time, Yeah, if folks want HCQ and doctors want to prescribe it, go ahead, not a problem.

I think the above is correct -- Doc K can correct it, if I got it wrong.

Earnest Prole said...

We are no longer one nation. We are two peoples inhabiting one geographic space.

Sounds like some of your dopey commenters.

For many years I've divided my time between the bluest of blue and the reddest of red America, and in neither place have I ever heard an actual, live human being express a thought remotely like this. It's solely an online phenomenon -- brave internet warriors fantasizing about killing their fellow citizens in a Second Civil War for the crime of having political opinions that differ from their own.

madAsHell said...

We also believe in facts, science and evidence,

Does she really write like a 12 year old?.....or is that her target demographic?

Michael K said...

I wonder if Susan Rice's son is still president of the Stanford College Republicans ? Speaking of shared values.

Bob Boyd said...

Western Widget has a big plant in Buttfuck.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She forgot to mention that Trump supporters beat their spouses and kick puppies.

MD Greene said...

Who'da thought Susan Rice would have thoughtful, measured observations to share about Donald Trump?

Nobody. And yet, here she is.

Crimso said...

"When your political analysis becomes a recitation of how virtuous your side is, you're no longer doing political analysis. You're preaching."

People who claim to have science on their side are no different than those who claim to have God on their side. As an actual scientist, I scoff at those who claim the mantle of "SCIENCE!" for their preferred political party. The vast majority of those who do so know fuck all about science. But, hey, they post "I fucking love science!" memes on Facebook, so they must be experts.

Tom said...

I wonder if she feels left behind to die by her government in a foreign land...

If so, good.

traditionalguy said...

That damn Trump has zero principles. He just keeps making America Great Again after decades of its being sold out into a fundamental transformation back to a colony of the One World Governance guys. He is as Almost as bad as Nigel Farage in his using Nationalist populism to win elections.

Michael K said...

7. So, since we don't have the luxury of time, Yeah, if folks want HCQ and doctors want to prescribe it, go ahead, not a problem.

I think the above is correct -- Doc K can correct it, if I got it wrong.

You're right. There have been a couple of small trials with controls. They showed good results. Some of the reports vary in the use of such things as zinc and Azithromycin. Some may be a bit overenthusiastic. Time for big controlled trials later. I would like to see more about the use of remdesivir in severe cases.

holdfast said...

Rice was a worthless non-entity, and was only sent out in front of the cameras when the Obama Admin needed to push a particularly ludicrous lie.

Bob Boyd said...

The most played selection on the juke box in the Buttfuck Saloon is 'Take This Job And Shove It' by Johnny Paycheck.

Owen said...

Steve @ 11:57: "...newly energized campaign..." You make a good point. Op-eds like this don't just appear out of nowhere. I imagine some wheels had to turn, somebody had to say something. Rice's attack is not random or without meditation and coordination.

Unclear how successful this will be. Is this just more harassment and interdiction, a few grenades flung over the wire in the dark? Or something more?

Pass the popcorn, we have to watch this movie. We're not going anywhere.

Roughcoat said...

A month after the passage of the Affordable Care Act, my health insurance provider dropped me.

Fuck you, Democrats.

RigelDog said...

"How about we give Hydroxychloroquine and Z-packs to Trump voters in Red States, and Sugar Pills to Democrats in blue states for the clinical trials?"

I nominate Gusty Winds for Thread Maestro!

Bay Area Guy said...

@ Doc K:

You're right. There have been a couple of small trials with controls. They showed good results. Some of the reports vary in the use of such things as zinc and Azithromycin. Some may be a bit overenthusiastic. Time for big controlled trials later. I would like to see more about the use of remdesivir in severe cases.

Whew! It's good to be blessed by Doc K. If I screw it up, he will nail me.

Prescribe HCQ now! (if the patients want it, and the appropriate warnings about its limitations are given)

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

All this time I thought the medical, social distancing and safety recommendations were for ALL of us. I thought TOTAL CASES included her kind. Now that I realize we’re only counting Republicans who are sick or dying I’m really concerned about NY. I mean if the GOP almost overwhelmed their system what will happen if this spreads to her “community!”

RBE said...

Her words make my blood boil.

n.n said...

Adore is romantic or em-pathetic. It is more cautiously optimistic.

Bob Boyd said...

Her words make my blood boil.

You're getting off easy. Her words make my boils bleed.

Dan said...

"Trump's voters want none of this."
Susan Rice is stating:
1) Trump's voters do not want affordable health care. They apparently want health care to be unaffordable.
2) Trump's voters do not want good quality public schools. They want public schools to be poor quality.
3) Trump's voters do not want affordable higher education. They want higher education to be unaffordable.
4) Trump's voters do not want equal opportunities in employment and education. They want unequal opportunity.
5) Trump's voters do not want facts, science or evidence, or separation of church and state.

How can anyone take this seriously?

narciso said...

they were sugarcoating

Nonapod said...

... including defying calls to shelter in place and taking quack medical 'cures' for the pandemic.

I must have missed when Trump told people to "defy calls to shelter in place". And I must have missed all the evidence of loads of Trump voters doing so. It seems unlikely to have happened in any great amount.

And since this poster seems more interested in dividing people than bringing them together, let's play. As far as I can tell, a clear majority of the people who have been hospitalized, and many who have ultimately died from this virus tend to fall into the traditionally (D) voter demographics. Whether you can fairly accuse those peope of defying shelter in place orders is another discussion.

The Mouse that Roared said...

Partisan twaddle.

But what else should we expect from our modern-day Copperheads?

I suspect that history will treat them much the same as it now does the Civil War Era Copperheads.

mockturtle said...

At least the writer finally understands this. Flyover people have known this for decades.

The urban elite want their power back. And, DBQ, you know this better than anyone, living, as you apparently do, in a red county of a dark blue state. All one needs to do is look at the color of counties across the nation to see how many of us [red voters] are scattered abroad in the land. While I live in a red state now I lived most of my life in a blue one. My Presidential vote never counted. I'm beginning to think we need to split the country in two, as there will never be reconciliation. And even then we'd be at war.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Althouse, what is your purpose in reposting a pile of incoherent, delusional, dishonest gibberish like that comment? Is it just to let us who might not know that there are people out there who think like that? I'm genuinely asking.

Relatedly, one of my CV life reset realizations has been that the only real way to be happy is to develop and amused detachment and/or indifference to lies and bullshit that other people believe and repeat. I only have so much brain space. I'm going to try to fill it with what is true and ignore what is not.

narciso said...

who they value

Michael K said...

Here is a bit more on Susan's son and the Stanford College Republicans.

I'd say she has something to worry about at home.

mockturtle said...

And it's a lie that evangelicals don't want separation of church and state. The Constitution does not preclude religion but protects its free practice. What the Left wants is a national ban on religious speech, violating both the language and the intent of the First Amendment.

Mea Sententia said...

"We Democrats believe in affordable health care, good quality public schools, affordable higher education, and equal opportunities in employment and education for all Americans, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion."

...but we Democrats don't believe in national borders, the Electoral College, private medical insurance, private use of firearms, any use of fossil fuels, the presumption of innocence (at least for men), and any limit to ever expanding powers of the state to accomplish our wishes.

narciso said...

it's a video again susan, brought to you by the same rebels you provided air cover a year earlier,

Drago said...

traditionalguy: "That damn Trump has zero principles. He just keeps making America Great Again after decades of its being sold out into a fundamental transformation back to a colony of the One World Governance guys. He is as Almost as bad as Nigel Farage in his using Nationalist populism to win elections."

And now "ChiCom Tedros" is directly threatening the US and demanding we work better with his Beijing masters.

And, coincidently, Dr Fauci is very very very close friends with Senor Tedros.

Did I mention they are very very very close?

Because I should.

Because they are.

BTW, anyone else catch the "hi sign" Fauci shot to Jonathan Karl after Karl made sure to get the ChiCom fake journalist hack into the White House briefing room?

Which was right after Karl himself amplified the direct ChiCom propaganda.

I think what the NYT article and commenters represent is an open alignment of blue-stater/US citizens with the very nation dedicated to our downfall.


BUMBLE BEE said...

Just a little pillow talk from Stephanopoulis' producer's wifey.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lets break Susan's BS, shall we?

"We Democrats believe in affordable health care."
This is standard boilerplate D-code: Nothing new. Universal health care! Nationalizes health care! Medicare for all! or /Good health-care can only occur after the government takes it over. Just promise you won't get sick or ever grow old. Thanks.

"We democrats want good quality public schools."
Actually Susan, our public schools are often dysfunctional failures because instead of education and learning, our children are being indoctrinated with prog-bullcrap and taught snowflake nonsense devoid of critical thinking - which fails to prepare our kids for the future and the real world. Who runs public ed?

"We democrats want affordable higher education." Again - this is code for more free stuff. How to rape the tax payer and funnel money to places like Harvard, and the higher ups in the bureaucracy.

"We democrats want equal opportunities in employment and education for all Americans, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion."
Except those icky Christians.
oh and - BULLSHIT, Susan. You want to force most religious schools into the cold, because they often do not conform to your supremacist progressive preaching.

"We democrats also believe in facts, science and evidence, and separation of church and state."
oh right. Evidence based facts from Maddow-Hillary that everything is a Russian conspiracy?
or spying and lying via your former boss? Those kinds of facts?
"Science" - the collective word that has no meaning unless you attach man-made global climate change alarmism and we must Marxist the universe to save ourselves! A happy coincidence that your "science" will destroy our economy.

Or we could frost it with this: SUSAN RICE IS ASSHOLE.

Jack Klompus said...

Thank you top commenter for reminding me that I hate you. I literally fucking hate you and everyone like you. I hate your attitude, your self-regard, your unearned sense of superiority, you cliche ridden shallow view of yourself and others based on your political party affiliation, your smug disdain for and crass stereotypical attitude toward those you see as less cultured and sophisticated, all of it. I despise you and hope that you are left to your own devices someday that are not "wireless" and you are left at the mercy of flyover veterans, trades people, truck drivers, and other day to day workers. And when you are desperately trying to forage for a morsel of food, even though said deplorables would still show you mercy and compassion despite your politics, you deserve nothing more than a shrug and a "tough shit, Mr. Progressive." Fuck all of you.

narciso said...


BUMBLE BEE said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
BUMBLE BEE said...

No conflict here... move along.

Jack Klompus said...

"And a party to war crimes."

Speaking of cliche spewing stereotypes.

gspencer said...

"We Democrats believe in affordable health care, good quality public schools, affordable higher education, and equal opportunities in employment and education for all Americans, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion. We also believe in facts, science and evidence, and separation of church and state."

Glad you told us since the evidence doesn't bear all of that out.

Bruce Hayden said...

“It would be interesting to show if there's any correlation between political preference and outbreak hotspots.”

“Because it sounds like the writer of that comment is saying that Trump supporters are defying the recommended responses, and if they are, then those areas would have higher than normal outbreaks”

Fairly high correlation but not causation, of course. Both are correlated with high density urban centers. Dense urban centers are much more vulnerable to epidemics, and pandemics. This isn’t new, but rather has been true for centuries, and to some extent, millennia. Newton was hit on the head by an apple because he had vacated plague ridden London for the safety of the country. And no one should be surprised that the denser a city is packed, the further to the left it is. For one thing, to live in such an environment requires living by many more rules, that are inevitably justified as being for the common good. And that means trusting leaders, and their government, that are supposed to be looking out for that common good.

Heatshield said...

"We Democrats believe in affordable health care, good quality public schools, affordable higher education, and equal opportunities in employment and education for all Americans, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion. We also believe in facts, science and evidence, and separation of church and state."

But most of what Democrats actually DO subverts those goals. Obamacare made most people's insurance costs go up, unless you got a subsidy. Public school quality has clearly gone down under Democratic control which is the primary reason why charter schools even came into being. They don't actually believe in equal opportunities, they want equal results. This ends up in de facto quota systems which creates the resentments that reinforce the problem they say they want to solve. Dems pick and choose their science - they don't like the science showing nuclear power is safe or that biology determines sex. And we already have clear separation of church and state, they want elimination of church from state.

Equipment Maintenance said...

"We also believe in facts, science..."
Someone ask Susan Rice how many genders there are.

Bay Area Guy said...

We also believe in facts, science and evidence, and separation of church and state. Trump's voters want none of this.

Whenever some leftist says this, they are lying thru their teeth. They believe in bullshit "modeling" of various outcomes, that always exaggerate the desire effect. See global warming/climate change.

They have applied their love affair with bullshit 'modeling" to this epidemic.

In both instances, they seek to damage the free market that has lifted millions up from poverty over the past 200 years.

mandrewa said...

This is the original,

"We Democrats believe in affordable health care, good quality public schools, affordable higher education, and equal opportunities in employment and education for all Americans, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion."

And here is what it actually means,

"We Democrats believe in ethnic and class warfare including in our schools and our hospitals. The ethnic groups we favor should have more money spent on them than any one else. All the money for healthcare should go through our hands. We are eagerly looking for excuses to prohibit individuals spending their own money on their own healthcare.

History should be written to make monsters out of the ethnic groups we (the Democrats) have labeled evil. Our enemies should be prohibited from most jobs. All true Democrats should have a job regardless of whether the marketplace will pay for it. The rest of the populations (the bulk of the population) should be compelled to pay for jobs for the left, and the primary unstated purpose of these jobs will be to make the left feel good about itself.

The wrong sort of people should be denied an education, a political voice, job opportunities and high paying jobs."

rhhardin said...

The everybody is virtuous movement necessarily can't recognize virtue.

n.n said...

Susan Rice is stating:
1) Trump's voters do not want affordable health care. They apparently want health care to be unaffordable.

Yes, that's one, two, three, four, five straw clowns. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. There are more, of course. Hilarious. #hilarious

Will said...

The rift that we have was created by norm-defying liars like Susan Rice.

Birkel said...

Susan Rice oversaw violations and deprivations of constitutional liberties enshrined in the Constitution and granted by God. She is a disgrace.

Two nations sharing the same geography? Pickle up a gun, ass hole. Start the shooting war.

n.n said...

We Democrats believe in ethnic and class warfare

Diversity, not limited to racism, sexism, classicism, breeds adversity.

Bob Boyd said...

Pickle up a gun, ass hole.

You're full of vinegar today.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nonapod said...

Evidently in Lefty land, opposition to universal healthcare means that you don't want "affordable healthcare".

Who doesn't want healthcare to be affordable? When have you ever thought "Boy, I wish healthcare was more unaffordable?".

Same thing for wanting "good quality public schools", "affordable higher education" ect.

As anyone with a functioning braind stem knows, the disagreement has always been how those goals are achieved, not the goals themselves. It's a fallacy to argue that simply because someone disagrees with you on what would be effective in achieving a goal it necessarily means that those interlocutors must be lying about wanting the goal itself. Yet time and again I see Democrats accusing Republicans of not wanting affordable or better quality things simply because they disagree with Democrats on how to achieve them. It's tiresome and juvenile.

Steven said...

"Trump's voters want none of those things."

This absurd rhetoric is the reason our political situation is so bad. Trump voters clearly do want all of those things and the disagreement is about the best way to get them. The problem with liberals is that when you disagree with them, you can't just have a different opinion, you are an enemy of progress.

Sadly, I've noticed this sort of thinking more and more on the right, where anyone who disagrees is one of the "elites". Ironic when some of those commentators are elites themselves (e.g., instapundit).

n.n said...

enshrined in the Constitution and granted by God

The national order and charter, respectively.

No the issue is not Church, everyone has a Church (i.e. organization, institution). The issue is not religion (i.e. behavioral protocol), everyone has a religion (or "ethics" its relativistic sibling). The issue is not even faith ("trust", a logical domain), but rather a conflation of logical domains with secular motives. It's not even God, when many people defer or prostrate themselves before gods, mortal gods, and goddesses (e.g. philosophers) with objectively greater casualties.

Temujin said...

I see Susan Rice has been making the rounds again. Seeing a lot of Obama people out there now, commenting as if things would have been better with Susan going on all national media networks to lie to the American public, or as if having an administration who could not even go live with a working website after a year, somehow could have handled this better. What? With Czar appointments and meetings?

Remember, to Susan Rice, Bowe Bergdahl is a hero. Remember her lying to the American people about the murder of Americans in Benghazi (to save face for her President and Secy State). Remember Susan Rice as one of those who unmasked American citizens while illegally spying on an opposing campaign.

Understanding that as her standard, read her comments carefully. And know that instead of enjoying the freedom she has to write these things, she should be in front of a congressional committee explaining how and why she thought it was OK to spy on American citizens and an opposition campaign. I mean- Nixon paid some clumsy burglars to steal files from the DNC at Watergate. Susan Rice was part of a team that actually used the FBI to spy on an opposing campaign, make up a fictional dossier, and press for a coup.

Needless to say, a person like this gets large space in the New York Times. This is not a paper of record. I spend way too much time here commenting on this rag. I need to skip over the NYT or New Yorker posts. Certainly in this world there are other sources for news and interesting things.

Laslo Spatula said...

What will be interesting is the next time we have a Democrat president, and OFFICIAL ACRONYMS say we only have 12 years left before we all die of global climate change. Or global climate change that ALSO causes new horrible viruses; I'm sure there are science-y science groups already willing to sign off on such a thing.

I mean, that's scary like a pandemic. Even worse, maybe.

This Democrat-president government -- let's say it's Biden's replacement, Hillary --would then be able to impose the same kind of economic shut-downs to prevent such devastation, right? Look how much pollution we're stopping already.

Maybe Ken B can explain how government can shut down the economy in one circumstance and not the other.

As I wrote in the earlier post:

A government that can shut everything down so easily: you have set the framework for your children and grandchildren to experience this over and over, for less and less reason.

I am Laslo.

Dave Begley said...

We can see the excellent job the Madison public schools did with the football captain who murdered his girlfriend's parents in cold blood.

Trust me. If both those kids had gone to Catholic schools those murderers would not have happened.

Narr said...

Cities have ALWAYS been population sinks, before modern times.

Proximity to others has both positive and negative effects. The same concentration that allows ideas to have sex and create new ideas also means that diseases get to play too.

As for public education--fuhgeddaboutit. Broken beyond repair, deliberately, with malice aforetought.

By D's, in all our large cities

Robert Cook said...

"Obamacare made most people's insurance costs go up, unless you got a subsidy."

How do you know these increases were a result of the ACA, (or entirely so, at least), or that the costs would not have gone up even more (or as much) had ACA never been passed? Health insurance costs were increasing steadily every year prior to the passage of ACA.

This is not to dispute your larger point. The Dems may not be quite as loathesome as the Republicans, but they're loathesome enough, and just as beholden to the rich and powerful who own our country. I was opposed to ACA because it was a gift to the private insurance industry, which is the agent chiefly to blame for our fucked health insurance system. That said, it did make insurance available to several million Americans who could not afford or qualify (due to "pre-existing conditions") for health insurance previously. So, to give ACA the faint praise it deserves, it was better than nothing, (for those who have been helped by it). Subsequently, as its provisions are being stripped or undermined, it's utility is diminishing.

Dave Begley said...


There is one silver lining from today's panic. People will realize models are worthless. If the best and brightest can't predict with any accuracy covid19 deaths over 90 days how and the world can the models predict the earth's climate in 2050 or 2100? They can't.

The CAGW scam is over. Finished.

Rumpletweezer said...

I wonder who told her to say those things.

Bay Area Guy said...

I am actually heartened by the vigorous pushback by the Althouse Commentariat in all 3 danger zones: (1) the complicated and field of virology, muddled by intentional scare-mongering (2) the looming economic recession (if we don't reopen the economy soon) and (3) the Democrats' vile political posturing to capitalize on these struggles.

Well, done folks!

Robert Cook said...

"The CAGW scam is over. Finished."

Report back to us on this from your undersea bubble home in 2050.

Laslo Spatula said...

"People will realize models are worthless."

Unfortunately, there will always be half the population that still believes in them, because they are emotionally invested in them: the spaceship is surely behind the comet this time.

When that 50% becomes 51% : Hale-Bopp.

I am Laslo.

Bay Area Guy said...

And, if I may continue: To Ms. Rice and your disgusting Democratic flunkies, I present your political leader in all his glory -- the incoherent, aged, mumbling, hair-sniffer, himself -- Joe "Grandpa Simpson" Biden.

Have fun with that one!

Francisco D said...

Dan asked ... How can anyone take this seriously?

No intelligent, independent minded person can take that seriously. They are preaching to the flock that had their heads filled with mush by their college professors and the flock that watches CNNNBSABCCBSMSNBC.

Think AOC as an example. These are people who are arrogant in their ignorance.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Would "the voters who adore" Trump include the Trump voters who voted for Obama in 2008 & 2012?

bgates said...

We also believe in ... separation of church and state.

That's an odd thing to write after a demand for control of the government that's phrased as a catechism.

Mark Nielsen said...

From the link provided by Michael K. @ 12:43: "What makes John Rice-Cameron so significant is that his parents are ABC News producer Ian Cameron and former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice."

What? a "news producer" married to a lefty political hack? Who could've guessed?

Churchy LaFemme: said...

A government that can shut everything down so easily: you have set the framework for your children and grandchildren to experience this over and over, for less and less reason.


Remember when the Emergency Broadcast System was reserved for nuculear war, and the only time you ever heard of it was during periodic tests?

Now they fire it up if it clouds over.

Birkel said...

Bob Boyd,
Well played with the vinegar comment, sir.
#golf clap#

Kevin said...

When Democrats run the country, the only people who complain are racist homophobes.

Mark Nielsen said...

"Report back to us on this from your undersea bubble home in 2050."

Robert Cook: making the case for his debate opponents since, well since as long as I've been reading Althouse.

FullMoon said...

This shit is getting creepy.
Just the other day, I was conversing at home with my wife.
Saying I do not want affordable health care nor equal opportunity for all.

She replied that college is too cheap these days and science is mostly myth and superstition.

Naturally, we discussed possibility of lowering the quality of public schools and what we could do to contribute to demise.

Almost as if the commenter were listening to us.

Gonna do another full scale sweep of the house now, and check the sky for listening drones.

TrespassersW said...

Robert Cook said...
"You don’t 'believe' in affordable health care.

You allow the market to do its work."

That's why we don't have affordable health care.

Are you claiming that the status quo of healthcare--one of the most, if not the most, regulated sectors of the economy--can best be described as allowing "the market to do its work?"

Craig said...

Man, the NYT has been printing some evil shit lately.

TJM said...

Publishing anything public liar Susan Rice says is ludicrous. FYI, her son is a Republican. Must have gotten sick of Mommy's constantly lying for the Lightbringer

FullMoon said...

Remember when the Emergency Broadcast System was reserved for nuculear war, and the only time you ever heard of it was during periodic tests?

No. But I do remember the false alarm about NORK missiles heading towards Hawaii.

Did the govt employee who sent the alarm suffer repercussions?

Michael said...

Do not giver Suzie the malaria drug. Even if she begs.

LC said...

Re: Ms. Rice's comment that the Left believes in science.

Actually, they believe in experts. They have come a long way from the days of 'question authority'

To quote two brilliant scientists:

1) Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts - Richard Feynman

2) A foolish faith in authority is the greatest enemy of the truth - Albert Einstein

Dave Begley said...

Robert Cook:

I would never move from Nebraska. I love my state. I'm like Warren Buffett. He said he wouldn't move to Iowa even if there was no state income tax there.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger FullMoon said...
. . .
No. But I do remember the false alarm about NORK missiles heading towards Hawaii.
Did the govt employee who sent the alarm suffer repercussions?

Nope. A veil was drawn around the person who screwed up. I live in Hawaii, the rumors I heard was that he (it was a man), had had similar issues in the past (panicking during drills), and got the job because he was connected to a political family.
That's Hawaii.

Ann Althouse said...

Oddly enough, I didn’t not read a word of what Susan Rice wrote.

bagoh20 said...

Well, Ms. Rice is mostly famous for lying repeatedly to the American people, so this is just her doing her thing.

Owen said...

Bay Area Guy @ 12:14 and Michael K at 12:20 (on what we know about HCQ):

"...7. So, since we don't have the luxury of time, Yeah, if folks want HCQ and doctors want to prescribe it, go ahead, not a problem.

I think the above is correct -- Doc K can correct it, if I got it wrong.

You're right. There have been a couple of small trials with controls. They showed good results. Some of the reports vary in the use of such things as zinc and Azithromycin. Some may be a bit overenthusiastic. Time for big controlled trials later. I would like to see more about the use of remdesivir in severe cases."

Word. I was in Big Pharma for several decades: legal, clinical trial support, policy. I think you guys summarize the situation well. Ideally we can do some increasingly-robust "adaptive" trial designs and get ever-better readouts on how and when to use this stuff. The need to do this in the midst of an Hors Categorie s***-tsunami, is totally bewildering to the FDA mindset. Trump or some other adult has to be giving the needed cover: pushing for the clinical work, opening doors, giving waivers. The liability and ethical issues are hardly trivial. How do you get informed consent from somebody coughing their lungs out?

Strange times.

tcrosse said...

Oddly enough, I didn’t not read a word of what Susan Rice wrote.

Did anybody else here, one wonders.

bagoh20 said...

Trump just did a 2 hour press conference with a hostile press, and he's in front of them every day answering stupid gotcha questions. Can you even imagine Biden doing that? Of course he wouldn't have to. He could just hide, and they would cover for him, but imagine him even trying to answer question for a couple hours. It would be a man speaking pure Biden, or as it's known Lorem ipsum.

RichardJohnson said...

Susan Rice
Trump understands that he is the president for only half the country. He has never made any pretense about representing all of us.

Such as record low black unemployment during Trump's time in office indicates that Trump "makes no pretense of representing" blacks? Such as being very pro-Israeli even though most Jewish people vote Democrat?

Ms. Rice has it backwards. "Not my President" came first.

bagoh20 said...

Affordable Health care has doubled in cost from the Democrats believing it. Education has become an embarrassing ineffective and expensive boondoggle from Democrats believing in it. Higher education has become an expensive rip off from Democrats believing in it. I don't think we can afford to have Democrats believing in anything, and they actually don't, but they sure do like to tell you they do.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Quack medical cures - like the fish tank cleaner the Democrat drank?

Dave Begley said...


Read my comment at 11:36 as I read what Rice wrote. She's going to jail.

Bilwick said...

"Susan Rice was President Obama's national security adviser from 2013 to 2017." So another stupid State-fellator and Hive party-liner, I suppose. Probably a true-believer in quack economics, too.

bagoh20 said...

"He has never made any pretense about representing all of us."

I agree. He doesn't make a pretense of it.

Gk1 said...

"Trump just did a 2 hour press conference with a hostile press, and he's in front of them every day answering stupid gotcha questions."

Watching Trump pressers I think this is demoralizing for the left and TDS sufferers as Trump is leading the country and there is nothing they can do to slow him down. It's obvious for all to see Trump's getting us out of a mess China has created for the world.

Everytime I respond to a leftie's overheated FB postings about Trump "killing people" I ask them if they have equally harsh words from China and its either met with silence or a garbled muted "Well I have problems with what China did..." before launching into another Trump attack.

Robert Cook said...

"Are you claiming that the status quo of healthcare--one of the most, if not the most, regulated sectors of the economy--can best be described as allowing 'the market to do its work?'"

Yes. All markets have rules they must abide by. There is no market without rules. Even the black market for illegal drugs has rules, imposed by death and threat of death at the hands of those who run it and profit by it. Legal markets are regulated to protect consumers from being cheated or harmed by those selling in the market or by their wares, respectively. To the extent market regulation is blocked, compromised, or evaded by the members of the market, consumers are more likely to be cheated or harmed.

FullMoon said...

Oddly enough, I didn’t not read a word of what Susan Rice wrote.

Did anybody else here, one wonders.

I did and it has several links included. Was it published in the paper edition also?
Usual B.S talking points..Trump cut funds, etc.

Ken B said...

Biden seems to be running something akin to a black market in medical supplies

Drago said...

Stalinists are known to be the best "explainers" of markets.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Susan Rice holding her breath... It's to dream...

walter said...

How shameless of the grand un-masker to show her face in these times.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Robert Cook wrote:

To the extent market regulation is blocked, compromised, or evaded by the members of the market, consumers are more likely to be cheated or harmed.

This is incorrect. It assumes that all regulations are intended to benefit consumers, and that they work as intended.
The regulation that requires that I pay six cents per glass bottle deposit is intended to funnel revenue to the state, and so it benefits politicians (who get to spend my money) and the clients of politicians (who get paid to administer the bottle deposit system).

narciso said...

dont get fooled again

grackle said...

Sadly, I've noticed this sort of thinking more and more on the right, where anyone who disagrees is one of the "elites". Ironic when some of those commentators are elites themselves (e.g., instapundit).

I kind of agree with the “elite” dichotomy mentioned disparagingly by the commentor. For me instead of Dem vs Repub political reality has gradually boiled down to Elites vs the Rest of Us. The Dems love their fake news and the Repubs love theirs as well. Both sides are guilty of this to one extent or another. One reason I voted for Trump is that he seemed to be relatively non-ideological. The ideological straightjacket is one of the enemies of political reality.

RichardJohnson said...

Susan Rice
Trump understands that he is the president for only half the country. He has never made any pretense about representing all of us.

Translation: Trump understands that Republicans voted for him and support his policies. Trump has never made any pretense of following Obama's policies, nor of following policies that former Obama administration honchos suggest he follows. Rather like Obama saying "I won" back in 2009, when Republicans suggested changes to the Stimulus bill.

Rabel said...

Lurker21 said...

"And it's called a "political spectrum" because people have a whole range of opinions between and beyond the two party lines."

That's true. But I'm pretty sure that because of the virus the gap on that spectrum between the Libertarians and the Anarchists had narrowed considerably.

ALP said...

I follow YouTuber channels in two catgories: westerners that lived in China and offer their perspective on the country, in addition to some public health figures. In both communities, there is considerable support for Trump slapping down WHO for its 'China centric' POV.

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