April 12, 2020

"Ms. Reade, 56, told The Times that the assault happened in the spring of 1993. She said she had tracked down Mr. Biden to deliver an athletic bag..."

"... when he pushed her against a cold wall, started kissing her neck and hair and propositioned her. He slid his hand up her cream-colored blouse, she said, and used his knee to part her bare legs before reaching under her skirt. 'It happened at once. He’s talking to me and his hands are everywhere and everything is happening very quickly,' she recalled. 'He was kissing me and he said, very low, "Do you want to go somewhere else?"' Ms. Reade said she pulled away and Mr. Biden stopped. 'He looked at me kind of almost puzzled or shocked,' she said. 'He said, "Come on, man, I heard you liked me."' At the time, Ms. Reade said she worried whether she had done something wrong to encourage his advances. 'He pointed his finger at me and he just goes: "You’re nothing to me. Nothing,"' she said. 'Then, he took my shoulders and said, "You’re OK, you’re fine."' Mr. Biden walked down the hallway, Ms. Reade said, and she cleaned up in a restroom, made her way home and, sobbing, called her mother, who encouraged her to immediately file a police report. Instead, Ms. Reade said, she complained to Marianne Baker, Mr. Biden’s executive assistant, as well as to two top aides, Dennis Toner and Ted Kaufman, about harassment by Mr. Biden — not mentioning the alleged assault. The staff declined to take action, Ms. Reade said, after which she filed a written complaint with a Senate personnel office. She said office staff took away most of her duties, including supervising the interns; assigned her a windowless office; and made the work environment uncomfortable for her. She said Mr. Kaufman later told her she was not a good fit in the office, giving her a month to look for a job. Ms. Reade never secured another position in Washington.... Ms. Reade tried to get legal and public relations support from Time’s Up... [which] gave her a list of lawyers with expertise in such cases. She said she contacted every single one but none took her case...."

From "Examining Tara Reade’s Sexual Assault Allegation Against Joe Biden/Ms. Reade, a former Senate aide, has accused Mr. Biden of assaulting her in 1993 and says she told others about it. A Biden spokeswoman said the allegation is false, and former Senate office staff members do not recall such an incident" (NYT).


Big Mike said...

Laws don’t apply to powerful Democrats, Althouse. You already know this or you wouldn’t have voted for Hillary Clinton.

Amexpat said...

If there is still an establishment, now is the time to get rid of Biden and replace him with a more suitable candidate. This could be the first move.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This falls under the: D-crimes don't matter, ever, designation pass.

"What difference, at this point, does it make!"

rhhardin said...

She didn't file a police report. That means it didn't happen.

She became the office weird lady instead.

Bay Area Guy said...

Hey! Better late than never! Where's all the Blasey-Ford "flooding the zone" stream of front page articles?

Hair-Sniffer Joe was going a bit further than just sniffing hair.......


J. Farmer said...

Bernie Bros have been all over this on Twitter. Alyssa Milano is getting eviscerated. Didn't Bill Clinton already establish that you can be a serial masher so long as you're pro-choice?

rhhardin said...

If you're a black guy always complaining how white are oppressing you, you don't get many jobs either.

Geoff Matthews said...

A 27 year old complaint.with no cooperating witnesses. If Biden was a teenager, it would be Kavanaugh with different parties.
But Biden was about 50.

Owen said...

She needs to talk to Christine Blasey Ford to get some pointers on being believed.

etbass said...

If this gets any traction, look for others to come forward. I think Biden's done.

Jupiter said...

"Instead, Ms. Reade said, she complained to Marianne Baker, Mr. Biden’s executive assistant, as well as to two top aides, Dennis Toner and Ted Kaufman, about harassment by Mr. Biden — not mentioning the alleged assault."

Are those the "former Senate office staff members" who don't recall such an incident? Seems like kind of an important detail.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I noticed the NYTs sanitized her report. The allegation is Biden inserted his finger inside her.

That is rape/rape.

rhhardin said...

Think of it as being mugged. When you're mugged, you report it to the police. You don't take it to the mugger's secretary.

Rape, sexual assault etc. should be abolished. All the crimes against feminine modesty. Replace the charge with assault and battery and treat it that way.

traditionalguy said...

Slow Joe has heard we like him too. Should we assume the position and think of England.

No wonder the Dem ruled jurisdictions all forbid firearms. There would be too many dead politicians.

etbass said...

Or, this will get traction because others will come forward.

Rory said...

How long before her psychiatric history is leaked?

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Also the NYTs dropped the story on Easter Sunday. No one can complain they didn't do all they can to help Biden survive.

Jupiter said...

"She became the office weird lady instead."

Yeah, if you go around saying that the Boss is harassing you, without saying how he is harassing you, you aren't going to get much traction

Lewis Wetzel said...

This could be the excuse used to push Biden out. Hillary could replace him. Not Sanders, though.
What most people miss about the Sanders fiasco is that the reason the party bosses don't like him is because he is poison for big Democrat donors. He isn't to the Left of the Democrat mainstream these days.

GatorNavy said...

The mind boggling hypocrisy of the democratic operatives with bylines continues apace.

William said...

Her charges have more corroboration and specificity than those of the Kavanaugh accuser. Also there were not any other women complaining about Kavanaugh having hand problems.....The most stark comparison is not between Kavanaugh and Biden, but how the press has handled these allegations. The Times has done a CYA article on Biden, but it doesn't have the J'ai Accuse velocity of their coverage of Kavanaugh.....I wouldn't convict Biden on the basis of these accusations, but they're nowhere near as insubstantial and airy as those directed against Kavanaugh.

Ray - SoCal said...

Why is the NYT covering this now?

a. This is super important news in the era of me too.

b. Blue checkmarks are noticing on Twitter nothing in the NYT on Twitter. This is becoming an embarrassment.

c. This is a hit piece to take out Biden

d. This article is meant to immunize Biden on the accusation, before Trump used it

etbass said...

Is it going to be Cuomo or Clinton? I am guessing the NYT feels now is the time to shove Biden out while Cuomo is making big headlines.

Lucien said...

Wow, the NYT finally mentioned this sexual battery charge. Do you suppose CNN, WaPo and MSNBC will now stop pretending the story doesn’t exist?

Not Sure said...

So was Trump talking about Biden on that infamous Access Hollywood audio?

narciso said...

covering with a pillow, until it stops moving, you see the left hook, attacking trump on disaster preparedness without context

Lurker21 said...

Maybe true, maybe not. The groping isn't hard to believe. She may not be the only one, either. The fingering may be going too far for Biden. Even if he'd been willing to do it, it seems like he'd have a hard time succeeding. Liberal line on reddit is that she changed her story and is a pro-Putin blogger.

If she had told this to friends at the time, she would have a better case, but Toner still works for Biden and Kaufman was appointed interim Senator after Biden became VP, so no way are they going to confirm their story, even if the DNC wants them to.

William said...

This story and how it is handled makes the press look much worse than Biden.

bagoh20 said...

Wouldn't there be some record of her contacting all those lawyers?

Unknown said...

"Ms. Reade never secured another position in Washington.... "

This is the point of the article, if this becomes the focus of the discussion it's a basis to dismiss Ms. Reade's allegations as an attempt to blame Biden for her career difficulties.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger Lurker21 said...
. . .
Liberal line on reddit is that she changed her story and is a pro-Putin blogger.
. . .

Are there actually any pro-Putin Americans? I've never met one, not have I read anything written by any pro-Putin American.

Sebastian said...

"Come on, man, I heard you liked me."

This is either a very crafty #MeToo move or -- sounds just like our Joe.

Friendo said...

"after which she filed a written complaint with a Senate personnel office"

Where's the written complaint?

Ray said...

Remember, "your innocent until proven Republican."

bagoh20 said...

I was recently accused for the first time in 37 years of groping a brand new employee when I was giving her and two other women instruction on their work. She said I grabbed her by the waist. I told her I was sorry, but I'm sure I did not even touch her, and assured her that regardless, it would never happen in the future either. Although she made no formal complaint and only told me, I immediately insisted on an outside investigation by our human resources consultants. Fortunately for me, the other two women present were my sister and my step daughter, who also saw no such touching occur. It puts you in a very awkward position. You know for a fact that this person is a dangerous liar, but you can't get them out of your company or it looks like retribution. Luckily, she got pregnant and quit soon afterward. Regardless of which side of the thing you find yourself, the innocent party should immediately get the thing documented.

Bay Area Guy said...

Easter Sunday - in the midst of a worldwide epidemic and lockdown - the fearless NYT is on the case!

bagoh20 said...

Her story sounds completely plausible, which means absolutely nothing. What I've seen of Biden as a man is more damning, but still proves nothing.

Sebastian said...

"Are those the "former Senate office staff members" who don't recall such an incident?"

Don't recall is different from it never happened. If someone like Joe was accused that way, you'd remember. So don't recall is an evasive tell.

Anyway, definite claim of a written complaint should be testable.

Not Sure said...

Subliminal advertising is very strong. After reading the NYT article I decided to stream Sharknado.

robother said...

Vox and the New York Times suddenly covering this? Sounds like buyers' regret has set in rather quickly for Democrats. Joe has been pretty lame from his bunker. And he's not much of a fighter when the powers that be come knocking. Once again, Trump was onto something when he pointed out that Obama had yet to endorse Biden, even after Bernie dropped out.

dreams said...

This woman apparently doesn't understand the unwritten rules...

Anonymous said...

I’m not pro-Putin per se, and I want our national interests to win in any dispute or contest against Russia that we may face.

That said, I respect him as a man who is doing what’s best for the country and people he represents, and refuses to be a handmaiden for the unelected global elite who hold so much power in this country. There is a reason he’s one of the most popular rulers in the world, and it’s not because he is forcing his people to love him. There’s nothing comparable to the Kim family cult of personality in modern Russia.

If he wanted to push Islam off the European continent and out of Asia Minor, retake Constantinople, and crown himself Tsar of Byzantium, I’d be OK with that too. If it’s good enough for the La Raza revanchists in this country, it’s good enough for Christendom. I cannot believe we are bound by a treaty to defend the perfidious Turks.

The Vault Dweller said...

Whenever there is an allegation that happened decades ago, that just emerges now, I am skeptical. When it's timing of release looks like it could have great political effect, or public relations effect, I am doubly skeptical. Why wait until now? Joe Biden ran for President in 2008 and was a continual public figure in the Senate before then. Why wait until now to come forward? If it is because of the Me Too movement giving her courage again, why wait until now, it has been a thing for a bit now.

Well she did name witnesses that can possibly corroborate her story. If one of them remembers her complaining then her allegations will become much more credible in my eyes.

etbass said...

Would anyone disagree that the NYT's motive, whatever it is, is not just covering all the news that's fit to print?

The Vault Dweller said...

I will note that if the part of her story is that she contacted every single attorney listed by Me Too and not a single one of them were willing to take the case, that shows you just how entwined politics is with that type of legal practice. Either that or she is utterly and completely unbelievable when she relates her allegation.

doctrev said...

If the rules are on Saturday Night Live, they can hardly be considered avant-garde.

1) Be handsome.
2) Be attractive

3) Don't be unattractive.

Unfortunately, Joe Biden is showing his age quite visibly. Being combative AND visibly declining is going to be terrible in the context of a national debate, which is why I doubt Biden will get three debates against Trump. I don't even think he'll get one, because Trump will invite the women Joe Biden has assaulted to the event- just as he did against Hillary Clinton. Who, amazingly, was a better candidate than the Democrat who won the 2020 primary.

0_0 said...

Did the Times mention the former (Hillary) Clintonites running Time's Up?

Steve Pitment said...

Originally, the Times story read like this:

The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden, beyond the huge, kissing and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable.

Then, when they realized the absurdity, they put a period after "Mr. Biden" and removed the rest of the sentence -the part showing a pattern of sexual misconduct.

The Times found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Mr. Biden.

They then deleted the tweet containing the last half of the sentence becauses they said it was imprecise language. They really think you are as dumb as their readership base. And what about Lucy Ramerez?

Lewis Wetzel said...

That said, I respect him as a man who is doing what’s best for the country and people he represents
By robbing them blind? Lol. Putin is a mafioso. One of the ways that he got rich was that by controlling export licenses in Petersburg. When the economy collapsed after the USSR fell, he allowed oil traders to buy Russian oil at the low internal price & sell it at the high external price. The profits were supposed to go for food imports. In reality little of the promised food arrived, and that was of such poor quality it could only be fed to animals.

Yancey Ward said...

Like Sebastian, I noted the "I don't recall that" language in absence of "she didn't tell me". Now, this was 27 years ago, so it is possible one might not remember such an incident if it was simply a conversation about such an incident (harassment in the telling by Ms. Reade). Personally, I think I would remember such a conversation as long as it was a unique situation- you have remember, this was less than year after the Bob Packwood story first hit the press- such an allegation would be memorable to a Senate staffer, even 27 years later, in my opinion.

I want to know more about the alleged written allegation sent to the Senate personnel office- there is a chance it might still exist (yes, this sentence probably needs a sarcasm tag). Can I assume the NYTimes is actively looking for it?

Yancey Ward said...

But I will say this- that the NYTimes touched this story at all is an indication that the knives are now out for Biden- interesting that this story drops just days after Sanders finally ended his campaign. Surely this is no coincidence. I think Sanders should have stayed in the race formally, but he may have been bought off like some of the more cynical commenters have suggested.

Automatic_Wing said...

But I will say this- that the NYTimes touched this story at all is an indication that the knives are now out for Biden- interesting that this story drops just days after Sanders finally ended his campaign. Surely this is no coincidence. I think Sanders should have stayed in the race formally, but he may have been bought off like some of the more cynical commenters have suggested.

Right, it's no coincidence. The DNC would like to replace Biden - but not with Sanders.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

It probably happened, but I don't care. She pulled away, and he stopped. If it wasn't worth reporting to the police then, it's not worth bothering with now.


mandrewa said...

It's way to late to bring this up. It's not credible to bring something like this up 27 years later.

But if we apply Biden's "me too" standard to Biden then he should immediately drop out of the race and be barred from pilot society and further employment.

Any man or woman who was part of the lynch mob against Brett Kavanaugh who doesn't advocate such a consequence, and immediately without further thought, is a patently absurd being.

Lurker21 said...

Are there actually any pro-Putin Americans? I've never met one, not have I read anything written by any pro-Putin American.

I know, I know. "Russia, Russia, Russia" all over again. But here's the archived blogpost: Bring on the Light

What if I told you that everything you learned about Russia was wrong? What if I told you as an American citizen, we have been fed propaganda to further a certain political American agenda? What if I told you actually we are “the bad guys” ? That we were on the wrong side of history?

More follows at the link. The original page was deleted by Reade. Also, see this Twitter thread. I don't know if any of this is true. Interesting arguments in the comments. The bit about Russia freaking out because Biden is the nominee strikes me as ridiculous.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ray - SoCal said...

> You know for a fact that this person is a dangerous liar, but you can't get them out
> of your company or it looks like retribution.

Lucky you had 2 other female witnesses.

This just proves how important the Mike Pence Rule is.

This is why when I had employees, I installed video cameras before I hired my first employee. I am deathly afraid of a false accusation. I am a bit paranoid on this issue, since an accusation, true or false, can kill your career if your male, since usually you are guilty until proven innocent in a corporate setting. The risk is too high, to act otherwise, unfortunately.

Perhaps she was already pregnant at the time, and hormones can do strange things. Or she just has mental issues. Or she was looking for a payout. So many possibilities. Good thing is you had an outside 3rd party investigate. And perhaps she was not even pregnant, when she left, but just used it as an excuse to leave after her plans failed.

danoso said...

"former Senate office staff members do not recall such an incident"

Is it me or is this just a little suspicious? Don't recall seems to imply 'might have, but I don't remember'. If someone said my boss just sexually assaulted her I'd remember.

FullMoon said...

If she had told this to friends at the time, she would have a better case, but Toner still works for Biden and Kaufman was appointed interim Senator after Biden became VP, so no way are they going to confirm their story, even if the DNC wants them to.

If the dems want to get rid of Biden, these guys, and others the woman mentioned can say " Yes , she told me but Joe said it didn't happen".

Backs up her story while while pretending to be on Joe's side.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Anyone concerned about how Joe made his son rich off of OUR TAX dollars - by funneling those tax dollars thru the Ukrainian government and a corrupt Ukrainian energy company?

nah. Certainly not the hack-D press. They are too busy bashing Trump for his daily crimes of... taking in air, speaking, and not acting like an Obama-super hero.

Bob Loblaw said...

It probably happened, but I don't care. She pulled away, and she stopped. If it wasn't worth reporting to the police then, it's not worth bothering with now.

Agreed. If you've been assaulted you need to go to the cops right away. Otherwise it's difficult to take the accusation seriously.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This just proves how important the Mike Pence Rule is.

All the corruption excusing collective hive-mind left can do is mock Mike Pence. Mike Pence is no dummy. Mike Pence is right. Don't give anything to the Adam Schitts/Blasey Fords of this world.

Nichevo said...

rhhardin said...
She didn't file a police report. That means it didn't happen.

She became the office weird lady instead.

4/12/20, 12:18 PM

Don't take this the wrong way, but I wish some bad things would happen to you, so that you would understand them from the inside.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

What if I told you that everything you learned about Russia was wrong? What if I told you as an American citizen, we have been fed propaganda to further a certain political American agenda? What if I told you actually we are “the bad guys” ? That we were on the wrong side of history?

Sounds like run of the mill liberal blaming America first.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm not so sure the NYT is out to hurt Joe - except to purge the story now and hope it's all forgotten later.

from insty:

THE NEW YORK TIMES PROTECTS JOE BIDEN FROM SEXUAL ASSAULT ALLEGATION: “‘We found no pattern of sexual misconduct by Biden, beyond hugs, kisses, and touching that women previously said made them uncomfortable’…You couldn’t make this up. It’s like saying we investigated Genghis Khan and found no pattern of behavioral misconduct beyond all the raping and killing he committed in his decades-long invasions of China and the Western world.”

Nichevo said...

Rape, sexual assault etc. should be abolished. All the crimes against feminine modesty. Replace the charge with assault and battery and treat it that way.

4/12/20, 12:22 PM

Rh, your tendentious babble is irrelevant. She would have equally been disincented, discouraged and unsupported to report an "assault and battery" by Biden.

And again, if you don't understand the difference between being punched in the face, and having a dry finger jammed up your ass, I heartily encourage you to seek out both experiences and report back.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Thanks Steve for that information about the NYTs stealth editing their story to remove the line about all the other accusers.

Two of her friends did corroborate her story. The NYT's article only said none of her co-workers corroborated her story. When you read propaganda you have to read closely. I never thought Americans would be in this position.

GingerBeer said...

She should try inhaling helium. That squeaky voice is what really sold Blasy-Ford.

Francisco D said...

This article is meant to immunize Biden on the accusation, before Trump used it

Trump wants Joe Biden as his opponent so he won't use it now. NYT doesn't want Joe as the candidate. Like everyone else, they understand that he has dementia.

In the election, Trump doesn't have to use an uncorroborated accusation. There is clear evidence of Biden's aphasia and his China and Ukraine corruption.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I can't wait for Althouse's hot take that it's possible he raped Reade because Biden drank alcohol in this time period.


n.n said...

I respect [Putin] as a man who is doing what’s best for the country and people he represents, and refuses to be a handmaiden for the unelected global elite

He stands with his people against the Soviet residuals (the anti-Putin interests) in Russia, tempered a refugee crisis following the Western-backed coup in Kiev, the attempted coup in Syria, but not the sodomy and abortion session in Libya. Oh, well, why sacrifice people in a bid to undo realized progress. In our neck of the woods, Trump serves in the same role, he survived a difficult confrontation with residuals, and seems to have found his footing, maybe. The Wuhan virus (SARS-CoV-2) presents a timely opportunity for his antagonists. Nearly 16 trimesters and still in progress.

robother said...

In the MeToo era, as Weinstein discovered, everybody in the Democrat Party has your back, right up till they decide to join the stabbing party. Joe seems so out it, I doubt he even sees what's coming. "C'mon man!" will be his version of "Et tu, Brute?"

Lurker21 said...

Her problem is that nobody told her to delete all her social media posts before making the accusation. Even if it happened, she will be discredited.

Big Mike said...

Bob Packwood was run out of the Senate for less. Different parties.

n.n said...

In the MeToo era, as Weinstein discovered, everybody in the Democrat Party has your back, right up till they decide to join the stabbing party

He was no longer political congruent, politically viable, and was a clear and progressive burden. The double-edged scalpel of the Pro-Choice religion.

narayanan said...

Blogger Sebastian said...
"Are those the "former Senate office staff members" who don't recall such an incident?"

Don't recall is different from it never happened. If someone like Joe was accused that way, you'd remember. So don't recall is an evasive tell.

Anyway, definite claim of a written complaint should be testable.
Q by Capitain Obvious:
Has NYTimes reached out to find the complaint from Who? will it be?

Also - who don't recall such an incident?"
There are multiple incidents going on in the story - so what does this refer to?

JAORE said...

She would be more credible if she could not remember the date (better yet even the year). Or if she could not recall where the alleged incident occurred. Or if she named witnesses that then failed to support her story. Plus she screwed up and did tell multiple people at the time.

That, and an "R" after your name is required to be credible.

I told X, Y and Z, but unnamed co-workers did not recall. So of course that means X, Y and Z said it didn't happen. That's the "right" conclusion,isn't it?

Ho-lee-crap they think we are stupid. More likely they know their side has a huge number of stupid people.

Jaq said...

Remember when Monica Lewinski commented on what real power was? That it was to go through public life for thirty years without ever being asked a question about something everybody was thinking about, or something like that. She was right.

OldManRick said...

Can't be true - Joe Biden wants us to return to the normal days.

When there was a Democrat President in the White House..

Like JFK, LBJ, or Bill Clinton sexually harassing women.

Jaq said...

Did they cover the female Secret Service agents who complained that he insisted on swimming nude over their objections? I am betting no. Should I read it to see?

Laslo Spatula said...

Maybe the dementia was setting in well before we realized, and he mistook her for a rotary phone.

I am Laslo.

Bay Area Guy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bay Area Guy said...

I'm not a big fan of Putin! However, to his credit, he is not as bad as Stalin, Krushchev or Brezhnev.

It's a low bar.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Bill, Republic of Texas said...
I can't wait for Althouse's hot take that it's possible he raped Reade because Biden drank alcohol in this time period.


This. So much this.

Dave Begley said...

She’s no CBF. Totally credible.

tim maguire said...

The assault sounds farfetched, but the dialog afterwards is totally believable. Unlike the allegations against Republicans that were reflexively believed, this one has a paper trial. Lots of verifiable details.

Leland said...

"former Senate office staff members do not recall such an incident"

And if they did?

Alas, this sounds a lot like Hillary's type of dodge when asked questions about her past. Did you have the Rose Law firm papers? I don't recall. Did Bill tell you about his affairs? I don't recall? Did you issue a stand down order? I don't recall. Did you send classified email on your unsecure server? I don't recall.

Fernandinande said...

Instead, Ms. Reade said, she complained to Marianne Baker

That's exactly what I did when someone stole my bicycle.

Earnest Prole said...

That the NYTimes touched this story at all is an indication that the knives are now out for Biden- interesting that this story drops just days after Sanders finally ended his campaign. Surely this is no coincidence.

You are correct it is no coincidence, and incorrect it indicates the New York Times is out to shiv Biden. The most advantageous time for the Biden campaign to see Joe's dirty laundry aired is immediately after he's secured the nomination -- that is, right now. By the time the race heats up in the fall, Biden's people will say these are old allegations fully explored by the best reporters and found to be uncorroborated, at which point the compliant media will fall in line.

Nichevo said...

Lewis Wetzel said...
That said, I respect him as a man who is doing what’s best for the country and people he represents

Just so. He's playing a bad hand well.

By robbing them blind? Lol. Putin is a mafioso.

Kid stuff. I mean, sure, but the Russian people don't care if the leader wets his beak, it's expected, even prestigious, as long as it's perceived as "honest graft."

One of the ways that he got rich was that by controlling export licenses in Petersburg. When the economy collapsed after the USSR fell, he allowed oil traders to buy Russian oil at the low internal price & sell it at the high external price. The profits were supposed to go for food imports. In reality little of the promised food arrived, and that was of such poor quality it could only be fed to animals.

Sounds like a screwup of the sort that could be expected in a newly-former Soviet Union. Barring all else, which I don't know the details, how did it profit him to have imported spoiled food? That sounds like the kind of Soviet Miracle that only happened on days ending in Y. There's a reason the USSR went tits-up, they were largely incompetent at anything that didn't involve killing Germans.

MikeR said...

Unlike the Kavanaugh story, this one sounds true. Seems to be a case of the usual klutzy misreading of signals that is so common between men and women. However, since that has been made into a firing/cancelling offense, I don't know why this case should be any different.

Fernandinande said...

Indelible in the hippocampus are the creamy bare thighs.

Bob Boyd said...

Biden just tried to pick her up...like a bowling ball.

Narr said...

What kind of parent would allow their son or daughter to work among congresscritters?

Oh, she was an adult. An adult who wouldn't make an accusation of criminal assault when it might have done her some good, who only now comes forward with her weepyweepy.

Personally I hope Biden gets squashed under a falling piano or something, but the hell with this bimbo.

Is she hot?

Big Mike said...

Is she hot?

If Biden liked her then I presume she looked very young when she was 29.

William said...

Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.

rcocean said...

Strange that people are questioning the NYT's commitment of fighting sexual harassment. I suggest they look the NYT's record in the case of Roy Moore, Donald Trump, and Kavanaugh. They are also against Dog harassment. Cf: Mitt Romney.

rcocean said...

Women never lie about sexual harassment - unless he's a Demcrat.

rcocean said...

If you remember, Billy Bob Clinton was sued for sexual harassment, and was accused of attempted rape and sexual harassment by about 6 other women. But that was no big deal. I remember Dan rather being absolutely disgusted that we have delving into a President's private life and affairs. It was none of our business what Monica and Bill did. Or paula Jones and Bill Clinton were doing. But of course, Dan Rather grew and learned over the years, and was quite upset about the "Pussy tape" and kavanaugh. Really.

Howard said...

We all know that he's guilty. #draftgavin

BUMBLE BEE said...

Seems to me, if you were told this happened, every time you saw him hugging and sniffing a woman, the incident would be refreshed in your mind. Kinda like "Here we go again Joe, Joe."
Unless you did a lotta coke. What was the environment at the time, anybody?

The Godfather said...

I’ve been trying to figure out why I’d believe this story about Biden when I wouldn’t believe it about a Republican. That Biden is well known for being handsy in public just doesn’t do it for me. Swimming naked in front of female Secret Service agents? Impolite, but totally different. Now, if he were accused of committing this assault recently and claimed he mistook her for Dr. Jill, that I could believe.

Shouting Thomas said...

I loathe this shit so much that I won’t even participate in it to discredit my political enemies.

Drago said...

Big Mike: "Bob Packwood was run out of the Senate for less. Different parties."

If there was a "best" part of that incident it is Packwood was the consummate democrat posing as a republican but when it was time to jettison him, the dems/Media did it with such relish and glee that he was beyond shocked.

The dems/media did the same to mccain and romney and, why not? The dems have always known guys like them could be beaten mercilessly and they would still come crawling back to the dems, just as mccain and romney did.

SGT Ted said...

8 women have accused Groping Joe of sexual harassment or assault. But, he's a Democrat, so it's just nuts and sluts doing it.

Ken B said...

Contemporaneous evidence? Someone above mentioned a written complaint. Can we check? Not worth discussing until we see evidence, or learn she made that up. Test testable tales.

Anonymous said...

@ST: I loathe this shit so much that I won’t even participate in it to discredit my political enemies.

I quite agree. I don't need this horse shit to oppose Joe Biden. But I damn sure will use it to discredit the news media scum and Hollywood MeToo types.

Iman said...

Biden said, "c'mon, man, here's the deal..."

Iman said...

"Reporting for duty!"

-- - R.H. Hardin

etbass said...

ST, don't think you will be asked to participate. The Dems are going to handle it entirely.

Ralph L said...

Bob Boyd said...
Biden just tried to pick her up...like a bowling ball.

Snort! Please send to Insty or Ace.

gspencer said...

"No, I most definitely don't want to see your malarkey"

btw, what's Jill got say to all of this? Errrr, DOCTOR Jill, that is.

Amadeus 48 said...

I don't buy allegations that are that old that weren't reported at the time to someone. I don't care enough about this to check it out.

BUT...how does this compare to the allegations about Kavanaugh, which I found extremely unlikely because they were impossible to refute? There was no time, there was no place, and everyone that Blasey Ford woman said would corroborate her, didn't, including her best friend.

We heard a lot about Kavanaugh. Why aren't we hearing anything about Biden and this woman? We see that NYT tracked down a bunch of pervy stuff about Biden. Now they have someone who says that he sexually assaulted her.

jeremyabrams said...

Looks like she did everything she could to handle this administratively and was stonewalled. Who would also try the DA after seeing that kind of corruption up close?

And if at age 50 he fingered a near-stranger up against a wall, it wasn't an isolated incident.

jeremyabrams said...

Looks like she did everything she could to handle this administratively and was stonewalled. Who would also try the DA after seeing that kind of corruption up close?

And if at age 50 he fingered a near-stranger up against a wall, it wasn't an isolated incident.

Michael K said...

If there is any evidence of a contemporaneous complaint it should be featured in a campaign ad but I don't think Joe is going to be the candidate.

Dude1394 said...

So did the democrat propaganda outlet interview the mom? Her friends? The people who she officially complained to?

Wince said...

Laslo Spatula said...
Maybe the dementia was setting in well before we realized, and he mistook her for a rotary phone.

Bowling ball, wife, same thing.

Earnest Prole said...

Note how the allegation Biden penetrated her with his fingers is mentioned initially in the story but not in her detailed description of the alleged assault.

h said...

from the NYT article: "Mr. Trump has even boasted about his mistreatment of women; in a 2005 recording, he described pushing himself on women and said he would “grab them by the pussy,” bragging that he could get away with “anything” because of his celebrity."

I don't think this is correct. Trump said he COULD (not would) grab 'em by the pussy and they (the women) would not complain, or would welcome it, because of his celebrity. This is a huge difference, and makes me doubt the point of the view of the authors.

I welcome correction if I've misunderstood what Trump said or meant. It was very popular or frequent to talk about the idea that "power is an aphrodisiac". This is (in cruder terms) what Trump was saying.

RMc said...


Narr said...

Trump's pussy-grab comment was IIRC in the context of starlets/bimbos/party girls.

That anyone would be offended by that shocks me.

It's almost offensive

iowan2 said...

Is Ronan Farrow on this story? Why not?

Michael K said...

he described pushing himself on women and said he would “grab them by the pussy,”

Yes your correction is right. He said "You could..." Nobody ,except that crazy woman who said he assaulted her in a dressing room in public, has described anything like this.

I don't believe the Stormy Daniels story. The guy is a germophobe who doesn't shake hands. Why would he have sex with a porn actress? Avenatti would.

Matt Sablan said...

"If this gets any traction, look for others to come forward. I think Biden's..."

-- Going to be perfectly fine and a candidate for VA executive leadership? Come on, the Democrats let a guy who performed in blackface and another who was credibly accused of assault and rape skate in Virginia -- a must-win state -- because they know their voters don't actually care about the things their leadership pretends to care about when they can beat up a Republican for it. Biden will be fine.

Nichevo said...

I don't think this is correct. Trump said he COULD (not would) grab 'em by the pussy and they (the women) would not complain, or would welcome it, because of his celebrity.

Also, he didn't say I COULD, he said, IIRC, YOU CAN. As in, One can.

As in, the crocodiles in the Ganges are so thick that you can walk from bank to bank on their backs without getting wet.

Certainly not a confession that you have, in fact, crossed the Ganges River on crocodiles. More of an observation.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Yes, Trump said he COULD grab them by the pussy, not that he did it. Also, he called Billy Bush a pussy, probably the most offensive thing he said in the recording.

etbass said...

I don't think the Dems have a thing against Biden. That's not the point. I think the reason NYT has chosen to publicize this is because they are convinced he has no chance to win and this a good way to get him off the ticket.

walter said...

Is she a lying, dog-faced pony soldier?
Pics at the time say at least one of these traits doesn't apply.

"You’re nothing to me. Nothing,"' she said. 'Then, he took my shoulders and said, "You’re OK, you’re fine."'
That is so odd it kinda lends a bit of credibility.
Of course, it could be argued to be a revision of 'You better put some ice on that'

traditionalguy said...

27 years ago Sleepy Joe was Creepy Joe. But all he has to do now is keep letting his wife answer the questions. The Media will protect them.

Skeptical Voter said...

About the only satisfaction that Ms. Reade might ever have had out of this situation (sine Creepy Joe is a Democrat senator and can do no wrong, and his staff will cover for him) was to give old Slow Joe a good hard knee in his "athletic bag". After he was doubled over I doubt he would have said "You're okay".

But Democrat senators do seem to operate with a certain lese majeste. I heard reliable reports of one of them having sex on the floor of his office with one of his staff. And Teddy Kennedy and some of his fellow senators loved to play "sandwich" with waitresses in restaurants.

Practice those knee shots ladies if you are going to hang around Democrat senators.

Drago said...

jeremyabrams: "And if at age 50 he fingered a near-stranger up against a wall, it wasn't an isolated incident."

The dems have a long history with Boiler Room Girls.

Bay Area Guy said...

Perfect VP choice for Biden - the great Eric Clapton!

Slow Joe meets Slow Hand.....,

Jupiter said...

Actually, what Trump said, was,

“I’m automatically attracted to beautiful women — I just start kissing them, it’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy."

So, he may have been describing what he had done in the past, or merely what he had seen others do in the past. One thing for sure, if "they let you do it", then its consensual. Well, unless you're Louis CK. I guess he wasn't a star.

FullMoon said...

Is Gloria Allred involved yet?

Jupiter said...

And yeah, if Putin wants to run the Muzzies out of Constantinople, I'm all for it. Chase 'em clear back to Saudi for all I care.

h said...

Read this argument: https://www.currentaffairs.org/2020/04/evaluating-tara-reades-claims

"I also asked Sarah about a comment Tara’s brother made to me. He said that the incident had changed Tara’s personality, sapping her confidence. Sarah agreed, saying Tara began to “second guess” herself afterwards, the effects of Biden’s attack on Tara were severe and lasting. “It’s never left her,” she said. “What I wouldn’t give to go back in time and to pull her out of that hallway. Say ‘Run! Go!’ But no one can make time go back.”

That is more corroboration than Christine Blasey Ford had—she hadn’t told anyone at the time of her assault, yet her accusation was front-page news."

Biden supporters need to take on the challenge of explaining why this Tara Reade accusation is less believable than the CBFord accusation. So far, I haven't seen it. Writers like Amanda Marcotte of Slate, or this NYT article, deal with Tara Reade accusation on its own and why it might be discredited. But the difficulty for NYT and others in the mainstream is to explain why they were so enthusiastic about CBFord accusations and so reluctant to follow up on Tara Reade accusations.

Narr said...

I stand corrected on the context of presidential pussy-grabbing.

Orange Man very very VERY Bad!

Marcus Bressler said...

27 years ago and she didn't fill out a police report? Don't care about extenuating circumstances, she missed her chance. Might be true, might not. But I give it no credence.


Not that anyone cares what I think

Doug said...

If women want to be believed about sexual assault/ rape, they better start going to the police immediately. Whining to their friends and family and waiting two decades to bring it to the media's attention shows how weak these women are. Where are the female role models?

n.n said...

I just start kissing them, it’s like a magnet. Just kiss.

Kiss, kiss, darling. Admission.

And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy.

Progressive revelation of social liberal club. A whistleblower, which may have prompted nearly sixteen trimesters of retributive change.

rcocean said...

Since we're back to talking about the Pussy tape. Look at it this way, "everyone lies about Sex". Just imagine Trump was lying. Other points:

1) Saying you *Can* do something - isn't doing it.
2) Having a private conversation isn't the same as saying it in public.
3) Saying something as a private citizen isn't the same as a Senator/President or VP.
4) Having someone tape you without your permission isn't the same as agreeing to be taped.
5) Saying it 15 years ago, isn't the same as saying it yesterday.

deepelemblues said...

They dont even try to mask the double standard anymore.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Doug said...

Looks like she did everything she could to handle this administratively and was stonewalled
Wait a minute. Is sexual assault a crime, or is it a "bad experience". If it's a crime, you go to the police, not deal with it administratively. Women need to make up their minds about this shit. Until they do, we need to repeal the 19th Amendment.

Guildofcannonballs said...

The real question is Did Tara Reid (aka Bunny Lebowski) benefit from Joe Biden's rape of Tara Reade.


n.n said...

They dont even try to mask the double standard anymore.

You can't technically be a bigot in a Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic religion, and it's relativistic cousin, "ethics".

Jupiter said...

"Until they do, we need to repeal the 19th Amendment."

For some reason, I am reminded of the definition of African Democracy;

"One Man. One Vote. Once."

Jon Ericson said...

Who can argue?
Some may say yuck.
Go for it.

Do you like it like this?


Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"This is a big fucking deal!" --Joe Biden

HRC says to Reade, Flores: "Get over it!"

Bay Area Guy said...

People..people, you are being way too hard on Sleepy Joe.

The man can barely remember what state he's in - how's he supposed tote member which DC staffer did or didn't allow him to finger bang her?

C'mon, Man! That's a buncha Mallarkey!

Krumhorn said...

Better put some ice on that.

- Krumhorn

n.n said...

we need to repeal the 19th Amendment.

Amendment 19 - Women's Suffrage

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.

Was the 14th Amendment the first incidence of sex discrimination in The Constitution?

cubanbob said...

Joe Biden deserves every bit of pain from this as revenge for what that POS did to Clarence Thomas at the Senate confirmation hearing.

Amadeus 48 said...

Mostly malarkey--that is the story of Biden's life.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lewis Wetzel said...

Sounds like a screwup of the sort that could be expected in a newly-former Soviet Union. Barring all else, which I don't know the details, how did it profit him to have imported spoiled food?

You do not understand. The scam was to buy Russian oil for twenty million. Sell it for $100 million. Spend the $80 million on food for the hungry in Saint Petersburg. Instead of $80 million in food, they get a few box cars of food only fit for animals.
Before you praise Putin, presumably because the Dems hate him in 2020, look at what he is. A gangster who routinely steals from the public, uses the money to enrich himself and his cronies (Russian people be damned), and kills or imprisons those Russians -- his countrymen -- who threaten his gravy train.
In 1993, when the USSR fell, the CPUSSR was disbanded, and its money was taken over by Yeltsin's government. But the CPUSSR had hundreds of millions of American dollars in foreign bank accounts (mostly in Western Europe) that used for trade. The KGB had access to these accounts. The money disappeared from the accounts, and at the same time Russian ex-KGB people showed up in Europe with hundreds of millions of dollars. They started banks. They partnered with Western bankers & bought up Soviet assets, like oil and gas fields and refineries.

n.n said...

Amendment 23 - Presidential Vote for District of Columbia

The 23rd Amendment is a clear harbinger of a new normal.

Amendment 15 - Race No Bar to Vote.

The 15th Amendment introduced the concept of diversity. The 14th, and 19th, too... We have been on a progressive slope ever since.

Oh, and, of course, the Twilight Amendment. In Stork They Tryst.

Kathryn51 said...

banbob said...
Joe Biden deserves every bit of pain from this as revenge for what that POS did to Clarence Thomas at the Senate confirmation hearing.

Yes, this. THIS.

I have not read the entire thread, but question: did the NYT story mention the individuals that Reade spoke to at the time? As I understand my Twitter feed, Reade talked to family At THE TIME. In contrast Crazy Blassey-whatever did not.

Thank you in advance for the answer (I won't click on NYT).

Narr said...

In other words, Putin is a greedy conniving unpatriotic Russian oligarch--in other other words just the kind of leader Russia deserves.

"Russian Oligarch" was, for about twenty years and perhaps still, a virtual synonym for former apparatchik.

It helps to have connections

zefal said...

My cousin was sexually assaulted in 1998. She was a staffer for max baucus. Don’t know who assaulted her put she reported it and was told to shut-up. This was around the time of the Monica Lewinsky scandal. I don’t know much about it outside of that.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"She didn't file a police report. That means it didn't happen.

She became the office weird lady instead."

Duh moron Gandolph, of course without a police report a police report didn't happen. Why would you feel the compulsion to verify 2 + 2 = 4?


Guildofcannonballs said...

As I disapprove of confronting elderly, it's not fair, I will just say the knowledge of Hardin ought to have been used decades ago. It was perhaps, but only in a losing effort, and now the attitude ought be thank you for fighting, we know you lost, we still respect your contributions.

Narr said...

I could be a Senator, I think. I'd develop a subtle approach.

"Hello little girl. . . You look like the kind of little girl who likes a surprise. . . Do you like a SURPRISE? . . . Reach your purty little hand down down here in the popcorn bucket and get your nice SURPRISE!"

Yes, I think I'd be good at it. Laslo, Begley, over the years I've developed a downright creepy old perv voice that might come in handy when you find financing (and I do have a little acting experience).

Just have to remember to switch it off in public

narayanan said...

Blogger Char Char Binks said...
Yes, Trump said he COULD grab them by the pussy, not that he did it. Also, he called Billy Bush a pussy, probably the most offensive thing he said in the recording.


Let us say Billy Bush represents Media!

Has not Trump been grabbing Media by the pussy since forever!

Tom said...

Should we released the Senate records on settling sexual harassment cases related to Biden? We can quickly find out if there were more cases?

At minimum, Biden should let all women out of their confidentiality agreements in any settlements.

chuck said...

I always thought DC was the pussy corral for Democrats. You know, pick your ride.

stevew said...

Serious and appropriate to investigate. The amount of time that has passed and the failure, initially, to file a complaint causes a questioning of credibility.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"Even though there is no evidence, the seriousness of the charge is what matters. The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this."

--Thomas Foley (D, MA), Speaker, US House of Representatives

"Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported". --HRC

"When a woman alleges sexual assault, presume she is telling the truth." --J. Biden

FullMoon said...

She may be lying.
Filing a he said-she said sexual criminal complaint not as easy as some other stuff.

Embarrassing. Connected guy, slim chance of winning. Employment repercussions. Aggravation and expense of going to court multiple times

MeToo thing making it less embarrassing for many women who have been thinking about the offense for years to come forward. Wonder how many women think about those over aggresive high school dates and wish they coulda done something back then.

Of course, bringing it up again after all this time against Biden when he is more famous, more connected, more powerful without asking for monetary compensation seems a bit much. No beating or stabbing,no throwing her to the ground and ripping her clothes off. no penile penetration

If it is indeed true, I would not be surprised if she is more upset about his insult and that nobody tried to help her and everybody treated her like a crazy lady than she is about the quick finger.

Naturally, if she is connected politically to either party, makes it more suspect.

Guildofcannonballs said...

If what I have considered to be what they call 'serotonin' involves the reading, real fuckin' reading I mean now, like Hunter, well then by God I have to revert to Iowahawk.

Son of a bitch.

This is a link of the greatest of the great greating. I could never hope to match that.

But I can encourage someone who can match that.

His name is Betamax3000 and I am in contact with him, in my head, daily.

Every single daily day I am in contact with him, that Betamax3000 we talked about earlier before.

I just can't improve anything or make anything better or be worthy it seems when I compare myself to Betamax3000. HE WAS SO GREAT.

What does it say about me I couldn't effectively show my appreciation, nor others too? This is real tough stuff. Real, real tough stuff.

Any man worth his salt would choose beta over iowa.

FullMoon said...

"Even though there is no evidence, the seriousness of the charge is what matters. The seriousness of the charge mandates that we investigate this."

--Thomas Foley (D, MA), Speaker, US House of Representatives

"Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported". --HRC

"When a woman alleges sexual assault, presume she is telling the truth." --J. Biden


Yep, even if she is lying,let ol' joe run the same gauntlet him and his party are so fond of using. A trial would be fantastic.

Jon Ericson said...

Hundreds, maybe even thousands may become perplexed by the Newspeak:
Believe all accusations of outgroup.
Reject all accusations of ingroup.

Guildofcannonballs said...

If it comes to it, as it were, I will personally panglossian Beta 100%.

Guildofcannonballs said...

God knows.

Guildofcannonballs said...

The greatest of minds might attempt, and being greater than me, might succeed.

If they do or don't Does God care?

narayanan said...

Blogger Tom said...
Should we released the Senate records on settling sexual harassment cases related to Biden? We can quickly find out if there were more cases?

At minimum, Biden should let all women out of their confidentiality agreements in any settlements.

I don't get the concept of confidentiality agreements as "bogey man for adults" - I will get youuuuu ????

Once breached what is their to enforce? who will enforce and how?

Sydney said...

It's the detail of the "cream colored blouse" that makes me doubt it. Sounds more like a novel than a remembrance.

FullMoon said...

If it comes to it, as it were, I will personally panglossian Beta 100%.

Better get permission first.

Guildofcannonballs said...

The only acceptable from now: Okay grandma, sorry to upset you.

Anything else, the Justice Althouse transpired, will result in other than the Justice grift machine was meant to maintain.

Terry Ott said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Terry Ott said...

Terry Ott said...
“h” said earlier: "Biden supporters need to take on the challenge of explaining why this Tara Reade accusation is less believable than the CBFord accusation. …. But the difficulty for NYT and others in the mainstream is to explain why they were so enthusiastic about CBFord accusations and so reluctant to follow up on Tara Reade accusations.”

Exactly right, h. I make little of the fact that Ms. Reade did not file a police report. There may have been things she did not want revealed regarding her personal history or about her and others’ behavior in other (non-Biden) contexts. Especially considering her being early in her career. I won’t speculate, just sayin’. If there IS sometiing in writing from her around the time it allegedly would have happened, I’d hope she or (better yet) someone or some agency/department has it. If she doesn’t have a copy herself, that’s rather damaging to her, seems to me.

Going forward, it’s all about investigative reporting, probably not relying much on the NYTimes. If there is none of that, it could be that the GOP would rather there NOT be, on the premise that they’d rather face Joe than some other candidate (Cuomo, Bloomberg, Cuban, Abrams, Newsome, etc) the Dems might unearth via their convention.

ps… (sarc) … Biden has adroitly constructed a defense against this charge, and possibly others like it. Now that he’s clearly into the dementia stage of life, he can credibly say, “I just am not able to recall anything happening along the lines of what Ms. Reade says

Andy said...

The timing is interesting, you have to think, the other Democratic candidates are wondering where this lady was in December. The DNC may feel they have to jettison creepy, sleepy, old Joe but replace him with who at this point. I hear Cuomo's name being bandied about. He has some problems for example he hasn't been vetted, which is part of the primary process. The son of Mario Cuomo running for Governor of NY is like being a Kennedy in Massachusetts. All it means is that you can walk down a red carpet when it gets rolled out in front of you. How you will do in a competitive race is a different matter. Lastly the primary process forces the eventual winner to build a campaign organization in every state that you can then use in the general election. In what state, outside of his own does Cuomo or any other Johnny come lately candidate, have a campaign organization. The Democrats are in a pretty pickle, if you ask me.

FIDO said...

I admit that I have been lax on the site so I am not sure what kind of coverage this got.

However, with the Kavanaugh accusation, we got multiple posts per day with details of this alleged crime by a known liar and Crewl Newtrality Analysis by persons who 'believe she believes it'.

No who, what where, when, a record of lying, a record of mental issues and such a carefully scripted statement (with guardian lawyers) but not a single legalistic well manicured eyebrow was raised.

Here, we have witnesses, folks who can be cross examined, possible VIDEO which can be seen (Certainly they have cameras in public areas in the Senate), dates, paperwork...

But we've had scant coverage or speculative Crewl Newtrality.

What is the difference?

Kavanaugh was potentially anti-abortion.

Biden, if allowed to stand and elected, may appoint the RBG replacement, keeping abortion safe.

Guildofcannonballs said...

It's not something you get over soon: I estimate 2011 is when I knew I don't have the chops to compete with the likes of beta.

Some of the meanest things said overnight here at the Althouse blog applied to me, even though I was just observing. That is something amazing to account for, which is done, however accurattely.

Teach drunk, learn sober. Copyright it we'll retire in MT.

madAsHell said...

gave her a list of lawyers with expertise in such cases. She said she contacted every single one but none took her case...."

.....and yet the article was still published???

narayanan said...

Blogger Andy said...
The timing is interesting, you have to think, the other Democratic candidates are wondering where this lady was in December. The DNC may feel they have to jettison creepy, sleepy, old Joe but replace him with who at this point.

What if this lady has been resurrected by DNC!

Terry Ott said...

Yes, madAsHell. It was still published. Lawyers prefer to work for monay, of which there would be little to none, in return for a massive investment of time and effort. And the trial lawyers’ lobby money went more than 30:1 to Democratic party candidates in 2016 as I recall. Due to my confinement (no, not in prison), I took the time to look into Reade/Biden matter. Here you go. there’s more but it mostly says the same things in less detail (Newsweek, Intercept)



Nichevo said...

Lewis Wetzel said...
Sounds like a screwup of the sort that could be expected in a newly-former Soviet Union. Barring all else, which I don't know the details, how did it profit him to have imported spoiled food?

You do not understand. The scam was to buy Russian oil for twenty million. Sell it for $100 million. Spend the $80 million on food for the hungry in Saint Petersburg. Instead of $80 million in food, they get a few box cars of food only fit for animals.

Obviously not cricket and someone somewhere along the way did wrong. Coulda been Putin, sure. Since last estimate of his IGG as of a few years ago was $40 billion, this is, literally, chicken feed. But every great fortune starts with a crime, said Balzac.

Before you praise Putin, presumably because the Dems hate him in 2020, look at what he is.

I only praise Putin as I have praised Putin: he is playing the cards he has been dealt, from his POV he is playing them well.

As Narr said, who would you expect to be ruling Russia? Russia's main export is sorrow. If he blew up the apartments in Ryazan why would he turn a hair at a little dog food?

They dodged a bullet, or rather dodged into one, when Alexander Lebed went down in that chopper. That was their last chance at a future. Now Putin will play out the string for Russia till China and the Stans come to eat their face, but perhaps he will drag it out a bit longer than some other goniff would have.

The pity is that China is IMHO the main, the more dangerous, enemy, and we could have used Russia against them. But the elites have chosen to commit themselves to China's rise.

Amadeus 48 said...

"But the difficulty for NYT and others in the mainstream is to explain why they were so enthusiastic about CBFord accusations and so reluctant to follow up on Tara Reade accusations."

There is no difficulty here. It wouldn't even occur to NYT and most of its readers that there is any problem at all. Sad, but true.

Lewis Wetzel said...

What I am reading here from a few commenters re: Putin, are variations on the excuses people used to make for the mafia. That's just the way those people are, the mafia keeps order in the neighborhoods it controls, the mafia polices drug dealers . . .
One could say the same things about the wicked people that run China, of course.

Narr said...

What are we supposed to do about Putin, anyway?

I'd rather be friends with the Russians (who, to their credit, have repudiated Communism and share our great Western heritage) than with any realistically conceivable Chinese regime (who have not repudiated Communism and have their own great heritage).

May the best heritage win

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