"On Sunday, the former vice president and current de facto Democratic presidential nominee emphasized one phrase repeatedly: 'Follow the science.'"
Politico reports.
Imagine standing on a podium, giving a speech, wearing a mask. But I guess there will be no public-speaking events, not until the Time of the Masks has ended.
And yet the Democrats still have a plan to do their convention in August. It would be weird if they did it with everyone there in the flesh and all of them masked.
Pathetic, empty gesture.
Speaking of masks:
“Trump Seeks to Block 3M Mask Exports and Grab Masks From Its Overseas Customers” blares the NYT.
The Brits are accusing Trump of piracy. On Friday, Andreas Geisel, Berlin’s interior minister, said that a shipment of face masks from 3M, a US-based firm, had been “confiscated” in Bangkok and never reached Berlin from China, where they were manufactured. [from The Telegraph]
The complexities of global commerce. This will not end well.
Biden is just trying to differentiate himself.
He is also just stupid. The President lives in a bubble. Neither of them are going to get within a mile of a likely disease vector.
Biden might as well chew gum while making his next speech because a mask will make him look stupid.
Trump thought this through. Biden is just being a democrat.
Can you win a push-up contest breathing through a mask?
If Joe Biden wears a mask in the forest, will anybody hear it?
Biden in a mask? Can't wait. ...During the Plague I believe the "doctors" wore strange beak-like masks. Also wearing bags of spices around their necks.
Time of the Masks = right out of a sci-fi novel.
The plan is to have Joe wear a mask, so you cannot see his lips moving, and they will have an impersonator who is not senile actually reading the speech off stage.
Problem of Joe solved.
"On Sunday, the former vice president and current de facto Democratic presidential nominee emphasized one phrase repeatedly: 'Follow the science.'"
heh! Coming from a guy who can barely follow the early-bird dinner menu at Dennys!
At least the 6-feet social distancing protocol will likely mitigate any future hair-sniffing episodes:)
>>Democrats still have a plan to do their convention in August. It would be weird if they did it with everyone there in the flesh and all of them masked.<<
With *everyone* masked. If they were to enforce that -- a very good idea. Work toward normalcy and productivity with virtually no risk of virus transmission.
he would wear one like bane, he's be more intelligible,
I have not notices that Biden has come out of his fortress and put himself at the risk that many real Americans suffer to maintain our Republic.
I thought the question was which was more helpful?
So, is wearing a mask more helpful than not wearing a mask?
Is a politician modeling willingness to wear a mask more helpful than modeling unwillingness to wear a mask?
Is having a convention with masks, assuming that allows the convention to be conducted at an acceptable risk, better than having no convention or having one at an unacceptable risk?
So why not an unambiguous endorsement?
Biden is going to "mysteriously" become infected with Covid-19. He will have to drop out of the race.
Problem solved!
What a fool. The need doesn’t negate the antipathy. In days of yore who didn’t shake their heads at photos of Asians wearing masks in their smog-bound cities. Whatever the science, whatever the need, the mask projects fear.
Who was that masked man with his faithful Indian companion Pocahontas, dropping his silver bullets faster than the Media can cover for him?
When asked this morning on what he would tell Trump to do right now:
-Act swiftly
-Act quickly
-Invoke the Defense Production Act
-Appoint a supply commander
Biden should wear the full burka-style mask as shown a few days ago here. Then, they could switch out another body for his and nobody would know.
"The complexities of global commerce. This will not end well."
I'm hoping it ends by bringing a lot of manufacturing back home. Let's start with pharmaceuticals and medical supplies.
No it won’t. Trump is risking catastrophe for his ego.
"On Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that people wear nonsurgical, cloth face coverings when in public."
Is Biden going to wear a homemade bandana mask? 'Follow the science', Joe.
Joe Biden is an outlaw; of course he will wear a mask.
Forget Biden. I'd like to see Pelosi, Schiff, and the rotund Nadler in a mask when they are on stage complaining about Trump. Gold, I tell ya, gold!
Batman or Spiderman?
If he wears the tights too, that could swing some states his way.
This will rank right up there with Kerry in the bunny suit or Dukakis in the tank.
I watched Joe on ABC this AM. He struggled with words. Looked confused. Kept talking about “follow the SCIENCE.”
He told George, “stay safe, man.”
No serious person could vote for this guy. No confidence in him.
Joe has such poor political instincts and timing I’m amazed. How many scientists do you see wearing masks at these press events? I haven’t seen one “follow the science” in that regard. Joe will look like a panicked pol, if he actually DOES leave the house. Usually his announcements are pure BS.
"'Follow the science.'" And listen to the experts!
By contrast, actual scientists, like Freeman Dyson, just quoted by Hinderaker on Power Line, would say: “Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.”
It is a catastrophe already Tim. We’d just like to reduce the scale of damage coming.
I’m reminded of President Dukakis in the tank helmet. I’m sure it’ll be a great photo op.
Joe is not following the science.
No rigorous study has been undertaken that shows wearing a mask, prevents the wearer from contracting an air borne illness. Studies have been done showing the opposite.
The CDC is not following its own science, they are bending to popular opinion.
I have a friend that is a nurse in a small rural hospital, actually he and his wife, both nurses in the same hospital. He is caring for COVID patients, his wife is not. He is wearing full PPE. His wife is not. Saving the PPE for front line workers. But as he pointed out this morning, he was with a patient from a nursing home for 3 shifts, before the nursing home called and said 3 patients had tested positive. They checked his patient and they too tested positive. He had done a lot of work, on the patient with only a mask. He was worried.
The question is, with a shortage of masks, shouldn't the patients be masked, not staff?
Paper bag.
Projecting fear, and that is what wearing a mask in public does by the way, won't help Biden at all.
So Biden's going to wear a mask now.
AA: Is he helping?
Dr. Squid: Why would anyone give a fuck what Biden does?
"On Sunday, the former vice president and current de facto Democratic presidential nominee emphasized one phrase repeatedly: 'Follow the science.'"
Science is xenophobic.
Biden is 77 years old. He coughs and sneezes on tv interviews. That's called "signs" or "symptoms."
Age and symptoms puts him in the vulnerable category, i.e, the higher risk group per the CDC.
That means, a mask is not enough -- he really needs to shelter in place.
Ah, the hoops the political handlers think up to show Mr. Biden's moral leadership superiority... As Goldie Whoopberg (intentional transposition) said on the View a couple of weeks ago, "his wife is one hell of a Doctor," she should be in charge of this pandemic and we would all be safer.
Joe Biden is beyond contempt, mental impairment or not.
The constant politicization of this crisis is disgusting.
And NO Joe Biden will NOT be wearing any masks in public because he's NOT GOING TO GO OUT IN PUBLIC.
Stop with the preening and attempt at moral superiority. You are only making things worse -- that is, if you actually cared.
Why wasn't Biden wearing a mask during the interview? He should have been setting a good example. Why isn't little Georgie? He's surrounded by people on the ABC News Set.
BTW, I loved the hard-hitting questions by ABC News. "Gee, Mr. VP what do you think of what Trump said?" "Your campaign said Trump acted too slowly, is that true" "Was Obama really to blame for the stockpile being low?" - And of course, almost zero interpolations.
BTW, said Trump didn't do anything special by banning travel from China, because "45 countries had already done so". Hm... Did Biden approve of Trump's travel ban in Feb? Or in March? I don't remember that.
Joe's mask is custom made, barely noticeable..
Biden kept saying "wearing masks is just science". Actually the "science" is that its not anymore useful than staying 6 feet away. Its why no country in Europe, including the UK, is making it mandatory to wear a mask.
That's science.
I'd go for a Dorothy Kilgallen mask.
In any case, As the doctors stated at the briefing. We don't have enough masks for everyone now. Health providers and those who have tested positive have priority.
A funny hat wouldn't be out of place.
The seniors in my area didn't wait for the "experts" to allow masks. They understood weeks ago that if masks are useful in the context of a hospital, they're also useful at Target.
In the interview, Joe would just drop the phrase “follow the science” into his answer. His coached talking point. Sad!
I suggest the Democrats all wear Guy Fawkes masks at their convention.
Our Canadian angry alarmist, after constantly focusing on how bad it is, now tells us that taking steps to provide more masks for U.S. healthcare workers is merely Trump's ego on display.
I'm sorry I don't always see a person's name here before I read their comment. Kind of defeats my skip-over rule for some, but for the most part, its been less obnoxious around here lately and I guess I got lazy.
real science
Is this the reason pdjt said he won't wear a mask?
To get slojo to wear one?
John Henry
on another point
"No rigorous study has been undertaken that shows wearing a mask, prevents the wearer from contracting an air borne illness."
Actually, according to the US Surgeon General last week, there HAS been a rigorous study. It showed that wearing a mask INCREASES your chance of catching a viral infection.
"You can increase your risk of getting it by wearing a mask if you are not a health care provider," Adams said during an interview on Fox & Friends on Monday morning.
Robert Redfield, head of the CDC agreed ... last week. “There is no role for these masks in the community,” he said.
“Should you wear a mask if you’re healthy?” she asked. “No,” Dr. Redfield said.
But don't pay attention to the Surgeon General last week. That was last week.
This week, he says you should wear a mask. This week, the CDC says wear a mask.
Of course, you can't get a mask now. There's no supply. Government bought up all the masks.
"No rigorous study has been undertaken that shows wearing a mask, prevents the wearer from contracting an air borne illness."
Actually, according to the US Surgeon General last week, there HAS been a rigorous study. It showed that wearing a mask INCREASES your chance of catching a viral infection.
"You can increase your risk of getting it by wearing a mask if you are not a health care provider," Adams said during an interview on Fox & Friends on Monday morning.
Robert Redfield, head of the CDC agreed ... last week. “There is no role for these masks in the community,” he said.
“Should you wear a mask if you’re healthy?” she asked. “No,” Dr. Redfield said.
But don't pay attention to the Surgeon General last week. That was last week.
This week, he says you should wear a mask. This week, the CDC says wear a mask.
Of course, you can't get a mask now. There's no supply. Government bought up all the masks.
"With *everyone* masked. If they were to enforce that -- a very good idea. Work toward normalcy and productivity with virtually no risk of virus transmission."
If you imagine that wearing masks ensures "virtually no risk of virus transmission", you are not following the science.
We are programmed from birth to read faces. The corners of the eyes and mouth are rich sources of information on what the. other person is trying to say (or avoid saying, etc). When masks become the norm, the signal is distorted; and we don't even consciously recognize this. I think we just feel creeped-out and awkward as we deal with the masked people facing us, and they do the same with us.
Where am I going with this? Just musing on the social/psychological implications of a massive sudden shift in how we engage effectively --at a time when effective engagement is more important than ever.
They've released a picture of Biden in his mask.
I'm not quite sure he knows why people are wearing masks these days, but by golly, he's wearing one.
How many reporters will be masked at the next WH press conference?
If Trump had followed the science he wouldn’t have shut down flights from China.
Just because a scientist says something doesn’t make it scientific.
I thought Joe had been wearing a mask all along.
The left is going to have a problem, if they can't keep biden away from normal people. He's clearly struggling, and who ever keeps pushing his Candidacy should be ashamed.
I'm betting he gets the virus, or it will be reported that way. just waiting on who the power brokers decide will be the lamb sent to the slaughter this time.
rcocean said...
Biden kept saying "wearing masks is just science". Actually the "science" is that its not anymore useful than staying 6 feet away. Its why no country in Europe, including the UK, is making it mandatory to wear a mask.
That's science
And yet, countries where mask wearing is customary - Japan, Taiwan, South Korea - have suffered a lot less than the US and Europe, where we're "following the science ".
We bought a box of ten 3M N95 masks on Amazon in early February. The next day they were sold out. We gave eight of them to a local hospital but kept two, which by then we had tried on. If I wear it in public I'm sure many people will give us dirty looks since we aren't supposed to have them.
Riverside County in Southern California just required all people going outside to wear masks. San Diego is just employees facing the public.
Riverside Order:
They're saying Joe Biden in a mask, I'm imagining Mike Dukakis in a tank.
Biden and his staff is the most glaringly tone deaf politician I've seen and heard in quite some time.
say what?
When masks become the norm, the signal is distorted; and we don't even consciously recognize this. I think we just feel creeped-out and awkward as we deal with the masked people facing us, and they do the same with us.
That's a topic that I am interested in. I've spent 40 plus years wearing masks and having everyone else wearing masks. It has always been interesting that people in the operating room communicate with their eyes while masked. I'm sure it would take a while to adapt and there is no reason to do so, except in such special circumstances.
Following up on my comment at 11:57, I predict that one effect of general masking --and certainly where it is politicians wearing masks when they give public speeches-- will be a reduction in average trust by the audience in what is being said.
Of course, with politicians, that's already at absolute zero, so maybe no change will be discernible.
more of that sciency stuff
Biden masks in public.
Old man struggles to remain relevant.
Sometimes, the President must stand naked.
And masked.
'Follow the science.'"
Where can I find this "science"? Those of us who were advocating wearing masks while out in public hectored by the "scientists" who said masks do not work.
The non-scientists, who wear masks everyday on the job site or factory knew damn well masks work.
The Democrats should wear masks. They're coming for your money.
When Biden realizes he's wearing a mask, the poor addled bastard is going to think it's Halloween and he's little Joey Biden. Hilarity ensues.
"Just because a scientist says something doesn’t make it scientific."
This is what drives me nuts about the "I believe in science" crowd, the failure to distinguish between believing in a method, and believing in an authority figure.
As a scientist I suppose I could be flattered, or use it as my win button (Well, I'm a scientist and you're wrong!), but I have too much professional pride.
Truth is, I'm often wrong. As have been some of the heroes of my particular field. (If you're almost always right, you're probably working in an area that's very well understood already, and I don't see the fun in that.) The advantage of smart and well-trained scientists is that they can follow something like the shortest path through an infinitely broad field of wrong answers to get to the right one. Or, at least, closer to it than anyone had.
(At the same time, for the same reason, I would defend Fauci from some of the Gotcha's out there: Hey, look at all the times this guy's been wrong! Yes, of course he has. Doesn't mean he's bad at his job, or that there's anyone better to advise the president.)
Let's start with pharmaceuticals and medical supplies.
Everyone will then bitch about the increase in the cost...
Wearing a mask is psychological. It gives scaredy cats the impression they are doing something.
I doubt it causes much harm, so not a worry (although some smart folks say it does cause harm, traps viral critters, improper fit, etc, etc).
Trump needs to do it (and many other things) to avoid the weasel Democrat/media charge, that people died because Trump failed to do X or Y or Z.
So, we can play ball.
If they reopen up the economy, I will be glad to shuffle papers with gloves and a mask on.
Gotta be reasonable.
He’s also going to wear some garlic around his neck.
Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.
Ha. It certainly is in the context Democrats use it. As a youth was was exposed to those in scientific disciplines who rigorously questioned beliefs as if nothing was 'settled'. Either that's changed or our politicians are just dumber...
“Is this the reason pdjt said he won't wear a mask?
To get slojo to wear one?”
I wouldn’t be surprised. That would be some quality political gaming. Joe is in full McCain mode.
Ice Nine>>"With *everyone* masked. If they were to enforce that -- a very good idea. Work toward normalcy and productivity with virtually no risk of virus transmission."
Jupiter>If you imagine that wearing masks ensures "virtually no risk of virus transmission", you are not following the science.
I am indeed following the science, just as I actively did for 35 yrs.
virtually 1: almost entirely. The mask worn by everyone (in the hypothetical) would almost entirely prevent transmission of the virus to others, by those carrying/shedding it.
The scientists are referring to the fact that ordinary surgical masks will not prevent the reception of shed virus from carriers. And that is true. Several of the ones in the spotlight have said precisely that for those that did not know.
Do you think that surgeons wear masks in the OR to keep from becoming infected by the patient? They don't - they wear them to keep the patient from becoming infected by the surgeon. And there is therefore virtually no transmission of pulmonary and oropharyngeal pathogens from surgeon to patient.
Some of the same people that mock the "97% of all scientists agree that global warming will kill us all in short order" say "believe all the scientists!".
Where’s the Libertarian candidate?
last week (earlier This week?) Jo Biden was coughing into his hand, and rubbing his eyes; and saying:It's All right! I'm in my house!!
NOW, he wants the President of the United States, to wear a mask during press conferences ?
The mask might cure Joe's stu stu stut stuttering.
Science in this case is not acquitting itself well. On something as simple as are masks helpful or not the answer we get is it depends.
Remember science has not confirmed that eating eggs is good or bad for you. After decades of study.
Is it wrong of me to hope Joe is wearing a mask made in this factory?
Some of that science we need to believe says the benefit of the mask is so you don't touch your face. Biden wearing a mask implies he can't stop touching his face without a crutch. How...Presidential. Added: we've all seen the 'experts' at the press conference lecture us on not touching our faces only to step back form the podium and start touching their face. Experts...
"Everyone will then bitch about the increase in the cost..."
Tough shit.
OK, Joe, but which science. There isn't just one.
Browndog @ 1:05: 'Some of the same people that mock the "97% of all scientists agree that global warming will kill us all in short order" say "believe all the scientists!".' Are you in fact familiar with the Cook & Lewandowsky survey of literature that is (AFAIK) the only "empirical" basis for that "97%" thing? Are you familiar with the statistical games that were done with that survey? I know it has been carefully curated and morphed by CAGW believers into an article of faith, but in fact it is not even shaky science, it's fake science.
Not sure you want to go there.
Democrats know that there’s no way they can let Biden be their nominee. So Slo Joe may “die” from the virus in a few months. Just as we’re saying that Epstein didn’t kill himself, we may be saying in a little while that the virus didn’t kill Biden.
Well, I sure hope Trump wears a mask when personally signing all the stimulus checks.
JPS said ... This is what drives me nuts about the "I believe in science" crowd, the failure to distinguish between believing in a method, and believing in an authority figure.
That "enlightened" crowd has a superficial understanding of science, but they are absolutely correct because the right authority figures told them so.
Welcome to the pitiful world of modern liberalism.
I forgot to mention of of my favorite terms: "arrogant in their ignorance".
If you want to be really safe, Joe, don't forget the blindfold.
I used to be in a church that had a large minority of Chinese-Americans. I would often see a few of them wearing masks. Usually it meant they had a cold and didn't want to infect anyone. It was also a warning for people to be more careful (mild social distancing).
I always had two reactions:
1) That's very good of you. Maybe we should do that in our culture.
2) You look completely ridiculous, and I can understand you even less than I could before.
I'm assuming everyone will have response #2 with Biden. He's barely coherent anyway. He can't even read his own notes. He slurs his words. He interrupts himself. His voice sounds very old. I don't think a mask will help his campaign.
Of course, there's always the chance that putting on a mask will be transformative, like a superhero.
" Fernandistein said...
I thought Joe had been wearing a mask all along."
Ditto: Joe Biden has always worn a mask. But if he wants to wear one to protect us from the effects of his words, have at it.
Steve Uhr
I also have an N95 mask. Mine was left over at a construction site in October. Hospitals can't use such masks because they aren't sterile so I am doing nothing wrong in having it. But I, too, am afraid to wear it in case someone recognizes what it is and accuses me of whatever crime it is to have something which doctors need and which is in short supply. (word needed, e.g., med-supply-chain jacking) Should I wear it or stick with the outlaw-bandana or Moslem-scarf look? Covid dilemma.
I used to be in a church that had a large minority of Chinese-Americans. I would often see a few of them wearing masks. Usually it meant they had a cold and didn't want to infect anyone. It was also a warning for people to be more careful (mild social distancing).
I always had two reactions:
1) That's very good of you. Maybe we should do that in our culture.
2) You look completely ridiculous, and I can understand you even less than I could before.
I'm assuming everyone will have response #2 with Biden. He's barely coherent anyway. He can't even read his own notes. He slurs his words. He interrupts himself. His voice sounds very old. I don't think a mask will help his campaign.
Of course, there's always the chance that putting on a mask will be transformative, like a superhero.
Joe should start with a dry cleaning bag.
Baby steps.
He should fully gown up. The professor turned MD for what ails us.
Would public demonstrations comprising only masked antifa thugs be safe?
Bay Area Guy said...
Wearing a mask is psychological. It gives scaredy cats the impression they are doing something.
It does more than that.
It changes behavior and it reduces the amount of virus on surfaces in the environment.
Masks are the most efficient and low cost way to reduce the spread of an infectious disease we could implement.
The mask will help hide the stunt double.
stevew said...
They're saying Joe Biden in a mask, I'm imagining Mike Dukakis in a tank.
Trump saw this.
Biden didn't.
Draw conclusions.
Joe should wear a mask as he approaches the podium. Take it off and speak. Then place a plastic bag over the mike, put on another mask and exit.
But what I'm really expecting is some guy in a Bozo mask stumbles to the podium,mumbles for a minute or two and then can't find his way off stage.
Will Joe's mask be woven from the hair of 12 year old girls?
"Where’s the Libertarian candidate?"
Dead. He refused to go to the Hospital because it received Government funds and the ambulance had to drive over Government roads.
OK, Joe, but which science. There isn't just one.
I, for one, saw the picture of Dukakis in the tank and it improved my incredibly low opinion of him, at least a bit. The guy was smiling like a fat kid at an ice cream buffet. He'd been a lowly PFC during his service, and described the military as the most boring time of his life. Now here he was, faunching around in that Abrams tank like a peach-orchard boar, roaring up and down hills and crushing everything in his path.
He was a horribly bad presidential candidate, and his policies stank to high heaven, but don't go calling his tank pic a failure, because it wasn't, despite the myth. The guy enjoyed the ride.
If you want to see failure on a Biden-in-a-mask level, look at Lurch Kerry in cleanroom garb. That's comedy gold, that is.
Headline: Pelosi and Schummer agree to voting requiring a photo i.d., if the voter is allowed to wear a mask.
Maybe Joe thinks us following the science will distract us from following the money.
I see where HotAir and RedState, two websites that favor Trump, are accusing Joe Biden of lying and being senile, largely resulting from negative remarks made by Ron Klain - Biden's former Chief of Staff during the Obama presidency. Admittedly, Biden did say that Trump refused testing for COVID-19 (which he did initially) and because Trump called the plague a hoax - which the president did infer: "No, not at all. We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control."
In typical Trump fashion, he repeated his "in control" lie in a very short comment. So now we know that Trump and his supporting media are incapable of truth and indeed refuse to discuss Trump's obvious senility.
What Biden needs is a ball gag.
I’d hide, too, if I were him...
"And yet, countries where mask wearing is customary - Japan, Taiwan, South Korea - have suffered a lot less than the US and Europe, where we're "following the science "."
While completely true, you do have to take into account that the real causal agent might be something else in the culture that is also correlateted to mask wearing. If you had asked me prior to all this which countries might avoid a respiratory epidemic, I might have selected Japan and Singapore on behaviors other than mask wearing.
Just when you think Joe couldn't get any dumber ... or more infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome, he is trying his best to be a super spreader.
What Trump said was he couldn't see wearing a mask in the Oval Office, which is basically his home. It's not like Trump has to go out and buy TP and groceries. Will Joe be wearing a mask at home?
The CDC and "scientiests" advice on wearing masks is kind of like the Hokey Pokey---you put your left foot in, you pull your left foot out . . . .etc. Sometimes they want you to wear a mask, other times they don't. In my late mid 70's I suppose I'll wear one when I go out. But mostly I won't go out.
Now as to Biden and a mask? Why not? It will simply make him and his fellow fiscal Frito Bandito thieves in the Democrat party look like what they are. Unfortunately with the Washington Uniparty in power it's hard to tell the Republicans from the Democrats without a score card.
Boris Johnson in hospital.
The CDC and "scientists" advice on wearing masks is kind of like the Hokey Pokey---you put your left foot in, you pull your left foot out . . . .etc. Sometimes they want you to wear a mask, other times they don't. In my late mid 70's I suppose I'll wear one when I go out. But mostly I won't go out.
Now as to Biden and a mask? Why not? It will simply make him and his fellow fiscal Frito Bandito thieves in the Democrat party look like what they are. Unfortunately with the Washington Uniparty in power it's hard to tell the Republicans from the Democrats without a score card.
Next some Lib politician will begin wearing TWO masks just to out-woke Joe.
As soon as he figures out where to wear the second mask.
Well, he does want to steal our money, so...
The difference between optimism and pessimism.
While completely true, you do have to take into account that the real causal agent might be something else in the culture that is also correlateted to mask wearing. If you had asked me prior to all this which countries might avoid a respiratory epidemic, I might have selected Japan and Singapore on behaviors other than mask wearing.
You are correct - we don't know for sure that mask wearing is what's driving the low rates over there. On the other hand, we don't know that it's not. So why not give it a try? It's something that might help a lot and doesn't cost trillions of dollars or put half the country out of work.
I would add that Japan and Taiwan in particular also have a lot of characteristics that might make you think they would suffer enormously from coronavirus. Number one, these countries are incredibly crowded. Number two, they're very close to China and get huge numbers of Chinese visitors.
I can picture Biden not only wearing a mask, but his aviator sunglasses also. Because he's that cool, man.
Joe Biden said he will wear a ... in public
A novel opportunity for Mad Libs.
Is he dropping or donning the mask? Luke, I am your father!
Easy 3D Mask: YouTube Video
I like the way this one fits.
And the English subtitles are hilarious.
"Next some Lib politician will begin wearing TWO masks just to out-woke Joe."
I'm visualizing one over each ear.
Yancey Ward said...
"And yet, countries where mask wearing is customary - Japan, Taiwan, South Korea - have suffered a lot less than the US and Europe, where we're "following the science "."
While completely true, you do have to take into account that the real causal agent might be something else in the culture that is also correlateted to mask wearing. If you had asked me prior to all this which countries might avoid a respiratory epidemic, I might have selected Japan and Singapore on behaviors other than mask wearing.
The mask is the physical representation of awareness.
But there are also tangible benefits that are easily explainable. It catches sneezes and coughs and it physically blocks you from touching your nose and your mouth so you have to consciously try to touch them.
"After 7,000 deaths, Trump is focused on the same thing he is always focused on: himself"
~ Maureen Dowd
Boris Johnson in hospital.
I never understood why people say "in hospital" instead of "in the hospital" or "in a hospital".
Brits tend to say that but I know a ton of Americans who also speak that way.
Good luck to Boris. Here is hoping their medical system can function well.
People seem to be getting this wrong. You're not wearing the cloth mask to protect yourself, you're wearing it to protect OTHERS! You may seem healthy but you could be in the early stages of the infection where you are asymptomatic and very capable of spreading that infection unknowingly. A simple cloth mask is very effective in preventing you from infecting those around you.
The cultures that normally wear masks to prevent disease transmission have one other custom in common that might make a difference. Unless dealing with Westerners, they don't normally shake hands. In a Korean Presbyterian church, it was very charming to see everyone stand up and bow to one another, at the point in the service when many Westerners would shake hands. It seemed much more ecclesiastical to me.
From The Atlantic: Critics are letting their disdain for the president blind them to geopolitical realities
Critics like Maureen Dowd.
Slow Joe really should wear a mask and stay in an oxygen tent as he's elderly and in the at-risk group. For extra protection they should wheel him around in a wheelchair so he doesn't hurt himself walking.
In a Korean Presbyterian church, it was very charming to see everyone stand up and bow to one another, at the point in the service when many Westerners would shake hands.
Yes. I want to see the polite bow replace handshakes forever.
A mask is primarily to protect others from you, not vice versa. We don't know how many of us are infected.
sunsong said...
"After 7,000 deaths, Trump is focused on the same thing he is always focused on: himself"
~ Maureen Dowd
I like your blog, Sunny. Maybe update? Dormant since 2017
I think I read someware that inserting a 'the' is an Irish-ism Americans picked up:
Brits: I am in hospital. I have flu.
Irish/Americans: I am in the hospital. I have the flu.
he will look weak and old
but thinks he is virtue signalling
"I'm ready to lead you average jackoffs who don't know science like grandpa"
Is John McStain giving him PR tips?
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