"... including defying calls to shelter in place and taking quack medical 'cures' for the pandemic. He is very much their 'wartime commander.' But Ms. Rice needs to understand that we are no longer one nation. We are two peoples inhabiting one geographic space. And the slight majority of us who are sickened by this 'president' have no leader, wartime or otherwise.' But make no mistake - Trump is very much leading his nation. This pandemic is placing the rift between Red and Blue states in sharp relief - and underscoring that we no longer share any common values.... Trump understands that he is the president for only half the country. He has never made any pretense about representing all of us. We Democrats believe in affordable health care, good quality public schools, affordable higher education, and equal opportunities in employment and education for all Americans, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion. We also believe in facts, science and evidence, and separation of church and state. Trump's voters want none of this. So where does that leave the rest of us? We are now nothing more than hostages here, in our own country."
That's the top-rated comment at "Trump Is the Wartime President We Have (Not the One We Need)/He should start leading with the decency and resolve that we deserve. I’m not holding my breath" by Susan Rice (at the NYT).
"I’m not holding my breath" was a bad figure of speech to use as the coronavirus imposes real breathing difficulty on thousands of victims.
Susan Rice was President Obama's national security adviser from 2013 to 2017.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 287 of 287It would be nice if Durham interrupts her typing.
What can you say to that? They are on the side of the angels and if we don't agree with them 100% then we are evil reprobates? And yet its the right that is divisive? Actually, I'm for all of those thing as well. I just don't agree with the left on how to achieve them. Its all bullshit anyway. There interested in accumulating power. That's it.
Laslo wrote
“ A government that can shut everything down so easily: you have set the framework for your children and grandchildren to experience this over and over, for less and less reason.”
You have always had such a government. It is the state governments ordering lockdowns, using powers they have always had and have exercised in the past.
a light in the dark
Susan Rice just wants to help.
Is David Lat upset that his doctors took Trump's quack medical advice?
"Small businesses are fucked by these entities just as working people are."
And how does that happen? By increasing the size and scope of government so that influencing government is the easiest vehicle to keep small competitors out via regulation.
The commenter said, "We Democrats believe in affordable health care, good quality public schools, affordable higher education, and equal opportunities in employment and education for all Americans, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion. We also believe in facts, science and evidence, and separation of church and state. Trump's voters want none of this."
Trump voters want all those things, of course. But they want the heavy hand of government in them minimized.
LLR-lefty "ChiCom" Chuck: "Althouse, you would be horrified if another writer for another publication judged you or your blog by a single comment from one of your most popular commenters."
LLR-lefty Chuck is outraged that anyone would ever dare to criticize any of his beloved NYT writers and/or commenters.
He will brook no criticism of his far-left lunatic allies who are key players in the "conserving of Conservatism" which requires far left dems be elected at all levels at all times.
I must say, I am encouraged that LLR-lefty Chuck is no longer trying to defend the absolutely horrific and indefensible actions of his beloved Democrat moron Gov Whitmer of MI.
Birches: "Is David Lat upset that his doctors took Trump's quack medical advice?"
There isn't a lefty or LLR-lefty that isn't.
In particular, one banned commenter from MI whose handle rhymes with "cluck".
Cow Computer Model: Assume a spherical cow of uniform density in a weightless vacuum
Cow Expert: The latest data indicate there may be a problem with the cows. They'll need to renew our grant, for sure.
Media: OMFG! All our cows are going to die! More after this message from our sponsor.
Prog Politicians: Science is telling us we have very little time to adopt a central planning regime and nationalize our cow herds.
To the extent market regulation is blocked, compromised, or evaded by the members of the market, consumers are more likely to be cheated or harmed.
So you think we should go back to the open medical system we had about 1970? Good. I agree.
RE: "We Democrats believe in affordable health care, good quality public schools, affordable higher education ...."
What Ms Rice and Dems don't get is that we Amerikans value good food and good sex above health care, public schools and higher education, and we don't want any of those nationalized, Cubanized or Venezuelanized. Capitalism has increased the wealth of the world and lifted more people out of poverty than any religion or other political philosophy.
What makes more sense is thus to privatize health care, retirement, senior medical care, and all education, and eliminate Medicare, Social Security, and Obamacare and abandon all thoughts of forcing us into gummint-supplied sex or food (and evermore important nowadays, religion).
My husband and I were talking about this yesterday when it appeared that HCQ and Zpack were game changers. If our media acted rational, the fact that Trump said a positive thing about this treatment wouldn't be a big deal. But our media is not rational, so they publicize Trump championing HCQ far more than they should because they'd like to hang him with it. What's the result? He's going to end up looking like a genius, and the significant reason why is because of their negative publicity. It's amazing!
And really, the history and the results of Althouse readership polls, and especially how they have increasingly tilted during the four years of the Trump presidency, could be the subject of an entire blog.
Yeah, looking forward to that on YOUR blog. Be sure to send us a link.
Meanwhile, go back to r/AITA
Birches: "My husband and I were talking about this yesterday when it appeared that HCQ and Zpack were game changers. If our media acted rational, the fact that Trump said a positive thing about this treatment wouldn't be a big deal. But our media is not rational, so they publicize Trump championing HCQ far more than they should because they'd like to hang him with it. What's the result? He's going to end up looking like a genius, and the significant reason why is because of their negative publicity. It's amazing!"
I have termed this "The LLR-lefty Chuck Totally Ironical Paradox"
Yes, it does need some "tightening up".
Have LLR-lefty Chuck and his Merry Band of Pro-ChiCom morons completed their "deep" investigation into Trump's clearly nefarious ownership of literally dozens of dollars in investments in HCQ manufacturers?
Team Biden is going to need that "hot take" info ASAP!. Before Slow Joe's brain forgets to keep the rest of his body alive.
Stalinists are known to be the best "explainers" of markets.
In addition to being a brilliant analyst of foreign affairs, Florida Man Cookie (who lives in NYC in case you haven't heard) is apparently an actuary as well with his usual deep, substantive, and not-at-all predictable expertise on the insurance industry.
"we are no longer one nation. We are two peoples inhabiting one geographic space.
we are no longer one nation. We are two peoples inhabiting Two, Completely Different geographic spaces."
Soon we will be 330MM peoples inhabiting 330MM variable geographic spaces.
Since the time when we had two peoples who invaded and burned each others homes and had massive bloody battles, I think we have made real progress in our human relations. But some don't seem to think so.
Jack Klompus: "In addition to being a brilliant analyst of foreign affairs, Florida Man Cookie (who lives in NYC in case you haven't heard) is apparently an actuary as well with his usual deep, substantive, and not-at-all predictable expertise on the insurance industry."
I suspect Cookie is some sort of primary school/high school teacher where his charges are in no position to listen to the tripe he pushes and then laugh in his face.
I am reminded of a respected ACC institution MBA course I was in not that very long ago really. A professor from one of the non-science "sciences" was invited in to discuss one or two finer points of something or other and this "rocket scientist" informed this class of 30's/40's year old students (who lots of real world experience across the board) that the poor of China were infinitely better off than the poor in America.
The laughter was deafening....and he had absolutely no idea how to deal with that. It was clearly the first time he had ever vomited up one of his lefty hot takes on the world and was forced to defend the idiocy of it. Spoiler: He couldn't.
Donald J. Trump
Extraordinary times require even closer cooperation between friends. Thank you India and the Indian people for the decision on HCQ. Will not be forgotten! Thank you Prime Minister @NarendraModi for your strong leadership in helping not just India, but humanity, in this fight!
"I suspect Cookie is some sort of primary school/high school teacher where his charges are in no position to listen to the tripe he pushes and then laugh in his face."
I worked with teachers like that in a pretty upscale overwhelmingly white private school. White saviors of course who don't have a single black friend and spend all of their off hours furiously posting every half-assed article they can find from Mother Jones and The Nation since they already have Zinn memorized being their only "textbook" for the past twenty years. Of course the black students are the ones that think they're the biggest jokes on the planet.
I'm in the Philadelphia area so there is a bottomless supply of poor and dysfunctional schools right here to which they could apply to teach and concede their cushy positions to "teachers or color" but remarkably never take that opportunity.
"We also believe in facts, science and evidence, and separation of church and state."
Absolutely. And women have dicks and men give birth.
It looks like Lil' Chuckles has emerged from his hidey hole because he was not getting enough attention.
Now I wonder if I should follow Drago's lead and call him Chi-Com Chuck.
Absolutely. And women have dicks and men give birth.
And babies are Delivered. In Stork They Trust.
This would be the same Susan Rice who went on the Sunday news shows and knowingly misled the American people about what happened in Bengazi to protect Pres. Obama and Sec. Clinton? I do believe it is. This is not even to say she's wrong new, but it is to say that her list of credentials does not entitle her to the moral high ground. Or even a share of it.
Of the 14 thousand virus related deaths over half are from NY and NJ. Think about that and consider the level of panic and bad projections. Considerably more than half of our news comes out of one of those states.
Who would have thought that a decade after the Democrats passed Obamacare, they’d be whining again that we don’t have affordable health care — and it’s the REPUBLICANS’ FAULT! Next they’ll be starting to complain that the seas have started rising again.
I agree with Lewis Wetzel @11:45 am. Independent who leans Republican BECAUSE I support affordable health care, quality schools, affordable higher education, science, and equal opportunity. In this age of Kahneman, Thaler, Rosling et al with all the research of how humans make bad decisions it STILL amazes me that such a glob of verbage can be the NYT top rated comment. It is entirely devoid of reason, facts, or logic.
I agree with Lewis Wetzel @11:45 am. Independent who leans Republican BECAUSE I support affordable health care, quality schools, affordable higher education, science, and equal opportunity. In this age of Kahneman, Thaler, Rosling et al with all the research of how humans make bad decisions it STILL amazes me that such a glob of verbage can be the NYT top rated comment. It is entirely devoid of reason, facts, or logic.
Francisco D: "Now I wonder if I should follow Drago's lead and call him Chi-Com Chuck."
I say if the Mao jacket fits, wear it!
Trump voters want all those things, of course. But they want the heavy hand of government in them minimized.
In system theory, a democratic (i.e. large sample space) system designed with conservative perturbations (i.e. small step size) will realize an optimal outcome and mitigate sudden, large, persistent dislocations (e.g. catastrophic anthropogenic [political, social, economic] climate change). As for people, a suitable religion (i.e. moral philosophy, behavior protocol) that normalizes self-moderation minimizes single/central/dictatorial intrusion, corruption.
Beaver7216: "In this age of Kahneman, Thaler, Rosling et al with all the research of how humans make bad decisions it STILL amazes me that such a glob of verbage can be the NYT top rated comment. It is entirely devoid of reason, facts, or logic."
Fox Butterfield, call your office!
I hear you Beaver7216! But let me suggest this: Such a glob of verbage can be the NYT top rated comment BECAUSE it is entirely devoid of reason, facts, or logic. ONLY globs of verbiage devoid of reason, facts, or logic will ever be candidates for NYT top rated comments.
"...hostages here, in our own country."
Isn't this always the situation for the losing side in an election? Your party is not in control.
When I first read the comment, I was struck by it's self-righteous tone. On a second reading, I noted more the sense of paranoia, the belief that the other party is an evil, malevolent force that has taken the commenter 'hostage'.
George, is that you!?!?
"We also believe in facts, science and evidence, and separation of church and state."
Unless the topic is Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin's effectiveness at helping patients recover from COVID-19. In which case, no amount of evidence will sway "Progressives" from a religious conviction that it can't possibly work. Better to let people die of respiratory failure than show evidence that not-their-President made a good bet there.
In times of crisis, you really see what everyone is all about.
Which is why the EU is collapsing before our very eyes. The EU Chief Scientist just resigned, 67% of Italians know the EU abandoned them completely and want Italy's membership in the EU reexamined, the Greeks hate the German's guts for what the Germans have done to them economically for 2 decades, Poland and Hungary and Austria have already told Merkel and her pet Macron to lump it on immigration and other issues (so much so that the EU is actually talking about economic penalties assessed against Hungary! Bring. It. On. Homeboys.), etc etc etc.
The UK, previously being the only other member of the EU apart from the huns that were net contributors to the EU pot o' gold, has vamoosed and taken their $65B in annual Merkel Dues with them.
It couldn't happen to a better bunch of smug, self-important incompetents in Brussels.
BTW, for what it is worth, states with Democrat governors have 3 times the number of cases and 4 times the fatality rate for Corvid-19, on a per capita basis, compared to the states with Republican governors. 304,426 versus 87,950 cases and 10,511 versus 2,208 fatalities. Democrat governors represent 178 million and Republican governors represent 152 million. There might be some meaning here.
Which is why the EU is collapsing before our very eyes.
What are they going to do with the Europa building?
maybe it should be Cantonese broadcasting
there's a province with an n
"We Democrats believe in affordable health care, good quality public schools, affordable higher education, and equal opportunities in employment and education for all Americans, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion. We also believe in facts, science and evidence, and separation of church and state. Trump's voters want none of this."
Screw this person. Who elected them the arbiter of who believes what. Screw her.
Well Ms. Rice, based on your conduct and statements "we believe"---it's pretty danged apparent, based on your track record, that you don't believe in telling the truth.
As for believing in quality public education, have you noticed the disgrace public schools have become--usually directed by people on your side of the fence? But then you send your kids to private schools anyway.
Trump understands that he is the president for only half the country. He has never made any pretense about representing all of us.
I remember when Trump was running.
His slogan was: Make America Great Again, But Only For People in Red States.
Donald J. Trump
Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Extraordinary times require even closer cooperation between friends. Thank you India and the Indian people for the decision on HCQ. Will not be forgotten! Thank you Prime Minister @NarendraModi for your strong leadership in helping not just India, but humanity, in this fight!
The very first comment to this tweet is:
Eugene Gu, MD
Verified account @eugenegu
Replying to @realDonaldTrump @narendramodi
Prime Minister Modi and the country of India decided to release hydroxychloroquine to the United States because they looked into it and realized there was no evidence that the drug even works against the coronavirus other than rumors and preliminary data from a bunch of quacks.
Only the NY Slimes and the MSM would give this lying jackass any creditability in public forums. Not me - lying on all 3 Sunday morning shows to everyone's face on Benghazi was enough for me. Hell, Susan why did you not listen to your Mom?
Well, there is the fact he can’t send an administration hack out to lie unchallenged on the network Sunday shows that holds back some of his effectiveness.
chuck: "What are they going to do with the Europa building?"
I would rededicate the building as The Museum Of LLR-Leftists Who Achieved Great Things.
That way, the building could be shuttered forever and you'd save loads on maintenance and utilities.
Lots of Europa buildings get destroyed sooner or later.
I love to visit the old sod once in a while, but feel like I just might have to forego any more of them for one reason or another.
Looks like Pompeo's turn in the press conference barrel
Do we have any folks from Texas here? One of my favorite states! Remember the Alamo!
Gentle reminder:
Texas Population: 28 Million
Texas Covid-19 deaths: 176 (over 3 months)
That's 6 deaths per Million People - during an epidemic without a vaccine, without approved treatment.
What do y'all say about that?
Reporter now asking Trump about the Tiger King.
They can all fuck right off-
Look at how great we are at proving how great the models are by staying locked in your house and losing your job. Just think how healthy we'll all be when we do this every time!
maybe they should bring some tigers to the press club,
@ Bay Area Guy - YES! I am from Texas
Wednesday, April 08, 2020
Shut the country down but not the subways?
NYC and NY State - science based? or schizo thinking?
"Shut the country down but not the subways?"
3 months ago - before anyone on Planet Earth had heard of Covid-19 --NYC had an average daily subway ridership of 5.4 MILLION passengers.
That's a lotta folks. From different countries. In close quarters. Sneezing, coughing, breathing on each other. 5.4 Million. Each day. From Lexington Ave to Pelham Bay. Ever ask anyone on the subway standing there in your jock, whether they're up to date on their vaccines? Me neither. Does this daily 5.4 million ridership hold for the past 20 years? 50 years? 100 years? Pretty close to it.
5.4 million New Yorkers - each day - on the subway - in crowds for nearly 100 years.
What do you think my point is?
"To the extent market regulation is blocked, compromised, or evaded by the members of the market, consumers are more likely to be cheated or harmed."
Shows a fundamental mkisunderstanding of what constitutes a market.
Is Valerie Jarrett still sheltering in place with the Obamas? We don't hear much about her divisive opinions any more.
The bald face lies that Susan Rice told that Sunday after Benghazi to protect her boss's reelection should disqualify any opinions of hers.
Please adjust your newspeak dictionaries: overwhelmed hospitals is replaced by Displaced patients and unproven dangerous drug is replaced by zinc oxide poisoning effective immediately.
I made the mistake of rereading this post. And the line at the end of the "top ranked comment" has my hair figuratively on fire.
"We are now nothing more than hostages here, in our own country"
Who the Sam Hill does the drama queen who wrote that think she or he is? Even before Hillary Clinton threw the faux Russkies Did It grenade in the political punchbowl in November 2016, we were a pretty evenly divided country on the political spectrum. Call it 45 Left 45 Right 10 Undecided. Elections were won or lost depending upon how that 10 per cent voted.
I did not vote for Obama--either time. I didn't much care for his policies, thought he was mostly incompetent and ineffective etc. In short I was not an Obama fan.
But I sure as heck didn't think that I was a "hostage in my own country" because the voters had decided to put Obama in office. When your "side" loses, you suck it up buttercup and wait for the next election to try and turn the other side's scoundrel out and put your scoundrel in. Meantime you don't whine.
Susaan Rice
We Democrats believe in ... good quality public schools
From Susan Rice's autobiography, Tough Love: My Story of the Things Worth Fighting For,we learn that both of her children have attended the Maret School.Which is a private school. Surprise, surprise. Susan Rice, who grew up in the DC area, is a graduate of the National Cathedral School. Once again, a prominent private school.
Conclusion: Susan Rice believes in good public schools, but has concluded that public schools- at least in DC- are not good enough for HER children. Which is a decision that many upper level government types in DC make. Richard Nixon and Barack Obama sent their children to Sidwell Friends. Given the quality of DC public schools, one can't blame them for sending their children to private schools. Nonetheless, it is the height of hypocrisy for Susan Rice to also tell us that "We Democrats believe in ... good quality public schools."
From her book:
In that spirit, unbeknownst to us, Maris invited Jake to come to speak at Maret, her school and his alma mater. She wanted her brother to share with the overwhelmingly liberal student body the foundation of his conservative views and then answer questions. Proud and at the same time nervous that the two might publicly combust, or that Jake would say something to offend Maris and other students, I anxiously awaited news of how the event unfolded.
To Susan Rice's credit, she has rolled with the punches and gets along well with her Republican-supporting son Jake. I am reminded of my grandmother maintaining cordial relations with her children and grandchildren even though they had chosen to not join my grandmother's church.
"We Democrats believe in affordable health care, good quality public schools, affordable higher education, and equal opportunities in employment and education for all Americans, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or religion. We also believe in facts, science and evidence, and separation of church and state."
This is a flat-out lie.
"To the extent market regulation is blocked, compromised, or evaded by the members of the market, consumers are more likely to be cheated or harmed."
Shows a fundamental mkisunderstanding of what constitutes a market.
That, along with demonstrating that the person who made such a claim is unhappy when people freely make choices he disapproves of.
Democrats believe first (only) in model of the world that their collective minds has developed based, and second on making others live in it. That's why federalism is so important; the idea of States being laboratories to test different methods is anathema.
The left's idea of "unity" has always been that everyone does it the left's way, and e anyone who doesn't go along. We saw that in stark detail under the Obama Administration.
Young Hegelian,
"When your political analysis becomes a recitation of how virtuous your side's posturing is..."
(More fairly, IIFY -- Improved It For You -- your original wasn't bad at all.)
The bald face lies that Susan Rice told that Sunday after Benghazi to protect her boss's reelection should disqualify any opinions of hers.
Of course she didn't likely make that statement on her own...
It's all true, but don't you think Susan is kinda cute in her own whitened way?
What are they going to do with the Europa building?
This is the first I've heard of the Europa building.
But now that I've seen pictures of it, the better question may be, "What are they going to do when the giant ostrich egg inside the scaffolding finally hatches?"
We Democrats believe in affordable health care, good quality public schools,
Let me know when you discover a Democrat politician who sends his or her kids to public schools. Liz Warren, Susan Rice, Barack Obama, the limousine liberals in my old neighborhood — “good quality public schools” are something they talk about, but never do anything about.
NYT and Susan Rice: totally predictable. Why pay any attention to it?
Well now. You people have made you're selves quite clear on Desperately Seeking Susan "Bengazzara" (converted) RiceaRoni.
The passion over a glitterbomb is inspired. It's that "True-Life" action that secures the strike. If Althouse was more humain, she would use barbless hooks.
To the extent market regulation is blocked, compromised, or evaded by the members of the market, consumers are more likely to be cheated or harmed.
The Democrats used to have a pretty comprehensive regulatory regime for such markets as restaurants, hotels, Pullman trains, etc, in states that they controlled. And to Cook's point, those who tried to block, compromise, or evade those regulations were in danger of harm.
"Oddly enough, I didn’t not read a word of what Susan Rice wrote."
That was not an intentional double negative.
I did not read a word of what Susan Rice wrote.
India is the biggest supplier of generics, followed by China.
Of course she didn't likely make that statement on her own...
I think it likely that she did.
The bald face lies that Susan Rice told that Sunday after Benghazi to protect her boss's reelection should disqualify any opinions of hers.
Of course she didn't likely make that statement on her own...
She vas only following orders
FDR was the divisive President we ever had. He hated the Republicans, and sent the FBI/IRS/etc. after his political opponents. He even tried to primary all the D Senators that voted against his Court packing scheme in 1938. During WW II, it was the same way. Read: New Dealers War by Thomas Fleming.
When she was in power, Susan Rice was doing just what she's doing now, attacking R's and defending Obama.
Chickelit, I thought at the time that she was instructed by Hillary to spread that story so that Rice could be conveniently thrown under the bus when it blew up, which it did. But that was just my assumption.
Robert Cook said...
"Obamacare made most people's insurance costs go up, unless you got a subsidy."
How do you know these increases were a result of the ACA, (or entirely so, at least), or that the costs would not have gone up even more (or as much) had ACA never been passed? Health insurance costs were increasing steadily every year prior to the passage of ACA.
Yes, Cook actually wrote that! OMG!
How do we know? Have you no memory at all of any yesterdays or does your memory start fresh and clean each morning?
The conservative media was FULL of articles on how the required coverage was going to cause rates to rise. How the elimination of catastrophic only plans was going to cause rates to rise. How forcing coverage of pre-existing conditions with NO rate ramifications was going to cause rates to rise.
Hell any economist worth their salt was saying the same thing. The Government KNEW it too! Why do you think the Democrats included the subsidies? They knew all their new requirements and regulations were going to drive up rates. It was part of their PLAN!
But SURE, you do you. "No one saw this coming" or "It was due to the existing increase trend". Don't be dense...
I say again: I despise, detest, and distrust the NYT. The waPoo, too.
" Nixon paid some clumsy burglars to steal files from the DNC at Watergate."
NO HE DID NOT. Some Nixon underlings did so, and then Nixon got mixed up in trying to cover it up... afterward.
BAG @ 12:14pm,
"6. It takes a lot of time to design, execute and publish randomly controlled clinical trials, just as it takes lots of time to develop a vaccine. It might take a full year. [emphasis added]"
It might take a lot longer than that. My wife and I participated in a shingles vaccine study. The followup continued until enough people in the study had gotten shingles so that they could pronounce statistically-meaningful results. And no, of course they couldn't tell us in advance how long that would take; but one obvious implication is that the better the vaccine, the longer it would take.
At any rate, it was a lot longer than a year between the time we got the vaccine (or placebo) and the results were finalized.
Paddy O,
"Then why do they keep electing people who don't believe in these things in practice?"
Fen's Law! Duh.
I know the guy flamed out in a sad and spectacular fashion, but that's no reason to forget about his particular insights.
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