"It's breaking people's freedoms in ways that are horrible and wrong and not why they came to America or built this country. What the f---. Excuse me. Outrage. Outrage.... If somebody wants to stay in their house, that's great and they should be able to. But to say they cannot leave their house and that they will be arrested if they do, that's fascist. That is not democratic — this is not freedom. Give people back their goddamn freedom."
Said Elon Musk, quoted at Business Insider.
1 – 200 of 246 Newer› Newest»even a stopped clock is right twice a day
Enron Musk is right on this
That dope fiend is on to something. I would dare say he will be in a majority opinion in another week, even in California. This is BULLSHIT! Stop the shelter in place NOW!
And just like that Elon Musk joins the Confederate Flag Waving neo-nazi racists who just want everyone to die....according to Ken B.
Who exactly, in this country, has extended a stay at home order that threatens arrest for leaving the house? How many people in the U.S. have been arrested, or hell even fined, for leaving the house?
Elon Musk is an asshole.
What. He, Said.
Musk is an odd guy.
But if he keeps talking like this, he could lead a movement.
He’s like John Galt, except he’s reliant on government contracts and subsidies.
What Elon said is clearly right.
You see, it’s not just some crazy fucking hillbilly like me saying it!
I watched “The Wild Wonderful Whites of West Virginia” on Amazon last night.
That was a little too close for comfort. My family two generations ago, but not quite that crazy and mean.
Currently reading Defoe's "Journal of the Plague Year." It was fiction, but it was probably based on the recollections of older family members, and it is generally agreed to be realistic.
At that time, when the authorities discovered a case of plague, they could nail the house shut with the whole family inside. Defoe says people tried to conceal the fact that they or a family member had plague for fear of this. He adds that it messed with the reported case numbers.
Is there anywhere in America where citizens cannot leave their houses and will be arrested if they do? If so I must have missed it.
First comment on this blog, or any blog.
Musk is right. I have partially participated for the sake of not rocking the boat, but no more.
I hate agreeing with Elon Musk about anything but space stuff.
Oskosh dog groomer arrested for refusing to lose everything she owns
I have not been cooperating and going about my business, but I live in FL. So aside from a lot of stuff being closed, no jackbooted thugs here.
When it looked like my son might come home to FL from NC, the brave highway patrol was trying to close our "border" with the north. Shades of the civil war. I was going to go get him and totally underground railroad him back down south. But I warned my wife she might have to come get me out of jail as I was not going to cooperate with the cops in any way.
We have not been well served by our elected lords and masters.
PS - Actually, I become less calm about this as time goes on.
"Give people back their goddamn freedom."
Give back? The government is supposed to be protecting that freedom and not be the one to permit or deny it.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"
Give people back their goddamn freedom.
The people will take it back.
He's a billionaire. He's a goofball. He's mastered the art of getting govt tax breaks and subsidies to supercharge his business enterprises. He's a bit of a nerd. I doubt he would fit in at my BBQs with grouchy retired cops and military officers and angel investors.
But he is mostly right here.
This concept of shutting down healthy workers is just stupid. Let the risk-averse folks simply stay home sheltered and stop bugging the rest of us.
"Is there anywhere in America where citizens cannot leave their houses and will be arrested if they do? If so I must have missed it."
FWIW, about eight seconds with google shows this...
Mayor Muriel Bowser is threatening residents of Washington, DC, with 90 days in jail and a $5,000 fine if they leave their homes during the coronavirus outbreak.
"How many people in the U.S. have been arrested, or hell even fined, for leaving the house?"
A mom someplace was arrested for letting her child go play at a neighbor's house.
So there's one.
I'll be very interested to see if the lock-down of public parks & beaches in California is met with a wave of civil disobedience or not.
I'm betting it will, but then I'm known to have some residual respect for my fellow Americans. Don't disappoint me, Surfer Bros!
Blogger Freder Frederson said...that threatens arrest for leaving the house? How many people in the U.S. have been arrested, or hell even fined, for leaving the house? Elon Musk is an asshole. [And so are you].4/30/20, 3:54 PM
The Internet is full of people being arrested for breaking [my term] 'curfew'. Here in CA father and son for playing ball in the park (father arrested in front of his son). Two 90 year olds on the San Diego beach told to get off and fined. I could cite thousands just in Southern California. But to 'true believers' like "Freder Frederson" that's all propoganda - not part of his daily idiotic diet of truth from the 'ministry of truth' - the Left.
Meanwhile armed protesters are inside the Michigan state capitol building.
Such stable geniuses.
Blogger Freder Frederson said...
Who exactly, in this country, has extended a stay at home order that threatens arrest for leaving the house? How many people in the U.S. have been arrested, or hell even fined, for leaving the house?
Does California count? Or any other state with a 'stay at home' order backed by an existing punishment clause for not obeying a lawful (sic) order?
Listen to the experts
"What makes the muskrat guard his musk?"
"Courage! "
Check Virginia “restrictions” for example. “Directed” to not leave the house except for “approved” activities. Stop kidding yourself Prole.
The psychotic shyster is right.
Blogger Earnest Prole said...
Is there anywhere in America where citizens cannot leave their houses and will be arrested if they do? If so I must have missed it.
4/30/20, 4:02 PM
Did you look? California, as an example, has a fine of (up to) $1000 and 6 months jail time for [willfully] disobeying the stay-at-home order.
Of course, you could just plead ignorance, I suppose. If you don't look for the law then it shouldn't apply to you...
Expatish, Governor DeSantis is only trying to keep tabs on New Yorkers that are driving to Florida. The National Guard wants to know the addresses of where they will be quarantining upon arrival. You or your son should be just fine.
Musk is obviously exaggerating a bit about being under house arrest. You know like Pelosi and all the liberal girls were exaggerating about #Metoo.
I'm waiting to see what happens this weekend on CA beaches.
Where are the sanctuary cities, counties, sheriffs, etc. in California that will tell Newsom to go fuck off?
Can I get an Amen!
Is there anywhere in America where citizens cannot leave their houses and will be arrested if they do? If so I must have missed it.
The power exists, even if you can't point to the power being exercised. That lady handcuffed at the playground with her daughter watching? Mayor of NYC is in a snit and making threats? A single man surfing was confronted by police?
I have a copy of my travel papers in my work truck. As an essential business, legal crafted travel papers. No I don't think I will need them, but 6 weeks ago, who knew.
I just learned the word quarentine is from the Italian word quarentino which referred to the 40 days visiting sailors had to stay onboard upon arriving at a new port.
How long now have we been under a form of quarentine. I think it's been about 4 weeks or so here in Philly.
Body surf at Encinitas CA--alone in the Pacific Ocean--get arrested when you come in.
Wanta ride the skateboard park at Encinitas? Crafty city fathers filled it with 27 tons of sand--which the skateboarders dug out after a while.
Go to church while sitting in your car in a church parking lot in Kentucky--oopsie, that's a $500 ticket.
Issue a draconian law--and some badge heavy policeman will be sure to enforce it.
It is interesting in California as I watch the various political columnists and pundits at the LA Times flip back and forth. People went to the beach in Ventura and Orange Counties last weekend. Governor Newsom got hot and bothered and was going to close all state parks and all state beaches. Steve Lopez of the Los Angeles Times said Wednesday, "If it saves just one life etc--stay off the beaches." George Skelton, a more moderate voice, was writing yesterday that Governor Newsom was doing a good job. Today Skelton writes "open the beaches". The City Council at Newport Beach voted to open the Newport Beaches for the next three weekends---but have closed the city parking lots at the beach, so beachgoers have to park in the adjacent neighborhoods.
Californis politicians are running around issuing pronunicamentos and squawking like a chicken with its head cut off. (Well okay headless chickens don't squawk. That said brainless politicians do.) Some governors and some mayers truly have an inner fascist streak and they are acting on it. It's not pretty here in lockdown California.
Sure, you can leave your house. But we can deny you the ability to go anywhere else. That makes sense, doesn't it?
Freedom must be demanded.
It is not give back, it is taken back.
Freedom is not granted by the state.
Musk's heart seems to be in the right place, however.
Elon Musk is 100% correct.
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated, but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
CS Lewis
I can hear the chants already: “Dump Trump!” and Make it Musk!”
Blogger Freder Frederson said..."Who exactly, in this country, has extended a stay at home order that threatens arrest for leaving the house?"
NOW THEREFORE, under the authority of Wis. Stat. § 252.02(3) and (6) and all powers vested in me through Executive Order #72, and at the direction of Governor Tony Evers, I, Andrea Palm, Secretary-designee of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, order the following:
1. Stay at home or place of residence. All individuals present within the State of Wisconsin are ordered to stay at home or at their place of residence, with exceptions outlined below.
17. Enforcement. This Order is enforceable by any local law enforcement official, including county sheriffs. Violation or obstruction of this Order is punishable by up to 30 days imprisonment, or up to $250 fine, or both. Wis. Stat. § 252.25.
I published too early
These restrictions, park closings, and "social distancing" are going to be put to that test. All of this, all the entirety of the legal structure, in fact is 100% dependent on a willing society. The IRS only has power because almost all, willingly submit their tax returns every year. If even 10% refused, their power would start to crumble.
These restrictions on business and such were willing agreed to. But now, Govt types are failing to explain exactly what the goal is now. 2 million dead? 600,000 dead,200,000 dead, 100,000 dead. Now we are told ~70,000 dead. Just like the flue, when nothing was shut down. Even people that are not news junkies are starting to intuit, the horror described, did not materialize. Something is amiss.
Meanwhile armed protesters are inside the Michigan state capitol building.
Such stable geniuses.
Were they breaking any laws or simply exercising their constitutional rights?
This demanding our constitutional rights is not about PR appearances, Mark. The authorities can't revoke our rights because they don't like how we look when we exercise them. The electorate can't revoke them because we offend them.
Those rights are God given.
My wife's favorite ice cream place and my favorite golf course are going to open this week in defiance of our idiot governor's diktat. A Dem, of course.
Civil disobedience. More to follow.
FWIW, about eight seconds with google shows this... Mayor Muriel Bowser is threatening residents of Washington, DC, with 90 days in jail and a $5,000 fine if they leave their homes during the coronavirus outbreak.
"The stay-home order has exceptions for grocery shopping and work deemed essential. Outdoor recreation such as running is allowed, but cannot involve people outside of a household."
Reading is hard.
How many people in the U.S. have been arrested, or hell even fined, for leaving the house?
There are numerous examples of these exact things. But only if you pull your head out of your ass and look.
The rubber band of governmental overreach rarely snaps back to its original size.
Jersey Fled,
I was just about to post that same quote. You probably saw it where I did - in the land O lakes.
Oh, and our township opened our parks yesterday. Our Dem mayor thumbing his nose at our Dem governor.
Live free or die is very offensive to the nanny state deep state left.
Did you look? California, as an example, has a fine of (up to) $1000 and 6 months jail time for [willfully] disobeying the stay-at-home order.
Really? I had no idea! Like everyone else in the Bay Area, I go grocery shopping, make trips to the hardware store, and take my dog for hikes at public parks every day. If California is supposed to be a police state, the jackboots better up their game.
Eloi Musk knows how it goes.
...let the morlocks out
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive."
That's not true at all, and never has been.
Musk is my favorite African-American.
Who's barmy now?
“Give me your tired, your poor,
your huddled --no- "socially distanced" masses yearning to breathe free.”
That would be a great line to put on a statue commemorating our liberty
"The stay-home order has exceptions for grocery shopping and work deemed essential. Outdoor recreation such as running is allowed, but cannot involve people outside of a household."
Yes, there are exemptions to the fines/imprisonment that the law describes. So?
Apparently, comprehension is hard.
Earnest Prole
Yeah, but you and a dozen buds can’t gather in the park with your AK 47s and set a new record for squeezing armed men into a Volkswagen can you?
Freedoms once surrendered ...
We were told that extraordinary measures were needed so that our hospitals would not be overwhelmed.
Now what is the justification?
From the Wikipedia article on "House Arrest":
The terms of house arrest can differ, but most programs allow employed offenders to continue to work, and confine them to their residence only during non-working hours. Offenders are commonly allowed to leave their home for specific purposes; examples can include visits to the probation officer or police station, religious services, education, attorney visits, court appearances, and medical appointments. Many programs also allow the convict to leave their residence during regular, pre-approved times in order to carry out general household errands, such as food shopping and laundry. Offenders may have to respond to communications from a higher authority to verify that they are at home when required to be. Exceptions are often made to allow visitors to visit the offender.
So, as a matter of fact, these vile lockdowns are more restrictive than typical house arrest. Even criminals are allowed to work and attend religious services. But then, if you have won the victory over yourself, no restriction is too onerous, after all, Big Brother has your best interests in mind. A mask tied around a human face, forever.
Bay Area Guy said...
He's a billionaire. He's a goofball. He's mastered the art of getting govt tax breaks and subsidies to supercharge his business enterprises. He's a bit of a nerd. I doubt he would fit in at my BBQs with grouchy retired cops and military officers and angel investors.
But he is mostly right here."
Well Musk can be an ass but he is right about this. Even if he has an ulterior business motive. Give the guy his due. Has has accomplished something that NASA, the Russians, The Chinese, the Europeans, the Japanese, the Indians and every other private aerospace company has not done. On time and on budget. At least he is more useful than Warren Buffet who is the ultimate in getting tax breaks and subsidies and favors.
I see a lot of tough talk here. Are any of you doing anything to back it up?
If not then I have to conclude that many of you are just whiny-ass tittybabies squealing for attention.
Freder why do you post such foolish comments that a few moments of searching can prove to you your thought are groundless?
Just wait until Elon hears about the Selective Service!
Hadn't thought of this. We've thought a lot about the blowback if states reopen and then people start to die more. But what about the flip side? What happens if a state could reopen according to Trump's guidelines, and the governor refuses to do so? What happens to the politics in the state when liberals start screaming about their constitutional rights?
I hear a lot about “civil disobedience.” I doubt it. Scofflaws certainly, like that house party with the stripper in Chicago. But brave patriots flouting the law and demanding to be arrested, charged, tried? Not seeing much of that. None actually. I don’t expect a “podcast from the Birmingham jail” anytime soon.
Nor court challenges. I have seen one, where the judge ruled about one guy. If the lockdown is so obviously unconstitutional, why not a lot of challenges? A LOT.
Stop the tyrants! Notice how easily they started it, and now continue with it on the slimiest of pretense, with goal posts on roller skates. They not only have no shame about it, they seem to relish rubbing salt in the wounds. It's down right ugly, and I'm glad I was against it from the start. Nobody should have been excited about jumping to this tyranny without serious questions, but a lot of people were acting like they going to slumber party. People, who in my opinion, do not deserve the freedoms they have, becuase they were ready to throw it away instantly for the tiniest added bit of questionable safety.
Soon, the "Branch Covidians" cult will be eating Humble Pie
enough of "30 Days In The Hole", cuz THIS
iowan2 said...These restrictions, park closings, and "social distancing" are going to be put to that test. All of this, all the entirety of the legal structure, in fact is 100% dependent on a willing society.
That is pretty much the hallmark of civilization, but fascist Governors will test our willing cooperation.
I have plenty of masks and will wear them to show my social virtue. However, I will not sequester myself at home. It serves no purpose.
The young woman who cuts my hair (and does a damn good job) is married to a guy trying to make it with his own restaurant. I am financially OK, but I worry about those guys.
No way in hell are the Beverly Hills, Malibu etc elites forgoing salon care.
"to say they cannot leave their house and that they will be arrested if they do, that's fascist. That is not democratic — this is not freedom. Give people back their goddamn freedom."
Of course. But the insanity epidemic has long since mutated into a political attack on the Trump economy and a prog maneuver to increase government power and destroy deplorable liberties. Health has nothing to do with it.
""Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive."
"That's not true at all, and never has been."
The reason Lewis offers is a valid one, becuase it's their self-sustaining motivation that makes it so dangerous. They never need to stop, and the evil of it is hidden under the lie of why they do it. It's like a virus that never produces immunity.
I will be eagerly watching beachcams in SoCal this weekend and watch thousands of people openly flout our dickless Governor Newsom "Its true Mayor, this man has no dick" orders to close all the California parks and beaches. Even the obligatory "Even if it saves one life" saps have caught on and are switching sides. Its time to move on and get back to work. My advice to Gov.Zoolander is "Best to look like you are leading a parade than being bypassed and ignored by the people."
Elon Musk
California HHS server crashed. Maybe it has covid.
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Elon Musk
Actual data reference CHHS
California COVID-19 Hospital Data and Case Statistics - California Health and Human Services Open...
UPDATE: In response to numerous public inquiries asking for more precise definitions of data elements, a revised data dictionary has been posted. Statewide cumulative daily inventory of hospital...
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Elon Musk
Hospitals in California have been half empty this whole time
Elon Musk
Apr 27
Silicon Valley has become Sanctimonious Valley
"The stay-home order has exceptions for grocery shopping and work deemed essential. Outdoor recreation such as running is allowed, but cannot involve people outside of a household."
Reading is hard.
Especially when you are in handcuffs like the father playing catch with his kid or the mother in the park with her daughter.
You're trying too hard, Earnest lefty.
Blogger cubanbob said..."Freder why do you post such foolish comments that a few moments of searching can prove to you your thought are groundless?"
You’ve got to love how the Stasi Democrats are arresting and/or citing citizens for committing acts of the First Amendment.
Ken B said...
I hear a lot about “civil disobedience.” I doubt it. Scofflaws certainly, like that house party with the stripper in Chicago. But brave patriots flouting the law and demanding to be arrested, charged, tried?"
Don't you tire of being wrong all the time? Watch what happens in California this weekend. It should make for some amusing cell phone pics and cam footage as police on horse back try to arrest people and a riot breaks out.
Fernandistein has an argument with the word may. Good luck.
Earnest Prole believes that government that could be worse is therefore ok. I hope you get what you want. Good and hard.
games continue
In California, it is night and day depending on where you live. California is going to break out of the straight jacket that Newsom wants to put on us. You can't keep everyone from being outdoors, despite the army of Karens and Debbie Downers.
Today Dumbplumber (hubby's on line handle) is out doing 3 jobs. Has estimates out on 2 more bigger jobs and 3 waiting for wells to be drilled. Probably not until July. The well drillers are backed up.
Yesterday we took a drive to a nearby town to do some shopping and pick up some prescriptions. Very few people wearing masks. We stopped for lunch at a small (take out only for now) hamburger joint and had burgers, fries and blackberry milkshakes outside on their picnic tables (strategically set 8 feet apart) under the shady trees. We watched the trucks and people going by. People biking and walking on the road sides. Logging trucks. Cattle trucks loaded bringing the cows to their summer pastures...cows mooing and bitching the whole way. Empty ones going the other direction to pick up more cattle. Hay trucks bringing hay and alfalfa to the Valley below. Trucks full of supplies, bread, food, alcohol. Wally Word trucks. Dollar General. Waved at people we know going up and down the road.
The Sheriffs and Highway patrol drove by seeing us flagrantly eating hamburgers in the open air!!!. They don't care. They have better and bigger things to do.
We have some very nice State and Federal parks right nearby as well as hundreds of thousands of acres of BLM land. Boating on State Park lands is probably policed by the State Nazis. People are fishing, hiking, walking and yes even camping elsewhere.
People are waking up to the little Nazis that want to control our lives. Even some Dumbocrats are waking up!!
say what
You Cali Cucks should follow the example of your Michigan brothers in arms. At least they are doing something, even if it ultimately hurts the cause... or is this tyranny another call to action you will fail to volunteer for.
I have defied the orders of my "leaders" to the extent that I can.
But others have not.
Now what?
Right on, Musk, and the Muskrats here at Althouse! I agree with you! If you are non-elderly and healthy you should be able to start resuming your normal life and work.
But remember this: The number of "confirmed cases" is going to go up when the lock-downs are lifted or violated. In fact, it's going up already. In part it's going up because they are testing more folks who are asymptomatic or only mildly sick, whereas they used to only test people or were sick enough to seek medical help. But it will also go up because the disease will spread with a relaxation of social distancing, etc. You've got to be ready for that. If you base your demands for lifting the quarantines on the idea that the disease is no longer a threat to anyone, then you'll be slammed by the first major outbreak of Coronavirus deaths.
Me. My wife and I are "elderly". We are retired. Our pension payments come in whether we work or not. We are particularly vulnerable to the Wuhan Virus. So we're staying home, regardless. But you younger folks, who need to go out and work and earn a living, we're rooting for you! Just be careful, and stay well.
Apparently cops in the Dictatorship of Chicago, a city within the totalitarian state of Illinois police are ready and willing to use deadly force if you’re violating Covid19 edicts. Like, for example, walking from one train car to another. Story and comments on a different blog.
@Ken B
This notion that you have that these people are there to entertain your notions of movie drama heroism is stupid.
You keep issuing the same challenge to me.
Go watch a movie if that’s what you want.
Nor court challenges. I have seen one, where the judge ruled about one guy. If the lockdown is so obviously unconstitutional, why not a lot of challenges? A LOT.
Busy building strawmen I see.
You are not paying attention. All stepped up when the experts spoke. Now, those end of days models are proving to be wildly off the mark. Not a bulls eye, not even hitting the target, veering off the shooting range even. Experts still pushing the masses around when their projections are wrong, is no longer going to compel willing cooperation.
This will not be people acting on principle. This will be mobs ignoring stupid mandates.
Off topic! Morning Joe tomorrow - Biden to skillfully deny sexual assault claims.
Yes, there are exemptions to the fines/imprisonment that the law describes. So?
My original question, verbatim: Is there anywhere in America where citizens cannot leave their houses and will be arrested if they do?
Ping me when you find that place.
Former senator James Chesnut Jr.(D) after resigning from the senate and leading the succession of South Carolina promised to drink any blood spilled from the succession. He claimed a lady's thimble will hold all the blood that will be shed. Be careful what you wish for...
"The stay-home order has exceptions for grocery shopping and work deemed essential. Outdoor recreation such as running is allowed, but cannot involve people outside of a household."
Which begs the question, doesn't it?
If such activities can be carried out, it demonstrates that the risk is manageable. There are many activities which are currently deemed "non-essential" which could be allowed; access to routine medical procedures being an obvious one. We don't have a cure for this virus, we have to learn how to live with it. Telling people to suspend their lives and livelihoods indefinitely it absolutely indefensible. How does closing state parks and hiking trails advance our public health? I'd make sure people don't congregate, but you're no more likely to be exposed to the virus on a trail than you are in the grocery store.Take precautions, don't be stupid, and let my people go!
Our "betters" would like nothing better than a series of violent incidents when people protest these "directives" Newsom is sitting over the phone to NG California drooling at the thought of being in total control of California for months; not to mention going toe to toe with Trump. Hang on to our hats folks, it may get bumpy.
I see the professor is letting y’all flounder, so let me step in and help with a primer:
Police Powers During a Pandemic: Constitutional, but Not Unlimited.
Here is the full C S Lewis quote. Apt. “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”
It's tyranny turtles all the way down:
"New evidence shows that the FBI had closed its criminal counterintelligence investigation of retired Gen. Mike Flynn, but top bureau official Peter Strzok ordered it to be reopened. The FBI had moved to close the case against the former national security adviser because there was an "absence of any derogatory information."
Is treason even a crime in this country?
Here is the full C S Lewis quote. Apt. “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”
Gk1 (to Ken B): "Don't you tire of being wrong all the time?"
No, he doesn't. He has happily joined Team Inga & ARM.
It was fascinating to watch how quickly the mask dropped.
LLR-*****(he who shall not be named) was able to carry on for much longer.
We people of Wisconsin have been going outside on walks and runs since the beginning of the shut down. No one is threatening to arrest anyone here for leaving their homes. How does making up such nonsense help the anti mitigation movement? We see people outside walking dogs, taking walks as family units, walking or jogging alone, no reports of any arrests.
Tiger by the tail. That’s what every governor whose inner petty tyrant has emerged has got. Their authority is inflated but it’s not a stable situation. Thank Kemp for getting the ball rolling, and give GA the First State for their next license plate design just to annoy Biden. People are coming out. The more politically astute leaders will get ahead of it. The rest will cause problems, especially for themselves. Newsim has a particularly tough job with giant diverse CA, and he’s not that talented. Here’s hoping he mostly damages his reputation and career.
It's OK to go out, but only members of the same household (paraphrased).
Clearly, setting a bar like that is helpful in all kinds of ways-- especially if it gives our LEOs more ways to strut their stuff and break up subversive elements!
Papers! Vhere are your papers?
The point is - if a commenter here truly believes that tyrants have taken over our Government, stolen out freedoms that Americans fought and died for, and will never give them back - then it is his right and his duty to to alter or to abolish that Government, and to institute a new Government - by any means necessary. That commenter should be out in the street (or under cover at 600 yards), armed, and violent - if he believes.
If he believes the things I'm reading here and his Governor is still breathing and walking around free - then he hasn't done enough.
But they don't believe. They're just tittybabies whining to Mama Ann because they've been inconvenienced or lost a few dollars or think that in their wisdom they can see a global conspiracy to defeat Trump in 2020 and want to let the rest of us see how astute and informed and intelligent they are.
What I believe is that democratically elected Mayors and Governors are using the authorities granted them by democratically elected representatives of the people to try to deter a threat which is not fully understood but has the potential to become a disaster of historic proportions.
Most of them are blundering their way through and trying to do the best they can under almost impossible circumstances.
The whiners are not helping.
"Is there anywhere in America where citizens cannot leave their houses and will be arrested if they do?"
There was a commenter here earlier in all this that found out cars were being pulled over and fined. I can't remember where that was. I believe it was $500
iowan2: "This will not be people acting on principle. This will be mobs ignoring stupid mandates."
Not just the people, but common sensical law enforcement as well.
The Orange County Sheriff just announced he would not enforce Newsom's moronic order to shut down Orange County beaches only.
Newsom better call out the national guard to arrest those families on the beaches. I understand that after releasing criminals there are now plenty of cells available for the Hardened Criminal Beachgoers.
@Earnest Prole,
See Ficta’s comment at 5:03pm. Though you’re right, literally, that people are allowed to leave their homes. The spirit of the comment, though, is that they are not allowed to leave their homes freely, but must now have an approved purpose. My county order confines me, for recreation and exercise purposes, to a 5-mile radius. I can’t go across the Bay to Mt Diablo, and I can’t even go up to the Santa Cruz Mountains. I can park at the Stanford Dish trailhead (assuming it’s open; haven’t checked), but the dish itself is a half-mile outside the lawful radius. I think it unlikely that a cop would arrest or fine me if I dared continue to the dish, but he is empowered to do so.
"My original question, verbatim: Is there anywhere in America where citizens cannot leave their houses and will be arrested if they do?"
What is your point, Ernest Prole?
In my state (Hawaii) a half dozen people, at least, have been arrested for breaking quarantine. People risk being stopped by police & questioned if they are driving after dark, and yes, it has happened. I know a chick that works third shift at Walmart stocking shelves. She had a note from her supervisor, didn't matter, she was stopped and cited and given a court date. This kind of thing is happening across the country.
He’s right. We’re over the hump. Let’s go.
"My original question, verbatim: Is there anywhere in America where citizens cannot leave their houses and will be arrested if they do?"
Yes, that's your question. In response to Mr. Musk's statement, which was made in the context of...
"Musk even went so far as to call it undemocratic for state governments to order shutdowns of businesses deemed nonessential."
"It will cause great harm, not just to Tesla but to many companies," Musk said on the call. "And while Tesla will weather the storm, there are many companies that will not. Everything people have worked for their whole life is being destroyed in real time."
He's not talking about people being allowed out of the house to go shopping or work at government approved jobs, you know.
California hotspot, Santa Clara County currently has 150 hospitalized.
I saw a headline that Trump might consider bringing General Flynn back into the administration. Evil genius at his best. Think of the heads that will explode.
Earnest Prole said...
My original question, verbatim: Is there anywhere in America where citizens cannot leave their houses and will be arrested if they do?
"figure of speech
[figure of speech]
a word or phrase used in a non-literal sense for rhetorical or vivid effect."
Earnest Prole said...
Yes, there are exemptions to the fines/imprisonment that the law describes. So?
My original question, verbatim: Is there anywhere in America where citizens cannot leave their houses and will be arrested if they do?
Ping me when you find that place.
You are dishonest and disingenuous.
People are being threatened by authorities in many places noted above with fines and imprisonment. People "can" leave their homes. They face harassment at minimum by authorities.
Right now in almost every State the government has asserted it's right to lock us in our homes and impose penalties.
Forcing people to disobey the law in order to leave their house or to use a loophole is tyrannical.
How come Musk is so worried about freedom and the Constitution all of a sudden? What's his angle?
Oh okay. Teslas are ideal for high end commuters driving short distances to the office and back. Tesla doesn't benefit from a new, work from home ethos. Maybe Musk would like to nip this trend in the bud. Also, work from home doesn't help his self-driving car vision become reality.
so, our Pro-Fascism commenters ask:
How many people in the U.S. have been arrested, or hell even fined, for leaving the house?
and pro people people post LOTS of links to LOTS of people that are in jail...
and our Pro-Fascism commenters say:
YES BUT! YOU ARE permitted to leave your house, to go to approved and permitted things!
Like Jobs the government Tells you that you can NOT quit
Like getting your government approved rations
Like getting your government approved exercise
and pro people people say: that does NOT sound like you're free to leave your home :)
and the Pro-Fascism commenters say:
OH NO! you are COMPLETELY FREE; to do what the government tells you to do
Dude might even get me to consider a Tesla.
This is what Musk is talking about...
An Oshkosh dog groomer was taken into custody Monday for violating the governor's Safer at Home orders restricting non-essential business during the coronavirus pandemic.
Matthew “Jax” Myers vowed to open his Apex tattoo parlor in defiance of North Carolina’s stay-home order, insisting his rights had been trampled and his business ruined. But 10 minutes after he flicked on the red “open” sign Wednesday afternoon, police led him away in handcuffs, placing him under arrest for violation of an executive order.
Civil Disobedience?
Ken B will acknowledge mass protests only as "vectors".
He sees viruses!
Blogger Ken B said...
"Yeah, but you and a dozen buds can’t gather in the park with your AK 47s and set a new record for squeezing armed men into a Volkswagen can you?"
Maybe you and all your friends could set a record for most trolls under one bridge?
Me. My wife and I are "elderly". We are retired. Our pension payments come in whether we work or not. We are particularly vulnerable to the Wuhan Virus. So we're staying home, regardless. But you younger folks, who need to go out and work and earn a living, we're rooting for you! Just be careful, and stay well.
We share your sentiments but you know who doesn't ? Government employees who are still getting their regular paychecks and they are mostly Democrats.
Hey, Earnest Troll? Got a ping over here on aisle 5.
There's this web site, with all the state orders;
I got all the way to Alabama before I encountered this;
"Any person quarantined pursuant to this provision shall not leave their place of residence for any reason other than to seek necessary medical treatment."
Free States or Karenland? Which will I be in when the New Hampshire Governor unlocks or does not lock the state on May 4?
"Anita Shaffer went for a drive around her neighborhood on Sunday and came home with a $200 fine for violating Pennsylvania's stay-at-home order that's meant to contain the spread of COVID-19.
Shaffer told PennLive that she went for a leisurely drive simply to get out of the house, but ended up getting pulled over by two state police officers as she was returning home. The cops said her taillight was out, but the ticket they ended up issuing to Shaffer says she violated the state's Disease Control and Prevention Act of 1955 and "failed to abide by the order of the governor and secretary of health issued to control the spread of a communicable disease."
"He asked me if I was aware of the stay-at-home act," Shaffer told PennLive's Jan Murphy. "I am aware of it but I didn't know it pertained to just driving.
I can see the stories being told by fathers and grandfathers 15-25 years from now about their contributions in fighting the Coronavirus War:
Kids: "So, Granddad, tell us about what you did during the great pandemic of 2020."
Granddad: "It was a great time to be alive, kids. We found out which of us were men, and which were not. My generation came together under the most dire conditions and bravely fought the virus on the beaches, on the landing grounds, in the fields, in the streets, in the hills. We never surrendered even though subjugation and starvation romed the land."
Kids: "So, where exactly did you end up fighting and defeating the pandemic, Granddad?"
Granddad: "Well, uh.....er...... I fought right here in Ontario."
Kids: "Where in Ontario?"
Granddad: "So...er.....umm....well, I did my part right here at home."
Kids: "At home? You mean right here in town? Did you work at the hospital?"
Granddad: "Well, not exactly- I did my part because we were all in it together, and I did my part right here."
Kids: "When you say, 'right here', you mean right here in the house?"
Granddad: "Ummm.....well.....but it was a horrible time and we had to struggle to survive while fighting the battles at the home front."
Kids: "So, by 'home front', you mean you stayed right here in the house?"
Granddad: "Er......ummm.............(sigh)....yes."
Kids: "Ok, that doesn't sound too interesting- oh, wait, so, you were trapped at home- how did you and Grandma survive? Did you have to grow your own food? Did you have to scavenge? How much weight did you lose during the year long war?
Granddad: "Well, uh, I gained 35 pounds."
Kids: "How did you gain 35 pounds? Weren't you struggling to survive- did you rob the neighbors of their food?
Granddad: "Uh.....no, Rabba Fine Foods delivered the food to the front door."
Kids: "Ok, whatever......uh, tell us how you kept yourself entertained. Did you and Grandma play Scrabble, Checkers, Hide the Salami everyday?"
Granddad: "Uh.....no, we watched Netflix all day long."
Kids: "Netflix? You had internet service during this pandemic?"
Granddad: "Uh.....yes. Oh, wait, I did write comments on a blog that help defend the lockdown policies that saved millions of North Americans. So, you see, I did do my part, kids!"
Kids: "Whatever....."
Pandemic..... If you can, DVR Tucker Carlson tonight, 4/30/2020. Put it on DVD for your children. Such a stream of truth rarely comes out of a television set.
I got all the way to Alabama before I encountered this; "Any person quarantined pursuant to this provision shall not leave their place of residence for any reason other than to seek necessary medical treatment."
The citizens of Alabama are starving in their houses because they can't go out and fetch food? That's outrageous -- I had no idea the red states were so oppressive.
Ken B said...
"Earnest Prole
Yeah, but you and a dozen buds can’t gather in the park with your AK 47s and set a new record for squeezing armed men into a Volkswagen can you?
Freedoms once surrendered "
That cartoon. The one you have running in your head? Is it black and white or in color?
“People are being threatened by authorities in many places noted above with fines and imprisonment. People "can" leave their homes. They face harassment at minimum by authorities.
Right now in almost every State the government has asserted it's right to lock us in our homes and impose penalties.”
Speaking of panic and hysteria, I’ve seen it coming from the anti mitigation contingent far more than I’ve seen it in the pro mitigation group. It’s really gotten to be pathetic, the posturing, the rattling of guns and protesting against your Presidents OWN guidelines. Maybe shaking your fists at the sky yelling curses at Mother Nature would make you feel better.
Has the Democrat thug army - Antifa- been involved in any of these protests, throwing rocks at the fascist police or just punching anybody they think is a fascist walking along the street? No? Antifa must all be handing out coffee and donuts to healthcare workers, or maybe picking up trash in the parks.
"The citizens of Alabama are starving in their houses because they can't go out and fetch food? That's outrageous -- I had no idea the red states were so oppressive."
Moving the goalposts . . .
You'd think a smart fella like Earnest Prole would actually check to see if people could be arrested for leaving their homes before he formed an opinion on it.
“I can see the stories being told by fathers and grandfathers 15-25 years from now about their contributions in fighting the Coronavirus War...”
Ha, from the guy who said that Covid deaths in TOTAL in the US wouldn’t top 7,500.
“Has the Democrat thug army - Antifa- been involved in any of these protests, throwing rocks at the fascist police or just punching anybody they think is a fascist walking along the street? No? Antifa must all be handing out coffee and donuts to healthcare workers, or maybe picking up trash in the parks.”
Even Antifa is smart enough not to gather in large groups during a pandemic.
Orange County is reopening:
Sounds immediate.
Inga goes the idiot route Howard pioneered, but even stupider:
What kind of sissies bitch about the revocation of their civil liberties and house arrest?
You make a great ChiCom stooge, Inga.
You are phenomenally stupid and vile.
"The citizens of Alabama are starving in their houses because they can't go out and fetch food? That's outrageous -- I had no idea the red states were so oppressive."
That is true in Wisconsin as well. Once quarantined you are not allowed to leave the house to buy food. This quarantine order applies to people who arrive in the state. No medical excuse is given, the quarantined is not given a test to see if he/she is infected.
Maybe he should change his nic to "foolish prole."
A telephoto lens Was used for the photo, 300 mm, that makes objects appear closer.
See link for example of same photo with two different lenses:
Rabel said...
. . .
The whiners are not helping.
Happy to not help the tyrants!
You'll thank me, some day!
I’m seeing traffic in So Ca get back to normal, and I’ve been caught in a couple traffic jams last couple of weeks.
Amazing isn’t it, the reaction we get from this bunch for quoting TRUMP at them? I swear if Trump tweets again we might see proof of spontaneous human combustion.
Inga, I am also the fool that said the models showing 2 million dead Americans were wrong. Like I told Ken several times- my prediction will turn out to have been much more accurate than any model that was public at the time I made it. I also am the fool that said the states that didn't lockdown would turn out to have cases and death rates that were indistiguishable from most of the states that did lockdown- that prediction is also looking very good.
Pretty much all my predictions about this virus have been more correct that the so-called experts you have been listening to and linking here every day. I will eventually be proven correct about the true fatality rate- it will be between 0.1 and 0.5% when all the studies are done by the end of the year. Unfortunately, I will also end up being right about the economic calamity that is now more or less baked in for the next two years. I hope to wrong in that one, but I doubt that I am. So, stay hunkered down up there in Wisconsin. Tennessee is officially open after today.
Law Day, U.S.A.
"If he believes the things I'm reading here and his Governor is still breathing and walking around free - then he hasn't done enough."
Oh, go fuck yourself with something rusty! So if you are not willing to act out in lethal violence you can't point out governmental abuses?
**jerk off motion**
The proof that this is all about arm twisting, S&M, backstabbing, and general petty tyranny is in the idiot comments of Ken B and Inga.
Ken B, you are vying with Inga for the spot as lowest slime ball on this board.
What is it about people wanting their freedom that irritates you so, you little turds?
Who told you that people who support a politician obey his every word?
Is that the way you operate?
I support Trump and I’ve opposed the lockdown from the beginning. Now, you’re abysmally stupid, so I suggest you think for an hour or so before you post another dumb fart response.
“my prediction will turn out to have been much more accurate than any model that was public at the time I made it.”
The logical inverse of Feynman has been discovered.
That’s also not what you said. You said, even after being badly wrong, you'd be closer than an order of magnitude.
Regardless of the position taken, everyone here seems so certain of their opinion. It's almost as if they think they're right, and other people are wrong. Like their opinion is superior or better than another person's opinion. But I was assured just last night that this was not how to comment here. That every comment needed to be footnoted with one's expressions of self-doubt and circumspection. Try as I might, I just can't seem to figure out the "right" way to comment. C'est la vie.
For those too lazy to click, here are the basics from the primer I linked above. I’m pleased as punch to see citizens pushing back against state orders that don’t suit their tastes -- that’s what politics is for -- but the Constitutionality of the current orders is overwhelming (meaning they would be upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court 9-0), as anyone with a passing familiarity with the Constitution would know (we can forgive Elon Musk for his ignorance since he's from Mars).
Police Powers During a Pandemic: Constitutional, but Not Unlimited
Weighing the state and local response to COVID-19
State and local governments are currently taking dramatic and sometimes unprecedented action in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, including "shelter in place" orders, bans on public gatherings, and business shutdowns. What's the legal basis for such sweeping actions?
In the U.S. constitutional system, each state possesses a traditional authority to regulate in the name of public health, safety, and welfare. Known as the police powers, this authority has deep roots in Anglo-American law. In his landmark Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765), the British legal theorist William Blackstone defined the police powers as "the due regulation and domestic order of the kingdom, whereby the inhabitants of a State, like members of a well-governed family, are bound to conform their general behavior to the rules of propriety, good neighborhood, and good manners, and to be decent, industrious, and inoffensive in their respective stations."
Citing Blackstone, the American legal theorist Thomas Cooley, in his influential Treatise on the Constitutional Limitations Which Rest upon the Legislative Power of the States of the American Union (1871), said the police powers of a state "embraces its system of internal regulation, by which it is sought not only to preserve the public order and to prevent offenses against the State, but also to establish for the intercourse of citizen with citizen those rules of good manners and good neighborhood which are calculated to prevent a conflict of rights, and to insure to each the uninterrupted enjoyment of his own, so far as is reasonably consistent with a like enjoyment of rights by others."
As one example of the police powers put to appropriate use, Cooley pointed to "quarantine regulations" and related measures designed to protect the public from persons or property "infected with disease or otherwise dangerous."
The U.S. Supreme Court has long agreed that the states have police powers of this sort. In Gibbons v. Ogden (1824), Chief Justice John Marshall observed that the police powers, that "immense mass of legislation," as he put it, "which embraces every thing within the territory of a State, not surrendered to the federal government," includes "quarantine laws" and "health laws of every description."
“Ken B, you are vying with Inga for the spot as lowest slime ball on this board.”
Oh don’t shit your pants ST, your position is secure. No one can top you.
Inga, the fucking liar who flogged Russia collusion for 3-1/2 years, how do you even show your face in public?
Ken, I am closer by two magnitudes, still. Deaths would have to hit 300,000 for me to be as wrong as the models I predicted against. I realize you are desperate to bury that 2,000,000 dead figure, but that was explicitly what I predicted against 2-11 million dead. But, go ahead, and believe whatever it is you want to believe.
I don't think I have seen a commenter here go off the deep end the way you have. You aren't as crazy as Inga in the pandemic, but you have lost all respect I had for you previously- you basically lost me with the blood libels about how people who didn't want to shut down the economy didn't care if people died. That was a bridge too far for me, and you never once apologized- this is why people give you hard time now- we see the dishonesty grow the further we get away from the most ridiculous predictions made by the models. You can rewrite the history of your comments all you want, but I know how ridiculous you were a month ago.
I'm about to have a virtual office visit with my cardiologist this week. He will ask me how I feel and ask if I need any prescriptions renewed.
He will NOT:
Take my blood pressure
Check my blood oxygen level
Give me an ekg
Listen to my heart and lungs
Or any of the other dozen little things he does when I have an in-office exam.
He may not pick up on some little thing that might turn into something more serious if not taken care of.
This is what medicine has become in Earnest Prole land. Routine medicine is not being done.
"but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
This panic is the dumbest, delusional mass fuck up I’ve ever witnessed and I’ve been thru a lot.
For some reason, fantasizing panics makes Inga come.
That woman is fucking perverted as hell, as well as being a liar.
She masturbates to these delusional panics.
Interesting observation: To this very moment, neither Inga nor Ken B has criticized NY/NYC officials for keeping the Subway open and filthy, keeping Central Park open nor for shoving infected elderly back into Nursing and retirement.
How to explain that one wonders.
There really is only one explanation: the NY/NYC officials are above criticism by virtue of "democrat".
"As one example of the police powers put to appropriate use, Cooley pointed to "quarantine regulations" and related measures designed to protect the public from persons or property 'infected with disease or otherwise dangerous.'"
That's not what governors are doing, here, though. You do see the difference, right? I do also not accept unchallenged the notion that if "X" is constitutional than "5X" is also constitutional.
Quarantining those who are sick is not the same as quarantining every man, woman, and child and shuttering lawful businesses using haphazard criteria favoring the politically well-connected.
Feel free to ignore the rest of my comments from this point forward, Ken, because I now consider you no more worthy of notice than Ritmo. Maybe some day in the future when the panic is over with, your senses will return and you can begin an honest assessment of some of the things you have written in these threads the last 7 weeks.
‘...my prediction will turn out to have been much more accurate than any model that was public at the time I made it.”
Anyone who could be SO very wrong with so much conviction really has lost any credibility he my have had. 7,500 death TOTAL he said.
As Inga beats off in the hope that the bodies will pile up.
In Hawaii visitors to the state are required to quarantine for 14 days. Sick or not doesn't matter. That is tyranny.
"As one example of the police powers put to appropriate use, Cooley pointed to "quarantine regulations" and related measures designed to protect the public from persons or property "infected with disease or otherwise dangerous.""
Quarantining healthy people is not covered by this.
Prepare to see the goalposts moved again.
That is true in Wisconsin as well. Once quarantined you are not allowed to leave the house to buy food. Maybe he should change his nic to "foolish prole."
This place “Wisconsin” where you say you can't leave the house to buy food: Is it a different place from this Wisconsin?
What To Know About Wisconsin's Coronavirus 'Stay-At-Home' Order
Can I go outside?
"Folks do not need special permission to leave their homes," Evers said.
Can I still go to a grocery store or pharmacy?
Yes. The state has stressed that businesses that sell food and prescriptions will remain open.
What's an "essential business?" In other words, which places can stay open?
The list of essential businesses is long. They include:
Places that make or sell food, including bakeries, food banks, food carts and convenience stores, not to mention food and beverage manufacturers, and agricultural businesses.
Places that make or sell alcohol, including breweries, brewpubs, wineries, distilleries, and alcohol beverage retailers.
Health care businesses, or pretty much anything related to the health care industry. That includes long-term care employers.
Gas stations and other transportation businesses, including auto shops and bicycle stores.
Banks and other financial institutions.
Hardware stores that sell electrical, plumbing, heating and construction material.
Construction businesses and people employed in building trades, like plumbers, electricians, carpenters and laborers among others.
Infrastructure businesses from road builders to water and electric utilities to cybersecurity. According to the order, this category "will be construed broadly to avoid any impacts."
Lawyers, accountants, insurance agents, real estate agents and other "professional services" can remain open.
Home-based care for seniors, adults, kids and people with disabilities.
Mail and delivery services like UPS or FedEx, not to mention grocery delivery services.
Laundry services including dry cleaners.
Transportation businesses of all kinds, including airlines, taxis, rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft, and vehicle rental companies.
Child care businesses can remain open as long as they have 50 or fewer kids at a time. They were covered in an earlier emergency order.
Businesses that sell "work from home" supplies, and businesses that supply those businesses, are considered essential.
Businesses that supply "essential businesses" can also stay open. This particular category is especially long.
Other businesses are also exempt. You can search the full order to find out which ones.
In other interesting news, the WHO is now lauding Sweden for their approach to the virus response....a non-total lockdown response approach that Inga and Ken B assured us would lead to mass death.
And yet it didn't. At all. And Brazil followed suit....with the same results.
And now the WHO has declared the Swedes correct.
Inga: "Anyone who could be SO very wrong with so much conviction really has lost any credibility he my have had."
What does Mueller think about this?
Inga can tell us. She reads minds.....
"You said, even after being badly wrong, you'd be closer than an order of magnitude."
Umm, Ken…
In mid-April I put the over/under on US deaths due to covid-19 at 100k. I still think that number looks good.
Brush up on “order of magnitude”.
I have been in fact very careful to not make any point estimates. I have argued that we need to take plausible catastrophic predictions seriously in our planning. Two million over the course of the epidemic was a plausible outcome in the absence of any mitigation or treatment. It doesn’t have to be very likely to be worth averting. Nor does an estimate of one million dead. We still do not know how this will play out and what the final toll will be. So we need to manage risk.
As I said before, your error was not the number in your prediction, but your confidence in it. I think this is Farmer's point. You are still confident.
WHO is now telling us that transmission is really occurring within family, locked down units, not those who are out and about.
This is precisely the opposite of what certain parties here have been telling us for months and months.
But the WHO are the experts who must be listened to! And Inga and Ken B are right there with the scientists! But Inga and Ken B have been telling us things differently than what these experts are telling us now.
How can that be?
Well, I guess its just a mystery for the ages.
“In other interesting news, the WHO is now lauding Sweden for their approach to the virus response....a non-total lockdown response approach that Inga and Ken B assured us would lead to mass death.”
Donald J. Trump
Despite reports to the contrary, Sweden is paying heavily for its decision not to lockdown. As of today, 2462 people have died there, a much higher number than the neighboring countries of Norway (207), Finland (206) or Denmark (443). The United States made the correct decision!
6:45 AM · Apr 30, 2020·Twitter for iPhone
Lewis Wetzel: "In mid-April I put the over/under on US deaths due to covid-19 at 100k. I still think that number looks good."
Not sure about that.
We are getting reports from Coroners now that indicate many deaths having nothing to do with the virus are being logged into the Virus death column.
This makes perfect sense when you consider the dems and Ch-anucks need a much bigger death count to advance the already established Sham-peachment III effort.
And earnest prole confuses "stay at home" with "quarantined."
You need to think more and type less, Earnest Prole.
If you choose to travel to a second home in Wisconsin, you should be prepared to immediately self-quarantine for 14 days. You should bring your own groceries and essentials, as self-quarantine does not permit shopping at local stores for supplies.
Remember, we are not talking about a person who is ill, or who carries the virus. Just a healthy person going out to buy food.
Inga still refuses to answer a very simple question.
Does she still believe that Trump and/or anyone associated with his campaign colluded with the Russians to steal the election from HRC.
Once again, if you did and I missed it, my apologies.
Heading into the 3rd month of not being able to run my business (95% down in revenue), it isn’t being stuck in the house that’s hard. It’s the fucking panic attacks every two to three days.
And no government function fucking works. I got denied employment and there’s no one to talk to to appeal it. My PPP application, which was filed within minutes of opening, has gone into the Chase Bank ether. Through taxes I paid for 67 people to get a stimulus check but we won’t get one.
I applied for mortgage forbearance and can’t get a response after a month and a half.
So, yeah, chest pains and panic attacks. That’s the new normal for me.
Ah yes. I see that Inga, along with Ken B, are operating under the illusion that Trump supporters can disagree politically and on policy with Trump and his administration.
I'm beginning to understand why Inga and Ken B are so flummoxed: they have completely convinced themselves that their lies about Trump supporters being cultists who never disagree with Trump is actually true.
It all makes sense now.
BTW, good segment on Tucker with Bjorn Lomborg this evening.
UPDATE: CA Gov Newsom Only Closing Beaches in (Conservative) Orange County
Jersey Fled: "Does she still believe that Trump and/or anyone associated with his campaign colluded with the Russians to steal the election from HRC.
Once again, if you did and I missed it, my apologies."
You did not miss anything Jersey.
After 4+ years of calling Trump and his supporters traitors every single day, Inga has suddenly decided the subject no longer interests her.....(spoiler: Yes, she absolutely still believes Trump colluded with russia, the dossier is real and Carter Page and Flynn are treasonous traitors).
You want to hear the funniest part? After the FBI finally released all the handwritten notes and emails proving Flynn was set up, Inga actually called that documentation a conspiracy theory!!
That, by the way, is precisely how Inga treated the Christopher Steele testimony in a London courtroom where Steele admitted there was not a single item in the dossier that was verified in any way.
Steele admitted that in court.
You know how Inga responded to that? She said it didn't count because Steele's testimony was not given in the courtroom itself but instead given via under oath deposition taken elsewhere!!
I have to admit, that's one of my Mostest Favoritest Inga-isms ever!
BTW, it appears business owners in multiple states are opening up their shops starting tomorrow thru may 1 and daring the democrat governors to come after them.
Tucker had one of them from Maine on the telly tonight.
Ken B would have hated that segment.
Someone upstream said something to the effect of, if you truly believe Trump’s social distancing policies are tyranny, then why aren’t you out there protesting, waving signs calling Trump a tyrant?
Well well well.
Could it be any more obvious?
"Embattled Chinese telco Huawei has hired a new lobbyist: Jones Day's Samir Jain, formerly the Obama National Security Council's director of cybersecurity policy"
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) April 8, 2019
https://t.co/1fSPmF0BgF pic.twitter.com/SWqSnuzY67
The ChiCom/Dem alliance just keeps getting stronger.
For as popular as Carlson is, it is surprisingly hard to find his segments from the frontpage of foxnews.com. What's up with that..
Inga: "Someone upstream said something to the effect of, if you truly believe Trump’s social distancing policies are tyranny, then why aren’t you out there protesting, waving signs calling Trump a tyrant?"
Because overall we know that Trump is simply going to continue playing the political hand he was dealt while he knows the on-the-ground political pressure to reopen is already taking care of that aspect of this man-made (anthropogenic) economic crisis.
The Inga and Ken B's and deep staters handed Trump the OMG 2,000,000 Americans are going to die! Card and now Trump is going to play that card all the way thru November.
Meanwhile, the states are already opening again and the dem governors who so "cleverly" thought they had Trump cornered, now own their own state re-openings.
And in just about every case where people are fighting back its against the state governors, mostly dems.
All in all not a bad political position Trump is in.
Churchy LaFemme: "For as popular as Carlson is, it is surprisingly hard to find his segments from the frontpage of foxnews.com. What's up with that.."
4 words: Murdoch sons. Paul Ryan.
In an earlier post, Inga says all these bad things aren't happening in Wisconsin where she lives---so how could they be happening anywhere else in the USA?
Inga you have internalized the New York City Shmuckatude---what happens in New York City happens, or should happen, everywhere else in the entire country. Navel gazing jerks supreme, and it's gone on for a long time.
So Inga, what's a nice New York City girl like you doing living in Wisconsin?
The perfect post for any thread where Beijing Boy ARM appears, from the New Paper of Record:
"YouTube Removing All Videos That Don't Begin With The Chinese National Anthem"
Earnest Prole said
Constitutionality of the current orders is overwhelming (meaning they would be upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court 9-0), as anyone with a passing familiarity with the Constitution would know (we can forgive Elon Musk for his ignorance since he's from Mars).
So are you stupid, or intentionally obtuse
No one is arguing the states do not have police powers. This is a true battle of public opinon, not judges opinions. You still are not paying attention. Hair stylists are going broke, they are done willingly going along. Them and tens of thousands other self employed.
County Sheriffs, have said they are NOT enforcing the Governors orders, Police unions have given notice their members are not going to arrest violators. 10,000 beach goers are going to just show up on the coast with their blankets. Not to make some grand philosophical stand...but because there is a perfectly fine beach there, and they want to be on it.
In our system of government, the leaders have to get buy in from a huge portion of the population. The lock it down, leaders have lost the buy in.
shuttering lawful businesses using haphazard criteria favoring the politically well-connected
I'm happy with the performance of Texas and my Governor Abbott, but I did have to laugh at one of the early 'victories' being offering curbside retail, such as Texas darling Kendra Scott. Wooooo, upper middle class housewives can now pick up their necklaces curbside! Our long national nightmare is over!
“ No one is arguing the states do not have police powers.”
They were, lots of them, a few weeks ago until I explained it to them. Many seemed blithely unaware of the powers states hold, or that they have exercised them.
I swing by and Inga, Ken B and earnest lefty are still flogging bullshit.
Have a nice day,.
No point shouting at Trump when Evers and Palm have expanded past Fed guidelines to set us up for lockdown into July...or...
I swing by and Inga, Ken B and earnest lefty are still flogging bullshit.
Yes, Michael, the signature go-to lefty move is to post a piece on civil liberties from Reason.
"He’s like John Galt, except he’s reliant on government contracts and subsidies."
Like all the self-styled John Galts.
So are you stupid, or intentionally obtuse. No one is arguing the states do not have police powers.
Sorry, I thought we were arguing whether Elon Musk was correct in his proposition that state police powers violate "all ... constitutional rights." I'd be happy to discuss your alternative proposition, but that's obviously a different question.
Looks like corrupt private server Hillary is drooling over Biden's spot.
All those candidates who campaigned and debated, all spiked - for the corrupt deep state clinton machine.
Wuhan Covid = Hillary's revenge.
You need to think more and type less, Earnest Prole.
The poor owners of second homes in Wisconsin, brutally forced to go shopping before they travel between their houses. Next you’ll tell me your governor has outlawed coolers and ice.
If Orange County is conservative, somebody needs to call the Orange County Registrar of Voters and ask why Democrats now outnumber Republicans there.
So Inga says none of these incidents happen in Wisconsin? Well, I'd actually like to agree with her in this instance, but this video surfaced yesterday.
Two brownshirts harass a mother for the unforgivable sin of letting her daughter go play at a friend's house. Some Karen snitched on her. Of course, the totalitarian suck-ups here will think this is perfectly OK.
BTW, numerous studies have shown it is very, very difficult for children to either get Wuhan flu or spread the virus. But don't let that stop your hysterical fear-mongering.
Earnest Prole said...
If Orange County is conservative, somebody needs to call the Orange County Registrar of Voters and ask why Democrats now outnumber Republicans there.
4/30/20, 9:42 PM
Of course they do. They let illegals vote there.
Earnest prole, desperately moving the goal posts yet again.
I am moving to Wisconsin in July. If the current proclamation by the governor is in effect then, I will have to self quarantine for 14 days. If I break quarantine, even to buy food, I will be arrested, even though I am perfectly healthy and will be coming from a state that has far fewer infections and deaths per thousand than Wisconsin.
In my state, which has the same rule about new arrivals quarantining, half a dozen people have already been arrested.
The jail time and fine is not minor. Up to $5000 and a year in prison, which makes it a felony. And we are talking about perfectly healthy people. The cops haven't bothered to test the people that they have arrested.
So Musk was right, Earnest Prole was wrong.
So it's stupid then.
This is not a legal/constitutional question. Think prohibition.
It failed because the people went along at the beginning. But after implementation, the projections promised never come to be, in fact life was worse, not the utopia promised, and the government failed convince the people they knew what they were doing or why.
That is exactly were we are at now. The people stood together and followed the experts, but now, after all the projects turned out to be scare tactics, and the goal was reached, the people are rebelling against moving the goal posts. As noted up thread. President Trump has set the table nicely, and the governors are boxed in.
Earnest prole has given up moving the goalposts. He is now on a full retreat, agreeing that, yes, in the US, perfectly healthy people can be arrested and jailed for setting foot outside of their house.
Got to live the leftists here: “it’s. Not tyranny if you can go to the grocery store!” Guess 1942 occupied Poland was a free society then too. Not even the Nazis or Soviet occupiers banned trips to the grocery store.
So congrats Inga and Prole and Ken B and ARM: your view of freedom is apparently the same as being under Nazi occupation.
As noted up thread. President Trump has set the table nicely, and the governors are boxed in.
4/30/20, 9:47 PM
Although many of them seem to have no problem wrecking their state's economy to own the conservatives.
And my friend's useless millennial son wants the lockdown to go on forever. He's making more on unemployment than he was working and is well supplied with pot. Keep that government money flowing, say the libs.
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