Link. Excerpt:
The challenger for the court seat, Jill Karofsky, ousted the conservative incumbent, Justice Daniel Kelly, in a contest with broad potential implications for voting rights in Wisconsin’s November general election. Justice Kelly became just the second incumbent State Supreme Court justice to be ousted at the polls since 1967. President Trump had boasted that his endorsement of Justice Kelly had unnerved Democrats in the state....
The decisive Democratic win offered a signal that the party, highly energized and mobilized heading into 2020, could organize and execute a winning get-out-the-vote program against strident Republican efforts to limit voter turnout in a narrowly divided state widely expected to be crucial in this fall’s presidential election....
Wisconsin Democrats spent the last week in a state of fury, angry that Republicans had forced in-person voting and risked spreading the coronavirus.
If Kelly had won, that fury would have spiraled upward.
Democrats spent the hours before results were released Monday afternoon bracing for a defeat and making the case that the Wisconsin contest was illegitimate....
Ben Wikler, the chairman of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, said many lawsuits would be filed by voters who were unable to cast absentee ballots, or by candidates in the nearly 4,000 local races that were on the state’s ballot....
“It’s hard to imagine none of those candidates don’t wind up looking for legal recourse,” Mr. Wikler said Monday morning. By the evening, Mr. Wikler called the result “a victory for justice and democracy in an election that should never have taken place in person.”...
Major efforts by both parties to get their voters to request ballots led to the largest absentee turnout in the state’s history — more than one million votes by mail, according to the Wisconsin Elections Commission, which said the number was already most likely higher and would rise as all the votes were counted.... Still, voters across the state reported problems receiving and returning absentee ballots....
We'll see what form the litigation takes. Both parties should want to restore confidence in voting as the fall elections approach. I'll just add that I did not vote this time around, even though I have
always voted in the past. You don't know which candidate I would have voted for, and I don't think I've
ever publicly stated how I've voted in a judicial election. But I didn't vote because I wanted to reserve my right to vote in person in November and the website the state offered for requesting a mail-in ballot required me to commit to voting by mail for the rest of the year. (And lest you doubt me, I discuss my experience, with screenshots,
here — at the second update.)
This wasn't an upset victory was it? The election was the same day as the Dem primary. That wasn't a coincidence. Evers stacked the deck. That's the only reason why they didn't want to change the date... until they did. Am I wrong here or is the NYT?
Can we now finally put an end to the "Republican voter supression!!11!!!" malarkey all over social media and the MSM (aka, anti-social media)?
The left want same day voter registration - which is a terrible idea and an invitation to fraud. A person can't get himself/herself registered to vote in time for an election ... really?
Mail in voting is also a disaster on many levels. vote harvesting.. ballots lying around.
no trail once the envelope is discarded.
The courts again? A couple years worth of litigants begging hack judges to let them reopen their churches and businesses? A couple more years of Bill de Blasio, a notorious anti-Semite, threatening to "confiscate" synagogues? Bull! And screw federalism as well. Congress and the President must secure the citizenship and civil rights of all Americans against deranged losers like Andrew Cuomo. Freedom of religion and assembly and the Commerce Clause and all the rest of it demand action.
Yesterday a reporter at the WH briefing said Michelle Obama had come out for mail-in voting, as part of a "non partisan" group. Trump wisely just said he didn't know anything about it and he wished her the best.
What a disaster that would be! Your vote is only as safe as the most poorly intentioned person who has access to it.
And I loved that Michelle Obama was part of this "non partisan" group. Hahahahaha.
"If Kelly had won, that fury would have spiraled upward."
The progs seem to have a lotta fury bottled up. Maybe, they should take a walk in a meadow, and do some Tai Chi.
It’s always a national bellweather election result on Trump when a D unseats an incumbent R according to the NYT, but just a regional result reflecting nothing of significance when the opposite occurs.
I call Fake News.
Compare the results of the 2020 WI Supreme Court election to last year's race. Both featured a conservative male vs liberal female.
Kelly received about 85,000 more votes than Hagedorn got. That's pretty impressive, especially because this was his first race. But Karofsky received about 250,000 more votes than Neubauer got. And Neubauer is a way better judge. better credentials, more experience, than Karofsky. The D's turned out this time.
Now we have a very imbalanced court, gender-wise. 6 out of 7 are women. Wisconsin voters love women judges. Don't see the NYT worried about that lack of diversity.
The article is a bit over the top, but they need to be giddy about something.
The Dems tried to stop the election. Might have saved the Republicans from themselves. Old people aren't going out to vote.
The decisive Democratic win offered a signal that the party, highly energized and mobilized heading into 2020, could organize and execute a winning get-out-the-vote program against strident Republican efforts to limit voter turnout
"I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message."
It is possible that citizens realized they had a Walker hang over and decided enough with the divide and conquer money on the supreme court. Just imagine the results if everyone who could voted in Milwaukee?
Absentee ballots were allowed to be counted up to April 13th due to a court ruling. Republicans thought they could steal a WI Supreme Court election because they thought Democrats in Milwaukee wouldn’t turn out to vote because of the pandemic, boy were they wrong. As I said months ago, suburban voters are rejecting Republicans in ever increasing numbers.
“The victory, by upward of 120,000 votes as of Monday night, came as a shock to Republicans and Democrats alike in Wisconsin, where contests for president, governor and the state’s high court in the last four years have all been decided by about 30,000 votes or less. It followed weeks of Democratic anger over Republicans’ insistence on holding elections amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Wisconsin’s map on Monday night looked like a dream general election result for former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., the presumptive Democratic nominee —stronger than typical for Democrats in the suburbs and a respectable showing among the state’s blue-collar white voters in rural counties. But officials from both parties cautioned against overinterpreting the Supreme Court results, given the bizarre circumstances surrounding the high court race.”
From the link.
So many people outside Wisconsin are interested in this vote.
Not sure that this election has any implications beyond the the fact that Trump is fucked. But, we already knew that.
Suburban people are going to vote for a demented old man.
I suppose it’s possible.
If the Dem doesn't win an election, they then go nuts. And as we saw with Hillary, she blamed her loss on Russia and then tried to handcuff the Presidency for three years. These are bad, bad people.
"Suburban people are going to vote for a demented old man."
That's malarkey.
avidUW said...
Suburban people are going to vote for a demented old man.
They have already done it once. I hear the first time is the most painful.
Living in WI, I did not see a single ad for Justice Kelly during the campaign cycle. (I've heard from other people there were ads; the ad buys either didn't hit me, or I skipped over them via time-shifted TV viewing.)
Add in this was his first time on the ballot (Walker appointee), and the Democratic primary increasing the turnout on the other side of the ticket...and it's hardly surprising. I had heard pundits talking up the importance of Justice Hagedorn's election last year, because Justice Kelly losing was anticipated.
Republicans need to sue, and act like the D's. Dishonestly state the election should be overturned and a new election held, since the vote was SUPPRESSED!
Democrats spent the hours before results were released Monday afternoon filling out absentee ballots…
“Strident” is a nice touch. In the vocabulary of NYT spinning, I think “strident” is almost synonymous with “racist.”
Interesting prognosis. If Republicans win there is an upward spiral of fury, but if Democrats win there isn’t.
I agree with this, and I think it tells you something important about Republicans and Democrats.
If Kelly had won, that fury would have spiraled upward.
Am I the only one tired of this country kowtowing to prog “fury”? Has it not dawned on Althouse that her beloved lefty Democrats are always furious about something or another?
New acronym: Southern Wisconsinites Indignant about Nearly Everything (SWINE)
Am I right in thinking that they haven't counted the votes and they already know who won?
Electing judges might be a bad idea. When governors appoint judges you could occasionally have a Republican governor in a Democrat state or a Democratic governor in a Republican state making appointments. When judges are elected wouldn't you always have ridiculously progressive judges in deep blue states and ridiculously conservative judges in deep red states? #RoyMoore Then again, looking at who Republican governors in the most liberal states appoint, it may not make any difference.
I have never been to Wisconsin, but I did know Ben's cousins and even met his grandmother #smallworld.
If you wait for days and days to count - how do we know the D's aren't frantically filling out ballots?
"The progs seem to have a lotta fury bottled up. Maybe, they should take a walk in a meadow, and do some Tai Chi."
They should but they'd rather yell at people riding by on fat tire beach cruisers.
depends if you get the 7th circuit judge, that certified the swat team raid on Cyndi archer, what's Chisholm doing now,
If the Dems had not held a large advantage in turnout when the election was the same day as their own primary, you might as well have closed the entire Wisconsin Dem apparatus.
Two numbers for you.
4: the number of years you have between Presidential elections to get an ID so that you can show up in person to vote. I've never understood why this is such a steep hill to climb for Dem voters.
0: The implications this WI Supreme Court election will have on anything in November of 2020.
I live in Nebraska and we don't elect judges. The Governor appoints the judges and then they stand for retention in subsequent elections. Voting for judges is nuts!
Owen said...
“Strident” is a nice touch. In the vocabulary of NYT spinning, I think “strident” is almost synonymous with “racist.”
Good catch. "Strident" used to be used to modify "feminist" in a similar way.
All of the Democrats, to a person, were upset that the primary was conducted, as scheduled. Ironically, soon to be Justice Karofsky would likely have done worse if the primary were conducted in June.
Bernie consciously stayed in the race through the conclusion of the voting last Tuesday, knowing that his voters would get to the polls one way or another.
If the election were conducted in June, and Bernie dropped out in late April or May, his devoted followers may not have shown up to vote in June, thereby depriving Karofsky of votes.
Interesting how things work out.
The pendulum continues to swing in Wisconsin.
we saw the beta test, they tried to steal it, before we closed up shop, that night in 2000, then rob Wexler's public relation's campaign went to work, demonizing the butterfly ballot,
Voting for judges is nuts!
I agree. Although I'd like to be able to vote to remove a judge if necessary.
"0: The implications this WI Supreme Court election will have on anything in November of 2020."
To be frank, I really don't care who sits on the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
However, I do miss Shirley Abrahamson. She was much hotter than Betty White.
This decision will come back to bite Wisconsin on the ass.
PLEASE STOP SPREADING FALSEHOODS ABOUT ELECTION LAWS/RULES! Requesting a absentee ballot for an election does NOT forbid you from voting in-person if you decide to go that route instead.
And getting worried about a gov't website having a copy of your gov't ID is the weirdest excuse I've heard...reminds me of the right-wingers who held up signs saying "Keep the gov't out of my Medicare!".
you have cancel the absentee ballot in order to do so, just keep on practicing category error.
"Strident" used to be used to modify "feminist" in a similar way.
Not similar at all.
against strident Republican efforts to limit voter turnout
I see this article was thoroughly fact-checked before going to print.
Assuming for the sake of argument that efforts to limit turnout were true, what is the dividing line between "strident" efforts and less-than-strident?
In a state with more Democrats registered than Republicans, what counts as a "significant" victory for a Democrat?
And why isn't every Republican victory significant?
Ben Wikler, the chairman of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, said many lawsuits would be filed
Ben is still filing each and every one of those lawsuits on behalf of the aggrieved, right?
Or is it really just a power play and the "I'm here for the people" mask can go back in the drawer?
try again they are unpeople, you know that.
>>against strident Republican efforts to limit voter turnout
Would we ever see "against strident Democratic effort to enable vote fraud" ?
Guess what happens when you don't count the votes and release the results on election day-
The democrat wins. Pretty much every time.
In a state with more Democrats registered than Republicans, what counts as a "significant" victory for a Democrat?
In a state which doesn't register voters according to party-membership, how do you count who is registered to which party?
Voting for Judges is the smartest thing ever. Having them appointed by Governor and given life time appointments is the Nutty thing.
Given they are nothing more than politicians in black robes, and vote on their partisan beliefs 90% of the time, and stick their nose into every aspect of daily life, the people should have a voice in who gets on the court, and who stays on the court.
Otherwise, you end up with Judges forcing your state to have an income tax. Or unilaterally getting rid of the death penalty, or letting crooks out of jail, because "Muh Constitution".
Good link -- those guys at Powerline figure it out, well done.
against strident Republican efforts to limit voter turnout
The Democrats need to upgrade their BS, that is so old.
"no trail once the envelope is discarded."
No trail before the envelope is sealed, either.
Ben Wikler, the chairman of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, said many lawsuits would be filed
Yeah, I noticed that one was filed -- reported on in the paper, and it names a lot of Republicans as those being sued, but curiously doesn't name any Milwaukee City or County leaders who decided that 4 voting locations was ample for that city.
"6 out of 7 are women."
Wisconsin is so fucked.
Again with the fucking NYT...
its turtles all the way down I have worked in the gullet of the beast, regarding elections, so it's striking what passes for understanding about these issues, like chain of custody, regarding ballots,
Now we have a very imbalanced court, gender-wise. 6 out of 7 are women. Wisconsin voters love women judges. Don't see the NYT worried about that lack of diversity.
Wow. That is horrifying. How could people think that is a good idea?
The idea that women analyze things rationally and logically to the same extent men do is comical. One can hope being in such close contact with each other will coordinate their monthly cycle and they just close the court for that week each month.
Clown world.
election monitors, of the dem variety, push for provisional ballots in every instance, this is how they narrow the gap, why do you think cloward was at the motor voter signing?
Karofsky has very little or no appellate experience. She will have a difficult time writing a credible appellate decision. Most likely, she will resort to stringing together a collection of progressive bromides. It wont take long before her fellow justices begin to lose faith in her competence.
Jupiter @ 10:37: ""6 out of 7 are women."
Wisconsin is so fucked."
That assessment is pretty gloomy. Why not embrace the gynocracy?
How'd the vote by mail thing work out with over 1 million absentee ballots? Hmm
Milwaukee Election Commission votes to count at least 390 absentee ballots with postmark problems
“...many lawsuits would be filed by voters who were unable to cast absentee ballots,” But because a Democrat won, I guess all of those lawsuits would be moot. That’s curious.
you think I was kidding
Matt @ 10:41: "...One can hope being in such close contact with each other will coordinate their monthly cycle and they just close the court for that week each month..."
No need to close, just arrange the docket so that week is devoted to child custody and domestic violence cases. Save the tax and patent cases for when everybody wants to deal with abstract stuff.
"6 out of 7 are women."
So close to achieving maximum diversity.
Gin up the disenfranchised
Mobilize resentment at every one of life's injustices
Offer people membership in a political coalition (free stuff, mostly)
Point them at your political enemies
Promise ever more democracy, equity, and other utopian goals
Move the overton window ever more Leftward
Eventually destabilize the system enough that the disenfranchised attack you
Blame everyone else for your own actions and the world and all the instability
Rinse and repeat
Attempts to eliminate vote-fraud will be labeled "disenfranchisement" by the collective left.
It's the Chicago way.
this was the beta test.
Of course, a functioning democracy in a Constitutional Republic is crucially important, but this is not often what is meant by 'democracy' by many on the Left.
"democracy' is something that happens after the revolution, or while negotiating with the radicals further to your Left, or the vehicle by which every single global refugee will participate and be crammed into abstract ideas about the world, rather than many curently functioning institutions in the world.
It so often seems to be blame someone else for the state of the world, hold aloft an ideal you've borrowed from the people making actual democracy work (or anything, really), then ruining that thing for future generations by making impossible demands.
Nothing like a nice little chi-com pandemic to... provide opportunity for mail in voting and nationalized voting.
Ben Wikler, the chairman of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, said many lawsuits would be filed by voters who were unable to cast absentee ballots, or by candidates in the nearly 4,000 local races that were on the state’s ballot.
Ben Wikler is filing those lawsuits still right?
Oh wait they were just a tool to gain power.
What a piece of shit.
Considering the number of absentee ballots sent in, Ann might want to check if someone voted for her.
An issue with mail in ballots I have not seen discussed. I have always voted in person. At the polling place, we go behind a curtain and vote in private. Two years ago, an elderly woman in front of me was accompanied by what I assume was her son. He tried to go into the curtained booth with her to help her. The poll worker approached him and politely said that was not allowed. If an elderly person votes at home, and would like, for instance, to vote for Trump, but her son, an ardent (not to say strident) democrat, is sitting next to her at the kitchen table, how likely is it that he will put pressure on her as she holds the pen? In other words, the hard-fought right to be able to vote anonymously is called into question by mail in ballots. Not sure if this outweighs the perceived benefits of mail-in voting, but I think it is worth some thought.
Again with the fucking NYT...
I agree. While I can see the importance of noting the Times' spin on things, I would like to see what the media in Wisconsin has to say, as a check on the accuracy of the Times' reporting (or "reporting," in some instances).
"Two years ago, an elderly woman in front of me was accompanied by what I assume was her son. He tried to go into the curtained booth with her to help her. The poll worker approached him and politely said that was not allowed."
I was a poll-watcher in 2012 for the presidential election at a ward in Milwaukee I was assigned to and saw the opposite. I saw dozens of instances where mom would accompany a young voter into the booth to make sure young citizen voted properly. Some were obviously mentally disabled. Some were just incapable of understanding a ballot or didn't know who to vote for or how to do it. I would advise the poll worker in charge who would give me a look, and occasionally he would tell mom that the voter had to declare that the voter needed help and that mom had to sign the ballot as having assisted and accompanied the voter into the booth. Moms would point to who to vote for and the kid would fill in the circle. There were lots of other poll watchers, but I was the only one pointing out that one-person -at-a time in the booth rule was constantly being violated. I am sure they tell stories about the white guy there trying to suppress the vote.
Don't we all remember the Left's Diebold insanity from 2004-2008? Amazingly it became a non-issue as soon as Obama won.
Why can't we have a voter to vote confirmation trail?
The R's are pathetic for not working on the better ideas. Of course it would not matter if they did. It would be labeled "racist" and tossed out.
The real rule is - if someone is helping someone else vote D - it's all OK
I would love to hear more details from those, such as narciso, who have direct experience in running a polling place, confirming voter identity, collecting ballots or voting machines, counting votes, MAINTAINING THE CHAIN OF CUSTODY. Etc.
As a total amateur I read the comments and stories (here and elsewhere, e.g. the Florida fiasco in 2000) and try to figure out how the integrity of my message to the polity (my vote) is best maintained in the face of accident, Act of God, or the constant efforts of every kind of fixer and crook to suppress my vote or my neighbor's vote, or to introduce fake votes into the channel, or otherwise corrupt the signal. The signal consists not just of the mark on the ballot and proof that it came from me, but also proof that I am who I should be, namely a citizen in the right location, and even further proof that I am not misbehaving by voting twice.
It's a complex signal and I would love to see a discussion that dissects the complexity in an effort to optimize signal integrity. Right now with ballot harvesting and mail-in and same-day registration and motor voter, I think our voting system is a complete shambles. And this isn't news. It happens every damned election. What the hell is wrong with us?
Milwaukee kept some of their polling places open after 8pm. Typical. We all know Milwaukee and Dane are willing to Harvest ballots. They delay in the count was in defiance to the Supreme Court ruling.
The Democrats have stepped up their game since the realized the W.O.W counties were now serious during the Walker years. To bad for them the W.O.W. counties are booming and growing.
To me, I can go downtown Milwaukee and it feels like Wisconsin. If I go to Madison, it feels like another planet. Most concerning is Dane County's lack of concern or respect for anyone else in our Great State.
Funny how Democrats want non-citizens to be able to vote, but don't recognize that as disenfranchisement against US citizens.
tommyesq said... "I agree. While I can see the importance of noting the Times' spin on things, I would like to see what the media in Wisconsin has to say, as a check on the accuracy of the Times' reporting (or "reporting," in some instances)."
The Milwaukee Journal is our local NYT's. Same bias. ANY publication from Dane County and Madison is basically CNN. You'll get the same story / opinion.
Conservative perspective is only available on WISN AM 1130, and at your local Waukesha County tavern.
Owen said... [hush][hide comment]
I would love to hear more details from those, such as narciso, who have direct experience in running a polling place, confirming voter identity, collecting ballots or voting machines, counting votes, MAINTAINING THE CHAIN OF CUSTODY. Etc.
As a total amateur I read the comments and stories (here and elsewhere, e.g. the Florida fiasco in 2000) and try to figure out how the integrity of my message to the polity (my vote) is best maintained in the face of accident, Act of God, or the constant efforts of every kind of fixer and crook to suppress my vote or my neighbor's vote, or to introduce fake votes into the channel, or otherwise corrupt the signal. The signal consists not just of the mark on the ballot and proof that it came from me, but also proof that I am who I should be, namely a citizen in the right location, and even further proof that I am not misbehaving by voting twice.
It's a complex signal and I would love to see a discussion that dissects the complexity in an effort to optimize signal integrity. Right now with ballot harvesting and mail-in and same-day registration and motor voter, I think our voting system is a complete shambles. And this isn't news. It happens every damned election. What the hell is wrong with us?
4/14/20, 12:07 PM
Occam's razor. The "right" people don't want it fixed. If mail in, multi-day, same-day, motor-voter, etc. voting "plans" all favored Republican politicians, NOT only would you need official Government issued ID to vote at the one single place you were approved to, you would be required to pass a test, pay a tax, prove you "earned" the right to vote, etc., etc., etc.
As Democrats have instead made a science out of getting the election outcomes they [mostly] want, here we are. Everything Democrats touch get corrupted until they mean nothing. Democrats destroy every institution they gain power over because that is all that matters to them, power. Since they are never held to account, here we are.
The only thing that can stop Democratics' fury is giving them everything they want.
That's when the hot war starts.
Notice how everyone, including our leftists, just take it as a given that the vote was cheated somehow. Perhaps the leftist judge won fair and square (what with it being the day of the Democrat primary, it's certainly possible).
But everyone, and I mean everyone, knows that Democrats cheat in elections. They massively cheat. Heck, what was that video a couple years ago, where the Democrat campaign worker explained how they bussed thousands of people around from precinct to precinct to cast multiple ballots? out and out bragging of the vote fraud.
How can leftists ike Inga and Mark and the rest just casually accept that their "electoral victories" only come through vote fraud and criminal activity?
Vance, I in no way said that.
Quit putting words in other people's mouths and then speculate from there.
It is bullshit and you know it.
Wisconsin voters love women judges.
I thought all judges were women. At least they are on TV and in the movies. Mostly they are sassy black women.
But I didn't vote because I wanted to reserve my right to vote in person in November and the website the state offered for requesting a mail-in ballot which, due to some mildly ambiguous language, I mistakenly believed required me to commit to voting by mail for the rest of the year even though the absurdity of that requirement did not movtivate any further research on the point.
There. I fixed it.
Our hostess certainly knows that I admire her greatly having been an admiring reader here from nearly the beginning of the blog, but a quick tour by her through Wisconsin voting laws and the regs of the WI Election Commission similar to that by a CA lawyer with nothing better to do (and by quick, I mean less than 5 min) should have given her every comfort that she couldn't possibly have been required to give up her right to vote in person for the balance of the year.
When presented with this information in an earlier thread, her slightly testy response was that there wasn't enough time to mail in the application for the absentee ballot for it to arrive in time. But all she had to do was get it to the municipal clerk one way or the other, and the Madison municipal clerk was clearly willing to receive the applications by email and provided the email address in this statement:
Absentee Delivery by Email
Send your absentee request to Be sure to include your name, address at which you are registered to vote, email address to which the ballot should be sent, and a copy or picture of your voter ID (if not already on file in the Clerk's Office). The deadline to request an absentee ballot is 5:00 pm the Thursday before the election.
You will receive your ballot and absentee certification statement as attachments to an email message. You will need to print the ballot and certification statement on paper and send them back to the City Clerk's Office through the mail. Absentee ballots must be received in the Clerk’s Office in time for delivery to the polls on Election Day.
It's not even required that the form EL-121 be submitted so long as the email contains the needed information. For someone who can so easily weave through the thickets that block the view of the rest of us, she was inexplicably befuddled by this simple problem, but she's sticking to her story, bless her heart. My wife says that this was Ann's quarantine frustration boiling over but that I wouldn't know that due to my assburgers....bless her heart too.
- Krumhorn
“Vance, I in no way said that.
Quit putting words in other people's mouths and then speculate from there.
It is bullshit and you know it.”
Mark, Vance is a loon. ‘Nuff said.
for starters, at the beginning of the day, when one sets up the precinct equipment, one does an electronic tally of how many ballots are issued, that is a printout, all staff have to sign it and affirm, one has to match the ids to the data bases, election monitors push for provisional ballots at all time, when there is any discrepancy in the record, there is a count at the end of the day, which ballots were used, which are outstanding, that is affirmed, the electronic devices that carry the count, are placed in cases with numbered seals, all of this is unpacked at the regional precint site, like a library, and there is reconciliation, you can't have opened bags of ballots without seals as we discovered in Detroit in 2016,
From the website referred to the other day, total Democrat primary vote 924451. Total vote for Jill Karofsky 856470, a drop off of 67681 votes.
Total Republican vote 628469. Total vote for Daniel Kelly 692976, a pickup of 64507.
The Democrat primary was why more Democrats showed up. And there was a huge dropoff of votes for the ore liberal candidate.
Democrats are going to lose Wisconsin big come November.
"The top of the ticket brings out the vote."
"Suburban people are going to vote for a demented old man.
I suppose it’s possible. "
Google "the Gipper."
"But I didn't vote because I wanted to reserve my right to vote in person in November and the website the state offered for requesting a mail-in ballot required me to commit to voting by mail for the rest of the year."
You see what happened here, right? The Demmies seeded the clouds for vote harvesting in November.
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