April 2, 2020

"That Thing You Do."

I'm sorry to say this happened: "Adam Schlesinger, Songwriter for Rock, Film and the Stage, Dies at 52/He made suburban characters shine in Fountains of Wayne songs and brought pop-rock perfection to the Tom Hanks film 'That Thing You Do!'" (NYT).
In Fountains of Wayne, which was started in 1995, Mr. Schlesinger and Chris Collingwood perfected a novelistic form of hummable pop-rock in a style derived from the Kinks and from 1970s groups like Big Star and the Cars.

They chose northern New Jersey and boroughs outside Manhattan as thematic territory, chronicling the lives of suburban mall shoppers, Generation X slackers and down-market cover bands in songs like “Hackensack” and “Red Dragon Tattoo.”...
I lived in Wayne for nearly all of my teenage years (1964 to 1969), and I remember when the first mall went up. Lost times. Sad to see that now we've lost the beautifully talented Schlesinger.


Nonapod said...

Was only 52. I wonder if he had any underlying conditions?

Fountains of Wayne's brand of good natured power pop was a bit more irreverant than that of some of their contemporaries like Weezer and Jimmy Eat World.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Best movie title song of the last ten years! Fit the setting and style of the movie perfectly, and introduced some of us to Fountains of Wayne by extension. But 52. Man I hate when people younger than me pass on suddenly.

tim in vermont said...

"I wonder if he had any underlying conditions?”

One underlying condition is to be male.


nob490 said...

I grew up in West Caldwell, NJ in the 60s and 70s. Willowbrook Mall was the place to go as a last resort on Friday or Saturday night when there was nothing else to do.

Was unfamiliar with this band, although I have driven past Fountains of Wayne many times.

J2 said...

Stacy's mom played by Rachel Hunter, formerly Mrs. Rod Stewart.

Inga said...
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D.D. Driver said...

Amazing songwriter. One of my all time favorite bands. I would dare say that their final album is a near masterpiece. It's hard to listen to this, the final song on FOW's final album, and not get a little choked up:



Inga said...

I guess we’ll be seeing more and more surprising deaths from Covid of younger people. Seems like this virus hangs around in the body for far longer than first thought. People are testing positive for the virus for weeks, even after their symptoms are gone.

“Ben Luderer, a beloved New Jersey high school baseball coach, died in his home from COVID-19 at the age of 30 on Monday. His death occurred after he had been treated at a hospital and was briefly feeling better.”


Captain BillieBob said...

Fountains of Wayne on rt46 by the DMV
I think we went to different high schools together

CStanley said...

Ellis Marsalis has died too. Great musician, and he taught a whole generation of Jazz artists (plus fathered a few, most notably Wynton.)

TwoAndAHalfCents said...

Digging through the closet yesterday I found my old Fountains of Wayne t-shirt. Hadn't worn it in months, but put it on last night. Was wearing it this AM when I read the sad news. Maybe the most underrated band of a generation, IMHO.

tim in vermont said...

I might watch that video again in about thirty minutes...

David Begley said...

Stacy’s Mom is a great song and video. I first heard it as part of a car commercial.

Drago said...

A shocking 9 suicides in Knoxville County TN in the last 48 hours.

But they didn't die of the virus so that's apparently an acceptable number with more on the way.

After all, if crashing the economy into a depression for years and throwing millions out of work and giving us new astonishing suicide numbers and increased societal fracturing can save just 1 life from the virus, it will have been worth it.

Eric said...

He was also the music director and co-songwriter for all of the songs on the TV show Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. An amazing accomplishment.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Nancy and her corrupt side-kick Adam Schitt are going to manufacture what they need to blame Trump for the Wuhan virus and his response to the Wuhan virus.

not that I need to tell you, Drago. You saw it coming. well - here is comes.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

If you're long on desire to play guitar but short on talent, Stacy's Mom is a great practice song. Fun as hell to play without requiring great skill. Definitely one of my guilty pleasures. RIP Adam.

Rick said...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
Best movie title song of the last ten years!

You know you're getting old when...you include in "last ten years" something 24 years old. Trust me, I know!

Drago said...

BB&H: "not that I need to tell you, Drago. You saw it coming. well - here is comes."

It is literally all they have left at this point.

Personally, I think its going to backfire among independents, but its Schiff-ty's and AOC's party now. Hollywood and NYC.

Sorry Nancy.

I cant wait for the ads showing Trump in his SOTU talking about Coronavirus and Nancy ripping it up and saying it was ALL lies.

Still, what I would bet is happening is that the dems are working with people deep within HHS or FDA or CDC or FEMA to create the conditions for another faux IG driven frameup with impeachment to follow.

All the same BS House impeachment rules are in place and the dems are simply going to keep plugging in new impeachment drives from now until Trump leaves office in 2025.

I expect no less than 3 impeachments reaching the Senate and, since Roberts already let the dems get everything they wanted in the impeachment trial in the Senate, if the Dems keep the House (they will most likely) and take the Senate (good chance), I suspect there would be an immediate impeachment followed by a 6 to 12 month trial in the Senate with basically every single person Trump has ever spoken to called in.

n.n said...
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n.n said...
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n.n said...

NYC Health: COVID-19 Daily Data Summary: Deaths

1397 deaths. 1046 underlying conditions. 333 conditions pending.

635 age 75 and over

574 female sex
872 male sex

The lessons Italy has learned about its COVID-19 outbreak could help the rest of the world

"The biggest mistake we made was to admit patients infected with COVID-19 into hospitals throughout the region," said Carlo Borghetti, the vice-premier of Lombardy, an economically crucial region with a population of 10 million.

n.n said...
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Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Stacy’s Mom is a great song and video. I first heard it as part of a car commercial.

Hearing Five for Fighting's song 100 Years in a credit card commercial after 9/11 introduced the wife and I to John Ondrasik and his work. Every once in a while advertising does something besides annoy me, and I was grateful to discover this band too. And yes, I remember that minivan commercial too: She's got it going on...

n.n said...
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bagoh20 said...

"A shocking 9 suicides in Knoxville County TN in the last 48 hours.

But they didn't die of the virus so that's apparently an acceptable number with more on the way."

Yea, but "virus related", so more points for the "exponential" team.

n.n said...

A shocking 9 suicides in Knoxville County TN in the last 48 hours.

But they didn't die of the virus so that's apparently an acceptable number with more on the way.

Nearly one million planned excess deaths annually in America alone. #wicked

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

something 24 years old

Dude I remember it from five years ago, right after Titanic came out right?

Ray - SoCal said...

We will see if the Dems keep the house.

Enough Trump voters are motivated enough they will crawl over Glass to vote for him.

Dems, I don't see the motivation.

CA with the ballot harvesting is an obstacle for the GOP.

Rick said...

right after Titanic came out right?

Right, and ET. Great year for movies.

AlbertAnonymous said...

I know that you think its just a fantasy, but since your dad walked out your mom could use a guy like me....


Gunner said...

That song is really gross if you are married or related to a Stacy.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Stacy’s mom is hot, but she’s no Phoebe Cates.

tim in vermont said...

Word of advice from an old man, kid. If her mom looks that great as she’s older, Stacie’s a keeper. Genetics.

DrSquid said...

Damn! And all these years I thought that Stacy's mom tune was a jingle from a Dr Pepper commercial. Think I'll grab me a soda.

wsw said...

Huge talent. Founder of three really interesting/different bands, "Fountains," "Ivy" and "Tinted Windows"… all that soundtrack/TV work. RIP.

brylun said...

Fountains of Wayne: a One-Hit Wonder? Stacy's Mom.

Or 2: Radiation Vibe? I vote 1.

LordSomber said...

Did the Willowbrook Mall have a monkey cage like the Moorestown Mall did in the 60s-70s?

tim in vermont said...

"People are testing positive for the virus for weeks, even after their symptoms are gone.”

I am wondering if it doesn’t cause endocarditis in some cases.

Clyde said...

I listen to Amazon's streaming music at work and went on a big Fountains of Wayne kick last year. Listened to all of their albums and enjoyed the hell out of them. Heard the sad news about Adam Schlesinger yesterday and spent today listening to a fifty-song curated selection of his songs on Amazon. I also listened to the whole album Sky Full of Holes. And watched the video for "Stacy's Mom," just because!

Mark said...

Instapundit last night's open thread redux.

daskol said...

Fun band. I was going to say underappreciated, but sounds like there are a lot of fans here. Don't sound anything like the Kinks to me, but what they have in common is the subject matter: Ray Davies also liked to write little songs about little things and people and moments nobody else writes songs about, cameos. A conservative soul. This is just such a cameo, and scenes from the video filmed right in front of my old apartment.

What the fuck was he doing in Poughkeepsie? I wonder if he was working on a song memorializing a city nobody has ever written a song about.

Narr said...

Big Star was apparently a big influence on a lot of acts I'm too old to appreciate fully; somebody mentioned Jimmy Eat World in the genre.

I liked both of their big MTV hits, and still do. It's no small thing to make a great music video, or a great song.

And Stacy's mom definitely has it going on . . . me likee brunette in White Wedding.

I judge artists by their best work

daskol said...

I liked the band's name after learning it was about NJ lawn ornaments, but before that it was just strange and confusing and not terribly mellifluous either.

Lurker21 said...

That Thing You Do wasn't a terrible movie. It wasn't great, but it was watchable. I still remember that one band member wanted the group (the Wonders) to punningly spell the band name "Oneders." But people didn't know how to pronounce it.

Mr. White: Next, this "Oneders", with the O-N-E, it doesn't work. It's confusing. From now on, you boys'll just be... simply The Wonders.

Lenny: As in, I *wonder* what happened to the O'Needers?

Static Ping said...

daskol: Don't sound anything like the Kinks to me...

The Kinks do not sound like the Kinks. The Kinks were musically all over the place. If you listen to their entire catalog without knowing the band name or the recognizing the lead singer throughout, it would be very easy to think this was a playlist compromised of at least a half dozen acts, if not more.

Static Ping said...

For the record, the Fountains of Wayne store, the namesake of the band, closed down years ago.

George Leroy Tirebiter said...

Schlesinger's pre-FOW group Ivy (tho they continued throughout FOW's tenure) issued some superb music. Interestingly my fave Ivy is from their covers-only lp "Guestroom", Nick Heyward's beautiful Kite.