April 21, 2020

"In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens, I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!"

Trump tweeted last night, reported in "Coronavirus Live Updates: Trump Says He Will Suspend Immigration" (NYT).
In recent weeks, the Trump administration has said that health concerns justified moving swiftly to bar asylum seekers and undocumented immigrants from entering the country, alarming immigration advocates who have said that Mr. Trump and his advisers are using a pandemic to broaden hard-line policies.

Under the kind of executive order the president described, the Trump administration would no longer approve any applications from foreigners to live and work in the United States for an undetermined period of time — effectively shutting down the legal immigration system in the same way the president has long advocated closing the borders to illegal immigration.

Workers who have for years received visas to perform specialized jobs in the United States would also be denied permission to arrive, though workers in some industries deemed critical could be exempted from the ban, people familiar with the president’s decision said.....
ADDED: At Twitter, responses to Trump's tweet are accusations of racism. For example, from WaPo's Jennifer Rubin: "No doubt Trump's base is primarily motivated by racism. This is why Trump does this. Every. Damn. Time."


rehajm said...

Not invisible just very very small...

brylun said...

Dem judges will issue a nationwide injunction pronto...

rehajm said...

If you had to argue...closing the economy and shelter in place is essential but ending open borders is inhumane...

Ralph L said...

Too late to keep out the ginger WASP Harry, dammit.

JPS said...

"No doubt Trump's base is primarily motivated by racism"

There's no doubt that Rubin has no doubt, anyway.

"This is why Trump does this. Every. Damn. Time."

Punctuated! For! Emphasis! [thanks, tvtropes]

JackWayne said...

I hope he goes for H1B visas next.

John Borell said...

I'm generally pro legal immigration, but...

If we can't go outside, can't get a haircut because it's so dangerous, can't go to parks, etc...

If we're worried about having enough supplies for who is here...

If we can't fly places, can't stay in hotels, can't eat in restaurants...

320Busdriver said...

Morning Joe especially incensed this AM.

Panties definitely in a bundle.

Jersey Fled said...

I'm so sick of being called a racist.

Mark said...

So he is suggesting we need to stay at home longer as this isn't over. Surprising, given his desire to end the confinement.

Krumhorn said...

So long as he keeps out new Dem voters, I’m good with that.

- Krumhorn

Rory said...

"Surprising, given his desire to end the confinement."

Not so surprising, if he's just trying to end our confinement.

Mike Sylwester said...

Racism Accusations. Every. Damn. Time.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Democrats. Are. Assholes.

rehajm said...

racism is now categorized with other meaningless pejoratives like trickle-down. Those that are flung about when an alternative argument does not exist

Mid-Life Lawyer said...

Trump has the full knowledge that he will be hated and vilified regardless of his position on almost any issue. I acquired this wisdom through relationships with toxic people; it's very freeing when you realize this and learn to draw your lines tighter to your position. The left, and whatever you call these wrecks of political persons that are Jennifer Rubin, is as toxic as it gets.

campy said...

"I'm so sick of being called a racist."

Really? I love it! It tells me I've won the argument.

Browndog said...

I'll need to hear from Maggie Haberman in order to judge the veracity of Jennifer Rubin's remarks.

Danno said...

I love seeing these elite turds going apoplectic. Maybe one of them will have a stroke from their uncontrolled TDS. Treatment for TDS is unessential health care, right?

Balfegor said...

What's going to happen with Visa waivers/ESTA? I don't think State would be in a position to process visa applications anyway. State suspended routine processing of passports and citizenship services for US citizens located abroad on April 2 (according to the embassy in Tokyo), so I would be surprised if they were processing work visa applications.

David Begley said...

Glad to see the President is protecting the health and jobs of American citizens.

Foreigners have no legal or constitutional right to enter this country.

Kevin said...

How many Americans just got thrown out of work?

How many more will lose their jobs in the coming months?

Yes, the only motivation can be racism.

Wilbur said...

The New York Times deems enforcing existing laws to be "hard-line policies".

Bob Boyd said...

"No doubt Trump's base is primarily motivated by racism."

Rank bigotry.

Kevin said...

If people couldn’t be outraged about the “injustices” to others, there would be little outrage in this world at all.

Kevin said...

America is not a race.

Prohibitions against non-Americans is not racism.

Bay Area Guy said...

Nobody cares what Jen Rubin thinks.

If one honestly believes that the spread of the ChiCom Bat Virus is the number 1 threat facing America, then it logically follow that the borders should be closed to prevent unaccountable unvaccinated folks from entering our country. Similar principle as, "Stay Home, Save Lives" that so many nice folks fervently believe.

If one honestly believes that the lockdown orders imposed by the state governments, recommended by high level scientific officers, and supported by many well-intended citizens, is the No. 1 threat facing America, then one would take a more "nuanced" and less restrictive approach to the borders.

Time to reopen the economy!

Otto said...

So Ann chose " racism" as the narrative for Trump's immigration ban. Typical click baiting.
Actually I think it is a clever move : self -containment to stem the corona virus and insure that when the economic recovery comes jobs will be given to the mass number of USA unemployed workers and not to cheaper labor as is the wont of capitalism.

"So he is suggesting we need to stay at home longer as this isn't over. Surprising, given his desire to end the confinement."
That is the genius of Trump - He adapts and acts while everyone listens and concentrates on his words and mannerisms.

Krumhorn said...

It’s long past time that we stop offering entry based on a “credible fear”. Soros-funded activists thoroughly prep would be asylum seekers by coaching them on exactly what to say at the border interviews. Unfortunately, we’re stuck with the jus soli damage caused by the poorly drafted 14th Amendment.

- Krumhorn

Darrell said...

Does his include that new caravan of Honduran illegals that the Democrats are bringing in from Central America?

wendybar said...

GOOD!!! If Americans come out and protest the left wing media calls them TERRORISTS!!!! We don't need immigration now. We have enough problems with our Media hacks like Chrissy Cuomo and Georgie Snufalufagus who ignore the rules and don't stay in quarantine, while they have tested positive for Coronavirus, but protesting people are wrong?? Maybe they can donate some of their million dollar paychecks to help Americans instead of having concerts to fund W.H.O who lied to us and the rest of the world. President Trump did the right thing, and I can't wait to hear the crybabies on the left wail.....

Bob Boyd said...

Trump should say foreign journalists seeking work in the States will be exempted from the ban.
I think the WAPO could use some fresh perspective, don't you?

gspencer said...

Lets send all the measles, mumps, whooping cough, chicken pox, diphtheria, TB, and COV-19 to Jennifer Rubin's house.


(and, if TIME wanted the truth instead of an agenda, unvaxxed illegal immigrants)

Kevin said...

Immigrants are not under attack.

What’s under attack is the idea there can be no legitimate reasons to stop or limit immigration.

wendybar said...

The first time in my life that I was called a RACIST was the day after Obama was elected by a former friend, who COULD NOT believe that I would not vote for the first black person for President. It hasn't let up since...because I am a Conservative, and I don't bow down to the Progressive elites. I am now a Proud RACIST!! It means absolutely nothing anymore...just like NAZI or Homophobe, or any of the other pathetic things they call people who don't think the same.

Chris N said...

Most activists, claiming all authority is oppressive and speaking for all victims abstractly, is generally not fit for the responsibility which comes with freedom. They've already pretty much given that up within their own minds.

This invites more reactive authority and places impossible demands upon authority, limiting choices for reasonable people constantly negotiating real freedoms/responsibilities with real authority and within their own hearts and minds.

I think there are deeper reasons we are where we are, but if we let radicals speak for freedom with only liberation theology, this state of affairs becomes inevitable. Fewer and worse policies and worse people in authority.

Jen Rubin, lonely boutique feminist with professional incentives to curry attention from not just other journalists, but from Twitter avatars, is a real wet cat. She can’t even navigate her own medium particularly well, nor the loyalty logic and conflicts her own principles and moral lights create.

I understand the reasons to mistrust Trump’s character, why many women do so especially, and why Trump drives feminists absolutely insane, which is what many feminists deserve. Don’t put your pussy into politics if you don’t want it grabbed. There are much, much worse men, and much worse in men (and women), yet. Why should I defend your honor in a system you don’t honor?

Todd said...

Jersey Fled said...
I'm so sick of being called a racist.

4/21/20, 5:53 AM

Don't be. It is like being called a misogynist or fascist or Nazi. Those words have been SO overused and so diluted by miss-use, they might as well call you a poo-poo head. Carries the same weight. It is all sound and fury, signifying nothing...

whitney said...

That's funny. I actually think Jennifer rubin's motivation is racism

stevew said...

All these immigrants seeking legal entry to the US so as to come here for non-essential jobs would have to, because of shelter-in-place and social distancing, work from home, right? Why can't they do those jobs from wherever it is they presently reside?

Has the EO been issued? Has the first injunction been requested and approved?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

It is reasonable to limit immigration when unemployment is so high, assuming that those limitations do not hurt the economy more than they help unemployment.

Heartless Aztec said...

Pretty good humour writing from Rubin. She should be encouraged in her efforts of daily written levity.

Otto said...

BTW Trump has been married to 2 immigrants.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

stevew said...
Why can't they do those jobs from wherever it is they presently reside?

The can and do, it's called out-sourcing.

Matt Sablan said...

Is the country on lock down or isn't it?

Bob Boyd said...

If you don't confess to your crime, it's proof of your guilt.

Temujin said...

Rubin needs a good psychologist. Probably a psychiatrist. She needs some work. A lot of work. Mostly she really needed to get out of the NY/WASH corridor once or twice in her life other than trips to Paris.

How can a grown adult think that anyone who holds an opposite view of yours must be a racist? How do you get to that small a mind?

Temujin said...

By the way, temporarily halting immigration should have happened weeks ago. So that must make me twice as racist as the typical Trump supporter.

stevew said...

Exactly. So what's the harm in postponing immigration during the crisis? Non-existent.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

exhelodrvr1 said...
Democrats. Are. Assholes.

Rubin. Is. A. Right. Winger.

Temujin said...

Rubin is a right winger like I'm a ballet dancer. Jesus- just read her columns, man. Just because WaPo wants to call her 'conservative' does not make it so. Use the evidence of your senses, Reasonable Man.

Big Mike said...

@Althouse, do you realize how many IQ points you lose every time you read something by Jen Rubin? Another dozen or so of reading her tweets and you’ll be in a drooling vegetative state.

Bob Boyd said...

Rubin. Is. A. Right. Winger.

Rubin is a right winger in the same sense that Rachael Dolezal is African-American.
But even if she was a right winger, that does not refute exhelodrvr1's assertion.

wendybar said...

Rubin is as much as a Right Winger as is Barack Obama

JAORE said...

Apparently psychic scribes (a.k.a journalists) remain on the essential list.

wendybar said...

You can't even believe WAPO at all. Just look at what they call crazy Jen...Conservative. She is anything but. WAPO is lying to try to make all real conservatives look like Crazy Jen.

JAORE said...

Rubin. Is. A. Right. Winger.

C'mon ARM, you are better than that. Drink some coffee and try again.

rwnutjob said...

Rubin, Nationality is not race genius

Original Mike said...

Someone should ask ARM if he can provide any evidence that Rubin is a right winger.

Rick said...

So if a Republican issues an order and no one is effected, is he still racist?

The eternal question finally answered.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Rubin is mainly an opportunist, but her support of Likud, by itself, means she is not a Democrat. She has written for Commentary, PJ Media, Human Events, and The Weekly Standard.

iowan2 said...

Get ready to fast-track this to the Supreme Court. Injuctions will be flying by lunchtime. Libs are very proficient at stamping their feet.

Paid trolls are getting desparate.

Of course I can shut down all religious gatherings, but some how don't have the power to exercise my article II enumerated powers.

Rubin was probably demanding President Trump Shut everything down. My observation was always, not so much concerned with what the President did, or could do. But rather ceding that kind of power to the executive. The all powerful, no restraints, executive.
Compare the actions of President Trump, to the demands of Democrat leaders, Imagine what they would have done if in power. Democrat Governors, are great examples of power gone wrong.
Thank God for President Trump in this time of turmoil. His steady hand, comforting.

iowan2 said...

Rubin. Is. A. Right. Winger.

Claimed with no evidence. It was my first chuckle of the morning.

narciso said...

So the kim dynast news was a false alarm wuelle surprise.

narciso said...

more marginal businesses

jeremyabrams said...

My wife's Japanese and I well recall the process of bringing her legally into the country and applying for and getting her green card. If that had been interrupted by a problem like this, and she was barred for an uncertain period from entering, we would have stayed in Japan. Bringing in something like a million people legally every year is not a thing that can be done safely right now. Good for Trump.

Wince said...

Trump should want this political fight going into the election, especially if unemployment remains stubbornly high.

Imagine Biden campaigning in opposition, which he'll have to to keep the left onboard.

jeremyabrams said...

I also think that politically, Trump is heightening the contradictions. If the left wants to extend the lockdown, and the media wants to continue its alarmism, than they are themselves providing the basis for this move.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Rubin is a good example of a lot of right wing commenters, who seem to view political commentary primarily as a good way to make buck. The lefty commenters seem to be more likely to be true believers.

tim maguire said...

Jennifer Rubin has a freezer full of ice cream.

narciso said...

something important

Jess said...

It's about time. Next, he needs to sign an executive order sending any illegal caught to the nearest border, and throwing them over.

narciso said...

none dare call it treason

tim maguire said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Rubin is a good example of a lot of right wing commenters, who seem to view political commentary primarily as a good way to make buck. The lefty commenters seem to be more likely to be true believers.

I agree that lefty commentators are true believers--which is a scary thought in itself, but I don't see Rubin as an example of a right-wing commentator trying to make a buck. She fills a niche--lefty commentator pretending to be a righty who criticizes the right. "Friendly fire" strokes the lefty ego from a unique angle, providing an easier living than writing honest opinion and is thus attractive to the less talented who also lack character.

Fernandinande said...

Not invisible just very very small...

Smaller than a (wavelength of visible light)/2 = invisible.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

So Americans are supposed to stay home or be doing essential duties only but now is the time to let foreigners in? Wait. Are immigration processing people considered essential? That’s been the biggest flaw in this exercise. Most of our federal government is nonessential yet they are still being paid. Funny how the media fill TV 24/7 with sib stories when govt workers are furloughed during Government Shutdowns yet when the private sector is furloughed not a peep out if the media about struggling Americans, about missing paychecks, about barbers and factory workers and many retail employees who are denied an income. Not merely delayed like govt checks, but MISSED paydays that won’t be made up. Does our DNC-Media not know ANY normal people who don’t work for the govt?

Known Unknown said...

If Rubin were an astute political mind, she would understand that this is a ploy to get something else. Trump has to know that this will be stuck down in court, therefore, he's looking to get something else out of this. Some other concession, or maneuver.

Rick said...

Rubin is a good example of a lot of right wing commenters, who seem to view political commentary primarily as a good way to make buck. The lefty commenters seem to be more likely to be true believers.

Yep, people trying to make a buck often choose to represent the side excluded from 80% of the most remunerative jobs.

Known Unknown said...

I guess the question remains: Are we in a National Emergency™ or not?

Otto said...

Melania is the first immigrant FLOTUS.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Blogger Rick said...
excluded from 80% of the most remunerative jobs.

Who exactly is excluding you from 80% of the most remunerative jobs?

NoMook said...

To paraphrase, if your only tool is a lack of intellect, everything looks like racism.

Otto said...

"I guess the question remains: Are we in a National Emergency™ or not?"
We have been in a daily corona virus rate of ~30K cases/~2K deaths for the last 2 weeks. So while we have sort of reached a plateau , it is not over. A measured return to normalcy is prudent.

Rick said...

Who exactly is excluding you from 80% of the most remunerative jobs?

Me? Nobody. But I'm not a public policy commenter.

It's amusing and discrediting ARM pretends our major institutions don't discriminate on politics.

Known Unknown said...

"Rubin is a good example of a lot of right wing commenters, who seem to view political commentary primarily as a good way to make buck. The lefty commenters seem to be more likely to be true believers."

I agree with this Re: Rubin, in that, it's probably more advantageous for her to churn out NeverTrumper stuff for WaPo than writing for Haaretz.

Rick said...

I agree with this Re: Rubin,

The question is not whether Rubin is just trying to keep her credibility and therefore her position by appealing to the left wingers who control media. The question is whether people whose entire career is spent trying to please those same people can be exonerated from that same motivation.

Lurker21 said...

Rubin wasn't a conservative for long and wasn't much of one when she was one. She's typical of people who are turned off by the far left and make careers as conservatives, only to dump the conservatism when they get to a secure position in the media hierarchy. David Brooks is a classic example. Rubin and Brooks confirm the old suspicion that neoconservatives were just Hubert Humphrey Democrats left behind by the party. David Frum and Max Boot and Joe Scarborough more or less fit the pattern in a rough way. Less well known examples may be Michael Lind and Damon Linker. In Rubin's case, Israel had a lot to do with her turn rightward. For her the rightward turn came later in life and may not have been as serious as it was for some of the others.

NeverTrump is all about Trump and not about Trump at all. It's all about Trump because opposing Trump seems to be the reason for being for Rubin and Boot and Bill Kristol. Rubin even opposes things she favored for years - moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, for example - just because Trump does them. But the controversy isn't about Trump because many Trump voters would agree with some of the NeverTrumpers less vehement criticisms of Trump. They just don't think that Bush, McCain and Romney were any kind of a golden age, or that Kristol, Frum, Boot, Rubin, Steve Schmidt, Nicolle Wallace or Joe Scarborough are better for the country than Donald Trump.

Clyde said...

I thought we'd already closed our borders for all non-essential travel until this coronavirus crisis is over. Immigration IS non-essential travel. They can wait until the coronavirus crisis is over. Besides the not wanting to import more disease to pour fuel on the pandemic fire, there's also the fact that 22 million Americans have been thrown out of work. Let's get this coronavirus crisis over and done with, get our own people back to work, AND THEN let foreigners apply to come here legally. If Americans can wait for this shutdown to end before going back to work, so the foreigners can wait to apply to come here. There is nothing racist or xenophobic about this. This is just common sense. I can understand why Democrats and their media lackeys don't understand that, since common sense is not their bailiwick.

Roger Sweeny said...

Perhaps this is creating a bargaining chip for when there is some real negotiation on immigration/what to do about DACA/the Wall/enforcement.

rhhardin said...

Racism is such a bad reading that I don't know why they bother.

Culturalism would be a good reading. If you don't want to assimilate, don't come. The virus is not nothing but also a reason for the courts.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Like Obama, Rubin recognized an opportunity for lucrative niche employment and seized it. I don’t agree with her stances but I admire her go-ahead entrepreneurship.

narciso said...

it's an establishment voice, rubin was against the tea party, as well but her derangement has spread to the embassy transfer to Jerusalem and other issues,

Sebastian said...

I am fine with temporary border controls.

I am fine with tightening immigration, legal and illegal.

But since WuFlu poses little risk to healthy young people, there's no need to restrict their travel, which would help herd immunity. Provided, of course, that we remain serious about isolating the actual risk groups. Don't visit granny.

Charlie said...

"Rubin accuses Trump of racism? That's shocking."-said no one, anywhere.

Howard said...

This is a triple winner chicken dinner for Trump. 1) it is a logical move. 2) It pisses off Libtards into spittal flecking and 3) It gets you people erect.

Michael said...

Whatever Trump does, the WaPo will accuse him of racism. Every. Damn. Time.

Ray - SoCal said...

I was surprised to read that Afghan immigrants were still being allowed in within the past month.

rcocean said...

Jennifer Rubin is an anti-American shit who hates average white Americans. After constantly seeing her vitriol and nastiness quoted in the news, i have no desire to engage her comments on an intellectual level. Fuck her and Bezos who pulls her strings.

ALP said...

I am a business immigration paralegal - I work solely on immigration for those either with a degree, extraordinary ability, or multinational managers. Right now, NO US consulate is doing any visa interviews anyway except for extreme emergencies. So far I have not been asked to work with anyone on such an emergency application. Thus the tweet is kinda redundant at the moment - no visa, no entry. Right now immigration/border restrictions are largely being experienced by the white or Asian professional class that make up the bulk of business/employment immigration. Do you see the racism there? I don't.

I would like to point out that while many of us are working from home - I find it interesting these companies can't work with their people abroad until this gets resolved. Sure it is a pain in terms of time zones, but many of the foreign nationals I work with come to the US after a period of working for a US company (or parent/subsidiary) from abroad. The work can still get done in a lot of cases - someone just has to volunteer to do their end of it at odd hours.

One more thing - 2 week quarantine rules issued by the foreign national's HOME COUNTRY have been some of the biggest problems - Canada and Israel to name a couple. Some people have wanted/needed to go to either country and decided against it due to the quarantine.

Anyhow - this tweet will make for an interesting day for me - wish me luck.

Greg the class traitor said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
It is reasonable to limit immigration when unemployment is so high, assuming that those limitations do not hurt the economy more than they help unemployment.

Well said! Congratulations, you're actually being reasonable here! (No, there is no sarcasm there)

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Rubin. Is. A. Right. Winger.

Rubin is mainly an opportunist, but her support of Likud, by itself, means she is not a Democrat. She has written for Commentary, PJ Media, Human Events, and The Weekly Standard.

Oh, ARM, such a brief trip to reasonability.
1: Pretty sure i can find a bunch of Democrats and "moderates" who support Likud. Since, pretty much anyone who doesn't want to see every Jew in Israel supports Likud
2: The "Weekly Standard" is not a conservative magazine. In fact, it went bankrupt because of its leftism
3: When did PJ Media soil themselves by hiring Rubin to write a piece for them? I did a search for "PJ Media" jennifer rubin, all I got was attacks on her

doctrev said...

Jennifer Rubin is a hack writer and a fifth columnist, but what she represents is of great consequence. By claiming she is a "right-wing American," a major newspaper can gaslight the American people into thinking they have freedom of the press. This misrepresentation isn't just trying to replace American interests with foreign ones- the Rubins and Kristols are used to deplatform actual conservatives throughout the Internet and national media.

Thankfully, not even Twitter can wholly minimize the affection that the President has gained with his proclamation, and this shrill kapo's act is wearing increasingly thin with actual nationalist Americans.

Nichevo said...

How is J. Farmer not all over this thread like white on rice? He ought to be delirious; doing handstands on the bar.

n.n said...

The first step to emigration reform. The anti-nativists, diversitists, and transhumanists can still dream of the old days with excess victims and collateral damage.

Jim at said...

No doubt Trump's base is primarily motivated by racism.

Fine. I'm a racist.
What else you got?

n.n said...

The issue is not immigration per se, but excessive immigration, which exceeds the rate of assimilation and integration before planned parenthood, including: collateral damage from social justice adventures without borders, displaced and replaced legal Americans, and the hidden victims of the wicked solution normalized by the Progressive Church, and carried out behind religiously ("ethically", "legally") impenetrable walls under the Twilight Amendment. Then there is the pandemic and excess deaths caused by globalism, immigration reform, community breaches, and spread of social contagion by their proponents.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Fine. I'm a racist.

Diversity? No. No color judgments. Lose your Pro-Choice religion. Americans including black, white, brown, yellow; male and female sex, masculine and feminine gender, respectively, and transgender ("Rainbow"), too; tall, medium and short; fat fit, and skinny; old, young, and fetal, and, yes, even orange.

Krumhorn said...

What Lurker21 said...

- Krumhorn

gbarto said...

Quoting Jen Rubin is hardly the same as agreeing with her. To the contrary, most of the time when I see a person quoting Jen Rubin, it is to highlight that an argument is so devoid of reason, reflection or originality that even Jen Rubin is making it.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Pretty sure i can find a bunch of Democrats and "moderates" who support Likud.

I'm waiting.

The "Weekly Standard" is not a conservative magazine.

First, no one is interested in the internecine wars you right wingers are having. The "Weekly Standard" was viewed a reliably, often extremely conservative until Trump. From wiki:
"The Weekly Standard was an American political magazine of news, analysis and commentary that used to be published 48 times per year. Originally edited by founders Bill Kristol and Fred Barnes, the Standard had been described as a "redoubt of neoconservatism" and as "the neo-con bible". Its founding publisher, News Corporation, debuted the title on September 18, 1995."

When did PJ Media soil themselves by hiring Rubin

Google is apparently not a strength:
"Rubin, a “recovering lawyer” and former Washington editor of Pajamas Media"

Readering said...

Where I come to read AA commenters again distracted by bright shiny thing being waved around.

Lurker21 said...

The "Weekly Standard" is not a conservative magazine. In fact, it went bankrupt because of its leftism

Political magazines don't make money. TWS stopped publishing because they lost their patron/subsidizer. What is conservative or liberal or progressive is up for grabs much of the time. You can think of Kristol as an entrepreneur or huckster trying to sell his variety. That gamble paid off (in power and influence, though not so much in money) during the Bush years, and didn't in the Trump era.

DavidUW said...

What "race" is "immigrant"?

hombre said...

“... Trump’s base is primarily motivated by racism.”

It is an embarrassment that people with public platforms speak like this. If they actually think like this and their readers agree, the country is toast. Nothing of real significance matters to such imbeciles.

Tomcc said...

ALP: Do you see the racism there? I don't.
Don't confuse the issue with facts!
Good luck, BTW

Robert Cook said...

"Rubin is as much as a Right Winger as is Barack Obama"

So she's a staunch middle-of-the-roader, then.

Robert Cook said...

"In light of the attack from the Invisible Enemy, as well as the need to protect the jobs of our GREAT American Citizens, I will be signing an Executive Order to temporarily suspend immigration into the United States!"

There may be good arguments for imposing a temporary suspension of immigration into the U.S., but Trump's statement announcing it is simply stupid, as well as intentionally inflammatory but unspecific, ("...attack from the Invisible Enemy....") and empty ("...to protect the jobs of our Great American Citizens....). As if that is not already a lost cause. If he were really interested in protecting jobs of Americans, he would advocate for Congress to pass legislation that would compel American corporations to move all their manufacturing (and other jobs) from overseas to the US.

Mark said...

That reporter really is a TAH.

Michael K said...

Originally edited by founders Bill Kristol and Fred Barnes,

ChiCom ARM ignores the fact that it came from The New Republic, not by any means a conservative magazine. I subscribed for years as it was balanced but the owner went all in for Gore and I quit in 2000. We had some email exchanges about it. It has since gone hard left.

Kristol was a "neoconservative" meaning a leftist who was anticommunist. His father was the same.

DeepRunner said...

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
Rubin. Is. A. Right. Winger.

In. Name. Only.

Maybe. Not. Even. That.

Greg the class traitor said...

Blogger Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
The "Weekly Standard" is not a conservative magazine.

First, no one is interested in the internecine wars you right wingers are having. The "Weekly Standard" was viewed a reliably, often extremely conservative until Trump. From wiki:

I congratulate you on returning to form as an ignorant buffoon.

Just to start with: Trump's been on the scene for 4+ years now. "They were conservative until > 4 years ago", even if true, isn't a really meaningful statement when we're talking about what is going on right now

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