April 21, 2020

"Joe Biden Starts General Election Nearly $187 Million Behind Trump/New fund-raising figures show the depth of the financial hole in which Mr. Biden finds himself against a president and Republican Party that have built up a huge war chest."

Headline at the NYT.
The sheer size of Mr. Trump’s early advantage creates a unique set of financial and political pressures for Mr. Biden. He must find ways to both expand his appeal to small online contributors and attract huge seven- and eight-figure checks to the outside super PACs supporting him — all while sheltered in his Delaware home because of the coronavirus....

The current cash gap at the presidential level is especially striking because down-ballot Democrats in key House and Senate races have been out-raising their Republican rivals.... The good news for Democrats is that March was Mr. Biden’s best fund-raising month of the campaign by far, raising $46.7 million. The bad news: His pace slowed markedly in the second half as the pandemic gripped the nation and froze the economy....

Mr. Trump and his shared committees with the R.N.C. raised $63 million in March and entered April with a combined $244 million in cash on hand. Mr. Biden and the D.N.C. had $57.2 million in the bank, after accounting for unpaid debts....
The Times article ends with a quote from Robby Mook, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager: "If money was the key, 2016 would have gone very differently." The obvious retort to that is that Donald Trump was great at getting by on less money, and you're facing Donald Trump again.


Josephbleau said...

This will be a problem for Democrats because they only raise money from poor widows. Republicans will do ok because they get money from rich fat cats. Cronodeath will hurt them all because big donors want a personal love fest with lots of touching before they pass out a million bucks.

mikee said...

Well, the last Republican fundraising letter I got in the mail was returned with this message writ large on it, as I have written on them for several years now: "Not one damn penny until repeal of Obamacare!"

Republicans expect results for their money, not just virtue signalling.
I'll vote, holding my nose, but I'm not happy with my party, and haven't been for a long time.

MayBee said...

It's gonna be cheap to run the election from his basement.

Jack Klompus said...

Maybe Hunter can help out moving some 40 bags of blow with Biden for President stamped on them. They say small contributions really make the campaign a true grassroots movement.

wendybar said...

Anybody who would vote for delusional Joe...needs Trump to be the President. They have a problem themselves.

Nonapod said...

All this talk of vast fortunes saved up in political "war chests" seems a little shallow with millions of people out of work.

rcocean said...

Given the Main stream media is pumping out anti-Trump, Pro-Biden stuff 24/7/365, I figure Trump needs a $1 billion dollar advantage just to even the playing field.

Be like a tree said...

Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump? I think what he meant to say was President Trump.

rcocean said...

People are claiming Biden will be replaced at the Convention. I find that hard to believe, but then no major party has ever nominated a 78 y/o man as President. Ike was considered an "Old General" at 62. And FDR quashed James Byrnes as his vp because at 62 he was "too old". Incredible that JFK was 43 and Nixon was 47 in 1960

Jerry said...

So the choices are:

Trump. Like him or loathe him, he at least can make decisions and act quickly when situations change.

Biden. Umm... he's really not doing so hot in the cognitive department lately. My feel is he's been cynically shoved up by his family and the Dems, and his handlers aren't going to be worried about the good of the country if he gets elected - just their own good. More and more when I see his interviews the term 'Elder Abuse' comes to mind. YMMV, of course.

A scattering of 3rd Party candidates with various unknown qualities.

In the end, results matter. Dems are great on rhetoric - or at least they were before Biden - but results usually don't follow. Trump's not smooth and polished - but results matter to him. Vermin Supreme (3rd party) is amusing, but not serious. Cynthia McKinney (3rd Party, maybe) was horrible when she was a Dem.

So in the end, you decide what you think is best for the country. But I won't be voting for Biden. Running him as the figurehead of the Dem's campaign this year is just cruel.

madAsHell said...

Biden is not going to make it past the convention, but I guess they have to keep writing about him.

He could have been a contend-uh!!

Todd said...

Latest "Republicans pounce"!

So Trump and RNC have raised LOTS of money. Much more than the DNC/Biden. Makes sense. Trump has done more in 3 years for "average Americans" than the Obama/DNC did in 8 years.

Darn all that money in politics! As any Democrat will tell you, there is TOO much money in politics [going to the wrong politicians]! Democrats NEVER raise too much money and their big money donors are never an issue and their "dark money" is never dark. It is only "those others" that are the problem.

We hear you.

mezzrow said...

Inside baseball reporting to those who care - those in the business of politics or the politics of business. Once it mattered.

doctrev said...

Another metric where Joe Biden is falling desperately behind? Gosh, it's almost like we have the most effective President since Theodore Roosevelt, while the Democrats bizarrely nominated an obviously senile puppet.

Michael K said...

The Democrats are conceding the presidential election and concentrating on Congress.

Ray - SoCal said...

Excellent Point!
>Donald Trump was great at getting by on less money,
>and you're facing Donald Trump again.

The problem is they believe Donald Trump is a buffoon, as the News and Democratic Group Think have portrayed him, having drunk their own kool-Aid.

Democrats Underestimate Trump at Their Own Peril he president’s enemies have not figured out how cunning he is, because he doesn’t seem cunning—at first. - Conrad Black

narciso said...

the mook forgets Hillary outspent trump, at least 2/1

john said...

Robby Mook speaks the truth. Clinton's war chest dwarfed all the others, both the democrats and Trump. She even had enough to buy out Sanders' lawsuit (and give him a new house) with enough left over for a rip-roaring victory party.

Original Mike said...

I don't believe money is nearly as important as the people who's job it is to raise that money say it is.

What say you, President Bloomberg?

Iman said...

Fook teh Mooks at the NYT.

narciso said...

the press has doubled down, and Dorsey and company have doubled down on suppressing samizdat social media,

Skeptical Voter said...

It's entirely possible that Joe actually has the money and has just forgotten he had it. Things seem to work out that way in Joe's memory.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Joe Biden has free promotion from SNL, CNN, MSDNC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NYT ...etc... and most of Hollywood.

Leland said...

The obvious retort to that is that Donald Trump was great at getting by on less money, and you're facing Donald Trump again.

Not sure that's obvious from a DNC operative. They still seem to be pushing the Russian interference lie without supporting credible evidence.

NYC JournoList said...

It’s good to know that Biden’s party puts their politician friends and government unions before the small businesses that they ordered closed.

Illinois Requests Pension Bailout.

tim maguire said...

The good news for Democrats is that in Joe Biden's best month, he was out raised by Trump to the tune of over 15 million dollars? Yesterday, Politico published a story that Democrats were putting the Senate in play. Maybe, but the article was light on support for that claim.

NYC JournoList said...

Bad link above.


J. Farmer said...

The media’s obsession with Trump in 2016 was probably a net positive since amounted to tons of free advertising. I could imagine Trump subscribing to the maxim “there’s no such thing as bad publicity.” Of course, he was just a candidate then. Dynamic is a little different now, but we still see him leveraging his media coverage as president to campaign.

Bill Peschel said...

"Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump, Mr. Trump? I think what he meant to say was President Trump."

They did, in the first paragraph. Then they reverted to Mr. Trump.

I checked the Times archives for April 2012. They did the same thing with Obama, at least in the half-dozen I checked.

For example:

Bill Clinton Deployed to Help Obama Raise Cash
April 29, 2012 12:04 pm April 29, 2012 12:04 pm

WASHINGTON – Former President Bill Clinton is coming to the aid of President Obama on Sunday night in the first of a series of joint fund-raisers intended to tap his deep-pocketed network and marry two wings of a party that have lived together uneasily since their 2008 showdown.

Mr. Obama and Mr. Clinton will appear together at the Virginia house of Terence McAuliffe, the longtime Clinton fund-raiser who was the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s primary campaign against Mr. Obama four years ago. The event comes two days after the Obama campaign released a video featuring the former president extolling the virtues of the incumbent.

Bay Area Guy said...

""If money was the key, 2016 would have gone very differently." sez Robby Mook.

Translation: "We raised a shitload more money than Trump, and he still kicked our ass"

Robby Mook makes Ben Rhodes look positively Adonis-like.

Bruce Hayden said...

I agree with Dr K. Here in AZ Mr Gabbibe Gifford (Mark Kelly) has raised far more than his opponent, and has been spending it with a fairly constant drumbeat about how innocuous he is, while having gone to space several times. You really do need an astronaut to compete with an A-10 pilot who has flown in combat. If she came out and attacked him on gun control, she could probably walk away in the race. But she hasn’t, and mostly won’t. She may have been a great pilot in the Air Force, but is not a hard hitter on the campaign trail. Thus, Kelly, with his huge war chest, is winning easily right now, despite his stand on gun control being anathema to so many Arizonans.

gspencer said...

The D party comes up with one stupid, freedom-depriving idea after another. And despite this, millions vote for their candidates.

Achilles said...

This election hinges on the percentage of the vote that is mail in.

The only way to save the republic is to require ID in person to vote, paper ballots, and use indelible ink on the left thumb.

Voter fraud is the only hope for democrats and they will push it to the max this election. 2018 and vote harvesting was just a dry run.

Kai Akker said...

People are claiming Biden will be replaced at the Convention

The Gabbard-Sinema ticket is more attractive.

Michael K said...

She may have been a great pilot in the Air Force, but is not a hard hitter on the campaign trail.

She ran a lousy campaign in 2018. I know her and she is good in small groups but she would not debate Sinema in 2018. Terrible advice. I maxxed out for her in 2018 but no dough this time.

Michael K said...

Voter fraud is the only hope for democrats and they will push it to the max this election. 2018 and vote harvesting was just a dry run.


Big Mike said...

Trump raised a lot of money off the impeachment sham. Just sayin'

William said...

I read somewhere that Bloomberg spent over one billion dollars on his failed campaign. That money went somewhere. The people who got their cut fervently believe that war chests and such are very important for running a campaign. They're very convincing in their arguments. Not their arguments with voters, but with candidates and donors. There are lots of rich people in the Democratic Party. The Dems will not have a money deficit in the campaign. Biden looks like an easier mark than Bloomberg.

Shouting Thomas said...

That 180º flip on China today was breathtaking!

Why can't Biden just ask Hunter for some dough?

stevew said...

Doesn't Joe Biden have to demonstrate some sort of credible chance that HE can win in order to attract the contributions from the people that have lots to give? Why would those donors give their money to Joe otherwise?

Kevin said...

At least this moves the narrative off the "Joe Biden sexually assaulted that woman who worked for him" story...

J. Farmer said...

I read somewhere that Bloomberg spent over one billion dollars on his failed campaign.

Not “failed” if you consider winning the nomination was never his goal.

I imagine some DNC operatives are trying to figure out how to get Biden to walk down a path covered in banana peels. Or praying for an aneurysm.

Big Mike said...

@Bruce Hayden, @Dr. Michael K., I contributed to McSally’s campaign in 2018, and a couple months ago got a fundraising letter. It was the worst piece of campaign literature I have ever seen. What was your governor thinking when he picked her to fill the vacant seat?

Kevin said...

Let's not forget Biden is the most electable of all the Dem candidates.

The insiders assured the party faithful that everyone else would be doing worse.

Browndog said...


Livingston County Commissioner Wes Nakagiri discovered shocking news. That @govwhitmer and MI hired @NGPVAN to collect health data in MI. This forced the State of Michigan to admit this. Having a political data firm collect health data is troubling.


NGP VAN is the leading political technology provider to Democratic & progressive campaigns & organizations.

Whitmer is paying a progressive data collection firm to do contact tracing for covid in Michigan.

Client list contain every left-wing organization known to man.

PuertoRicoSpaceport.com said...

Achilles said...

The only way to save the republic is to require ID in person to vote, paper ballots, and use indelible ink on the left thumb.

You mean like us backwards Puerto Ricans?

Who have no jokes about election fraud because it is just about impossible.

John Henry

brylun said...

Biden Blinks 'HELP ME' In Morse Code During Live Stream

brylun said...

Land O’Lakes dairy cooperative has announced its new butter packaging

Bay Area Guy said...

Here's the real time reactions by the NYT scribes as they wrote this:

The sheer size of Mr. Trump’s early advantage creates a unique set of financial and political pressures for Mr. Biden. He must find ways to both expand his appeal to small online contributors and attract huge seven- and eight-figure checks to the outside super PACs supporting him — all while sheltered in his Delaware home because of the coronavirus....

Sphincter seize!

The current cash gap at the presidential level is especially striking because down-ballot Democrats in key House and Senate races have been out-raising their Republican rivals.... The good news for Democrats is that March was Mr. Biden’s best fund-raising month of the campaign by far, raising $46.7 million. The bad news: His pace slowed markedly in the second half as the pandemic gripped the nation and froze the economy....

Sphincter Seize 2!

Mr. Trump and his shared committees with the R.N.C. raised $63 million in March and entered April with a combined $244 million in cash on hand. Mr. Biden and the D.N.C. had $57.2 million in the bank, after accounting for unpaid debts....

Sphincter Seize 3!

However, no early victory laps, whatsoever. As noted by the learned folks above, the Dems are skilled in the wiley ways of politics and politicking.

It's still a 50-50 election.

Need to reopen the economy to get Americans back to work. If that happens sooner, rather than later, we can weather the swirling storms.

narciso said...

and the senate intelligence committee is still hot garbage,

TreeJoe said...

So wait, elections are bought and require democratic donors to write 7 and 8 figure checks to SUPER PACs directed by Biden but Biden can't actually talk to the Super PACs?

And Russia influenced our 2016 election spending arguably one million dollars on online ads and that bought trump the election?

And democrats don't believe in dark money in politics?

Are these the things I am still supposed to believe?

Yancey Ward said...

Something to keep an eye on over the next week- the Saudi riyal's peg to the dollar. Given what is happening in oil, there might be no way to preserve it. This will have major repurcussions.

Yancey Ward said...

I was told that Bloomberg would write the Biden campaign a billion dollar check.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The difference to 2016 is that Trump now has a record to run on - quite a miserable record.

Lance said...

So let's see, the Democratic nominee for President...
1. Is neither a woman, nor a racial minority, nor gay;
2. Often has trouble speaking coherently;
3. Is a lackluster fundraiser.
4. Has a pretty solid background of scandal: plagiarism, touching, sexual harassment charge, and family financial stuff.

And yet for all that the latest polls have him tied or ahead by two to four points in the battleground and "blue wall" states: Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina. (Of course the polls were wrong in 2016.)

Imagine if the Dems had found an articulate, scandal-free, minority candidate.

J. Farmer said...

Imagine if the Dems had found an articulate, scandal-free, minority candidate.

Surveys suggest the people most bothered by the fact that the nominee is a white male are white liberals. Unsurprising, since they seem to be the only people in history with an ethnic out-group bias. That is, who reveal a preference for other ethnicities over their own.

tcrosse said...

Surveys suggest the people most bothered by the fact that the nominee is a white male are white liberals.

Not only that, but we are told that the white male nominee (presumptive) is favored by People of Color.

Shouting Thomas said...

The difference to 2016 is that Trump now has a record to run on - quite a miserable record.

1. Boom economy until Dems decided to sabotage it
2. Full employment, with blacks benefiting most
3. Exploded Russia collusion hoax
4. Delivered on promises on epidemic, i.e., no patient without a bed or vent and casualties under 100,000
5. Consistently America first
6. Attempted to control borders and immigration, which Dems have now done a 180 over
7. Made ARM look like a fool and a CCP stooge
8. Beat the hell out of the lying, CCP/Dem stooge media

Probably depends on what side you're own, ARM. You're on the side of the CCP and the stooge media. You're just pissed off over losing. Your losing is a good thing for America and for decent patriots.

Michael K said...

What was your governor thinking when he picked her to fill the vacant seat?

I understand Kelli Ward, her rival in primaries, has issues. I am not familiar with her. Martha was CD 2 rep and I knew her from my second home here for 15 years.

Bay Area Guy said...

Beloved ARM,

"The difference to 2016 is that Trump now has a record to run on - quite a miserable record."

By logical inference, that means you, ARM, are voting for Biden, No?

Caligula said...

That Clinton outspent Trump almost 2:1 in the 2016 election was one of the most under-reported stories of that election year. If Trump had outspent Clinton by a similar margin we'd still be hearing about it.

What this showed is that although it surely does not hurt to have a massive campaign war chest, it is votes and not dollars that remain the primary currency of electoral politics.

Although if Trump outspends Biden and Trump wins, I'm sure we'll hear endlessly about how Trump is a bought politician who used his ill-gotten money to buy the election.

Is there any chance at all that mainstream media might reform itself and engage in somewhat honest journalism again?

J. Farmer said...

Not only that, but we are told that the white male nominee (presumptive) is favored by People of Color.

True, though I wonder how much is due to policy preference and how much is due to Biden’s proximity to Obama. Although, I think white liberals tend to misunderstand how socially conservative a lot of blacks are. The woke agenda Elizabeth Warren went all-in on is not very interesting to most ethnic minorities.

MD Greene said...

Our "media" still don't want to acknowledge that they helped Trump win in 2016. CNN, which now lives to hate the guy, covered him like a reality-show personality. How many breathtaking reports did it run that started "You'll never guess what Trump said now!" ?

That coverage got the network ratings and ad revenues, and it got Trump elected with a much smaller war chest than Hillary Clinton and her husband had raised over years of foreign policy raffles -- unseemly matters that the "media" ignored.

I didn't like either candidate in 2016. But the high-falutin nabobs at formerly serious news outlets need to own the role they played then. They also need to stop telling us "what you need to know now" because they are so far in the tank they can't see straight.

TreeJoe said...

"Is there any chance at all that mainstream media might reform itself and engage in somewhat honest journalism again?"

No profit motive. So: No.

They've aligned themselves into businesses built on immediate revenue and they are driving themselves into the ground accordingly.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Differently stupid will be sufficient to get my vote. Trump has not set a high bar.

J. Farmer said...

Is there any chance at all that mainstream media might reform itself and engage in somewhat honest journalism again?

Assumes that "honest journalism" was something the media ever engaged in. "Yellow journalism" was coined in the 1890s.

Ken B said...

I agree with your analysis but not your conclusion. They are becoming niche markets. The demand from the niche will persist, and it will be high enough to keep them prominent. It’s a big niche.

J. Farmer said...

1. Boom economy until Dems decided to sabotage it

Good illustration of the distorting effects of hyperpolarization I was talking about yesterday. Notion that the economy was sabotaged by Dems is pretty crazy but no crazier than claims that Trump is a Russian stooge, Obama was a secret Muslim, or Bush invaded Iraq to enrich Haliburton.

As a general rule, incompetence tends to explain behavior more than malfeasance.

J. Farmer said...

I agree with your analysis but not your conclusion. They are becoming niche markets. The demand from the niche will persist, and it will be high enough to keep them prominent. It’s a big niche.

Media has unusual business model. The people who consume the product are not their customers. They are the product they sell to their customers (i.e. advertisers).

Sally327 said...

I think we're all living inside some kind of weird Fellini type movie.

tim maguire said...

J. Farmer said...I wonder how much is due to policy preference and how much is due to Biden’s proximity to Obama.

I think that second one explains almost all of it. Biden was willing to play second fiddle to a black man. That brings him huge credibility on racial issues.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...Differently stupid will be sufficient to get my vote. Trump has not set a high bar.

So, you'll be voting for the "not Trump" no matter who that person is (and, for that matter, no matter who Trump is). Sure, you're reality-based. It's only a question of what reality yours is based on.

tim maguire said...

J. Farmer said...Media has unusual business model. The people who consume the product are not their customers. They are the product they sell to their customers (i.e. advertisers).

Which means that the viewing audience can shrink a great deal without losing its value provided it becomes more homogeneous and predictable as it shrinks. Which describes what is happening.

J. Farmer said...

@tim maguire:

I think that second one explains almost all of it. Biden was willing to play second fiddle to a black man. That brings him huge credibility on racial issues.

True, but I'm not sure that "racial issues" are primarily voting behavior for blacks. The desire to move the Democratic party to the left (e.g. Bernie, Warren) seems to appeal mostly to whites, not to blacks. Black adherence to voting Democratic seems almost to be a product of group identity. There are a lot of internal tensions within the Democratic coalition.

J. Farmer said...

Which means that the viewing audience can shrink a great deal without losing its value provided it becomes more homogeneous and predictable as it shrinks. Which describes what is happening.

That's probably right. There is definitely more cocooning and overt signaling of ideological preferences. The always bogus claim of impartiality seems to be waning.

Shouting Thomas said...

No, the sabotage of the economy was deliberate.

I’m applying the most minimal common sense here. Democrats talked for three and a half years about deliberately sabotaging the economy as a last ditch way to get rid of Trump. I simply believe them.

My logic goes like this. The Dems rigged their own primaries in 2016. They invented the Russia collusion hoax and held the country hostage with that for 3 years. The sabotage there was deliberate. The Dems called Trump a racist and xenophobe for three years for trying to enforce the borders and limit immigration and now they’ve done a 180ª and embraced racist and xenophobic border and immigration enforcement.

The pattern of behavior screams deliberate sabotage. They called themselves The Resistance after all. The economic sabotage is deliberate. Perhaps you should take seriously the Democrats’ actions and avowed goals over the past 3-1/2 years. Stupidity, yes. Deliberate sabotage, yes.

Tom said...

I don’t see how Biden makes it. He makes zero sense and hasn’t for a while. He’s going to look 500 years old next to Trump. Trump has been sparring with the media daily for nearly 2 months and Biden has been talking to himself.

jimbino said...

Robbie Mook does not speak English: "If money was the key, 2016 would have gone very differently" is hard to understand. He is apparently denying that money was the key in 2016, for which he needs a conditional, contrary-to-fact construction that uses a verb in the subjunctive in accordance with rules regarding sequence of tenses in English.

So in real English, one would say, "If money had been the key, 2016 would have gone very differently." In the present tense, you could say, "If money were the key, 2020 would be expected to go very differently."

Supposed English speakers who can't manage subjunctive mood and sequence of tenses in English should not be allowed to pollute the blogosphere.

J. Farmer said...

No, the sabotage of the economy was deliberate.

Except the economic disruption we've seen is resulting from a pandemic, the threat of which nearly every American was downplaying or ignoring two months ago. The evidence for deliberate economic sabotage seems pretty much nonexistent.

Shouting Thomas said...

Employing the professor’s tactic of close reading of people’s texts and speech, I challenge you to explain what The Resistance is about.

The actual resistance to the Nazis was an organized and deliberate campaign of military and economic sabotage, premised on the assumption that the Nazi’s goal was the annihilation of their enemies.

That’s what the Democrats embraced in labeling themselves The Resistance. And, it’s what they did.

Shouting Thomas said...

The economic sabotage is going on right now.

There’s no reason for the shutdown in Wisconsin, nor in my county in NY. In fact, outside of NYC it’s difficult to make an argument for the shutdown in any jurisdiction.

The shutdown is economic sabotage. And, it’s deliberate, with the intent to undermine Trump.

J. Farmer said...

Employing the professor’s tactic of close reading of people’s texts and speech, I challenge you to explain what The Resistance is about.

I don't deny that Democrats are attempting to obstruct Trump's political agenda. That's pretty unsurprising, since that's sort of what you expect an opposition party to do. "The Resistance" is pretty much a Twitter hashtag to virtue signal.

The shutdown is economic sabotage. And, it’s deliberate, with the intent to undermine Trump.

How does this explain the stay-at-home orders implemented in Republican states by Republican governors?

tcrosse said...

How does this explain the stay-at-home orders implemented in Republican states by Republican governors?

Let's see who re-opens first, and who resists re-opening, and why.

Gk1 said...

The whole reason why people donate millions of dollars is to get something in return. I think of it as a wager. You will have to convince me that investors who got fleeced betting on the wrong horse in 2016 with Hillary are going to double down and donate to a dementia patient who admittedly will not run for a 2nd term if he wins. I just don't see it happening. I would imagine it would make more sense to dump money in the senate and down stream races to get your preferred legislative outcomes, than dump it down an unwinnable sinkhole.

Shouting Thomas said...

I don’t live in a bubble. I play for very very liberal congregations full of Trump haters. Oddly, I like almost all of them and I get along very well with them. They like me and treat me very well.

The Resistance bit is not just a hashtag to them. They literally believe that Trump and the Deplorables are out to murder them because they perceive themselves as champions of blacks, women and gays in a war against the bigots. They believe this very profoundly and deeply. It’s difficult to understand, but it’s reality.

So, no, it isn’t just a hashtag.

The Republicans (including Trump) got boxed in by the panic over COVID-19. For the first time, I find myself in basic disagreement with the president. I wish he’d told the panic mongers to go to hell. That’s why he’s president and I”m not. Probably a good thing, too. Trump devised a workable political solution.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Yeah - the timing of the destruction of the economy is ... PERFECT.
Another Clinton coincidence miracle!

Drago said...

Farmer: "I don't deny that Democrats are attempting to obstruct Trump's political agenda. That's pretty unsurprising, since that's sort of what you expect an opposition party to do."

Remember when George W Bush had the CIA/DOJ/FBI/NSA work together to spy on the obama campaign and then Bush had those same entities work with foreign services and intelligence agencies to frame obama?

And remember when the Bush holdovers then weaponized raw intel data, fed it to all the Bushies in the govt and had that info leaked to the media?

And remember when the Bush holdovers immediately ginned up a counter-intelligence/criminal investigation into the incoming administration and got a Special Counsel appointed against obama, his staff, his associates, his long time friends, etc and staffed that special counsel with rabid republican partisans with a history of breaking rules and lying to courts?

You know, now that I think about it, that's pretty unsurprising, since that's sort of what you expect an opposition party to do.

Jupiter said...

"I was told that Bloomberg would write the Biden campaign a billion dollar check."

Yeah, I thought Bloomie promised he would keep right on spending through November, whether or not he was the nominee. I guess they didn't get that in writing, huh?

Freder Frederson said...

They literally believe that Trump and the Deplorables are out to murder them because they perceive themselves as champions of blacks, women and gays in a war against the bigots. They believe this very profoundly and deeply. It’s difficult to understand, but it’s reality.

Well, when some of the deplorable people on this site have indeed threatened to murder us and string people up on lampposts, can you blame us?

Freder Frederson said...

The shutdown is economic sabotage. And, it’s deliberate, with the intent to undermine Trump.

And we are so devious, we have also managed to shut down a good of the rest of the world, starting with China, just to fuck with Trump.

You are ridiculous.

Shouting Thomas said...

Armed resistance to tyrants who have revoked the Bill of Rights and locked us into house arrest is a rather different issue, Freder, which I’m sure you know.

The Declaration of Independence says it’s the duty of a good citizen to take up arms against tyrants.

Nobody’s done it... yet.

Shouting Thomas said...

The CCP and the Democratic Party are allies, Freder.

It’s only today that Biden did a 180 and disavowed that alliance.

I think Hunter will still keep the $1.6 billion.

J. Farmer said...


You know, now that I think about it, that's pretty unsurprising, since that's sort of what you expect an opposition party to do.

As happens so often, Drago, you've missed the point by a mile. The Obama administration was also deploying mass surveillance against the population. And there was the IRS scandal. And there was a massive effort to control media. The Obama administration is no longer in power. If the Trump administration chose to pursue them criminally, I wouldn't object. Outside that, what exactly would you like me to do?

And the things that Bush and Obama did openly, admittedly, and with the compliance of large swathes of the population have been more destructive and consequential than any of the things I mentioned above.

Freder Frederson said...

Democrats talked for three and a half years about deliberately sabotaging the economy as a last ditch way to get rid of Trump.

That is a pretty serious accusation. Please provide one example of advocating deliberately sabotaging the economy.

And don't give me the bullshit that the green new deal is a plot to deliberately sabotage the economy, since even its advocates admit the prerequisite to implementing such a plan is recapturing the Senate and the presidency.

The debacle with oil prices the last few days is a direct result of Trump's brilliant insistence of sucking every available drop of oil out of the ground. (Of course, his energy policy is incoherent because he thinks you can simultaneously have high oil prices, oversupply and low gas prices.)

Freder Frederson said...

Armed resistance to tyrants who have revoked the Bill of Rights and locked us into house arrest is a rather different issue, Freder, which I’m sure you know.

So you are advocating vigilante and summary executions to protect the Bill of Rights. How very Orwellian of you.

Freder Frederson said...

Armed resistance to tyrants who have revoked the Bill of Rights and locked us into house arrest is a rather different issue, Freder, which I’m sure you know.

This from a man who claims to be a Christian.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Obama administration is no longer in power.

Not so fast. All sorts of Obama era bureaucrats are still "installed". Like sleeper cells.
Like, Eric Chairamello.

minnesota farm guy said...
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minnesota farm guy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gunner said...

Hollywood won't be helping out as much because of Corona and fighting off #Metoo lawsuits.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bill Maher roots for recession so that Trump loses in 2020

Freder Frederson said...

The Declaration of Independence says it’s the duty of a good citizen to take up arms against tyrants.

The Declaration of Independence might be some nice prose, but it has absolutely no legal applicability.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Real Reason Dems Stalled on the Paycheck Protection Program

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "That is a pretty serious accusation."

So is accusing a President of being a Traitor and colluding with enemies.
So is accusing a Supreme Court nominee of having been a gang rapist for decades.
So is accusing a President of abusing his office to investigate his political rivals (that one is especially rich coming from the dems, isn't it?)
So is accusing a President of illegally laundering cash for foreign entities.
So is accusing a President of literal murder (which many dems have done repeatedly over the last 4 years).

So many many many things are serious accusations......yet you and your pals never hesitated a moment in making those accusations, did you?

J. Farmer said...


Not so fast. All sorts of Obama era bureaucrats are still "installed". Like sleeper cells.
Like, Eric Chairamello.

That's an inherent problem with bureaucracy. You need institutional knowledge, and it is not feasible or even recommended that you completely restaff the federal government every 4-8 years as the presidency changes over.

Dave Begley said...

Other than hating Trump, why would anyone vote for Biden? His alleged empathy for the Average Joe? His ties to China? Bring back the good old days with Obama? Peace in our time?

Drago said...

Farmer: " Outside that, what exactly would you like me to do?"

Stop pretending its inconsequential in analyzing a President's performance and simply business as usual not very different than what has always occurred in the past.

Todd said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The difference to 2016 is that Trump now has a record to run on - quite a miserable record.

4/21/20, 12:59 PM

So says [a not at all] reasonable man.

By EVERY metric, Trump has not only out performed the expectations of his term but that of any other Democratic candidate that could have won as well as the prior Democrat President that had 8 years to do what Trump did in 3 with the economy and regulations and Judges. But sure, you do you.

If it were not for the current pandemic (that has Democrats getting them selves all moist over) wrecking the economy, not even Joe would be being propped up to act like he is running.

Lord you are such a partisan hack.

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "The Declaration of Independence might be some nice prose, but it has absolutely no legal applicability."

It certainly had no legal applicability in 1776.

How did that turn out?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We had to impeach Trump for Biden's family enrichment schemes and crimes. and for asking about Biden's crimes!

Nothing freak-show communist dictator about that.

Freder Frederson said...

Bill Maher roots for recession so that Trump loses in 2020

Is Bill Maher even a Democrat? He certainly doesn't hold any elected position. I assume that when Shouting Thomas accuses "Democrats" of advocating for destroying the economy, he could provide at least some evidence of an elected official advocating deliberately tanking the economy.

And even Maher didn't go as far to say that having a new recession should be an actual policy goal.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

J Farmer.

The democrats manage to do it.

J. Farmer said...


Stop pretending its inconsequential in analyzing a President's performance and simply business as usual not very different than what has always occurred in the past.

I didn't say it was inconsequential; I said it was unsurprising. What I've said is that there are many other things that are much more consequential, and thus I prefer to focus my energy there. Being obese is consequential, but if you have a gunshot wound, you don't worry about your cholesterol.

brylun said...

Hey, the up side of this pandemic is that gas prices in Madison are down to $.98/gallon.
(But I'm old enough to remember buying gas at $.29/gallon.)

Drago said...

Farmer: "I didn't say it was inconsequential; I said it was unsurprising."

Thank you for proving my point.

"unsurprising".......for the most unprecedented weaponization of the federal government and all its powers against a rival political candidate extended to using foreign entities to set-up and frame that candidate/President-Elect/President ever in our history.

I'll rest my case right there.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Starring Jerry Mathers as The Freder

J. Farmer said...


The democrats manage to do it.

If the "it" in that sentence represents "completely restaff the federal government every 4-8 years," you're wrong. Bureaucracy presents a significant challenge to any democratic (small d) leadership. These inherent qualities of bureaucracy are the foundation of Robert Michels's "iron law of oligarchy."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Collective left: "And you call yourself a Christian."

Only good leftist Christians impeach a president for Joe Biden's family crimes.

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "Is Bill Maher even a Democrat?"


Really, run with that one. It's gotta work.

Freder Frederson said...

So is accusing a President of literal murder (which many dems have done repeatedly over the last 4 years).

Who has done this? And before you answer, you are the one stupid enough to insert the word "literal". The only president I remember being accused of "literal murder" (as opposed to metaphorical murder) is Bill Clinton. His body count was somewhere in the 70's.

Actually, if I recall correctly, it was Trump who claimed he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any votes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

J Farmer- no I'm not wrong. The democrats make sure to purge and replace as many bureaucrats as they can, and they do so without much over-sight or fanfare. Sure - they cannot replace everyone... and they don't need to in order to have ... enough.

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "Actually, if I recall correctly, it was Trump who claimed he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any votes."

Ah yes, that debunked lie.

Trump said others said that.

But then, when you are Field Marshall Freder, what else are you gonna do besides toss up every previously debunked lie?

Next up for Freder: How Palin really did say she could see Russia from her house.

J. Farmer said...


Thank you for proving my point.

You mean you were shocked (shocked!) when you learned of this revelation? Given the weight you give to this issue, why are you not screaming from the rafters about Trump's justice department not pursuing criminal charges against those involved? Why do you believe the justice department isn't pursuing this more aggressively?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bill Maher is absolutely a liberal progressive democrat. Once in a while Maher, like a stopped clock, will complain that his fellow progs take things too far.. esp. with the fever pitch "offended" by all things crowd.

Freder Frederson said...

Really, run with that one. It's gotta work.

Maher himself claims he is non-aligned. He prefers to call himself "practical". His politics are all over the place. He has some libertarian views, sees himself as an environmentalist, supports the death penalty.

Freder Frederson said...

Bill Maher is absolutely a liberal progressive democrat.

This is absolutely a lie.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The offended by all things pussy hivemind will purge Maher for his complaints about the pussy offended by all things left.

Drago said...

Freder: "Who has done this?"


According the your lefty pals, the Net Neutrality decision alone would result in the death of millions.


I know other readers at Althouse blog will be stunned to see a lefty like Freder deny that the dems have accused Trump of murder and killing and having blood on his hands for the last 4+ years, but you have to understand, that's just what Freder does. He makes up a Trump quote that has been debunked completely while telling you that everything you've seen for 4 years never happened.

Freder is a very loyal lefty foot soldier. Any minute now he'll be regaling us with stories of how Slow Joe was the strongest fighter against the ChiComs Ev-Ah! Also probably Trump laundered ChiCom Generals cash thru his hotels as well....

(Freder was a big narrative pusher on that one)

cubanbob said...

What's Biden pitch? "it's time to give old and senile fools a chance? what do you have to lose"? ARM is all in on that pitch.

Drago said...

Bill Maher is absolutely a liberal progressive democrat.

Field Marshall Freder: "This is absolutely a lie."

See what I mean?

Michael K said...

I see that Economist Freder is at it again.

Even accusing someone of not being a "Christian" for advocating resistance to tyranny.

Well, we know Jefferson and Madison and Washington could not have been Christians.

As for advocating an economic collapse as a way to rid us of Trump, there are quite a few who agree with Maher.

Nancy Pelosi is not reluctant to hold up aid for small business and jobs to get non-epidemic goals accomplished,.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No- Freder - Maher calls himself a liberal progressive all the time. He lodges insider complaints, once in a while, after the snowflakes manage to self-destruct over nonsense.
But I guess that makes Maher a turn-coat. Gotta be pure!

Drago said...

cubanbob: "What's Biden pitch? "it's time to give old and senile fools a chance? what do you have to lose"? ARM is all in on that pitch."

The pitch sounds best in its original mandarin form.

J. Farmer said...

Well, we know Jefferson and Madison and Washington could not have been Christians.

Depends on how we decide who is and who is not a Christian.

As for advocating an economic collapse as a way to rid us of Trump, there are quite a few who agree with Maher.

That is undoubtedly true. Wishing for an economic downturn in order to hurt a politician's chances of reelection is a (very sick) and real phenomenon, and Maher's desire for a recession because we "can’t survive another Donald Trump term" shows how over-the-top and irrational the hatred of Trump is. But that is still very different from purposefully sabotaging the economy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Only good leftist Christians make up and spread lies about Bret Kavanaugh and rape rooms - so they can steal the Supreme Court and install freaky asshole judges via Hillary and Bill - who will make sure baby parts are sold in secret by planned parenthood and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.

Static Ping said...

Blogger Jack Klompus: Maybe Hunter can help out moving some 40 bags of blow with Biden for President stamped on them.

Not blow, heroin. Last I knew heroin was the drug that got name branded, because apparently junkies can be finicky. I learned that on jury duty.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden's VP pick is everything. That's the person who will fill his shoes when he steps aside.
or is carted off to the memory care facility.

Drago said...

BleachBit-and-Hammers: "Biden's VP pick is everything. That's the person who will fill his shoes when he steps aside.
or is carted off to the memory care facility."

I have modified my Michelle As Savior Strategy to include Michelle slotted into the VP candidate role in order to keep her completely out of the limelight while potentially energizing women and blacks and maintaining her future political viability quite nicely if Slow Joe still loses.

If Slow Joe were to win, he would probably serve about a month in office to make him feel good before being unable to continue.

J. Farmer said...

Biden's VP pick is everything. That's the person who will fill his shoes when he steps aside.

Completely agree. People forget that McCain's age was a pretty big issue in 2008, and he was 71. Biden would be 78 on inauguration day. At this point, I think it's practically guaranteed that Biden's VP pick will be a woman, if not a minority woman.

Matt Sablan said...

Remember when there was a Republican who was willing to limit spending on presidential elections? And how Obama lied to him?

Chickens, roost. Some assembly required.

Churchy LaFemme: said...

Drago (sarcastically):

Remember when George W Bush had the CIA/DOJ/FBI/NSA work together to spy on the obama campaign and then Bush had those same entities work with foreign services and intelligence agencies to frame obama?


I first noticed something was wrong in CIA-land when they cooked up that riduculous Iran evaluation to stop Bush (remember this was "his" CIA) from doing anything about their nuke program.

Oh, and sent Wilson to Niger, prompting Cheny to say: Wait a minute, they're saying I sent this guy to Niger? Who is this guy and how did he get sent? And we all know how that turned out.

Matt Sablan said...

"The media’s obsession with Trump in 2016 was probably a net positive since amounted to tons of free advertising."

-- The best part of this? We know from the Clinton/Podesta emails that *her campaign encouraged media to pump up Trump during the Republican primary because she thought he was the easiest to beat.*

Shouting Thomas said...

This from a man who claims to be a Christian.

This is an odd one that gets thrown around a lot.

You believe that to claim to be a Christian is to claim to be a moral exemplar who never commits sin?

Apparently, you don’t know much about Christianity. Every Christian church with which I’m familiar (and I’ve played for services for at least 5 denominations), includes in its services some sort of confession that the parishioners have sinned against God and their neighbor. It is assumed in the liturgy that every parishioner sinned against God and their neighbor in the past week.

Now, I’m not advocating sin. But, you sure don’t seem to know much about Christianity. Ever been to Sunday School?

I’m certainly not advocating murder, but Christ rather routinely forgave murderers.

Drago said...

Matt Sablan: "- The best part of this? We know from the Clinton/Podesta emails that *her campaign encouraged media to pump up Trump during the Republican primary because she thought he was the easiest to beat.*

Carter - Reagan Redux

Fernandinande said...

"Yellow journalism" was coined in the 1890s.

"Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle." -- 1807

Freder Frederson said...

No- Freder - Maher calls himself a liberal progressive all the time.

The accusation was "Democrat" (with a capital "D"), not simply calling oneself a "liberal progressive".

According the your lefty pals, the Net Neutrality decision alone would result in the death of millions.

When you use words you apparently don't know the meaning of (in this case "literal") and then double down on it by demonstrating you don't know what "literal" means, you literally make yourself look stupid.

Freder Frederson said...

You believe that to claim to be a Christian is to claim to be a moral exemplar who never commits sin?

Sorry, I never said that.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, you don’t think the ‘76s who rebelled against King George and fought a war in which they killed people were Christians?

Fernandinande said...

Last I knew heroin was the drug that got name branded, because apparently junkies can be finicky.

"Heroin" was Bayer's trademark name for it.

J. Farmer said...


"Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle." -- 1807

Indeed. Jefferson's hatred of newspapers was legion. Interestingly, the newspaper Norvell founded exists to this day as The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Matt Sablan said...

Romney didn't become president, but he was certainly accused of killing people with cancer.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

btw - Mook makes the point.

All the money in the world won't beat the onslaught of negative reporting and negative propaganda given freely by the press and hollywood. 4 years of Russia Russia lies, fake impeachment over non-crimes (or Biden's actual crimes) and now our crushed economy.

Yes - we all recall when Trump, circa 2016, was the golden boy all around the hack press and places like the Mika and Joe Show. They wanted Trump to face Hillary. Hillary had the elites, and the mega-bucks.

J. Farmer said...


All the money in the world won't beat the onslaught of negative reporting and negative propaganda given freely by the press and hollywood.

I don't think that was Mook's point.

Yes - we all recall when Trump, circa 2016, was the golden boy all around the hack press and places like the Mika and Joe Show. They wanted Trump to face Hillary. Hillary had the elites, and the mega-bucks.

Trump was treated as a "golden boy" by the "hack press" in 2016? I remember it a little differently.

Freder Frederson said...

He makes up a Trump quote that has been debunked completely while telling you that everything you've seen for 4 years never happened.

Prefacing a statement with "they say", while obviously relishing the sentiment of what "they say" and then claiming that the quote has been "debunked completely" (and you pull the same shit with the "grab them by the pussy" quote) is ignoring the context of the statement.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

J Farmer

Mook said: "If money was the key, 2016 would have gone very differently."

His point is that money didn't do it. I agree. & this time, the money might not do it.

J Farmer said
Trump was treated as a "golden boy" by the "hack press" in 2016? I remember it a little differently.
I'm not out to convince you. Compared to the behavior of the media now, The press (2016) were soft-touch on Trump because they saw him as the easy man for Hillary to beat. They massaged and manipulated the situation differently. Joe and Mika are the clearest examples, because it was clear they did not like Hillary. So they gave Trump soft-touch. Now? Mika and JOE are ALL Trump-hate/ALL the time. The press learned a valuable lesson. Don't be nice or fair, ever. not even for a second. Media as democrat party advocacy is the name of the game. Price tag?

Drago said...

Freder: "Prefacing a statement with "they say", while obviously relishing the sentiment of what "they say" and then claiming that the quote has been "debunked completely" (and you pull the same shit with the "grab them by the pussy" quote) is ignoring the context of the statement."

"Context" is the weasel word you use to attempt to desguise your sad little lies.

Trump never said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave...yada yada yada. He very clearly relayed thats what others had said.

So stop lying about it.

Trump never said he grabbed women..yada yada yada.

So stop lying about it.

Trump never colluded with Russia.

So stop lying about it.

Kavanaugh is not a rapist.

So stop lying about it.

Trump didnt illegally launder russian cash.

So stop lying about it.

See where this is going Field Marshall?

Go back to your Bundy case lies where you belong.

Jamie said...

I also recall Trump's bring the media's preferred Republican candidate in 2016. (It was similarly clear that they all really wanted Clinton to win, but since there had to be an R candidate, they picked Trump.) They seemed positively giddy over him - he gave such great, crazy soundbite.

And then he won.

But right up until election night, they loved to "report" on Trump - they apparently counted on him to be hoist with his own petard.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


"Picked" is the operative word.

J. Farmer said...


I'm not out to convince you. Compared to the behavior of the media now, The press (2016) were soft-touch on Trump because they saw him as the easy man for Hillary to beat.

Just an aside, I'm not out to convince anyone either. Just saying what I think and why I think it.

I don't really disagree that coverage has become even more hostile now, but I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that he's president now versus just a candidate earlier. Regardless, I don't think that indicates Trump was given a "light touch" in 2016. The few efforts that have been made to systematically analyze the coverage of the election have shown that Trump received overwhelmingly negative coverage. Trump himself complained about the overwhelmingly negative coverage of his campaign. Ironically, even though the coverage was negative, Trump received far more coverage than any other candidate.

J. Farmer said...


They seemed positively giddy over him - he gave such great, crazy soundbite.

And then he won.

But right up until election night, they loved to "report" on Trump - they apparently counted on him to be hoist with his own petard.

I agree. Trump was clearly covered as an oddity, but the attitude from the beginning was that he was unserious and had no chance of going anywhere. First it was denied that he would even likely run. Then after he announced, it was denied that he would get any traction. Then it was denied that he would win primaries. Then it was denied that his early primary success would result in the nomination. Then it was denied that he would win the presidency.

MadTownGuy said...

J. Farmer said...

"Trump was treated as a "golden boy" by the "hack press" in 2016? I remember it a little differently."

My recollection is that he was treated with faint praise as being unconventional or even historic, until he had a lock on the nomination. Then the dogs of oppo research were let loose.

Bay Area Guy said...


"I have modified my Michelle As Savior Strategy to include Michelle slotted into the VP candidate role..."

I accept this amendment. The prediction was so early, so ahead of the curve, and so creative, and yet, step--by-step, inch-by-inch, you see it happening. It solves many problems - the embarrassment of replacing the embarrassing Joe Biden late in the game, would deeply hurt the Dems.

Temujin said...

Robby Mook, who understands that he had a huge advantage in money, but didn't understand how to use that money. Why people from the Democratic Party (and Republican Party) who fail miserably, nonetheless get promoted up and continue to be used as an expert source of information and opinions is something I'll never understand.

I'm not sure I'd ask Robby Mook directions to Shake Shack.

J. Farmer said...

I'm not sure I'd ask Robby Mook directions to Shake Shack.

Ha. Yeah, Robby Mook's resume doesn't exactly inspire confidence: the Dean campaign, Clinton's 2008 primary campaign, and then her 2016 presidential campaign. That said, the pile-on against Mook seems more like the part of the Hillary camp's blame-everyone-but-Hillary strategy. Comey, Putin, Cambridge Analytica, Robby Mook. Anything but acknowledge Hillary had the likability of a cold sore.

narciso said...

the fusion gps dump was in the spring, and you could see it everywhere from the atlantic to the the new York daily news, this was an outfit who was paid by the dnc, that took dezinforma from Russian oligarch and mainlined it into visa warrants and intelligence estimates,

Mark said...

I skimmed over the post and was going to look over the comments and maybe comment myself, but to be honest, this Joe Biden stuff is just too damn boring.

Drago said...

Farmer: "Ha. Yeah, Robby Mook's resume doesn't exactly inspire confidence: "

Mook is the "Steve Schmidt/Nicole Wallace" of the democrats.

Although, that doesn't really apply anymore since both Schmidt and Wallace stopped pretending to be republicans years ago and are both happy democrats "officially" now, as opposed to their unofficial democrat leanings while running McCain's campaign.

Drago said...

Bay Area Guy: "It solves many problems - the embarrassment of replacing the embarrassing Joe Biden late in the game, would deeply hurt the Dems."


Only Michelle avoids the majority of problems that replacing Biden with anyone else would create. Many Bernie Bros will remain unhappy but given that it would be Michelle, there is no way the Bernie bros have the guts or integrity to complain knowing they would immediately be labeled racists.

Bay Area Guy said...

Beloved ARM,

"Differently stupid will be sufficient to get my vote. Trump has not set a high bar."

I'm need more energy out of you. More enthusiasm. More passion. More gusto. How ya gonna drag Slow Joe across the finish line in Nov with such lackluster support?

My senile old dipshit is less malignant than your lying asshole candidate is not a winning campaign strategy, ARM!

Carry on, Comrade.

Brian said...

They did the same thing with Obama, at least in the half-dozen I checked.

And for Bush before that. It's in the style guide.

Big Mike said...

Anything but acknowledge Hillary had the likability of a cold sore.

@Farmer, I have to disagree with you yet again. Hillary is vastly less likable than a cold sore.

People might be able to get over Hillary’s lack of likability, but the openness of her corruption was the real hurdle for many. If wasn’t just that she was corrupt; it’s that she didn’t seem to care who knew it.

Earnest Prole said...

I would give anything for the campaign and all its spending to occur in the eight weeks following Labor Day. Anyone who can't make up their minds in two months shouldn't be voting.

J. Farmer said...

@Big Mike:

@Farmer, I have to disagree with you yet again. Hillary is vastly less likable than a cold sore.


People might be able to get over Hillary’s lack of likability, but the openness of her corruption was the real hurdle for many. If wasn’t just that she was corrupt; it’s that she didn’t seem to care who knew it.

I agree. Likability was too limiting a term. My point was that Hillary lost because of Hillary, but in true Clintonian fashion she (like many of her supporters) have attempted to point the finger at anyone else.

J. Farmer said...


the fusion gps dump was in the spring, and you could see it everywhere from the atlantic to the the new York daily news, this was an outfit who was paid by the dnc, that took dezinforma from Russian oligarch and mainlined it into visa warrants and intelligence estimates,

Glenn Greenwald was very good on this point. I don't share his politics, but he's infinitely more honest then a lot partisan journalists and activists. Greenwald himself is frequently the target of claims that he's useful idiot for (or even outright agent of) Putin. The Russia conspiracy hoax runs deep in the minds of many. That is a consequence of the partisan mentality, a readability to believe the most outlandish claims about political opponents.

J. Farmer said...

@Earnest Prole:

I would give anything for the campaign and all its spending to occur in the eight weeks following Labor Day. Anyone who can't make up their minds in two months shouldn't be voting.

A legally-defined campaign season is an interesting idea, but unsure what other problems it could cause. But a limited campaign season would certainly reduce the cost of campaigning, since you wouldn't have to fund campaigning efforts for an inordinately long time. My generally cynical impression is that efforts to reduce the influence of money in elections probably won't accomplish much.

bagoh20 said...

Is money really an issue in this race? I don't think Trump nor Biden needs to spend much telling us who they are. That leaves nothing but negativity and ugliness. What a great way to spend a billion dollars. It would be beneficial if both campaigns' negative ads just showed their opponent saying things that the campaign feels the voters would reject, but not out of context. Honest disagreements. There is plenty of stuff Biden could show that would get his base. They basically can't stand to see Trump say anything. He could read them Gettysburg Address, and piss them off. Trump could run a whole catalog of Biden wrongness and gibberish. I think Trump wins if that was the rules, but of course it won't be. Out of context will be the basis of most ads on both sides. I hate that shit.

Lurker21 said...

How is Mookie even able to show his face in public, let alone talk to the media?

I understand that Hillary Clinton is unlikeable.

It's the campaign manager's job to get people to vote for her anyway.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

remember - the Russians tricked our very brains with lame facebook ads that nobody saw. That's why wonderful likable power-obsessed never-goes-away-Hillary, lost.

Gk1 said...

Not even Moochele can save these sad sacks. This is the same tiresome inside the belt way nonsense the washington crowd bandies about when they need an article to write. Her and her hubbie got their getaway money from Netflix and all the other chumps they flakked for, for 8 years. Real work needs to get done, sweetie, the times require it and even she knows that.

Just saying said...

Why doesn't Bloomberg write a check for 500 million to some super pac and then the Dems have the money lead

Mr. Enns said...

There are two reasons money matters in politics
1. Money buys votes (Through ads, events and energy).
2. Ability to raise money indicates popularity.
Money did not indicate the result in 2016 because Hillary's massively efficient money-raising machine disguised her lack of popularity.

J. Farmer said...


I understand that Hillary Clinton is unlikeable.

It's the campaign manager's job to get people to vote for her anyway.

That's a fair point, but Mook's job really wasn't so much to devise strategy as to execute. Everyone shits on his strategy but ignore that it was Clinton and her senior staff that all spearheaded it.

Steven said...


There's not a campaign manager in the business that can win a genuinely-contested election for Hillary Clinton, which is why she's never won one.

Dr. Steve said...

I agree with the comment that the Democrats are trying to put the Senate in play...
It looks to me, however, that Trump is trying to put the House in play.
Trump doesn't get into feuds like the one he has with Pelosi unless he is making a move.

Unknown said...

Are people are not counting on the Clinton cash machine aka untraceable Chinese small donors making up the difference...

Brian said...

"I have modified my Michelle As Savior Strategy to include Michelle slotted into the VP candidate role..."

I don't think she wants it. She knows what the job entails.

Martin said...

Being $187M down at this point means almost nothing--Biden, or whomever the final Dem candidate is, will have as much money as they want, plus all the free support from the media and celebrities.

Kirk Parker said...

"Hillary is vastly less likable than a cold sore."

Indeed. How long does a cold sore last?

EsoxLucius said...

Actually, we're counting on IQ45 continuing what he's doing now: misleading the country, getting on the wrong side of issues (90% of Americans want to stay at home), loosing support in swing states and the elderly, and constantly making it about him. At this rate, he's going to do a W and hand the problem off to the eventual Democrat winner in September.

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