Wrote somebody on an incel website, quoted in a NYT article titled "Who Goes Alt-Right in a Lockdown?/Mass anxiety, political instability, and isolation are a pretty good combination for warping peoples’ world views," by Annie Kelly, who is identified as "a Ph.D. student [at t the University of East Anglia in England] researching the impact of digital cultures on anti-feminism and the far right."
Kelly goes on to opine:
It is undeniable that crises like a pandemic demand radical solutions.... But my research finds that the subcultural aspects of the internet... can make us feel less lonely in the short term but often end up entrenching us further into certain fatalistic and misanthropic ways of thinking.... In fact, the internet — for good and for ill — is a collaborative and imaginative space, rather than somewhere one group of people talks and another listens.... In this age of isolation, we need to be aware of how far-right actors will attempt to exploit this unprecedented situation....
1 – 200 of 203 Newer› Newest»Poseurs. Both of them.
Normies now feel what we feel all the time. Alone, bored, sad, aimless, horny, empty, desolate.. . disconnected from the rest of humanity — the endless drone of whining and moaning I’m seeing on the social media timelines is the hellscape we have to endure constantly all the time during ‘normal times’
So, these losers want to impose their loser status on the rest of us?
Um, not gonna happen. We're Americans, dammit.
"Who Goes Alt-Right in a Lockdown?" An obvious play on Dorothy Thompson's 1941 "Harper's" article, "Who Goes Nazi?"
The boogie man to scare the NYT readers: The alt-right. Anyone who disagrees with the Liberal/Left is "alt-right" and they're the lowest form of life. Don't be like them. The liberal hive mind at work. Its amazing how the NYT/WaPo and the liberal educators have been able to brainwash everyone in to thinking that things that were acceptable even 20 years are now Taboo, and should be punished. Sometimes living in the USA is like living in the Old USSR. The New York Times is our Pravda.
In this age of isolation, we need to be aware of how far-right actors will attempt to exploit this unprecedented situation....
Because if you're a Rightie, you've got mental problems. If you're a Leftie, if you're not outraged, you're not paying attention...
Personally, I don't think this "lockdown" can go any further than early May. People are starting to go stir crazy.
Can we consider this an example of how one far-left actor is attempting to exploit this unprecedented situation?
Yeah people are going to go alt right when they realize they feminized response of hiding under your bed is the wrong thing to do when we run out of food and there's mass famine. Patriarchy really shines in famine times
Anti-feminism, anti-masculinism, too? Far right/left, anarchist/totalitarian nexus? Is this about the Progressive Church, transhuman orientations, social liberal club, and wicked choices?
People were alt -right prior to the lockdown.
Maybe now, when you are quarantined, maybe you might consider that the government is less functional that you once believed.
"Dorothy Thompson's 1941 "Harper's" article, "Who Goes Nazi?"
LOL. Dorothy Thompson - the 1941 version of Joy Behar. God what an awful woman. All in favor of the USA getting into world war II and killing those krauts and achieving victory - no matter how many hundreds of thousands died. Of course, she would watch it all from the safety of Manhattan. Shirer was the same way. Conveniently 4-F, he spent the entire war "fighting Nazis" from his well-to-do Manhattan apartment, and fine eating establishments.
Why doesn’t a pandemic lead to balanced and moderate solutions?
LOL - that's a new one.
Incel, really? Real or imagined? #Judgment #TooManyLabels
"Who Goes Nazi?"
Far-left, or a left-right nexus, where anarchists implicitly, and liberal diverge, to support the normalization of a totalitarian state, diversity, wicked solutions, and social justice, are part and parcel of progressive religion and ideology.
Oddly enough, that’s my central concern about the lefties and how they will exploit this situation. One cannot say it enough. The lefties are nasty vicious little shits.
- Krumhorn
which one is the normie?
Jeez, Ann. Your daily reading of the NY Times has got to have some impact on your psychological state. They are such a depressed bunch. With degrees.
This writer stumbled on some truths, though. And got it half right. If she thinks the worldwide Socialist movement is sitting on their hands these days, she's probably one of those who thinks their line of thinking is AOK. So many articles have come out over the past 3 months on how (a) totalitarian methods of government work, and (b) why capitalism is either at fault, or why it is failing.
Much more dangerous stuff than a few alt-right folks with a small following.
I go to /pol/ every day because I appreciate the brutal honesty and horrifyingly offensive stuff. Safe speech is boring.
Anyway, my point is that they hated 'roasties' like this learned prof before the pandemic and will hate them after. To the extent she thinks the pandemic is bringing anyone over to 'their side' she is sorely mistaken. People that go alt-right do so gradually as they wake up (or get 'red-pilled') to the clown world in which they live. "Drag Queen Story Hour' does more to swell the alt-right than coronavirus ever will.
one group of people talks and another listens
Why does she expect there is a place where she and her ilk can talk and others are forced to listen and not respond... oh yes, this is the NYT which sometimes turns off comments.
Toldja so.
I hope he's in the 20% of the abnormiescum whose symptoms get worse so I can have me some farfegnugen too.
One problem with accepting the mainstream media take on what is if is not “far right,” much less the amorphous and undefinable “alt-right” the media created out of whole cloth during Trump's primary run, is that as they have shed their reluctance to be openly partisan the media have also redefined what the center is. A classical Liberal like Althouse is labeled right wing simply for her affection for free speech. So Progressives have so radically shifted, openly embracing socialism and anti-capitalism and rabid identity politics, that now ANYONE who advocates the following are labeled haters and right wingers troglodytes:
Free speech
Bill of Rights
Voter ID laws
The Constitution
Freedom of assembly
Immigration Laws (as written)
Private Charity
Scientific Method
Objective Journalism
“Live and let live”
Due Process
Two sexes (biology in general)
Freedom to associate
America (as founded)
Merit-based Anything
Tradition and Morality
Skepticism and Prudence
Modesty and restraint
Common Sense
Thus the progressive thinkers have shifted the Democrats so far left that Classical Liberal is now the center.
Is there anyone from East Anglia that doesn't proselytize the ultra authoritarian religion of the left?
So far left their neighbors are the far right...
A PHd student doing a dissertation on how awful and pathetic her political opponents are. Nice work if you can get it.
I'm studying the impact of isolation and find that activists and agenda-pushers 1) conclude their existing biases and beliefs are confirmed to be correct and 2) seek to exploit this situation that they call "unprecedented" but there are many precedents to exploiting situations to promote your own cause.
researching the impact of digital cultures on anti-feminism and the far right.
How prepared is this researcher for the answer to be "no significant impact"?
Or does she have too much personally invested in the question to have it come up empty?
This is really the problem with most social science as it's currently practiced.
And why the term "scientist" keeps getting less and less respect as we go down this path.
When I first glanced at the article, I thought Annie Kelly was the incel who felt "alone, bored, sad, aimless, horny, empty, desolate... disconnected from the rest of humanity," and was gladdened by the fact that others felt that way, too.
The article would have been so much better and more interesting if she were a social pariah speaking her truth, rather than just an outsider anatomizing the group according to her own standards and needs and prejudices.
"Normies" aren't likely to "go alt-right" because of coronavirus. A few who are already "abnormies" may go off the deep end, though, if they aren't already there.
Annie Kelly In this age of isolation, we need to be aware of how far-right actors will attempt to exploit this unprecedented situation.
LOL, literally. L. O. L.
Why do we need to be aware of some pitiful mental guy whining on twitter (is that exploitation?) but not be aware of Dem governors destroying businesses and voting rights, and "experts" wanting to round people up?
So one weird group (NYT social media researchers) attacks another weird group. When weirdos fight weirdos we all win.
I don't know how, OR WHY, people still read the New York Times. The fact the headline didn't discuss massive unemployment- you know, like HITLER exploited to gain power- is sufficient to dismiss the article entirely. Losing your job doesn't have the same cure as medicating away your obvious neuroses.
The unemployed incel shutins are enjoying this, as they should, but what you should really be worried about is a sympathetic ear patiently listening to the people forced out of their jobs. Yet they still have to pay the banks and landlords! Say, the super nice person will ask, isn't your landlord a Jewish person?
Oh yes, Julie Kelly's right to be worried. If only she had actual empathy to offer.
NYT police: "In this age of isolation, we need to be aware of how far-right actors will attempt to exploit this unprecedented situation...."
oooo "far right actors".. is that like Hillary's VRWC? or the fact that we must all be Russian assets? Conform, or be labeled a "Russian Asset". Does this article showcase the creepiness of the left? I cannot see it all because I refuse to pay for NYT. Always watching. Always warning the hivemind they must be on guard for the nefarious "other" - the "far right wing actor"... is lurking... with an opinion that isn't properly progressive.
Watch out!
Meanwhile, the old left is the same as the new left. Speech Crimes. Mind Crimes. Thought Crimes - Crimes against the progressive superiority! everywhere!
Same old Castro family dictatorship. Liars, who steal it all, and destroy it all, while they shove you down and imprison you for your thought-crimes.
or the Chi-Coms. Authoritarian who spread world-wide disease and blame others. And we all know what the Cho-coms are. Asshole.
While she is there, she could do a bit of research on how the global warming hoax was augmented by their data manipulation.
Weird how that sounds just like Holden Caulfield.
An advanced degree has become a mark of shame. Sad!
researching the impact of digital cultures on anti-feminism and the far right."
University of East Anglia? I'm not surprised.
Can we expect followups on "Who Goes Radical-Left in a Lockdown?" or "Who Goes Jihadhi in a Lockdown?"
I feel better knowing that incel feels better.
Like "Normal" lefties AREN'T exploiting this crisis already??? Are they dumb, or just blind and deaf???
I thought that name sounded familiar...
The New York Times alerts us to the Sinister North Dakota Housewife Menace:"
"The Housewives of White Supremacy"
By Annie Kelly
Project much?
Digital cultures, anti-feminism, and the far right. There a lot of definitional squish in all three of those concepts. I hope she defined her terms precisely before conducting her research. But I doubt it. She what she wants to find and disregard the rest.
CA Gov. Newsom said this crisis is an opportunity to impose his fascist view of society. The mayor of LA has urged people to snitch on their neighbors for violations of social distancing. The LA Sheriff arrested a paddle boarding man who was football fields away from the citizens of Malibu. Who is warping who?
Is Wuhan Flu transferable to straw-men?
NYT's pimping the "far-right" booger-man once more.
Meanwhile, supporting an old Communist for President, or anti-American socialist policies in general, is completely OK!
People go 'alt right' in comparison to the Left when the Left has so flagrantly and simultaneously dropped the ball, screwed the pooch, and doubled down on stupid.
People have the freedom to examine what people were saying and what is happening now, and your side, you idiotic self righteous twat, has been an abysmal failure.
An examination of your philosophy and institutions is not in your best interest. But you know that.
This is damage control.
When I was a kid (I know, I know) and a hurricane came through we didn’t have electricity for up to a week. No radio, no electric lights. Gimme a break.
Annie Kelly, who is identified as "a Ph.D. student [at t the University of East Anglia in England] researching the impact of digital cultures on anti-feminism and the far right."
Stellar research comes our of East Anglia.
No doubt they will come out with a "scientific" model proving the planet will be uninhabitable in ten years due to the explosion of alt-rightism.
We all have to be part of a sub-group, with anxieties, pathology, and enemies. Well, sorry, I'm not playing.
Who goes left-wing statist in a lockdown?
Some governors?
"Who Stays Alt-Left in a Lockdown? Mass transit, sclerotic political views, and high housing density are a pretty good combination for warping peoples’ world views
In this age of isolation, we need to be aware of how far-right actors will attempt to exploit this unprecedented situation....
Frankly I'm much more worried about how the Left and the far Left are attempting to exploit this unprecedented situation. After all, they're actually a problem when the Alt Right is a sad joke no one pays attention to except those dragging them out from under a rock to wave around like a bloody shirt.
As Jean-Paul Sartre said, "Hell is other people on the internet."
As a global doctor, my rsearch says it gets lonely on the interwebs dawg.
Kelly ought to define her expression far right.
Exactly why does she put incels into that category?
I’m not particularly isolated.
Eating lunch with my grandkids... a radical solution!
I wonder at the ease with which I have adjusted to living at the epicenter of this crisis. I go to the supermarket much less. When out, I instinctively move away from people. I'm starting to avoid the park--too crowded. I read less and watch more television. I'm not particularly depressed or anxious, but there's a sense of dread, that life's going to get worse. I live a different life, but the changes, so far at least, are not the type that drive you crazy....How are other people faring?
For the anti-Semites it was the Jooooozzz!
For most progressives it's the dreadful far right.
For most Democrats its "The Orange Man".
I dunno---I suppose everyone has their favorite bogeymen or bogeyman. In most cases there's no reason for such an irrational distaste or fear.
That damned Internet is a free exchange of ideas. Somebody censor it quick. The 65 years of big lie mind control is melting away just when it looked unbeatable.
I wonder if Annie Kelly realizes that another downside of the internet is that it encourages PhD students to create fantasy worlds where anonymous comments by internet trolls are believed to be indicators of whatever social trend they imagine are occurring?
Ok. I clicked through and read the article. It's an unmade bed of disjointed notions projected onto "the internet." I kept reading waiting for her to "get on with it" and present anything that resembled actual analysis. Then the article stops with her concluding that the situation presents an opportunity for the "right wing" to radicalize the stay at home internet user. Very underwear gnomes in it's logic.
My question is what about this article drew Althouse's attention?
"...we need to be aware of how far-right actors will attempt to exploit this unprecedented situation...."
A variation of the Wolfe quote: the dark night of fascism is always coming from the right and yet takes place on the left.
Or something like that.
You know what I mean.
I am Laslo.
My God, these nerds exist in a self-fulfilling vacuum. "Can't get laid coz women are mean! Ergo, Ima sit inside all day and all night blogging about how mean women are! Dammit! Where's all the women at??!!! They otter be knocking down my door to get at this magnificent catch! Can't get laid coz women are mean!" Rinse and repeat.
Word salad.
It isn't difficult to obtain the title Ph.D. student.
"We need to be aware of how far-right actors will attempt to exploit this unprecedented situation"
Aren't "far-right actors" and "far-left actors" always "attempting to exploit" every situation?
Who was it that said "never let a crisis go to waste" again?
"In this age of isolation, we need to be aware of how far-right actors will attempt to exploit this unprecedented situation...."
There are so many feeble souls. There so many people to oppress, to marginalize, and to exploit. It's a tough job, but someone has to do it. Who shall I manipulate and misuse first?
"Warping world-views"? The New York Times & Co. have done little else in years. Self-aware much, lady?
To wit:
Youyou Wang: "Are you co-operating with China?"
President Trump: “Who are you working for--China?”
Youyou Wang: “No. I work for Hong Kong's Phoenix TV.”
President Trump: “Not you, Youyou--I was talking to Jonathan Karl.”
a collaborative and imaginative space, rather than somewhere one group of people talks and another listens
In other words, you deplorables must respect my authority! Shorter: Shut up.
Oh, for fuck's sake. Leftists are in favoring of government controlling every aspect of your life that they think is good for you. Alt-right is in favor of, exactly what? Who is the alt-right and what is their agenda? My agenda as a small government conservative is to minimize government, its cost, and its span of control. Am I alt-right? What wickedness do my beliefs force onto other?
"Normies now feel what we feel all the time. Alone, bored, sad, aimless, horny, empty, desolate..."
One of these is not like the others.
"often end up entrenching us further into certain fatalistic and misanthropic ways of thinking"
So true. Will the rest of humanity ever achieve the sanity that is so obvious to us deplorables?
"In this age of isolation, we need to be aware of how far-right actors will attempt to exploit this unprecedented situation"
You'd better be. We on the far right are busy exploiting and plotting. Though so far we haven't been able to keep men from dying at higher rates, we will find a way yet to hit women and minorities hardest.
We also need to be aware of how the media wields "right" and "far right" to smear perfectly good, perfectly normal people.
RNB said...
"Who Goes Alt-Right in a Lockdown?" An obvious play on Dorothy Thompson's 1941 "Harper's" article, "Who Goes Nazi?"
Except there you're mostly talking about liberals, who are Nazis at heart in the best of times.
I felt sorry for the person making the initial quote. And based on it I expected the author to react with more empathy. And maybe understand that some of the vulgar misantrhopism seen on various internet communities is not due to something inherent in the characters of its members, but brought on by social isolation. But no, like some stiff religious proctor she goes on to use it as an example, to admonish everyone what might befall them, should they entertain right-wing thoughts. All it takes to succumb to the infernal temptation of the right, is one Ben Shapiro video, on article read from National Review. Then you will be forever on the road to perdition.
The article was behind a paywall so I couldn't read it, but I will also note that the author's use of the word, "research" seemed odd to me. Maybe the author did in fact do something more substantial and methodological than look at 4chan, but it seems like it it is a trick to inflate the importance of her own take on random takes she finds online.
so, let me see, if i have their equations correct?
incel==alt.right==far right==anyone to the left of the NYT's
that IS what they're saying, right?
The End Of Gynocracy
Annie Kelly sounds like yet another Marshall McLuhan wannabe. Meh.
Her host institution, University of East Anglia, is renowned among climatologists as one of the epicenters of another pandemic, called Catastrophic Climate Change, which since about 1992 has been run by grifters and hysterics in a cultural space as fact-free and panic-poisoned as the worst recesses of the Internet that she so pompously deplores.
Nope, I'm just as cheerful and optimistic as I always am.
"Um, not gonna happen. We're Americans, dammit."
There are a lot of losers in America, (and different types of losers).
Why are you even bothering to bore us with this drek, Ms. Althouse? Is this the kind of two-sided crap you feel demands public debate in a crisis?
Who you callin' normie, beeyotch?
I love these laments that Bad People make use of the Intertubes. Does she realize that they also use writing on paper, and produce sound waves with their voices?
Icky as that might be.
Talk about nutzlose Esser
"It is undeniable that...."
False premise alert.
One disgruntled kid, typing, in his pajamas, in his Mom’s basement? That’s enough for an entire rambling New York Times article? This isn’t even an argument by anecdote. If you search around the Internet long enough you can always find somebody, somewhere, saying something that supports your argument.
Self-centered people become more self-centered.
Making your way in the world today
Is hard when you're on the couch
Taking a break from all your worries
Won't change that you're a grouch
Wouldn't you like to get away?
Sometimes you want to go
Where nobody knows your name
But they know just who to blame
You want to be where you can see
The people without a clue
You want to be where nobody knows your name
You want to go where people see
The people cry out in pain
You want to go where nobody knows your name
I thought the NYT fearmongering deserved exposure.
Horny? Good. She can go F* herself.
"You, You, You" - Sam Cooke
"Not you, You-You" - Donald Trump
take a look at the unz report which aggregates paleocon sentiment, and something different emerges,
Tell your kids to go into an honorable and useful profession, like plumbing. Avoid the grad schools and mostly avoid becoming a Ph.D. candidate.
- former Ph.D. candidate (successful)
New York City has @ 3,500 deaths.
San Francisco has 9.
This financial and news center is projecting its own fears nationally, encouraging panic over reason.
By the way, East Anglia is most famous for their doctoring of early, key research on Global Warming (before the consensus of media- I mean, researchers- decided to call it Climate Change). The good folks at East Anglia would literally change data to meet their outcomes. Stated so in their emails. Then denied it and of course, the press buried it.
Not sure what category that falls under. Maybe charlatan.
We need establish whether James Thurber was anti-feminist or feminist first.
Still ain't a conflagration, if it were, I'd told you years ago.
divining, hisruptcy, the darker arts,
I'd love to see who the author thinks is "alt right" or "Far Right". My suspicion is that it would include Trump and the entire Republican party.
Its good she can diagnose American politics from 3,000 miles away. But then, the NTY is just the Guardian with a New York accent.
University of East Anglia? I'm not surprised.
I laughed my ass off at this! Thank you, Sir.
More scientific expertise. Right.
Ann Althouse @ 12:15: "I thought the NYT fearmongering deserved exposure."
Chumming the waters.
Cruel sport!
Now, to get personal ... oh shit I forgot.
Will I keep this going?
As typing is withing the scope defionalishonally of ... YEah
I'll keep it go-wing.
So sad for all those body-counters who won't have so many dead vehicle accidents to profit from as, rightly, people don't want to "bring out the dead" or dispose neither, but do it 'cause I and others don't.
Nobody is different dead; they are dead.
Althouse, last I knew, favours the group with the Oscar "It's Hard Out Here, Be a Pimp" or somesuch. Maybe Crack in San Franscisco can inform us all on successful ways to be living well, happy, fed awesomely, and yet still kick some tunes.
Hey hey fuck Detroit, fuck the Coke-Fiend Wings, Asshole the NHL, Fuck Detroit Auto Standards 1980 We Ain't Forgot Who Did This To De Troit Bee Ouch.
Steven ***g made money, but still I bet hates God/Himself/Universe.
Thank God but we go there.
so, let me see, if i have their equations correct?
incel==alt.right==far right==anyone to the left of the NYT's
that IS what they're saying, right?
The right is libertarian. Ostensibly, the "alt-right" or far-right is in the anarchist/totalitarian nexus. NYT is simply following their established style guide to spread the smear through close associations. Apparently, this is a legal right held exclusively by the incorporated fourth estate.
how about this
That's not a student. She's an activist pretending to be a student.
maybe you might consider that the government is less functional that you once believed.
That is, in fact, an axiomatic assumption of America's charter ("Declaration of Independence"), only tempered through religious/moral (or "ethical", albeit relativistic) moderation, and competing interests that mitigate progress of others to run amuck.
the progressive thinkers have shifted the Democrats so far left that Classical Liberal is now the center.
Technically, right of center. In America, the center, conservative, is established by charter and order, which is a tempered classical liberalism.
Not to be forgotten is that East Anglia is the petri dish of the AGW fungal mold spores that have delivered us Greta the Pest.
- Krumhorn
"It is undeniable that crises like a pandemic demand radical solutions...."
Crises like a pandemic do not perforce demand radical solutions.
See? Just denied it... It is NOT undeniable.
Writing like yours, Ms. Kelly, that is "pretty good...for warping peoples’ world views."
Isn't Unz anti-semitic, anti-Israel?
Althouse, thanks.
There's a youtube video of a guy in NYC who's been volunteering with Samaritan's Purse in setting up a temporary hospital in Central Park. Typical liberal NYer except that he talks about how he's been attacked for working with Samaritan's Purse because of their views on homosexuality, abortion etc. He responds by saying, in effect, "Don't be ridiculous, we can discuss politics another time, we all need to be working together now." He goes on to note how he used to think the all the conspiracy theorists and wackos were on the right, and now her realizes that they are "also" on the left. I think he misspoke and should have said "almost exclusively," but at least he's honest. One example of an honest lib.
This financial and news center is projecting its own fears nationally, encouraging panic over reason.
pan+demic: inclusive+people, including viral and social contagions.
The East Anglia global warming temperature data has been corrected by several others independent. It turns out they underestimated the amount of global warming based on the new numbers some of which were put together by former denihilists.
The temperature record is not considered controversial. What is controversial are the potential impacts which are very uncertain and at this time unknowable.
What's interesting is the big shutdown of traditional air pollution for several months should show a significant drop in global average temperatures because that is a first-order forcing that is quick-acting because of short half-life in the atmosphere.
All the commenters above covered all the points I could think of very, very well. Congratulations! The only thing I might add is that she has chosen the lyin' Left's definition of "alt-right" which they took from an Reddit's classification for an obscure sub-Reddit for stormfronters and the like. In reality, it is a term chosen by normal Conservative bloggers that were declaring themselves "not Billy Kristol" and the rest of our betters that eventually became "Never Trumpers" and even Democrats--"The Right" at the time. You know, Chuckpublicans. We used "alt" to mean "not like them." We support borders, walls, and America above all. It's as simple as that.
U of East Anglia? Reject Annie Kelly's dissertation because she can't even be honest about that.
Life is hard. It's harder when you're stupid. Is MEGA-bummer.
this crisis, requires common sense solutions, these procrustean ones are not helpful to anyone except power hungry bureaucrats, I used unz as a catch all, vox populi, isn't particularly focused on that, I imagine neither is zman, it's the left with totalitarian expectations like the smart quarantine,
"University of East Anglia? I'm not surprised."
Memo to Scientists, PhDs, & MDs:
Your scientific bluffing and credentialism doesn't work with some of us.
And, if you are matriculating at the University of East Anglia it really doesn't work. Were you unable to get into the West Texas College of the Trucking Arts?
Ps. I love Texas, not a burn against them:)
Pps. I expressly exempt Doctor K from this diatribe. He is a well-rounded expert in 10 different things.
Carry on.
How about research on how whacked out lefties applaud the totalitarian decrees that isolate us in the first place.
Howard said... The East Anglia global warming temperature data has been corrected by several others independent. It turns out they underestimated the amount of global warming based on the new numbers some of which were put together by former denihilists. The temperature record is not considered controversial.
Did you mean to say that the temperature record, taken with tree ring data did not Hide the decline! as Prof. Mann requested?
Yes, Times, we all know it's only right-wing people who are alone, bored, sad, aimless, horny, empty, desolate . . . "
The Aimless and the Horny
That would make a great title for a new Soap Opera.
The temperature record is not considered controversial.
By looney tunes leftists who are posting all the hate on Twitter to Rand Paul who has recovered and is now to volunteer to help with the virus he should now be immune to.
The angry left is the cancer now.
I expressly exempt Doctor K from this diatribe. He is a well-rounded expert in 10 different things.
At least three of which are legal in most states. Thanks.
Here's the original post.
Missing from the post and its follow-ups: the text strings "alt" and "right".
Sometimes sociologists perform research based on meta studies. Instead of doing original research, they look at past research and reassemble the data to investigate a new question.
In real science, you can get away with this. Sometimes.
The way sociologists abuse meta studies should be a crime.
You combine incompatible data sets to prove that mortgage companies are redlining ethnic neighborhoods for example. And it looks enough like real science to fool people, especially journalists and politicians.
But sociologists love meta studies, not just because they produce any result that is desired (you just have to cherry pick your data sets), but because they are cheap and easy. Instead of doing the footwork to do real research, you sit in front of a computer screen and rearrange data that someone else has already gotten.
This is more or less what Kelly has done. She came up with a thesis, and then combed the internet to find data that supported her thesis, while ignoring data that did not fit her thesis. And she did it all without having to change out of her bathrobe.
Nice work when you can get it.
Howard @ 1:27: "The East Anglia global warming temperature data has been corrected by several others independent..."
A fat slow one right over the middle. I'll be brief.
Are you completely unfamiliar with ClimateGate, November 2009? And the thousands of emails exposing conspiracy among the CAGW elite to keep rivals and skeptics from publishing, as well as admissions that they couldn't explain how the planet was not heating enough?
Likewise are you completely unfamiliar in the ClimateGate disclosures, of the email confession by the UAE programmer (charged with fixing the vaunted computer program on which CAGW modeling was based) that he could not make sense of the shoddy mess the elites had created?
Likewise are you completely unfamiliar with the comprehensive demolition of the model by Steve McIntyre and Ross McKittrick, that showed how you could feed it any data and it would produce a hockey stick?
In my post at 2:51: "UAE programmer" should be "UEA programmer."
Howard: Here. I don't want you to have to wonder where this stuff came from.
"Normies now feel what we feel all the time. Alone, bored, sad, aimless, horny, empty, desolate..."
Weird thinking. My husband and I had raucous sex, then went 10 yards off our patio and caught a couple stripers for dinner.
She should get out now and again.
"Alt-right" has become what "neocon" was a few years ago, and "ultra-conservative" was a few years before that: a label that the stupid can apply to anyone who disagrees with the statist Hive, and thus avoid having to think.
In this age of isolation, we need to be aware of how far-right actors will attempt to exploit this unprecedented situation
We also need to be aware of how some will attempt to manufacture strawmen and boogeymen to advance their own divisive ideology of hate.
Isn't Unz anti-semitic, anti-Israel?
Not that I've seen (I just read Sailer and James Thompson), and FWIW narciso didn't even get the name right.
caught a couple stripers for dinner.
Not strippers?
As Darrell says, the label "Alt Right" was short for alternative right, and was adopted because Fake-Cons like Bill Kristol, David French, Max Boot, George will, and other members of Conservative Inc. had hijacked the labels "Conservative" and "Right wing".
The liberal/left immediately - with Never Trumper help - started smearing the Alt-right as "Neo-nazis". Now its used interchangeably by the Liberal/left with "White Supremacist." And of course, once the liberal/left starts smearing they expand the definition of any smear word until the entire opposition is covered. I have no doubt that the author of the article considers Jonah Goldberg and David French "White supremacists"
BTW, I'm reading a history of the Spanish Republic 1935-1939 and the Commies used the same trick. They started out, once the Liberal-left had taken power in Feb 1936, in demanding the Fascist Party be outlawed and Deplatformed.
Once that had been accomplished, they labeled the Monarchist Party and Far-Right Bourgeois Parties "Fascists" or "Secret Fascists" "Neo-fascists" and demanded they be de-platformed and outlawed. By the time of Franco's revolt in July 1936, almost the entire center-right had been labeled "Fascist", and leftists were assaulting and assassinating Center-right party members and leaders in Parliament.
It's just the NYT throwing out more of the usual chum for its fan base.
"Keep hate alive!" is a cynical, political -- and frankly, rotten -- rallying point in a moment like this.
One of the sick people in my neighborhood is an emergency room doctor. People here are more into "Love one another;" they are praying for the man and trying to help his family. I don't know their political affiliations, and I honestly don't care.
Are you completely unfamiliar with ClimateGate, November 2009? And the thousands of emails exposing conspiracy among the CAGW elite to keep rivals and skeptics from publishing, as well as admissions that they couldn't explain how the planet was not heating enough?
Howard knows about that but he has millions of yokels paying through the nose for shit like windmills and Chinese solar panels .
You don't think the greenies were doing this for free do you ? This is Big Business, Soviet style.
Somebody may have already linked to this but it is no mystery why Jonathan Karl brought a ChiCom propaganda type into the White House briefing.
They own the US media.
Alt-right actors? I thought all actors were leftists.
Dorothy Thompson was expelled from Germany in 1934 for criticizing Hitler. She'd been reporting from Europe since 1920.
William L. Shirer left Germany late in 1940, after a number of years of reporting from there, after he said he learned the Gestapo were about to charge him with the capital crime of espionage.
re a disapproving comment on their supposed cowardice earlier in this thread.
Even though I find myself using it often, I really want an alternative to the phrase "In fact".
It's kind of meaningless, but I guess it's supposed to make what you say after it have a little more umph. In fact, it kinda sucks. Any suggestions for an alternative?
Anybody know the location of the Alt-Right hidden village. It sounds like they are everywhere, but I never see them.
"In fact" is itself an alternative phrase, that is, used to contrast some other idea. Another word could be "actually" or "in truth."
Used as emphasis, "to be sure" can be a different way to say it.
There is always - "It cannot be gainsaid."
" I really want an alternative to the phrase "In fact"...."
In fact, "furthermore" can often serve as a substitute, that even adds a little bit of a booster rocket to it.
"The Eloi despise the Morlocks. In fact, they don't even hide it" becomes:
"The Eloi despise the Morlocks. Furthermore, they don't even hide it."
I am here to help.
I am Laslo.
As Kool & The Gang once (almost) said:
"Incel-ebrate Good Times, Come On!"
Oh yeah. Cornoavirus is the new Disco Fever.
I am Laslo.
Synonyms for in fact
as a matter of fact
de facto
in point of fact
in reality
in truth
More Synonyms for in fact
as a matter of fact
beyond doubt
de facto
for real
in actuality
in effect
in point of fact
in reality
no ifs ands or buts
nothing else but
of course
Tips for Not Feeling Sorry For Yourself:
* Read some great works of literature, then seek out discussion groups online
* Start a new hobby
* Learn a new language
* Disconnect from social media for the duration of the lockdown. Pick a news station, and stick with them for all news and discussion of the pandemic.
* Call your elderly relatives a couple of times a week to make sure they're ok. Take an interest in whatever they say.
That's enough to get started, I think.
I've got a monster stack of projects that have just been piling up over the past several years. I'm finally dedicating some time to them, and it's keeping me busier than ever. Definitely not bored, and absolutely not feeling sorry for myself.
"Incel" isn't a badge of honor. It's also not something to be ashamed of. Find a way out of the funk you're in. There's lots of things you can do to free yourself.
In fact, you can find a lot of alternatives or "in fact" here --
Francisco D, the Hockey Stick hide the decline was done by an American Mike Mann of deplorable Penn State, not East Anglia.
caught a couple stripers for dinner.
Not strippers?
Didja use a pole?
"The Eloi despise the Morlocks. Furthermore, they don't even hide it."
The Eloi are as stupid as cattle. Furthermore, they are just as delicious!
Man, I miss the days when "wet market" was just slang for a young woman's vagina.
Misty watercolor memories of the way we were.
I am Laslo.
Owen, I was active on Climate Audit, WUWT, RealClimate, Stoat, Reference Frame, Rabbit Run etc. Since 2006. Rhhardin participated on Curry's Climate etc. back then, I don't remember you. Climategate was a semi nothing Burger. Look at where Steve Mosher is today. Watts never finished his global temperature instrument record because it was totally discredited by Steve McIntyre of Climate Audit.
I agree that alarmists have a discrediting effect, but the basic physics is beyond doubt. Personally I think we need to control traditional air pollution first which is probably responsible for 50% of the temperature rise it'll provide most bang for the buck and we can use existing technology and reduce toxicity exposure to people.
Howard: "Francisco D, the Hockey Stick hide the decline was done by an American Mike Mann of deplorable Penn State, not East Anglia."
It was East Anglia that hid their publicly funded research data and algorithms, had emails released which proved the East Anglians worked behind the scenes with peer reviewers and publications to disallow any contrary views to be published, and then, on top of all of that, fought against a lawsuit which compelled them to release their raw data capture used in their calculations and when the judge finally, FINALLY, told them enough with the delays, suddenly "lost" ALL of the data in question.
But only ALL of it.
Apparently, these "scientists" and "experts" "forgot" to back up all the data that was used as a political battering ram for a decade.
You know, what can you do? The East Anglians just happened to walk into the building on the day they were required to release the data and, wouldnt you know it? Gosh darn it! It was ALL just.....gone.
Could have happened to anyone really.
Tough break there.
Yes, Drago and their programmer gave the secret away with the comments he inserted in the code files.
The temperature record is not considered controversial.
Really? I considered it controversial since it is based on manipulated data instead of observed data.
There's a chat party goin' on right here
A celi-bration to last throughout the year
Personally I think we need to control traditional air pollution first which is probably responsible for 50% of the temperature rise it'll provide most bang for the buck and we can use existing technology and reduce toxicity exposure to people.
So, that would keep the temperature rise down to 0.0001 degree per century ? Good thinking Howard. Can I have the billions spent on this bullshit. If so, I will agree with you on anything you say.
A radically reduced traditional air pollution emissions experiment is being run right now Doc Mike. It's bigger than me 9/11 experiment that just eliminated contrails. That had a pretty big effect on global temperatures.
You have no idea what you were talking about. Most thinking people realize that outside of medicine you are completely useless. Achilles is more reliable than you are.
Yeah, Drago, you're making some good points. I guess nothing Burger is flippant way to describe climategate. ultimately I think it did have a positive effect on the science going forward. it's the politics around at that really screws everything up
The best blog that covers all the bases it's called "Science of Doom" which came into being after climategate. Most of the climate blogs are essentially dead now because it really is no major controversy over what we know. the dead-enders on both sides have retreated to their home blogs to enjoy the comfort of echo chamber denialism and or alarm ism
Drago and Michael K: thanks for corroborating and enhancing the point I was trying to make from imperfect memory. I remember reading the ClimateGate disclosures and being absolutely gobsmacked at the way these “scientists” had concocted their narrative and hidden their work. I naively thought the exposure would end the scandalous conduct. Silly me.
Howard, you try to misdirect us by claiming that Mann’s hockey stick was done independently of the shenanigans at UEA-CRU. Sorry: Mann and Phil Jones and the rest of the cabal operated seamlessly across continents. They were in direct email contact as the whole thing evolved.
This crooked business has cost all of Science very dearly. And you’re OK with that?
too much grant money to the right parties, to keep moving, too many reporters to repeat the narrative, too many educators to spread the narrative among the yoots,
Query: can an irredeemable deplorable ever be branded a Normie. Or is that a bridge too far?
he has some cred
Francisco D, the Hockey Stick hide the decline was done by an American Mike Mann of deplorable Penn State, not East Anglia.
You got me Howard.
There is too much climate change bullshit for my aging brain to retain. It's like all the leftwing hoaxes out there.
4/7/20, 4:57 PM --
I don't think that any of those are alternatives for "in fact."
You can go into the newspaper archives from a hundred years ago (literally 1920) and find archives claiming that all the glaciers would melt within twenty years.
can an irredeemable deplorable ever be branded a Normie.
In some nations, some times, they were even branded "burdens".
experiment that just eliminated contrails. That had a pretty big effect on global temperatures.
I'm glad I took physics, and calculus.
Reality is that which when you stop believing in it, does not go away. James Hansen told me New York would be under water 10 years ago. We are off to a new more exciting moral panic, corona virus. The global warming panic is dead. When we stop believing in it it will go away.
“ When we stop believing in it it will go away.”
That will never happen, for some values of “we”.
I am sure it will not.
To the "incel"'s credit, their brand doesn't feature 600, 700 hundred thousand planned, excess deaths annually in America alone. And the Mengele clinics... very virus-like reuse, recycle of colorful clumps of cells.
The global warming panic is dead. When we stop believing in it it will go away.
With several trillion dollars in redistributive change at stake, and the sociopolitically inoculated Green Blight, the prophecy will remain viable, long past when Nature denies the consensus again, and again, and again. Al they need to do is fill in the missing links with brown matter, and promise DNC-appointed diversitist leaders a share. It works every time.
No, warming is no longer fashionable, the dogs will bark but the caravan will move on to the next panic. Society goes crazy all at once, but recovers one person at a time. Each recovery starts with the words, how could I have been so stupid.
nn, I hope the pandemic will force us to recalibrate our priorities. The braindead environmentalism will hopefully fade away with the baby bloomers.
Howard: “...braindead environmentalism...”. Not sure it will fade as Boomers leave the scene. The unscientific credulous culture is strong among the Boomers’ spawn and grand-spawn. The bad physics has to dug out of one brain at a time. IMHO.
Gahrie said...
You can go into the newspaper archives from a hundred years ago (literally 1920) and find archives claiming that all the glaciers would melt within twenty years.
That's Nothing! Read John Muir's 1875 “Living Glaciers of California", where he talks about how; "as the seasons become warmer (THOUSANDS of years ago), or the snow supply became less abundant, they ALL died in succession... All except the one we have just examined... How much longer this little glacier will live, of course depends upon Climate"
Howard: "The braindead environmentalism will hopefully fade away with the baby bloomers."
How Dare You!
their programmer gave the secret away with the comments
I liked the part where the code was computing a negative variance. Obviously integer overflow, but where? Turns out the variance was accumulated in a float, as it should have been, but the data itself was integer and squared before being added to the accumulator. An amateur error, and potentially trillions of dollars depending on the results.
How much for a guillotine blade?
"William L. Shirer left Germany late in 1940, after a number of years of reporting from there, after he said he learned the Gestapo were about to charge him with the capital crime of espionage."
Absurd! Shirer requested to leave Germany in November 1940, because he'd been there a year and was tired. CBS granted his wish and replaced him. If your source is Shirer, then you should be more skeptical. There was a biography of shirer, published a few years ago, that punctured some of his self-serving myths.
PS In any case, even if Shirer had to leave Germany, he didn't have to leave Europe/UK. Murrow stayed in London all during the Blitz, and for the rest of the war (except for a few vacations).
"Guildofcannonballs said...
Still ain't a conflagration, if it were, I'd told you years ago.
4/7/20, 12:39 PM Delete
Blogger narciso said...
divining, hisruptcy, the darker arts,
4/7/20, 12:40 PM"
If you were/are talking about me, friend, please help. If, not, I don't need no help anyhow.
We are close to a new Buckley. Closer than you'll imagine soon. But only God willing natch.
You can pray for Guild, and your prayers for his kin will be heard.
watched the Task force press conference. Trump should just stop taking questions from the idiot reporters. Same ol' gotcha questions. Same ol' left-wing reporters trying to ARGUE with him. Some ol' stupid questions.
I turned it off.
Murrow stayed in London all during the Blitz, and for the rest of the war (except for a few vacations).
Murrow is fictionalized in Wouk's great novel "Winds of War," which I have been reading today. Shirer was pretty far left but did a good job on the Nazis. I have all his books.
You have no idea what you were talking about. Most thinking people realize that outside of medicine you are completely useless. Achilles is more reliable than you are.
Whereas you know everything in the world. Sorry but my engineering life had some programming back when we were writing machine language before Philippe Khan wrote the compliers.
Watching Trump in the press’s dunk tank during this deadly serious time is finishing off the stupid Deranged media’s reputation. They have gone from being an enemy of the people to being permanently horrible abominations despised by nearly everyone. And no one tells them how bad it is.
@rcocean, me too, annoying and boringly repetitive. I did enjoy how Trump manhandled the reporter/heckler who asked about the market and price for oil. Trump just manhandles them, you can see the fear on their faces and hear it in their voices.
Owen said...
Howard: “...braindead environmentalism...”. Not sure it will fade as Boomers leave the scene. The unscientific credulous culture is strong among the Boomers’ spawn and grand-spawn. The bad physics has to dug out of one brain at a time. IMHO.
Get back to us when your "good"physics can offer a falsifiable experiment. Til then it ain't science. Models are not experiments, and their results are not data.
The multitude of failed COVID-19 models all demonstrate that.
So stand and deliver!
Yup, Borland ! He is a sailor, too.
wholelottasplainin’ @8:15: “Til then it ain’t science.” Amen. My objection to the warmist hypothesis is exactly that. It isn’t falsifiable. It has the burden of proof —and it has not carried it. It should offer predictions and we can watch them prove out or not. So far, after decades of super-awesome modeling, the warmists can’t even hindcast. They made the bet on which they want the world to stake trillions, and they keep losing it.
Jeez, Ann. Your daily reading of the NY Times has got to have some impact on your psychological state. They are such a depressed bunch. With degrees.
This writer stumbled on some truths, though. And got it half right. If she thinks the worldwide Socialist movement is sitting on their hands these days, she's probably one of those who think their line of thinking is AOK. So many articles have come out over the past 3 months on how (a) totalitarian methods of government work, and (b) why capitalism is either at fault or why it is failing.
Much more dangerous stuff than a few alt-right folks with a small following.
Howard said:
"You have no idea what you were talking about. Most thinking people realize that outside of medicine you are completely useless. Achilles is more reliable than you are."
You couldn't say anything more stupid, Howie. Doc knows more about history than anyone on this blog. Not to mention current events and so forth.
Gimme a break!
Owen said...
wholelottasplainin’ @8:15: “Til then it ain’t science.” Amen. My objection to the warmist hypothesis is exactly that. It isn’t falsifiable. It has the burden of proof —and it has not carried it. It should offer predictions and we can watch them prove out or not. So far, after decades of super-awesome modeling, the warmists can’t even hindcast. They made the bet on which they want the world to stake trillions, and they keep losing it.
When I re-read your comment I felt I may have misconstrued it.
I did!
My bad.
So, East Anglia offers a PhD in Blather? Good to know.
The Alt-Right is hiding under my bed!
Does any else find it funny that this is classed under "..., feminism, ..., right-wing ideology, ..., the Alt-Right, ..."
I mean, 'feminism' did make the grade but where is the label of 'left-wing (BS)', 'projection' or even 'alt-Left' and likewise?
Nevertheless, congratulations for Karen of the 'grooming gang' UK for her 'insights'.
I have to admit that this would be the perfect time to holiday in Nepal.
Nothing is better for damaged lungs than crisp, fresh Himalayan air.
I can even stop off in Turkey to pick up my plumbing supplies.
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