April 17, 2020

How to defend celebrities who get caught flouting the coronavirus rules we're all expected to take seriously?

The NYT seems to be leading the way here:

"‘Corona-Shamed’: George Stephanopoulos, J. Lo — Maybe You?/Ivanka Trump, Chris Cuomo and all kinds of private citizens are getting roasted on social media for perceived failures of public hygiene" (by Katherine Rosman).
But now... [t]he web is especially alight with finger-pointers: people who are genuinely concerned about public health but also, perhaps, with pent-up fears, frustrations and extra time on their hands. Call it “corona-shaming.”...
"The Seductive Appeal of Pandemic Shaming/I can’t control who gets sick or when we might return to something that looks like normal. But judging a random guy on the sidewalk? That I can do" (by Jennifer Weiner).
But with that impulse [to engage in public shaming] comes a different fear — the fear of being that white lady of a certain age who would like to speak to your manager. The fear of being Coronavirus Karen....

As the lockdown continues, are the Karens becoming even more Karen-ish? Has the virus started the Night of the Living Karens? As everyone scrutinizes and side-eyes and embraces the mandate Snitch on Thy Neighbor, are we all Karens now?...

Be the Karen... who uses her power... for good instead of evil; who protects the noncompliant, instead of getting them in trouble; who believes that we’re all in this together....
This is what you can call shame shaming.


gilbar said...

But judging a random guy on the sidewalk? That I can do

If the 'random guy' is
a KNOWN plague transmitter
the Brother of the Governor

Is he REALLY, a 'random guy' ?

Lurker21 said...

It must really suck to be named "Karen" and find this is the first thing on your computer when you wake up in the morning.

rcocean said...

We need to stop shaming people for "racism" "sexism" and "Homophobia"

How come no one at the NYT's ever wrote that?

rcocean said...

you only have to look at the USSR or communist dictatorships in Cuba and China, to see that X percent of the adult population LOVES to snitch on everyone else, or force everyone to conform to the party line. This is just the new manifestation. OTOH, anyone who attacks "celebrities" has my support.

Lucid-Ideas said...

'Karen' is going through withdrawals. She hasn't been able to ask for a manager in over 30 days!

Lucid-Ideas said...

Be the Karen. Don't let them apply to the HOA. Make the HOA apply to them!

Leland said...

Easier to shame people by suggesting they are responsible for killing thousands (perhaps millions) for suggesting that this disease doesn't quite require all these measures.

Shouting Thomas said...

Fight the power! Live free or die!

Do everything you can to subvert the diktats of authority.

Be not afraid. Fight back against this attempt to destroy the Bill of Rights and to force you into self-imprisonment.

West Texas Intermediate Crude said...
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Krumhorn said...

One can always finger-wag KarAnn away when she insists that you walk in a single file when with others so that KarAnn can pass going in the other direction. That will apparently silence her or, at least, leave her mumbling to herself.

- Krumhorn

Ryan said...

Brooks, Weiner, Rosman... NYT needs more diversity.

tim maguire said...

Who the hell is Karen and what did she do to deserve this?

West Texas Intermediate Crude said...

I previously posted that “Nobody Knows Anything” about the Chinese virus. That was several weeks ago, and I had no idea that it would still be true in the last half of April. I figured that once we started testing and doing antibodies and contact tracing, and Science got involved, we would know what was going on and how to deal with this.

Boy, howdy, was I wrong! We still know next to nothing about this virus. The only consistent explanation for why NYC area is hit so hard is Subways! And Elevators! Why isn’t Tokyo dead? A few states have not locked down and they are not overrun. But they are rural states! California?

There is no Science because there is no consistency. Who has the virus? Anybody with a positive test? Fair enough. If you have symptoms consistent with the virus? Good enough for the CDC, especially if you’re dead, even without a test. Problem is, in my county of >300K, they are testing anyone who calls in with fever, cough, close contact with someone similar. The positive rate is 8%. 92% do not have the virus, or maybe are false negative. Zero deaths in 300,000 population. This is Science?

The only thing that Science has shown consistently is that if you are old, morbidly obese, or otherwise immunosuppressed, you will have a bad time. These populations are relatively easy to isolate, at least compared to shutting down society, so let’s do that. Let America Go. Avoid crowds by all means, avoid people with fevers and coughs, and get back to work. The other thing that Science tells us is that there is a definite cost in lives lost with every uptick in the unemployment rate. That known fact is ignored.
I’m starting to get a bit cynical about those who advocate for everlasting shutdown.

Ryan said...

Who is Karen?

"“Karen” is commonly used in the US to refer to a strident middle-class white woman who talks down to people of colour, usually in serving-staff positions."

Ryan said...

If anyone watched Sopranos and needs a benchmark for Karen, think Carmela Soprano.

tim maguire said...

Ryan said...
Who is Karen?

"“Karen” is commonly used in the US to refer to a strident middle-class white woman who talks down to people of colour, usually in serving-staff positions."

Thank you, but from the context, it's obvious how it's used. My question was, why? Who is Karen and what did she do to deserve this?

Johnathan Birks said...

It's Karen vs. Fredo cagematch. Go!

Lucid-Ideas said...

"Who is Karen?"

She also has a habit of taking your children for unexpected and frivolous reasons. There's only one problem...

...she can't take the kids if you're all on lockdown! She's already got em! And they're driving her insane!

Ryan said...

West Texas:

"The only thing that Science has shown consistently is that if you are old, morbidly obese, or otherwise immunosuppressed, you will have a bad time."

Unapproved thought. Everyone is equal. Here's your free pancake breakfast and government check. Carry on.

Ryan said...

"It's Karen vs. Fredo cagematch. Go!"

Lol. My money is on Karen. Fredo doesn't stand a chance.

MayBee said...

It's a little bit easier to shame the celebrities, because we know that they always think the rules they want don't apply to them anyway.
Cuomo is an egregious case because he IS sick. Of all the people who are supposed to stay home, it's him! The sick people.
But yes, there are people who get to stay home and write on Next Door that teenagers were talking to each other at the tennis court, and there are people who get to go on Facebook and be aghast that someone might step out of their car to protest a governor who has - for our own safety! - made it illegal to go to your own home out of your approved home zone.

Personally, I think we do better if we all assume people are doing the best they can *for themselves* and not everyone handles things the same way you do. And that's ok.

narciso said...

I would call her stella, as in harvey mudds wife

Sebastian said...

"the fear of being that white lady of a certain age"

Wasn't there a white lady of a certain age on this blog a while ago who told of an encounter with some mean young men on a trail who Walked Too Close and deserved a scolding? I think she resolved not to do that again, but I don't think she shame-shamed herself.

Ryan said...

What did Karen do? It's bad enough to be a miserable entitled racist bitch. But at least be a miserable entitled racist bitch who minds her own business and doesn't make everyone else's life miserable too.

gspencer said...

"When are you deplorables gonna learn the rules? We are just, plain and simple, better than you. Capisce?"

Roger Sweeny said...

"that white lady of a certain age"

The writer is a bleeping racist asshole.

MayBee said...

I never heard that Karen is racist. I don't believe it to be true.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I think it should be illegal to cough in a grocery store.

TreeJoe said...

This article was about creating false equivalency between folks like Ivanka Trump and Chris Cuomo. Look at the positioning, even calling them "private citizens" in the headlines.

I'm going to harp on Cuomo for a minute:

- Chris Cuomo has been documenting and capitalizing on his disease and claiming he's quarantining and what it's like in his household. He often does it from obvious common areas.
- Chris Cuomo's brother in the state governor giving strict guidelines to protect each others health, which Chris repeats on air
- Chris makes a big deal using his celebrity status of detailing him being "verbally attacked" by someone for being out in public with his family
- Chris' company, CNN, announces within ~48 hours that Chris' wife has COVID and does a write-up on "how hard it is" not to spread the virus when someone is bringing you food and helping take care of you.

There are soooo many layers of hypocrisy here. Where to start?

Anthony said...

"KarAnn", ha.

I think every nation is a nation of Germans.

Sebastian said...

West: "The only thing that Science has shown consistently is that if you are old, morbidly obese, or otherwise immunosuppressed, you will have a bad time."

No kidding. And not too many of them have decades of pleasant lives ahead of them.

"These populations are relatively easy to isolate, at least compared to shutting down society, so let’s do that."

No, you get it all wrong. It's too "ideal," as we've been told on this very blog, too hard, too -- well, whatever. Better shut down the whole system, waste trillions, and throw 22 million out of work.

"The other thing that Science tells us is that there is a definite cost in lives lost with every uptick in the unemployment rate. That known fact is ignored."

Don't you know that this edges toward "utilitarian" thinking? Don't you know that many commenters around here, and around the country, find it "distasteful"?

"I’m starting to get a bit cynical about those who advocate for everlasting shutdown."

Starting? Of course, some alarmists felt genuine panic. 11 million! "Real calculations!" "If we only save one life!" But others have exploited the Wuhan Flu for political benefit--imposing maximum pain simply as CYA, or deliberately worsening the economic situation as a way to hit Trump and the deplorables.

Night Owl said...

Be the Karen... who uses her power... for good instead of evil; who protects the noncompliant, instead of getting them in trouble; who believes that we’re all in this together....

It's amazing that people get paid to write such drivel. How the hell does "Karen" use her "power" to "protect the noncompliant"? Are they magic powers? Is Karen a witch?

We're all in this together.... unless your name is Cuomo and you own property in the Hamptons. Celebrities are free to spread their disease and you nobodies must stay home because ... um... well, you don't want to be a "Karen" do you?

(Hey, maybe I do if she has the power to protect the non-compliant.)

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

When did Gladys Kravitz change her name to Karen? I missed that.

Mark O said...

" the Night of the Living Karens?"
This needs to be a tag. Make it happen.

Not Sure said...

That Karen is such a loudmouthed bitch.

She ought to just brandish a Glock when Covid-infected assholes get too close. Then she'd get some respect.

cacimbo said...

Pointing out the hypocrisy of celebrities and government officials insisting others stay home while they do not is not is nothing like the Karen who started a fb group just to shame neighbors she felt were not isolating according to her standards.

I am so tired of the well off, who can afford to isolate in comfort condemning the less well off who can not. The Mayor of NYC lives in 7,000+ sq ft Gracie Mansion, with lots of surrounding property. That space is not enough, he is driven to Brooklyn so he can stroll around Prospect Park. At the same time he is having city workers remove the swings and basketball hoops from parks around the city. Because the MTA workers, supermarket workers, hospital workers.... who are surrounded by people all day to do their jobs are supposed to "isolate" when they get home to their 1,000 sq ft apartment that they share with three others.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

A couple of days ago the following exchange took place in my neighborhood FB group:

Karen McKarenpants: Why was there a group of kids doing soccer practice at ________ Park [in our neighborhood]?!? My husband is sacrificing every day as a health care worker to defeat this virus* and it's very upsetting to see that for some people soccer is more important than the health of our community!!

Me: Maybe they were doing passing drills and staying six feet apart? If you were concerned, maybe you could have approached them, introduced yourself (from a safe distance!) and had a chat about the situation? And I'm glad you're an advocate for health in our community because exercise and fresh air, especially for the kids who have been cooped up for a month, is very important!

Karen McKarenpants: NOPE. I am NOT sacrificing my own health for these selfish people. I sure hope that the doctor who tries to save your kids cares more about social distancing than you do.

Me: blink blink; click away

There was a fairly spirited discussion after that with most of the men saying "oh come on; chill out a little; we can be understanding and assume the best of our neighbors right?" and most of them women saying "ZOMG CALL THE POLICE ZOMBIE VIRUS HERE IS THE SNITCH LINE: 555-NARC!!!"

*bullshit. He's a surgeon at a different hospital and doesn't have anything to do with the 4 patients who are currently hospitalized with corona, none of whom are in the ICU, in our county of 360,000 but whatever, claim your LOOK AT ME!!!!! points, Karen

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“I never heard that Karen is racist. I don't believe it to be true.”

Oh, Karen is racist. In that deep, viciously patronizing way that all White middle-class Progs are racist. It’s

Oh Yea said...

I guess I shouldn’t derive amusement every time I see my ex-wife’s name used in this context.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Personally, I think we do better if we all assume people are doing the best they can *for themselves* and not everyone handles things the same way you do. And that's ok.

Just last night someone posted an article in about virus shaming in the same FB group, and I commented: I think it's best to assume that everyone is doing the best they can under very difficult circumstances, and that they don't need lectures and shaming from strangers who don't know their situation or arrangements. Support, grace, and humility, not judgement and sanctimoniousness. Just my two cents. and I'm happy to report that I am getting a lot of positive feedback. So that's good.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I agree that Karen is not really racist, as the cast of Karens I know is racially diverse, but I think can do self-protective things that can look racist in a certain light. For example my housekeeper has lost most of her clients because they are afraid for her to come into their homes (this was before it was illegal by county order to do so so a moot point now) because they thought she had gone to Mexico and would bring the dirty cooties with her. Mexico is three hours away and she's an American citizen, but she's from there, so ..... don't touch my stuff or walk into my house. eyeroll

SGT Ted said...

No need to "defend" anyone, much less a "celebrity". Their actions will speak for themselves: Are they hypocrites about the Wuhan virus rules?

dreams said...
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Kevin said...

It seems every piece has an angle which the piece is constructed to carefully hide.

You can't have celebrity endorsements for President if people don't feel celebrities are the better people in society.

Night Owl said...

These media people make me angry. How dare they promote continuing the curtailment of our constitutional rights and then try to shame us if we complain when the well-connected break the rules with impunity?

They're playing with fire.

The other day I jokingly said businesses should sue the govt. I'm not joking anymore. Businesses that have the resources should get together and plan to open up at the same time, and take it to court if the gov't tries to shut them down. Enough is enough.

Kevin said...

“I never heard that Karen is racist. I don't believe it to be true.”

Is Karen a tool of the Progressives?

Then she's the most un-racist-y thing ever.

dreams said...

The liberal elite, media and the democrats have finally turned us all into children so now it's up to us to compete for their favor, so well trained, behaved and compliant. Mission accomplished.

Night Owl said...

This disease has shown that it is not a serious threat to most people. Hell, Cuomo is proof of that. The power-grab has to stop.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Karen isn't racist. Karen always asks to speak to the Manger. Karen always wants her dressing on the side. Karen almost always returns her meal. Karen wants medium-rare, but complains about pink in her meat. Karen does not wait in line without getting on her phone and loudly complaining to her friend about the line. Karen gets on Facebook to tell the town that her take-away meal was cold. Karen snitches to the HOA until she can get on the HOA herself. Karen's hair is cut in a sharp bob, narrow at the bottom, wide at the top. Karen has highlights and a low opinion of others.

Howard said...

Eric Weinstein says the pandemic has awakened us from a 75-year nap. It's a reality check and it's you people panicking about librul panic. Fortunately both groups are minority influence.

Lurker21 said...

It's more of a class thing than a race thing, but in America nowadays, everything has to be racialized. And apparently genderfied too, though in this case not in the way that progressive, politically correct opinion would like.

"Karen" also seems to have an age window. She's not the crabby old lady, also not a teenybopper. She's in her thirties or forties, blonde, fit, upper middle class, and demanding, though that may just be my take on her.

Now that the term has taken off, people will find "Karens" of all races, colors, genders and ages. Will there be "Good Karens"? Probably not.

Francisco D said...

Annie C. said...Karen always asks to speak to the Manager.

I sold women's shoes in the early 1970's while working my way through college. It was a fancy Michigan Ave. (Chicago) store.

I met several Karens. They all wore size 7AA (believed to be Jackie O's shoe size) and returned 7AA shoes regularly because they didn't fit right.

Ken B said...

I'm with gilbar here. Fredo is not a random guy on the street. And he now claims his wife got it. From whom I wonder, if she did get it. Cuomo is either a despicable faker or a proven menace. He merits shame.

William said...

Is there some special strain of hunter-killer coronavirus that jumps from person to person as they walk by each other on the sidewalk? Here in NYC it is now mandatory to wear masks while outdoors. I can see the point in enclosed spaces, but I don't think there will be too many cases of outdoor transmission. OTOH, I wouldn't go into the subway in a hazmat suit.

Birkel said...

We should never relinquish power to scolds.
Tell them all to fuck off.

You know who you are.

Lucid-Ideas said...

Karen drinks box wine from Swarovski Crystal and complains she can't afford Chateau.

MayBee said...

I did see on CBS this morning that Megan and Harry were *unexpectedly* caught on tape doing food delivery for the poor in LA. Now, the filming was done from several angles and they did not have anything but a paper in their hands, but how were they to know this video would somehow make its way from the survellience video of an LA Apartment building to Harry's production partner Oprah's best friend Gayle King? It's crazy!! Their doing good just happened to go public!!

Fernandinande said...

"Karen" replaced "Becky" as the code name for a white female racist, and perhaps she's more white-collar to Becky's blue-collar.

Sebastian said...
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Sebastian said...

"mandatory to wear masks while outdoors"

So much for prog faith in science.

"In a study of 110 case-patients from 11 clusters in Japan, all clusters were associated with closed environments"

A pretty systematic-looking study of Wuhan also pointed to vast majority of transmissions indoors.

So, how much can outdoor mask-wearing help, even assuming that masks themselves help, and at what cost per serious case prevented?

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Celebrities? Where is Jussie Smollett in all this?

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Celebrites? I thought that was the funny shaped island in Indonesia.

Inga said...
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Inga said...

Why are people so concerned with what Karen says anyway? Do what you feel is the best decision for you and your family. I doubt anyone is being careless on purpose.

Temujin said...

Ucch. I feel like you are the disinfectant that stands between me and these trash articles coming out of the NY Times or the New Yorker. You read them so I don't have to. You absorb them so I can glance, then look away- saving both my eyes and my brain.

Thank you for your service, Ann.

MayBee said...

Inga said...
Why are people so concerned with what Karen says anyway?

Why do you get so upset with Pants?

LA_Bob said...

"There are soooo many layers of hypocrisy here. Where to start?"

Three thoughts come to mind (and just my opinion, of course):

The metabolically ill are most at risk from -- never mind SARS-Cov-2 -- just about anything. The lock-downs can't "defeat" the virus anymore than humans can kill all the cockroaches in the world. Most of us will be exposed at some point and "herd immunity" will develop, vaccine or not. But there will always be people "at risk".

The celebrities really don't believe the hype they've pushed. They've done their duty without conviction.

The celebrities believe they're immortal.

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gospace said...

Last night, as usual, I stopped on the way home for milk. And, I'm extremely proud of the six shoppers in the convenience store before I got there, and the two that came in afterward, who were all ignoring Dictator Cuomo's order to wear masks. As was I. At this point in the process, a gesture, not a useful technique.

I'm still puzzled as how closing boat ramps helps fight a virus.

Most of the decisions by Democrat governors meet the legal definition of "arbitrary and capricious". Banning the sale of any products while allowing the sale of lottery tickets demonstrates this.

Inga said...

“Why do you get so upset with Pants?”

Because her posts are continuously more self pitying and she comes across as someone who has no idea that others are suffering in the same way she is. ‘Oh whoa is me me, me, me, me, me, me...’. It’s off putting. Plus she seems to be blaming everyone and anyone for what she is going through. Perhaps she should write a letter to Trump telling him about the hardships she is enduring that are unique only to her. Maybe she should tell Trump he shouldn’t have supported the Governors in the mitigation efforts, or listened to the scientists advising him instead of blaming her fellow Americans.

LA_Bob said...

"There is no Science because there is no consistency."

The problem is not with Science. The problem is with Scientists. Scientists are people, and like all people, they can screw up a sunny day with their pomposity about that which they have only incomplete knowledge. To be fair, Scientists have to deal with other people, all of whom fear uncertainly and seek guidance in a mysterious and chaotic world. Too many Scientist are Happy to Help, pretending they know Everything.

And, of course they do. You do believe in Science, don't you?

MayBee said...

Because her posts are continuously more self pitying and she comes across as someone who has no idea that others are suffering in the same way she is.

She is saying what she feels is the best for her family. Do you not believe that?
So you think it is perfectly ok to ignore the Karens, but important to rip on the people who are venting their frustrations?

MayBee said...

I mean to me it seems perfectly fine to be one of the people who are really into the lockdown orders AND yet have empathy for the people who are struggling with it.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Inga, if you want to attack me as self-centered, feel free. I couldn’t care less. But at least try to comprehend that when I’m talking about my family, I’m talking about a lot of families. There are a lot of people who comment in this space whose perspective is blinkered because they are not responsible for anyone but themselves. Maybe open your mind a little bit to those who have more on their plates. As many have said, it’s easy to say people who have a lot to lose are whining when you’re posting from a big paid off house with adult kids off living their own lives.

And to be fair, it’s easy for me to say nurses etc need to do the jobs they signed up to do that involves sickness and death and exposure to infectious disease, because I’m not going into it every day. My perspective could use a little widening too.

And, sidebar, I might lose patience and my tone is not always something I’m proud of but at least I’m not one of those women who pretends to be sunshine and light and ‘I’m praying for you’ and then the next day has some good spiteful fun talking shit about other women. Like, say, a Karen might.

Inga said...

“So you think it is perfectly ok to ignore the Karens, but important to rip on the people who are venting their frustrations?”

She can vent away, but when she starts blaming her fellow Americans for being supportive of mitigation efforts and trying to be positive, then she steps on my toes. If she wants to sound like a self absorbed angry whiny person that’s her right, but she often attacks others for not thinking that way she does. Look at how she attacked the daughter of a poster who is a nurse working her ass off taking care of Covid patients. Pants isn’t just venting, she lashing out in her frustration at those who think mitigation saved lives.

How dare she tell a nurse “to put on her big girl pants”, while she who is safe at home with her children is bitching like a 15 year old. You can ignore Pants’ meltdowns and give her pity instead, that’s what she is looking for. If one of my daughters sounded like her, I’d say the same thing to her. Thank goodness they don’t.

Inga said...

“Maybe open your mind a little bit to those who have more on their plates. As many have said, it’s easy to say people who have a lot to lose are whining when you’re posting from a big paid off house with adult kids off living their own lives.”

I know full well that there are those who have a full plate, my daughters and their peers are in the SAME BOAT you’re in. I know full well that those people with an equally full plate as you, are doing the best they can without sounding the way you have since day one of this shut down. If you want to vent, vent, but don’t blame others. Put the blame where the blame rightfully lies, your President.

I don’t blame the President though, he did what he thought was right for the American people and supported the mitigation efforts that turned your life upside down.

MayBee said...

How do you know what your daughters peers are saying? How do you know your daughters peers aren't venting to someone?

Fernandinande said...

How to defend celebrities who get caught flouting the coronavirus rules we're all expected to take seriously?

The passive sentence tells me that the expecting is likely to be imaginary, which makes sense if the below is true:

"Shame cultures are typically based on the concepts of pride and honour[sic], and appearances are what count."

Ken B said...

Inga, do you have any reason to suspect your daughter just humors you, the way one commenter assumes her own daughter just humors her? Or does your daughter respect you?

MD Greene said...

I've always identified as female, but I learned in my first job just to ignore the b-----s who perceived me as competition and went for my jugular. Awful people. And there were more than a few of them.

MD Greene said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MayBee said...

You know who thinks she knows everything her adult daughter is saying and doing, and everything her adult daughter's peers are saying and doing?


Inga said...

“Inga, do you have any reason to suspect your daughter just humors you, the way one commenter assumes her own daughter just humors her? Or does your daughter respect you?”

I know full well my daughters respect me, they’ve told me so in words and deeds. And I respect them as well. My daughters and I are close, we share our thoughts and feelings. As for knowing what their peers are saying, I can see what their Facebook pages look like when they are having discussions s young mothers with families, trying to cope with what is going on. Plus my daughters’ discuss what is going on with their friends, who I also know and they know me. So yes I m aware of what my daughters peers are saying.

Ken B said...

Just as I thought. Odd to think otherwise really. Revealing.

Fernandinande said...

There is no Science because there is no consistency.

There's no consistency because it's very complicated. "Science" is the process, not the conclusion. People didn't even realize the connection between germs and disease before about 200 years ago.

And for other conditions and treatments which "we" have had plenty of time to research, "Why [are] Most Published [medical] Research Findings [] False"? Lots of reasons, but mostly because it's complicated.

When are we going to get a real cure or vaccine for that other coronavirus disease, the common cold? How about non-addictive pain meds without major side-effects? (The new ones don't seem to be much better than opium was, right-out-of-the-plant) Surgery seems to be the only medical specialty making good advances, because it's largely mechanical and simpler than the other fields.

Inga said...

Just as I thought. Odd to think otherwise really. Revealing.”

Yes this whole thing is so odd, the way people react to life’s crises. Some rise to the challenge, some don’t. Some of the people I thought had their heads screwed on tight really didn’t and vice versa.

Mary Beth said...

Inga, do you have any reason to suspect your daughter just humors you, the way one commenter assumes her own daughter just humors her? Or does your daughter respect you?

Wow. Not being argumentative or confrontational with a parent could be seen as being respectful, not "humoring" their parents. Adult children don't have to fill you in on all of their conversations.

Which parent brainwashed you into thinking he/she had a right to know all of your thoughts?

Inga said...

“Adult children don't have to fill you in on all of their conversations.

Which parent brainwashed you into thinking he/she had a right to know all of your thoughts?”

No kidding. Do you think you’re telling me something I don’t know? Who thinks that they are entitled to all of their children’s thoughts? Because one may be close to their children and share a lot, it doesn’t mean that they don’t recognize their grown child’s autonomy. That’s part of respecting them.

Known Unknown said...

Can we get back to fat-shaming people now that it's one of the top comorbidities for hospitializations?

gerry said...
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gerry said...

The beginning of the end: when the people realize the celebrities are devious, pompous liars.

Ingachuck'stoothlessARM said...

"Uneasy the head that wears the Corona"

Michael said...

The virus's greatest long term damage to America may be empowering all the ninnies, bullies, and mini-Mussolinis among us, from Governors to HOA presidents to randos on the street. It could take a long time to get them back in their boxes and back on their stools.

Ken B said...

Mary Beth
I guess you missed what someone implied about Inga.

Ken B said...

Known unknown
Don’t forget the old shaming.

JaimeRoberto said...

Cuomo's coronavirus is as real as his chipped tooth which nobody has seen.

Bilwick said...

Does Lori ("Admiral Ackbar")* Lightfoot count as a celebrity? She's my favorite among this lockdown-for-me-but-not-for-thee gang. I loved the way she defended herself for getting a haircut after she told the peasants to stay home. "I take my hygiene seriously."

*Steven Crowder

Kirk Parker said...


Waitaminute! You're telling us Karen McK. misrepresented her husband's position in a "local FB" group where there were potentially quite a few folks who might know the reality? Gag, I guess her full name is Karen OnSteroids McKaren!

wayworn wanderer said...

The New York Times has sold its soul to the interests of celebrities? You don't say.

KellyM said...

A couple of weeks ago as I was walking on the beach, a Karen in training (a 14 year old bossypants) was shouting at two boys who were skimboarding in the surf to "social distance". They were at least a couple of yards apart, let alone sis feet and were being mindful. I shouted at her to shut the bleep up. Strangely, she didn't expect to be called out for it. Ha!

bagoh20 said...

It appears we do not really like each other very much. We're nothing but bald primates fighting for status and bananas.

bagoh20 said...

", if she did get it. Cuomo is either a despicable faker or a proven menace. He merits shame."

Why do you assume she got from him? It could be the reverse or they could both have gotten it from someone else.

Josephbleau said...

"", if she did get it. Cuomo is either a despicable faker or a proven menace. He merits shame."

Why do you assume she got from him? It could be the reverse or they could both have gotten it from someone else."

Wow, I can imagine it now, "Honey when you got crono and gave it to me, it was funny that the weight lifter guy on the 8th floor had it too."

Bunkypotatohead said...

I always sympathized with Becky, but this Karen just sounds like a bitch.

DavidUW said...

Try out, "I already have a mom thanks"

Has a pretty high success rate to shut Karens up.

Once in awhile she'll come back with, "she didn't raise you right" or "she'd tell you the same"

To which you just respond with, "she always said to mind your own business"

and that'll close it.

Mary Beth said...

>Do you think you’re telling me something I don’t know?

I quoted and was talking to Ken B, not you, Ingeburg.

Inga said...

“I quoted and was talking to Ken B, not you, Ingeburg.”

That’s nice Marybeth. But I answered YOU.

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