April 20, 2020

"On Monday, [Governor] Evers announced the Badger Bounce Back plan, which largely aligns with guidelines unveiled last week by President Donald Trump's administration..."

"... and is aimed at reducing the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths to a point that the state can begin a multi-phase process of reopening businesses. 'I am jazzed and hopeful about this plan,' Evers said Monday. 'While being safe at home continues to be very important, this plan is an all-out war on the virus and it begins the process of preparing our businesses and the workforce to begin the important planning that will result in a safe and logical phase in of our economy.'... Under the plan, which was drafted following Trump's Guidelines for Opening Up America Again, reopening the state will occur in three phases: Phase One allows restaurants to reopen with best practices including guest limitations and social distance requirements, removes retail restrictions, reopens K-12 schools and allows gatherings of a maximum of 10 people. Phase Two allows bars and non-essential businesses to reopen with best practices in place, allows post-secondary schools to consider reopening and gatherings up to 50 people would be allowed. Phase Three would eliminate the social distancing requirement, as well as mass gathering bans and would allow businesses, schools and daycare facilities to return to normal operations....  Evers said Monday he is aware of the [planned April 24th] protest and supports the right to gather at the Capitol, but also reminded residents to maintain proper social distancing to prevent additional transmission of the disease — which will allow the economy to reopen sooner."

The Wisconsin State Journal reports.

Sounds good to me. I like seeing a Democratic Governor accept the Trump Guidelines and work carefully to apply them to our local conditions. And I hope the protesters appropriately distance themselves from one another.

Why can't we all — Republican, Democrat, whatever — be jazzed and hopeful?


I Callahan said...

For the past month and a half, everyone followed the rules to a tee. Those protests are the only thing that sent the message that people wouldn't be locked up for months at a time. You should be thankful those protests happened.

Mike Sylwester said...

I don't get it.

How does this "Badger Bounce Plan" put any blame on Trump for avoidable deaths?

Inga said...

There are going to be a lot of happy parents getting their kids back in school!

Jersey Fled said...

Plans are easy. Making plans work is the hard part.

As Mike Tyson so famously said, "everyone has a plan 'till he gets punched in the mouth

Kevin said...

Dr. Egon Spengler: I have a radical idea. The door swings both ways, we could reverse the particle flow through the gate.

Dr. Peter Venkman: How?

Dr. Egon Spengler: [hesitates] We’ll cross the streams.

Dr. Peter Venkman: ‘Scuse me Egon? You said crossing the streams was bad!

Dr Ray Stantz: Cross the streams…

Dr. Peter Venkman: You’re gonna endanger us, you’re gonna endanger our client – the nice lady, who paid us in advance, before she became a dog…

Dr. Egon Spengler: Not necessarily. There’s definitely a *very slim* chance we’ll survive.

[pause while they consider this]

Dr. Peter Venkman: [slaps Ray] I love this plan! I’m excited to be a part of it! LET’S DO IT!

Heartless Aztec said...

What starts as a trickle soon becomes a torrent...

Psota said...

The only thing I would hesitate over are the schools.
My daughter already brings home a bit too much illnesses that infect the rest of us

Hopefully the world will make it easier for parents to keep sick kids at home

Kevin said...

Dead Badger Bounce:

In Covid19, a dead badger bounce is a small, brief recovery in the death rate of a killer virus. Derived from the idea that "even a dead badger will bounce if it falls from a great height", the phrase, which originated on Althouse's Blog, is also popularly applied to any case where a subject experiences a brief resurgence during or following a severe decline.

traditionalguy said...

I want to see Scarf Lady at the GOP Convention singing Happy Days Are Here Again with a chorus of Cabinet members. If FDR can do it, so can The Donald.

Mark said...

Dems: "Trump is a DANGEROUS and HOMICIDAL maniac in presenting his RECKLESS re-opening plan."

Same Dems patting themselves on the back: "We are proud to announce our plan to re-open" (which follows the Trump guidelines).

Curious George said...

"Mike Sylwester said...
I don't get it.

How does this "Badger Bounce Plan" put any blame on Trump for avoidable deaths?"

That's so yesterday. Now it's the Trump recession. And when our whole economy craters, well what's left but socialism!

Josephbleau said...

“The only thing I would hesitate over are the schools.
My daughter already brings home a bit too much illnesses that infect the rest of us

Hopefully the world will make it easier for parents to keep sick kids at home”

But the lesson of cronodeath is that those without symptoms will cast the first virus.

stevew said...

I am jazzed and hopeful, but the Debbie Downers in my midst - I'm looking at you Mahty Walsh (no relation) - are trying to bring me down.

Don't Let It Bring You Down

Bay Area Guy said...

May 26 is another 5 weeks. For those blue collar folks who have to work, don't have the luxury of telecommuting, don't have pensions, don't have govt jobs, it's a bit too long of a wait.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Let’s start with an immediate 10% across the board cut in the state budget and weekly state worker layoffs until everything reopens. It’s time for everyone to have skin in the game,

Original Mike said...

I've always wanted to test the claim that a dead cat will bounce. I am skeptical.

doctrev said...

Well, if Governor Evers and Professor Althouse thinks the unemployed and desperate in Wisconsin will wait five more weeks to start working again, more power to 'em.

The productive parts of the country are going to get producing again. The non-productive parts... well, maybe we'll find we don't need to keep paying them after all.

walter said...

(Birx just completely dodged a question re California test re fatality rate implications, went on about inaccuracies of tests. "Helpful")

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Are there number or date based benchmarks or is this more of that “when we feel safe” BS?

I mean saying what you’re (purportedly) going to do is all well and good but pretty useless without when and how.

jk said...

It's been obvious for a week or so that the entire political class realized they overreacted... and have been trying to slowly back away from what they've done.

Honestly, I have no idea if they're correct. (I expect at least one more city to go the way of NYC) But it's been obvious from the way they've been talking that they're trying to back off the restrictions and not lose face.

Mark said...

Problem with number benchmarks is the tendency to change the rules when the numbers begin to look good.

And -- some of these governors and "experts" seem to be demanding that we basically zero out on new cases and deaths, if not start going backward so that people who had it magically do not have it. In other words, some of them will not allow us to "win" no matter what.

walter said...

Blogger Psota said...
The only thing I would hesitate over are the schools.
My daughter already brings home a bit too much illnesses that infect the rest of us
FWIW, maybe not:
Alex Berenson
Nope, children have such low viral loads that they are much more likely to be infected by adults than the reverse, per the Swiss government, which is reopening schools May 11.
En Francais

Shouting Thomas said...

Since Wisconsin has less than 4,500 reported infections and only 230 deaths out of a population of 8 million, sorry prof but this post makes zero sense.

COVID-19 is a total non-story in your state.

Your governor is a tyrant and an asshole. He has no business interfering in the rights of his citizens to conduct their biz.

This panic is just plain stupid, particularly in places like Wisconsin.

Mark said...

Again, can BAH reporter ever NOT ask a question in a BAH tone?

walter said...

jk said...It's been obvious for a week or so that the entire political class realized they overreacted... and have been trying to slowly back away from what they've done.
Not our Governor! Double down! That'll show 'em.

Shouting Thomas said...

Your chances of dying of COVID-19 in Wisconsin are about 1 in 40,000.

What are you thinking here, prof?

Do you also want the state shut down in case a piano falls out of a second story window and hits you on the head?

This post, professor, I’ve got to say, is ludicrous.

You’ve managed to demonstrate the bizarre stupidity of this panic in graphic detail.

Jim at said...

Are there number or date based benchmarks or is this more of that “when we feel safe” BS?

They didn't use any numbers or benchmarks when locking us down, so how they can have any numbers or benchmarks to open it back up?

It's bullshit. All of it.

narciso said...

Its like governor walter peck isn't it, that really is a classic film, that other film ought to go down the memory hole as galactica 1980

Mark said...

So now Maryland has joined in. It is showing 30 confirmed deaths in the last day, but worldometers has them at 96. That's because of the 66 unconfirmed presumed "probable" cases.

Shouting Thomas said...

Really, prof, I normally appreciate your neutrality.

This is an extreme case. Asshole tyrants have revoked the Bill of Rights and locked us up in our homes.

And, it’s all fucking bullshit.

For Christ’s sake, professor, use your considerable influence to put a stop to this shit.

AtmoGuy said...

That plan is an utter piece of crap because it is all dependent on Tony Evers certifying that we have met certain ambiguous criteria.

He says we need to expand hospital capacity even though hospital beds are only 64% occupied. There are only 406 COVID patients in hospitals in the entire state (fewer than three per hospital). How much more capacity do we need? Fifty percent more? Seventy five?

He says we need to increase testing capacity. We have the capacity to perform 7890 tests per day, but are only testing a fraction of that many people. Why?

He says we need more PPE. How much more?

He says, "Downward trajectory of influenza-like illnesses (ILI) reported within a 14-day period AND downward trajectory of COVID-19-like syndromic cases reported within a 14-day period." What? What kind of downward trajectory? What if over the next week daily new cases steadily drops so that only see 5 on Saturday, but then 6 on Sunday? Do we start the clock again? And what does influenza-like illnesses have to do with COVID?

That plan is designed to make it look like he is planning to open things up, without ever having to do so. The Wisconsin Supreme Court needs to smack him down, hard.

Guildofcannonballs said...

We can all be as "jazzed" retroactively applied as the French were in 1789.

They had a hope too, strong.

Not sure if they were so jazzed after terror. But the lead-up?

Oh yeah, jazz it up baby!

Mark said...

If they are going to combine the hard death numbers and the soft numbers, the scientifically confirmed and the presumed, they out also to combine the hard case numbers and the soft ones (which are estimated to be 15 to 50 to even 80 times the confirmed cases). Or better yet, separate them out in both instances.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I was jazzed with record low unemployment talk, but that was too boring for some.

Not interesting enough to ...

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Oh, and no federal bailouts for states that choose to voluntarily destroy their economies, it’s time for these people to take responsibility for their decisions.

Arashi said...

Well at least he has a plan. My governor (Inslee) is very busy being mad at the protesters in Olympia for disobeying him and exercising their Constitutional Rights. Seems Inslee belives he is royalty and we are his serfs. He should check out what happened in France awhile back.

Shouting Thomas said...

How do we get these fucking tyrants off our backs?

DavidUW said...

Taking a page from newsom’s “plan” that has vague points and no timelines.

Temujin said...

I am jazzed and hopeful...that some day political consultants will become better at selecting marketing phrases. The Badger Bounce Back?

Alliteration always affects. Though sometimes not in a good way.

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael said...

Georgia is opening gyms and nail shops tomorrow. Restaurants on Monday.

Shelter in place New York. We will get stronger and better groomed we rednecks. Hide and watch. We have 67 deaths per million. NY has 933 per. Join us Wisconsin with your 37. Or eat cheese in the dark.

Jim at said...

Seems Inslee belives he is royalty and we are his serfs.

Subordinates. That's who we are to him.
He said so to the entire nation yesterday.

walter said...

AtmoGuy said...What kind of downward trajectory? What if over the next week daily new cases steadily drops so that only see 5 on Saturday, but then 6 on Sunday? Do we start the clock again?
Pointing out how when the numbers are so low to begin with, minor movements are overly weighted. At least limit that metric to confirmed COVID cases.
There needs to be a more tailored metric according to starting level.
And I'm not hearing nothing about county by county management either.

Francisco D said...

As long as it is about marketing, why not call it the :


Michael The Magnificent said...

The whole point of the stay-at-home order was to keep from overwhelming our medical resources by flattening the curve. Mission accomplished. See: https://www.wha.org/COVID19Update

Hospital admissions in WI are down.

Hospital PPE stock is increasing.

We have lots of hospital beds and ventilators available.

We have the medical capacity, it's time to open Wisconsin and finish the curve.

Shouting Thomas said...

Title of a piece I read the other day that correctly summarizes this post

State Governments Announce Demands Before Releasing Citizens from House Arrest.

Arashi said...

Jim at - I prefer the royalty serf analgoy, but he might hav esaid subordinate. When he said ther were disobeying him - their eomployee, I changed the channel. I have been trying to think of a nice way to email Inslee and my reps to tell them to get their heads out of their asses and get the state opened back up - but I get into it a bit and it collapses into a lot of profanity, which won't help. If I can tone it down a bit, an email is in the offing - not that it will do much good. So far my reps have been incognito somewhere and not answering email and such.

Mark said...

Are there number or date based benchmarks or is this more of that “when we feel safe” BS?

I mentioned this earlier, but the Harvard pointy-heads are saying that we need to be able to test 50 million people per day.

It reminds me of when Dr. Evil went back in time and held the world hostage for $100 billion -- and the world's leaders just laughed at him because that amount of money did not exist.


narciso said...

meamwhile cnn embiggens the crowds at Jacksonville beaches, so as to look like that rio scene in kingsman,

narciso said...

this last episode of homeland was very confusing, besides the snifter of Drambuie in sauls room, the bewildering notion that his agent was involved in everything from the rise of gorbachev to the whole Russian hacking business,

Charlie Currie said...

"Jazzed and Hopeful" is directly proportional to whether or not you have been and are still currently drawing a paycheck. Few if any government employees have had to suffer the loss of employment. Close all government offices today and the economy will open tomorrow.

walter said...

Narciso is ready for cafe

Gk1 said...

I wonder if folks that got rid of their red state governor for a blue state model.ie. Wisconsin, Michigan, Kentucky, Kansas have any buyers remorse? It sure looks like when the chips are down your average blue state governor will go power mad and try to push any blue party nonsense they wouldn't normally have the power to do otherwise.

Francisco D said...

walter said... Narciso is ready for cafe

Narciso is always ready for Cafe.

That Twitter post he linked to was an amazing example of how the media (or others) can distort reality.

Ignatius Acton Chesterton OCD said...

Althouse: “Why can't we all — Republican, Democrat, whatever — be jazzed and hopeful?”

Because the Democrat Resistance howls about — yet later adopts — the Republican President’s standards.

You live in the Wisconsin Directorate. I live in the Michigan Directorate. Our AWG (Angry Woman Governor) is a certifiable idiot in all matters of relevance.

I won’t even say “Democrat AWG” because they are one and the same. Ridiculous. And all women know this.

We need clear standards. Otherwise, this will go on, and on, and on...

Mark said...

narciso is ready for cafe

Well, some might be partial to Pauley Perrette, but I've said it before and I'll say it again -- Martha is looking mighty fine tonight. Her jacket is rather garish, but you can't detract from her yum.

AtmoGuy said...

Tony Evers's "plan" is like the "plan" that I have to take my wife out to a nice dinner as soon as I can fit into the tux I got married in 20 years and 30 pounds ago. Never gonna happen so it's never gonna happen.

walter said...

So..he is just now looking into "pillar one"?
Wisconsin Ready

Guildofcannonballs said...

What makes Farmer, J right is the progs execute, always with more precision.

Till society collapses. Again.

And then progs execute, always with more precision.

Societies collapses.

Progs execute, always with more precision.

Society is over.


madAsHell said...

I've always wanted to test the claim that a dead cat will bounce.

Heisenberg just wanted to know if the cat was dead. What's your hypothesis?

Chuck said...

Ohio man who protested Governor Mike DeWine’s state shutdown orders, calling them “bullshit” and an abuse of power dies of COVID-19:


There is a scientific process going on here, and I think it needs to be encouraged. It is known as “natural selection.” I’d like to organize a weeklong festival including a NASCAR race, a gun show and an Oak Ridge Boys concert, where freedom-loving patriots can camp together, eat together, watch Fox News and listen to Rush Limbaugh together. And not let any socialist Democrats tell them what to do.

Birkel said...

I will be pleased when the pensions and benefits of state employees are slashed 10-20% to reflect the deterioration of the state's fiscal condition. Across-the-board salary cuts sound reasonable.

And then the states can fire any non-essential workers from the universities.

narciso said...

Alan graysons crazy wife, good luck chuck

stevew said...

You are a miserable piece of shit Chuck.

Clyde said...

"Why can't we all — Republican, Democrat, whatever — be jazzed and hopeful?"

You know why: People who are "jazzed and hopeful" aren't the sort of people who want to "throw the bum out" in November.

JackWayne said...

Keep plugging that social conditioning. It’s what Progressives do.

Birkel said...

A certain banned racist fopdoodle thinks this is the Nate Silver post.

Wrong again.

Jalanl said...

stevew said...

"You are a miserable piece of shit Chuck."

Always struggled to understand how there is only joy in heaven - somehow we will not be sad about the people in hell. Stevew I think you nailed it. Some people are just miserable pieces of shit! They choose to roll in filth instead of seeking joy! They make their choices and they get what they ask for in the end...

rightguy said...

Anything less than implementing Phase 1 ASAP/tomorrow (with ASAP phases 2 &3) would be unacceptable to me. The Stanford /Santa Clara study indicates a mortality rate of 0.08-9.14%, mortality rates in the influenza rate. There is no reason to further delay re-opening Wisconsin. If phase 1 isn't started by 4/24, Wisconsans should be upset.

walter said...

Oh, look what has Chuck jazzed and hopeful.
I guess it is fun to think about dropping a li'l something in his G&T.

gilbar said...

madAsHell said...
Heisenberg just wanted to know if the cat was dead.

I'm pretty sure, that Heisenberg was uncertain Where the cat was (and how fast* it was moving)
It was Schrodinger that didn't know if the cat was dead

how fast* Okay, OKAY! he ALSO was uncertain how much the cat weighed

Guildofcannonballs said...

After more consideration than most lawyers could consider possible, not to say probable, it seems these times warrant my quoting William Frank Buckley Junior to you people again.

I will resume doing it via his abridgement of the dictionary, I presume. Abridgement isn't a word probably the little underscored squiggles keep telling me.

I ain't so sure though.

I read Buckley.

Mary Beth said...

Optimism seems to be frowned upon.

Guildofcannonballs said...

This is a link I shudderthink.

You small-ass thinkers get out the way.

Guildofcannonballs said...

God willing new Buckleys live in a better land.

TosaGuy said...

If we are going to open with such prudence and over such a long rate of time, we certainly can’t have the DNC in Milwaukee with 10s of thousands from across the country bring their germs to town.

Sebastian said...

IMHE model, 3/25, “Assuming social distancing measures are maintained, what are the forecasted gaps in available health service resources and number of deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic for each state in the United States?”

Wisconsin, cumulative deaths: 853; date of peak hospital use: 5/22; excess ICU demand: 32

coivd19.healthdata.org, today, April 20

Wisconsin, cumulative deaths by August 4: 302; peak use: 4/11; excess ICU demand at peak: 0

Oh, well. Models. Useful, you know. Useful.

Useful to show that the experts and the politicians and the alarmists were full of it.

Bob Smith said...

“ Why can't we all — Republican, Democrat, whatever — be jazzed and hopeful?“

Because Tuck Frump.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"This website contains the complete writings of William F. Buckley, Jr. "

What in Hell do these people teach and learn in Michigan?

Nobody could ever hope to concieve of what it would endumber to consider all thoughts WFB written, much less how to contain all writings.

All encompasess all.

This is Shut Up You Little Man level analysis of 160+ IQ genius.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"the complete writings of William F. Buckley, Jr."

As per usual, Farmer is right. We need trillions spent on family family family.

The only unit that has ever survived bbbeyond.

Fed spends it baby, keep it going on, forever, there can never be an end. Duh. Why would you even think there could?

rightguy said...

"Under the plan, the state will begin reopening businesses after a 14-day downward trajectory of influenza-like illnesses and COVID-19 symptoms, and a 14-day downward trend in positive tests as a percent of total tests."

Yeah, Guv Evers is going to drag it out as long as he can. I can't get 'jazzed' about that.

DavidUW said...

Shouting Thomas, I hear home improvement stores are open.
They sell rope.

They might sell tar

Feathers, well, might have to find a source for them.

but that's how this crap stops.

jeff said...

Dane Co Coronavirus cases - 365
Door Co cases 1
Sure Professor, one size fits all.
Wis unemployment est 27%
Dane Co (where no govment revenuers ever get pink slips) 4%

Merny11 said...

I am so fed up with Evers. There’s is absolutely no reason Wi isn’t in phase one by May 1. The way his Badger plan is written it allows for him to keep cooking the numbers to suit his real plans. Willing to bet we aren’t released before Jan 2021

Curious George said...

"TosaGuy said...
If we are going to open with such prudence and over such a long rate of time, we certainly can’t have the DNC in Milwaukee with 10s of thousands from across the country bring their germs to town."


Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger Michael said...
Georgia is opening gyms and nail shops tomorrow. Restaurants on Monday.
Shelter in place New York. We will get stronger and better groomed we rednecks. Hide and watch. We have 67 deaths per million. NY has 933 per. Join us Wisconsin with your 37. Or eat cheese in the dark.
4/20/20, 6:13 PM

We have 7 -- yes, 7 -- deaths per million in Hawaii. Our dimwitted governor is not even thinking about opening things up. Probably the government workers unions will have to push him into action.

Lurker21 said...

I am jazzed and hopeless.

Go Bouncing Baby Badgers!

wendybar said...

"Why can't we all — Republican, Democrat, whatever — be jazzed and hopeful?" Because we have the Media lying, and placing blame instead of trying to unite and work together for a cure. We have Chrissy Cuomo lying and pretending he is finally coming out of his basement, all the while he was out of the basement on Easter weekend, spreading his disease all over the place (witnesses place him at the Hamptons looking at his house being built, with his kids, wife and another woman around him) The Media is the divider.

n.n said...

A minimum of 12 feet according to scientists in Wuhan, and, those who follow the precautionary principle should maintain a "social" distance of 24 feet, with mask, goggles, and covered wounds.

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