২৬ এপ্রিল, ২০২০

"Both waiters and customers wear masks. Diners can remove them to eat and drink..."

"... tucking them safely into an envelope the restaurant provides. Every surface is sanitized every half-hour. Customers have accepted the protocols, [one restaurateur] said. They’ve had to turn away only one for having a slight fever, and sent off a grumpy party of six that wanted to sit together. 'People are honestly much more understanding about everything now,' she said. 'They’re grateful they can go out and feel comfortable.... If you’ve managed to build a brand and built and cultivated integrity, people will trust you when you are allowed to open the door again.'... Is the urge to sit in a restaurant so great that customers will endure an experience that is more like a trip to the dental hygienist? Will they risk infection, even in a place with the safest protocols?... 'At the end of the day, we’re problem solvers and we will find a way to do this,' [said another restaurateur]. 'The restaurant industry is about constant chaos and writing a ballet out of that chaos. We’ve spent all of our careers preparing for this moment.'"

From "Safe Dining? Hard to Imagine, but Many Restaurants Are Trying/Though widespread reopenings may be a long way off, chefs and health officials have begun studying how a post-pandemic restaurant might look" (NYT).

Health has always been something restaurants have had to worry about getting right. Whenever we've gone to a restaurant, we've trusted the place not to damage our health. They make substances in the back room that we inject* into our body. The servers go to the bathroom and we've been trusting that they wash their hands thoroughly. We're more alert now and paying attention. There's a specific new danger on the list of things that could find their way into your body from a restaurant.

Restaurants get to earn our trust all over again, and we get to think carefully about how much we're going to put our lives in their (presumably washed) hands. Some of us, I think, have developed stronger feelings about how much restaurants mean to us, and others are more wary than ever about the agents of disease that lurk there. We all change and adapt. I'd like to think that makes us better and stronger.


* I'm just needling you. "Inject" means "To drive or force (a fluid, etc.) into a passage or cavity, as by means of a syringe, or by some impulsive power; said esp. of the introduction of medicines or other preparations into the cavities or tissues of the body" (OED). I don't really think "inject" is an accurate way to describe eating (unless it's something like the way geese eat in the production of foie gras).

BUT: Etymologically, the original meaning of "inject" is to throw in. We do speak of throwing back a few drinks.

AND: We do speak of injecting a little humor. We might say that Trump was injecting a little humor when he (lyingly) claimed to have been using sarcasm when words ejected from him that seemed to suggest that disinfectant of the sort that you'd use to wipe down a tabletop could be injected into the human body.

৮২টি মন্তব্য:

Howard বলেছেন...

If you have ever watched Gordon Ramsay's kitchen nightmares, then Coronavirus is the least of your worries

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Now open the Chinese Restaurants and the Japanese Hibachi Steak houses. Then we will be great again.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

I've never much liked the restaurant experience as it is. I won't be returning soon.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Original Mike বলেছেন...

And I really can't see the mask thing working.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

I have an idea:

How about restaurants where you don't even go in?

Instead, you park your car outside, and they bring the food out to you so that you can eat in the safety of your own car?

Perhaps they can even develop trays that can attach to the car door with the window rolled down.

Some places could even differentiate themselves with gimmicks, like having the servers bring the tray to you WHILE WEARING ROLLER SKATES.

Hell, you could even do this with movies: you don't go into the crowded elbow-to-elbow theater, you watch from your car as that project the movie on a big screen in front of you.

Just some ideas.

I am Laslo.

I Have Misplaced My Pants বলেছেন...

Well, it varies. New Yorkers rely on restaurants much more than people in other parts of the country. Will they put up with it? Maybe. Picking up sandwiches from the deli is an entirely different proposition than fine dining. A lovely dining experience is a treat for all the senses and no one is going to bother paying for that with all the ugliness of masks and plastic forks and whatever desperate measures they are trying to come up with.

Wince বলেছেন...

Now we can appreciate the counter that kept Mel and Flo separated and trading quips from across the diner.

And with celebrity deaths coming in threes, and the passing of Tom Lester ("Eb" from Green Acres) last week, Polly Holiday ("Flo") must be especially cautious.

cf বলেছেন...

"I'd like to think that makes us better and stronger."
yes, may All of this covid-19 season somehow makes us better and stronger.

treasuring our favorite restaurants & take out now, upped our habits from maybe one dinner out in any week to more like 3 takeouts weekly, we have 5 favorites we want to encourage and see through this thing, especially our grass-fed paleo beef hamburger spot, oh my god, what a blessing to have these folks hanging in there.

Wince বলেছেন...

"Both waiters and customers wear masks. Diners can remove them to eat and drink..."

An idea whose time has come?

New Wearable Feedbags Let Americans Eat More, Move Less

"It's hot steamy food in your face right now."

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"Will they risk infection"

The chance of getting infected by virus on a surface is very small to begin with. Avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes, and the risk is zero.

Being close to infected people might cause infection, but for any healthy person under 40 that's no problem. If you are old, sick, and/or fat, isolate.

Sure, lots of people will be nervous about going to restaurants, but healthy immune systems have effectively dealt with thousands of restaurants for dozens of years. I'd be curious: will some try to do an extra-special good job to earn my business?

gilbar বলেছেন...

Laslo said...
you park your car outside, and they bring the food out to you so that you can eat in the safety of your own car?

But, would we be able to get GOOD food? Like Burgers and Shakes?
Or would these new "eat in your car" places only have Gross food, like Tofu and bean sprouts?

More importantly, would we be able to pick up Chicks?
And, about these "sit in your car" movie places....

Temujin বলেছেন...

'The restaurant industry is about constant chaos and writing a ballet out of that chaos. We’ve spent all of our careers preparing for this moment.'

This is so correct about the restaurant industry, and applies to many people on the street as well. Life is chaos for most. We fool ourselves into thinking we've got this thing licked. For most of the history of humanity, though, humans have lived horribly, suffered en masse, and still found a way to forage through to the now. We're supposed to be the best there ever was of humanity. Think about that the next time you read something from Buzzfeed.

I'm sure we can do this. Just not sure about some of the populace (many holding Journalism! degrees). But then nature has a way of culling the herd regularly. I, for one, intend to keep on going without hand-wringing. Yes, I'll eventually show up in a restaurant, to an airport, in a rental car (that one may take the longest time to get used to). The odds are, I've already got the damned virus. And so do you.

Ryan বলেছেন...

"If you have ever watched Gordon Ramsay's kitchen nightmares, then Coronavirus is the least of your worries"

Gordon Ramsey is a regular chstomer at a sushi restaurant here in LA, where my daughter works. I like to think that's a big seal of approval :)

Browndog বলেছেন...

This sudden surge to mandate the wearing of a mask is simply to remind you that you are under someone else's control. Partly for punishment, as in Michigan.

If you do not push back against excessive face masks you'll never be allowed to take them off.

The new normal

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

I am going to put this right here:

"In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is...in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”

The educated among us will know who wrote this because they will have read it before somewhere.

LA_Bob বলেছেন...

You know, leaving the mask on while you (try to) eat might be a great weight-loss strategy.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Waiters, waitresses and customers.

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

Anthony Bourdain described in his books how food preparers had a chronic state of burns, abrasions and lacerations. Fast foods are largely labor non-intensive. U takes your choices.

Michael বলেছেন...

"...seemed to suggest..."

That is, said something that the Pack of Jackals could interpret as (twist into) something foolish. He was thinking out loud: disinfectant works on the outside, maybe there's something you could inject that would have that effect on the inside. I don't think it was sarcasm, but he was also not suggesting anyone should inject household disinfectant.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

A combined hairnet and face mask could be used by the cook.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...


I bring straws with me when I go out. Little packet of plastic straws in a plastic baggie. Double plastic sin!
It's hilarious watching the surprise wide-eyed...OMG "where did you get that" look - like a straw is some sort of banned substance I'm parading around in public. (will I be arrested?)

I don't like how wait-staff touch the upper rim of the glass when they serve and re-fill.
Bad. bad. bad. Why aren't they trained to respect the top of the glass? Don't touch it with your grody mitts.
I'm irritated this basic understanding of germ spreading is almost collectively dismissed.
I'm always shocked when I see a wait person grab the bottom of the glass to re-fill. Thank you. How hard was that?
Wait staff are often bussers. Right? They serve and they clean their own tables.

The disposable plastic straw.

Butkus51 বলেছেন...

I live near Chicago and one thing Ive noticed lately while grocery shopping is that theres a certain group of people who seem to want to touch every package of meat. Every one. Ive seen this at least 3 times in the last week, I saw somebody do it with eggs. Took out every egg, inspected it, and put the eggs back.

So good luck on all the other crap.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Love poems will thrive by the addition of the glove rhyme.

Ryan বলেছেন...

Growing up in a household with seven children, I can count the number of times we went out to eat in ine hand. I have taken my smaller family out every week (except now, of course).

I have six siblings. My mother was an excellent cook for the first ten or so years, and then making delicious meals became too much of a chore. She went on a low budget health kick that has lasted to this day (cracked wheat, lentil loaf, etc). Her kitchen became more of a Laurel's Kitchen mess hall, and THAT'S when I started learning how to cook.

I am now to the point where I rarely have to use a recipe. Yesterday I made whole wheat mexican chocolate cookies with walnuts. No recipe. Delicious!

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

Browndog... With governors like Whitmer who needs enemies?

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Bob Dylan rhymed mask and ask.

Psota বলেছেন...

There's a lot of different ways to be a restaurant these days.

Some "restaurants" cater to delivery apps and are little more than an oven and a prep table. No waiters, bussers or maitre d'.I see no reason why these restaurants can't open up immediately, if they're not open already.

"Nice" restaurants for people dining out to have an experience or entertain for business/ networking or whatever have a real incentive to make a great display of cleanliness and safety.That guy in Atlanta is right, they can incorporate a lot of health theater into the experience.

A lot of restaurants have historically been very slack in demanding sick employees to come to work. That's definitely one thing that would have to change. But that Las Vegas mayor is right; if someone goes to restaurant and gets sick with anything - COVID-19 or anything else - that's going to be the kiss of death for that restaurant.


LA_Bob বলেছেন...

Considering that hospitals flushed their patient load in anticipation of the COVID crush (and are now going under financially in some instances), it makes sense that a Masked Society might give doctors a lot less to do going forward. We might end up with fewer doctors, more time to spend with the doctor, or both.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Plus - with a straw - you can gently lift the mask to drink.

and if you're a guy who doesn't want to drink with a straw - it will not matter because you are hiding behind a mask.

Charlie Currie বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
rhhardin বলেছেন...

I am now to the point where I rarely have to use a recipe. Yesterday I made whole wheat mexican chocolate cookies with walnuts. No recipe. Delicious!

Bread, butter, cinnamon, walnuts and sweetener does fine without any cooking at all.

Charlie Currie বলেছেন...

We've been catching and dying from flu viruses (and other bugs) in restaurants for decades - centuries - so why would now be so different?

I'm 73 and fit. I'm not afraid of this virus or any other. I've had people firing mortars, rockets and small arms at me - this is nothing. I'm far more afraid of our government - state and federal - than I am of this.

I'm sick of this whole charade. It's time to open back up. Period

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

As soon as we are able to, I will return to my bars and restaurants, and enjoy them exactly as I had before, but with added appreciation for their existence, becuase in reality nothing has changed, except the knowledge of how easily they can be taken from us. No, I won't be apprehensive or concerned about any of this shit, because all that will do is lessen my enjoyment of life while I have it. Worrying about such things will not only reduce your enjoyment of life, it will likely shorten your life as well, but then again if you are scared all the time, what's the point of living anyway.

What is going to suck is listen to the thick new layer of bullshit added to all the previous layers of bullshit about safety. It's ruining almost everything exciting and challenging in life beyond the challenge of out-conforming your neighbor to the dictates of the bullies of our modern culture. It's toady culture full of little Maoist mouthpieces pointing at each other and screaming like those pod people in "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". It has taken your soul and you didn't even fight, and now you don't even care. Shhhhhh. Shhhhhhh. Quiet. This won't hurt, and it will be over soon.

Charlie Currie বলেছেন...

Wait until teenagers figure out they can easily buy booze by wearing the required face mask (better a bank robbers bandanna), sunglasses and a baseball hat and offer up any photo id of someone over the age of 21.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

The world needs more Charlie Curries, a lot more.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Million Dollar Idea: Edible Masks!

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

"Million Dollar Idea: Edible Masks!"

One-hundred dollar idea: wear edible panties as face masks!

I am Laslo.

Wince বলেছেন...

I'm going to the supermarket this week wearing only a feathered "Eyes Wide Shut Mask" just to see the reaction.

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

Of course, alll panties are edible when they belonged to a supermodel and you have a lot of soy sauce.

I am Laslo.

Lurker21 বলেছেন...

Why take the mask off?

"If a man will eat, eat through the mask!"

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

I hope our technology is quickly approaching the point where we may develop a universal magic bullet for most or all pathogens. A new breakthrough similar to the invention of vaccines and antibiotics, but something more powerful and universal, so we are not playing catch up after the threat is with us. This should be a major effort with the kind of attention and funding going to bullshit about Global Warming, which valid or not, will not be prevented by the efforts anyway. Redirect that effort to something actually doable.

Browndog বলেছেন...

Yancey Ward said...

I am going to put this right here:

The biggest problem I see right now, and it's apparent on Althouse, is all the energy being spent to adapt to the proclamations of their new masters:

Can't go outside? Just....

Can't buy something in a store? Just....(buy vegetables then plant the seeds is my favorite)

Can't work? Just....

Have to wear a mask? Just...

So many solutions to adapting to oppression is it really oppressive? Especially if "we're all in this together"?

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

I visited Walmart on Friday evening. It was pretty busy, and nearly everyone was wearing masks. I had to go back on Saturday morning, and it was more busy than I ever saw it before, and for some reason, almost nobody was wearing masks. I can't explain that overnight change, but the mood was completely different Saturday. It was almost normal.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Considering there is still NO cure for the common cold virus - I don't hold out much hope.

I think we need more infectious disease centers that are separate from hospitals. Think of the opportunity for job creation.

n.n বলেছেন...

Full body condom, and intravenous injection. Served with a side of disinfectant (e.g. HCQ+AZ) to mitigate progress and viability of corona viruses, perhaps others, too.

Chris N বলেছেন...

At Peace Plaza East, we LOVE science! A splinter group led by Ludmilla's twin sister Brunhilde is saying all we need are love, Self, Art, and peace. SCIENCE is bad.

That damned Sunshing Youth Brigade is more trouble than it's worth.

***We consuume a guaranteed 1200 calories per day of the finest bug-paste in our own sanitized ecopodments.


Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

"Of course, all panties are edible when they belonged to a supermodel and you have a lot of soy sauce."

You are certainly less likely to choke on them.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

bagoh20: "What is going to suck is listen to the thick new layer of bullshit added to all the previous layers of bullshit about safety . . . It's toady culture full of little Maoist mouthpieces"

Exactly. I was never much of a restaurant person, but now the sheer frisson of rebellion will add to the pleasure of eating out.

n.n বলেছেন...

there is still NO cure for the common cold virus

Vaccines are few and far between, with variable degrees of effectiveness and collateral damage. It's more likely that that the Wuhan virus (formally known as SARS-CoV-2) will be disinfected as have diverse viruses including HIV. In the worst case, if the shutdown is allowed to persist, there will be another polio epidemic that progressed through non-selective isolation.

Janetchick বলেছেন...

I own 2 restaurants. We currently offer take out only as mandated by city govt of Austin and Houston. We are doing well considering. My managers and I have been talking about whether or not we will open our dining rooms as soon as allowed or roll with takeout longer. I don’t want to be in the position of bringing back my servers only to have to furlough them again.

My daughter lives in Seoul. We went to several restaurants when I visited her (pre Covid) that did not have servers, instead you ordered using a tablet at each table. There was a “bell” you used to summon a live human if you needed something otherwise you were left alone to enjoy your meal. I know I have encountered this system at an airport in the US, but I don’t remember where.

I suspect it will be more prevalent in the future though.

Chris N বলেছেন...

Restaurants should represent the collective will and wishes of the Community. They should all bend towards Science in a crisis, even on the menus for the kids to color. Health experts are very knowledgeable about this disease by now.

For instance, I have been hired to oversee health, safety and language protocols during the crisis, which I've written about in the Atlantic: 'What I Learned About Freedom and Compliance During This Crisis'

Robert Wayne বলেছেন...

Why is there no 'n' in restaurateur?

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

Please God, let Hooters reopen soon!

Browndog বলেছেন...

I can't explain that overnight change, but the mood was completely different Saturday. It was almost normal.

It's the opposite here in Michigan. I went to Dollar General yesterday to buy Gatorade and was the only one without a mask.

The manager was stocking a cooler when I walked up near her to see the price of eggs. She didn't know I was there when I heard her tell a customer that just came in that they have to wear a mask. She told the customer the law just went into effect.

I said, somewhat loudly, the proclamation doesn't go in effect until midnight Sunday. She whipped her head around and said "It's Dollar General policy!". I said "Dollar General has to follow the law" as I walked away.

I could hear her still bitching to herself from the other side of the store.

Chris N বলেছেন...

Bay Area Guy,

After review, the Health, Safety and Language Board has determined the exploitation of youthly flesh, for cash, in 'restaurants' like 'Hooters', is a step or two above prostitution.

YES, the board supports the Liberation--Collective Assimilation--Idealization model of including 'sex workers' into society, but we have determined that "Hooters" girls don't count as prostitutes.

We recommend taking one of our Sexual Self, Mental and Physical Health' online tutorials for your pleasure.

'Wings' are not an essential food item.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

“I visited Walmart on Friday evening. It was pretty busy, and nearly everyone was wearing masks. I had to go back on Saturday morning, and it was more busy than I ever saw it before, and for some reason, almost nobody was wearing masks. I can't explain that overnight change, but the mood was completely different Saturday. It was almost normal.”

I’ve seen this too, and have to think that different psychologies have different shopping-time patterns. Analyze that. Also, there’s a whole lot of masked virtue and status signaling going on, which becomes immediately apparent when shopping at more upscale stores. Not for them the lowly 3-ply earloop procedure mask.
I have access to thousands of masks and have yet to wear one. Maintaining a little distance seems far more effective. Plus I have yet to talk to someone who wasn’t a healthcare pro who understands how to use them. Most of the masks you see people wearing are virus traps, not barriers, that they repeatedly clamp over their nose and mouth. Whole lot of dumbshow goin’ on.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"A society of emasculated liars"

This time, it started with "follow the experts."

daskol বলেছেন...

Definitely a tough time if you're trying to raise funds for one of those naked restaurants. The era of that's not sanitary.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

4/26/20, 9:39 AM

 Laslo Spatula said..

Some places could even differentiate themselves with gimmicks, like having the servers bring the tray to you WHILE WEARING ROLLER SKATES.

Yeah, right, Laslo. And what would you call thes people? Waiters on wheels? Rolling servers?

Why not really think outside the box and call them something crazy like "car hops"?

McD's, in the days of my youth, didn't have car hops but they also didn't have tables or even an inside. You were expected to eat in your car.

John Henry

daskol বলেছেন...

Or, the Era of That's Not Funny just began it's "That's bad hygiene!" period.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"Whole lot of dumbshow goin’ on."

Oh, yes. Seen it around here. Virus Theater is turning into comedy.

Gk1 বলেছেন...

People going back to restaurants will be self selecting. There will always be those that will run towards the distant whirring of a margarita mixer and unlimited tortilla chips and salsa and those that will just sink into their chest until mommy says its o.k to go outside. I doubt restaurant covid-19 "safety" measures will factor into it.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

This restaurant experience sounds pretty dreadful

I think I'll just stay home.

John Henry

Skeptical Voter বলেছেন...

Janetchick---I was through the Minneapolis airport a couple of years ago. They had a sort of "diner" seating in an area that served several gates. There was an Ipad in each booth with a menu. You ordered your food on the Ipad and the waiter brought it to you. There was also a sit-down bar at the central food area where you could buy a cocktail or beer. I don't know if could order alcohol from the Ipads in the booths--although I suppose the waiter could look at the customer and decide if he or she was of legal age for a beer or a glass of wine--just like the barkeep could look across the bar.

I've forgotten whether you could pay for your food with a credit card at the Ipad or whether you had to pay the waiter.

I Have Misplaced My Pants বলেছেন...

So many solutions to adapting to oppression is it really oppressive? Especially if "we're all in this together"?

I am of two minds on this. On the one hand, ok fine, safety theater, don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good, whatever, go along to get along. On the other hand, fuck off, I'm not willing to pretend that I believe in your mass hysteria just to buy myself a little breathing room in the yard.

I also wonder if we are just prolonging the pain by indulging those who are addicted to the drama and irrationality. I was reading a thread about college football in a large, warm, not hard-hit state last night. A woman said she'd been a season ticket holder for decades but "this year I don't feel safe returning to the stadium even if they have a season which they shouldn't." What do you, I or or leaders do about such people? Do we indulge them? Do we say 'ok how about we compromise and keep the stadium 1/3 full' even if there is no real defensible reason, other than catering to imaginary fears, to do so? Do we point out that this woman needs to revise her thinking and stop trying to influence policy because obviously she cannot evaluate risk rationally as she's always been in more danger driving to the stadium than she is now or ever will be from covid? Do we demand an answer to the question of "what is the number of deaths or cases you will deem acceptable to let people live lives that matter to them and participate in the elements of life that give it meaning? At what point can our young people continue building their lives and creating the future?"

I don't know what to do about this.

Browndog বলেছেন...

I got this from a Michigan nurse on facebook looking to spread the word to other nurses to inform their patients:

Try to get real masks--cloth masks are not a suitable substitute.

A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers

Main outcome measure

Clinical respiratory illness (CRI), influenza-like illness (ILI) and laboratory-confirmed respiratory virus infection.


This study is the first RCT of cloth masks, and the results caution against the use of cloth masks. This is an important finding to inform occupational health and safety. Moisture retention, reuse of cloth masks and poor filtration may result in increased risk of infection.

Published online 2015 Apr 22.

National Institutes of Health

Darkisland বলেছেন...


 Skeptical Voter said...

Janetchick---I was through the Minneapolis airport a couple of years ago. They had a sort of "diner" seating in an area that served several gates. There was an Ipad in each booth with a menu. You ordered your food on the Ipad and the waiter brought it to you. 

I first saw this at jfk 6-7 years ago. I see it now in perhaps a quarter to half of airports I go through. Payment is by card at the tablet.

The Chiles in Rosemont, near O'Hare has tablets on the tables. Like the airport, the server just brings the food.

Next step is the use of AMRs (autonomous mobile robots) to bring the food. Then get people trained to put empty plates and trash on another. No wait staff at all. "fifgt for $15" will certainly drive this.

I wonder how often the sanitize the tablets?

John Henry

MayBee বলেছেন...

Browndog- A friend of mind on Facebook- no republican, she-- was wondering how the Governor can order people to use something the government doesn't provide. How can she possibly make it illegal to go out in public without face covering?

Darkisland বলেছেন...

Ditto the self ordering kiosks at McDonald's. I first saw them in Milan Italy 5-6 years ago. Now they are all over, but mainly in mcds i think.

They need to be sanitized frequently with all the people touching and breathing on them. Like after each use. I suspect they get wiped down with disinfectant every hour or so.

Same problem with pin pads at ath and cash registers. I suspect there should be a way to continuously bathe the screens in uv light. Sounds like money to be made for some clever person.

John Henry

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"Why is there no 'n' in restaurateur?"



Wince বলেছেন...

Janetchick said...
I don’t want to be in the position of bringing back my servers only to have to furlough them again.

You like other employers might in relation to the PPP loan forgiveness provisions.

Chris N বলেছেন...

Ah, yes:


Hooter's founder: Auteur of Breastaurants

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

To continue Mr. Laslo’s brainstorming, we could also develop a disinfectant that doctors could inject into people that would clean up their insides. The disinfectant could even be made of mold, just to be gross. The disinfectant could be made in scientific factories and be regulated by a powerful government agency. This could be a billion dollar industry.

Original Mike বলেছেন...

"How can she possibly make it illegal to go out in public without face covering?"

It's illegal to go out in public without clothes.

walter বলেছেন...

I had a syringe topped up with au jus when I read the asterisk clarification.

Hey look:
Coronavirus nose mask invented
Virtue signal while stuffing face. Win/win!

walter বলেছেন...

I've noticed when I use a credit card as opposed to debit/credit card, there's no need to touch the keypad in certain stores. In others, there's no way without going through multiple confirmations.

stan বলেছেন...

Ann, major fail here. Go back and look at what Trump said about the uv light and disinfectants. Try not to be like the brain dead stupid media. Don't confuse disinfectants -- which we put in our bodies for medical purposes already -- with Lysol.

Please don't be stupid like the news media. Please strive to do better.

Wince বলেছেন...

Below is the exchange I'm reading. Underscoring Unknown's point, above, it really does seem "injection" was the complete invention of the press, not Trump.

[Bill Bryan, Under Secretary for Science and Technology at DHS] continued by noting that DHS also tested if certain types of disinfectant could kill the coronavirus.

“We’ve tested bleach, we’ve tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus, specifically in saliva or in respiratory fluids, and I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes,” Bryan said. “Isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds, and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing. Just bring it on and leaving it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster.”...

Immediately following these remarks is where Trump states, "So, I’m going to ask Bill a question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposing when we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that too. Sounds interesting. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful."

A few moments later, ABC News reporter Jon Karl asked Bryan, “The president mentioned the idea of a cleaner, bleach and isopropyl alcohol emerging. There’s no scenario where that could be injected into a person, is there?”

“No, I’m here to talk about the finds that we had in the study,” Bryan responded. “We don’t do that within that lab at our labs.”

Trump then clarified his remarks: “It wouldn’t be through injections, you’re talking about almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object.”

Trump later raised the possibility of whether UV rays could kill the coronavirus if it was on a person’s skin, in particular if it were on their hands.

Bruce Gee বলেছেন...

I'll try to write this without tripe negatives.
You really, really ought to view this video about two docs in California:


Bruce Gee বলেছেন...

I'll try to write this without triple negatives.
You really, really ought to view this video about two docs in California; I found it most helpful:


Truthavenger বলেছেন...

The owner of our favorite pizza place thinks that he won't make it through this coronavirus idiocy. His receipts are down, of course, and he doesn't qualify for the federal small business assistance or for a local small business assistance program.

His predicament is mirrored by many other small businesses, I'm sure. We are driving the economy into the second Great Depression, because of stupid virus models and stupid, scared politicians at all levels.
