April 14, 2020

"I think the press has been in a death spiral that the president participates in, which hurts both of them."

"I think that the questions are often combative and gotcha. His responses, I think at times, are beneath what he should be doing... He should be there for 10 or 15 minutes off the top to deliver the big headlines, answer a few questions, and then leave the rest of it to Vice President Pence and to the folks on his team — the experts on his team.... I don't think it helps the president, in the long run, to be in hand-to-hand combat with any member of the media, and I think also the media has some measure of responsibility as well for some of the things that they do — so, unfortunately, I think they're both hurting the situation here."

Said Chris Christie on "The View" today.

I noticed that because the name Chris Christie was trending on Twitter.


doctrev said...

Let's see, failed Beltway Republican, and his advice for the President is... Surrender. For God's sake. Why does the chuckservative wing of the party EVER imagine we're going back to the old way of doing things? The President needs to be much harsher with the press, to be sure, but that's the opposite of what Christie recommends.

Two-eyed Jack said...

This is like saying Philip Glass's music would be better if it didn't keep repeating itself.

Shouting Thomas said...

@Two-eyed Jack

I’ve noticed that too. I love Glass’s music, and I’ve been thinking about using part of Metamophosis as a prelude for services.

But, like Chuck Berry, Glass seems to only have one song to write, although it’s a very good one.

JAORE said...

Headline: "Christie: Media, Trump in death spiral"
Lead paragraph contains: 'Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) warned Tuesday that President Trump and the media are in a "death spiral,"'
Actual quote: "I think the press has been in a death spiral that the president participates in, which hurts both of them,"

Anyone notice the change?

Shouting Thomas said...

The Trump Show is back on TV right now!

What will we ever do without it? Hour upon hour of programming.

This guy is the greatest media baron of all time.

Mark said...

NO ONE CARES WHAT CHRISTIE HAS TO SAY unless it is to criticize the President.

Mark said...

Way to be a putz for the loathsome MSM.

I'm sure that they will all pat you on the head and say, "good boy," for your efforts.

narciso said...

we'll cross that bridge, when we come to it, stay puft, he has a learning curve of zero, how did his embrace of Obama work out, of course it was the current fbi director wray, who kept him out of the hoosegow, I think that's the turn of phrase,

was he better than phil murphy, by a parsec probably, is he the best jersey could have done, not even close,

Koot Katmandu said...

I use to think that way to -that PDT should be more restrained and professional. I have changed my mind. He should attack the press relentlessly just like they do him. He should keep doing what he is doing. Let press play their hand and show how biased and deranged they are. Sure it will hurt PDT with some voters but the ones that not can see how bad the press is and that the press almost always starts it would not vote for PDT anyway. Any less if fighter than PDT would have been removed and impeached by now. He needs to fight and I hope he has the strength to keep doing it. Because the press will never let up on him. At least not this generation.

Michael K said...

I tend to agree that he goes on too long with obvious ChiCom stooges like that CBS reporter yesterday in the red outfit .

It was nice of her to signal her allegiance that way,

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Christie first gained national attention due to a You Tube video that showed him telling off a unionized teacher who was whining about budget cuts and how rough she had it. That was about the time our Scott Walker was involved with his own battle with the teachers' union, so many conservatives thought - mistakenly, as it turned out - that Christie was also a fighter. He wasn't. Trump is. Christie is yet another example of a weak East Coast Republican.

h said...

I didn't start with a lot of respect for the Washington Post, NYTimes, CNN, and MSNBC. But the past two months have erased any remaining respect. I'm not entirely sure that Trump's calling out the press on these hurts him; I think he spends enough time being serious to counteract the notion that he's just jumping into the mud pit. But I have an open mind on this part of the argument.

Narr said...

Philip Glass. I thought I might be the only one.

Trump does the media-confrontation better than Christie did, and that was one of the few things I liked about Christie.

FWIW I wish PDJT would talk less too.

All of them should talk less.

Shouting Thomas said...

Half a dozen guys in suits and ties standing around and BSing about policy wonkery for hours.

The drama! The excitement!

This shit will provide the grist for an overnight cafe of , probably, 400 comments. ARM, Inga, Drago et. al, will sit on their asses until their rectums start bleeding, arguing the same policy points over dozens if not hundreds of times.

Bay Area Guy said...

The View is my go to source for all things pandemic. Those are some bright ladies there. Real bright. Like a menopausal Mensa society there.

Amadeus 48 said...

Well, Chris Christie, it is not going to be that way.

Ken B said...

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Philip Glass. Knock knock.
Who's there?
Philip Glass. Knock knock.

Captain BillieBob said...

Christie should just shut up. Nobody is interested in what a failed NJ gov has to say.Go suck up to obambi you cuck.

boatbuilder said...

Very. Stable. Genius. Chris, you have no idea how far this guy is ahead of you on this stuff. He's not "participating"--he's calling them out!

Ralph L said...

Christie's right but for the wrong reason. It's a waste of Trump's time and energy to do this everyday.

Vance said...

Notice how all this criticism of Trump for "not rising above the fray" and "descending below the office" by engaging the media is always one sided?

None of these critics of Trump ever breathe a word about the Press's duty to not act as propagandists for the Democrat party.

All of the "First Amendment! Free Press!' depends on there actually being a "free press" and not "Democrat operatives with a byline."

There is zero difference between Nancy Pelosi and a CNN anchor. They both spout identical phrases, plans, and talking points. So why is Trump or anyone required to treat a CNN anchor differently than Nancy Pelosi?

It's not like the press treated Chris Christie, Romney, or McCain any differently when they were in the spotlight.

Mark said...

Whatever disagreements I might have with Trump, I sure as hell am not going to give aid and comfort to the enemy by voicing them in public.

Gk1 said...

You could convince me that arguing with press retards is not the best use of a President's time. But on the other hand its great to see the media so "wee wee'ed up" they don't know whether to shit or go blind!

They can't "Katrina" Trump on this as they had hoped and its beginning to show in the media's desperation. Its all slipping through their hands (again)

whitney said...

Wrong. The best part about Trump is what a fighter he is. That just proves Christie is in League with the Enemy

J. Farmer said...

I think it's pretty clear that Trump enjoys the combative back-and-forth. But I also think it reveals a critical fault with his base. He is a sort of avatar in the culture wars, hated by all the right people: the media, cultural elites, career politicians, etc. You could title a book about the 2016 election The Deplorables Strike Back.

The Vault Dweller said...

I don't think there is good evidence that Trump's engagement with the media hurts him. His poll numbers have gone up during the Corona bit. I do agree that Trump's engagement with the media hurts the media. The CNN chyrons the other day read like something out of Pravda. Not even an attempt to stay objective. The best thing that could come out of the Trump presidency would be the death and rebirth of the current media. The second best thing would just be the death of the current media.

Shouting Thomas said...

I think Trump’s battle with the media is a financial boon for both sides.

What will we do when he’s gone?

Unknown said...

Mozart's music contains too many notes.

Fernandinande said...

I love the melodramatic sound of "death spiral" because it reminds me of the violent sport of figure skating.

Anne-I-Am said...

Bay Area Guy,

You made me guffaw.

Shouting Thomas said...

Mozart’s music contains too many notes.

Johnny Winter was the worst.

Andrew said...

@Two-eyed Jack and Shouting Thomas,
I've always preferred Steve Reich to Phillip Glass (since the two are always compared). My favorite is The Desert Music.

dreams said...

Christie can just shut up and go give Obama another big old hug and while he's at it, he can also kiss Obama's black you-know-what.

Yancey Ward said...

If Trump took Christie's advice, the headlines the next day would be:

"Trump Retreats from Public View in Face of Failures"
"Trump Refuses to Answer Questions about Failing Policy"
"Trump's Failing Stamina Raises Questions That He is Infected With Coronavirus"

This isn't to say Christie is wrong, but it isn't as easy as he makes it out to be.

Tom said...

Frankly, the president is doing the right thing. It’s ugly and unnerving until we remember how patently dishonest and biased our press is. No one has ever had the guts to stand up to the lies. Trump’s doing the right thing and we think it’s weird because we’ve never seen the right thing before.

bagoh20 said...

Another wannabe telling the President to do things the way they would. How's that been working for you? People should just stop that shit. He's not you. He'd never wanna be you, and and he's successful where you are not precisely because he's not like you.

rhhardin said...

Trump is discrediting the entertainment choice of following the MSM to the MSM audience. You can't pretend any longer that it's news, it's just crap, is the message.

Do you want to be the kind of person who follows crap in a serious time, is the question he poses to them.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Most of all, I believe Trump has engaged in an ongoing expose' of poor state of governance and the "press". These fools can't resist taking the bait. The bad boys of the press are his bitches. Not a good look for either side necessarily, but after that twinkie Obama, the world gets to see some Jack Palance in the office.

Etienne said...

Trump does not like to delegate. His theory is, he doesn't need cabinet officers, and relies on "acting" officers (who know they will never be given any responsibility) to make sure they keep his decisions flowing down hill.

He's basically headed for a heart attack.

Psota said...

He's not fighting the "press." He is fighting Democrats who are using the "press" to conduct a hostile quasi-Question Time vie media mouthpieces.

Also, the first thing I think of when I think of Christie is how he strolled down a beach with Obama a week before the 2012 election. Ridiculous.

Shouting Thomas said...

No fireworks at the presser today! Damn!

We need some more ammo for this panic.

Or else it’s time for the media to fabricate a new panic.

eddie willers said...

Trump does not like to delegate.

Another expert mind reader.


Bay Area Guy said...

Chris Christie needs to focus on some more pressing issues -- like his weight.

bagoh20 said...

Speaking of Chris Christie, here is a class A humble-brag from his doppelganger:

"Kelly Ripa says coronavirus quarantine has forced her into wearing her 18-year-old daughter's clothes"

Poor thing.

I wish I could lose my sense of smell and taste for about 30lbs.

Two-eyed Jack said...

I am still reacting to Akhnaten from the Met. It is a Gesamtkunstwerk experience.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The press is horrid. So too - SNL and all late night TV propaganda for the democrat party.

rcocean said...

The problem with Chris Christie, despite his reputation as a loud-mouth and adversary of the press, is he's a cuck. He's always trying to appease the liberal/left, and thinks if only Trump or another R behaves in the "correct" manner, the press will reciprocate.

While he was Governor, he hugged Obama, attacked "The Right Wing", and and was amazed that all his liberal/left press "buddies" still hated his guts. Its this wimpy RINO behavior that cost him the AG job, and is why Trump dumped his Staffing plan for the Presidency.

That's he's giving Trump bad advice, isn't surprising, its expected.

Charlie Currie said...

"Shouting Thomas said...
I think Trump’s battle with the media is a financial boon for both sides.

What will we do when he’s gone? "

Trump continually tells them they will go broke when he's gone...in 2025,6 or 7.

Charlie Currie said...

"Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
Chris Christie needs to focus on some more pressing issues -- like his weight."

He's in the cohort of, you will definitely die if you get wuhan-19.

rcocean said...

The Press Conference today was slighter better, primarily because Trump kept telling the reporters that he'd answer ONE of their constant TWO questions. He also shut down some weirdo leftist in the back who started ranting and attacking Trump over something. Trump called him a "Loudmouth" and a "Show-boater" and said if he didn't shut up, he'd leave. I don't know who he was. Trump said he knew that given "his fake news organization" he knew he'd be trouble.

If you cut the press questions down to 10-15 minutes, the Press will just compress all the "Gotcha" and "When did you stop beating your wife?" questions into that time slot.

rcocean said...

Again, what's amazing is the reporters are all marching in lockstep, and mostly asking hostile questions, whether subtle or not. I'd say only about 20% of the questions are honest attempts to gain information that would useful to the public.

bagoh20 said...

"Breaking: President Trump orders all funding to WHO to be halted immediately over coronavirus scandal"


Josephbleau said...

The news media branch of the entertainment industry can survive anything except the image that their victims are smarter than they are. You are no longer a super hero if you can’t out character the super villain. If Superman was a di*k and Lex Luthor was a feisty lovable rogue we would cheer for the destruction of the world.

The news media entertainment complex goal is to place us in a new movie every day where our role is Lois Lane. In these recent press conferences, Superman is being a di*k.

rcocean said...

Of course all the moderate morons don't like all this fighting. If only Trump would take all their abuse with good grace, then the moderates would be happy. Does that mean the moderates would then vote for Trump? Of course not. They just don't like all the fighting and noise.

That's why you never listen to 'moderates'.

Buckwheathikes said...

Trump's approval rating: 60%

Media's approval rating: -11%

Trump is willing to spend some of his approval rating to bury the press. Chris Christie didn't understand this and got Bridge Gate, ending his presidential chances and sullying his governorship of New Jersey.

bagoh20 said...

Trump sure does keep things rockin'. Enormous energy. Somebody wake up Biden, and give him his milk and cookies.

rcocean said...

Several Reporters - including Chuck todd - have said "Trump has blood on his hands". Did all the moderates get upset about that? Some. For one second, then they forgot.

Its why RINO's and moderates and gentlemen who prefer grace and dignity in politics, are total losers.

Michael K said...

He is a sort of avatar in the culture wars, hated by all the right people: the media, cultural elites, career politicians, etc.

Oh yes. He is so lucky in his enemies.

Drago said...

Shouting Thomas: "ARM, Inga, Drago et. al, will sit on their asses until their rectums start bleeding, arguing the same policy points over dozens if not hundreds of times."

My goodness. That sounds perfectly horrid.

narciso said...

a friend recommended this topical fiction,

Sebastian said...

"I don't think it helps the president, in the long run, to be in hand-to-hand combat with any member of the media"

But it helps him in the short run: he shows himself to be the responsible adult, and he shores up his base. Yes, he could and should keep it shorter, and he should be a little gentler to accommodate the sensibilities of nice women, but on the whole I think Trump comes out ahead.

RK said...

Trump's treatment of the legacy media is the reason he got the GOP nomination in the first place.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Breaking: President Trump orders all funding to WHO to be halted immediately over coronavirus scandal""

Bravo! Is there anything this man can't do?

This might just tip our friend Chuck over the edge. Someone restrain him.

Carry on.

Charlie Currie said...

Drago said...
Shouting Thomas: "ARM, Inga, Drago et. al, will sit on their asses until their rectums start bleeding, arguing the same policy points over dozens if not hundreds of times."

My goodness. That sounds perfectly horrid. "

Hemorrhoidal, I think is the word you were looking for.

Scott said...

Quit dumping on Christie. If he wasn't term limited, he would still be the incumbent New Jersey governor; and likely a much better one than our second grinning idiot former Goldman Sachs partner that the Democrats have fronted in the last 15 years.

Charlie Currie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I agree. Trump is overdoing the victim bit.

Drago said...

Charlie Currie: "Hemorrhoidal, I think is the word you were looking for."

T'was but a slip o' the tongue.

Bay Area Guy said...

"Quit dumping on Christie"

I totally would - if he would hit the salad bar a bit more often.

Diabetes is a risk factor for the Wuhan ChiCom flu, and I don't want him to get it.

Drago said...

bagoh20: "Trump sure does keep things rockin'. Enormous energy. Somebody wake up Biden, and give him his milk and cookies."

Biden cant handle cookies. Choking hazard.

Go with pudding.

Scott said...

"I totally would - if he would hit the salad bar a bit more often."

Yeah, if Christie were going to be a California politician, that would be super important.

Leland said...

Well noted JAORE. ViacomCBS lost $273 million in their first quarter. That's before the effects of coronavirus like losing NCAA March Madness revenue. Death spiral indeed.

traditionalguy said...

Trump has great timing. It’s not 2016 anymore like the Gov. Christie wants to see. Trump is demanding respect from the Enemy of the People. That’s because he is now a War Time President. All that enemy propaganda suddenly ain’t funny anymore.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sebastian said...

"Well noted JAORE. ViacomCBS lost $273 million in their first quarter. That's before the effects of coronavirus like losing NCAA March Madness revenue. Death spiral indeed."

Oh well, another "marginal business." As we've been told on this very blog.

At some point, even the alarmists will notice that the only business that isn't marginal is government.

Inga said...

"ARM, Inga, Drago et. al, will sit on their asses until their rectums start bleeding, arguing the same policy points over dozens if not hundreds of times."

He sure seems concerned about our rectums lately.

walter said...

Bay Area Guy
This might just tip our friend Chuck over the edge.
Nah. Even after the Whittmer to Whitsett HCQ whiplash he must have suffered, he wobbled up to the surface today.

Blogger Shouting Thomas said...No fireworks at the presser today! Damn!
Might have been a new scarf. Maybe The View gals will discuss tomorrow.

BUMBLE BEE said...

The "media" world is shrinking. If these rats miss the leap to the DNC communications postings, it's what... hinterland weekend weather? Or "would you like fries with that"?
Gonna be fun to watch.

walter said...

I hope the topic of closed beaches didn't come up.

wild chicken said...

I always liked Christie and have to agree with him. If Trump could be just a *little* more circumspect...

But then maybe they'd just dismiss him the way they dismiss the more dignified Pence.

I dunno...8d chess. Etc.

stan said...

Trump has spent years watching what happens to Republicans who don't fight back. They get crushed. He learned. So he fights. Smart of him.

Sure, he could fight smarter, fight better. He's got too much ego wrapped up in it. But name anyone who has served in the WH who hasn't been seriously flawed. So what, he's not perfect.

He fights. Gotta love that he fights. And that the news media has destroyed itself in fighting him. They lie and slander and slant and abuse relentlessly. And each day the citizenry watches. Some day Trump will no longer be on the stage. But long, long after he is gone the news media will still be wrecked. And that is the greatest victory Trump could win for the American people. That alone would make his presidency a 'smashing' success.

Scott said...

Every time I see Trump, I think about this prescient clip from The Groove Tube.

Mark said...

The University of Virginia model is based on a presumption that there are actually seven times as many cases as there are reported positives.

If true, that means that at least 4.3 million people in the U.S. have been infected. It also means that the death rate is actually one-seventh of that the current presumed rate is, that is, about 0.6 percent, with a higher rate for the high-risk groups, but lower rate for the general population.

Big Mike said...

Trump is winning. Otherwise Christie (and Althouse, I am certain) would not be trying to make the case that the fight is bad for Trump.

Josephbleau said...

All this rectum talk. One thing I really disliked about my dad was is way of loudly saying “welllll I recon!” But he would actually say rectum. Perhaps a product of time in the Marines as a teen.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

the press?

Trump wreckt 'em

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Trump has spent years watching what happens to Republicans who don't fight back. They get crushed.

Judged. Labeled. Crushed. Slandered. Imprisoned. Cancelled.

JournoLists need a timeout. #HateLovesAbortion

Static Ping said...

Trump is going to be Trump. He will rise and/or fall on his own terms, as he always has. I don't see the advantage of Trump trying to be someone he is not. It would seem fake.

Ken B said...

Those who like Glass and Reich might want o check out Michael Nyman, John Adams, Simeon ten Holt, or Douwe Eisenga. I particularly recommend MGV by Nyman, who is my favorite minimalist.

Ken B said...

Trump does have to worry about over exposure. But fighting the corrupt press is an important use of the bully pulpit. They are all beholden to China.

Michael K said...

But he would actually say rectum. Perhaps a product of time in the Marines as a teen.

"Rectum? I killed him !"

William said...

I've seen some of the Cuomo pressers. They're pretty good. He's informative and delivers the info in a crisp, authoritative way. The press questions afterwards are a bore. I've never heard a hostile or even skeptical question. The reporters ask boring, respectful questions.....With Trump, just the opposite. The info he presents at the beginning of the presser is presented in a rambling, repetitive way. It's during the Q&A that he really comes alive. My heart rejoices when he dumps on them, but it probably doesn't change many minds.

Bill Peschel said...

How about Trump makes a deal with the press.

Don't ask stupid gotcha questions, I'll stop criticizing you.

Until then, the gun stays.

Paddy O said...

The press is trying to make their careers in the way careers were made for decades.

Trump actually really seems to enjoy the sparring.

Neither side really cares about optics.

Andrew said...

@Ken B,
Thanks for the recommendations. Other than Adams I'm not familiar with those names.

rcocean said...

Only a RINO like Christie would say Trump and the Liberal MSM are BOTH hurting the situation.

You wonder what the MSM would have to do to Trump to make Christie criticize them - without also attacking Trump. Evidently 92% negative coverage of Trump and non-stop lies and misrepresentations about him isn't enough.

Lurker21 said...

C'mon, Chris. How could you let your hero down?

You should have said "a real death waltz." Where's your home state pride?

In the quick of the night you reached for your moment and tried to make an honest stand, but you fell back wounded, not even dead ... tonight in Jungleland.

chickelit said...

@Lurker21: And poets down here (at Althouse) don't write nothin' at all -- they just stand back and let it all be.

chickelit said...

Bill Peschel said...How about Trump makes a deal with the press.

Don't ask stupid gotcha questions, I'll stop criticizing you.

The gotcha question serves only one purpose: to catapult the asker to media success and ultimately, to Megyn Kelly-level insignificance.

JPS said...

At this point, my default assumption for the legacy media is that they will craft their best brief for the prosecution when the subject is Trump or Republicans, and their best brief for the defense when the subject is Democrats.

Ironically, if they could manage to be objective and dispassionate about Trump, they would help the case against him more than they are. Now it's no more remarkable when they criticize him than when the DNC does.

Lukman Hakim said...

The problem with Chris Christie,despite his reputation as a loud-mouth and adversary of the press, is he's a cuck. He's always trying to appease the liberal/left, and thinks if only Trump or another R behaves in the "correct" manner, the press will reciprocate.

Derve Swanson said...

Paula Reid and CBS are not going to shut the United States president down, but thank you for the advice Chris Christie.

Win lose or steal,
I think Donald Trump is going to go into November continuing to run as Donald Trump. He learns on the job. You don't like that. Pick someone else.

What we all should be concerned with is the disrespect for the Office of teh President -- reporters should not be interrupting the man and inserting themselves in the stories.

Report what he says on what you ask. Let the voters decide.

You don't want the answers; don't ask the questions. You don't want to cover him, stay away from the press conferences. But the media doesn't tell the American president what to do...

Chris Christie means well. He's likely right, with an East Coasters media sensibilities. BUT... Donald Trump is the president now, not Chris Christie. Run against him, if you like, or criticize him, if you must.

Donald Trump is not going to change.
Will America be led by the media, or will we reject their calls for mail-in voting in November, and the coronation of King Joe, who will be seated by the Dem party, not the people, if he does get in?

Big Mike said...

Ironically, if they could manage to be objective and dispassionate about Trump, they would help the case against him more than they are. Now it's no more remarkable when they criticize him than when the DNC does.

I agree, and will take it a couple notches further. I argue that if the news media had been more willing to be more objective about Obama early on, they’d have made him a better President.

Derve Swanson said...

Most of the young lady reporters who have challenged Trump publicly to make a career name for themselves end up married, as "working mothers", with children. Nttawwt.

Nice and secure.
It's all for show, the battle royale at the press conferences. The ladies are all in on it too.

Derve Swanson said...

I argue that if the news media had been more willing to be more objective about Obama early on, they’d have made him a better President.
Argument implies that criticism improves.
Not true for all cultures or people. Some simply cannot or will not change/Change.

They get comfortable, communities get worked, but no Change comes, except those mouthpieces calling for it exit richer and quicker than those who stay behind... Short timers.

Derve Swanson said...

A lot of religions are like that.
And "social movements".

They don't stand the test of time.
Some prefer their cultures, and peoples, to be more long lasting, and they are willing to pay for it. Others aren't.

"Don't you know that you are a shooting star? And all the world will love you just as long as you are... A shooting star!" Former president obama got a cape cod mansion for his efforts, right on the water's edge until climate change takes it...

He settled rather cheaply, actually, for all his initial demands coming in.

gadfly said...

Governor Chrispy Creme is ethically unqualified to criticize others about his less-than-honest politics after his appointees created a monster traffic jam in September 2013, shutting down lanes on the Fort Lee side of the George Washington bridge (the world's busiest bridge) because the Democratic Mayor of Fort Lee would not support support Christie's reelection.

Like Sergeant Schultz, the governor first denied any knowledge of the incident, but later put out this mea culpa:

"I have worked for the last 12 years in public life developing a reputation for honesty and directness and blunt talk, one that I think is well-deserved," he said. "But, you know, when something like this happens, it is appropriate for you to question yourself. And certainly I am, and I am soul searching on this."

wendybar said...

"The Press" aren't journalists anymore. They are Progressives dressed up like reporters spewing their progressive talking points that Nancy hands out daily. WHEN they start acting like REAL "Journalists", then maybe we can talk about treating them as such. For now...President Trump is RIGHT to attack them every chance he gets. He doensn't have them in his back pocket, like Joe the pervert Biden does (as the NYTimes changes the story at old Dementia Joe's request~~~)

iowan2 said...

Check your bank account. Our rich uncle dropped $2400 in our account last night.

MadisonMan said...

Not in my acct they didn't.

iowan2 said...

Why do people, that a supposedly are paying attention, insist they know better than President Trump how he should conduct himself? The man has been doing it wrong for decades, with above average measurable results.
A person no "expert" predicted could win (wrong) or be successful as President (wrong)

Yesterday Rush went back to his own show, 2016. Way back then Rush explained that DJT was the peoples pick, not the establishment pick. The people picked a fighter...not a politician. That what was to follow, was going to be a brawl. A fight. A fight with ALL the establishment, Dem, Republican, media, experts. A contentious, ugly, no rules brawl. President Trump fighting for the American People.

This is Rush's take back in 2016. Stupid politicians somehow think transforming the President into some goofy version of a political Stepford Wife. Stupid logic.

You can go to Rush's site and he probably has this sound bite front paged.

Lurker21 said...

Christie's venturing an opinion about tactics. We'll find out in November if he's right or if he's wrong. And whether he's right or wrong will depend on swing voters, not on Trump loyalists.

hombre said...

Christie may be right by now. But what else can Trump do? The media have pulled out all the stops and are ignoring the facts and even the fake news they wrote yesterday to attack Trump and defend and support demented QuidProJoe.

hombre said...

There are a lot of negatives being dumped on Christie here. If Trump had picked him instead of Sessions, Hillary would be under indictment, if not convicted, for her email violations. He promised that while a candidate for POTUS. I consider that a positive.

There would never have been a Mueller investigation. Another positive.

mikee said...

Trump won re-election starting from the time he tweeted, about the Squad, that their vile lies and anti-American statements "shall not be allowed to go unanswered." He has kept this process going since then, to the consternation of his enemies, who can withstand anything, apparently, except opposition of any kind.

When Jim Acosta can't ask anything but "gotcha" questions of the "Are you wrong now, or were you wrong then, or were you wrong both times?" sort, himself being wrong in the premise and facts of his question, it isn't to Trump's benefit to act "Presidential" and respond politely.

Biased press delenda est.

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